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01x02 - Roanoke

Posted: 04/26/21 07:25
by bunniefuu
This guy has m*rder*d a child.

We've got a slew of witnesses.

Prints. DNA.

Did you k*ll my son?!

Is that not Terry Maitland... on the same day 70 miles away?


PREVIOUSLY Terry Maitland's prints from the Sheraton prints, from the crime scene... They all match.

He can't have been in two places at once.

We've got a video tape and witnesses.

What we've got beats what they've got.

If Terry Maitland is innocent, we're not done.



He was here. He was saying bad things to me.

It's like he's begging us to catch him.

What kind of criminal does that?

Do you think Terry Maitland k*lled that boy?

I really don't know.

Kinda late for a visit. It's not a social call.

Can we lose the cuffs ? Against protocol.

I'll take responsibility for... No, sir, you won't.

Howie Saloman would probably fire me as a client if he knew I was talking to you.

Well, it's the same on my end.

You have any idea what the DA would do to me ?

Tell me why you're here.

The van with the New York plates is still troubling me.

The van I've never seen before in my life ?

The last time I was in New York was 16 years ago, for my honeymoon.

I didn't know that.

I mean, I knew you hadn't been there recently.

We, of course, back checked your movements over the last six months.

Couldn't find anything but a family vacation to Dayton.

And we flew both directions for that, as I'm sure you know.

I'm as baffled by this conflicting evidence as you are.

Hey, will you tell me why you're here ?

That TV footage puts you at the teachers conference in Cap City at the same time as Frankie Peterson's m*rder sixty miles away.

But I have credible witnesses who saw you walking around covered in Frankie Peterson's blood, your prints are all over the van, the crime scene, the boy.

Want me to explain all that to you ? No.

Good. Because you can't.

Right. Right ? And no one can.

On March 30th, 2019, did you have any physical or verbal contact with Frankie Peterson ?


On March 30th, 2019, did you abduct Frankie Peterson ?


On March 30th, 2019, did you m*rder Frankie Peterson ?

I didn't k*ll that kid, Ralph.

That it ?

For tonight, yeah. Thank you.

You know, Ralph, when you arrested me in front of all those people at that game you asked me if I'd ever touched your son, Derek, you remember that ?

Very careful about what you say to me next.

In all the years I've been coaching Little League, your son, Derek, was the best drag bunter I ever had.

And he was just a little guy, you know.

He was very small, smallest kid on the team, but he had a lot of guts, he was never afraid to crowd the plate, even if there was some great, big eighth-grader throwing heat.

Now, most kids that short, you just count on them for walks.

That's all you can expect, but he wasn't having that.

He just kept swinging, and striking out, and the kids even started calling him the Whiffer.

Secretly, they called him Whiffer.

I asked them to stop, but they're 12 and 11.

Only time he got on base was when he got hit by a pitch, so...

Tough to blame them.

But when I saw that he wasn't gonna quit, that he was gonna just keep swinging and striking out, I taught him how to bunt, and not a lot of kids like to do that.

They're afraid they'd drop that bat over the plate, fastball comes in, they get their fingers smashed.

But not him.

He never flinched, not once.

And he flew down that first base line, and you remember how many bunt singles he got ?

A lot more than I expected.

But those kids stopped calling him Whiffer, and they started calling him Push It.

Right ? He'd come up to the plate, runners on the corners, they'd start saying, "Push it, Derek, push it."

So he had a new handle that year when we almost won district.

You must have noticed a difference in him, right ?

Did you notice that that summer ? How confident he was ?

How proud he was ? He was a big little guy.

And, you know, I don't want you to get the wrong impression.

He practiced, a lot, but I taught him that.

I taught him how to bunt.

So, when you asked me if I ever touched your kid,

I really hope I did.

Personally, I'm partial to the Presidential, solid mahogany with a high gloss finish, or anything with the velvet interior, and the classic French Fold design with a hinged spilt couch, and the adjustable eternal rest bed, and since you will be ordering two, I'd be willing to offer you a 20 percent discount on the embalming.

In my 18 years as a reporter here at Cherokee City, Bill, we've never had a case as high profile as this one.

We have all the reporters, all of the law enforcement here, and plenty of passionate locals who really just wanna get a glimpse of Terry Maitland.

He, of course, is the accused child k*ller, and he should be making a court appearance here momentarily.

Most of them would like to see justice against accused k*ller Terry Maitland, but others are here to offer their support.

And this is the direct result of that bombshell footage that was leaked online last night, of Maitland.

He's caught on tape attending a literary convention at the same time Frankie Peterson was m*rder*d.

DA Hayes, do you worry your focus is so narrow on Terry Maitland that you could be letting other potential suspects pass by ?

No, absolutely not. I have no doubt in my mind that the man we have in custody is the man who m*rder*d Frankie Peterson on the afternoon of March the 30th.

And on a personal note, are the rumors true ?

Could we actually see your name on the ballot next March ?

All I care about today is securing justice for the kid who was brutally k*lled while waking home in a neighborhood we allowed him to think was safe.

Got him. Okay, we're good.



Terry, let me see.

Jesus... 911 ! Hey, Terry.

Hey, breathe with me. Hey. Let me take a look.

Okay, come here. Put your hand there. Just keep it there. Right there.

Look at me, Terry. I didn't do it.

I wasn't there. It wasn't me.

It wasn't me.

Just, Terry, keep looking at me.

Ralph, we have a doctor here. Hey, Terry...

I'm a doctor. I'm here to help, okay ? We're gonna help you, buddy.

Stay with us. Stay with us, buddy.

Got the bleeding under control. Did someone call 911 ?


Can you tell me your name, buddy ? It's Terry.

Come on, Terry. Stay with us, okay ? I need you to breathe.

Terry. Terry, can you talk to me ?

Come on Terry, stay with us. We have more help coming on the way.

We're gonna get you to the hospital, okay ?

Come on Terry, stay with us.


Hello, sir. Any complaints ?

I k*lled a boy.

I meant your body. Does anything hurt ?

No, it's just tight all over.

Any medical history I should know about ?


You on any medications ?

Lipitor, for cholesterol.

Are there any other dr*gs in your system right now ?

No, sir.


Well, I'm a little concerned about your elevated BP so...

What I'd like to do right now is to pull this curtain here, and turn off the lights.

Just lay back, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing.

Let's see if we can get it down on its own, okay ?


I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Maitland.

I just need you to answer a few questions while things are still fresh in your mind.

Would that be all right with you ?


Motherfuck !

"Need you back ASAP."

Son of a bitch !

Hi, Mrs. Anderson.

Evening, Lieutenant. Hey.

How you holding up ?

You're on administrative leave ?

Yep, two weeks.

They've ordered me to see a trauma therapist.

You should.

When do I get my g*n back ?

Let's see what the therapist says first.

How's Tamika doing ? She's laid up.

Cherokee Springs Medical Center, with a shattered tibia.

She's mostly worried about the baby.

She should never have been at the courthouse, I don't know why I...

That's my call.

I don't know why I didn't keep her back, I...

Just like I don't know why I thought that arresting Terry Maitland in front of a full stadium crowd was the way to go.

You had your reasons.

Just so you know, we found out who stole that Econoline van in New York.

Interested ?

Chattanooga PD picked up some kid sleeping in a Chrysler, in a Wal-Mart lot.

Turns out he's been on the road for months boosting cars, and ditching them for others.

The Chevy van was the first though.

Drove it from New York to Ohio, ditched it for the Mini Cooper, then swapped that out for the Chrysler.

Maitlands went on a family vacation to Ohio.

This kid know when and where he switched the van and the Mini Cooper ?

All he knows is that it was a shopping mall, and that the Mini Cooper was light yellow with a black racing stripe.

You okay ?

How many week vacation do you get ?

What ? You know how many weeks I get ?


Ten lousy days.

They have the balls to call me back in on day seven. Believe that dog shit ?

Am I your f*cking job counselor ?

What happened ?

You wanna throw any more of that beer on my face I will knock...

What happened there ?

Get off ! Son of a bitch !

Got him. Come on, Jack, it's time to go home.

Night-night ! Put him in a cab.

Put him in a cab ? Call the f*cking police on that assh*le.

f*cking police ! Fix your balls, dude !

Sierra, get him a beer.

I hate you ! Mom !

No ! No, you be gone ! Mommy ! Mommy, hurry !

Mom, hurry ! I'm coming !

I hate you. I'm coming !

No, you be gone ! Mom, she's scaring me !

What's going on ? What are you doing ? He says he's happy Daddy's gone.

Who is ? The man !

What's wrong with her ? Nothing, she just had a bad dream.

It's okay, hey come on. No one's here. Come here. No one's here.

He left. No. No one's here, it's okay.

It's just a bad dream. Mom, what's wrong with her ?

Nothing, she had a bad dream. Yeah.

Lie down.

Okay ? It's okay. Mommy, I'm fine.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

Your cigarette did.

Do you remember how long it is since I had one, or both ?

Five years.

Jesus, Ralph ! Tastes like petrified wood.

Yeah, they're aged.

It was a blue scrap of paper.

What was ?

The thing that I couldn't dredge up, you know ?

When Yune was talking about the van the other night.

It was under the windshield wiper. It was...

Had a small, like, animal's head on it, I think, and maybe some words.

I saw the techs bag it up, I'd meant to examine it myself, but...

Everything got a little too exciting around here, but I will go in tomorrow, I will check it out.

For what it's worth.

Ralph, you're on leave.

You're supposed to start seeing the therapist before anything.

Come back to bed.

I'm done sleeping for tonight.

Just come lie next to me. Come on.

My God !

Help !

Somebody help !

Ralph, you're not supposed to be here.

Yeah, I'm not. Okay.

I need the keys to the evidence room.

Not sure where they are.

Welcome back.

Hey, Jack. I thought you were on vacation.

I was until y'all f*cked the pooch at the courthouse yesterday.

Between Tamika taking a b*llet, and you sh**ting that kid, I'm the only d*ck left on the squad, so yeah, here I am, ripped untimely from the forest primeval.

Appreciate you. Squad...

Did you get to k*ll anything at least ?

Me ? I have a snappy retort to that, but I don't think you wanna hear it.

You're wrong, I'd love to hear your snappy retort.

Hey Ralph, DA's office is on the line. Are you here ?

At least one of us came out a hero.

You bring me in here to tell me that ?


I've called you to tell you I've decided not to run for re-election.


Cut the heart out of the job for me, and I need to move on.


But that being said...

Lab finally crashed the saliva sample from the bite marks.

It is a dead-on match for the swabs we took from Terry Maitland.

You said it yourself. DNA's only gonna take it so far with the jury.

Besides, what difference does it make now ?

Well, it's still important. How ?

'Cause when Glory Maitland drops a civil suit on this office, the Sheriff's Department, and the Cherokee City PD for negligence, with Howie Saloman as her attorney she definitely will.

This DNA match can help keep her monetary reward from going through the roof.

She might deserve every penny.


Even if Howie Saloman would have handed me my ass in court, that doesn't change the fact that we were prosecuting the right guy.

I thought he was guilty from the door on in, and so did you, don't ever forget that.

There's very little chance of that happening.

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, "

"than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

In World w*r Two a US fighter squadron flew into a cloud cluster over France on a clear day, and never came out the other side.

What happened to them ? Who the f*ck knows ?

1587, Roanoke Colony, North Carolina, close to 200 people living there when the governor sailed back to England to get more supplies.

And when he returned, they'd vanished.

Not a soul, and no clue as to what happened.

I mean, here we are four centuries later, we still can't figure it out.

So, it is with Terry Maitland.

Is there a mystery here ? Yes.

Will there always be unanswered questions ? Most likely.

Sometimes that happens, and when it does, you just need to learn how to live with it, and move on.

Yeah, that's hard for me.

Tell me the first thing comes into your head.

What is it ? A corner of some flyer ? Correct.

The one of that van I was telling you about.

Guy gets in, sees the flyer, gets pissed, tears it off instead of lifting up the windshield wiper, leaves that behind.

What is the flyer for ?

A Pig, and "Big D," well it's not a beauty parlor, that's for sure.

Butcher shop maybe ? Deli, restaurant ?

Shall we try the Google machine ?

Yeah, look between New York and Ohio. New York... Ohio...

Got a Big Dwayne's Auto Repair, Albany, Big Duke's Fireworks, Pennsylvania, Big Dee's Sporting Goods, that's a little on the obvious side, in Steubenville, Ohio.

Stay in Ohio.

Ohio... All right, you've got...

Big Duff's Plumbing, in Akron.

Hold on. Got a Big Daddy's Hangry'Que, in Dayton.

Dayton ? That's it, look. Look.




Were you dreaming about that man again ?

Do you want any water ? I'm good, thank you.

If you need me, I'm right there. Okay.

I don't know, he's not latching like he did yesterday.

Hey baby-maker.

Okay, I'm sorry.

It's just a titty, Ralph, I know you've seen a few before.

Hey, Jack. You did it !

Thank you.

She's beautiful. Well, actually, it's not a she.

Jerome, say hello to Mr. Anderson.

He looks a little like old Uncle Jack, don't he ?

And let me tell you, you might'a heard giving birth au naturale is ten kinds of hell...

Try doing it with you damn leg in a cast.

I can imagine. No, you can't.

Look at you. Look, I know now's probably not the right time, but did you want an update on the case ?

I don't need one. Yunis caught me up right before you got here.

I'm surprised you didn't pass him on your way, he just left.

Hey, Yune. Hey.

You know this guy ? Friend of yours ?

You do, too. That's Fred Peterson.

What happened ? Is he gonna make it ?

The rope cut off the oxygen to his brain for ten minutes, so it depends on how you define "making it."

I've been here five minutes.

I've already had two nurses ask me to sign off on harvesting his organs.

'Cause they can't find anybody else.

That family's gone. Completely gone.

f*cking case...

You go see Tamika's baby ? Yeah.

From Alpha to Omega.

I just need to know if the kid dumped the van somewhere near the barbecue place, and if so, exactly when.

Ralph, you're on admin leave.

I want you to take advantage of that, and take some time for yourself.

What am I to recuperate ? Come on, I'm just going to be sitting around thinking about this evidence, and how it doesn't add up, and...

You go see that shrink yet ? No, I haven't.

Look, the Maitlands were in Dayton from March 3rd to March 7th.

Now, if our guy dropped that van at any time during those days, and if they even came close to crossing paths we would wanna know about that, right ?

Right ? Is the kid still locked up in Chattanooga ?

He's not locked up.

Cop who made the collar took a liking to him, and put him in foster care.

Kid was running from a violent home nobody wants to see him get hurt.

I wanna talk to him.

Why ? He already said he doesn't remember where he was.

Okay, great. So now can you just reach out to somebody up there please, and make it happen ?

I'll make a deal with you, Ralph.

You do something for me, and I'll drive you up there myself.

Have you been to a therapist before, Detective Anderson ?

We saw a grief counselor in Atlanta after my son died.

Sorry to hear that. How old was he ?

I'm not here to talk about him.

Was he helpful ? She.

Was she helpful ? Well, I'm still grieving.

She was okay, it was okay.

How are you feeling today ?

How do you think I'm feeling ?

Sorrowful, angry...

Getting any sleep ? Not much.

Dreams ?

We're at dreams already ?

Well... If you ask ten therapists how to open with a new patient you'll get ten different answers.

Yeah, I'm having some dreams.

Can you describe those ?

Yeah. People running, people shouting, people getting hurt, people getting shot, They're kinda slow motion a little bit, and the sound is a little bit strange.

It's basically the same thing that happened on the day.

Exactly as it was.

In these dreams were there any specific details that stuck with you ?



let me just give you the big picture going forward.

It good you came in so soon after what happened, but potential injuries to your psyche, those can take weeks, or months even longer to announce themselves so I...

Yeah, but doctor... You know what ?

The so called "reason" I'm here is that the sh**ting has made me so crazy I can't go back to work...

"Crazy" is a meaningless word. Whatever.

Look, I've been a law enforcement professional for over 20 years.

So, is it even imaginable to you that I'm fine ?

Do you feel fine ? f*ck, no, I don't feel fine.

But that's not really the point.

Look, being here is just more like a punishment, feels more like that.

If you wanna walk out, Ralph, I'm not gonna stop you.

It's just that when anybody says to me, "I'm here to help," things invariably get worse.

Steph ! I want all of them.

Why don't we just take turns ?

Yeah ! Do you wanna go play ? I'd like to help...

I'll be right here.

Hey, Merlin.

Hey there, I'm Ralph. This is Yunis.

We just wanted to ask you some questions about some of these photographs we have.

Do you recognize this ?

It's a restaurant. Yeah, That's right, it's in Dayton. And...

We found this in the van that you drove down from New York.

So one of the things that I'm hoping to achieve today, with your help, son, is to pin down exactly where you might of left that van.

So... Would you like to sit down, and talk to us about it ?

I've never seen this restaurant before.


Why don't you take a look at this photograph and you can just take your time.

Yeah, I was in this parking lot.

This baseball card store, I wanted to go in but I was too nervous to hang around.

You like baseball, Merlin ? I like the cards.

We're trying to make a Astros fan out of him.

And when was this ?

Three cars ago. Okay.

What we're hoping to do here is to maybe narrow it down to the day, or even the week.

Do you wanna sit down ? You sure you don't wanna sit down and talk to us ?

I'm okay. So when you were driving did you...

Did you listen to the radio ? No.

Did you notice anything like a date and time display out the front of a bank, or a gas station ?

Maybe you went in to a convenience store, and saw a headline on a newspaper, or a magazine cover, or the TV was on ?

A TV in a 7-Eleven.

The lady behind the counter, she had a little one running.

She had this big smudge on her forehead.

I thought it was weird 'cause she was taking people's money all day, and not bothering to clean her face.

Was it a smudge like this ?

Yeah, it was kinda like an X.

Did you see anybody else that day with something like that ?

There was a guy in the parking lot, he had it too.

And a girl, about my age, coming out of a McDonald's...

It was a KFC.

The Ash Wednesday fell on March 6th, and the Maitlands were in Dayton from March 3rd to March 7th.

But they flew both ways.

Terry was on that flight ?


Glory. No.

No, you can't be here. I need to talk to you.

Please talk to me. No.

I should never have arrested Terry the way I did.

Get your foot off my door or I'm gonna get you arrested.

You need to hear me out. Get it off.

I need to what ?

Back the f*ck up. What if he didn't do it ?

He didn't do it ! He didn't do it.

He told you he didn't do it.

The last words my husband spoke were to you, and not to me.

They were to you, and he told you he didn't do it.

So, what else do you need ? A note from God ?

If he didn't do it, someone else did.

What if it happens again ?

Are you asking me for my help ? Yeah.

Maybe you can help me with a few things.


How am I supposed to get my kids safely to school every day ?

How am I supposed to explain to them why they no longer have friends ?

Why people are screaming curses at our windows, and throwing shit all over our porch, and even if we move, this whole g*dd*mn thing is tattooed on our faces.

What do I do with that ?

The only way you're gonna get your life back is by clearing Terry's name, and the only way to do that is to find whoever k*lled Frankie Peterson.

Glory, to do that I need your help.

You know, in Russia, when Stalin had his g*ons drag people from their homes to be m*rder*d in some prison basement, you know how he topped that off ?

He would send the dead man's family a bill for the used b*llet.

You talking to Glory Maitland for help...

That's what this sounds like to me.

Yeah, I can see how you would see it that way.

If you think by talking to her you can in any way stop me from filing a suit against you, or your department, Hayes, or anyone else, you're wrong.

Don't give a damn about any of that.

Hey Glory, thank you very much for letting me into your house.

And thank you for... Enough.

You told Mrs. Maitland you wanted to talk to her. Go.

"Needed" is what he said. Needed.

What do you need to talk to her about ?

There's some new information that has come my way.

Now, in and of itself it may be inconsequential, but...

Punch line ?

Turns out that the van that was used to abduct the Peterson boy was stolen in New York by a twelve-year-old kid.

This was the first of three vehicles he stole, and he wound up in Chattanooga, which is where he was caught.

But he dumped that van in Dayton on March 6th.

What of it ?

Glory, that's when you and your family were there.

You're still trying to put this on Terry ?

No ! That's not what this about... This is done.

Please, just hear me out.

Look, please. I know that you and your family flew both ways, that's not in question, and Terry himself told me he never saw the van, let alone stole it.

I wanna believe that, we have his fingerprints all over the g*dd*mn thing, but I want to.

What's the punch line ? There is none ! But...

Do you see how strange this is ?

Dayton to Cherokee City, I mean, that's not exactly Paris to London.

It's as if this van just followed you home.

Maybe it was haunted. Yeah, my mother the car.

Please just bear with me for a moment here.

Why Dayton for a family vacation ? Why not go to Orlando or...

Because Terry's father is in Dayton, in a senior center, but Terry's the only one who sees him because the man has dementia, and tends to be violent.

Okay. So, this vacation, when Terry was off visiting his father, what did you and the girls do ?

He was only gone a few hours a day.

We stayed in the hotel pool, we went to the mall, a movie.

When he came back did you ever go out to eat ?

Once or twice.

You ever go to a place called, Big Daddy's Hangry BBQ ?

Big Daddy's Hangry BBQ ?

BBQ restaurant, has a pig logo.

I'd like this to be done. No, please, just one more.

Did anything out of the ordinary happen while you were in Dayton ?

Did one of the girls go missing for a short while ?

Did Terry say that he'd met up with an old friend ? Did you...

Nothing happened ! Terry visited his dad, we hung out, we came home, we didn't eat at a restaurant called, Big Daddy's Hangry BBQ, and he didn't steal the van.

Goodnight. Daddy got a cut.

Hey, love, what are you doing down here ?

Jessa was yelling at a nightmare, and woke me up.

You should give her Benadryl next time.

Come, I'll take you up.

Come on, let's go.

Are you the man that k*lled my father ?

No, I am not, but I...

I made some terrible mistakes with him and I'm gonna live with those mistakes for the rest of my life.

Let's go.

Hey, Maya, can I just ask you before you go upstairs, can I just ask you to tell me about your dad's cut ?

He got it visiting Grandpa.

Okay, why do you remember that ?

Because he said he'd got it from a nurse, but the nurse was a man.

Yeah, sometimes nurses can be men. Did he tell you how he got it ?

He said he was walking in a hallway, he bumped into the nurse on a wet floor, he grabbed the nurse's hand as he fell down, and when he got back up he saw he'd got a cut on his wrist.

Mom... There was a pig restaurant in the mall, near our hotel.

Jessa saw the sign for it when we were shopping there, remember ?

I don't remember. Let's go to bed.

Glory. Come on.

Hey, Glory, do you remember this cut ?

It was a cut, he put something on it, and that was it.
