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02x13 - Love's Illusions

Posted: 04/28/21 05:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on "All Rise"...

- Mark only kissed Rachel because...

- Mark did what?

- Grab your bag, leave.


- That looks like it hurts.

- Nah.

I'm tough.

This is David Sanders, strategist for my attorney general campaign.

That cop-hating attorney is trying to pit you against your brothers.

You're either with us or you're against us!

You are safe with me, always.


Can't you curl the ribbon any faster?

She'll be here at any minute.

Each one has to look perfect.

Uh-huh. ♪ Hey, hey


- ♪ Now's the time ♪ Oh!

You better pick up the pace.


- Good morning, Judge Carmichael.

- I'm behind.

It took a while to get Bailey settled with the nanny.

First time doing it solo.

- Aw.

- Has the defendant accepted

- Choi's deal?

- Not yet.

Trial's still on.

Day one, and it's business as usual.


- Can't wait to see you.


And to get back to normal.

No fanfare, no fuss.

- Right, ladies?


What is... what is your exact ETA, Your Honor?

Seven minutes, max...


Seven minutes.

- Just turned on Broadway


Uh, don't forget to park in the new judges' lot, okay?




Oh, gosh.

♪ Hey, I'm back ♪ Ugh.

Just pop 'em, just pop 'em!

Pop 'em!


♪ I'm back ♪ You wanted to see me?

- You got a blazer on you?

- Y-yes.


I need a second chair.

I didn't know the head deputy prosecutes trials.

Well, thanks to COVID, I'm short on D.A.s.

Besides, felony swatting is a big one.

Let's send them a clear message that calling in a false - - thr*at is a crime, not a prank.

It's Judge Carmichael's first trial since maternity leave.

Ah, she's always had a bleeding heart.

Curious to see if our young defendant makes it bleed even more.

Is there still an offer on the table?

Yes, and if Ms. Quinn's client has any sense at all, she'll take it.

- Ms. Quinn as in Amy Quinn?

- That's the one.

She tore me to shreds on a motion to suppress last year.

Can't blame the shark for nabbing the guppy.

No more guppies in these waters, though, huh?

Well, we shall see.

Follow me.

Victim's in the conference room.

Where is she?

It's been an hour.

The fact that a sheriff deputy agreed to talk at all is a miracle.

Yeah, uh, Joaquin, we need to talk about...

- Hey, Em.

- What's up, Lopez?

Sorry, guys, I'm on a call.


Joaquin, I've been calling you all day.

Is now an okay time to talk?

- Emily, you're scaring me.

- I kissed Luke.

I have been trying to get a hold of you to tell you.

How did it happen?

He was going through some stuff, and he...


He needed my help, and we just... we just kissed.

Do you want to be with Luke?


I-I miss you.

Joaquin, I miss you like crazy.

But Luke...

you know, it's just...

I'm so sorry.

I should go.





What in the...



So good to see you.


Sorry, I was checking in with the nanny.

Oh, weird to be away from Bailey.

It's like having phantom limb syndrome, except the limb is my child.

Oh, I felt the same way after having Ben.

All the gear!

Oh, so much mommy gear!



You'll adjust.

Glad to have you back, Carmichael.

BOTH: ♪ Huzzah! ♪


You guys.


It's my first photo with Bailey.

And it can go right next to your hero.




- Oh.


I thought I muted that.


Still no word on the plea deal?

- Not a peep.

- Looks like Ms. Quinn has

- her work cut out for her on this case.

- Whew.

Well, it's caffeine o'clock.


Oh, sh**t!

I forgot my lattes on top of my car.

- The car.

- On it.


- Sherri?

- Yes, Your Honor?

- I forgot my cooler.

- Your cool...

your cooler?

- For my breast milk.


Breast milk.

My liquid gold.

Liquid gold?



Uh, have Ms.

Johnson cover my desk.

I will be on cooler duty.


- Um, right.

It's still not too late to accept the D.A.'s offer.

I can't, Ms. Quinn.

I mean, what about college?

And I'll never be able to get a job.

- This is so unfair.

- I'll try to argue for a misdemeanor,

- but it's a long sh*t.

- My parents retained Audubon & Associates to make this go away.

The - - call and your browser history aren't going anywhere.

You're facing three years.

What'll it be, Ms. Quinn?

Morning, Tommy, Ms. Powers.

- Ms. Powell.

- Huh.

Doesn't ring a bell.

Quinn, I'm waiting.

You reject their deal, they'll push for the highest sentence.

- Going once...

- I can't.

- Going twice...

- Please, help me, Ms. Quinn.


We'll do this the hard way.

BAILIFF: All rise.

Mr. Choi, what was your last offer?

Plead to a felony.

Two years' probation, credit time served.

Ms. Quinn, is your client interested in the offer?

The defense is ready for trial.

- Mr. Choi?

- The People are ready.


It's great to be back.

♪♪♪ Mr. Heines, what is your occupation?

Uh, I'm the dean at Culver City College.

Did something unusual happen on March , ?

Uh, an active sh**t was reported on campus.

A SWAT team responded to the - - call.

Did you interact with the SWAT team?

Uh, yes.

Um, I-I stepped out to water my begonias, and then suddenly something like a dozen SWAT officers trapped me, shouting and pointing

- huge g*ns in my face.

- What happened after you were surrounded by the SWAT officers?

I, um, I heard a g*nsh*t and, um, screaming.

What happened after you heard a g*nsh*t?

I just remember that my stomach was on fire, and I passed out.

A day later, I woke up in the hospital, stitches to patch the b*llet wound and a cane to help me walk.

Did you have any idea at the time why the SWAT team showed up at your residence?

Not the faintest clue.

And how did this incident impact your campus?

All , students and faculty had to be evacuated, believing that the thr*at of an active sh**t was imminent.

Nothing further.

Ms. Quinn, you may cross-examine.

Did Marnie Forstall sh**t you on March st, Mr. Heines?

To my knowledge, no.

- Who pulled the trigger, then?

- Objection.

Calls for speculation, lack of foundation,

- lack of personal knowledge.

- He may answer if he knows.

I believe it was one of the SWAT officers.

- So why did he sh**t you?

- Objection.

Calls for speculation, lack of foundation,

- lack of personal knowledge.

- Sustained.

Rephrase, Ms. Quinn.

- Were you armed?

- No, but I was holding a watering can.

I guess it could've looked like a w*apon to the officers.

Do you think these paramilitary officers used excessive force in sh**ting you, Mr. Heines?


Relevance and argumentative.

Your Honor, the actions of the SWAT officers is relevant to whether my client should've known that the response to the - - call was likely to cause great bodily injury.


Mr. Heines, did you expect the SWAT officers to fire their weapons?

I was afraid they would.

But did you think it was likely they would fire and cause you to sustain the injuries you sustained?


No further questions.

♪♪♪ Deputy Riley.

Pleasure to meet you.

Not often that I get asked to meet off the record.

I'm curious what you know about Wayne McCarthy's training practices.

- Can't help you.

- We're just following a tip.

- Your name came up.

- I was a T.O.

along with McCarthy.

That's all you need to know.

All the guys on this list were trained by McCarthy.

They're linked for some reason.

We need to know why.

Your name's on here.

What's your best guess?

If we knew, we wouldn't be asking.


Pham was one of McCarthy's first trainees.

Real zealous.

Already put a call out to him.

Buy him Wita's, he'll sing like a bird.


Lee Lori's not on here.

- What can he tell us?

- Ask Lee Lori.

Have a good day, fellas.

What about Lori?

I know how to get a hold of him.

Meantime, let's find Deputy Pham.

Mom and Dad still not coming?

- Oh, uh...

uh, no.


They said it's fine to just start without them.


We're gonna b*at this, right?

Swatting's usually a misdemeanor.

But your charge got bumped up to a felony because Norman Heines got sh*t.

Now you've maintained you didn't send SWAT to his house...


I wasn't trying to get this old man sh*t.


What happened?

The truth this time.

I did make the call,

- but not to Mr. Heines.

- To who, then?

My boyfriend.


my ex, or...

I don't even know what he was.

- We met playing "Fortnite."

- What's his name?


Um, I-I don't know.

You dated him for two years, and you don't know his name?

We planned to meet up in person, but... then he just blew me off, just like that.

That still doesn't explain how SWAT wound up at Norman Heines's.

'Cause I swatted my ex's gamertag, GrayArea .

I just traced his IP address to find his geolocation.

Tracing IP addresses isn't always exact.

Why swat a guy who ghosted you?

'Cause I was hurt.

And then I got pissed, and... and then I got scared,

- Scared?

- I never met GrayArea .

But we...

We shared photos.

- What kind of photos?





He reached out to me after a while, asking for more pics.

I said no, so he threatened to post them.

You were trying to protect yourself.



We need to talk.

Marnie, thank you for telling me the truth.

Go home.

Get some rest.

What do you want?

I don't have time...

I watched your cross.

You need to be careful.

I don't need you telling me how to cross-examine a witness.

Clearly you do if you think harping on police misconduct in front of Lola is going to help Marnie Forstall.

No, but finding out who GrayArea is and why Marnie felt she needed to call a SWAT team to stop him from posting nudes of her will.

You think she's telling the truth this time?

I'm becoming a bit of an expert on people lying to me these days.

What was his name again?

I'll find him.

GrayArea , right?

Give me two hours.

♪♪♪ Sherri tasked me with giving you this,

- said it was temporary.


Anyway, Georgia and I are going to a breakfast mixer on Friday.

- Come with.

- Ooh.

The Hamilton Club is hosting.


The bigwigs and power players Hamilton Club?


As I've said before, can't hurt to rub elbows.

Besides, the Hamilton Club knows a mover and shaker when they see one.

Just a friendly reminder...

You do have to get up at : a.m. to feed Bailey.

Um, brief the nanny at a.m. before you leave, and then get in at to pump and run before trial.

Thank you, Ness.

Don't worry about the breakfast.

You've got enough going on.

I do not!

No more than usual.


This proves nothing.

Let me just go grab a hoodie.

Good night, Carmichael.



You did say no fanfare.



_ What's with the hoodie?

Oh, long story.

Why the SOS?

Luke and I are on the trail to discovering a monster of corruption.

- Like, Godzilla status?


- More like a hydra.

Every time you cut off one head, two more take its place.

Hydra in the Sheriff's Department.

In sheriff training.

You surprised?

- Not even.

- Amy's in .

How is she?

Why don't you call her and ask her?

After she kicked me out for the second time, I figured I'd give her some space.

Amy tried to use excessive use of force as a defense today.

Do you think that she would use that with Judge Campbell or Laski?

Your reputation as being an activist judge and that video...

Gives people the right to politicize my courtroom?

Of course not.

How goes day one back?


Felt like I was pulled in five different directions between the trial and Bailey and the Hamilton Club, but...

in a good way.

I guess it's nice to still feel needed here.

Don't know what this courthouse would do without you, Carmichael.

You're just trying to butter me up so I don't kick you out of my guest house.

You think I want to be in your damn guest house?




_ ♪♪♪


Who's Collier Owens?

- What'd you say?

- Collier Owens.

Left two messages here.

You're dodging him... and me.

Still waiting for that apology.

You have a right to be pissed.

Of all the ways I messed up over that stupid, idiotic kiss, risking our partnership was the worst.

For you.

I told you my deepest secret, that I'm married, because I needed help from someone who I thought was becoming a really good friend.

I finally put down roots again, and it just goes up in flames.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.

I located GrayArea .

We need to get Marnie in here now.

♪♪♪ How'd Joaquin take the news?

He shut down.

Super blindsided.

- Mm, can you blame him?

- No!


Why am I so stuck?

Are you stuck?

Like, truly?

Yeah, I care for both of them.

You know?

And trying to choose, I feel like I just...

I can't.

Are you sure that's it?

- What do you mean?

- To me, this isn't about whether you prefer lawyers or revolutionaries.

I'm sure they're both good men, but they're leading two radically different lives.

So you choosing Luke or Joaquin means choosing where you want your life to go.



Nikki just sent her latest essay.

How's tutoring going?

Mm, we hit it off at first, but I don't know, lately Nikki's seemed, like, off.

- Off how?

- Just tired, melancholy even.

Like, I made this whole K-pop-themed lesson.

And she didn't bat an eye,

- and she loves BTS.

- Huh.

And then last week, I overheard her mom, Whitney, like, lecturing Nikki about her grades, and let's just say Whitney doesn't have the gentlest touch.

- You think Whitney's hit a rough patch?

- Oh, totally.

I mean, her restaurant's been shuttered, they've been trapped under one roof for over a year.

And Nikki is in middle school, and puberty is a bee-yotch.

Oh, yeah, I had feathered bangs in sixth grade.

- Wow.

- Yeah.

Ah, maybe I'm just overthinking it with Nikki.

Your intuition has never steered you wrong.


feel it out.

Pot, kettle, Ms. Lopez.

- Okay.

- Mm-hmm.



we were able to identify GrayArea .

You were?

Who is he?

Norman Heines.


The Culver City College dean?


No, that's impossible.

- I wasn't lying, Ms. Quinn...

- My investigator was able to trace the gamertag GrayArea to Norman Heines's IP address.

Yeah, but even you said yourself, IP address location tracking isn't always reliable.

Not always, which is why I had 'em do an extensive search.

It still came back as Norman Heines.

Marnie, you didn't mix up your ex's address with Heines's address.

They're the same person.


He catfished me?

The whole time?

- Oh, my God.

- You should call your parents.

Are you kidding?!

I can't do that.

- They would never understand!

- Marnie, you need support.

And we still have a trial to get through.

- W-Where are you going?

- To talk to the judge.

I'm bringing this bastard down.

Thanks for meeting on such short notice.

Thanks for buying the carne asada.

Hey, you called it.

Wita's is the best taco truck in LA.


I know all the hidden gems.

So how can I help you fellas?

Looking to set the record straight on Wayne McCarthy's time as a T.O.

Big Mick always checked in on me and the guys.

Gave advice like a father figure.

He even came to support me after my first incident.

What incident was this?

Had this one inmate, a real pill.

Always loudmouthing.

One day I told him I'd heard enough.

He didn't like that, got aggressive.

I put him in a chokehold...

Standard when subduing an armed assailant.

He coded.

So the inmate was armed?

McCarthy oversaw the search, found a shiv on him, concealed.

You saw the inmate's shiv before you choked him?

I had a hunch.

And once McCarthy confirmed, it was a done deal.

When... when did you say this was?

or so.

All right, boys.

Gotta get back on the radio.

We'll be in touch.

Always glad to put in a good word for Big Mick.



A deputy sheriff openly admits to falsifying police documents like he knows he's untouchable.

Chokes a man to death, and then "Big Mick" helps him get off scot-free.

Why wouldn't he feel that way?

I'm gonna meet up with Lori tonight, see if he can connect some dots.

I'm gonna hunt down that incident report, try to nail this guy.

♪♪♪ The defense calls Norman Heines to the stand.


- He's here and ready.

The defense already questioned Norman Heines.

And the witness was excused.

- He was subject to recall.

- Ms. Quinn is correct.


Your Honor, may I ask for an offer of proof as to why this witness is being recalled?

I have additional questions about the extent of his involvement in video games.

Real convincing, Ms. Quinn.

I allow the defense some leeway on this topic, but I am going to need more than that, Ms. Quinn.

I have additional questions that I believe will impeach Mr. Heines's testimony.

All right, you may recall the witness, Ms. Quinn.


♪♪♪ Do you know Marnie Forstall?

No, I do not.

Do you know what a gamertag is?

Uh, an alter ego in the Xbox world?

A username of sorts?

Mr. Heines, are you familiar with the gamertag GrayArea ?

- No.

- Are you sure, Mr. Heines?


I-I mean, now that I think about it, it does sound familiar.

In fact GrayArea is yourgamertag, correct?


I mean, um...


And you recently shut down the account GrayArea and tried to delete it, correct?

Uh, I was sh*t, Ms. Quinn.

I am not the one on trial here.

Mr. Heines, for the past two years, did you pose as Marnie Forstall's boyfriend and knowingly solicit p*rn images

- from her, when she was a minor?


I am the victim here, Your Honor.

Ms. Quinn, the witness has a right to counsel.

That is my daughter!

Bailiff, detain the witness.

He has not been excused

- from further testimony.

- Daddy!

You filthy pig!

I'll k*ll you!

Daddy, don't!


Mr. Forstall, I'll have you arrested and charged

- if you do not control yourself.

- Calm down.

Now everyone except counsel, out!

Let's go.

Keep it moving.

♪♪♪ Ms. Quinn, you know better than to lead a witness down the path of admitting to a crime on the stand without first informing the Court,

- that the witness may need a lawyer.

- Your Honor, it's not my job to protect anyone other than Ms. Forestall.

At minimum, it is a professional courtesy to give the Court notice.

Your Honor, the People move to strike Mr. Heines's testimony.

It was a discovery violation.

No, this is classic impeachment!

I had no obligation to disclose.

Until she decided to call him as a witness.

I didn't know whether he would admit it.

I learned it from my investigator.

Do you have evidence to prove it, Ms. Quinn?

Chat transcripts dating back two years, complete with every explicit image Heines sent to and solicited from Marnie.

- Thank you.

- I move to admit these transcripts

- into evidence.

- On what grounds?

Heines solicited p*rn images and threatened her!

She was a minor, and she was traumatized.

- Her actions...

- Her actions are still criminal.

How about you drop the charges?

The charges remain.

Your Honor...

If he had no preyed upon Ms. Forstall and exploited her, she never would have made that call.


I will hear your motions tomorrow, and, Ms. Quinn, this is your final warning.

Let today be the last stunt you ever pull in my courtroom.

♪♪♪ You lied under oath.

Your alleged crimes h*jacked this entire trial!

Threatening to deny an entire university of victims

- the justice they deserve.

- But that attorney came at me.

Get a defense attorney, Heines.

We're done here.


Sir, if I may?


- What is it, Ms. Powell?

- In light of this new evidence regarding Ms. Forstall's relationship with Mr. Heines, continuing to pursue a felony conviction seems troubling.

Ms. Forstall has been charged with calling in a false - - emergency.

- The evidence points straight to her.

- Given this new information...

Ms. Powell, the allegations against Norman Heines are as yet unproven, but the D.A.

has all we need to hold Ms. Forstall accountable.

But if we...

We can discuss this further after the trial.



♪♪♪ Been a long time, Lori.

Six years since we worked Men's Central Jail.


I don't know if you heard, but I'm not a sheriff anymore.

Look, man, I'm not so sure talking to a D.A.'s a good idea.

Serve and protect the public...

That's what we swore to do.

Our job's not done, not yet.



You mind if I record this?

Not like it'll make a difference.

What do you know about McCarthy fabricating witness statements, police records?

Happened all the time.

McCarthy would do a clean-up for any trainee who got caught in the hot seat.

- Okay, what for?

- Aw, man, you name it.

Intimidating personnel, roughhousing rookies, instigating inmate disputes.

But why didn't I ever hear about this?

Is that a trick question?

Watkins, you signed a statement for McCarthy when we were fresh out of the academy.

You don't remember?


Sorry, man.

♪♪♪ Nikki!

This was your strongest essay yet.

Hey, wait, just one question.

Since Super Stacy saved the day, why did you write that she has no hope left?

Um, even though she does everything right, it's still not good enough.

What makes you say that, Nikki?


I am not paying for you to write like you're in kindergarten!


Sara, I have to go.

- Oh...



You are such a stupid waste of space.

I'm ashamed to even be your mother.

You are just driving me crazy!


- Nikki?

Um, Mrs. Gessner, is everything all right?







Whitney and Nikki just got into it, and I...

I heard a loud thud and then just silence.

- What was it?

- I don't know, it was like...

I don't know, like a bang.


Did Whitney hit Nikki?

I couldn't see anything.


Oh, my God, what do I do?

Well, call Nikki back and make sure she's okay.

- Well, what if she doesn't answer?

- Then you call the police.

And say what?

"I'd like to file a report, only I didn't see anything, and I'm not sure what I heard"?

I mean...

it's a big deal to call Child Services to someone's house.

We've only tutored online.

I don't even know where she lives.

Maybe you should reach out to Benner.

If I'm wrong, I could implode this whole family.

But what if you're right?


Fancy seeing you here, Judge.

Mr. Sanders.

I would love to chat, but I'm in a rush.

Wait, how did you get into the judges' parking?


Walked over with Jonas Laski.

Just left the Hamilton Club breakfast.


Totally forgot.

Anyway, I am in a rush to trial, so...

Could've gotten a jump on the upcoming election.

The election?

- For your judicial seat.

- I beg your pardon.

My seat has not been challenged, Mr. Sanders.

Not yet.

You created quite a stir in your first two years.

Some people like me are fans.

Others, well...

Carmichael, there you are.

Still on for our chambers meeting?


Mr. Sanders and I were just saying goodbye.

Oh, great.

Good to see you at the breakfast, David.

Who does that man think he is?

The last thing I need added to my plate

- is worrying about the elections.

- Well, Sanders can be pushy, but he's always armed with priceless information.

I missed you at the breakfast.

I was hoping to introduce you to Georgia.

I know.


I'm sorry, but I have had whiplash with this trial.

I heard about your witness bolting.

I thought I had my head wrapped around this case, but then I see that teenage girl trembling before the man who allegedly abused her for years, and I look at her mother, and she just has this look like she has no clue how in the world she got there.

Any parent's nightmare.

But how does it happen, Lisa?

You can only control so much.

I look at Bailey, and...

Carmichael, at the risk of stating the obvious, Bailey is not the defendant in this case.

She's not even months old.

But I would do anything to protect her.

Stay focused.


- Watkins, everything all right?

- Uh, yeah.

There's over a dozen fabricated deputy statements here.

Gonna be a long road to get the grand jury

- to indict these guys.

- Indicted, right.

I'll take those over to Bravo, see if he approves conspiracy charges.


- You sure you're good?

- Yeah, of course.

Just tired.

All right.

♪♪♪ Ms. Quinn, you are moving to admit the chat transcripts between your client and GrayArea , AKA Mr. Heines.

What's the relevance?

The evidence directly impeaches Mr. Heines' testimony, And it explains why Ms. Forstall called - - .

She was the victim of an illegal cybersexual relationship with Mr. Heines while she was a minor.

Do you remember what it means to be and profoundly lonely?

To finally have someone tell you they love you and to so badly need to believe them?

And then the pain of losing that love, that lifeline.

At years old, Marnie lacks the developmental ability to understand the seriousness of her actions.

For all these reasons, the transcripts are relevant, and they should be admitted as evidence.

Thank you, Ms. Quinn.

Mr. Choi.

The defendant's alleged history of sexual trauma is tragic, but it in no way excuses her crimes.

Penal code .

states that it is a crime to make a false report of an emergency At years old, I believe the defendant knows g*nf*re on a public college campus is a very bad thing.

She launched an emergency evacuation under false pretenses that jeopardized lives.

Any probative value that the transcripts might have is substantially outweighed by the risk of undue prejudice and should be excluded under .

I feel profound empathy for the trauma Ms. Forstall has suffered.

But this trial is not about those alleged crimes.

Therefore I am excluding the chat transcripts.

I will hear closing arguments after the break, and then render my verdict.


Looking at Bailey on the nanny cam, and all I can think is...

we did good.

I love you, baby.

See you soon.


- Come in.


Talk to me.

What is this?

A witness statement I gave when I was working the jails.

I don't understand.

I didn't witness that incident, Judge Carmichael.



My training officer told me that's what happened.

I trusted him.

Did you intentionally falsify this police record?

No, but it's right there in black and white.

Case closed.


Only a judge or a jury can decide that.

But I did it.

Facts are facts.

And the facts of a person's circumstances cannot be overlooked, especially when a human being's freedom is at stake.

But you and I both know the law's not designed to account for -degree examination.

And that is exactly why we have to interpret the law with as complete a picture as possible.


people commit crimes every day for all sorts of reasons.

And in a truly just court of law, those reasons matter.


Come in.



Something wrong?


it's, uh, about Whitney and Nikki.

Go on.

Last night I heard them get into an...


And it sounded serious, and now I'm scared for Nikki's safety.




I've known Whitney for years.



Precisely what do you think you saw, Ms. Castillo?

Well, I saw Whitney come in and start yelling, and then Nikki turned her camera off.

So you saw a mother disciplining her daughter.

Is that all?

There was a...




You know, maybe...


You're right.


It's not what I thought.

I'm sorry I disturbed you.

Ms. Castillo, Sara, hold on.

I understand that we make mistakes when we're young, but that is no excuse for sending a SWAT team to a false emergency.

Such behavior is illegal and absolutely unacceptable.

The prosecution failed to prove that Ms. Forstall called - - intending to cause great bodily injury.

Thus, I find Ms. Forstall not guilty

- of felony swatting.


The People did, however, prove the lesser charge.

Ms. Forstall, I find you guilty of misdemeanor swatting.

You are placed on months' probation, during which time you must attend mental health counseling and repay the full cost of the emergency response.

Last, you must write and publish a formal letter of apology to Culver City College.

Before I close this case, Ms. Forstall, is there anything you wish to say to the Court?


Stand up.

It's okay.



This past year has been really hard, with... with barely anyone to talk to.

No hugs.

N-No nothing.

It felt really special to have something all to myself, and for me, GrayArea was real.

And I loved him.

So when it was taken away, it just felt like he took the rest of my world away with him.

I was lost.

My hope for you is that now that you know the truth, you can heal...

...and that your parents will remain close by your side while you do.

We will, Your Honor.

Court is adjourned.



♪♪♪ ♪♪♪

- Hey.

- Hey.

I'm glad you texted me.

I can't stop thinking about our kiss.


I guess it's not just me.


And I told Joaquin about us.

I like that there's an us.

There is a me and you, and there's a me and him, kind of, us.


And what did he say?

That's TBD.

Look, I'm not asking you to wait, and I don't expect you to understand.

I am just...

I just want to be real with you both.


I love you.

And I know that those three little words bring up complicated feelings, but they're real for me.

ALOE BLACC: ♪ I've been sad, I've been lost ♪ ♪ I've been down and out and lonely ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ Yeah, I've been suffering at a job... ♪

You've got things you need to figure out, but I'm not going anywhere.

I'm here for you, for us.

Like, you and me, us.

♪♪♪ ♪ 'Cause the harder that we grind ♪

- ♪ Then the sweeter is the glory ♪ - Thank you.

♪ People say I'm foolish ♪ ♪ People say I'm blinded by faith ♪ ♪ But if I run out of air, if I crash, I don't care ♪ ♪ I'm gonna do it my way ♪

You did a superb job.

It's not easy to speak up when you have concerns, especially to your boss.

I'm proud of you, Ms. Powell.

Thank you, sir.

♪♪♪ You're gonna need another blazer.

♪ Hey-ey, hey-ey, ay ay ay ay ♪

- We doing another case?

- Youare.

♪ Gonna do it my way ♪

As first chair.


I will not let you down.

♪ Do it my way ♪ What's the case?

The People v. Norman Heines.

♪ ...criticize me with your lies and with your parody ♪

I still can't get Benner's reaction out of my head.

Listen, advocating for a child's safety is never wrong.

- You are not wrong.

- I'm just nervous that...

No, no, no.

Don't be nervous.

I have an amazing officer coming to talk to you.

Just tell them what you observed.

They'll write a report, and they'll take it from there.

Just thank you both for this, for being here, this is just a lot.

Where else would we be?

- Sherri.

- Thanks for coming.

Wait, Detective Harris is the amazing officer

- who's helping me out?

- That's right.

Um, we will be in Lola's chambers waiting for you.

♪ But I swear till I die ♪ ♪ I'm gonna do it my way ♪

Okay, let's do this.

You and me, right here, right now.


You don't get to do this.

- Do what?

- Kiss my boyfriend and then decide we're doing this on your terms.

Look, I screwed up.



And I know it's gonna take a minute...

- More than a minute.

- A-A few minutes.

What I don't understand is why.

I regretted it the moment it happened.

And I admit, it was a petty move, going to New York, but you and Mark are good together.

Better than good, you're the best thing that...

Okay, now you're going overboard.

And you and I have a good partnership, too, Amy.

I would hate to see you throw it all away...

- Equal partners.

- I...

I'm sorry, what?

You want this to work, we become equal partners.




Let's do it.

I'm still mad at you, but it's a good start.

And when this pandemic is officially over, you and me got a date in the boxing ring.


♪♪♪ Whitney and I have been friends for years, but...


When I saw the fear in Sara's eyes, I have to do something.

Maybe there's something no one knows, some context to help you understand.



Yeah, thanks.



Time to go feed my baby girl.


Such a great age.

And then there's high school.

Oh, Bailey can't even walk, and I'm struggling to find the balance.

Uh, a little unsolicited advice?

- Please.

- Compartmentalize.

When you're at work, be present at work, and when you get home, check your gavel at the door and just be Bailey's mom.

That sounds like a great place to start.





You finally came.

Let go.

Let go of me!


Take that thing off.


I want to see your face.

Brought you something.

What's that?


Collier, I've fallen in love with someone.

I'm going to have to tell him about us.

♪♪♪ So you told Lopez you loved her.




She's the one.

I'm gonna fight for her.

Hey, bravo, Romeo.

Just don't go puppy-dogging after her again.

Hey, you should be puppy-dogging after Amy.

You're not wrong.

- What's this?

- counts of conspiracy to be filed against McCarthy.

Just hope Bravo gives us the green light.

Then we bring his whole corrupt scheme crashing to the ground.

Bro, I thought you'd be pumped.

I am, just... processing.


Bottoms up.
