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05x02 - It Had To Be You

Posted: 05/07/21 05:37
by bunniefuu

MAN: Can I be honest?

It sounds like you're running away -

maybe from your past, maybe yourself.


After I left Whyhope, my life fell apart.

I was surrounded by strangers, lonely.

I fell out of love with my husband.

So, I came back.

Well, nearly.

I'm in Stanwell.

I'll never go back to Whyhope, ever.

Well, you've been through a lot.

I felt more alive in those nine months of chaos than I did in ten years of certainty in Whyhope.

I changed.


- I stopped worrying about the future.

I live in the moment now.

No ties.

I've learnt to live life just for me.

And I don't take prisoners.


I'm fun Penny now.

Irresponsible Penny.


I am not who I was.

You mentioned Whyhope.

What's in Whyhope?

What are you avoiding?

Thank you.


Let's... get this strapping sorted, shall we?

Hugh, uh, Mr. Hargrave needs his morphine upped.

- He's in bed four.

- Right.

Got it.

And Mrs. Moran is complaining of heartburn.

And, uh, Mr. Thornley's still waiting on that chest X-ray.




He is.

Uh, Ok.


Sit tight.

Change of plan.

Back in a moment.

When are we getting a locum?

Mr. Hargrave, sorry about the wait.

We're having trouble finding someone who will relocate to Whyhope.

Well, no surprise there, really.


Let's get you sorted, shall we?



You're welcome.

How many hours have you been awake?

I'm fine.

How many hours?

I don't know.

, ...


Thank you.

You can take a nap.

No, I really can't.

- No, we will call you if we need you.






Do you reckon Mum's gonna go to jail?


I'm reading up past court cases and it doesn't look good.

- Mmm.

- All the hot water's been used again.

I had a cold shower, Hayley.

Matt, can you please just put some clothes on?

I'm in my jammies.

Underpants are not pyjamas.

Well, they are in this house.



Ajax, take your clothes off.

Hayles, Mum's just been arrested.

Now's not the time.

According to these two, it's perfectly fine to walk around the house naked.


He's in his jammies.

Underpants are not pyjamas.

Honestly, you'd think you've both just come all the way back from Germany just so you could walk around the house naked.

A: this is my house.

B: I came back to save the brewery and sadly, it seems like I'm too late.


The reviews nailed it.


My beers, me, Whyhope.

This whole bloody country's mediocre.

It was one person's dumb opinion.

Yeah, just some awful little internet troll.

Yeah, but Germany's beers, you know, you could...

You could...

You could taste the...

the culture, the history.

Like, not the bad history, obviously.

Not the Nazis.

But compared to that, my beers are just...

I don't know, they just feel like...

They just feel like thin soup.

I like our soupy beers.

- I don't know, Charlie.


My eyes are open and I can't close them again.

Meryl needs me.

Fully clothed.




- Dr.



Apparently you knew about this.


Ken, I am exhausted.

Knew about what?

She's back and she hasn't called or visited?



Well, Penny is working at Stanwell Hospital, i.e., the enemy.

Now, if there's nothing else, I'm gonna get back to it.

You're mistaken.

Tell me you're mistaken.

- Ken...

- I don't believe you.


My thoughts exactly.

♪ I'm going up the country ♪

♪ Babe, don't you want to go? ♪

♪ I'm going up the country ♪

♪ Babe, don't you want to go? ♪

♪ I'm going some place where I've never been before ♪

♪ I'll leave this city I've got to get away ♪

♪ I'm gonna leave this city I've got to get away ♪

♪ All this fussing and fighting Man, you know I sure can't stay. ♪

MAN: And some good news.

Our emergency waiting times are finally coming down thanks to Dr. Cartwright.

The rest of you, be like her.

Um, Dr. Foley, Dr. Cartwright shows zero care for patients.

I mean, she barely even speaks to them.

No offence, Penny.


Please, go on.

What's your point?

Pastoral care, treating people like they matter.

We're not here for pastoral care.

We're here to do the tests, treat the illness, heal the body.

Harsh but true.


Am I gonna see you tonight?

If you play your cards right.



Dr. Cartwright.

Um, hi.

Is everything Ok?

How's Kassie?

Not good.

Hey, look who I found.


You look different.

How are you feeling?

- I'm worried about him when I'm gone.


What stage is the cancer?

T- , N- , M- .

Yeah, she was all clear after the mastectomy, remember?

And then, um, we had a routine check-up, what, three months ago and it just...

It's spread everywhere.

It's in my lymph nodes, lungs, brain.

I don't want to fight anymore.

Yeah, we took her home for palliative care and then she had a fall today, so I called the ambulance to take us to the clinic but they brought us here instead and now they're going on about having to get more tests and...

Who are you dealing with?

I don't know.

A bunch of different people.

We've already been through all this at home.

Hugh had a plan for us and we knew what was happening.

I just don't see the point in more tests at this stage.

Wes, the hospital can't keep her here.

If you want to take her home, you can.

But, I mean, what if they're right?

I mean, you know the case.

What would you do?

I'll have a look at Dr. Knight's care plan for Kassie and see what tests Oncology are running.

Thank you.

- Mmm.

- Thanks.


All I'm saying is that you're an eligible bachelor and she's a very attractive woman.

Mum, Sharna had you arrested.

I'm not going out with her.

She's just showing off to the ministry.


I don't think so.

Do you want to tell me what's really going on?

I think it's serious and I want you to find out as much as you can.

Why don't you make her fall in love with you?

That way, she might drop the charges.




Solid plan.

There she is.





This is never gonna work.






Very nice to see you again.

Well, it's nice to see you too.

Though, it would be nicer if you hadn't arrested my mother.

I didn't arrest her.

The police did.

I just presented the evidence I'd found.

I hope that's not gonna get in the way of us.


Our working relationship.

- No.

No, of course.

- Excellent.

We could... go for coffee, touch base workwise.

Do you have time?

Yeah, I could take you now.

Sure, but buy me dinner first.


HAYLEY: Do you really think she's gonna give anything away to Hugh?

I mean, he's not that charming.

Yes, he is.

I just need a distraction.

Come on.



Please don't tell me we're breaking into the council offices.


I'm just going to pick up a few knickknacks I left behind.

Come on.


Don't be silly, Hayley.

- We're just bending the law a little.


Um, Meryl, I don't think you can argue that this is bending the law.

Oh, look, in defence of the town that I love, there's no bridge I won't cross.

But this is outright criminality.

Well, some things are more important than the law.



Uh, is that what you're gonna tell the police when they arrest you again?

Well, us, Hayley.

You're here too.

Oh, God save me.

God saves those who save themselves.

Now, look, are you gonna help me look for those parks maintenance contracts before Sharna returns?

You are aware that the charges against your mother are being brought by the Public Services Commission?

Of course I am.

- Are they?

- Which means I can't help her.

I mean, there's gotta be something we can do.

Like what?

I don't know, attest to her good character.


Maybe destroy any incriminating evidence.

Ok, I'm gonna assume you're only saying that because you're overstretched and overworked.

You look exhausted.

Gee, thanks.

Perhaps that's because I'm on -hour call because we can't find a locum.

- That sounds sustainable.

- Yes.

Well, if you eased up on my mum for five minutes and found the time to throw some money into the clinic, perhaps we could lure another doctor into town.

I do want to help you.


Oh, you want to help us?

You don't want to shut us down?

Well, I've assessed and if the clinic goes, the town goes, which means, right now, you're the only one who's keeping Whyhope alive.

Oh, please, don't tell me that.

I just know it's here.

HAYLEY: What's so important about these contracts anyway?

I may have awarded it without going out to tender.

And that can be explained.

Payment stipulated in the contract may be a little more than the contractor was paid, who was my first cousin once removed and it may have been going on for some years.

Tell me you didn't pocket the difference.

Oh, Meryl.

I just know it has to be here.


And why do we have to take all this stuff too?

It can't all be evidence of corruption.

You're going away for years.

Not if we find these files.



It's not my fault!

I couldn't see over my armloads of your corruption!

- We've got to get out of here!

- Fine!


This had better be the end of it.

It's just the tip of the iceberg.

AJAX: Are you right?

I'm having an existential crisis.

Well... can you help on the fence while you do that?



Do you ever feel paralysed by your own mediocrity?

No, I don't think so.

You never wonder what you're doing with your life?

I'm working and no-one's helping.

When you're never lying in bed at night, staring into the abyss, contemplating the meaninglessness of your own existence...

Man, Hugh's the thinker, not us.

Just stop worrying.

So you never worry about anything?

I worry about me and Hayles.

I've promised her all this stuff, like a house and stability, that I can provide for her.

I haven't really delivered on any of it.

- I'm a crap husband.

- Well, you're doing your best.

What if my best doesn't end up being good enough?

See, this is why it's best to just focus on the fence, otherwise reality just brings me down.

You're seriously not gonna help?

Contemplating the universe, mate.

I can't.

SHARNA: Despite the fact that you nearly fell asleep a couple of times I quite enjoyed that, Dr. Knight.

Yes, well, I wish it was the first time a woman had told me that.


We should do this again some time.


I'd like that.

You know, whatever happens with your mother, it's a consequence of the decisions she made over many years.

My job is to clean up the mess.

And I'm someone who will do whatever it takes.

Like you.


Hugh Knight.

Dr. Knight, Dr. Foley from Stanwell Hospital.

I have Dr.

Cartwright with me.

Indeed you have.

Hugh, we'd like to see the case notes for Kassie Sadler.

She's in our Oncology ward.


What's Kassie doing with you?

She's getting more than adequate care at home.

She's only .

We'd like to assess if end-of-life care is the best way forward.

She doesn't need to be in a hospital.

She needs to be home with her family.

But maybe Stanwell can offer superior palliative care.

- Are you serious?

- Yes.

Please send her care plan through post-haste, Dr. Knight.




Meryl, Hayley, good to see you.

What happened to the parks maintenance contracts, Rod?

I don't know what you're talking about.

A little bit of insurance for you, was it?

- Meryl, I would never...

- If I go down, we all do.

Well, I'm safe.

What about the rugby club change rooms funding?

What happened to the rugby club change rooms funding?


It wasn't a sports rort.

There's no need to make threats.

I told you not to get involved.

Yeah, just because you wanted to get your hands on it yourself.

I knew it was the sort of thing that would get us noticed in the city.

So you're blaming Sharna on me now?

On your stupidity and greed.

You don't think she's onto me, though, do you?

If she's onto Meryl, she'll be definitely coming after you, Rod.

Well, I can't go to jail, not with my looks.

Enough, Rod.

Where are the contracts?


I took them to Mum's.

You took them to your mum's?

Yes, I took them to Mum's.

I'll head over there later and I'll bring them over to your place tonight.



Don't cross me, Rod.

I wouldn't dare.




I was with Mum again.

We used to have a rope swing in our backyard.

Mum used to push me and sing Beatles songs to me.


I would close my eyes and just feel myself moving through space.


The rope's still there.

- I'm still there.

- Hmm.

I'm still in Stanwell, aren't I?



I thought it was such a crap town when I was growing up.

I hated Stanwell kids.

Whyhope all the way.

You're not in Whyhope anymore, are you?

Why not?

There's too many memories.

That's why I love it.

Everywhere I go in that town, there's memories.

I'm embedded in the place.

Do you think death's the end?

I don't think anything ends.

Matter and energy and time are all the same thing.

Everything is change.

There's no end.

It's the end of me being with my family.

- I'm scared.

- I know.

- Hey.

- Hey.

How are you doing?


Where's Kassie?

Uh, she's in Stanwell.

They reckon she needs more tests.



They said she could get better care.

She wants to be at home but what if they're right?

Have you talked to Hugh?




- Is everything alright?

- No.

Kassie's stuck at Stanwell for more tests.




I know.


That is on my list.

- It's not good enough.

- Look, what do you want me to do?

- Go and steal her out of the hospital?

- Why not?

If they want to give a second opinion and Wes agrees...

Mate, I just need someone to tell me what to do.

Can anything be done for her?

Beyond pain management?


Then let's bring her home.

I don't think I've ever felt so betrayed and forsaken and deceived and double-crossed.



I'm heading to a bar.

Do you want to come?

No, I don't, Judas.

What I want is an explanation, because the Penny I know would never have acted the way you're acting right now.

Inviting you to a bar?

Working in this place.

Ignoring friends, except Betty, of course.

But Ken, yeah, ignore him.

So, you don't want to come to a bar?



I missed you.

Well, then, why didn't you call?

I'll explain over a drink.

This doesn't mean you're forgiven.

- Hi.

- Hi.

I'm Dr.

Hugh Knight.

I'm here to oversee the discharge of Kassie Sadler from Oncology.

This is Wes Sadler.

He's next of kin.

He can fill out all the necessary paperwork.

- Um, I will need to contact Dr.


- Great.


Sorry, Doctor, who are you?


Hugh Knight, from Whyhope Clinic.

If we could just make a start on the forms, that'd be great.


ROD: Incinerating some rubbish, Meryl?

Where are the park maintenance contracts?

We can't get out of this.

She is not gonna stop digging.

So, you want to throw yourself on the mercy of the court?


Oh, god, no.

Then what?

Well, I've got a bit stashed away.

Clearly you do too - if you can find it.

What if we got, uh, proactive?

What are you saying?

Well, what are YOU saying?

Are you saying we should bribe Sharna?

Do you think it would work?

Well, everyone has their price.

How much you got?

Well, I've been saving a bit for some cosmetic work.

Nips, tucks and augmentation.

Not that I need one.

Uh, I could scrape together, say, .

Well, would be hard to knock back.

So, um, you want to bribe her?

Worth a shot.

Why don't you call her and make us an appointment for tomorrow?

: am.


This is a good plan of yours, Meryl.


This is a good plan of yours, Meryl.


PENNY: Jarrod was really controlling.

I mean, I knew that he was.

But I ignored it because, I don't know, I was in love with him.

And maybe a little bit, he seemed like my ticket out of Whyhope.

Leaving Whyhope, always a bad decision.

Especially after I had an affair in Broome.

You had an affair?

You can imagine what Jarrod thought about that.

But it was a shortcut to a fast break-up.

So, upside.

Who are you?


I don't even know who I am.

But I am loving finding out.

Change, Ken.

Change is freedom.

Shall we have sh*ts?

- Oh, no, I don't think I should...

- Come on.


Let's have sh*ts.

Is this really you?

Right now it is.


HUGH: Hey, Kassie.

Dr. Knight.


- Hey.

- I'm just gonna take this out.

Wes is downstairs.

He's signing you out.

- Gonna take you home.

- Thank you.

Larry and Sam can't wait to see you.

What on earth do you think you're doing?

Probably best if you speak with the patient's husband in reception.

We're a medical fraternity.

We don't steal patients from each other.

The, um, patient wishes to be discharged immediately.

- Is this true?

- I want to be at home, not here.

I'm gonna have this reviewed.


Well, you do that.

Let's see how that reflects on you.



We are all set.

Now, anything you need, day or night, don't hesitate.

Where's Penny?


I'm not sure.


She's not a Stanwell kid.

She's one of us.


See you.


How long has she got?

Well, she's not eating, so it's best to prepare the kids for the worst.


Back to the clinic.

You're a good man, Dr. Knight.

- Another shot.

- Yes.

I've always thought that we were kindred spirits.

Me too!

We're both so uptight because we have this wild recklessness inside.

We think that we will destroy the world if we let it out.

Everyone thinks I'm sensible Ken.

- I'm 'Ken-sible'.

- Yeah.

But maybe inside I'm more than that.

Maybe I'm wild and reckless.


- Yes!

Let it out, Ken!

- To the new Ken!

- Whoo!

Here she is, the world's most uncaring party doctor.

And this is my...

- This is my good friend, new Ken.

- Hi, Ken.

He's a party animal!

Yeah, I came here to bring you back but maybe I was wrong.

Change is freedom, Ken.

Embrace it.

Set yourself free.

ALL: Change is freedom!

SONG: ♪ So I had a dream that I'd just fly away ♪

- ♪ Away ♪ - ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh, I fly away ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh I fly away ♪

♪ Mm-mm-mm. ♪


What are you doing here?

I brought you some food, just 'cause I know how hard you're working.

Well, that is very thoughtful.

Thank you.

I brought this too, chilled, just in case you're up for it.

But, um, let's rain check.

No, I mean, I'm...

I am starving.

I thought you might be.

And it does look like there is enough here for two.


Just in case.


Are you going through the Munich photos again?

I miss it.

I feel like life meant something over there.

Here, it's just day after day and me and my...

What did they say?

"Well-meaning but ultimately uninspiring selection of beers."

Matt, you need to get some perspective.

I know.

I'll get over it.

I need to tell you something.



Is that Ajax and Hayley?


God, he's like a jackhammer.

Oh, they're completely silent while they're doing it.

That's weird, isn't it?

A bit of trouble in paradise.

- Hey...

- They sound like it.

... do you remember that Irish couple in Munich?



"Oh, that's the way.

So it is.

"Oh, do me right, you big horned hunk."

- Shh, shh.

- "Come on!"


It was me.

I wrote the reviews.

I was the online troll.

You what?

I just...

You weren't listening when I said I wanted to come home and I knew the beers and the brewery were what you were passionate about, so if they were threatened, then...

I think that is the worst thing that you have ever done.

I don't know.

I left you.

I kissed your brother.

- You suck.

- Yep.

But did it help with the perspective?


- Was that good for you?


- Did you orgasm or...?

- Ajax...

I hate it when you analyse everything after...

- After cuddles.

- Right.


It's just sometimes I worry that you're not enjoying it as much anymore.

It doesn't have to happen every time.


I'm just a bit stressed at the moment with our living situation and Meryl getting arrested.

- But it's Ok.

It's fine.

- Yeah.



Can I... get back to my book?


Hey, you know, it's such a nice night.

- I might just...

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

- Mmm.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

- Sleep well.

- You too.


- Hey.

- MATT: Hey.

No snuggles afterwards?

What do you mean?


What are you doing out here?

Hayley says I snore.

Keeps her awake.

What are you doing out here?

Avoiding Charlie.

Man, I don't get women.

I think I hate my life.

I love mine.

HUGH: So, where's home for you?

I moved around a lot.

Nowhere special.


You're so lucky.


I do envy people like you who have roots in places, something solid.

It's called a ball and chain.


You can leave.

Yeah, but I have a duty of care...

To the town, as a doctor.

You don't strike me as someone who does things they don't want to do.

Well, I mean, I...

I don't know.

I think I'm a bit tired for self-analysis at the moment.

Well, I'll say it again.

Whyhope's lucky to have you.

Can you please stop saying that?

Ok, then.

You're fed.

Now get some sleep.


Big move.

You look like you needed it.

To be continued?


- G'day.

- G'day.



Nice to meet you, Ajax.

- Not too early for you, I hope?

- No, mate.

I'm always up at sparrow's.

- So, I hear you jackarooed a bit.

- Yeah.

So, I've got a few head of Angus and a bit of barley in and I'm having a crack at triticale.

Yeah, no, I saw.

El Alamein.

It's a good strain.

Tried Tennant?

Yeah, winter.

Winter's gonna be good, I reckon.

Do you know sheep?

What do you reckon of dorpers?


Bloody dorpers.

- Yeah...

- Seriously?


So, you know quads and bikes?

You can fence and rip?

- Yeah, all of the above.

- What about sh**ting?

I love it.

Do you ever sh**t skeet?

I can give you a week plus food and board.

What do you reckon?



I'll get my stuff.


Um, Ok, if this Oktoberfest costume is some sort of seduction/apology attempt...

- It's not...

- No, no, no, hear me out.

If it was, I'd...

I'd marginally consider it and might consider forgiving you.

I wasn't trying to hurt you.

I just wanted to come home.

Yeah, well...

I don't know if this is home anymore.

Don't say that.

There's nothing here for me.

I miss Germany.

I miss... the kranskies.

Well, that's my idea.

We bring Germany to Whyhope.

- Matt.

- G'day.


Charlie, Matt, this is Tom.

Oh, is this the one who can't help you fence 'cause he's thinking about things?

Yeah, that would be me.

Good to meet you, mate.

Hi, Tom.




Yeah, don't...

Don't ask.

They're weird.

Hey, uh, I figured out why that review hurt so much.

It's like, you know me so well, you put in every little fault I kind of suspected in myself.


It's just a bunch of crap.

Come on.


Where's the patient that was in this bed?

Kassie Sadler.

Oh, she's gone.

What time did she pass?


No, she's not dead.

She's been discharged.


Just let me do all the talking.

The floor is yours.

Ok, Rod, you were very cagey on the phone.


What's this about?

Well, we thought things were just a little unsettled, so we thought we'd come here and put our...

- She wants to bribe you.

- Excuse me?

- Excuse me?

- Change of plan, Meryl.

It's every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost.

I have her on tape agreeing to a conspiracy to bribe a public official, namely you.


What if we got, uh, proactive?

What are you saying?

Well, what are YOU saying?

- Are you saying we...


MAN: She was the kind of dame with legs that wouldn't quit

and boobs to match

Oh, Mr. Eagle!

What are you doing?

Uh, that's my, uh, novel, ' Shades of Rod'.

I had no intention of bribing you.

She did.

She did.

She said it.


My dictaphone stopped...




She brought the money.

What are these?

They're the rugby club change room contracts, Rod.

I thought Sharna might like to see them.


You don't need to...

Um, I...

I made copies, Rod.

There's one in every village.


Were you considering bribing me?

That depends.

Would you consider being bribed?

To do what?

Convince the prosecutor to drop all charges against me.

We both know you can do it.

Pay the fine and go quietly or you could get a lengthy jail sentence.

I don't want to destroy you, Meryl, but I can.

I'll consider my options.

You don't have any.

I'll fight for this town, no matter the cost to myself.

Meryl, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to visit small businesses to shore up this town's future.


This feels a bit tacky.

It's baby steps.

We've got to ease them into Munich's sophistication.



Guten tag.

Can I interest you in a Dunkel?

An Altbier?

The Gose is pretty tasty.

Give me a normal bloody Aussie beer.


He looks like a goose.


Oh, God.


Wes, hi.

Is everything alright?


I'm on my way.

I have to go look after the kids.



Can I help you?

SHARNA: This place looks...


I'm trying to introduce a bit of culture.

Can I try a taste of Gose?


Yeah, that's...

Oh, Ok.

Got a bit of a kick, kind of...'vomitey'...


- Well, it's an acquired taste.

It's a little bit... astringent.

This is just piss.

Can I get an Arcadia beer?


Whyhope's on its knees.

This town needs a hub, a cultural touchstone that lets them know who they are, something they can be proud of.

Your brewery is it.

You reckon?

You just might be the saviour of this town.

That sounds like bullshit.

Well, culture's important.

You can make a difference here if you choose to.


Now, that's a beer.

Do more of that.

Have a beer festival.

Hold a classic car meet.

Do some fundraising.

Fix your town.


Hear, hear.

Yeah, so that's it.

Should be comfy.

Comfier than a swag.

What's going on over here?

I told my wife I'd build her a home and, uh, you know...

It's a lot harder than I thought.

We're living with my brother now.

- Oh...

- Yeah.

- She's not happy with me.

- Ah.

She put you in the doghouse?

It's my fault.

Listen, I got two years into my builder's apprenticeship before going bush.

We knock off at : every day.

Why don't we finish it?

- Are you serious?

- Yeah, mate.

Unhappy wife, unhappy life.

We can fix that.


Uh, I'll pay you what I can.

See how we go.

Do you want to come for dinner, meet Hayles?

Oh, I don't want to intrude.

- No, come on.

She'll love you.

- Alright.

PENNY: Coming and taking Kassie without consulting us?

It's unethical.

She hasn't got long.







Thanks, Betty.


- You look exhausted.


I'm good.

You're not driving.

Come on.

KASSIE: Everywhere I go in that town, there's memories.

They're embedded in the place.

Whyhope all the way.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Do you want one?


Hayles, Matt, Charlie, we've got good news.

- We're moving out.

- MATT: Really?

- Really?

- Really?

Yeah, we don't need their house.

I'm gonna finish building ours.

My new jackaroo's gonna help.

- Sounds... good.

- Yeah, it's ace.

You guys know Tom.


You know Matt and Charlie.

I want you to meet my wife, Hayles.

Hayley, this is Tom.


TOM: G'day.

- Hi.

Are you working with Ajax?

- Yeah.

Yeah, we're gonna build you guys a home.

Yeah, Tom's gonna be around heaps from now.


She is only centimeters dilated so we've got some time.

Uh, Mr. Hargrave wants his morphine upped.

- Surprise, surprise.


What's going on?

A labouring woman in bed two.

She's doing well.


Um, what are you doing here?

You're on the lookout for a locum, aren't you?



Not you.

Until you find a replacement.

Hugh, you're a wreck.

You can't keep running this place by yourself.

I'm fine.

I fell asleep for an hour.

Uh, you've been asleep for five hours.



This place is a shambles.

You can't run it / .

We're dropping down to office hours.

Uh, excuse me.

You're not in charge here.

I am.

Yeah, no, of course.

Penny, we're not taking you back.

You undermined me, you went against us, you went to work for Stanwell.

Well, I've changed.

Stanwell sucks.

- Whyhope all the way.


So, are you going to see Mr. Hargraves or should I?

Yes, I will.

I better keep an eye on you.

Morphine is a class A drug and with your history, Doctor...

Do you not even start.

I've missed this.


over there.

Of course, Doctor.

VOICE-OVER: This is the night...

... of temptation...

... and sin.

Two new faces...

- Sleeping with the enemy.

- It looks that way.

What would your mother say?

... turn love upside down.

Leave her out of this!