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01x04 - Chapter Four

Posted: 05/09/21 09:13
by bunniefuu

Emily Dodson you're under arrest
for the conspiracy kidnapping

of Charlie Dodson.

JUDGE: How does your client plead?


E.B. JONATHAN: She said not guilty!

Not guilty, Your Honor!

You didn't k*ll your baby.

Bad men did that.


You really think Emily was a part of it?

DETECTIVE HOLCOMB: She laid with the man

that m*rder*d your son.

- What is it, Della?
- DELLA: It's from Mr. Baggerly.

I think we got fired.

Sometimes I think this
is no longer my world.

PAUL DRAKE: I've been looking for you.

Down in the alley

I found dried blood and this.

What was George's body
even doing over at county?

Did she kidnap little Charlie,
or did something else happen?

Who k*lled you, George?

Are we gonna be expecting
another surprise?

Do you hear the voices?

You don't have to worry
about Charlie Dodson.

I'm going to resurrect him.




MOTHER: We wanted Sister to know

how much she's in our thoughts.

We've rented a pew for,
gosh, how many years now?

Oh, since before Gloria was born.

- Row .

There's of us that chip
in, we're all big tithers.

Sister's heart will be warmed.

GLORIA: "Each one must give
as he has decided in his heart,

for God loves a cheerful giver."

- Second Corinthians.
- Memorized the whole thing.

- Remarkable.
- BIRDY: Sister,

some visitors to brighten your day.

Nice of you folks to look in on me.

We're lost without you,
Sister, and we miss you.

Well, I'll be back on
my feet in no time.

That's a promise.

What have you got there, sweetheart?

Don't be shy.

Do you like sweets, Sister?

I would eat them for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner if I could.

Me too.

Maybe we split some? Right now?

What do you say?



GLORIA: The fear of the
Lord is hatred of evil.

- Oh, God!
- Pride and arrogance

- and perverted speech!
- ELDER SEIDEL: Sister, come.

- Come.
- MOTHER: The Lord rebukes you.

The God of Peace will crush you.


Today of all days.



And now, we're bringing
people back from the dead.

Perhaps I should announce
my love of communism

to finish the icing on this lovely cake.

At least you're not the one on trial.

I am percent the one on trial.

That's what it means to be a
defense attorney in this town.

- When did you leave Emily?
- : this morning.

She was too scared to sleep

and certainly bruised
enough to press charges

- on those bastards.
- What's my day?

Writing time, promotions on discovery,

suppression of statements,
and : p.m. interview

- with the Beverly Hills Post...
- First thing's first.

Let's see Judge Wright
for bail reduction.

Great, and we can follow that

by filing a formal complaint
with the police commissioner.

Cops investigating cops?

(LAUGHS) That's a trip for biscuits.

Well, then, we can file a civil suit

for excessive force,
police misconduct...

Della, the actions of the
police are a golden arrow

- in my quiver.
- They brutalized her, E.B.

My goal, our goal, remains
securing Emily's release,

pending trial.

Now, there are several
avenues that I can pursue

to achieve that end. (GRUNTS)

But police thuggery,
we save for a judge and jury.


E.B.: They smacked her
around like a ragdoll.

MAYNARD BARNES: Mr. Jonathan's
secretary has an imagination.

Bring Emily in, Your Honor.
See for yourself.

It's jail.

Maybe the girl got roughed up,
but it wasn't by my detectives.

Detectives? Those men are savages.

If you want a bail change,

you need to show me a
change in circumstances.

E.B.: My client is in imminent danger.

They tried to beat a
confession out of her.

- Because your case

is a bar of hand soap

shrinking into nothing every hour.

My case against Emily Dodson
is stronger today than it was

- just a few days ago.
- Soap.

BARNES: Matthew Dodson
is cooperating with us.

- What?
- He's waving spousal privilege,

and is prepared to testify against her.

That... That's news to me.

Well, Mr. Dodson contacted
us just this morning.

You'll have his cooperation agreement

by this afternoon.

I'm ordering the DA

to move Mrs. Dodson to
protective custody.

Thank you, Your Honor.

his people are allowed near her

and Maynard, if I hear your detectives
are trying any shenanigans

with that girl, you're gonna
have a big problem with me.

- Bail stays the same.
- E.B.: No.

I'll make sure the baby
k*ller is comfortable.

If you'll excuse me,
I have a case to prepare.


E.B.: Oliver, is it me?

Or was there a time when Fred here

wouldn't stand for this type of show

from the district attorney?

Young man's game, E.B.

Even the great Mr. Holmes
is retiring next week.

He's .

I've got years on him.


VIRGIL SHEETS: This was you guys?

- Sure was.
- VIRGIL: Wow.

Should I show him Chubby's shoe?

- VIRGIL: His shoe?
- Show him the shoe.

Wow, that is some shoe.

Hit me right in the noggin.

- Have another pull there, Virg.

Here you go.

Oh, you guys have all the good stories.

When I tell stories about work,
folks wanna run out of the room.

Not us, we love your stories.

Private detective,

- that's... that's adventure...

... danger, excitement.



MASON: What'd I say?

- You don't wanna know.
- Muchas gracias.

Secret password.


Watch out for planes.


- MASON: (LAUGHS) Welcome.
- (LAUGHS) There are...

There are planes out there.

I thought you lived on a farm.

- It is a farm.
- PETE STRICKLAND: Hey, sit down.

Where are the chickens?

Chickens is a good idea. You get eggs,

you get meat. Sit.

So, Virg, there's something
I wanna show ya.

Is it, um, pornography?


VIRGIL: It's just that...

you guys tell all these stories about...

clandestine meetings and
tailing dames and...

cheating wives.

Well, I... I could go get
some if you want, Virg.

Pale formaldehyde dead, putrid bodies

and the monotony of existence

does a number on a man's virility.

You know, I can relate
to Mr. Carmichael.

You know, for him, it's food.

For others, it could be...

imagining you're just a few inches tall,

and the woman hides
you away in her purse.

Why don't I show you that
thing I was gonna show you?

Ta da!

That's a dead body.

I told you he was an expert.

- Holy cow, that's...
- MASON: Meet George Gannon.

But you... you stole a body.

Hmm, just this one.

Look, I can't be here.

Virg, Virg. Virgil! Virgil!

George Gannon didn't ice
those stiffs on Central Ave,

and he didn't run home and
blow his own head off.

- Nope.
- Well, how do you know?

Show him.

Because of this.


This denture was found in an alleyway

behind that apartment building.

It fits perfectly in Mr.
Gannon's mouth here.

And I'm no expert like you are,

but that's a b*llet hole in his shoulder

and a hip that don't look right.

We think George was m*rder*d
that night with the others.

You guys are breaking
so many laws right now.

That's... That's how you get
all the good stories, Virg.

MASON: We need you to give
George here a proper autopsy

because the police
report is a fairytale,

and you're gonna help me prove that.

But you stole his body
from the county coroner.

I can't just write another autopsy

in your... your... your
pioneer root cellar.

And Jesus Christ, you stole a body

from Frank A. Nance.
I mean, who does that?

MASON: Frank Nance f*cked up.

He f*cked up, Virg. He was...

He was told to f*ck up.

Now, I need you...
I need you to be the hero

- that makes this right.
- No, I don't wanna be a hero.

- MASON: Yes, you do!
- Oh, God, Mason, please.

Don't do this to me.

You guys said we were gonna have fun.

Well... (SCOFFS)

- Ain't we having fun, Virg?
- Right?

PETE: Let's go upstairs.

We'll get a bottle.

And you can tell us more about
you being in a lady's purse.




When we study law, we are
studying not a mystery,

but a profession.

The reason why it is a profession,

it is, uh...

Della, did you get a
hold of National City?

- : p.m.
- And it is Howard Brown?

Uh, a Mr. Tod Robbins.
Howard Brown wasn't available.

- Who the hell is Tod Robbins?

"The reason it is a profession,"
Oliver Wendell Holmes?

I came to this little
pueblo about a year

before he ascended to the Supreme Court.

- Since that time,

Justice Holmes has
distinguished himself as...

the nation's foremost jurist

and Los Angeles has disgraced itself

as a Gomorrah where truth is bought

and sold like the head of
a... of a... rutabaga.

What are you waving about?

He just wants me out
of the picture, Chief.

This is why I have taken up
the cause of Emily Dodson.

When a state aims its annihilating power

against a mere individual,
who will stand up against it?

Who will defend the defenseless?

Who will fight for justice against
a heartless expediency?

This is what your readers need to know.

- REPORTER: Yes, of course. Uh...

Something else our readers
would like to know.

Where do you go to eat
when you have a night out?

I am fond of the French
dip at Phillipe's.

From a medical perspective,

what occurred on stage
was an epileptic seizure.

The Sister has a history
of these episodes.

And they can be treated
with a program of bromides

or Luminal.

But they won't do much good
without rest and relaxation.

Otherwise, you're asking
for a recurrence.

How long before she can return to work?

- DOCTOR BUNDY: Several weeks.
- Oh.

I cannot allow her to resume
the schedule she was on.

Dr. Bundy, you do not
have that authority.

- We... We appreciate your observation...
- Her schedule is what brought about...

Sister has had these episodes before,

and she's risen stronger each time.

In the meantime,
we need to tighten security

around the mansion.

And I will lead the temple in worship.

ELDER BROWN: No offense, Birdy, but...

you're not the orator,
your daughter is...

nor are you the one to
walk back the heresy

that went out on the wire.

(LAUGHS) Heresy?

ELDER BROWN: We're not running
a tent revival anymore.

We've scaled back the speaking
in tongues and miracle healings.

Let's leave raising the
dead to Christ our Father.

ELDER SEIDEL: The ramifications
of this latest message,

the Sister's unavailability,
threatens the financial health

of the assembly and every
elder in this room.

Wouldn't you agree, Herman?

has lost more than me.

A hundred thousand dollars
burned in a chimney

by conspirators...

one of which our church
publicly supports.

Brother Herman, it has
not escaped my notice

that you vacated your seat
on stage for the pews.

It's a wonder I'm still in the building.

BIRDY: I know it's... it's
been a challenging time.

- But a faith untested is a...
- HERMAN: You do not know.

Offense is taken every
time the Sister speaks

for my Matthew's harlot wife.

I won't go on playing the rube.

This church can no longer
afford to teeter on the whims

of hysterical women.

to prepare a statement

renouncing what the Sister
promised under her seizure.

Sister receives messages from God.

Those messages are the
bedrock of our church.

Absurdity! The cruelty...

of suggesting that she could bring
the child back from the dead.

You cannot pick and choose
which messages to believe

based on your convenience.

We decided this as a group.

Away from hysterical women.

ELDER BROWN: You will censor the Sister,

or the spigot will be turned off.

ELDER SEIDEL: I'm afraid it's not
a discussion, Mother McKeegan.

Elder Brown will lead worship.

I'll advise Sister of
your recommendations

when she's regained her strength.



I've reviewed your situation,

taking into consideration
the entirety of your...

your holdings.

That's your savings, stocks, and bonds.

Didn't fare too poorly in
the crash, considering.

TOD: No, sir. Not at all.

We also looked at your income,

income sources, potential collateral.

E.B.: Meaning my house?

Three mortgages on it, yes.

Your car, all of that.

It is my unfortunate duty
to inform you that...

twenty-five thousand
is simply not a number

we would be... comfortable with.

I'm sorry?

You see, the numbers here do not add up

- nearly close enough...
- I asked...

to meet with Howard Brown.

TOD: As I mentioned,
Howard is no longer with us.

He and his wife moved to Carpinteria,

- for the air, I think.
- Son,

I've got a lot of years with this bank.

Put in a call to Howard.

I spoke with the branch manager, sir.

And he also regrets to inform you...

Are you saying I'm not good for it?

That my loyalty, that my word,

and my relationship
with this institution,

with Howard...

I'm only asking for a
g*dd*mn measly loan.

A four-month loan.

TOD: I understand that, Mr. Jonathan.

I've got my savings.

TOD: Your savings are
propping up your law office,

and your mortgages...


DELLA STREET: Why didn't you tell
me the office was under water?

E.B.: Mind your damn business.


... Warner Brothers Studios.

And now, to draw to a close,
a very stirring number

with a dazzling...

OLIVER FOGG: Have you considered
where your eternal remains

will be laid to rest, Miss. Prystock?

Not terribly much, Mr. Fogg.

Then allow me to extoll

the sylvan virtues of Forest Lawn,

set amidst the undisturbed
nature of Glendale.

Sylvan virtues, he says.

OLIVER: Three hundred
acres, forever tranquil,

with very reasonable monthly payments

and headstones carved
in red Italian marble.

Hmm, someone looks ready
for burial right now.

Long day.

Locking lips with Chubby
Carmichael, were ya?

DELLA: No, goodness.

He's a married man, Della.

You should know better.

What's a dead man want
with red marble, Mr. Fogg?

To memorialize a life
well lived, of course.

- DELLA: Is this...
- OLIVER: Cod, from the genus Gadus,

creamed beyond recognition.

When you check yourself
into the Biltmore,

you can make your food requests known.

He didn't mean anything
by it, June. See?


You get your Mrs. Emily out?

- Take a load off, Dell.
- I'm gonna take it upstairs...

pretend I'm still a kid back home

and anything is possible.


- It's the Santa Ana.
- There's no Santa Ana.

- You feel it, don't you?
- GOLFER : Leave the kid out of it.

Go spot the ball, huh?


Five bucks says I could
bean him from here.

Hey, cut it out now.

Oh, man, that guy.

See those pictures in the paper?

Uh, is it me or does
printing a black bar

over your jimmy make it look worse?

GOLFER : What the hell's up now?

GOLFER : Hey, kid, those
are Tommy Armour specials.



- Oh!
- Oh, God.


Oh, smells like someone
had quite a night.

Unless you're working
on Old Overholt himself.

I wish I could pull my own brain out.

It's k*lling me.

Oh, I'd offer you an
eye-opener, but they...

tell me drink's illegal.

God love you.

Someone has to.

What do we got here?

John Doe,

found him in a sand trap
with his head blown off.



Those f*ckers!

- E.B.: Golf course?
- MASON: We had to make sure

it was the right place
so that he would end up

on Virgil's slab.

So, what it means, E.B.,
is that you now get

a second official autopsy
on the same body,

but this one will have
a shattered left hip,

and a b*llet wound in the shoulder.

And that means what, again?

You try shifting gears
in New Year's traffic

with a bum arm and no left hip.

Oh, I got a client who wants to
tell the whole world she's guilty.

I went from Herman Baggerly
to working pro bono.

- And now this.
- This is a huge, huge break.

Drake gave us the dentures,
he told us the blood trail

went up the fire escape, not down.

PETE: We figured George got
plugged with the two Polacks,

tried to escape via the
hallway, via the roof...

And got the heave-ho off the
building by the actual k*ller.

You're saying there's a fourth man?

There was a fourth man in the room.

It was the two Polacks, George...

- E.B.: And who?
- I don't know that yet.

And this Drake, he's gonna
testify to all this?

MASON: Not a chance. Police already made

their evidence fit the story.

Which pins it all on Gannon.

But we know he was already
dead in the alleyway.

How am I gonna get this into evidence?

That's what you're so good at.
And it's the truth.

The truth won't move wind chimes.

I need more than this.

We'll get you more.


E.B.: All right.

With the caveat that we never
had this conversation,

tell it to me one more time.
Load my lips.

George Gannon did not k*ll himself.

There was a fourth man.

There's a fourth man.
A baby-k*ller on the loose.

How's that for a headline?

Of course, I'm not going
in that direction,

but I did think that I owe you
a taste of what we've dug up.

Just so that you have a
chance to save some face.

Professional courtesy.

Always the gentleman, E.B.

George Gannon did not commit su1c1de.

The su1c1de note was donkey dust.

The crime scene was staged.

- By this fourth man.
- E.B.: Fourth man.

That's right. Not sure
of his identity yet.

But with the information
I have right here

and the investigative
powers of your office,

we'll get to the bottom
of this mess forthwith.

(CHUCKLES) And in return
for this courtesy?

Drop the charges against my client.


What do you got in there?

Drop the charges, I'll lift the latch.

Short of that, the particulars
need to stay with me.

I have a legal duty to
my client, Emily Dodson.

Are you enjoying this, E.B.?

I am, Mr. District Attorney.

BARNES: Let's relish it then, huh?

Let's remember this
feeling of victory, huh?

- Now, what are...

what are your legal
duties to Quentin Bates?

- Quentin Bates?
- BARNES: Or Birch Corp,

or Walter Thompson.

Let's see. Foster's Tool and Dye.


What about your legal
duties to Stella Chrome?

You know former clients
of mine, congratulations.

You stole from those clients
to keep from going under.

That's an outright lie.

You sure you wanna stand
by that? It's all right here,

with the particulars, as you put it.

I never stole from my clients.
I paid back every penny.

Misappropriated client escrow funds,

that's grand larceny under the law.

We all hit hard times before the w*r.

Everyone's moved a little
something. Oh, come on.

Let's hope the bar association
footnotes that fact

in your disbarment order.

There's no way you'd be
dredging up old ghosts

if you had a solid case.

No way. My boy Mason's right.

BARNES: You got three options here.

Plead Emily Dodson out,
take the case to trail,

or get yourself disbarred,

and that's the kind of news
that makes the cover

of the Law Journal, kid.

She's innocent.

BARNES: This goes out on Friday noon.

You let me know.

There's the door.

CHOIR: (SINGING) ♪ Every time I ♪

♪ Feel this feeling ♪

♪ Moving in my heart... ♪

That's enough.

No. You're not on the pulpit now,

it's enough when I say it's enough.

- Oh, come on. Don't be a brat.
- You don't listen.

BIRDY: No, that's your
problem, Daughter.

- Sister.
- Daughter.

We had an agreement about Emily Dodson.

- God thought otherwise.
- Oh, stop with that.

I sent everyone
downstairs, it's just us.

Do you hear that singing?

Yes, it's your audience,

come to keep vigil.

Half of them wanna kiss your feet.

The other half wanna k*ll you.

We've got bodyguards in the living room.

Reporters climbing in windows.

Elder Brown licking his chops.

(SIGHS) How am I to make this right?

That's not your job.

That's all my job is...

letting you run wild on our stage.

And I run myself sick
chasing your revelations.

What was true in the Bible
will be true again.

BIRDY: Oh, come on. I came up with that.

You... You had an episode. You misspoke.

I did not.

It was real, Mama.

You misheard.

Did I mishear him in Oklahoma?

He speaks, we do. You said that.

You think I want this, Mama?

Do you think I want God in my head?

You have a gift.

You have a spirit that moves people,

changes people, saves people.

Don't let your vanity squander it.

And if you truly believe
God told you to do this,

then you get his attention back.

And you tell him it can't be done.

- But it was...
- No, because it can't.

A box full of snakes
from our own people.

You... You...

You have to let me protect you.

You have to let me be your mother.



BARNES: He's a what?

Civil rights attorney.

He's suing the police department
for joining a vigilante mob

that dragged him out out of his hotel.

Write it up and bother me later.

- Frank.
- Hey, Maynard.

- Get the f*ck out.
- I'm peeing.

Pinch it off, stand outside,

make sure no one comes in. Now.


- Frank.
- FRANK: Yeah.

BARNES: Did you wash your hands?



What level of f*ck-up am I looking
at on People V. Dodson?

Detective Holcomb, is it some...

standard ground-floor form?

You and... you and junior here

give a little help with the crime scene?

With all respect, sir,

I got no idea what you're talking about.

Who k*lled Charlie Dodson?

HOLCOMB: (SIGHS) Uh, hard to say. Uh...

George Gannon, one of
the other two mugs.

If you want us to get
specific, we can do that.

Yeah. I want you to be specific

'cause I got Oliver Wendell Jonathan

blowing some fourth
man smoke in my face.

Why would he do that?

'Cause he's desperate and got no case.

If we'd had another minutes,

- you'd have a confession.
- (SCOFFS) Thirty minutes?

You had three f*cking days, Detective!

Couldn't break a f*cking housewife!

You arrested the wrong f*cking guy.

It was your office, sir,

that pushed us to arrest Mathew Dodson.

That's on you.

Detective Holcomb here
has done some ace work.

Dodson's lawyer ain't got shit.

Says his guy knows different.

Who, Perry Mason?

- He's a bum.
- BARNES: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Only a bum would hire him.

There's no fourth man,

and the housewife, she knew plenty.

- It's tight, sir.
- Yeah.

It ain't that tight,

and it sure as f*ck ain't "ace work."

You better pray E.B.'s bum ain't
playing this better than you are.


MASON: Linda, you're...
you're right. You're ab...

You're absolutely in the right, again.

I... I... I shouldn't...
I shouldn't have yelled.

But if you had just paid the
two cents, he could have...

LINDA: Don't start that
again, okay, Perry?

MASON: I'm... I'm not.
I'm... I'm absolutely not.

I'm... look, I am... I am so sorry.

LINDA: He just walked in.
You wanna talk to him?

Yes, please. Thank you, Linda.

LINDA: Honey, your dad is on the phone.

- Hey, Theodore.

- TEDDY: Come on, Dad.
- I know. I know. It's Teddy.

Hey, did you get the truck?
I... I am so sorry

that it came after
Christmas. I didn't...

I didn't put enough stamps on it.

You know how dumb I can be sometimes.

TEDDY: That's okay.

Did you like it?

TEDDY: No one really
plays trucks anymore.

What I really want is a ball glove,

the Eddie Collins one.

Eddie Collins, huh?

TEDDY: He plays second
base, just like me.

MASON: Okay. Well,
you know, I'll... I'll...

You like pictures of my
cock, you son of a bitch!

(GRUNTS) You like sneaking around,

sh1tting on people's lives?


I'll knock your f*cking
balls outta your ears.


- TEDDY: Dad? Are you there?
- You f*cking louse. (SPITS)

TEDDY: Are you still there?

And you owe me a wingtip.

f*cking milkmaid.

TEDDY: Dad? Hello? You still there?


I filed those motions, Chief.

Clerk said he'd have them
in front of the judge

in the morning...

Newshawks were camped...

I need every file we've
got from ' through ' .

DELLA: What are you looking for?

Just get them all. They're not here!

Well, we... we moved some
of our older records

- to your basement.
- My basement?

That's your idea of a filing system?

My filing system started in ,

and it's pristine.
And you can stop yelling

'cause I'm six feet away from you

and my ears are working just fine.

I... I just need you to do your job.

And how do you figure I'm not?

E.B.: I figure that if
you spend less time

sharpening that caustic
attitude you've mistaken

for attractive and more time organizing,

then we wouldn't be
having this conversation.

DELLA: Maybe you didn't hear
me when I first came in.

The motions I prepared for you,
that you signed unread,

those were filed.

The precedent that you couldn't
find for Emily, here it is.

I'll mark it with this
dry-cleaning receipt

for your court suits, which
are hanging in your closet.

I hope it helps. 'Cause what won't help

the only client you currently have,

a client who is rotting in jail

- right now...
- I know quite well

- what's going on.
- ... is the file for Foster's Tool and Dye

- signed in .
- Did you see the name on that door?

I'm the lawyer here.

Then act like one, goddammit.

And that may be your name,
but those associates,

that's me.

Drive yourself home.


Hand me a cigarette, would you?


- LUPE GIBBS: This hurt?
- MASON: Mm-hmm.

- LUPE: What about this?
- Yeah.

And this?


LUPE: Why you do that job, papi?

Maybe you're not so good at it anymore.

Fat-ass snuck up on me.


Sell me the house, papi,
give your face a vacation.

Seven thousand?

This is my parents' house.

I was born here.

This is the room I
shared with my brother.

We're actually on his bed.

One night he snuck out of that door,

and he never came back.

I lived in that little
boarded-up house outside

with my wife.

My son was born there.

I'm the only one left.

Everyone else is gone.

And I never even liked it all that much.


MASON: So...

I sell you this...

this house and you plow it under...


Well, who's gonna know
the Masons even existed?


Once you're gone, you're gone.

Whoever you are.

(SIGHS) Sister Alice
McKeegan would disagree.

Who? Crazy preacher lady?

- MASON: Mm-hmm.

No, no. Nobody's bringing
me back from the grave.

- MASON: Why not?
- Uh-uh.

Just means more screwing,
flying, and drinking.

What's wrong with that?

Not the same thing.

Los muertos.

They know things you
shouldn't know about.

Like who k*lled them?

This case is getting to you.


You have a little dark
halo around your head.

You don't see it.

I see it.


I'm just gonna put my head
here for a minute, then I go.




These floorboards,

they do squeak something awful.

You had a day, did you?

The Dodson girl?

Who needs proof she even did anything?

They'd stone her at the edge of
town tomorrow if they could.

Papers say she had a thing
with one of the kidnappers.

Well, imagine where we'd all
be if they could hang you

for who you f*ck?

Oh, my stars.

Such language, Miss Street.

I am so angry.

I don't know where to put it.


Do I get you till sun up?

I'm taking the day off.

Son of a bitch can see
how things go without me.


How are Myrna's hands?

Better than the rest of me.



- What?
- It's just me.

- E.B.: Della, can you get that?
- She's not here.

E.B. Jonathan & Associates.

Uh, yes, hold on.

DA's office.

He's away from his desk right now.

- Can I take a message?
- No, no, just hang up.

- Hang it up.

You know if we have that
interview with Matthew,

the one the detectives did at his house?

Something Matthew said, I need it.

I slept in my shoes, goddammit.


MASON: Something about
the guy on the phone

and the bag and what he said to Matthew.

Where is Della?

E.B.: How should I know?

Oh, goddammit.


My feet swell at night,

- hurts like a hemorrhoid.
- I wouldn't know.

You will, you will g*dd*mn know.

Got it.

And you'll wake up with a nose hair

the length of your arm,

half your friends in the cemetery,

and a million strangers in the street.

Can you... (GRUNTING) just...

- Yeah. Sure.

How old were you when we first met?

How old were you?

Oh, I was still in the
office on Winston Street,

between a blacksmith and a saddlery.

That's a growing business.

Your father showed up

in the most clapped-out
buckboard I'd ever seen.

A nag, and it looked like
death should be riding it.

MASON: Yeah, Pa could
be rough on the horses.

Yeah, a fence line dispute.

All he had was a few scraps
of paper and a copy

of what he thought was a land grant

from the King of Spain.

His son beside him on the seat.

He wanted me to see

what a man who worked
behind a desk looked like.

What does he look like?

Good as ever.


You all right?

I may have over served myself, boy-o.

Well, I got the latest
thing for a hangover.

Second autopsy, official.

- Oh?
- They'll crap themselves

when they figure out it's George.

Blacksmiths and saddleries...

You mind if I retrace
some of my steps today?

I think I can get you some of
that "more" you were asking for.

You do that, son.

You get all the answers.



CHURCH ELDER: Here's the
speech approved by the elders.


We love you, Sister Alice.

thank all the good people

who sent food, flowers,
and prayers these past days.

They have had their effect.

MALE ATTENDEE: Can't hear you.

I will be returning to the temple

before you can blink

- or burn a sheet of cookies.
- FEMALE ATTENDEE: Can't hear you.

I can't hear you.

I wish to thank Elder Brown
for his powerful leadership

in my absence.

And when I return,
I have promised him...

- OLD WOMAN: I can't hear you at all.
- ... and our wise...

I have promised him and our wise
elders to refocus my energies

on the good works of our ministry.

And the ever present...

I can't hear you, Sister.

Excuse me, brothers,
I can't talk behind a wall.


SISTER ALICE: Part the seas, friends.


What I have to tell you is hard.

Hard for me to say and
hard for you to hear.

I thought God wished
to use me as a vessel

to give the world a gift of...

life, of...


of resurrection.

But I see now, it was my ignorance...

my pride...

my arrogant, sinful pride.

- Brothers and sisters, I...
- DEVOUT MAN: Prepare the way.

- Prepare the way! Prepare the way!

Prepare the way! Prepare the way!

- Prepare the way.

Let me go!

This is for Charlie.

He'll be cold when he comes back.


Emily Dodson is innocent.

Charlie Dodson is in Purgatory.

And by these hands,

this year of our Lord, ,
in the City of Angels,

on Easter Sunday,

- Charlie Dodson will rise again!
- Daughter...


What is true in the Bible
will be true again.


Blasphemer! Blasphemer!

Blasphemer! Blasphemer!







Here's the desk.

So? This is it?

Well, you can see most
of the room from here,

so it's either this one
or the one next door...

We ain't gonna dirty the towels.


So, he's on the phone,

eyes on Matthew and
Emily the whole time.

When the guy says,
"Put the suitcase on the desk,"

Matthew says, "Not until I see my son."

PETE: So here comes Angel's Flight.

MASON: And Mr. Black Hat has Charlie.

So he takes him for a ride
down past the Dodsons.

PETE: Gives him a peek of the kid.

And they buy it 'cause
his eyes are sewn open.

They leave the cash,
go down and get their son.

NEWSBOY: Extree! Extree!
The latest on the Dodson case!

PETE: Black Hat leaves Charlie on board.

Then he jumps in the Phaeton.

Side-swiping the trolley,
running up toward th.

So that's one guy on the
phone, one holding the kid,

- one driving the vehicle.
- Three guys, three stiffs.

According to the cops, that's it.

Except we know there's a fourth.

Most likely in the wind.

- If you're gonna run,

why go to all that effort with George?

Drive him across town,
you fake the su1c1de.

Type the note,

supposedly burn the cash.

You do it because you
want the trail to stop.

The fourth guy set it up so
no one's looking for him.

'Cause no one is.

Except us.

So where the f*ck is he?

When can I go home?

Mr. Jonathan...

Uh, well, that's what I
need to talk to you about.

Emily, yours is... a complicated case.

I didn't do anything.

E.B.: Well, I know that. I believe that.

But anything...

I would have to quibble with
that word, Emily. Anything.

You had an affair with the
man who masterminded

the kidnapping and the
murdering of your son.

You lied to the police
about being asleep.

Uh, they get very motivated
when you lie to them.

Now, a jury of is gonna hear this,

and they will not believe
you as I believe you.

And I do believe you.

You have to understand that, Emily.

Miss Street said that Mr. Mason

was coming up with a lot of evidence.

Well, Mr. Mason's evidence
is coming up short.

My job...

my sworn duty...

is to get the best result for my client.

And sometimes, that means...


in the face of... of accusations,

however baseless...

Are we going to lose?

I think...

I know that I can get
you a reduced sentence.

T... T... Twenty years, tops,

and as harsh as that may sound...

You want me to say that I'm guilty?

E.B.: I...

There's a place...

in a town called Chino.

It... It's for women only.

I'm told that it's quite acceptable.


Twenty years?

Mr. Jonathan.

(WEAKLY) When the state, Emily...

The power of the state
wants to crush you,

no matter how minor your transgression

might seem to be.





No, we won't do this.

Will we?

You're gonna fight.

Because I believe in you, yes?

You're gonna fight.

Let me hear you say it.

I am... I am going to fight.

E.B.: G... Good girl.

And you are gonna help me, aren't you?

I promise. I'll do what's best.


Uh, will you open up here, please?

There is no way you can
get off the phone there

and make it all the way over here

before Emily is screaming for the cops.

What's the hurry?

Everybody's looking at the dead kid.

Could have strolled.
Stopped for tea even.

MASON: These guys are
looking at a m*rder rap.

Had every detail thought out.

They're not risking a long
walk into a hornet's nest.

So maybe our fourth guy,
he's... he's waiting nearby.

Matthew leaves the money
just sitting here,

the room is empty,

and this guy, this fourth f*cking guy,

just has to reach in,

grab the suitcase and...

Head thatta way.

Out to Hill Street, toward
the screaming mother

and gathering crowds.

That seem likely to you?

PETE: Not entirely.

Or through this building out the back.

Vanishing like the blush of innocence.

What? Something I read.

After you, Mr. Keats.


Used to be pretty much full,

business types, mostly,
before the crash anyways.

And you should know I was thanking God

this here a short building on that day.

Ain't wanting to clean up after
no splattered money men.

Did have a hanging though
in , used his belt.

This the only way out the back?

through this door here, yes, sir.

MASON: What the hell is that?


Connects this building
with the Elk's Club there.

I suppose you can get out that way.

If you had a mind to.


How do, friends?

Can't quite place your faces.

Visiting members?

Actually, we was thinking
about joining up.

- Might we look around some?
- Go ahead.

We're all brothers here.

MASON: Brotherly love.

Fidelity, charity, and justice.

ELK'S CLUB MEMBER: Our cardinal virtues.

Believe those, and
you're practically an Elk.

The fidelity one, that a deal breaker?


It's the poor little ones.

Do you mind if we... ?

- Thank you.


♪ Where you are ♪

♪ Someone far from harbor ♪
♪ You may guide across the bar ♪

♪ Brighten the corner ♪

♪ Where you are ♪


EMCEE: Well, isn't that
the real Angel's Flight?

Let's hear it, friends.



EMCEE: I know we all want
to do whatever we can

for these kids.

And nothing's better for
a sickly disposition

- than fresh air and sunshine.

But before we send them up
to Big Bear for the summer,

we need to raise the cash.


I have here a dandy set
of gold-plated antlers

that any Elk will be proud of.

What can you bid?


- Three.

EMCEE: I have three. Do I hear four?

Can I hear four?


EMCEE: Three-fifty.

Do I hear four?

- I didn't know you cared.

- My nine-year-old's on the left

- with the braids.
- MALE AUCTION ATTENDEE: Four and a half.

ENNIS: The hell you doing here?

Just looking for justice.

Charity. Can I count on you support?

Oh, you don't get my vote.

Not much brotherly love,

but a lot of coincidence.

- Oh, how's that?
- You, member of this lodge,

one building over from where
the kidnappers staked out.

I'm here two or three times a week, pal.

It's my social club.

- That's why I'm social.
- Were you here that night?

I don't know. Run me in and find out.

Would you hold up as
well as Emily Dodson?

You're like every amateur
d*ck I ever met.

Think you caught a fish,
all you done is hook your own ass.

Oh, no, I'm too stupid
to think I'm right.

- Nine dollars.
- EMCEE: I have nine.

Do I hear ten?


Nine going once.

Twice. Sold!

Thank you, brother.


I hope she has a great summer.

EMCEE: Next, we have
a silver loving cup,

beautifully engraved
with a majestic bull elk.










We have promising evidence coming in.

You're being railroaded,
Emily, and it's wrong.

But I can help you.

- MAN: Look, I'm on the Dodson case.

This guy, Joe Ennis?
Things ain't adding up.

Let's you and me have a talk.

The age of miracles is here again!


Can I be saved, Sister?

You're here for a reason.
You and me both.

WOMAN: Stashing evidence,
hidden secrets...

Just how illegal is this?

The way I see it, there's what's legal

and there's what's right.