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01x02 - The Menendez Murders: Episode 2

Posted: 05/09/21 17:10
by bunniefuu
LESLIE: Fifteen sh*ts from a shotgun.

There's only one thing that can generate that level of anger: Family.

José and Kitty Menendez, sons Lyle and Erik.

Are the boys suspects?

Everyone's a suspect.

No one's been officially eliminated.

My father's a strong disciplinarian.

My mother was the great tragedy in all of this.


This is my therapist, Dr. Oziel.

I heard the phone ring.

Was that your wife?

It was about a patient, Erik Menendez.

JUDALON: The one whose parents got k*lled?



What's wrong?



I am Leslie Abramson.

I'm here to see my client, Roberto Lopez.

He was injured.

He's stable.

He's out of danger.


Let's go back to bed.

I want to see him.

She just said he's okay.

Come on, we're meeting the adoption lawyer in five hours.

I want to get some sleep.

I need to make sure Roberto is okay.


is this how it's gonna be with the new kid?

You're gonna be the absentee mom, like you were with Laine?


First of all, the new kid is going to have two parents.

Secondly, you knew what you were getting into when you married me.

This is one of the things you were getting into.

Thank you.



Roberto, honey, it's Leslie.

Oh, my God, look at you.


This man has been laying here for hours and nobody's washed his face?

He's all sewn up.

It won't do him any harm.


I want a bowl of water and a towel, right now.

My goodness, I'm sorry, honey.

I'm gonna get you all washed up.

It's okay.

Oh, boy, look at you.

All right, I'm gonna be very gentle.

I'm gonna make you look like your handsome self again, okay?


LINEHAN: Lyle bought a new Porsche, Erik a Jeep.

They bought watches, clothes, stereos...

Maybe this is how the rich grieve.

What about their alibi?


No ticket stubs.

We haven't located the car they were driving.

A Ford Escort.

We need a break from the police gods.

If you get one, page me.

And heads up, Mr.

Reiner's planning a run for state AG.

He'll need headlines.

We'll do our best.

Most of this spending is Lyle's.

He erased the computer files about the will.

He seems to be driving this.

Older brother.

Makes sense.

Tips from psychics.

Inquiries from agents and producers.

Don't you have an agent, Les?


A call from a Donovan Goodreau, New York area code.

Says he's...

Lyle's best friend.

Looks like we're going to New York.



It's Lyle.


What's that asswipe doing there?

Just working on the script.

Lyle, I...


I can't stay here anymore.

I don't feel safe.

Erik, settle down.

Nothing will happen to you.

Come stay with me.

I'll get you on a redeye on a private charter.


I'll take care of you, buddy.

So this is where it happened, huh?

So how about it, chief?

How'd it go down?




You know, Uncle Carlos' friend thinks we should invest in a condo.

Maybe in the Marina.


But if you're gonna live at UCLA...

I'm not going to UCLA.

I'm turning pro.

My coach thinks I'm ready...

It was Dad's dream.

I keep thinking of him, sitting there, encouraging me.


He was yelling at you, Erik.

Sorry we didn't get a chance to clean up.

We came right from the airport.

I didn't think you'd really fly all the way out here just to talk to me.

Nothing to worry about, Donovan.

We came east to talk to everyone connected to the Menendez family.

Well, I read about the murders in the paper.

I tried calling Lyle.

He changed his number.

I haven't seen him since I moved out of his dorm last May.

How's he doing?

Is he okay?


Was that how you met, in the dorm?


His girlfriend Jamie introduced us.

I was at Princeton.

You know, money was tight.

I was sleeping in my truck.

Lyle let me crash in his dorm.

That was nice of him.


We bonded because of our dads.

They're both take-charge hardass types.

Lyle complained about his dad?

He was happy there was 2,000 miles between them.

I met his dad.

I went out to LA with Lyle last Easter.

He actually prepped me.

Lyle and me kicked around ideas, like a college circuit for rock bands.

LYLE: Don't tell him that.

He knows the music business.

He ran RCA.

And give him a plan, like a business plan.


My glass has been sitting here empty for the last ten minutes.

My dad always gives waitresses a hard time.

Yeah, my dad gives everybody a hard time.

What about your mom?

Does she cut you any slack?

Look, you can't repeat this to anybody.

My dad had an affair that really hurt her.

She's turning into a basket case.

I could k*ll him for what he's doing.

I didn't make a big deal.

People say that all the time, right?

Like, he'd just been saying what a great guy his dad was.

People at his work said your brother could be demanding.

Did you ever see that kind of behavior?

José had high standards for the people who worked for him.

The same standards he had for himself.

What about at home with his family?

High standards there too?

My brother didn't coddle Lyle and Erik, if that's what you mean.



Is Erik up?

Erik slept over last night.

Lyle, why don't you come talk to us while your aunt gets Erik out of bed?

The ticket stubs for Batman?

I don't know where, unless they're in the car.

Erik's car, the Ford Escort?

That one.

Is that one of the watches you bought after the memorial?

Before the memorial.

You know, that was sort of a reaction, to everything.



Erik and I are concerned that things we think are unrelated, we'd rather they not get out to the press.

Nothing's getting out to the press from us.

I read an article that said my dad was shot eight times from three feet away.

Then my grandmother reads this...

That's from the coroner, not us.

Like this stuff about organized crime?

That's the worst thing my dad could imagine, to be associated with that.

I won't believe it until I see something.

Well, that makes two of us.

ZOELLER: We're not here to nail you.


People think police are jerks.

Generally we are, but..

We're not gonna be with you.


I have a question that I've wanting to ask.


If I would have gotten a g*n from my parents' bedroom and walked out of the house with it...

Which maybe I would've done if I was in a different state of mind...

What would the police have done?

Told you to drop the g*n.

Not just shot and k*lled me?

Not after the 911 call from Lyle.


But normally that's a pretty good way of getting yourself k*lled.

You thinking about hurting yourself, Erik?

No, no.

No, I was just curious.



Um, have you spoken to Jerry Oziel?

He's a psychiatrist.

No, we never heard that name.

I had to see him after the Calabasas thing.


He had many meetings with my parents.

He'd be able to help you.

Well, you'd have to give him permission to talk to us because there's doctor-patient confidentiality, but...




We got to go meet Jamie and Kelly.



Don't wear that while you're in LA.

Someone might steal it.



Bad guys have been driving around, following people home, and robbing their Rolexes, selling them for $2,500.


Where can I sell mine for $2,500?

Erik, don't forget to call that doctor.

GERALD: No, you told the boys they weren't suspects, and I asked you to notify me if they became suspects.

And now I find out you named them as suspects in a warrant application for phone records.

You lied, Detective.

No more interviews except through me.



Just got my wee-wee slapped by Chaleff.

Well, I'm sure you deserved it.

Records show calls to a Glenn Stevens.

He lived in the dorm with Lyle.

Lyle called him twice the day after the murders.

LESLIE: Manslaughter is a good deal, Roberto.

We hung this jury, but who knows what the next one's gonna do?

Okay, Miss Leslie.

I trust you like family.

I'll take the deal.

Good boy.


The shyster lawyer.

You know, Abramson, I still think I should k*ll you.

That you, Willy?

It's always a delight to see you, pal.

Yeah, you too, Goldilocks.

Former client.

Threatened to k*ll me every day if I didn't win his trial.

I got him a hung jury.

He walked.

Well, he doesn't sound grateful.

I'm not sorry.

I did my job.

We're not gonna BS you, Glenn.

Lyle and Erik are suspects.

Not triggermen, but maybe they ordered a hit.

Lyle's always telling me about how brilliant his dad was.

Are you sure?


We suspect, but we don't know.

Okay, 'cause...

Lyle made me a partner in this restaurant chain we're setting up, so...

In other words, you got a good thing going, so maybe you're holding out on us?


No, no, I've told you guys everything.

Well, did you know he wears a wig?

He started going bald up here in high school, and his dad started making him wear a wig.

How about that?

You seeing Lyle anytime soon?

No, him and Erik went back to LA.

Hey, a reporter from the LA Times called to interview me.

We don't mind.

Tell the whatever you want.

You know he's gonna sh**t his mouth off to the Times.

It's okay.

We can use it.




Our lawyer said I can't talk to you.

I just wanted to give you this.

Today's LA Times.

Lyle's buddy, Glenn Stevens, told some reporter Lyle's a suspect.

A suspect?

Why would he say that?

Ask Lyle.

Everything okay between you two?

I got the vibe he bosses you around.

You'd better go.

Keep it.

Glenn says the reporter twisted his words.

He swears he told him the cops think I'm a suspect.

Why would he even say that to a reporter?

The reporter got him confused.

You know Glenn.

He's a dumb hockey jock.

Just calm down.

I can't.

I can't stand it, Lyle.

People drive by the house, looking in the windows.

No one's looking through the windows, Erik.

It feels like it.

You don't live here!

You don't know.

You're far away.

No one's going to hurt you, Erik.

Just remember what Dad taught us.

Master of our emotions.

"If I feel fear, I will plunge ahead." You're a Menendez.

You're gonna do great things.


When did he call?

Give me his number again.

Erik Menendez, sounds urgent.

Thanks, honey.

I'll be home soon.

Erik, it's Dr. Oziel.

I can see you first thing tomorrow...

That works.


Everything will be fine, Erik.

I promise.

It sounds like a severe anxiety attack.

Come in.

Have a seat, Erik.


Can we go for a walk?


I keep having this dream I'm being chased.

I see my parents...

I think it would be better if I was dead.

We did it.

We did it.


KIDS: Trick or treat!

I love your costumes.


Great costumes.

KIDS: Thank you!

You're welcome!


OZIEL: You should sit down, Lyle.

I want to talk to Erik alone.

He told me everything.

How you shot your parents.

Where you bought the shotguns.

Oh, God.


I had to tell somebody.

I wanted to k*ll myself.

I don't want to fight with you, Lyle.

I love you.

How much could you love me when you trust a doctor more than your own brother?

This is just great.

We have a very big problem.

He could go to the police...

OZIEL: I wouldn't.

The therapist-patient relationship is confidential.

Excuse me.


No, Erik...

no, no, no.

Hey, Erik.




Your tone is very menacing.

Now, I think you and I should go back in and talk.

I don't have anything to say to you.

Good luck, Dr. Oziel.



Listen to me very carefully.

I think we're in danger.

A patient just made a very troubling confession.

I want you to take the girls to a hotel.

Leave the house as soon as possible.

Do it.

I'm dictating this session I had with Erik and, ultimately, Lyle Menendez...

Lyle, I'm sorry.

I just wish you'd come to me first.

You didn't tell him, did you?

About that?




I'll figure something out.

Lyle Menendez told a friend he wanted to k*ll his father because he cheated on his mother.

Then there's the erased will.

This is all you have?

Look, these boys aren't criminal geniuses.

If you hadn't treated them with kid gloves, they'd be in jail already.

They will be, Mr. Reiner.

They better.

The McMartin case goes to the jury next week.

After they convict, the attention will be on this.

On you, Detectives.

On your success or failure.

No, I took those steps only to protect myself and my family.

But I'm reassured that you agreed to another session.

I want to help you work out the issues that led you to k*ll your parents.

I don't want to work anything out with you.

It could help if you were arrested.

A record of our sessions could show remorse, Lyle.

If you felt guilty about the money you'll inherit...

This wasn't about the money.

Everybody thinks we were this perfect family.

But we were a disaster.

How do you mean?

A disaster, Lyle?

I'm still having those thoughts about hurting myself.

I want them to stop.

What we did to our mom was horrible.

You told me she was depressed.

That she wanted to end her life but couldn't.

In that context, you did her a favor.

That's it.

We're done here.


No, you know what, it sounds like he's trying to blackmail us.

We need to make sure he keeps his mouth shut.


Lyle, what are you talking about?

Look, I'll talk to Mr. Chaleff.

Maybe he can deal with Oziel.

Look, that's crazy, okay?

I never said that.

You bragged at a frat party that Erik confessed to you and you were gonna make millions off the story.

You said the same thing to a tennis coach.

Look, I...

Erik told me how him and Lyle shot their parents, okay?

But then he said, "It could've happened that way." So I didn't know if I should actually believe him or not.

We need Erik on tape.

You're gonna wear a wire.


I do know what you're talking about.

SERVER: Burger and fries.

Thank you.

And the swordfish goes here.

This spinach...

This spinach is mushy.

Do you have spinach that's, like, spinach?


By the way, happy birthday.


I'm what, like, two, three days late?

Yeah, I had a huge birthday party.

Me, myself, and my brother.

Really big.

I would have been there, chief, except you didn't call me.

You missed the best part.

A healing Mass.

It was my aunt's idea.

A healing Mass?

Like with a real priest?


No, he heals the soul.

He starts doing this thing in Latin.

I went through a trance for, like, ten minutes.

I could not open my eyes.

Then I saw this swirling circle like this, and...

I'm going through the center of it, and then all of the sudden, I saw my parents in heaven.

I was praying in front of them on my knees.

I hope you liked the new draft of the script.


I'm just excited.

No, it's good.

It's really good.

Your parents would be impressed.

Yeah, I want to write the story about that.

What about?

Kid kills parents, somebody else kills kid's parents.

We dramatize it, completely change the names.

You know, make it about...

You know what?

Don't even mess with that.

No, I know...

There's so many people around saying, like...

"So-and-so k*lled your parents," and...

I'm gonna find out.

I'm gonna...

I'm gonna blow the guy's brains out.

You already told me you did it, right?

No, don't even mess with that anymore.

You know I didn't k*ll my parents.

There's no way that I could have, especially in the way that it happened.

The police think it could have been us.

Makes no difference to me because we didn't do it.

Here, give this to the waiter.

I'm going to the john.

I guess that didn't help much?



For God's sake.



"I can't live without you"?

What kind of nonsense is that?

I can't be alone anymore.

Please let me stay with you.


At my house, with my family?

Please, Jerry.

Don't leave me by myself.

Next time I'll really do it.

Okay, okay.

Just stop, stop.

I'll call Laurel.


I'll come up with something.

Just stop...

Stop crying, stop crying.

Make me better, Doctor Daddy.

I've asked Dr.

Oziel to conduct an extensive psychological assessment.

Whatever you tell him is confidential.

Your secrets are safe here.

OZIEL: Have a seat.

We'll hold three sessions a week to begin.

Maybe more later.

I can't do that.

I have to be in Princeton for my business.

Whether you attend or not, it doesn't affect my fee.

Let's start.

I do feel sorry for her, Jerry.

Maybe a normal family environment will do her some good.

But you have to promise me...

My interest in her is only as a concerned mental health professional.

Once I get her stabilized, she'll move back to her own place.

We're gonna miss the movie.

Have fun.

Bye, Daddy!

They're gone.


What's the matter?

I owe so much money.

I need $5,000.

You want me to make you a loan?

A loan?

You should just give it to me.

If you leave by the end of the week.

You can't kick me out.

Don't you like having me right here?

For you.

We can have all the sex we want once you're back at your own place.

If you kick me out, I'll go to the cops and I'll tell them that Lyle and Erik confessed to you.

Don't even joke about it.

You'll be k*lled.

The boys can't k*ll me 'cause they don't know who I am.

If you turn them in, I absolutely would tell them you did it.

I have an arrangement, and you're not gonna mess it up.

You hear me?

Larry childproofed his house.

It's crazy.

You can really get carried away.

Can you leave that there, please?

Can you turn the volume up a little bit?

REPORTER: José and Kitty Menendez.

So this is our nooner?

You, me, and the Menendez brothers?

It doesn't add up.

These boys did not want for anything growing up.

Rich greedy brats.

That's not what the people who know them say.

Good athletes, good students, polite, well-behaved.

People like that don't just wake up and turn into Charlie Manson.

Their disconsolate sons, Erik and Lyle, are seen here ushered in by family shortly before the service.

Nice serve, Erik.

Aunt Marta.

Noelle, this is my Aunt Marta, the one from Miami.

Erik talks about you all the time.

Nice to meet you.

Erik, can I speak to you for a minute?

Yeah, yeah.

Is she new?

Yeah, I met her in Lake Tahoe.

Her parents are therapists.

She really gets me.

That's good.



I need to talk to you about these bills from Dr. Oziel.

$7,000 just for December?

Just pay him.

Aunt Marta, he's really helping.

And anyway, we're gonna settle the estate, and everything'll be great, all right?

All right!

Nice improvement in the footwork.

Keep it up.

Sure, yeah.

I'm starting to feel ready.


So Mark thinks I can qualify for the Tel Aviv Open next month, and...

I don't know, I'd...

I'd really like you to be there, if you can.

It's right in the middle of midterms.

Anyway, I wouldn't want to distract you.

My mom would be happy.

She was always giving me deadlines to get a girlfriend.

REPORTER: The jury in the McMartin preschool trial found Ray Buckey and his mother not guilty of 52 counts of molestation.

The jury deadlocked on another 13 counts.

A mistrial was declared.

We're retrying Buckey.

Pam, you'll lead the prosecution.

Elliott'll take over Menendez.

You're taking me off Menendez?

Mr. Reiner, the police think they're close to a break.

And frankly, retrying Buckey doesn't seem like a good use of our time.

Buckey's guilty, and you're going to convict him.

That's my gal.

A retrial's a loser.

It's eye candy for the election.

It's time to show you're a team player, Pam.



Did someone move the furniture?

Judalon did.

She said I had terrible taste.

But that's not all.

Tell your father what she said to you.

She said that she was having an affair with you and that she was just gonna take Mom's place.


That you and Mom are gonna get a divorce...

Honey, that's not true.

And that she's gonna take care of us because you and Mom don't love us anymore.

None of that's true.

None of that's true.

We love you.

She's in the maid's room, Jerry.

I want her out now.

You lunatic.

They're lying.

You're out!

Jerry, I can take better care of you than she can...

Shut up!

Take your stuff and leave.

You can't do this.

I'll go to the police.

You do that, and I'll be the least of your problems.

Now pack.




What law firm are you with?

And how do you spell her first name?


Can I put you on hold for one second?

A lawyer representing a Judalon Smyth.

Never heard of her.

Lawyer says she's Dr.

Oziel's girlfriend.

He says she heard Erik and Lyle confess.


I'm Dr. Jerome Oziel.

This is my house.

Dr. Oziel.

I'm Deputy District Attorney Elliott Alhadeff.

We have a search warrant for six audiotapes with information on the murders of José and Kitty Menendez, including statements taken by you.

We also want your appointment books and keys to any safety boxes.

Do you understand what I just explained?

I'd like to make it clear in no way shape or form did I violate confidentiality or know anything about this search, as evidenced by the state of undress of my wife.

I just want that clear.


That bitch.

How do you do?

I'm Lyle Menendez.

I'm developing a chain of buffalo wings restaurants near colleges throughout the country, and I'm interested in your location.

You ready to go, buddy?



Turn off the vehicle.

Here, hang on to it for me.

Keep your hands where we can see them!

Put them up!

Let's go!


Get out.

Get out.

Let's go!

Let's go, out of the car!

Stay put right there.

Lyle Menendez, you're under arrest for the suspicion of m*rder.

In the vehicle.

Watch your head.



Aunt Marta?

It's Erik.

Where are you?

I'm in Israel for a tournament.

Listen, Aunt Marta, they...

They arrested Lyle.

And I have to go home to surrender.

This lawyer, Robert Shapiro, arranged it.

I'm flying through London.

I'll get you a flight that stops in Miami so Andy and I can fly with you to LA.

We know you and Lyle didn't do this.

Thanks, Aunt Marta.

I have to go.


This is Mr. Shapiro.

He arranged your surrender.

Just do what the detectives say, Erik.

Erik Galen Menendez, you're under arrest for suspicion of m*rder.

LYLE: Erik?


Is that you?


I can't believe Shapiro surrendered Erik without preconditions.

This is a pill case.

When the boy flew back through London, Shapiro could have forced Reiner to extradite him from the UK with a promise not to seek the death penalty.

Shapiro might've cost your client his life.

What a dummy.

Well, it didn't occur to me either.

Look, I may have conflict issues that are gonna push me off this case.

Each kid needs his own lawyer.

Jill Lansing can step in for Lyle, but would you consider representing Erik?

I think it might be a good fit.

What's the evidence against them?

Audio notes from a shrink.

Erik made admissions during therapy sessions.

That's privileged.

DA is never gonna get those tapes in.

The DA seems to think they fall under an exception to the privilege.

Hi, Erik.

I'm Leslie Abramson.

Thank you for coming, Ms. Abramson.


I skipped lunch.

But I bought trail mix.

I know you're an athlete, so you probably eat healthy.

Thank you.

I like trail mix.


I read that your father's family is from Cuba.

It's an interesting history, Cuba.

Cortés, you know, the conquistador, was the mayor of Santiago in the 1500s, before he went off to Mexico.

Yeah, I read about that in my history class.

Do you like history?


Yeah, me too.

So, um, Mr. Chaleff tells me that you have been very upset since your parents died.

Very upset about your mom, especially.

She didn't deserve it.

You know...

It's all right, honey.

I know you're scared.

Whatever happened, Erik, whatever you did or did not do, I will not let you get rolled over.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

I will not let them roll over you.


you want to tell me what happened?

There you go, buddy.

Hi, Lyle.

I'm Leslie Abramson.

Nice to meet you.

Trail mix?

So Erik and I had a good talk.

Are you gonna take our case?

If I feel I can believe in it, I will do it.

No matter what, there's a couple of things you need to know to protect yourselves.

You do not talk with anyone but your lawyer about your case.

That includes those nice deputies that brought you in.

They're not your friends.

Everything you tell them goes straight to the police.

That includes other inmates.

Jail is full of informants.

Snitches, rats, all trying to beat their cases by making yours, okay?

Erik said he liked you.

He trusted you.

I liked him too.

He's a very polite kid.


If I take the case, I would represent him, but I would want to lead the defense for both boys.

Can you tell me anything about Erik?

His home life with his parents?

Jeopardy dinners.

José used to quiz the boys at dinner.

The Pershing is a nuclear m*ssile that the Reagan Administration wants to put in Europe.

But the Soviets don't want them to.

Why not?

Why don't the Soviets want Pershing missiles in Europe?

Because it's too close to Russia.

Look at this.

Look what Erik is doing.

Don't you think this is sissy?

Don't you think it's about time Erik grows up and eats his whole meal?

This is what a little f*gg*t does.

He plays with his food.

Come on, José.

All kids are picky.

Go ahead, f*gg*t, eat your food.

Two counts of m*rder with special circumstances have been filed against Lyle and Erik Menendez.

A warrant was ex*cuted to seize tapes from a Beverly Hills psychologist.

Isn't there a doctor-patient privilege?

Not when there's a continuing threat of v*olence to others.

What about a motive?

Well, it's been our experience that $14 million provides ample motive for someone to k*ll somebody.

Thank you.

After a month's long campaign of harassment against these young men, after violating their Sixth Amendment rights and finding zero evidence, the Beverly Hills Police and the district attorney gave up any pretense of legality and invaded the privacy of a person's relationship with their doctor by seizing the notes of Erik's psychologist.

Based on this ill-gotten hearsay evidence, Erik and Lyle are sitting in jail.

But it's worse than that.

Mr. Reiner, who wants to be our attorney general, is at w*r with the most basic social contract we have, the doctor-patient privilege.

Any one of us who sees a doctor, or consults a lawyer, or confides in a priest, a minister, a rabbi, had better be worried.

Because Mr. Reiner doesn't give a damn about your privacy.

Someone has to stop him.

And we will.