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02x12 - Sun and Fun

Posted: 05/12/21 07:30
by bunniefuu
MARTIN (ECHOES): This is about family.



Everything I'm doing, everything I've done...


He was never with us.



MARTIN: It's all for you.

For us.



I heard what happened at the farm.

The Surgeon's gone.


So all eyes are on his head case son, right?

The criminal profiler who couldn't find his own father.

No one cares about that.

I care.

I can't live like this.

Knowing he's out there somewhere.

He could come for me at any time.

That's not what scares you.

What scares you is living the rest of your life without your father in it.

No, my mistake was underestimating him.

It was brilliant, really, using the other inmates as a diversion.

- Bright.

- But to craft an alternate escape plan?

Martin must have had another ally.

- Someone I missed.

- Give it a rest.

For once in your life, slow down and acknowledge what this is doing to you.

Where's Vivian Capshaw?




License and registration, please.



Sorry, did I do something wrong?

All right.




Can I get a peek in your trunk?


(LAUGHS): No, I'm messing with you.

- Oh.

- Your left taillight's out.

I'd be happy to take a look back there, tell you if it's the bulb or the fuse.

That's a kind offer.

Oh, it's just a little common courtesy for a, uh, a nice lady driving alone at night.

I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Ooh, I've heard that one before.

You know, in my defense, they don't make 'em prettier than you.


Pretty and nice?

We're so lucky to have a strong, confident man like you protecting us from...

the unsavory elements of society.

Can I go now?

You headed for the beach?

A little sun and fun?

That's the plan.


You can go.


Drive safe now.



They were having sex.

My father and-and Vivian Capshaw.

The woman made a mistake.

Doesn't mean she was boffing a convicted serial k*ller.

During my last visit, my father was preoccupied with some sort of erotic fantasy.

Uh, that's TMI, bro.

But what if it wasn't just a fantasy?

There were candy wrappers.


Martin had them tucked away, like little mementos, indicating some sort of significance.

If I'm right, at the very least, Vivian is lying about the severity of her lapse in judgment.

At worst, she's the one who broke my father out of Claremont.



Call me if you turn up with an actual lead.

And as for you, you're off my case.

You said yourself I'm in a unique position to help you find Martin Whitly.

That was before I spent yesterday barking up the wrong tree.

This doesn't mean we can't run a parallel investigation.


- That's exactly what it means.

Gil, please.

You know how much I need this.

DANI: Stop.

I am scared.

You barely made it through the last manhunt.

You are not gonna survive another one.

Go home, Malcolm.

I'm not ordering you this time, I'm begging you.

AINSLEY: The Surgeon has been missing for days, and Gil wants to take you off the case?

He thinks I'm a liability.

Don't they even want to bring Dad in?

Dead or alive.

Case closes either way.


AINSLEY: Maybe keep a lid on the death wish just for the sake of your children?

I support Gil's decision.

That does not mean I want your father dead.


You have become consumed by this, Malcolm.

You cannot keep tormenting yourself in some desperate attempt to understand his twisted mind.

I love you.

Both of you.

More than I hate him.

Now, it is time that we pour ourselves a drink, hunker down, and let the police do their work.

What are your theories, exactly?


Vivian Capshaw.

She didn't just unshackle Martin.

She helped him escape.

Well, if he's gotten into her mind, then she's a victim, no matter how complicit.

They have to understand that.

She's also missing.

So Dad and this woman are just out there somewhere, together?

That's the theory.

But they don't believe it.

So no one's looking for her.

Look, I know you don't care about Martin.

But what about a brainwashed woman trapped in the clutches of an unleashed serial k*ller?

Vivian Capshaw isn't just a victim.

She could be victim number .

Well, then, we have to find her.



I hoped that we'd have all this someday, didn't you?



Cold drink.

The water view.

Because of you..., today is someday.

No, no, no, darling, don't try and get up.

We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, would we?

I can't...

I can't feel my legs.

I know you can't.

You were trapped in the trunk of my car for hours.

Oh, and when we finally arrived here, I took the liberty of administering a lidocaine spinal block as well.


What did you...?

CAPSHAW: It was for your own good, sweetheart.

I was worried... very worried...

That the abrupt change of scenery could be jarring.


...what do you remember?


Crossing the threshold to freedom?

You probably didn't even feel - the needle in your neck.

- Ah...



- CAPSHAW: It was quite the journey.

Finally, we can be together.


Welcome home.




(WHISPERING): Is that Jessica Whitly?



Uh, may we join you?


- J-Jessica.

I'm not sure that's appropriate.

Aw, do they still have that...

Thank you so much...

Chopped Thai ginger salad?


It's been years.

Oh, still, there's nothing like the kick of a little spicy peanut dressing to get you through that post-lunch myectomy.


Dr. Stengel.

It's me, Malcolm.

Malcolm Whitly?


All grown up, yes.

You might have recognized me better if you hadn't shunned us after my father's arrest.

JESSICA: Oh, there, there, darling.

Raymond was only sacrificing his personal integrity in order to appease the hospital donors.

What are you doing here?

Have the police found Martin?



And they won't.

Not without your help.

BRIGHT: I have reason to believe my father has taken a hostage, a correctional medicine physician at Claremont Psychiatric.

Look, I don't see what that has to do with me.

Learning about her is how I catch him.

Victimology is an important subset of forensic psychology.

- What is it you do for a living?

- It's an emerging profile.

But to truly understand Dr. Vivian Capshaw, I need more.

And that's where you come in.

Look, I don't have access to those kinds of records.

Oh, you have a crony on the board of every hospital in this city.

Now, we need to know every secret there is to know about Vivian Capshaw.

Did your father and I ever tell you the story?

How we met?


It was a hospital benefit.

Black tie.

Of course, the best Martin could muster was a navy suit and brown shoes.

But somehow I managed to see past the shoes when Raymond introduced us.

I never properly thanked you for that introduction, Raymond.


I will find out what I can.

I need Capshaw's file.

A list of all her patients, their cases...

Fine, I'll get it, all of it.

Just please leave.


According to Capshaw's file, Logan Zeiger was one of her last patients at St. Sebastian's.

So this guy's the reason she resigned?

We know Vivian likes to blur the lines of authority.

Maybe Martin wasn't her first office romance.



Mr. Zeiger is in meetings all day.

What's in that room?

Who are you?

- My assistant.

- Long-suffering.

ASSISTANT: I'm sorry, I have to ask you to leave.

Ms. Whitly would really like to include Mr. Zeiger's comments on Dr. Vivian Capshaw for her segment.


Don't touch anything.


What happened to him?


- ASSISTANT: He's paralyzed.

A high-level cervical spinal cord injury.

Can he talk?

(RASPY VOICE): Hell yes, I can talk.

But the Dow doesn't look kindly on invalids.

The hospital considered my condition inoperable.

Must have seen doctors until Vivian...

Vivian's surgery paralyzed you, didn't it?

Do you hold her responsible?

Vivian helped me when no one else would.



I think you should go.


Tell me, please, Logan.

Tell me how she helped you.


My collection...

She sends me a piece every year to mark the occasion of my surgery.

The day...

I became a survivor.


you tell me why you're here.

We're investigating the escape of Martin Whitly from Claremont Psychiatric Hospital.

We have reason to believe that Dr. Capshaw acted as his accomplice.

Vivian is not some criminal.

She's a hero.

She is my hero.


You really need to leave.

You stay... you stay away from her.


- You s...

stay away from her.

What are you thinking?

I don't think Vivian is the victim here.

I think our father is.


What's a water view if you can't enjoy it, right?

I'm not used to this type of...


I know.

This could take some getting used to.


How about another drink?

We can't stay here, though, Vivian.

You know, there are people looking for me.

But no one's looking for me.

All police see when they look at me is a victim.

But Martin Whitly...

Ooh, the Big Bad Wolf, the bogeyman, The Surgeon.

People take comfort in confining women to their expected roles.

So, yes, we can stay here.

You're finally free.


Let's get that drink.







- JESSICA: Hello?

- (WHISPERS): Jessica.

- Martin?

- Yeah, Jessica, please.

She's a monster.


Martin, where are you?

Hello, Jessica.




- Don't worry.

I'll take care of him.

Tell me what that means.

But it's what you wanted, remember?

Martin Whitly out of your life.

Vivian, I can't let you...

Yes, you can, Jessica.

Just keep this between us, and he will never hurt anyone again.



Let's take this to the bedroom.


Are you okay?

Who was on the phone?


Wrong number.


♪ ♪ I'm disappointed in you, Martin.

Vivian, please, let...

Let's not be hasty.

We want the same things.

I thought we did.

I thought you wanted to be with me.

- I do.


I don't believe you!

You called her?


What is it with Jessica?!

I met her, remember?

Your ex.

She's beautiful, but she's not your equal, Martin.

- This isn't about Jessie.

- Jessie?

You call her Jessie?

That's not a name.

That's a shade of lip gloss.

I've always known that men need to feel superior to their sexual partners because they think it keeps the spark alive.

I thought you were different.

I'll remind you, my, uh, marriage didn't exactly work out.


Because you were hiding your true self.

It's a shame so many people had to die.

But what you did with those bodies...

Jessie could never understand your accomplishments.

But-but you can?


Because I have a brilliant medical mind.

Just like you.


No, you...

No, you won't need the dr*gs.


I'm not...

I'm not gonna run again.

That's not what these are for.

I know what's holding you back.

I need to prove that I am worthy of your companionship.



And, of course, fentanyl.

Pick one.

Go on, pick one.

But don't tell me what you choose because that's part of the challenge.

But just pick one.

Come on.

Come on.

Just pick one.

Come on, just pick one.

My first day in the infirmary...

you gave an inmate aspirin, but...

but you knew, didn't you?

You knew Quentin was suffering from a subdural hematoma.

Time's up.

This will be so much easier if you don't fight me.






Oh, God!

Why do you...

why do you have to ruin my fun?

Come on.

Only a true surgeon can really appreciate the unique sensation of his own heart stopping.




- Shh, darling.

You're going to die now.

But don't worry.

I'll bring you back.

BRIGHT: Vivian Capshaw kidnapped The Surgeon.

The surgery she performed on Logan Zeiger proves it.

Her psychology is closer to Martin's own than one of his victims.

No one's got the hot takes like Malcolm Bright.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Capshaw

- is mentally unstable.

- You looked into her?

A trusted member of my team has a theory, I run it down.

Doesn't mean you were right.

Bright, Capshaw's record is clean.

JT: And if I'm not buying her as a brainwashed victim, there's no way in hell I'm buying she's nutty enough to kidnap The Surgeon.

She operated on Logan Zeiger not in spite of the risks but because of them.

Vivian suffers from malignant hero syndrome.

Her need to control drives her to hurt patients to receive credit for saving them.

It's a subset of the angel of mercy pathology.

All right, so, Vivian's hacking up patients, the hospital finds out, forces her to resign, and erases her record in order to avoid a lawsuit?



Do you hear yourself?

The-the mental hoops you're jumping through?

Look, my father is in danger.

I-I can feel it.

I've seen that hand shake while you're ordering a mochaccino.

What's more likely, that Martin is this woman's victim, or that The Surgeon is carving up the pretty doctor as we speak?

She sent Logan Zeiger gifts every year from the same shop.

The owner of the store had an address for Vivian.

It's a storage facility, an hour out of the city.

- No way.

- Whatever's there might corroborate my profile.

DANI: A storage facility, anonymous, deserted.

Not a bad place to hole up with a hostage.

You think that's where she's keeping The Surgeon?

I think it's a peaceful drive up the Sawmill and a bit of recon.

Either we find Martin or we don't.

But either way, this is all over.




Let's go.


You really up for this?

Because he sure isn't.

Either way, he's going there.

I'll keep an eye on him.






The sudden spike in anxiety is just the epinephrine restoring your heart's rhythm.

Breathe, darling, breathe.

Untie me.

I can tell by your tone that you may need more convincing.

Untie me now!

Fentanyl next, I think.



Why did you do that?!

That was for us!

We can't go on like this.

If I need to break you, I will.

I will, Martin.





Show yourselves.

- I can't see anything.

- The lights are automated.

They should come on now.

DANI: They're not here.

It's over.


I did this for you because you needed it.

How about you show me the same respect?

Dani, I respect you.

Come over here.

Fentanyl, other opiates.

Paralytics, beta blockers, sedatives.

She's a doctor.

It's not enough.

When will it be enough?

I need you.

I'm not a cop.

But I have been right before, when everyone else is wrong, and I am telling you, I am right on this.

We are running out of time to save him.

You don't care.

None of you care if my father lives or dies.

And what if he did?

I'll tell you what, you would be free.

What if I need...?

What if...

What if he makes me who I am?

Martin Whitly is a cruel and violent man.

You, you are none of those things.

Let him go, Malcolm.

I'm begging you.

You could have a life.




It's Gil.


I'll be right back and we can talk, okay?

Hey, boss.


BRIGHT: Who's there?





Did you find anything?


Malcolm, are you there?

Hello, Malcolm.

Just dropped by to pick up a few things.

I know you took my father.

I know what you're doing to him.

I'm not sure that's possible.

Tell me where he is!

You could arrest me.

But then you wouldn't find where he is.

Take me to Martin Whitly.


I'll surrender, put my life in your hands...

...if you bring me to my father.

And then what?

We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Or maybe I'll call my friends at Major Crimes.

What is it?

All you need to know is that two would do the trick.


Gil wants us to head home.


Lieutenant, why are you at the Whitly home?


MARTIN: Jessica.

GIL: The security is so tight out there,

- they almost didn't let me in.

- What are you doing here?

I didn't know I needed an excuse to check up on you.


I'm so sorry.

The, the press, the police, it just brings it all back, doesn't it?

Here I am, trapped again in this house with all these ghosts, and it's all because of him.

But how's the search going?

Have the Marshals found anything?

Any leads?

I know why you're anxious, Jess.

- You do?

- Sure.

Malcolm and I had a disagreement.

He's become convinced that his father is a victim in all of this.

Damn it, Martin.

There's no good outcome here, Jess.

If they find him, bring him back alive, he's back in your lives.

If they take him out...

My children lose their father.

It's okay to hope for that, you know?

Martin put you through hell.

That ghost?

It's not a friendly one.

And in my weaker moments, I want him dead, too.

For you.

Maybe it would, uh...

Maybe things could be different.

I don't want to keep secrets from you anymore.

- Hey.


They're just thoughts.

They don't make you a bad person.

It's the actions that matter.

You're right.


Of course you're right.


This will all be over soon.

My brother's in trouble.


That's it?

Malcolm disappears, and you're not even worried?

I'm always worried.

But I'm also pissed.

We were together, working the search for Martin, until we had an argument.

And then he went rogue.

Not this time.

At least...

not on his own terms.

BRIGHT: I know you took my father.

I know what you're doing to him.

CAPSHAW: I'm not sure that's possible.


I tried calling him back, but his phone's dead.

Or... worse.


if he means anything to you, help me.


Tell me what you know.

My boy.


Don't worry.

I've no plans to hurt you.

Although I'm not sure...

there's room for three.

Your father is so close to finally committing to our life together.

Well, you know I can't do that, Vivian.

Not until you agree to let go of my son.

Oh, Malcolm came with me willingly.

Why did you do that?

Don't you share the popular opinion about Martin Whitly?

Of course I do.

He's a psychopath.

An unrepentant m*rder*r.

Then why are you here?

Because he also happens to be my father.

Tell me what you want from me.

I want that.

I want what he has.

I want all of you.


Is this Logan Zeiger's place?

He got a bit defensive when we came calling.

Because he understands me.

I understand you, Vivian.

This is what I do.

You saw something in my father.

You had a connection.

But that doesn't mean you're the same.

He sees me.

He's the only one.

Martin Whitly is a serial k*ller.

Not to mention a malignant narcissist.

You want him to love you.

But he can't.

When was the last time you mitigated an embolism?

You're-you're not equipped for that procedure here.

Which is why, when I complete it, you'll understand my greatness is aligned with your own.

No, no, no, Vivian, Vivian, please, no.

- Vivian...

- Shh...





He's my son!

And he's my patient.



If he dies, I won't k*ll you.

No, I will make you live in pain...

in agony...

in ways that you can't possibly imagine.

- How devilish.

- Oh, I'm not the devil, Vivian.

But I will show you hell.

It's a powerful thing, isn't it?

Holding a life in the palm of your hand.

I know what drives you, Martin.

Because you know what?

It drives me, too.

What happens here today...

binds us for life.


No, you... you have to complete the extraction before it reaches the pulmonary arteries.

I can do without the mansplaining.




Someone's here.

What are you doing?

Complete the extraction!



MAN: .

What is your emergency?

(WHISPERING): Please help me.

Try to stay calm, ma'am. I've been abducted.

I've been stabbed.

The Surgeon is going to k*ll me.

He's going to k*ll me.

Please hurry.





Malcolm, I need you to stay with me.



Don't worry, my boy, it's like you said...

This is what I do.

Please come back to me.

Please, please, please.

This is all for you, remember?

All for us.




(WHISPERS): You saved my life.

They've found us.

I will always love you, Martin.




I called the police.

This isn't gonna work, Vivian.

I've seen prison now.

I can't go back there.

- I'm not as strong as you are.

- You have two men locked in a t*rture dungeon.

No one's gonna believe you're the victim.

Why not?

He did.







- (g*nshots)


♪ ♪ You know, I think there may be something very wrong with that woman.

Okay, come on.


- It's okay.

It's all right, it's all right.

You're safe now.

She's right.

They're gonna k*ll you.



("SUN IS SHINING (SUPER DUPER REMIX)" by Bob Marley playing)

Help me!

- Please!

- Where are they?

Where's my family?

(SOBBING): He's a monster!

Stay with her.

Put pressure on her wound.



DANI: Martin Whitly?


Dr. Whitly?

I need you to show yourself.


Here I am

Want you to know just if you can

Where I stand


Tell myself a new day is rising

Get on the rise, a new day is dawning

Here I am

Sun is shining

Here I am

Here I am



♪ ♪ ♪ Sun is shining.