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04x04 - Poor Margaux

Posted: 05/13/21 05:17
by bunniefuu
Are you okay?

My hands are frozen.

I may have to go through life like this.

I thought you had a hand warmer.

I'm using it as a bun warmer.

I'm so tired.

Last time I was this tired...

What am I saying?

I've never been this tired.

Okay, Brandon.

You've got snow on your back.


Stop fooling around, Brandon.

You know what kind of shake I mean.


Let's take off our boots.


How many driveways have we shoveled?

Seventy five.

The city should hire us as snowplows.

Let's see.

Seventy five driveways at $ a piece.

- One hundred and fifty dollars!

- One hundred and fifty dollars!

We did it!

We earned the money for our ski trip.

- Clean air!

- Ski instructors!

- Deep snow!

- Ski instructors!

- Chair lifts.

- Ski instructors!

This year I'm gonna try Jack Rabbit Run.

You tried Jack Rabbit Run last year.

Yeah, but this year I'm gonna go down on my skis, not on my face.

Thanks to you, Henry, I'll never be able to show my face in that market again.

That's a break for the store.

One look from you and the lettuce wilts.

You ought to be in the Cheapskate Hall of Fame.

Just because I compare prices?

You're not supposed to compare them to .

- Henry, guess what.

- We earned the money.

- For our school ski trip!

- You did?

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

Well, girls, that's terrific.

You've earned your half so we'll pay the other half.

That's the deal, right, Henry?

My ice cream's melting.

Henry, your ice cream is as hard as your head.

You're just too cheap to live up to the deal you made with those girls.

That's unfair.

The only reason I made the deal is because I never thought they'd pull it off.

Well, they did.

They set a goal and reached it.

I'm real proud of them.

Wanna be more proud?

Pay for both of them.

- Henry.

- Relax.

I think I'm kidding.

I'll dig into my wallet and give Punky her money.

Well, good.

Maybe there's hope for you yet.

What's that?

Forgot to turn off the alarm.

Boy, my skis are in lousy shape.

Mine too.

They're cracked from when you ran me over.

It was either you or that little old lady on a stretcher.

Boy, I sure could use some new equipment.

Me too.

Henry, we could really use some new skis.

Do you think you could buy us...



Forget it.

Out of the question, period.

I guess he wants to think about it.

What are we gonna do?

It's really expensive to rent skis.

- Yeah.

- Maybe we could borrow some.

- From who?

- How about Margaux?

She's got enough skis to outfit a centipede.


Call and ask if we could borrow some.


Hi, is Margaux there?

It's Punky.

Brewster I.

Hi, Margaux.

Sorry to interrupt your luncheon.

Cherie and I have something to ask you.

Could we come over?

A week from next Thursday?

Can't you see us without an appointment?



She's sending the town car.


Hello, people.

Welcome to the east wing.

Margaux, you need more signs along the way.

It's hard to follow this map.

Do you really think it's necessary to have metal detectors at the entrance?

Your purses will be returned to you when you leave.

What a great room this is.

Oh, that's right.

You've never been here before, have you?

- How come?

- You've never invited us.

I knew there was a reason.

Punky, we should live like this.

We were born for caviar and champagne.

No, we were born for Doritos and chocolate milk.

Hey, check out these dolls.

You don't see these in Toys "R" Us.

Of course not, these are handmade by my personal doll makers, Teddy and Stan.

This one is my absolute favorite.

Whenever I get depressed, she always cheers me up.

So what's this important matter you wanna discuss?

See, Cherie and I were getting ready for the school ski trip...

Me too.

It took me all morning to find a limo with snow tires.

We were wondering if we could borrow some skis from you.


Well, I suppose you may.

Forgive me for prying, but how is it that you can afford the ski trip?

We earned the money by shoveling driveways.

You worked with your hands?

And back and shoulders and arms.

Please stop.

I just ate.

You may borrow the blue ones and the fuchsia ones.

- Great.

- Thanks.

Oh, be careful.

Those are brand-new.

But I thought you bought them last year.

Oh, well, yes, but I didn't actually use them.

You see, the problem with skiing is that you get chapped lips.

So I just sit in front of the lodge fire wearing this.

Excuse me, miss, but you have two rather persistent visitors who refuse to...

- I don't wish to see anyone.

- Margaux!

- It's alright, Jeffrey.

- Very well, miss.

I shall be in the kitchen if you need me.

Now let's see.

You turn left at the library and right at the racquetball court.

I always get lost at the racquetball court.

Are you okay?

You, you should've, you should've called first.

Margaux, we're sorry, honest.

Next time we'll call.

No, it's not that.

So why are you crying?

We've lost all our money.


Punky... we're broke.

You're broke?

Like in no more money?

That's impossible.

Henry says your dad's so rich when he got married, they didn't throw rice.

They threw Chinese people.

Old history.

How could this happen?

Daddy's accountant boo-booed.

Bad investments, high interest rates, falling commodities.

Gosh, that's awful.

Was that a falling commodity?

Sort of.

It's mommy.

She's been making that dreadful noise ever since we went belly-up.

Margaux, I think you're being robbed.

Two fat guys just stole your bench.

No, everything's being sold at auction.

We need the cash.

Margaux, I never thought I'd hear you say those words.

Me neither.

The closest I ever thought I'd get to poverty was when I visited you.

Mommy's getting closer.



I want you to know, it's been really nice knowing you.

You're leaving town?

No, but there's no way we can still be friends.

- Why not?

- I'm broke.


Oh, grow up, you two.

We all know you liked me just because I had money.

That's not true.

Okay, then why do you like me?


We're thinking.

Margaux, we like you because we just do.

That's all.

Yeah, we're your friends and we'll stay your friends, no matter what.

None of my parents' friends seem to feel that way.

Mommy's already been uninvited to four parties.

And the cook insists on being paid before each meal.

Margaux, we're not that way.

We like you just for yourself.


No, not my doll.

Please don't take my doll.

I'm sorry, miss, your mother gave orders that everything has to go.

Be, be careful with it.



Just leave me alone!

. . . .


You bought Calvin Klein flea powder?

Oh, it does smell quite nice.

May I borrow some?

Hi, Henry.

You still working on the bills?

Oh, yes, we've overextended again this month.

We've got to start economizing.

After all...

Money doesn't grow on trees.

We could save quite a bit if we just...

Tighten our belts and cut a few corners.

Punky, this is serious.

When I was your age...

Children knew the value of a dollar.

Something on your mind?

Yeah, but I don't wanna talk about it.


It's Margaux.

I feel so sorry for her.

She's been a mess ever since she found out she got bankruptured.



Bankrupturing is frightening.

Of course, you learn to adjust when you live as close to it as I do.

Margaux thinks Cherie and I only like her because of her money.

That's not true, is it?

Of course not.

I'm curious.

Why do you like Margaux?

Beats me.

I just do.

Then tell her that.

In time, she'll come around.

I did tell her.

I just wish there was a way I could show her.

Punky, I think you've agonized enough over this.

Let's turn to a happier subject.

Your ski trip.

You've worked very hard for this and you deserve to have a good time.


Try to hold down the enthusiasm.


Maybe I'll be a little more excited tomorrow.


Goodnight, sweetheart.

This can't be right.

$ .

"Delivered to Lady?" I don't know anybody named Lady.

Come in.

We've come to say goodbye, miss.

Gilda, Jeffrey, thank you for all your years of devoted service.

Our pleasure, miss.


I've made some lunch for you, miss.

It's, it's in the oven.

Thank you, Gilda.

- The oven?

- Mm.

That's the appliance with the, the little window on the front, right?



The house just won't be the same without you, miss.

Thank you.

Wait a minute, you're staying?

Yes, miss.

Are you gonna work for the new owner?

Oh, no, miss.

I am the new owner.

Jeffrey, I never realized daddy paid you so well.

He didn't.

But unlike your father, I bought stocks that went up.

- I see.

- Goodbye, miss.

The best of luck to you.

And, uh, may I add, miss, escrow closes in seven days.

Everything's gone.



My doll!

How'd you get it?

We bought it back for you.

You did?

But where'd you get the money?

Let's just say we postponed our ski trip.

Your ski money?

But you actually worked for that money.

No big deal.

Yes, it is.

That trip meant a lot to you and you gave it up for me.

Why'd you do it?

You're our friend.

And you're more important than a ski trip.

You guys, you think if you promise not to mess my hair...

maybe we could hug?

- Sure.

- Sure.

First word.


Uh, snow.

- Little snow.

- Tiny snow.

Kneeling snow.

Walking snow.

You guys will never guess it.

Stop being so grumpy.

"Snow White And The Seven Dwarves." Right.

Okay, Brandon, it's your turn.

Is Brandon doing a movie or a song title?

Well, looks to me like he's doing Henry.

Trying to make ends meet.

Very funny.

Were you shoveling the driveway, Henry?


I just didn't have the heart to ask you to do it.

Boy, it sure is coming down.

It's a skier's dream out there.

I bet Jack Rabbit Run has at least inches of powder.

And we're missing it.

Yoo-hoo, people, guess what.

- What?

- What?

- I'm rich again!

- What?

Daddy scraped together some cash, took a stock tip from Jeffrey, and, well, what can I say?

We're loaded!

- Congratulations!

- That's great.

Anybody wants some money?

The best part is, to celebrate, Daddy's taking me to Big Grizzly for the weekend.

Big Grizzly?

You're going skiing?

Well, gotta dash.


Oh, by the way, you guys are invited too.

- Yeah!

- Yeah!