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01x16 - Love is a Strange and Dangerous Thing

Posted: 05/19/21 17:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Big Sky"...

I'm gonna figure out a way out of this.

A way that doesn't include JW, Rand, or even Daddy.

It's just gonna be you and me when this is all over.

You are the cancer on this house.


Sheriff Wagy ordered me to put you in the ground.

- Get in the damn car.

- JENNY: Wagy.

SHERIFF WAGY: You should have put her down when I told you to.

CASSIE: Is it his?

Looks like it's been painted.


But he missed a spot.

_ RONALD: My business associate.

He's got a secret room.

All his records would be in there.

Steve was Phoebe's father.

I stuck a screwdriver into his skull.

We need to get to that freezer.

It's gone.

They must have found it.

We've been trying to ping Scarlet's cell.

We've got a signal.

I'm coming with you.


Not an option.

- I know him.


Did you hear something?

♪ ♪ ♪ Rake at the moon where the river flows ♪

♪ Stray from the heart the more that you know ♪


What do we do?

I need to you to listen to me and do exactly as I say.

Do you understand?

- It's too late.

- No, it's not, Scarlet.

Listen to me.

There's a hard drive taped underneath the bathroom sink at home.

- I don't understand.

- Don't worry.

I have a plan.

Ronald Pergman!


This is the federal marshals!

We have a warrant for your arrest!

And there's a name in there...

John Milton.

Call him up and tell him, "I ate the fruit." Okay.

♪ Ronald Pergman!

♪ Love is a strange and dangerous thing.

It is a ring of fire, and now we must jump through it.

Let's do this.


- Stay back!



- Come out with your hands up!

- Any closer and she gets hurt!


Don't make this worse than it needs to be!


- Let her go!


Ronald Pergman!

Come out with your hands up!



- Let her go!

- Go.


Help me!

Help me!

- You're okay.

You're okay.

- Oh, my God!

You're okay.


Miss me?

Drop it!

Drop it!




Ready to get out of Lochsa?

Not quite.

TUBB: Well, unfortunately, it's out of my jurisdiction, so the state's stepping in.

They'll take it from here.

Good work.

We're gonna need a statement from you, and the recording you made.

Of course.

What's gonna happen to them?

They're gonna go for a long ride up to the capital, pending the investigation into what happened here.

Then justice.

You wanna help me?

Thought you'd never ask.

CASSIE: Hey, Wagy.

♪ Enjoy the ride.

♪ When you search, you're gonna find more bodies.

This whole ranch is a crime scene.

Starting to seem like you might take up the mantle,

- even before I retire.



That again?

Come on.

You'd make a great sheriff, Jenny.

You keep proving that to me.

Whether you've proven that to yourself is another question, I guess.


- Just one second.


- This is Tubb.


- Okay, I'm on my way.


You two are gonna wanna hightail it back to Helena.

What happened?

There's been a break in the Pergman case.

♪ I'll need to see a doctor.

♪ Is there anything else you want?

I sense some sarcasm.

Oh, no, no.

I'm deeply concerned for your well-being, Ronald.

Human bites are twice as likely to become infected as animal bites.

Break the skin, and the bad things get out.

You think you know me?


I would never presume that.

For your information, I do better around women.

Will Cassie Dewell and Jenny Hoyt be joining us?

An interrogation team is already on its way.

I'd rather talk to you, Cassie, and Jenny.

Well, you're in no position to dictate terms.

I think you'll discover there's still many things I can be helpful with.



But with Cassie and Jenny present, there's no telling how much you might learn.


♪ Take 'em.

What for?

I'm just gonna stand here until you do.


Do you remember the day we got married, Horst?


It rained, and ants got in the cake.


That's right.

Did you know that my mother spent three weeks making roses out of bobbin lace

- for my dress?



And the night before the ceremony, she asked me to put on that dress.


- Swallow, sweetheart.

And there I stood, a bride.


♪ I was so happy and so hopeful, and when she pinned that lace on my dress, she poked me, and she said I was making the mistake of my life.



But I figured she must have been lying or jealous or something, because what kind of a woman in her right mind would spend so much hard work...


- ... on something she didn't believe in?

But now I get it.


Now I understand.


I gave you everything.

I gave you everything.

♪ And, Horst, I ain't got nothing left to give you.



♪ Mother.

♪ It's over.

Come on.


Time to clean up.

- Yes.

- Mm-hmm.

I'll grab a broom and a dustpan, and then we will go have a nice self-care day.

Get our nails done, discuss the future.

I'd like that.



Where is he?

We're holding him in the interrogation room.

You okay?


I just...

I just can't believe we got him.


- Hmm.

He tried escaping out the back door, but Jerrie had him right in her sights.


- What happens now?

- Now you get some rest, and we make that son of a bitch pay.

That was very brave of you to face him like that.

Good work.

I'm gonna call Grace and Danielle and let them know.

He give you anything yet?

Well, apparently, he was dating Mary's sister, Scarlet.

Copped to k*lling the man we found in the basement, who, as you know, fathered her child.

Scarlet's here.

I'm gonna get her statement and send her home.

She's pretty rattled, as I'm sure you can imagine.

She have any idea who Ronald is?

Says she thought his name was Arthur.

Met him three months ago through her sister.

I need to talk to her.

He took me down into the basement.

Saw that the freezer wasn't there, and then...

he turned into a different person.


It's okay.

We're almost done.


He told me he k*lled Steve, and I didn't understand.

Did he tell you why?


No, he kept going on and on about how he'd been following me, how he wanted to clear a path so that I could be his.

We have reason to believe Ronald kidnapped your sister.

W-Why would he do that?

Do you know what Mary's relationship was with Ronald?

All my sister ever said is that she knew Arthur...

sorry, no...


... Ronald

from work.

She introduced me to him three months ago.


Is she dead?

We don't know.


We're gonna do everything we can to find her.


I left that man alone with my daughter.

I know.

I know.

But you're safe,

- your daughter's safe... - Oh, my God.

... and we're gonna make sure it stays that way.

- [SOBS]

- LINDOR: Go home.

Be with her.

Are you sure?

Yes, we'll pick this up later.

Okay, thank you.




How could she not know?

People tend to see what they want to see.


The sister?

We're digging deeper into her background to see when Ronald crossed paths with her.

Scarlet's lucky to be alive.

When do you start questioning him?


Ronald's made it clear that your presence might make him more helpful.

I... He's playing games.

That could be, but we gotta start early tomorrow.

Interview team's flying in from Denver, and once they get here, I hand it off.


Can we see him?









And there's a name in there...

John Milton.

"I ate the fruit."


Well, we got Ronald.


Denise called me.

She told me what happened.

Are you okay?


I am now.

So, it's... it's all over?


Well, we still have to question him about the missing women, but, yeah, it's over.

He's gonna die in prison.

I'm really proud of you, Mom.

♪ What?


You know you can talk to me, right?

♪ It's just this case in Lochsa...

it made me realize how much has changed since your father d*ed and how I have not been there for you.

♪ Mom...

Maybe it's better just to sit still and to feel everything.

Good and bad.

Otherwise, you're just running from it.

You are not running from anything.

I was.

But not anymore, sweetheart.

I promise you.

I promise.


Want some dinner with that wine?



- Okay.

- Of course I do.


♪ If you think you can figure me out, you're wrong.

The one thing I've learned above all else is that we're all strangers, even to ourselves.

So, if you think watching me's going to give you some insight into what makes me tick, you're wrong.

My mother used to tell me I would never amount to anything, that all I'd ever be is a tiny, silly man who couldn't control his urges.

Well, she sounds like a smart woman.

Too smart for her own good.

Turns out she was wrong.

Dead wrong.

Another smart thing my mother used to say is, "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar".

What do you want?

Would you extend me a kindness, Marshal?

Why would I do that?

If you practice kindness with me, perhaps I'll return the favor.

Would you play me a song?

"Chances Are" by Johnny Mathis.

All you have to do is play it on your phone.

Tomorrow, I'll tell you what it means to me.



♪ Chances are 'cause I wear a silly grin ♪

♪ The moment you come into view ♪

♪ Chances are you think ♪

- ♪ That I'm in love with you ♪


MAN: What is the frequency, Kenneth?

♪ Guess you feel you'll always be ♪

- I, um...


- Ah!


- Okay.



- ♪ And if you think you could ♪


MAN: What is the frequency, Kenneth?

I ate the fruit.

Please don't hang up.

- Stand by.


- What?




♪ The chances are ♪

WOMAN: Your call cannot be completed as dialed.


- ♪ Awfully good ♪



- Morning.

- Hey.

Your dad told me I'd find you here.

- Mm.

- Can I pet her?

Uh, you can, but she might bite.


Guess I'll just have to charm her, then.


♪ I'm sorry I didn't return your texts last night.

Oh, yeah.

Thanks to you, I had to drink alone.


♪ Yeah, we'll see.

What are you doing here?

Figured we could carpool.

Better for the environment.

That, and, uh, I don't know.

I was curious.

About what?

Well, you're a difficult person to get to know, Cassie.

That's not the compliment I was expecting.

I think you make it difficult in order to weed out the people who don't deserve to know you.

I suspect most people fall into that category.

Maybe I do, too. But...

here I am.

Trying my luck.

- Well, I-I-I did

ask you for a drink.

- True.


- Well...


... maybe when this Ronald thing... is over, we can try again.

I'd like that.

You know he's not gonna give us anything.

Oh, I bet he does.

He can't help himself.

I'll tell you what... loser pays for the raincheck drinks.


You are on.

I love a bet.



Ah, big day today!

You get any sleep last night?




Actually, for the first time in a while, I did.

Okay, here you go.

I pulled the case file for Legarski and all the intel we had on the syndicate,

- like you asked.

- Thank you.

Hey, would you look into Scarlet Leyendecker as well?

- What for?

- I don't know.

Just a feeling.

- Just take a peep, see if anything pops.




Knock, knock.


Didn't expect to see you.

Oh, I just finished up with my lawyer nearby, and I thought I'd bring you some cupcakes.

A token of my appreciation.

Aren't they cute?

Little sugary white lions.

Your father kidnapped me and tried to have me k*lled.

- Well... he's dead.


- Sorry.

I thought you might've heard.



I-I haven't.

What happened?

We don't know.

Woke up, and there he was on the floor, staring up at that damn stuffed elk.

Doctor said he wasn't in pain.


Funny how things work out.

I don't think Blake would agree.


No, he wouldn't.

But you cleared his name.

You know that.

You know, Rosie went in and amended her statement with the interim sheriff.

So there's something to celebrate.

You know you could have stopped your father and brother.

I did, and you helped me.

If you ever get back up to Lochsa, you always have a place to stay.

There's gonna be some big changes once the dust settles.

I don't think I'm gonna be up there anytime soon.

Well, I owe you one.

Now, you have a good day.

I will.

- Goodbye.

- Mm-hmm.

No one's eating these.


♪ Mom?






You're acting funny.

Why would you say that?

Is it because of Arthur's secret?

What are you talking about?

I'm not supposed to tell.

I'm your mother.

You can tell me anything.

That's how it works.

♪ I saw him burying something on the camping trip.

He said it was a deer, but it didn't look like a deer.

♪ If Arthur said it was a deer, then it was a deer, okay?

- Okay.


♪ When is he coming back?

_ Time for school.

Come on.

♪ I feel so important.

Ronald, I can assure you, when the FBI gets here and takes over, it won't be so much fun.

So we should get to work.

I do have some requests before we get down to the nitty-gritty.

That is, if you want to know about State Trooper Rick Legarski and his little operation.

What are you asking for?

The marshal knows.

He wants the death penalty off the table.

That is, if you want to know about the syndicate.

Truth is, is I was just a middle man.

Rick treated me like a mushroom.

He kept me in the dark and fed me doo-doo.

We'll get back to that.

What did you do with Mary Leyendecker?

Mary, Mary, quite contrary...

Where is she, Ronald?

Did you know that last night, Marshal Lindor extended me a kindness?

And because I'm a man of my word, I shall return that kindness.

♪ ♪ - _ - It's a two-for-one.

Mary and Kelli.

Who knows what you might find...


Can I help you?

You called for some help?

I'm sorry.

I think you have the wrong address.


I don't think I do.

♪ Where is it?

I don't know what you're talking about.




The hard drive?

It's in the kitchen.

It's in the kitchen.

Please don't hurt me.


Kelli was my special one.

We're talking about Mary.

How are these two women related?

I can show you, if you'll let me take you to her.

Who knows?

There were so many.

I used to have a system.

I'd write down their name and one nice thing about them.

A dimple.

The way their eyes trembled.

The way they whimpered for help.

- Did they cry?

- Where.



Answer the damn question.

If you find Kelli, you'll find Mary and perhaps more.

This could be a real jackpot.



I have to show you.

Such a shame to keep them waiting.

Well, that reminds me of this one time I found a cat.

My mother...

she didn't like pets.

She had allergies.

So I lured in a stray and trapped it in a cage in the basement.

It was my little secret.

I'd sneak down to feed it, and one time, it bit me, and the bite got infected, and my mother...

she started asking questions.

So you know what I did?

♪ I did nothing.

I just left the cat in the basement...

no food, no water.

An experiment of sorts, just to see how long it could live...

Where is this headed?

What are you doing?

That depends on you.

That's enough, Ronnie.

Where's Mary?

Tell us where she is now.

I have.

To show.



♪ Thank you for your help.

Just so you know, Ronald made a copy.

They all say that.

He keeps it in a storage locker.

You want to sh**t me?

Go ahead.

Take that chance.

I'm sure your friends will be pleased when Ronald hands over the backup drive.

Get him, get the drive.

Or do I need to call John Milton, tell him I ate more fruit?


You have no idea what this is, do you?

Ronald told me a lot of interesting things.

Your problem is you have no idea who you're dealing with.

I'm not just a mom.

But you don't want to find out.

But go ahead.


♪ Popular kid, I'm told.

- Sociable.


I was more the, uh, loner type myself.

Keep my daughter out of this.

It's too late for that.

Are you ready?

- We go now.

- Wait, now?

I-I have to wait for my daughter to get home from school.

We've already made arrangements to pick her up later.

We're not gonna put her at risk in the meantime.

♪ This just got weird.

Her records have been expunged.

♪ - What?

- Scarlet's records are sealed.

All of them.

And it gets weirder.

♪ I don't trust this.

Look, there's a chance Mary and this girl Kelli might still be alive.

It's small, I know, but we can't rule it out.

Time isn't on our side.

We gotta move.

This is a man who lured us into a house full of expl*sives.

- He's always one step ahead.

- It's happening.

The choice is yours.

What do you think?

I think we should play it out.

They could be alive.

♪ Okay.

You ride with him.

I'll ride with Tubb.

The more manpower, the better, and for the record, I don't trust any of this.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

♪ ♪ RONALD: Tell the truth, Marshal.

Johnny Mathis stays with you, doesn't it?

Uh, no.

Not really.

It's like he's singing about a better world.

A happy place where men pin flowers on dresses and everybody's desires are made real.

Still waiting for you to tell me the meaning behind it.

♪ Rick Legarski was a big music guy.

Did you know that, Cassie?

Not much for romance, though.

Poor Merrilee.

Couldn't see the good thing he had.

We differ in that regard.


That so?

Do you know he has a brother?

A twin, as a matter of fact.

I know all sorts of things.

Maybe when we get to know each other better, I'll tell you some more fun facts.

JENNY: We're putting a lunatic in the driver's seat of this investigation.

How does that even make sense?

Lindor outranks us both.

- He knows what he's doing.

- Yeah.

And we'll keep our feelers out.


What's up?

We did some digging on Scarlet, and you know something?

You're right.

Um, it is odd.

JENNY: Odd how?

Well, her record has been completely erased, which is not an easy thing to do, by the way.

So there's nothing?

Not quite nothing.

Whoever expunged her records didn't search for copies in the other departments.

So we were able to find one.


Scarlet had a brief stint in a facility for the criminally insane when she was only years old.

For what?

We called, but that's privileged information.

We're gonna need a warrant to find out any more than that.

- Got it.

Thank you.


I knew it.

I knew it.

Something about Scarlet was off.

♪ You've got good instincts.


I didn't say anything.



Keys are in the ignition.

You are to wait inside.

Do you understand?

Until when?

Until however long it takes.

Let me see your phone.

- Hey!




You use this one from now on.




He say what's in there?

No, just that there's a surprise.

I don't like this.

Go on in.

I'll stand watch out here.

♪ Come on, now.

Don't be afraid.


♪ It's in here.


♪ What the hell is this?

Well, it was my happy place, and then some unexpected clouds came.

LINDOR: I don't see Mary.

Or Kelli.

Kelli's here.


Keep going.


I didn't mean for it to end like this.

I kept waiting for her to see my love for her.

But she was stubborn and willful, and Legarski found out about her and he wanted me to hand her over, but I couldn't do that.

Kelli was my secret heart.

What did you do to her?


I did nothing to her.

Just like the stray cat.

I stopped coming.

We used to sit right there and listen to music.

I thought she would come to me in time.

Sometimes, I would sit outside and listen for her.

Then one day, I heard...

Where is she?

Would you like to play the hot/cold game?

It's a shame to waste such a beautiful day.

Did you do the same to Mary as you did to Kelli?


Very cold.

Games aren't part of the deal.

You played me a song, and I showed you Kelli.

I'm done letting you lead us around.

Field trip's over.


♪ TUBB: Officer Hollins will wait here.

Forensics are on their way.


Let's get Ronald back and finish questioning.

- What is it?

- This was too easy.


Voluntarily giving up his secrets...

it doesn't feel like Ronald.

Listen, if Mary's nearby, we will find her.


♪ ♪ Chances are 'cause I wear a silly grin ♪

♪ The moment you come into view ♪

♪ Chances are you think that I'm in love with you ♪

- Cassie!


- Aah!






- Tubb!



- Talk to me.

- I'm okay.


- Yeah.

- Okay.





Get down!







[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

He doesn't look so hot.

Shut up!


[g*nf*re CONTINUES]


Hang in there.

- Yeah.


Oh, my God!


[g*nf*re CONTINUES]






- [g*nshots]


♪ [g*nsh*t]



Come on, let's go!



- Let's go.







♪ Come on, let's go.



♪ Oh, my God!

Jenny, Jenny!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

- Jenny!


Look at me.


Look at me, look at me, look at me!

You're gonna stay with me.

You understand?

You're gonna stay with me, understand?

Jenny, look at me, look at me.

You're gonna stay...

Let's move!

Handcuff keys are in the truck!

Let's go!

Stay with me.

Will you keep looking at me?


I need someone.

I need help!

- I need help!






Jenny, Jenny.


Jenny, stay with me!

Jenny, look at me, look at me.

You have to look at me!






Are you okay?

- I'm dandy.

- Let's go.

- I missed you.

- I missed you.


Your new life...

passports, IDs.

There are some clothes in the back there for you, too.

Study it.

We'll be at the border in three hours.

Uh, wait, what about Phoebe?

We have to get my daughter.

- Not anymore.

- What?

- Too messy.

- No, you promised.

It's her daughter.

We can't just leave her behind.

What kind of people do you think we are?

Not my call.


No, no, no, no, no!

Turn around!

- Turn around now!

- It's okay.

It's okay.

I can't do this.

I can't do it.

Get the wheel.





♪ You okay?

Are you alright?

♪ If we still have time, we might still get by ♪

Get him.

- What?

- Get him.

No, I'm coming with you.

Go get him.

♪ No way to breathe easy, no time to be young ♪ ♪



♪ But I tell myself that I was doin' all right ♪

♪ There's nothin' left to do at night ♪

♪ But go crazy on you ♪


- ♪ Crazy on you ♪


♪ Let me go crazy, crazy on you, oh ♪

♪ My love is the evenin' breeze touchin' your skin ♪

♪ The gentle, sweet singin' of leaves in the wind ♪

♪ The whisper that calls after you in the night ♪

♪ And kisses your ear ♪

♪ In the early moonlight ♪


♪ And you don't need to wonder, you're doing fine ♪

♪ My love, the pleasure's mine ♪

♪ Let me go crazy on you ♪

♪ Crazy on you ♪

♪ Let me go crazy, crazy on you ♪


- ♪ Oh ♪ Hey!



♪ Wild man's world is cryin' in pain ♪

♪ What you gonna do when everybody's insane? ♪

♪ So afraid of one who's so afraid of you ♪

♪ What you gonna do? ♪

♪ ♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Crazy on you ♪

♪ Crazy on you ♪

♪ Let me go crazy, crazy on you, oh ♪