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02x05 - Part V

Posted: 05/23/21 05:19
by bunniefuu
Julian knew he was being abducted.

He acted in self-defense.

- I'm never going home, am I?

- Yes, you are.

I don't think that she can get me out of here.

I don't believe her.

Lionel Jeffries.

His whole thing was about a return to ritual.

Symbolic play, and re-enacting trauma, that sort of thing.

- Who's on the mantle?

- The Beacon.

He was the leader of Mosswood.

- Did you see this girl?

- You should look in the lake.

- Lake?

- They called it the purple lake.

Tom's been telling us that you've been helping on the Mosswood case.

Looks like somebody was living here.

What are you feeling right now?

I don't trust you.

So what time was that at, exactly?

Um, about 4:00 AM.

And then, we had a conversation.

Yeah, you said you wanted that room.

- You know, the room where...

- Right.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

This is proof Marin was at Mosswood throughout all of this.

We need to confront Vera Walker.

I'm tired of tip-toeing around her.

Yeah, but this stuff, with Glen Fisher.

Another upstanding Keller citizen caught up in Mosswood.

I don't know what they did to him, but that is not the Glen Fisher I know.

It's like he's possessed.

In that storage locker, were there any other tapes?

Just the clothes.

Adam Lowry and Bess McTeer were headed there with Julian, and someone was waiting for them.

What about surveillance footage?

The manager got nervous.

It's under Canadian jurisdiction, so I had to file a petition.

It's going to take a while.

Ah, God.

I just keep thinking of Julian waiting in that place, wondering what's going to happen to him.

You going to tell me where you were last night?

I woke up my dad looking for you.

I just needed to revisit that room, so I stayed in the motel.

- Are you serious?

- Yeah.

What happened with Vera?

Oh, we just talked for a while.

You know, more about the work that they do, that's all.

- Anything helpful?

- I don't know, we'll see.

Oh, come on.

We're going to be late.

I'll be right back.

Can I talk to you?

You think this is going to help your case, what you pulled last night?

- What do you mean?

- Don't play dumb.

Because you slipped me something.

What was it, in that cup of tea?

- What?

- Just tell me what happened.

You don't remember.

I remember telling you that I was angry, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the Rockford Lodge, same room that Julian was in.

- So what happened?

- Well, you drove away.

- You were fine.

- I was not...

I was not fine.

I was not fine.

Your ego is trying to block what's coming up.

We often say that the work finds you.

What did I say?

- Now is not the right time.

- What did...

All right, come on.

Stand over here.

I have before me indictment 100-18, charging the defendant, Julian Walker, with two counts of m*rder in the second degree.


Shah, have you discussed the charges with your client?

I have, Your Honor.

Julian Walker, do you understand that you are being charged with m*rder in the second degree?

And if you wish to enter a plea of not guilty, you have the right to a jury trial.

Do you understand that, Julian?

It's okay, just say yes.


All right, then.



We enter a plea of not guilty, Your Honor.


Walker, can I ask you a few questions?


Do you know this woman?

I'm not sure.

You didn't meet her at Mosswood?

Her name is Marin Calhoun.

There are a lot of women who have passed through over the years.

Well, that's interesting, because I happen to have proof that she lived there the same time as you.

She joined August 26th, 2004.

And then, nine months later, May 23rd, Julian is born.

What are you implying?

What does it sound like to you?

All right, we don't have to do this here.

- You're way out of line.

- You're not his mother.

- Novack...

- She is.

- Officer Novack.

- This is ridiculous.

You want a DNA test, you can talk to Benji.

- You're so full of shit.

- Come on, come on, let's go.

We know what you people do at Mosswood.

That was not the right move.

You're letting her get to you.

And you're always on her side.

What was that detective yelling at you about?

Nothing, she's just making false accusations like the police always do.

- Well, what did she say?

- It's not important.

It's not for you to worry about.

It was about me.

I can tell.

We have more important things to worry about, okay?

- You're lying.

- Julian.

Julian, don't say good-bye to me like this.

All right.

Get in, come on.

I hate when she looks at me.

I can see it in her eyes.

She doesn't feel anything.

She's just...

She's already gone.

And how does that make you feel?


I just want her back.


And when you open your eyes, you see your ex-wife, Katie, in front of you.


How do you feel?


And what do you want?

I want her to hold me.


And then?

Stop looking at me!


And then?

See, you don't like how it feels, right?

You don't like how it feels, right?


- And then?

- You want to humiliate me?

You don't feel anything?

You don't feel anything for me?

What, you don't feel me?

Is that it, you don't feel it?

f*ck you!

f*ck you!

You want to feel something?

You want to feel something?

You want to feel me, bitch?

You want to feel me?

Go ahead, feel me!

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

Should that...

Uh, what happened in there, should that be part of the work?

Every experience is part of the work, you know that.

Why, are you upset?


It's just a moment, and then it passes.

That's what he's trying to teach us.


Sorry, she just came to the gate and was asking for you.


Hey, um, can I talk to you for a sec?

This is our dormitory.

This bed is free.

You can stay here as long as you like, okay?

Thank you.

What happened to you out there?

It doesn't matter.

It matters more than you think.

And it doesn't matter at all.

I'm sorry.

We feel so much, don't we?

And we have nowhere to put it.

We're conductors for one another.

No judgment, just love.

And release.

- I'm nervous.

- I know.

But he's on your side.

Whatever he asks you, just be honest.

And what is he going to ask me?

Why you want to stay.

What you're longing for.

Lionel, this is Marin.


Nice to meet you.

Come on in.


I hear you're interested in life at Mosswood.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, are you?


- How old are you?

- I'm 18.

- You from around here?

- Uh, yeah, from Keller.

Oh, good.

Why don't you come over here and sit with me?

Heather, Harry.

Everything okay?

Detective Novack and I would like to talk to you in private if there's someplace we can go.

Where did you get this?

We were wondering if you could tell us what it was doing in a storage locker in Canada.


I have no idea.

That was supposed to be confidential.

We understand it's sensitive.

I went to Mosswood once or twice, that was it.

It was... therapy.

It's a bit violent for therapy.

Looked like you were beating on somebody pretty hard just off camera.

Who was that?

No one.

It was me.

I was...

it was...

it was just me.


It's not like I joined them or anything, and I certainly didn't know they were teaching kids to k*ll people.

Do you remember her?


You had to know the other people in this room.

Who gave you this tape?

- We found it.

- And that's the only one?

Why, were there more?

How many times did you visit Mosswood, exactly?

I'm not talking about this anymore unless there's an actual problem.

I'm curious.

Any of that help you?

The stuff you did out there?

I think we're done.


Hey, nature boy.

I heard you did some weird shit to the people you k*lled.

Like, voodoo with rocks.

- Careful, bro, you're next.

- Nah, you're next, boy.

Maybe that's enough for tonight.


What if she's really down there somewhere?

I wish she had never gone to that place.

It was her choice.

But I put too much pressure on her.

- I pushed her away.

- No, you didn't.

But she needed my help, and I couldn't...

Who knows what Marin needed?

It's not your fault.

All right.

- These are going away now.

- Come on.

There's not enough room for ice cream on my table.

And I want ice cream.

I realize you don't trust me.

And I know what happened the other night doesn't help.

No, it doesn't.

You wanted me to show you the work.

I had no idea you'd react the way that you did.

If you want me to tell you what happened...

You called me.

What do you want?

I need to know that you're on our side.

On Julian's side.

I can't say that.

Benji's really concerned about the trial.

It's not looking good.

We need you to testify on Julian's behalf, or we don't stand a chance.

You know he was taken from Mosswood.

He was scared, that's why he did what he did.

All of your evidence points to that.

Having you present that in court would make all the difference.

Where were Adam Lawry and Bess McTeer taking him?

- I don't know.

- You don't know.

Just give me one good reason why I should believe anything that you say.

I raised Julian.

I've done everything to protect him.

I'm his mother.

And something as trivial as biology doesn't make that any less true.

She's right.

Your partner.

Marin is Julian's mother.

Where is she?

What happened to her?

She left a couple of years after Julian was born.

He doesn't even know her.

She was always troubled.

She was distant.

Where did she go?

We don't know.

- It still hasn't come.

- How late is it now?

Don't worry, it's going to be okay.

It's his.

It's definitely his.

We have someone for this.

I can't do that.

There are no children here.

The Beacon is very clear about this.

None of us are advanced enough in the work to have children, and I think he's right.

My mom wished I was never here.

I can't do that to a baby.

Marin, our children inherit our shadows.

Do you want to put every buried feeling and thought on a defenseless child who doesn't have a choice?

There are no children here.

He doesn't want it.

Then I can't stay here.

We don't know yet how it affects the case, but we can't ignore it.

And Vera Walker admitted this to you?


Which means she committed fraud with the forged birth certificate.

Well, let's order up the DNA test and settle this maternity business.

I already did.

And what about, uh, Marin Calhoun?

Where is she now?

I was waiting to bring this up with you, but we have reason to believe her body was dumped in a lake near Mosswood.

Are you kidding me?

And where...

where did you get that lead?

From a former Mosswood member.

So we have another potential homicide here?

We're not sure.

Vera Walker says that Marin just decided to leave after Julian was born.

But there's been no record of her outside of Mosswood.

- She doesn't exist.

- Well...

And Ms. Walker has lied to us every step of the way.

Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?

Marin was a friend of mine.

I just...

I wanted to be sure before I said anything.

All right.

Let me look into it.

- Who's our friend?

- He is our new conductor.

Go ahead.


So I know you've noticed how our work is...

changing, deepening.


There's a v*olence in it.

In us.

And we have to accept that.

But we can't destroy each other, either.

The Greeks understood this.

The need for a catharsis.

For a scapegoat.

You should name him.


Well, we'll raise him, all of us, together.

Make him one of us.

And the more we love him, the more he'll embody all our human frailties, so when we offer him up...


Do you understand?

I think so.


My Vera.

You're always treading so carefully.

Go ahead, name him.

That is Glen Fisher's grandfather, Howard Fisher.

I got into the land deeds, and the Fisher family has owned that Mosswood land since the '30s.

They had it leased for a while to a retreat center, and then, in 1997, it was sold to Lionel Jeffries.

That family has been entwined with Mosswood since its inception.

And what does it prove?

There are people out here, in Keller and beyond Keller, who are tied to Mosswood.

I think that Adam Lowry, Bess McTeer might have gotten involved with those people.

Where's Vera in all of this?

- I don't know.

- Right.

Instead of going at her like we should, you're breaking and entering into Glen's home.

Do you realize the shit we could get into if this got out?

I don't think we're going to solve this one by searching the county's lakes.

I could say the same thing about your dates at Mosswood.

Whoa, that's not meant to be inhaled.

Sorry, I don't really have much time for lunch today.

Well, then I'll wrap it for you, but sit down for a second.

I want to talk to you face-to-face.


Lidell called me.

Please don't be upset.

He's worried about you.

What did he say?

You want to open up a case on Marin?

Yeah, and I have good reason to.

Well, he's wondering if you may not be too close to the case, personally.

What did you tell him?


I told him...

I told him you cared about Marin.

I told him you were fine.

So now he has a problem with me, and he calls my dad.

He called me as a friend.

Don't get bent out of shape.


Let's go!

Come in!

Detective, thank you for coming in.

Have a seat.

I was speaking with Dorchester PD just now, and it seems like our time for keeping you up here with us is over.

- Who'd you speak to?

- It was all good things.

Both on their side and ours.

Just time for us to quit hogging you.

You've been a tremendous help.

Is this what you want?

Novack has her own caseload she's been ignoring.


The defense for the Julian Walker case listed you as their witness for trial.

We can't be working against each other.

It's been a good strategic move.

It got Ms.

Walker to admit that she's not the mother.

Look, we know you care for the kid.

We do too, it's just...

Gone far enough.

Far enough to make you want to close it down.

Like I said.

We're grateful for your help.

You can't keep showing up here.

I just wanted to talk to you.

Your mother's worried about you.

Not worried enough to come here herself.

What do you want?

Come back.

You don't have to live with your mom.

You can stay with me and my dad, you know that.

The people here, they want to help me.

But these people, they say they want to help you, but they don't want to help you, Marin, they...

Stop acting like you know what's right for me.

You have no idea.

I'm your best friend.

Yeah, well, best friends don't act the way you do.

I was drunk that night, okay?

And stupid.

It won't happen again, I'm sorry.

Yeah, you and everybody else.

I think you should leave.

So that's it, you're just going to shut me out over one night?

I can't lose another person right now, Marin.

Remember when we stole money from my mom's purse, and we went up to Northridge for the first time?

Can we just go back to that?


Heather, grow up.

None of that matters anymore.

Go home.


They put Julian in solitary last night.

- Why, what happened?

- I don't know.

They said there was some kind of fight.

I know you've been speaking with him.

He called you, didn't he?

- Yeah.

- What did you say to him?

Nothing, he just wanted to talk.

Did you talk about me?

Uh, he just wanted to know what was going to happen to him.

Because I tried to visit him, but he doesn't want to see me.

He refuses.

He said he only wants to talk to you.

Why do you think that is?

Look, I don't want to get between you and Julian.

But maybe you should let me go see him alone.

Make sure he's okay.

I heard what happened to you.

You hanging in there?

I don't understand this place.

Everything I do is wrong.

And I can't figure it out.

And maybe that doctor's right.

Maybe there's something wrong with me.

No, no, no.

There's something wrong with this place.

You know, your mother's worried about you.

Why won't you talk to her?

Do you know that dream that I told you about?


the hooded thing that...


She wants me to believe that it's only a dream.

But she's lying.

You're saying that somebody actually came in your room?

They tried to take me.

When was this?

A few weeks ago.

In the middle of the night.

I was half-asleep, but...

I saw him coming.

And then they dragged him out of the room.

Did you see his face?


Why would your mother lie to you about this?

You're here.

Figured you'd be at The Cobble Stone.

Taking the night off.

Sounds good.

Heather told me what happened.


I wish you'd left town sooner.

Things wouldn't have gone this way.

I don't blame her, even if she is making a mistake.

She's protecting her career, which is what she should do.

You weren't exactly helpful in that regard.

Jack, you ever been to Mosswood?

Can't say I've had the pleasure.

You know people who have?

You got to stop this right now.

Just go home, Harry.

What do you know about Glen Fisher?

What do I know about Glen Fisher?

Well, I know Glen Fisher's a stand-up guy, detective.

Glen Fisher's a law-abiding citizen, like all of the rest of us here.

You two are friends.

You've been friends for a while.

What's that supposed to mean?

It's just that I know how Keller is.

Nobody's supposed to talk, are they?

Everybody's supposed to pretend to protect each other...

Come on, you got something you want to say?

Grow a pair and say it.

I'm such an idiot.

All these years wondering what I did.

You never thought about anybody but yourself.

I think I'd better stay somewhere else tonight.

That's a good idea.

Here's to never changing.

Do you like them?

Who you're staying with?

The house smells strange.

Like old pot roast.

That's good.

When do we get to go home?


The thing with smells is you get used to them.

And then, you don't notice them anymore.

Our work last night changed things.

I can feel it in the air.

The release, the clarity.

We can go further now.

There is something before we start.

It'll come out in our session, don't worry.

It's about Marin.

She's pregnant.

She's struggling, but she knows what needs to be done.

I just thought you should know.

I'll make arrangements with Dr.


No, don't.

If she doesn't want to, she shouldn't have to.

She should keep it.

- Really?

- Yes.

We'll raise him, all of us, together.

The child will bind us.

Has she picked a name?