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07x16 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Posted: 05/24/21 06:22
by bunniefuu
Is Rita here?

Not today.

Probably busy with the wedding plans.

PRIDE: She knew who I was, she knew my fiancée.

Have you heard the term "terminal lucidity"?

How long does she have?

We're probably looking at weeks.

Why don't we do it?

Have a wedding, for your mom, before she goes.


They were after Connor.

They tried to take him.

It's not your fault.

They didn't want Jimmy.

They wanted me.

I've changed my mind about WITSEC.

Wherever's not here is our best chance.


- I'm bringing Connor with me.

- No.

Sasha, no.


What other choice do I have if I want to protect him?

You got to be kidding.

I know it's hard to understand.

No, I understand.

You expect me to give up my whole life, even my name, move to some random place?

You have to do it.

- You're on her side now?

- Not about sides.

It's about making sure that you're safe.

Witness Protection is the best choice.

You're a cop.

Can't you just find the guys who jumped me and Jimmy?

My team's working on it, but even if they find them, won't solve the problem.

Your mother, she has a lot of enemies.

CONNOR: Because she cooperated with the FBI.

She did the right thing.

And this is the right thing, too.

So messed up.

Baby, I'm sorry.

I really am.

When do we have to leave?


Mom, the wedding's tomorrow.


No, I promised Jimmy I'd play, and I'm gonna do it.

No, Connor, you can't.


No, j...



Which one of us is gonna go drag him out of there?

We don't.

Let him stay.

Till after the wedding.

You know the best thing is for us to...

He's safe here, Sasha.

- Surrounded by federal agents.


I'm saying goodbye to a son I...

I never had the privilege of knowing.

Give us tomorrow?

Tomorrow, then.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

You're really not gonna help me out here?

You're a grown man who can make his own decisions.

And I do, every day.

Well, then, what's your problem here?

It's not my problem, it's yours.

- I'm doing this for you.

- For me?

I mean, why should we clash when we can complement?

Now pick a color.


Um... they both go really well

- with what I'm wearing to the wedding.


You like them both the same?

- Yeah.

- How is that even possible?

Well, they're both really similar.

Uh, now, I know you're crazy.

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah.


Pride just walked in.

- Hey.

- PRIDE: How's it going around here?

- Good.


- Oh, I picked Jimmy up from the hospital and brought him back to my place.

How's he doing?

I don't think he'll be doing much dancing tomorrow, but he'll be okay.

And Connor?

He understands that WITSEC is the best choice.

The men who tried to take him are still out there.

Who knows how many others.

I wish there was another way.

NOPD and FBI have been cooperating with us about the attempted kidnapping.

- They find anything?

- HANNAH: Well, the crew that came after Connor really knew what they were doing.

They were wearing gloves and masks and the van they used was stolen and torched by Route .

Any number of criminal organizations could be responsible.

Wondering which one?

Well, you think you can narrow it down?

Wish I could, but there's a lot of bad folk that want Sasha to pay a price.

What is all this?

PATTON: Uh, dark web communications.

They talking in code, but it's a lot of chatter about Sasha.

WITSEC was a good move, Pride.

Rita gave us some of the information she shared with the FBI.

We can create an enemies list.

GREGORIO: Whoever did this failed, which means they might go after Sasha and Connor again before they leave town.

Yeah, so keep digging, all right?

- I'm-a check in with Sebastian.

- Okay.

Hey, can I get a quick word with you?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

HANNAH: I don't really think now's the time to talk about ties.


Yeah, there's something else I need to talk to you about.

Oh, wow.



ASAC position.

You applied for it.


And you want to run it by me?



um, you know, we're not Pride and Rita.

You don't have to...

consult with me about your career decisions.

I know, I just...

I don't really know what you want me to say.

All right, well, maybe right now is not the right time to talk about it.

Yeah, maybe not.

Hannah, this preceded us.

No, I will call each member personally, Zahra.

Oh, this is where the real fight begins, but we're gonna win.

Especially with your support.

Okay, talk soon.

Mayor Taylor?

Convinced city hall to take up the commission's health care reform proposal.

They're gonna put it on the ballot.

The commission is in good hands with you at the head of the table.

Thanks for convincing me to join.

Well, um, I don't want to add to what's on your plate, but...

I have a favor to ask.

Well, I'm saving the city, planning your wedding.

What more can I do?

We need an officiant.

That's not typically the rite of passage that I oversee, Dwayne.

Loretta, you're my closest friend.

You're the most qualified person I know.

For any rite.

Of course.

Ah, I'd be honored.

Thank you.

I just can't believe this is all happening so quickly.

I mean, I'm grateful that everyone's pitching in.

Jimmy said even Connor agreed to play guitar?

- Yeah.

- Boy's starting to come around.


Won't last long, but...

Sasha's taking him?

It's the best choice.


If you say so.

You think there's another way?

Well, you just met him, opened a world to him.

Shown him a family that wants to embrace him.

Yeah, well, he can...

he can always come back.


When he's older.

Well, at least he'll be at the wedding.


I know one...


Um, I got something on Jimmy's attackers.

Well, the assailants didn't manage to kidnap Connor, but they knew how to cover their tracks.

Yeah, they were pros.

No prints or DNA at the scene.


And they torched the evidence.

Well, Jimmy got a few licks in before they beat him down.

I think he bloodied one of the suspects.

- How do you know?

- Well, 'cause the getaway van was captured fleeing the scene by several city cameras before it disappeared.

You got a photo of their faces?

No, they kept their masks on mostly, but one of them was injured, based on the amount of blood.

Is that a rag?

That is a rag, which I then tracked down.

In a gutter, no less.

Super gross.

Then I realized I'm a crime fighter.

- This is what I do...

- PRIDE: Can the DNA get us an I.D.?

Oh, yeah.

It already did.


Why is a low-level thug like Stuart Hendricks hanging out at a fancy hotel like this?


Patton pinged his cell phone here.

He's not registered and there's no sign of him on the ground floor.

I'm checking the pool area now.



He's here, and he's alone.

He made me.

I'm gonna have to take him now.

All right, I'm coming up.


You stay at the front.

- Stuart Hendricks?

- Yeah.

NCIS Special Agent Dwayne Pride.

You're under arrest.

Put your hands on the table.

There you go.

I'm gonna ask you to stand up slowly, palms out.

Turn around.

Federal agents!

Out of the way!

He's on the run.

- Where to?


PRIDE: He's on the roof headed west.


We're in a parking structure.

Should be coming out of St.


I got him.

Federal agent.


He's heading into Jackson Square.

Coming to you.


Look out, Sebastian!



- Federal agents!

Everyone, get down!

Get out of the way.



Get down, get down.

- Don't move.



You got it?


Thank you, man.

No problem, King.


God, I love this city.

SEBASTIAN: It's a pretty long rap sheet here, but it's mostly just petty stuff.

He's saying you're minor league.

But attempted kidnapping, as*ault with a deadly w*apon...

That's some serious stuff.


Look, we know that this was just a job for hire.

You really want to do years when you don't have to?


's generous.

Firing that g*n in a crowd?

I'd tack another five on.

Mm, mm-hmm.


Who hired you?

I-I got nothing to say.


Well, that's loyalty.

Didn't think he had it in him.

He's more worried about who hired him than he is of doing hard time.

All right, so we find out who his associates are, and we use it against him.

All right, I'll get Patton to dig in.

All right.

We're back.


What'd the doctor say?

Oh, he said I'll be good as new in, uh, just...


- a little while.

- Easy.

How you holding up?


I'm fine.

You're the one who got his ass kicked.


: Not my first ass kicking.

Hopefully my last, though.

I'm sorry.

If you hadn't been with me...

Then you'd be in a mess of trouble, Connor.

And that's a fact.

Yeah, the only people responsible for what happened are the ones that laid hands on me.

And my mother.

I'm only in danger because of her.

Hey, listen, she's trying to do right by you now.

That's what matters.

By taking me away?

Fresh start's not a bad thing.

Trust me.

I know from where I speak.

Tell me honestly.

You think my mom's gonna change?

Be a whole new person?


I think her heart's in the right place.

Wolves always gonna be wolves.


Who told you that?

Read it someplace.

Ah, you are a smart kid.

You're not denying it.

This isn't just about Sasha, Connor.

It's about you.

You're a young man.

You got to decide what kind of man you're gonna be.

That's on you.

And nobody else.


Yeah, I guess.

You know right from wrong.

You know what bad choices look like.

And the price you pay for them.

Choose wisely.

I was just totally blindsided.

One minute he's matching his tie to my dress, the next minute he's moving to Japan.

You're matching his tie to your dress?

- That's not the headline.

- No, but we're definitely

- circling back to it.

- He's leaving.

And he wants to talk to you

- about leaving.

- You were totally right about him.

- You had him pegged.

- Oh, no, this isn't

- about my profile.

- This is about your profile.

He's Mr. Cut-and-Run.

Wait, wait, didn't he apply

- for this job weeks ago?

- Yeah.

- Before your thing?

- Yeah.

And now that you're whatever the hell you are, he wants to discuss this

- job offer?

- Yeah.

So what's the problem?

The problem is that I shouldn't have any influence over whether he stays or goes.

We only just started.

Okay, the timing isn't perfect.

Look, what if I tell him to go, and I regret it?

What if I tell him to stay and he regrets it?

This just...

I shouldn't be the one making this decision.

- Why don't you tell him that?

- Tell him what?

What you just told me!

- But if I tell him...

- Tammy, Hannah.

I done hit the jackpot.

I may have to play lottery today.

Come on.


All right, let me lay down the history of how your Beatdown Trio started playing together.

And you already know Stuart Hendricks.

- The quiet Beatle.


He was locked up in the Parish Jail with these two.

Now these are some real mean guys.

They been in and out of jail since they were kids.

And for some real nasty stuff.

as*ault, robbery, manslaughter...

You get the picture.

No wonder Hendricks kept his mouth shut.

And, look, they got out of jail around the same time last year.

They been chummy ever since.

Do you know where they are now?

One more than the other.

Ford Kessler.

I flagged his passport.

He boarded a plane to Mexico on the same day as the attempted kidnapping.

- He's in the wind.

- Okay, great.

What about the other guy?

PATTON: Oh, you talking about...

Jay Duke, plain old "Duke" to his friends.

Of whom there are many, I'm sure.

PATTON: Yeah, he was less quick to blow out of town.

His flight to Costa Rica was delayed.

So he won't be leaving till tonight.

Do you have an address?

It's as if you don't even know me.

Of course I have an address.

I'm gonna call Pride.

I know he wants to be on this one.

MENA: Loretta?

- Oh!

- Hi, honey.

- Hi, Mena.

- Oh...

Thank you so much, darling, for letting me come early and get ready here.

You're the mother of the groom.

You are a VIP today.

I can't believe it's all happening so quickly.


Oh, look at these.

- Ooh...

- Oh, my.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- You okay?

- Yeah.

Okay, let's sit down for a minute.

Okay, you too, Jimmy.

Just stay put and...

try not to re-crack those ribs.

- Okay, come.

- Oh, come on, hon, don't fuss.

- Come on.

- An emotional time can be overwhelming.


Get you some water.

I didn't think I'd live to see this day.

I know they're doing this for me.

My time is running out.

But I've lived a good life.

No complaints.

You got a son who loves you dearly.

And a grandson I'll never get to know.

That's my one regret.

But I hear he has a stubborn streak.


And a musical streak.


Oh, yeah.

He's got Dwayne written all over him.

DUKE: Feds are cold.

Pulling me away from my girl and her family like the secret police.

Oh, don't even.

We know you were slipping out of the country tonight.

Flying solo... one way.

It was a goodbye lunch, you know?

So what's this about anyway?

Attempted kidnapping of a minor.

Aggravated as*ault against his uncle.



We know you were there, Duke.

Your little sidekick, Hendricks, he told us everything.

Do you want to know what he has to say?

I don't know who you're talking about.

You don't remember Stuart Hendricks?

Shared a bunk with him at the Parish Jail for three months.

Him and Ford Kessler.

Bunk with a lot of guys, you know?

We don't need you to talk, Duke.

Hendricks gave us everything.

And all three of you?

- You're going away.

- GREGORIO: That's right.

Marshal's heading here now to bring you in.

You're gonna like USP Pollack.

It's real secure.

You got this wrong.

Nobody kidnapped anyone.

Yeah, that's because his uncle stopped you.


We were just there scaring the kid, that's all.


And that...

ain't federal.

Who hired you?

Oh, that don't matter.

You can't touch them anyway.


What's so special about them?

We're done here.

- What?

- We're done.



Hey, why did you stop it?

We were getting everything.


We already got it.

This whole setup?

Make it look like Connor's in trouble.

It wasn't one of Sasha's enemies.

It was Sasha herself.

She staged the whole thing.

You set your own son up.

Staged an attempted kidnapping.

You think that I would hurt Connor?

I think that you would do just about anything to get what you want.

All I want is for us to be gone and for this all to be over.

You needed to convince Connor to go with you into WITSEC.

Make him realize that nobody around him is safe!

Nobody around him is safe, Dwayne!

He's not safe!

So you made sure that he got that message loud and clear.

As long as people want me dead, they're gonna want Connor dead, too.

He understands that now.

They could've k*lled my brother.

Your brother's fine.

And Connor is better off.

Do you know what happens if I take this to the FBI?

Tell them what you did?

A baseless accusation that you can't prove.

They'll be inclined to believe me.


Let's play it out, Dwayne.

I lose my spot in WITSEC.

Maybe go back to prison.

Where I get shivved.

And then Connor blames you for the rest of his life.

As long as Connor is in New Orleans, he's a target.

There's only one smart play here, and you know it.





- Oh, hey.

- Hey.

Can I talk to you?


Uh, it's not exactly private.

I'm fine with it.

Well, I'll make it quick.

It's about the b*mb I dropped on you.

Look, if you want to take the job, I think you should take it.

It's an amazing opportunity.

It just...

It can't land on me.

I can't make that decision for you.

Of course not.

No one's asking you to.

But you did.

You wanted to know what I thought.

Yeah, what you thought.

'Cause I respect your opinion.

And I didn't want to hide anything from you.

But I am a grown man.

And I can make my own decisions.


And did you make a decision?

I did.

I turned down Yokosuka.

I'm not sure that's such a good idea.

No, I'm not either, but it's the only one I got.

Now whatever this is, us...

it might not be anything, or it might be something special, and I need to see where it goes.

Now, I really do need you to make a choice.



I like the...

darker one.



'Cause there really was only one right choice.

Hey, I hung your tux on the...

What happened?

Are you okay?

Yeah, sure.

Sorry, uh, are you heading to Loretta's?

I take it you talked to Sasha.

Yeah, I told her I was gonna go to the Feds, expose what she did.

RITA: Sure, and she deserves it.

Connor doesn't.

I mean, if they pull WITSEC...

Then Sasha stays here.

And neither one of them will ever be safe.

But if she goes and takes Connor with her, then who's to say what trouble she gets in next?

And I won't be there.

It can't land all on your shoulders.

You think I should tell Connor?

Look, you're not like Sasha.

I mean, she manipulates him, she lies to him.

And that's who she is.

He should know the truth.

And that's who you are.

You don't see him as an extension of yourself.

You recognize that he has a right to make his own decisions.

You really are the smartest woman I have ever known.

- Maybe we should get married.

- Hey...


I'm free tonight if you are.

- Ugh, gotta go.

- Oh.

All right.

I'll try and clear my schedule.

- You better.



I'll see you there.

JIMMY: Well, this is the last of 'em.

You think we have enough flowers?

Ooh, get any more and we'll have to open a nursery.


Uh, wow as in good, or wow as in bad?

Think it's too much?

It's perfect.

It's so beautiful.

Uh, is Mena here?

Oh, she's so excited, she's already getting ready.

There has been so much going on, I kind of lost sight of the fact that I'm getting married today.

Yes, you are.

I don't know how to thank you guys.

No, you don't thank family.

It's what we do.

And now it's time to start getting you ready for this fabulous dress.


It's cool.

Well, it's a proper suit for a...

for a proper young man.

You got something else to tell me.

How did you, uh...

I can tell.

It's about Mom, right?

The attack the other day.

Those men?

I know what you think about her.

And I know what you're gonna say.


You think she set it up.

You're right.

And you're gonna say that she did it so I'd agree to WITSEC.

No, I can't prove it, and I'm not telling you to hurt you.

I won't ever lie to you, Connor.

Even when the truth is hard.

So what if she did it?

What am I supposed to do?

There are still people out there that want to hurt your mom.

Fact is, you'll all be safer outside of New Orleans.

But your mom is always gonna be who she is.


I-I don't know.

I don't...

I don't like what she did, but...

I know that she loves me.

And I love her, too.

Well, of course you do.

I'm all that she has.

You say I have to make good choices.

What kind of man would I be if I stayed?

Leaving her out there on her own?

She needs me more than you do.

Would you just let me explain why I did it?!

I know why.

This is how you handle everything.

You beat them up, or you blow them up, or worse.

Okay, that sounds like something that Dwayne would say.

He is poisoning you against me.

He's telling me the truth.

Why won't you?

Everything that I have ever done has been for you.

That doesn't make it okay.

I understand if you don't want to go with me.

But I am going.

I'll do better.

No more lies, I promise.

All right.

Pick me up tonight at the bar after the wedding.

Wait, you're still going to that?

You think it's safe?

Of course.

I'm sure it's safe.

It's just, you know that you don't owe them anything.

I promised.

Besides, they're kind of like family, too.


- Jimmy, are you kidding me?

- Hey, you made it.

Well, I figured I better not be late to my own wedding.

No, not if you know what's good for you.

And you brought the talent.

No way I'd miss this.

Here, come on.

Give me this.

We got you all set up.

Everything you need out there on the porch.

Go on.

Go on, I'll be with you in a minute.

Thank you.

How long do we have him?

He's leaving tonight.

From the reception.

- I'm sorry, Dwayne.

- Well, it is what it is.


Mama's spotted him.


Come on.

I'll put this inside for you, okay?

- You sure?

- Yeah.

Go say hi.

She's been waiting for you.

Okay, thanks, Jimmy.

Thanks for all of this.

Go on.

All right.

Excuse me for interrupting, but I'm thinking you must be Connor.

Yes, ma'am.

Pleased to meet you, Connor.

I'm Mena.

Your grandmother.


Uh, it's, uh...

It's good to meet you, too.

Well, I see that music runs in the family.

Uh, uh...

You were a singer, right?

I saw your picture up at the Trutone.


I can tell you some stories.

- I'd like that.

- Good.

We'll fine each other later, okay?

I can't wait to hear you play.

- Thank you.

- Dwayne.

- Hey, Mama.

- Hi.


Oh... this is turning out to be such a wonderful day.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Come on, none of that.


This is a happy day.

Yes, ma'am.

Why don't you go get dressed.

All right?

We're gonna have a wedding.

Okay, Mama.


- Okay.


PATTON: Man, you know we gonna get this party going.

PRIDE: Well, that depends.

PATTON: We gonna take plenty of videos and pictures.

We gonna keep this party...


Dwayne, it's time.

Thank you.


Friends, we're here tonight to celebrate a love story.

Rita and Dwayne fell for each other as teenagers.

And as it so often does...

life got in the way.

Took a lot of years, took a lot of detours.


But they were able to find each other again.

I have to say, I am so surprised...

RITA: I do.

Then by the powers vested in me by the state of Louisiana, I couldn't be happier to pronounce you husband and wife.


Kiss her, Pride.

Not until Loretta says I can.


Uh, you may now kiss the groom.


- Oh...



- Oh.


You better get out there, before my neighbors come for me.

Jimmy's got a surprise.

JIMMY: Hey, man.

Check it out.

- PRIDE: What the hell?


Well, you may not be going far, but I figured you ought to go in style.


- So much for a simple wedding.

Where's the fun in that?

This is more than I ever expected.

Hey, man.

You deserve it, King.

Thank you, each and every one of you, for making this night happen so fast.

To be able to carve out a moment like this after the year that we've been through, to share it with the people we love, in this city that we love, is a gift.

Tomorrow we're back at it, 'cause there's work to do.

But tonight...

Laissez les bons temps rouler.

- What do you say?

- Ah!

Let's do it.

Thank you, Jimmy.

Let's go.




I can't believe it.


- With the broken ribs and all this stuff.

You know...

Oh, my God.

Look who it is.

- Hey.

- Laurel.

Laurel, everybody.


- Laurel, Laurel, Laurel, hey!

Hey, hey, my daughter Laurel, hey!

Okay, hang-hang on.

Hang on.

Let me get somewhere where I can hear you.

Hang on.

Hold up.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hi, honey.

I'm so sorry, Dad.

I don't mean to take you away from your party.

No, no.

There's no one else in the world I'd rather be talking to right now.

I just got off the phone with Gran.

She-she said it was really beautiful.

Oh, my... Loretta and Jimmy pulled out all the stops, and then some.

I'm really glad that Gran got to be there.

I just, I wish I had, too.

Ah, me too, but...

More than you know.

Oh, but I do have some good news.

David and I chose a new date,

- so the next time - What?

I see you, you might be walking me down the aisle.

I can't wait.

I'll tell you all about it later,

- but I love you so much.

- PATTON: Hey, Pride!

Have a wonderful night

- and give Rita my love, okay?

- Let's get a picture!

I-I will.

Hey, yeah, all right, I'm right...

I'm coming.

I will.

I love you, too.

Thank you so much for calling.

I wish you were here.


I love you.

Miss you.



♪ She's walking like the Family Stone ♪

♪ Smooth like Marvin Gaye ♪


♪ She's rock and roll ♪

♪ Like Keith and Mick ♪

♪ She sings like Lady Day ♪

♪ Oh, now, she's music.. ♪

You, uh, you sounded amazing on that guitar, Connor.


Appreciate you staying for the wedding and-and all of this.

Means a lot.

How about a dance?

Could you just give us a minute?

Oh, I wasn't talking to you.


Oh, uh...

no, I-I don't...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's my wedding, Connor, and I'm not taking no for an answer.

- CONNOR: U-Uh...

- ♪ She's music ♪


- ♪ The way she sounds ♪

♪ Make me do the things I do...



All clear.

But we should make this quick.

After you, Ms. Broussard.

Uh, let me get him on my own.

I don't want to make a scene.


: Oh.

I'll be fine.

It's a party full of federal agents.


♪ She's music ♪

♪ She makes me lose control ♪

♪ Oh, she touches, oh, touches my soul ♪

♪ Well... ♪

♪ Such a night ♪

♪ It's such a night ♪

♪ Sweet confusion ♪

♪ Under the moonlight... ♪

So since y'all two are officially official, that mean you're gonna be

- sticking around for a while now, huh?

- Here we go.

I guess it does.

Is that a good thing?

Yeah, it is.

Pay up, Gregorio.

Couldn't you stay true to character, be an ass and, like, skip town or something?

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

PATTON: You too, Khoury.

Come on.


Et tu?

Well, what can I say?

This is, however, a bet I am happy to lose.

Oh, yeah?


Oh, get a room, you two.


All right, ding-dongs, let's go.

Second line is forming outside.

GREGORIO: All right, let's do it.

Ooh, I'm-a sit this one out.

Oh, no, baby, you can't do that.

You practically a local now.

You can't skip a second line.

Loosen up.

You need to live a little.

- Yeah, so let's go.

- Come on, Carter.

Come on.


What's this all about?

What else?


You said she was right in front of you?

We thought she went inside.

The next thing we know, she's gone.

NOPD's helping with the search.

Yeah, waste of time.

If she doesn't want to be found, she won't be.

You'll let me know if you hear from her?

Of course.

Why would Broussard ditch us?

Thought she wanted this deal.

She must have changed her mind.

Hope she doesn't regret it.


: Yeah.



She's not coming, is she?

Doesn't look like it.


Sasha taking care of Sasha.

Can't say I'm surprised.

But you are.

Seems I've got a blind spot when it comes to her.

You did see the good in her once, Dwayne.

There's nothing wrong hoping to see it again.

Oh, now, come on, let us go in and join the party.

Sasha Broussard is not gonna spoil this beautiful night.





Be right there.


Pride here.

SASHA: Looks like you win.

What are you doing, Sasha?

I'm doing what's best for Connor.

Look, disappearing without a word is not what's best for him.

Well, he won't understand.

Not now, but you should.

I sent a letter, um, but don't give it to him now.

Save it for when he doesn't hate me

- quite so much.

- Just call the Marshals, all right?

You shouldn't be out there alone.

Listen to you.

You almost sound like you care.

I can handle myself.

I always have.

You need to protect our boy.

Do you hear me?

You know I will.

I do.



She's in the wind.

So I guess we're parents as well as newlyweds?


Not what you were expecting, I know.


We've got the rest of our lives to spend together.

Right now, Connor needs you.

Well, he... he needs us.


Should I tell him?

First time I've seen him laugh.


Maybe let him have tonight?


Hey, lovebirds, this train is moving out.



All right.


- Oh.

- Ah.

- Oh.


Is that a surprise?


Navy crimes waits for no one.

Got a breach at Stennis.

- All right, we got this.

- Yeah, yeah.

Enjoy your night.

We'll-we'll keep you posted.

You sure?


He's just happy to skip the second line.

Devastated, but I'll get over it.

All right, then go ahead.

Learn things.

Get out of here.