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01x10 - Reckoning

Posted: 05/25/21 05:43
by bunniefuu
ROBYN: I'm the one you call when you can't call .

Previously on The Equalizer...

What does your mom do again?

I don't know.

Charity stuff?

VI: I can't cover for you if I don't know what I'm covering for.

All these people...

...have no one else to turn to.

DANTE: I was going to use my connection to the vigilante to compromise her.

Meaning perhaps I'm the one who's been compromised.

Hands up, don't sh**t.

♪ ♪ Look at that.

- Make sure you send me that.

- I got you.

Not what you expected, huh?

To be honest, I was surprised you asked me to bring you out here.

I wasn't expecting anything except Percs and molly.

Hey, hey, I just came for this delicious pizza I keep hearing about.

I'm telling you, Aldacott's has the best slice in the city.

Jason's cute.

I should've asked him to bring us out here a long time ago.

(LAUGHS): Don't encourage him.

Hear that, Jay?

You're the man.



MAN: Go!


(MUFFLED): Jason!

Oh, my God.


Call !


- Delilah.

- Mom.

Oh, my God.

You all right?

I'm fine, yeah.

- What are they saying?

- Jason and the other man who was sh*t were brought into the ICU.

I overheard a nurse say that one of the victims d*ed, but I don't know if it was Jason or not.

I mean, if we weren't cutting school, this would've never happened.

I'm sorry.

No, no, no, no.

It's not your fault, baby.

It's not your fault.

Come on, sit down.

It's all right.

SAMANTHA: Why were you in that neighborhood in the first place?

- We were just hanging out, Mom.

- You were just hanging out.

TORI: Yes...


- SAMANTHA: We talked about this.

- OWEN: I saw a white guy.

A weird beard.

Uh, he-he had this ponytail.

I-I couldn't really get anything else.


He drove by really fast.

- It was...



Good to see you, son.

How you doing, Pop?

Has it been a month already?


Just needed to talk.

From that look, it can't be anything good.

Just been thinking, about everything that landed you here.

What made you cross the line?

This about that woman vigilante you been dancing with?

I may be locked up, but I'm still connected.

Answer the question.

Yeah, you're at that age.

Your eyes are starting to open, huh?

The system was getting in the way of us getting justice, so I did what I needed to do.

Stealing money from drug dealers and setting up somebody for m*rder has nothing to do with justice.

We were putting our lives on the line with subpar gear because "it wasn't in the budget." Guess what.

Bad guys don't have budgets.

They have AR- s and armor-piercing rounds.

You swore an oath...

To put away bad people.

To uphold the law.

For years I did everything right.

And for what?

grand and a pension while these guys are carrying grand in their pocket?

How is that fair?

We took that money to level the playing field and take care of our families.

Was it really about the family, Pop?

Or was it just about you?

That money paid for your life.

You're looking for the line.

Between right and wrong.

But here's the cold, hard truth.

There is no line.

There's just a-a gray area, and it's different for everyone.

So you have to decide who you're gonna be and what you're willing to do to get justice.

But don't overthink it.

It's them who belong in cuffs.

Not us.

Someone needs to tell me something.

NURSE: Yes, ma'am, I understand.

The doctor's on his way...

I'm gonna talk to Nicole.

You okay for a sec?


What are they saying?


My son is in there and nobody has any information.

The police don't know anything, either.

This isn't supposed to happen.

That's why I sent him to that school.

I remember how excited Jason was to go.

How nervous he was for his first day.

But Delilah made the transition easy for him.

Easier than others.

Like this is his fault.

- Pay them no mind.

- I don't.

I've dealt with their kind my whole life.

All that's ever mattered to me was Jason getting the education he needed to get out.

And now...

Well, if you need anything, day or night, I'm there.




Jason's in ICU.

We're gonna monitor him and run some more tests.

Is my son going to live?

The b*ll*ts that struck Jason fragmented and caused multiple wound channels and tissue damage.

Jason's lost a lot of blood.

Answer my question.

Is Jason going to live?

I'm sorry, we just don't know.

♪ ♪ How's she doing?


I finally got her to fall asleep.

I can't imagine what Jason's mother must be going through right now.

Do the police have any idea what happened?

If they do, they're not saying anything.

So what are we supposed to do, just sit around and wait till they get their stuff together to find out what happened?

I'm not waiting.


Oh, my God, Robyn.

I'm so sorry Delilah had to go through this.

How are you doing?

I want payback.


How are you doing?

I almost lost my baby.

Her friend is fighting for his life and might not make it.

We got you.

The NYPD didn't have an I.D. or video of the sh**t, but I was able to get a name of the second victim.

Alejandro Molina.

He was a lieutenant in the Molina Cartel.

He was the go-between of the local distribution arm and the cartel in Mexico.


MEL: A hit like that is either a declaration or a response.

But who's crazy enough to go after the Molina Cartel?

Exactly what I'm gonna find out.

Look, if there's beef, someone in the Molina organization would know who was targeting Alejandro.

- Or at least why.

- HARRY: Yeah, if Molina knew, they're definitely gonna hit back.

Maybe we should let them.


We can't.

If we do that, more innocent people are gonna wind up k*lled.

What I want is the sh**t.

HARRY: All right.


Known locations of Molina Cartel, according to the NYPD database.

MEL: So what's the plan?

They're not gonna want to give up what they know.

Oh, they'll give it up.

Not what you expected, huh?

- (g*nf*re)




- VI: Dee!

I got you, baby.

I got you.

I got you.

Where's Mom?

She went to check on Jason's mother.

She should be right back.

But I'm here.


ROBYN: Oh, what, we planning a party here?

Uh-uh-uh, I wouldn't do that.

Unless you plan on blowing up yourselves and your poor friend Jorge here.

Who's in charge?

Who k*lled Alejandro Molina?

How about you piss off?

- (g*nf*re)


Rubber b*llet.

First one is free.


You have my attention.

- Now who the hell are you?

- I'm a concerned citizen.

Now, you tell me what I want to know and I'll be gone.

But if not, we'll do some redecorating around here.

What's your interest?

None that crosses yours, but it is personal.

Now, who k*lled your man?

The Brigada Seven.

The European crime syndicate?

They approached us about a month ago to acquire our distribution system.

Looking to expand.

But Molina Cartel only works for the Molina Cartel.

And I guess they didn't take that rejection too well.

Right after we refused, one of our shipments was seized at the docks.

And k*lling Alejandro was sending a message.

Who was the sh**t?

He sh*t a kid.


The Brigada's enforcer.

Where can I find him?


Hard to say.

They're like ghosts.


Open it up.

Do it!


MATEO: The word is, that's Kostya's girlfriend.

She tell you where he is?

Not yet, but she will.

Or she'll die, because she doesn't know.

Cut her down.


Who are you?

Someone who wants to make sure no one gets hurt.

So if you know where Kostya is, tell me.

Like I told them, I don't know, I swear.

Okay, okay, I believe you.

So just go before they come back.






Detective Dante.

I never got a chance to thank you for not taking that sh*t back in the subway.

I know it wasn't easy for you.

I'm not winning any popularity contests, but I'll live.

Well, let me make it up to you.

You know the kid who got sh*t today?

I got his sh**t.

Those families deserve to see justice.


I'll do it your way.

I'll do it by the book.

Do you want the address?


Go, go!

Let's move.

OFFICER: Kitchen clear.

OFFICER : Bathroom clear.




♪ ♪ DELILAH: Where were you?

I thought you'd sleep through the night.

I'm sorry I wasn't here.

But I'm here now.

Is there any news on Jason?


Not yet.

Come here.

There we go.



Will do.

Thank you.

Who was that?


They have the sh**t.

But you already knew that.

They want Delilah and her parents to come in for a lineup.

Uh, her dad is in Hawaii till Friday at a conference.

Aunt Vi, I'm gonna need you to take her to the police station.


Don't tell me you are wanted by the police.

Wanted is a strong word.

More like they're aware.

What's wrong?

The police have Jason's sh**t in custody.

They want you to come down and identify him.

You'll be with me, right?

VI: Um, you know, Jason's mother is having a really hard time, and your mom promised to be with her.

Could I take you down to the precinct?

Hey, only if it's okay with you.

Um, yeah.

Yeah, that's fine, I guess.

DANTE: Delilah Fulton?

I'm Detective Dante.

This way, please.


- Send them in.

Don't worry, they can't see you.

This whole process is confidential.

It's okay, baby.

I'm right here.

♪ ♪ That's him.

Third from the left.

That's the man who sh*t Jason.

You sure?

I'm positive.

I'm never gonna forget that face.

I heard you... were very brave today.

I feel bad.

Like I should be crying.

But I can't.

You know, when I lost my daddy, I was numb for a month.

You feel guilty.

You... think because you're not crying, it means you didn't care.

But what it really is is shock.

Let's stay positive.


This could be about Jason.


DISTORTED VOICE: We know you gave a witness statement today.

Make it go away or you're gonna have a problem.

- Understand?

- Who is this?

Who the hell is this?!


Who was that?

How did they get my number, Mom?

How do they know who I am?

I'm sorry, but I won't risk Tori's safety.

Honestly, I'm thinking of having Owen recant his statement, too.

We're all scared, Mom.

I get it, but if you all recant, Jason's sh**t will go free.

Look, we are not sacrificing our kids for some gangbanger.

Excuse me?

If it wasn't for Jason dragging Tori to that part of town, we wouldn't be in this situation.

First of all...

Okay, just because Jason lived in a bad neighborhood doesn't mean he's a bad person.

And for your information, it wasn't Jason's idea to take us over there.


We're done here.

I'll call you later.

Be safe.

See, that is some Karen BS up in here.

I know that Samantha is scared, but how dare she come up in here with that superiority when that baby is fighting for his life.

I feel like I need to be here, but I gotta get out there and run those guys down.

Don't you think the police can handle this?

They can't even keep their names safe.

I'm not willing to take that chance with Delilah.

This is unacceptable, Captain.

You don't think I'm pissed off, too?

Yeah, but I gave those families my word their statements would be confidential.

- How could this happen?

- Come on, Dante.

You know exactly how it happened.

How can we uphold the law when our legs are being cut out from under us by our own people?

That's why we have Internal Affairs.

Right, we'll launch an investigation into the leaks but never find who's responsible!

What do you want me to say?

Tell me what we do means something.

The system ain't perfect.

I wish it were.

Please tell me we're going nuclear.

They called and threatened my daughter.

That's too close.

They gonna learn they messed

- with the wrong one this time.

- Damn straight.

I've done some research on the Brigada Seven.

They're well organized, they've dominated Europe, and now they've got their sights set on the U.S.

Yeah, I've heard of them.

Who's in charge here?

I checked with my guy who runs an underground casino in the Bronx.

He knows everyone in the drug game.

He says there's new blood in town making noise the past few months, and the name Victor Shishani keeps popping up.

Rumor has it he's in charge of the Brigada's interests here in New York, but no one's been able to connect him directly to the organization.

He appears to have a legit coffee import/export business, as well as a restaurant in SoHo called Metrano.

But years ago he was Victor Pankiv.

He did counterintelligence for Ukraine, and he worked for a bunch of Russian oligarchs.

MEL: Seems like where corruption flows, this guy goes.

HARRY: Yeah, but here's the thing.

The NYPD doesn't have anything on the Brigada.

I mean, they have a bunch of isolated bits of information, none of which connect to each other.

Look, let's just squeeze one of Victor's guys to get info on the organization.

No, people who work for these syndicates are loyal.

Yeah, meaning they talk, they die.

The Molina Cartel said this whole thing began when one of their heroin shipments got busted by the NYPD.

They thought the Brigada was behind it.

Yeah, well, he may be a ruthless criminal, but his instincts are spot-on.

The NYPD was tipped off to the Molina shipment by a confidential informant.

I bet that informant worked for Victor.

Feeding info to the cops to disrupt the Molina organization.

He would never expose one of his own to the cops, so it has to be someone outside his organization.


Somebody expendable but still on his payroll.

- You got a name?

- No, report didn't mention it.

Find that informant.

They may have information that'll give us Victor, the Brigada and Jason's sh**t.

Where you headed?

To the head of the snake.


Can I help you?

Where I'm from, combatants are fair game.

But we don't hurt children.

Now, you guys want to k*ll each other?

Go for it.

But when you start gunning down civilians in the streets, it becomes my problem.

So here's what you're gonna do.

You're gonna tell your man Kostya to plead guilty at his arraignment tomorrow.

And you are never...

to contact those children again.

Presuming I knew what you're talking about...

which I don't...

why in the hell would I do that?

Because if you don't..

I'm gonna come after you.

Am I supposed to be worried?

It might not worry Victor Shishani.

But it might worry Victor Pankiv.

You're former m*llitary intelligence.

So you'd remember.

Bucharest, .

The terror cell that k*lled all those Americans.

Do you remember how the authorities found those t*rrorists?

That's who I am.

Now tell me you're not worried.

I suggest you take me up on my offer.

Because this w*r you started with the Molina Cartel?

It's nothing...

compared to the w*r you just started with me.


Find out who she is and what her interests are in this matter.

Start with Bucharest.


I'm on it.


What's up, Harry?

Apparently Victor didn't think you were serious.

His man Kostya just plead not guilty.

MEL: He made bail.

One guess who posted it.

Always the hard way.

Any luck finding that informant?

Nothing yet.

Uh, apparently the NYPD is taking confidential seriously.




Got your message.

Who are you working for this time?

It doesn't matter.

A leak in your house put these kids' lives in danger.

So what are you gonna do about it?

What would you have me do?

The informant tipping you off about the Molina Cartel?

I think he works for the Brigada.

If you have a name or something you can give me to bring these guys down, then you need to give it to me.

You know I can't do that.

Can't or won't?

You care about justice?

There is a -year-old boy fighting for his life, while his sh**t just made bail.

That doesn't feel like justice to me.




Got something for me?

CI's name is Rodney Thompson.

Dockworker at the Port of New York.

♪ ♪ ROBYN: What's up, Rodney?

Wake up.

I hear you got friends in high places.

The NYPD seized a Molina Cartel shipment of heroin based off of your call.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Come on, Rodney.

I know the Brigada is paying you to snitch on the Molina Cartel.

So you're gonna tell me everything you know about their operation.

When and where their shipments come in, and how often.

They'll k*ll me.

What do you think I'm gonna do?

The water in that pot has been heating for about two minutes.

Should feel like a spa treatment.

But you got about two more minutes before it reaches degrees.

And that's when the pain starts.

At , the blistering starts.

At , skin starts to peel off.

And that's when we're really cooking.

Well, you, at least.

So what's it gonna be, Rodney?



- Fine.

- Whoa, wait.

- Where are you going?

- Well, if you don't want to talk, there's no need in me being here.


Turn it off!

Not until you tell me when and where the Brigada's next shipment is coming in.



Victor has a shipment coming in tonight at : a.m.


Now, please, turn it off!

Not yet.

What ship is it coming in on?

I don't know, I swear!


It's burning!

ROBYN: Stop whining.

- This'll cool you off.

- Oh!

You don't mention this, you live.


The Brigada's heroin is coming in tonight at : a.m.

- By ship.

- Did he say which ship?


That's what I need you guys to find out.

I'll check shipping schedules.


- Okay.

Hold on, hold on.

Hey, Dee, everything okay?

(CRYING): It's Jason, Mom.

He didn't make it.

He d*ed.


This doesn't feel real.

They k*lled him like he was nothing.

Sometimes this world just doesn't make sense.

Jason's dead.

And the man who k*lled him is walking around free?

How is that fair?

How is that justice?


Just because he made bail doesn't mean he's gonna go free.

But if the police don't have our witness statements, he will, right?

No, there's got to be something we can do.

Right, Mom?

Sean Hobbs.

Lived three doors down.

He must've been , .

Found him in a field sh*t to death.

He was so sweet to me.

He was the first of my friends to be k*lled.

Kevin Brooks.

m*rder*d in junior high.

Over some damn sneakers.


He had the best laugh.

Buying this house.

Sending Dee to that school.

Part of me believed we could get away from all that.

Money can't make problems magically disappear.

That's why I have to protect Dee.


These are dangerous people.

Should I be afraid?


Because when I'm done, there will be nothing to fear.

♪ We got a lead on the Brigada shipment.

HARRY: Victor's the key.

His company's got a transpo ship called the Gorski.

We checked the schedule...

It's coming in tonight.

: a.m. just like Rodney said.

- Where?

- Port of New York.

G-Basin, D- .

MEL: If this shipment is as big as Rodney claims, all the key players will be there.

Including Victor.

The NYPD has never been able to tie the Brigada to the heroin.

So we need to take them down during the exchange.

That's the only way the cops can make it stick.

So what are you thinking?

Get some rest.

Because I'm gonna end all of this.


What did you find?

Not much.

But Bucharest?

She is who she says she is.

Double security.

And get ready.

Detective Dante?

Can I talk to you?

Delilah, right?


Um... thanks.

I know my friends are recanting their witness statements, but I want to keep mine.

I also want to testify when the time comes.

Have you discussed this with your family?

He k*lled my friend.

I won't let him walk free.


Uh, excuse me for a second.

Detective Dante.

Uh, yeah.

Hold on.

Give me a moment.

Uh, I got it right here.

Case number, uh...


Listen, I got to call you back.


I think what you're doing is brave, Delilah.

I respect that.

But I want you to talk it over with your parents.

If they agree, have them call me and...

we can discuss.




Need some help?

No, I'm good.

Have you talked to Jason's mom?


She's making arrangements for his services.

I want you to know, I've decided to testify against Jason's k*ller.

It's not right he gets to be free, and Jason's gone.

That is a big decision.

And I'll be right there with you.

Do you know Detective Dante?

Is that the detective that took your statement?

Think Aunt Vi might have mentioned him.


No reason.

He's really nice.

That's all.

♪ Listen for the b*at ♪

♪ Welcome to your mind, babe ♪

♪ Aha ♪

♪ You're swimming in some murky water ♪

♪ It's coming out of thin air ♪

♪ Aha ♪

♪ Keep guessing, yeah, you're getting hotter ♪

♪ Don't know who to trust ♪

♪ But you'll know when the smoke clears ♪

♪ Make a promise with your life ♪

♪ If you want to make it out of here ♪

♪ ♪ Hands on the clock don't stop ♪

♪ ♪ You're either ready or you're not ♪

♪ This is the beginning of the end ♪

♪ ♪ This is the beginning of the end ♪

♪ ♪ You're either ready or you're not ♪

♪ This is the beginning of the end ♪

♪ ♪ The hands on the clock don't stop ♪

♪ ♪ The hands on the clock don't stop ♪

♪ This is the beginning of the end. ♪

All right, Victor just got here.

And his men are unloading the heroin now.

Did Mel make the call?

HARRY: Per your instructions.

They know they're armed and the heroin will be there.

They should be arriving any minute.


I'm gonna cover the back just in case Victor decides to run.

[g*n CLICKS]

KOSTYA: Do not move.


You should've pled guilty.

You might have lived longer.

You know, after our introduction, I knew you'd be the one.

One what?

In every city the Brigada takes over, most of the people fall in line after a proper show of power.

But there's always an anomaly.

A small spark of resistance.

More like a bolt of lightning.

You are only one person.

Whereas I have an entire organization at my back.

We have an old saying.

"It is only in the group of like-minded men that one can become truly free of any fear of reprisal."


But I have a better one.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


VICTOR: It's the Molinas!


Go, go, go.

ROBYN: Victor and Kostya are getting away.

Cover me.

♪ You know I live for this ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah... ♪

VICTOR: k*ll her!

♪ I like it dangerous ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Go on and flip the switch ♪


♪ Everybody raise your fists ♪

♪ You know I live for this ♪

♪ You know I, you know I ♪

♪ You know I live for this ♪

♪ Move like a shark circling in the water ♪

♪ You know I live for this ♪


♪ You know I, you know I ♪

Run her down.

♪ You know I live for this. ♪



That was for Jason.



You should've taken my offer.

Why is this so important to you?

Because the girl you threatened is my daughter.

And no one messes with my family.



TORRES: This is a damn mess.

H-How the hell did the Molina Cartel end up in the same place as the Brigada?

No idea.

I don't even know where to begin.

I guess the universe balances itself out,

- huh?

- Yeah.


The universe.

You've been busy.

Thanks for your help.

What made you change your mind?

I didn't want the system to get in the way of justice, but after seeing these bodies, I'm not sure it was the right call.

Not one of them was an innocent caught in the cross fire like Jason.

Come on, Marcus.

Imagine what we could accomplish if we were on the same team.

You mean your team.

Our team.

We find a balance that works for both of us.


I'll give it to you.

You do know how to skirt the line.

Tell you what.

I'll think about it.

But whichever way this falls, you should know, if I'm not coming after you, someone else will be.

♪ We're all gonna get through this, Dee.


I'll make some tea.

ROBYN: I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Dee.

Jason was a really good kid.

And he didn't deserve what happened.

Hey, you okay?


I need to ask you something.


I saw something.

Your photo.

On Detective Dante's desk.

Is that why you made up that excuse to not go to the precinct with me?

Are you in trouble with the police?


Dee, whatever you thought you saw...

I also saw that storage unit.

You on that motorcycle, the money, the g*ns, the wigs.

All of it.

On the news they had a report about that huge sh**t.

They showed some of the victims.

One of them was Jason's k*ller.

Was that you?

Did you do that?

Delilah, honey...

You don't work for a charity, do you, Mom?


There are some things that you don't understand...

Yeah, there are.

For starters...

...who are you?