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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 05/28/21 12:49
by bunniefuu
We have detected evidence of extra-terrestrial life.

Why are we detecting this now?

Perhaps they were looking for us.

Emily, what are you doing?

Come with me right now, or you're gonna die.

- Everyone's dead, aren't they?

- Hey, are you guys okay?

You've be looking after all of them.

- What the hell is that?

- MAN: I have no idea.

- I didn't mean to scare you.

- My sight's come back.

It's not like my sight was before.

It's different.

So where are you going?

I'm trying to find a way to k*ll these things.

How the hell do they know so much about us?

This is my son Sacha.

Anything that you can tell me will help.

You feel what they feel.

You're the one person they don't want.

Why is that?


EMILY: I have to go to them.

It's the only way to find out why this is happening to me.

I have to know.

- What are you doing?

- I have to know.






You’re human.


Why have you got the same tattoo as me?

Tell me.

Tell me.







Why do we keep finding them in rivers?

Maybe it’s what they do with their dead.

We've heard they’ve found them in lakes and canals.

It's so weird.

They look just like us.

They are us.

They're human.

Just don't ask me how it's possible.

What's wrong with them?

They have, uh, unique mutations in their DNA.

It seems to affect all of them.

It's like they're siblings.

Maybe the ones we've found are from the same family.

Well, whatever caused the mutations is a weakness.

We can exploit them.

The biological w*apon you're developing.

That’s what they say.

Bill Ward is gonna k*ll all the aliens.

- Are you?

- I'm trying.

So, how are you feeling about tomorrow?

Well, at least we get to k*ll some of them.

It's better than watching my friends die.

You coming with us?


With my knees, you'd have to carry me.

Tom, I...

I just wanted to say how proud I am of you.

And I know that if your dad was here, he would be really proud of you too.

ZOE: Tomorrow, units will simultaneously att*ck ships in London Bridge, Vauxhall and Hackney.

Our target is at the docks in Limehouse.

They've att*cked us continually for months.

Two weeks ago, they stopped.

We’re not sure why.

Given everything we’ve learnt about them, this could be our last chance.

You’ve all lost people.

It’s time for some payback.

Bill's going to brief you on what you can expect to find on board the ship.

Well, uh, I've been...

I’ve been conducting autopsies on the bodies that we’ve taken from the river.

And what we found is that they suffer from crippling genetic mutations that result in multiple organ failure.

That’s why they're so reliant on the creatures.

Because without them, they're helpless.

And given the extent of their physical degeneration, we think that you...

You'll encounter minimal resistance.

They’ve also been taking human babies and foetuses.

And the theory is that they are using embryonic stem cells... grow new organs.

We think that...

We think that they're trying to cure themselves.



We're not gonna hurt you.

We just wanna talk.

Micah, please, you don't have to do this.




ASH: I heard about this guy, yeah.

He survives the att*ck and spends the next five months fighting for his life.

Makes it to an army base.

Happy days.

Couple of hours later, he just drops dead.

- You know what k*lled him?

- What?

- He was k*lled by a peanut?

- The poor bastard was allergic.

Is that bad luck or what?

People are talking like the att*cks on these ships are gonna change things.

People are scared.

They just want to believe things will get better.

It doesn't mean they will.

It's always glass half-empty with you, isn’t it?

What is this glass?









We're still detecting the ripples.

They're consistent at one-point-seven-three-six gigahertz.

We located the source.

MAJOR BERTRAN: Where is it?

AU from earth.

It's beyond the edge of our system.

It makes no sense.

There's nothing there.

MAJOR BERTRAN: Could it be something to do with the original att*ck?

I don't see how.

The att*ck was over six months ago.



Theo asked me if we were going to get married.



He's very protective of you.

Then you should be nice to me or he'll b*at you up.

I've got to go.





[g*ns COCKING]

MARK: Tell the guys at Limehouse that we're in position.

We've got three people approaching from the south.

You need to stop them before they get to the ship.


I think dogs have been eating them.

Oh, my God, that's disgusting.


It's no different to eating a burger.

Eating a person isn't the same as eating a burger.

It is to a dog.





- They're close.

- JONATHAN: Okay, let's go back.

You really don't wanna be going that way.

- Why?

- There's an alien ship.

We're just about to att*ck it.

- Are you a soldier?

- Graphic designer.

- You want the tenth floor.

- Okay, thanks.

- Hey, good luck.

- Thanks.

MARK: Are you heading somewhere?



We heard about a group of survivors in Vauxhall.

- You found us.

- I'm looking for my family.

I thought they might be with you.

You may have seen them or...

MARK: No, they're not with us.

When did you last see them?

Before the att*ck.

Well, you're just in time.

Here, come take a look.

Here, you can see it down there.

What about the creatures?

That transmitter blocks their connection to the Quantum Web thing.

Makes them brain-dead.

Like sh**ting fish in a barrel.

Everyone's checked in.

They're moving into position.


- We need to activate the transmitter.

- We all go at the same time.




ALEX: Go, go, go, go.

Where did they go?

We're getting reports the ships are deserted.

- What's happening?

- HARRY: They're not here.

They're gone.

I've got one.

I’ve got one.


- Should I sh**t it?

- TOM: Wait.

That’s my sister.

- Emily?

- Let's get her out.

Come on.


[CLANGING AND g*ns f*ring]



What's happening?

- [g*ns f*ring OVER RADIO]

- ALEX: It's a trap.

We're under att*ck.



They must have cured themselves.

[g*n f*ring IN THE DISTANCE]


[g*ns f*ring]

- [g*nsh*t]


- [g*nsh*t]


- [g*nsh*t]


JONATHAN: Jesus Christ.

[g*ns f*ring IN THE DISTANCE]

We've got to do something.



- What happened?

- It was the ones that look like us.

- What do you mean?

- They were waiting for us.

They f*cking cured themselves.

What about everywhere else?

Zoe, what is happening?

I don't know.

We lost contact with the other units.



Someone help.

- TOM: Mum?

- Tom?


I was so scared.

TOM: We found Em.

She was on the ship.





- Hey, Mum.

I thought I'd lost you.




I am kicking your arsehole.

- THEO: You don't say that.

Whatever, loser.


Nathan, what’s going on?

NATHAN: We found him in the snow.

Take him to Greta.

Search his bag.


He's been sh*t.

- MOKRANI: Will he live?

GRETA: He's hypothermic.

Get his clothes off.





He's one of them.

CATHERINE: I thought they were supposed to be crippled.

- He walked up here?

- Hey.

Why are you here?


Why are you here?


I'm looking for someone.


Professor Bill Ward.

Is he here?



I have to find him.


Everyone's looking at me.

I don't know what to say to them.

BILL: What are we gonna do?

Zoe, what are we going to do?

Well, the transmitter won't protect us any more.

- They'll be coming for us.



- So...

So we should go.

- And go where?

They'll find us and k*ll us.

They always do.

- So we should stay?


I don't know.

Well, we’ve got to do something.

The only reason I’m in charge is because everyone else is dead.

Those people out there are depending on you.

So stop feeling sorry for yourself and come up with a plan.


I didn't ask for this.

None of us asked for it.

But we’re here.




Well, we can't move the wounded, so I guess we’ll just stay.


The girl they found on the ship.

You know her?


- Why did they keep her alive?

- I don't know.

She used to be blind.

But after the att*ck, she got her sight back.

I think she’s connected to their Quantum Web.

How can she do that?

I don’t know.

Your guess is as good as mine.

You know, she has the same tattoo as they do.

She got it done before they got here.

Well, that can't be a coincidence.

I don't know what it is.


- It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

Where's Mum?

She was here.

She was needed in the hospital.

You want some water?

I couldn't believe it when I saw you.

I should never have let you get onto that ship.

- It's not your fault.

- I thought I'd never see you again.

All this time you were with them?


What do you mean?

You've been gone for months.

What did they do to you?


I can’t remember.

I saw Bill.

He's here.

He's okay.


I promised I’d get your mum as soon as you were awake.

Will you be okay?

You can't give up.

You keep telling me Emily's still alive.

- I want to believe you.

- You should.

Because you feel it?

- You still don't trust me?

- Get some sleep.


I let him convince me 'cause I wanted it to be true.

We're only alive because of Sacha.

Maybe we should try to have faith in him.


MARK: It's the steel in the core of the buildings.

It expands and contracts with the changes in temperature.


Yeah, I thought so.

I was wondering what it was.

MARK: There's a map on the table.

I've marked the location of a group in Mile End.

Maybe your family's there.


Thank you.

What are you gonna do?

People were talking like it was gonna be D-Day.

It was supposed to change everything.

It's over.

They won.



We can’t think like that...

No, you have to know when you're b*at, and they b*at us.

I'm so tired.

I just want it to be over.


Yeah, I know what you mean.

MARK: I hope you find your family.



He's conscious.


Hey, hey.

Why did you come here?

- Why did you come here?


The source of the music.

The music we sent into space.

You traced the signal?


MOKRANI: Do your people know we are here?

- MICAH: No.

- MOKRANI: Who sh*t you?

My brother.

You said you were looking for this man, Professor Bill Ward.

Who is he?

He's responsible for our suffering.

- We can change it.

- What do you mean?

MICAH: It's not too late.

What are these equations?

Can you explain them?

It's a formula.

It measures the torsion within the monopole.

A magnetic monopole?

You can detect them?

You've seen them?

They're part of the nature of all things.




- Can you revive him?

- GRETA: His wound is infected.

We can give him antibiotics, but it's the last course we have.

They may not even work.

MOKRANI: Do what you can, but we keep the antibiotics for our own people.


We should give him the antibiotics.

We need to understand what he's talking about.

And if we need them to treat someone else?

Maybe this is more important.

More important than the lives of the other people here?

What if your sister is hurt?

It's more important than her life?





Then we don't give him the antibiotics.




ASH: How mad is that?

Must be weird for you seeing her again.

What do you mean?

'Cause after what happened with Helen...

I'm just glad she's alive.

She was on that ship with them for months.

What were they doing with her?


What's this?

It belongs to the alien guy.

I think it's his journal.

- They keep journals?

- Hm.

What is all that?

They're quantum equations.

This is the Planck constant.

I think this represents wave particle duality.

The rest I don't understand.

His handwriting's even messier than yours.


Who's Bill Ward?

I don't know.

He said he was looking for him.


This biological w*apon that you're working on, how soon can it be ready?

Well, I've already identified the strands of DNA I can infect them with, but I need to run some trials.

If we release it before we’re sure, it could infect us as well as them.

There's so few of us left.

We're out of options.

We might have to take the risk.

Yes, but if we release it before it's ready, it could wipe us out.

There she is.

Hello, Emily.

How are you?

We were...

We were all so worried about you.

- This is...

This is Zoe.

- Hi.

We'd, um...

We’d like to talk to you about what happened when you were on the ship.

Anything you can tell us would be really helpful.

Why did they come to Earth?

Why are they here?

I don't know.

ZOE: Do you know why you have the same tattoo as them?


- Why are they trying to k*ll us?

- I don't know.

There must be something that you can tell us.


- I'm really tired.

- ZOE: Did they t*rture you?

- No.

- Why did they take you?

Did they want something from you?


Look, I can't help you.

I'm sorry.

They keep her all that time and then they just let her go?

Why would they do that?


You're human.

This is our home.

- Please, just let me go.

- We're not gonna hurt you.

You came to us for a reason.

- You’re one of us.



- No.

I can't be.

- You know it's true.

You've felt it from the moment we arrived on Earth.

You share our genes.

You feel what we feel.

Why are you keeping me here?

You know a man.

Bill Ward.

He’s creating a virus that will slaughter our people.

You can stop it from happening.


You have to k*ll him.