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02x03 - Valentine's Day

Posted: 06/04/21 12:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on High School Musical: The Musical: The Series...

Auditions for the Spring musical got off with a bang.

- Where's Ricky?

- I'm here!

Gina, Kourt, and I showed we're all leading ladies.

In this together

The new girl sang like an angel...

Adventure in the great...

...and acted like, am I allowed to say "devil"?

We're the only real contenders.

And Nini may be off in some far-away castle, but somehow...

I'm Belle!

If this is a fairy tale, I don't wanna wake up.

So, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and this is our first Valentine's Day as a couple since...

Well, since last year, but it feels different this time, you know?

So, I thought it would be fun to take a quick break from YAC, come back home, and surprise Ricky.

When we were little, I used to show up at Ricky's window, and he'd open the curtains with this big, goofy grin, and it always...

Okay, this is corny, but it warms my heart.

And I miss that smile, so, I guess you could say this is sort of a gift for me, too.

I think of you when the wind blows I see your face almost everywhere Sure, maybe Salt Lake is not close

But I'm still breathing you in the air


- What are you doing?

- What am I doing?

Who are you being?

- What?

- Where is Ricky?

Yes, I took a last-minute bus to Nini's boarding school.

For Valentine's Day tomorrow, I wanted to surprise her and show her that nothing's changed between us.

I don't wanna brag, but I had a pretty romantic idea the other day.

I believe the word is romcom.


Oh, excuse me.

I'm looking for a Nini Salazar-Roberts.

- Who?

- New girl, from Salt Lake.

Oh, I'm pretty sure she cut out a day early for the weekend.

You weren't gonna do that outdoor serenade thing, were you?

You realize this is a drama school?

Everybody does that.


Time to get a piece of the pie.

So, step one of the dawn of Kourtney is financial independence, which is why you are looking at the brand-new assistant manager of Salt Lake Slices!

Is it a little awkward that I'm Big Red's boss in his own family's restaurant?

Honestly, I wouldn't know, because I no longer apologize for taking up space.

Besides, this place could use a Kourtney's touch.

It's messy.

- Uh, excuse me.

- You're good.

Can I help you?

I sincerely doubt that.

Is this for the J Street order?

They're gonna want extra utensils.

I'm Kourtney.

Who are you?

- Doesn't matter.

- Why not?

No offense, Cora, but I'm guessing you won't be working here long.

Okay, let's start over.

The name's Kourtney, I'm your boss, and I'm here to make this place run better.

Who moved these banana peppers?

I did.


So the Parmesan doesn't sprinkle down on them when you garnish the pizza.

Okay, Corey, I'm gonna level with you.

Not my name.

I've had five bosses in the last three months, and all of them came in here talking about, "I'm gonna totally streamline the garnish station."

News flash.

It never works.

Then they move onto an internship somewhere, and we all get a shiny new manager... again.

And what makes you think I won't be any different?

Just a hunch.

I just can't believe we both totally missed each other last night.

At least I still get to see you after school, right?


Hey, at least I get to see you after school.

Just said that.

I'm sorry.

Can't believe I didn't know you moved.

- Yeah, about that...

- Oh, it's all good.

I only had, like, three nightmares about the girl in the window.


Well, I, uh, spent all night freezing on the back of a bus and got no sleep, so, call it even?

You really went all the way to Denver just to say "Happy Valentine's Day"?

More like, to sing it.

I kind of wrote you this song.

I wrote a song too.

Oh, come on.

I wanna hear yours right now.


Hey, uh, we're starting.

Miss Jenn's asking for you.

You good?

After school.



Are you good?

Yeah, yeah, it's...

It's my first Valentine's Day without a girlfriend and, uh, stings a little, but, uh, takin' it in stride.

You're dressed in all black.

Yeah, just happened, I guess.

You ready?

Okay, people.

The title song of Beauty and the Beast is the centerpiece of our show.

Written at the height of Ashman and Menken's powers, and it's their most romantic ballad since Suddenly, Seymour.

As a reminder, Belle is finally falling for the Beast, and it's not because of Stockholm syndrome, you all.

Love is love.

Ricky and Ash, it's time to review the waltz.

Let's take it way under tempo.

Tale as old as time

- One, two...

- You okay?



Super tired.

Can you at least use both your feet?

- Barely even friends

- Three...

Uh, yeah.


Kourtney, honey, I know we aren't up to show tempo, but sing out, and make sure to really look at Belle and the Beast during the song.

Remember, what Mrs.

Potts is observing is a miracle.

Belle is the most beautiful girl in the land, and the Beast is, I'm sorry, Ricky, beastly.

Maybe close your eyes and imagine the full scene in makeup and wardrobe.


Hey, do you mind if I take a quick five?

- Everything okay, honey?

- Yeah, of course.

- You good, cuz?

- Yes.

I said I'm fine.

This is so dumb.

Look, I know who I am.

I'm proud of who I am.

But, I mean, I've seen the movie times, okay?

Belle has a certain look.

It's iconic.

And that look isn't really me, and sometimes, that feels complicated.

Here's a little something for you.

Happy Valentine's Day.


Thank you, everyone, good job.

We'll nail this number in time for the Menkies.

The Beast's castle wasn't built in a day.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Hey, Ash.


You were really good up there today.

Just working with what I've got.

I just, I want you to prepare yourself for a really special romantic surprise later today.

You won't know exactly where or when, but it's gonna be really...

- Surprising?

- Yes!


I got you a card.

"Look under seat"?

It a sled!


I remember you said you were sad you outgrew that old pine sled from your childhood.

- You remember that?

- I'm a gifter.

It's no big deal.

Don't feel obligated to reciprocate.


But seriously, what'd you get me?

I wasn't going to say anything, but I've got something special coming from ye old farm.

Okay, here we are.

It's Ashlyn's locker.

This is what you wanted to show me?

Look, uh, I know Ashlyn is super down to earth, but I gotta be honest.

When I found out she got the lead in the show, something happened inside of me, and then, I had to use the restroom.

Okay, you don't have to say every part out loud.

I'm not the kind of guy that dates the lead in the show.

I don't wanna blow it with her on Valentine's Day.

I mean, the whole day is about the color red.

I should have this on lock.


So, I came up with an idea to do a little singing telegram for her, and it starts with me popping out of this bad boy.

You're breaking in.

We traded locker combos as an act of trust.

Her idea.



For what?

To give me notes.

I'm gonna run it.


Uh, Ricky, I think it locked.

I'm going to get help, stay put.





Are we in a stairwell?

Big Red got himself stuck in a locker.


Hey, when you come over after school, bring your ukulele.


I wanna hear your song too.

Yeah, so, here's the deal.

Um, my moms went ice skating for Valentine's Day and Mama Carol twisted her ankle trying not to steamroll a child.


I hate that child.

Yeah, I'm in the emergency clinic with her right now.

Can I come over around dinner time?

- Definitely, yeah.

- Okay.

- I'll call you in a bit.

- Yeah.

I'll talk to you in a bit.

Come on, waltzing is hard, trust me.

You've got two legs but the song's in three.

That's madness.

I guess I just don't feel like a natural Belle yet.

I mean, we've all seen the movie.


A cartoon.

And you're her everything.

Well, now I wanna give you a Valentine too.

No, I've actually got a pretty good one coming.

I mean, it's from my mom, but you know, love is love.

- What is happening?

- Sorry.

I'm sorry.

Um, was this the surprise?

Because, surprise.

Yeah, no, uh, it kinda got ruined.

My fault.

Just come by the pizza place later, okay?

Trust me, it's gonna be amazing.


All my stuff smells like Throb.


Sorry, didn't see you there.

All good.

Don't stop.

Did you need something?

Well, I was just looking for a quiet place, you know, trying to find my levels.

What levels?

Well, last time I sang solo, I blew out an entire sound system.

I just...

I don't wanna break anything else.

Don't you sing loud at church?

Yeah, but I feel comfortable at church.

I mean, it's where I learned to sing.

My family's in the front row.

But being on stage, playing a part, it's just different.

I understand that.

At least, I think I do.

It's hard to say.

What is going on here?

Oh, uh, sometimes when I'm stuck with a problem, I like to do my brainstorming through improvisational music.

I call it my thinking jazz.

"Thinking jazz"?

People say the melody changes depending on what I'm thinking, but I don't hear it.


Imagine a bunny.

Now a mugging.

Oh, my goodness.

- What?

- Nothing.


So what are you trying to figure out?

Well, I told Carlos that I had a special present coming from my family's farm.

Ooh, what is it?

There is no special present coming from your farm, is there?

This is terrible.

I knew a handmade card would never be enough.

What am I gonna do?

Find something organic and just be you.

Thanks, Kourt.

And don't worry about your levels.

You'll be fine.

- You really think so?

- Totally.

Hey, I caught that one.

I'm an open book.

Even when You and I are worlds apart I hold you in my heart

Even when

I'm a thousand miles away

I wish that I could stay with you


I'm sorry about this.

I should've called.

Look at this place.

Yeah, you, uh, wanna see the rest?

Well, look at that, you just did.

Can I get you something?

We've got cereal and nothing.

Yeah, I'll take some nothing if it's fresh.

No, it's, uh...

Valentine's Day is kind of hard for me this year, and I thought of all people, you would understand.

You did?

Yeah, well, my mom's been my Valentine every year since I was four.

I guess I thought she would send me a stuffed bear.

It's kind of our tradition.

Um, but I just got off the phone with her.

It sounds like she forgot.

But she works crazy hard hours, so...

Uh, yeah.

No, I get that.

Um, the missing your mom.

I knew you would.

Sorry, there's just some things that I tell you that I don't really tell anyone else.

Yeah, no, I think we do that for each other.

It's Nini.

I should...

Hey, Nini, uh, where are you?

So turns out Mama Carol might have broken her ankle, and I love my mother, but she's being a huge baby about it.

Yeah, that checks out.

Can I check in with you a little later?

I'm trying to be a good daughter and stick around here.

Of course, yeah.


You're the best.

I gotta go.


Yeah, sorry.

I just...

I have this whole goofy song I wanted to play her tonight, so I'm just kind of, uh...

Weird day.

You know, Ricky, you should...

You should call her back and play it over the phone.

I don't know...

No, trust me on this.

Every girl likes a sweet gesture.

I speak from experience.

I think you'll get yours too.

I'll live.

Thank you for...

Oh, my goodness!

Lily, you are quiet as a mouse.

Only when I have to be.

Honey, it's almost dinner time, what are you still doing at school?

I was just cleaning out my locker.

I'm moving.

Where are you headed?

Up north.

Well, I hope you layer up.

I keep blankets in my car at all times because I'm quite petite, and sometimes, the blood can barely make it past my head.


Yeah, uh, anyway...

Just came to say thanks for everything.

- Oh, I didn't do anything.

- Yeah, no, no, no, no.

When they write the story of my life, they're gonna point to the time you passed me over for the lead as the moment that changed everything.

Did it just get cold in here?

Oh, happy V-Day.


Well, it was good of you to pay me a visit, and I wish you the best of...




Are you all right?

Just a bit of a chilling moment.

Nothing serious.

What are you still doing here?

Puttering around.

Avoiding grading midterms.

Have you had dinner?

Okay, uh...

Oh, hey, Ash.

Are you ready to be swept off your feet?


Could we actually just talk for a second?

- Sure.

- Yeah.

How are you?

I'm good.


How are you?

Uh, it's been kind of a strange day.



I mean...

I love being the lead in the show, and I love that everyone apparently thinks I can be.

It's just a lot of scrutiny, I guess, or self-scrutiny?

I'm just not used to it, do you know what I mean?

Not really.

Honestly, I think it feels kind of strange to me to be playing an ingénue this semester for many reasons.

Wait, why?

You're really asking?

You're perfect, Ashlyn.

I think you should play the princess in everything.

- No offense.

- No.

None taken.

Wait, so you've been feeling afraid?

Kinda terrified, actually.


I've been feeling afraid.

I planned this whole big song so I can prove that I was cool enough to date you.


That's what all of this today was all about?


I'm just really happy being afraid together.



Happy Valentine's Day, Ash.


That's adorable.

There's nothing like young love.

Yeah, uh, speaking of which...

Hope you like it.

What did you do?


I planted some organic seeds from my barn in there about an hour ago.

I thought maybe we could have something that grows with us.


I swear.

If you hadn't taken over that light board on opening night, I think I might have died.

Electricians are the unsung heroes of the theater.

I just never imagined we'd be getting a slice together.

Perhaps we have more in common than we originally thought.

We do both love what we do.

And I must grudgingly admit, I've come to appreciate your consistent positivity.

This is new.

My biggest crush in Salt Lake is right over there, all alone, on Valentine's Day.

Your "Biggest crush."

Did he break up with his ex?

Is she his ex-ex?

What do I do?

I've heard good things about conversation.


Thank you.

I'll try that.

Okay, can we talk about volume?


I, uh, got that rush order over to South Street in time.



Said the heart-shaped pizza came out perfect.

Oh, that's nice.

I should also say that the Robinsons gave me an unusual tip tonight.



Said it was the first time the banana peppers weren't all covered in Parmesan.

Here's your cut.

Oh, you know I can't accept that.

See you tomorrow, boss.

Name's Howie, by the way.

Hey, Kourt!

It's Sebbie!

Since you said you feel most comfortable singing for your family and I am playing your son, I thought I'd lay down a track for you to practice to.

I played with the arrangement.

Hope you like it.

You're the best.

Love you, Mom!

Tale as old as time

True as it can be

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends


Just a little change

Small to say the least

Both a little scared

Neither one prepared

Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

Ever as before

And ever just as sure

As the sun will rise

Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast

This is Nini.

Talk to me-me.

Hey, it's me.

Maybe you're on the other line.

Anyway, um, I just wanted to say I hope nothing changes between us, ever.

I know today we've been a little out of sync, but I was kinda hoping I could play you this song before Valentine's Day is over.

And I hope your mom's feeling better.


Here goes.

So, anyway, what a mess the past hours have been.

But anyway, you said you wanted to hear my song today and it's almost midnight so, hope you like it.

I think of you when the wind blows I see your face almost everywhere

Sure, maybe Salt Lake is not close

But I'm still breathing you in the air

Because the best part is knowing

There's something in my dreams that always makes me smile -

It's you

The best part is knowing there's someone

In my life that makes it all worthwhile

It's you When I don't know what to do

- No, I'm never giving up

- 'Cause I'm never giving up

- Never giving up on you

- Never giving up on us

- Baby - Baby, I wish you were here

Because the best part is knowing

There's something in my dreams

That always makes me smile

It's you

The best part is knowing there's someone

In my life that makes it all worthwhile

It's you, you, you

With you

- You, you, it's you

- With you

I wish that I could stay

- With you

- It's you

Anyway, something like that.



Hope you like it.

I'm a Pisces, you're a Gemini

You're the brightest star In the East High sky

So I'll do anything I have to

Here's my choreography Do my moves impress you?

If only high school were a musical

With catchy words and melodies

I'll tell you that you're beautiful

So here goes nothing Why wait

Five, six, seven, eight

Roll out the red carpet

Like it's opening night

We'll paint the town red

With our name in lights

You caught me red-handed

'Cause I can't get enough

I'll put some color in your world, girl

Red means love

So cue the confetti

And the chorus line I hope they're all ready

For this two of a kind

You caught me red-handed

Now I can't get enough

I'll put some color in your world

'Cause red means love

I'll put some color in your world

'Cause red means love

Let's put some color in the world

'Cause red means love