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06x12 - Forever

Posted: 06/11/21 07:42
by bunniefuu
Hey, we could have had coffee upstairs.

Why did you want to meet down here?

Today is my last day at Millennial.


I wrote a Dear John letter to Charles,

and I'm leaving.


I've been there a while,

and it's time for me to move on.

I want a fresh start.

But where? Where are you going?

I don't know.

Liza, it's fine.

I'm taking a leap,
and the net will appear.

Yeah, well, sometimes the
sidewalk appears first.

Look, please, just take a beat,
think, talk it over with me.

We can do, like, pros and cons.

My mind is made up.

Well, what did Charles say?

Nothing yet.

I stopped by his office
on the way here,

and I left a letter on his desk.

I don't want to be there
when he gets it.

Are you crazy? Hey!

Liza, wait!

Can I help you?

Hi, good morning.

Oh, right.

I left this for you.

It's a... it's a letter... for you.

But you shouldn't read it in the office

because it's... it's inappropriate...

at work, so I'm gonna take it back.

Now I really want to read it.

I won't report you to HR.

No, it's just it's...

It's really sexy stuff,

and it's just, like, dirty,
so I, um....

I wrote... it's a limerick.

I wrote you a limerick. That's it.

But it turns out that I'm not
very good at those, so...

Um, that's not your handwriting.

It's my resignation, Charles.

- I'm leaving.
- No, she is not.

She is thinking about leaving,

but we're gonna sit down
and figure it out.

There's nothing to figure out.

I can't be editor
where I was publisher.

I tried. I can't.

Take two weeks.

Take a leave.

Let the dust settle.

Please, you're too important to us.

No, I'm sorry.

There's nothing else to say...

Thank you, Charles,

for finding me in the assistant
pool and promoting me

and giving me all of these
incredible opportunities.

But my time here is over.


Don't make it hard for me, all right?

Just read this.

I meant every word.

No, Liza, don't.

This is not good-bye.
I'm gonna see you.

Done, done, and done.

Oh, and I got the Rome hotel upgrade.

You now get a bidet
and an espresso machine

right next to each other, but still.

Oh, good, we have a problem.

Yes, my maid of honor, late again.

Thank God you deputized Lauren.

You do know we're four days out.

That's just it. I just
got a call from Redmond.

We have a pitch on Friday.
That's the day before.

No, no, no, no. That
is not on my calendar.

Oh, God, Kelsey must have scheduled it

without telling anyone.

That's the third time this week.

She left dirty little bombs everywhere.

Yeah, I mean, she kept
a lot of stuff in her head.

I have no idea how this company
is running without her.

It's just not the same place.

Liza, please.

She was not the heart and soul
of this company.

We are happy for her.
We are happy for us.

We are happy!

Yeah, absolutely, uh, but, weirdly,

both of your offices
are out of Kleenex.

I'm just saying.

She keeps dodging my calls too,

just little texts saying
she's working on her game plan.

I know she's coming
to the wedding, though.

And the spa the day before?

Kelsey's a no, but
Enzo's sisters are in,

and they want it all
plus a moustache wax.

Yeah, curse of the Mediterranean.

Oh, yeah, they have got
a Russian lady there,

an actual Putin,

with the finger strength
of my first girlfriend.

She... She will get it done.

Oh, it's Enzo, the Uncle Joe meeting.

Uncle Joe, who's Uncle Joe?

How can you be so bad at
this maid of honor stuff?

You're a thousand years old.

- This can't be your first rodeo.
- Well...

Thank you for meeting me here.

I gotta say, I'm surprised.

Thought I was public enemy number one.

Well, you're a very smart
public enemy number one.

I need your advice.

I'm thinking of going out on my own

and starting my own publishing company.

I already have a few meetings
lined up this week,

and I thought because you and Charles

already did it with Mercury

that I could just give you
my pitch and get some feedback.

Uh, I don't need to hear the pitch.

My feedback is, don't do it.

Look, you're the best editor
I've ever worked with,

but talent only gets you so far.

Yeah, Mercury worked because
Charles came up with 800K

to buy the Audrey Colbert book.

It's cold out there
in the publishing world.

Check your ego and come back.

With respect, my résumé

looks a little different
than yours when you went out.

I've started and run my own imprint.

I've been publisher.

I can do this.

I know what you can do, Kelsey,

and I know what you can't.

What does that mean?

It means... all right, look.

You and I were doing
great together, really great,

and then the thing happened and
you decide to punish me for it.

You're being punished?

I lost my job.

No, you gave up your job
to save the company.

You think what happened
was your worst moment.

I thought you were awesome.

I wanted to be there for you
to help you see that,

but instead, you bailed.


I can't think about
being in a relationship

when I'm scrambling for my next move.

You were the same way.

You have to feel good
about yourself to make room

for other people, and I'm not there.

I believe you, Kelsey.

You know, I wish I didn't.

You deserve to get what you want.

I just... I just wish you wanted more,

and if you do one day,

if you want more than just
business advice from me,

it's gonna have to be your move, okay?

You're gonna have to reach out.

Good luck with your pitches.

Hey, you made it!

Enzo, this is Queens.

There was a bridge.

I could have looked at photos.

You would have hurt his feelings.

Look, Uncle Joe wanted an unveiling.

He is the artist in the family,

and he's my godfather... small G...

so this is a big deal,

him giving us this on our big day.

Il mio piccolino!

Hey, Uncle Joe.

And your beautiful bride.

You remember Uncle Joe.

- This is Liza.
- Hi.

Diana, you grow more
beautiful every day.

Oh, well, you obviously
have the eyes of an artist.

That's encouraging.

Is that what you made for the wedding?

It's so beautiful.

No, that's for a dog funeral.

You see the tails?

Yours is my masterpiece.

I had to find something
that would represent

your two worlds coming together.

Prepare yourselves.

I underprepared.

The toilet is you, Enzo,

and, Diana, you are the fish,
a beautiful trota like you.

It's beautiful, right, Diana?

Look at the mouth, open like yours.

I've caught you.


I'm speechless.

Either you or this ice sculpture

would be at my wedding, not both.

- Capisce?
- I totes capisce.

Hey, Maggie. Uh, is Liza here?

She just called from Queens,

something about I... I don't know.

I think I heard her say Ice Capades,

which makes sense for her.

Ooh, you need this more than I do.

- Yeah.
- Come in.

- Bad day?
- Oh, the worst.

I've been pitching my new
company all over town.

All nos... well, not no,
but, "Oh, you poor thing."

It's really hard to pitch to
people that have seen the video

because their eyes all of a
sudden just start... drifting.

Mm, I get it. It's hard for me too.

How am I doing?


You know, I'm afraid I painted
myself into a corner.

I think Zane's right.

I let my ego get in the way.

Well, I don't know where
I'd be without my ego,

probably somewhere upstate

crafting and smelling of hot glue.

Do you still believe in yourself?

Yeah, I do, but it takes more than that.

I need one more believer.

I need a believer with money.

You had a believer with money,

if I recall correctly.

Look, you quit your job to be a player,

so be a player.

I mean, sometimes you have

to get in bed with the devil.

How do you think I got this loft, hmm?

Long story, no names.

Because I love books, I always have,

but that's not the only
way to tell a story now:

audiobooks, podcast,

digital delivery of
subscription content,

serials like the way Dickens
used to publish, and TV.

Yes, why not?

It's all new ways of crafting a book.

Opening your mind, filling your soul,

that is what KLP Print is all about...

with your help.

I like it.

KLP Print, that is the worst
name I've ever heard.

In this day and age, you
need something short

and easy to say like Looli or Oobay.

I mean, what the hell
does Google even mean?

I'm open to changes...

with the right offer.

See this? This attitude,
down but not out?

This is what I'm buying.

So there I was stuck in Thailand

when the Wi-Fi goes down for 72 hours

and I have an epiphany:

You can miss a day online

and the world doesn't come to an end.

And if it did, how would you know?

I read more. I slept better.

I had more fun in those three
days that I'd had in years.

And after the initial
freak-out and withdrawal,

I realized that there is
a joy in missing out.

Hence the book title
"JOMO IRL: How to Unplug

and Experience the Joy of Missing Out,"

the antidote to FOMO.

The what?

You know, the fear of missing out.

FOMO is the curse of the millennial.

JOMO is the cure.

We have to give up all our
alternate, imaginary lives

and live in the real
world, and that hurts.

But after a while, you realize
that our limited analog lives

are pretty amazing.

So if we can learn to
detach ourselves from...


It's my publicist.

I'm trending.

- Trending, I'll be out here.
- Oh.

Do millennials really want to be nagged

about their screen time?

He's not wrong.

I mean, maybe we all need

to give up our alternate lives
and choose real ones.

- So you're buying it? Good.
- I'm not sure.

"I'm not sure."

God, I miss Kelsey.

She had instincts, quick no, quick yes,

not that this elderly dithering
isn't also attractive.

We miss Kelsey too, you have no idea,

but Millennial is still
here and going strong.

Why do you even call
it Millennial anymore,

'cause it sounds better than Menopausal?

Liza, I adore you, giantess.

You're like a tall, literate redwood,

but you were born I don't
know how many presidents ago,

and, Diana, you... well, no.

You're ageless.

That always sounds like longwearing,

like a carpet for high-traffic areas.

What I'm saying is,

you're the Mr. Coffee
in a world of Keurigs

now that Kelsey's bailed.

Well, you know what they say: I-H-L.

It's her loss.

- They don't say that, no.
- I'm not sure.

Look, why don't you ask
some of your interns

what they think, and if
you want to make a deal,

just pick up your Jitterbug
phone and give me a call.

But don't sweat it
because we already have

an offer from Random House.


Did we give him a plus
one for the wedding?

- I think so.
- Yank it.

It's just not the same without Kelsey.

And all the wedding stuff for Diana?

I'm not drowning exactly,

but I definitely feel the water rising.

Sounds to me like you need a vacation.

Oh, my God, this is the
absolute worst time.

With Diana away on her
honeymoon next week? I...

Not now, this summer
when things calm down.

I am taking the girls to Scotland.

You know, I thought that
they would want the beach,

but Bianca heard about
a Harry Potter tour.

Anyway, so there will
be hiking and golfing

and a lot of time to drink
whiskey and learn spells

and I was thinking maybe you
and Caitlin might want to join.

Wow, that's a lot to think about.

Yeah, I think it's time we all

got to know each other a little better.

I could talk to Caitlin.

I have to warn you, though:
if we leave the girls with her,

she will charge for babysitting.

I admire her business instincts.

Charles, Liza.

Hello, Quinn.


Oh, I see you still haven't forgiven me

for yanking my money out from under you.

I had to. It's politics.

And my campaign is going
so much better now, so...

Still friends?

Oh, as much as we ever were.

So funny, running into you.

This whole week has been
a real blast from the past.

- How so?
- Let's just say that someone

who used to work for you
or with you or next to you...

I don't know, it's always
so confusing over there...

is going into business with me.

Isn't life hilar?

Anyway, my biggest donor awaits.

Watching him eat is the
hardest thing I do.


That couldn't be Kelsey
she's talking about.

She'd never team up with Quinn.

Bellissimo, maestoso.

Complimenti, Giuseppe.

Coming from a real artist
like you, Miss Amato,

that means everything.

Aw, look at you two bonding.

It's like when Michelangelo and da Vinci

would get together over drinks
and talk about boys. I love it.

Isn't this too important of a piece

to throw it away at a wedding?

You know, I know a gallery in
Brooklyn that would love this.

We invite the critics. We watch it melt.

- Yes.
- Performance arts.

I mean, you must have
something else here

that we can give them instead,

possibly a Venus de Milo or
an Empire State Building?

Oh, you flatter me, artista.

I'd be honored to show you my work.

- This way.
- Thanks.

Oh, okay, great.

Uh, you guys go do that.
I'll just be here.

I'ma take a little piccy.


"p*ssy on Ice,"

until we women get the
respect we deserve.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Dio mio!

- Oh, my God.
- I'm stuck. I'm stuck.

Please help. I'm stuck like a tongue

on a winter water... oh, my God.

Don't move! You'll pull a thread.

You'll unravel like an old sweater.

Oh, my God! My God!

You ruined it.

I know! I know! And
it's my favorite part!

I think I left a bit of it up there.

Do you have a first aid
kit or... ow... Anbesol?

Yeah, yeah, in the office.

But Quinn Tyler?

Kelsey, she was nothing but
trouble for you at Millennial.

But she made me publisher.

No one else did.

It's a step up, Liza.

It's ownership, and I need
something that's mine.

- Kelsey...
- I'm good with my decision.

Can we talk about something else?

You know whatever you
do, I'm on your side.

Speaking of sides,

you're sitting on the bride's
with us tomorrow, right?


I know that Charles is
gonna be there... and Zane

but it's Diana's day.

We're there to celebrate her.


At least for one day,

I can pretend everything's
the way it used to be.

Remember the way it used to be?

It wasn't so bad, was it?

I know that you don't
want to ask about him,

but Josh is doing fine.

He'll be in Midtown next week.

Wow, that's good.

We, um, sort of had a bad talk last week

about me seeing less of him.

- He didn't like that.
- No kidding.

You're kind of the most
important woman in his life

who isn't teething.

It's just I feel like,
for the both of us,

it's time for a little space.

How's that working out for you?

It's weird, but we have
to make choices in life.

It's like this book pitch
we had today about JOMO.

You know, the joy of missing out.

What? That is not a thing.

I hope you passed in the room.

Really? Yeah, I absolutely will.

I will.

But there is something to it.

I mean, not joy of missing out

but, like, more refocusing on
other things, on new horizons.


That is what people who are missing out

tell themselves to make it okay.


To new horizons... for both of us.

No looking back.


Well, what do you think?

Are we gonna be ready for Monday?


I am so excited about this.

You are gonna be on every
girl in Manhattan.

I am that market, and we
all wanna piece of you.

- Huh.
- One of your pieces,

I mean. I keep saying piece.

I don't even know why.

Oh, can I look at yours?

- Your lookbook?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

Uh, yeah, um, I was actually
thinking that we could

stick to some of these
smaller, simpler designs.

You know, that way I can get
everything done fairly...

fairly quickly in just one visit.

Absolutely, maximize revenue.

Get 'em in. Get 'em out. Tat and scat.

sh**t, is that a
better name than Inkburg?


Okay, um...

These are so good.
They're very elaborate.

Um, could you do, like,
emojis or maybe like...


Um, that's so good.

Yeah, yeah, it's like
time standing still.

- Hmm.
- Yeah.

It's like a moment
that lasts a lifetime.

Um, the point is, it's aspirational.

- Yeah.
- We can sell a ton.

Ah, you know, that one is
more of, like, a one-off.

You know, like, it doesn't
really belong to me anymore.

You know when you sell
a painting, it's like...

it's not yours. It's theirs, you know?

Josh, I super like it, though.

Can't you just ask who you gave it to,

and please don't say
you forgot who she is.


Mwah, mwah!

You're so beautiful.

Ah, hi.

- Hi.
- Hey.

You go on in. I have to wait for Diana.

Oh, we're on the left.
Do you see Kelsey?

I can't believe she's going with Quinn.

Oh, let's not bring it up today.

She wants something she can own.

She was pretty clear about that.

She does, huh?

Oh, it's Enzo's mother.

Hi, you look beautiful.

- It's such a happy day.
- Is it?

I saw a crow flying upside
down on the way here.

It's a bad omen.

Especially for the crow.

The bride has landed, people.

Bridal party, line up.

- Okay.
- Shit's goin' down.

- Yay!
- Great, you go up there.

- Good.
- Okay.

You ladies, come here.

It's a beautiful church, isn't it?

Hi, Charles.

If I were a praying man,

I know what I would be
asking for right now:

for you to come back home to Millennial.

As flattered as I am,

is this really the place
to be talking about it?

Isn't this where we bring our
problems and hope for answers?

We miss you, Kelsey.

We need you.

Whatever you're being
offered, I can match that.

You can't.

I want to work for myself
on something I own.

But that's Millennial.

You built that from the ground up.

- You own that.
- Not officially.

You know what I mean.

So let's make it official.

I'll give you a stake in the company,

enough of my shares to get
you a seat on the board.

That's a really nice thought,
but you can't do that.

It's a family-held company.

And you're family, Kelsey.

I knew that the day that you sacrificed

everything that you wanted to save us.

If that isn't family, then
I don't know what is.

I don't know what to say.

Don't... don't... don't
say anything right now.

Take time. Think.

But I will be waiting, hoping,

praying for your answer.

Diana, you look so beautiful.

I'm ready.

Enzo gave me this last night.

It's my something new.

He said you helped him pick it out?

I wouldn't say that.

You know, Liza, as a maid of
honor, you're a slow burn,

but in the end, you're white hot.

I am so, so happy for you.

If you make my eyes
turn red, I'll k*ll you.


Oh, here, I'll hold your wedding purse.

Oh, leave it. I threw
up in it two blocks ago.

Oh, okay, no problem. I've got mints.

See what I mean? White hot.


Does this count as me reaching out?

It counts.


You almost missed it, plus one.

It's okay. It's okay.

Wow, "Flush with Love."

You did this? It's beautiful.

- How did Uncle Joe take it?
- Not well.

I had to gift him three of
my big blue booty pieces

and a case of prosecco.

I think you should have
left it just the way I did,

give the bride something
borrowed and blue,

a piece of my cooch.

Speaking of which, how
are you with wound care?

I am familiar with the territory.

Brace yourself. It doesn't even

look familiar to me anymore.

I'm hoping Liza sat us together.

Oh, are we rekindling?

What a lovely first dance.

And now, everyone, please join

the new Mr. and Mrs.
DeLuca on the dance floor.

That eye twitches every time
we call you Mrs. DeLuca.

Does that show?

I'm sorry.

♪ I should've never let the time... ♪

- Josh.
- Hi.

I didn't know you were...

Lauren... Lauren needed
a plus one, so...

I know it's super weird seeing me here,

but it was a chance to see you again,

and I really don't like the way

that we ended things
the other night, so...

And, let's be honest, if that
was our last conversation,

it sucked.

Then I'm glad that it wasn't.


It's really good to see you.

- Yeah.
- Really.

And I hear Inkburg is doing well.

Eh, kind of.

Ah, it is.

Funny thing, actually.

You know that tattoo I gave you?


Well, they want to license it.

You know, they want to
promote it and put it

on every single person that
wants to get it tattooed.

I don't know, figured
I should ask you first,

see if that was okay.

Oh, okay. That's fine.

- Yeah?
- Sure.

Okay. Uh...

Have a nice night.

Ah, I love it.

It's us, living in the now.


If it's all the same
to you, that tattoo,

it... it's ours.

It's mine, I mean.

I wouldn't want anyone else to have it.

Is that okay?


Yeah, that's great.

I'll see you around.


♪ Watching every motion... ♪



Our song.

Did you ask them to play that?

I don't know what you're talking about.

May I have this dance?


I've been thinking,
the trip to Scotland.

I don't know if that's
the right thing, the kids.

No, you're right.

I was... I was thinking the same thing.

You deserve time alone with the girls.

It's fine.

What I mean is,

kids don't belong on a honeymoon.


You and I have been through
a lot these past few months,

real-life ups and downs.

I have fallen deeper and
deeper in love with you.

How could I not?

I cannot imagine not waking
up each morning with you,

with your smile and your laugh,

with everything about you.

Liza Miller, will you marry me?

Oh, my God. Charles...

I do! Charles, I do.

I've been trying to come up with reasons

for the past half hour

of why I wouldn't say yes, and I can't.

Yes, Charles, I do want to come home.

Charles, Kelsey, is it true?

Yes, I am coming back.

Charles, how did you convince her?

Hey, Liza, are you happy?

Yes, I am so happy.

I just...

I told you I got you, diva!

♪ We are family ♪

♪ I got all my sisters with me ♪

♪ We are family ♪

♪ Get up, everybody, sing ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ We are family ♪