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02x09 - Wakey, Wakey

Posted: 06/12/21 07:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on Van Helsing...

I need a legion.

I've been here before.
The mural, the key.

Dmitri said this is
what's gonna set him free.

Hey! Hey!

They gassed us, scooped up Vanessa,
got outta here real quick.

Where you headed?

Lost track of a friend of ours.
Trying to find her.

- We're going now.
- What? Why?

They eat vampires.

These things cook up like turducken.

You mean you've never had one?

You spoiled dinner!

Toss that bitch who
stabbed me over the edge.


♪ Please help me to find ♪

♪ My true love who promised ♪

♪ That she would be mine ♪

Goodnight, George!

♪ I ask of heaven ♪

♪ The whole blessed seas ♪

♪ Please bring back my darling ♪

♪ The love of my dreams ♪

♪ My dreams ♪

♪ I ask of heaven ♪

♪ Please help me to find ♪

♪ My true love who promised ♪
I'll be right with you!

♪ That she would be mine. ♪


What can I get...



How would you like that?




OK. Suit yourself.

Hey, Wayne?




You heard me.

That's how he ordered it.

Are we serving Dobermans now?

Order up.


Bon appétit.

Beg pardon?


Easy, fella!

Are we gonna have a problem?




Where... are...

OK, you know what?

I think it's time that you
just paid up and skedaddled.


Excuse me?

Where... are...


Figures you'd be looking
for those nutcases.

Weird begets weird.




Uh, they've got a farm
on the west edge of the county.

Doomsday hermits always going on about
some nonsense or the other.

That'll be eight bucks.

Jesus H Christ.

Stop! Stop!

No, no...

Come on, we gotta go.

You think?

Let's go.

Make sure there's one in the chamber.

Pack light, move quick.

Looks good on you.

- Take me with you!
- Piss off.


You have to take me with you.

So much for that exit.

OK, I can help you guys get outta here.

You know, I'm starting to think
you're worth the b*llet.

Woah, woah, woah, woah.

I know the terrain.

What're they doing?
I don't know.

Oh, shit.

I know a safe place.
The vampires, they can't get there.

Crooked Falls?
You know exactly how to get there?

I can lead you up the mountain
and get you close enough

but you have to take me with you.

- Hey, we gotta move. Now.
- Go. Go!

Go! Go!

OK, we need to split up.

What? Are you nuts?

No. It's the key that they're after.

Julius, I need you to take this
and guard this with your life.

They'll never suspect you of having it.
I will.

Axel and I are gonna draw them away.

I love this plan.

You need to go with him, OK?

You guys are gonna go 45 miles
due east up the mountain.

We'll meet you at Crooked Falls, OK? Go.

Your w*apon is your friend, Doc.


Making it easy for them?

What, you afraid of a fight?

A fight? No.


Little bit.

One is wounded.

But they cannot hide.

That is Van Helsing blood.

Send Ivory and two sisters.

Bring the Van Helsing back alive.


You k*ll the rest!

Your level of impulsiveness

makes me question your very survival.

But the bloodshed leads this way.

Exactly so.

You guys are lucky I got you
outta that building when I did.

You? You didn't do anything.

Alright, look. Just keep on moving.

OK, it's just up here.
Not that much further.


You have no g*dd*mn clue
where you're going, do you?

You know what? I've had just about enough
of your bullshit.

You keep on...


Push him off!

Push him off!

Get up! Get up, dammit!


- Shit!
- Get off!

Get off!

You bit?



I think I'll be OK...
Were you bitten?

Please, just...

No, no, no, no, no.

You had to do it.

I know.

We gotta go.

We gotta go, now.

Scarlett, you're so pretty.

Mmm... Stop.

- No, I really mean it.
- Yeah, so do I.

What's the problem?

It's just... it feels... weird.

Weird? You think I'm weird?

Davey, I didn't say that.

I knew it.

Knew what?

Everyone said, "Don't go out
with Scary Scarlett."

Don't call me that.

Scary Scarlett.

Don't. You. Say it.

Fine. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Crazy bitch!

Yeah, and I'm not coming back!

Rough night?

Because of you,
everyone thinks we're freaks.

You've turned me into a social outcast

all because you think I need to be
some great vampire k*ller!

- Scarlett, listen...
- Listen?!

I am done listening!

Vampires aren't real, dad.
I'm done.


I'm not seeing them.

What if they don't take the bait?

If they didn't find the blood,
they'll sure as shit hear you yacking.

The hell are you doing?

The whole point was for them
to follow us, right?

Yeah, follow. Not find.


OK, here we go.

I count three. Watch my six.

Goddammit. What are these guys, ghosts?



What the hell are these b*tches?

They existed long before the rising.

200 years.

Can we fight 'em?
Against one? I like our chances.

Three? Not so much.

Oh, that's nice.
What do you suggest we do?

Here. Follow me. Hurry!

What the hell are they doing?
They should've slaughtered us by now.

They won't fight on hallowed ground.

You're kidding me?
This cross mumbo jumbo is real?

These sisters are pure evil
but they still honour the dead.


Come on, I'm right here.

I'm right here.
OK, don't poke the bear.

We all know you're a tough guy.

Let's go while the going's good.

We're gonna have to settle soon.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Oh, shit.


Look at these idiots.

They grab this when the rising happens.
They don't go for food or water.

A lot of good it did 'em.


Remember when this shit
used to mean something?

Ladies first.

You're still eating?

This food is incredible.

I mean, we had chips back in my day, but...
never these type of flavours.

I mean, who knew sour cream...

and onion

would taste so good together?

And nacho?


I don't even know what that word means.

I mean, it's like... it's like...

OK, it's kinda like cheese.

And spicy?

- And...
- Nacho cheese.




- Nacho cheese!
- Yeah!

I missed so, so much,
and that's just the food!

It's like time really stopped for you, huh?

- Yeah.
- Huh.

Yeah, pretty much.

Time sure hit me with a bunch of punches.

Knocked me out cold.

I guess you know all
about that, right, Doc?

Not like you.

My darkness was always on the human side.



My guts are still turning from last night.

Anyway, we should stock
up and hit the road.

Good thing.

You gotta be kidding me!

How did I miss it?


Axel would be so jealous right now.

Hey, what... what's the deal
with you two, anyway?

What do you mean?

Well, you guys seem like you have
a little... history.


Something like that.

Who's there?



This isn't funny.


Who are you?

I'm warning you, mister!

Back off!


You hesitated.

Why did you do that?

That, my dear, was a vampire.

And you're gonna k*ll it.

Stay calm.

Stand your ground, find your courage.

- I can't.
- You have to.

All the years, all the training,
have been for this moment.

You have to do it right now.

Remember, it's not human.

That man died the second he changed.

So do it!

You are weak.

More will come!

And you will die.

Do it!

I'm sorry!

You did good, Scar.

You did real good.

Your mother would be proud.

Shh. It's OK.

You're gonna be OK.

Can I ask you a personal question?

I guess.

How'd you get so, um...


My dad.


yeah, I...

He a good guy?

Mm-hmm. Mostly.

He was pretty intense.

You know, he trained me to k*ll vampires
since I was a kid.

Way before the rising.

That must have been a lot of fun.

I mean, you could say that I...

I took the term "mis-spent youth"
to another level.

He knew.

He knew that one day they were
all gonna come out of hiding.

So, he knew who you really were, then?

I don't know.

He never said anything to me.

At least you were prepared.

Nobody else was.

It must have taken a lot for him
to give you that.


It cost a lot, too.

What about you?

No, no, no. Hold on. Let me guess.

You're an army brat,
hauled all over the country

raised to do your duty.

Four generations of military

sitting around the dinner table

swapping w*r stories, apple pie,
American flags, all that shit?


Not even close.


No. Sorry. Hold on, so...

Vanessa was laying on a slab
for three years

and you never left her.

I mean, nobody gave you orders
after the rising, so...

No, that kind of commitment, that's...

that's in your blood.

Well, I'm the first person of my family
to sign up for military service

I guarantee you that.

Well, something made you who you are.


I had a sister, too.

The way things shook out in my family

it was on me to look after her.

What happened?

It was a lifetime ago, you know?

I was 13.

Dropped her off at the park, the swings.

Went off and played ball with
some other kids and then, um...

when I came back, she was just gone.

Never saw her again.


People, they tell you over and over again

"it's not your fault" and "you were a kid,"
and blah, blah.

At the end of the day, I lost her.

It was on my watch.



What about you? What you been doing
all this time out there

slaying vampires all by yourself?
That had to get lonely.

It's pretty great, actually.

For the first time in my life.

I fit in.

I know my place.

You don't mind a little
company now, do you?


Not cramping your style?

Not yet.

Mmm, mm-mm!

Hold on.

Did you... you didn't,
you know, Vanessa...?

- No, no.
- OK. Cool.

- Not even close.
- OK.

See? I knew that shower story was bullshit.



How you doing? You OK?

Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Just askin'.

Just blowing off some steam.
I'm not that into you.

Oh, OK. Well, that's good.


I hope it's a clear day out there.

Shit! Shit!

The sisters.


They got us surrounded.


I mean...

they can't get in

but we can't get out.

They're not going anywhere.

Son of a bitch.

I'm open to suggestions if you've got any.

We're outnumbered.

There's one exit.

We're just gonna have
to hope the sun breaks.

Just wait 'em out.

Lucky for me, my schedule's clear.

No matter how many times
I check these things, it's still empty.

Well, that's how it works, huh?

I swear to God I'm gonna cut
that bitch's fingers off

and feed them to her.

She's driving me crazy.

Sit down, save your strength.

You know what, how about you
don't tell me what to do?

I'm just saying.

We got no water, we got no food.

If we're gonna have to fight these things,
I want you at your best.

Ugh. You're annoying.

Oh, Jesus Christ. Now what?

They're trying to smoke us out.

I'm not gonna last long in here.

We have no choice.


Give me a sec. I've got an idea.

Hurry up.

You're strong.

Even for a Van Helsing.

I'm just getting started.

Join me.

Become a sister.

No, thanks.

I already have a sister.




Now the sisterhood is your only fate.


What have you done?

No! No!


Please... please...

I won't let you become some hick human!

Come on.

Let's finish this.

Come on!

Let her go. Let her go!

That's new.

I think it happened when Vanessa bit me.

She saved my life.

Are you sure you don't want any of these?

Ugh. Positive.

Huh. Suit yourself.

Slow down on those things.
They're gonna make you sick.

Jesus Christ, I'm beginning
to sound like my mother.

At this rate, we're gonna make it
to Crooked Falls before dark.

You think Scarlett and Axel
are already there?

I just hope Scarlett and Axel
are still alive.

I know that scream.


Oh, shit!

The mighty Julius.

Not so mighty now.

No, stop. Stop.

I got this.


You humans and your pathetic g*ns.


His death is mine to take.

You could have been my greatest warrior

but look at you now.

Just another human.

How's your sister doing?

You guys still close?

Give it to me

and I will grant you a quick death.



Let him go, you son of a bitch!

I will take what is mine.

I will free the elder.

His gratitude will bring me
great rewards

and his power will lead us to victory.

Oh, no!

Julius... Julius!


We can take this one to feed from.

You try and I'll rip your eyes out!



No... please, no.


But spoiled.

You have been turned by Vanessa.


Your friend is dead.


Shh, shh.

Do not grieve.

He was a monstrous being.

He wasn't your monster anymore.

Vanessa made sure of that.



Tell the Van Helsing
what has happened here.

Do it now.


Alright, easy, watch your step.

You OK?


I just k*lled someone
and you're asking me if I'm OK?

Now get that idea out of your head
right now.

It was a monster whose only purpose
was to k*ll you, me or anyone it crosses.

This is your purpose now, Scar,
do you understand?

But if he's dead

why do we have to do this?

Steal dead bodies?

Burn the house down?

This creature found us.
The other ones will, too.

And they won't stop until they get
what they want, and what they want is you.

But I...

Until you're ready, we need to make them
think that you're dead, OK?

Just get in the truck.

Where are we gonna go?

Off the grid.

Continue your training,
hope this day never comes again.

Is this gonna work?

It has to.

Don't be scared, Scar.

I'm not scared.

I'm sad. That's different.


One day this will all make sense to you.


You think so?

Maybe not.

But you'll be ready.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on!

When Vanessa woke up
after those three years

she had that same look on her face.

I just thought I had it all figured out.

Nothing would surprise me anymore.

I never had any of these abilities
before she bit me.

If I was cut, I stayed cut.

You know what I remember?

I remember my dad telling me
that one day this would all make sense.

It's like the more I know,
the less it does.

You sound like your sister.

We have to find her.

We'll find her if it kills me.

♪ Now I lay me down to sleep ♪

♪ I pray our love will always keep ♪

♪ Now I lay me down to sleep ♪

♪ I pray our love will always keep. ♪