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03x01 - Fresh Tendrils

Posted: 06/12/21 07:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Van Helsing...

My name is Dr Bruce Harrison.

You're trying to isolate different
vampire traits.

Harrison wanted me to find that book
so that I'd think you were my mum.

We'll have your sister within the day.

I will never be like you.

You guys are gonna go up the
mountain. Meet you at Crooked Falls.

How can you be in the sun without burning?

- We're closing in on your location now.
- Who was that?

These people need me now more than ever.

Find your daughter, and then I'll find you.

You're my mother?
What is that on your neck?

It's blood from the Dark One.
The first.

The blood of the first
flows through the sister's veins.

If you were truly bound to me,
go find my sister.

- Take it.
- Don't leave me again!


We'll take that one.

But why did we have
to leave her there?

Why? I don't understand.

- Hush now, sweetie. Hush.
- It's for the best, Vanessa, you'll see.

No, no, no, no, no.

Vanessa, please stop.

- Your father needs to drive.
- He's not my father! He's not!

- He's not! He's not!
- Goddammit!

We're trying to keep you
both alive!

Watch out!



It is I.


Listen to me, child.

Your sister sent me to find you.

I did that.

k*lled the others.

All of this I did for you.

Stop this.

We don't have much time.

You're not my sister.

Vanessa... Vanessa, it's me!


OK? Susan.


Uh-huh. OK?

I've done what I was asked to do, OK?

What I was bound to...

Will you release me now?


No... no.

If my sister sent you, then take me to her.



What is this?

I have no idea.

There's someone you need to meet.

Who's that?

You know who it is.


It's me, Essa.

I'm sorry, but it's true.

What is this? Where are we?

The only place that the Elder could send us.

We don't have much time.

We set it free.

You set it free? Why would you do that?

Why didn't you k*ll it?

The Elder has pledged to serve us.

That doesn't make any sense.

Well, I told it to k*ll Dmitri,
and without hesitation it ripped him apart.

I'm not working with an Elder, OK?

- I'm gonna k*ll it.
- That would be a mistake, sweetie.

Don't call me that.

I'm so sorry, Essa.

I've made sacrifices
that you know nothing about.

Is that right?

That's the fate of being a Van Helsing.

You were born for sacrifice.

It's true of you and of Scarlett as well.

The blood that infected you,
it's from the Dark One itself.

There is nothing like the two...

in this whole world.

But if it ever got free again...

there'd be no stopping it.

I'll stop it.


Never face the Dark One
unless there's absolutely no other way.

Each Elder has something, a totem,
that leads to the Dark One.

Alone, they're no good.

Only together can they release it.

Stop the Elders.

Find the totems and destroy them.

OK, I, I don't understand.

The book.

The family book.

The answers are in there...
I just couldn't find them.

I read every word.

I don't think she has a lot of time.

It's now or never, sweetie.

You decide.

I'm sorry...

I'm so, so sorry.

I did search for you.






Leave me alone.

Meat for us, and that's just the beginning

I promise you.

I hope so.

I know so.

In my heart, I know it.

When I was hunting,
I saw the tracks of others.

- There are a few buildings in the distance.
- Buildings?

And fences around them.

Some kind of prison or something.

I haven't approached them yet,
but it was quiet.

It could be a safe place for us.

A place to start over.

To begin again, and let these things see

that they haven't beaten us,
and they never will.


- You hear me?
- Yeah!



No, no!

Mohamad, play with them.


Yes... feed.

Feed now.

He'll learn to play.

He wants to learn.

He must learn to play.

He must.

Mohamad! Mohamad, look!



Play. Play.

It's fun playing. Hmm?


You'll learn.

You must learn.


They're back, alright.

I was hoping that storm might
hold 'em off, but no such luck.

That's like the fifth or sixth time
they've done that since the snow fell.

Just fly by and not land.

This is so strange.

It's completely healed.


Axel, what're they doing?



Checking us out,
looking for a place to land.

- Gauging our forces before they commit.
- Commit?

To what?

I don't know.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Should I contact them again?


- How can you even be sure it's the same guys?
- I'm sure.

OK, so what do we do now?

We wait. We arm ourselves.

- Be ready.
- For what?

To be wiped out?

These people are soldiers.

They ain't soldiers.

Well, whatever you wanna call them,
they have g*ns and a lot more than us.

- That doesn't make 'em soldiers.
- It doesn't make us soldiers, either.

I know that, but...

Why doesn't it make sense for us
to go out there and wave them down?

We're not saying with some white flag,
just friendly-like.

To see if they wanna,
you know, discuss this.

OK, good talk.

Look, you guys want there
to be some kind of magic solution, right?

A ticket to freedom and sunshine
and all that shit

but I'm telling you, this ain't that.

- These guys are anything but that.
- How do you know for sure?

Because the last time they could have
held out a hand to us all friendly-like

they gassed us and kidnapped our friend.
That's how.

Yeah, but they didn't k*ll you.

End of discussion.

Don't come any closer.

We must work together now.

I don't have to do anything,
so don't tell me I do.

What your mother said, she was wrong.

- To destroy the totem...
- Stop!

Don't you ever talk to me about her.


I'm here for you.

You must hear my thoughts and my wisdom.

Just wait.

Just wait.

These other Elders...

tell me about them.


There are others that guard the pathway
to the Dark One.

She said that these Elders,
that they have... some thing.

A totem.

Is that right?


So where's yours?

Give it to me.

If you're pledged to us, then give me yours.

I cannot. I do not possess it.

It was taken from me as I was imprisoned.

Of course it was.

How convenient.

- Where are you going?
- To get something.

Don't follow me,
or I'll throw you off this f*cking mountain.

And with a white flag.


So what're you doing?

If my instincts still work,
this guy's here for one thing. Scarlett.

I can't let her walk into a trap.
I gotta go find her.

Alright, let's do this.

Woah. Hey, woah. Be cool.

Seriously, what're we doing, Axel?

Just keep 'em busy till I get back, OK?

So Denver is safe.

We would love to go inside
and talk to the others.

That would be wonderful, thank you.
Please, lead the way.

- Hey!
- Hey!


Hey! We're unarmed.

- Hey!
- Hey!

- Welcome.
- Are you guys OK?

We don't have any weapons.

I didn't think you guys would actually
come back after the snow hit.


You must be the others that Jessie
and Mr McGrath were telling us about.

The others.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.


We were just busy upstairs making dinner.

We didn't even hear you finally land,
but here you are.

You must be hungry.

- Why don't you come on inside?
- Yeah.

This man just crawled out of a grave alive.

Can anyone explain that?

No, but...

I can.

I mean, not medically

of course, but, uh,
maybe we could all go inside...

I'm fine where I am right now, thank you.

Yes, but we have soup.

By the way... where is Scarlett?

Her and her army man, where are they?


Are they up there with g*ns trained on us?


They're not here right now.


No doubt due to our noisy fly-bys.

Noisy but necessary.





No! No!



It's OK.

- No!
- Hey, Flesh, look at me.

- No!
- It's OK, it's OK.

It's OK.

It's OK.


You... you ruined my life again.

And again.

And again!

And now she's gone.

She's gone!

What did he mean by that?

- Anyone?
- Who the hell knows?

OK, the man is delusional,
can't you see that?

No, I don't know exactly
what I am seeing right now

but I am going to understand, I am.

OK, whatever. The man needs help.

We need to get him some help.
Jessie, McGrath... hey.

What was he saying to you?

Yeah, I...



Flesh, st op.


- Lucky!
- Flesh.


Flesh, stop!


- Flesh...
- Lucky!

- Stop. There's nothing left of her, OK?
- No!

Flesh, just...

Take them. Now.

Now that we all have our hellos
out of the way...

let's go inside and talk, shall we?

Someone sh**t that f*cking dog.


I know that you all have a lot of questions
and are scared

and honestly...

I don't care.

So here's what we're gonna do.

I'm going to ask my next question

and then we're gonna take a bathroom break
and get you a cup of coffee.

You can think about it.

Because I promise you,
you will not like what happens

the next time I ask it.


is Scarlett?



Don't sneak up on me like that!

Well, you shouldn't sneak out
on a guy without saying goodbye.

I'm sorry.

I had to go.


I go out for a cigarette
and just poof, bam, you're gone?

I mean it, I really had to go.

Because of Abby.

There's so much more to say
about it, but...

she was my mother.

The boss?

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

What do you mean "was"?
Where is she?

Oh, Jesus.


I missed you.

I missed you, too.

I need you.

I feel the same.

A-and, uh, that way, too.

But I need you now, down the hill.


We got problems.

OK, um... what about Scarhead and them?
Something's happening.

- Yeah, well...
- They're changing. They're transforming.

They're gonna have to wait.
We got bigger problems down at Crooked Falls.

What's bigger than this?

We gotta go.

Alright, army man.


I'm a marine.


No animal.

There is nothing else.

You must feed, must.

It must be human.

Only human.

No! No.

No. Stop!

Keep looking!


Now, remember.

I told you you wouldn't want me
asking my questions again.

I... I told you that.

Hmm? Correct?


I wanted to make sure that my message
had resonated with you all.

Made sense.

I thought maybe it hadn't, since none of you
have said anything yet.

OK, we really don't know where she went!

She left here with the boss,
and we don't know where they were going.

Wait, who are you talking about?

The boss?

Our leader. Abby.

- She's just a doctor, but...
- Yes.


Go on.

- Jessie, don't.
- But...

Stop talking.

Don't say anymore, Jessie.

Sorry, you were saying?

Well, well, what do we have here?

Why is this happening to you?

Why are you healing so rapidly?

I don't know.

But there's a new type of vampire out there,
and they did this to me.

- New type?
- Yeah.

One with a scar. He did it.

Scar? What scar?

A big, ugly scar.

We call 'em Daywalkers.

See, they can be out in the day
under the sun and not burn at all.

And this didn't turn you?

Not even his bite?


My creature's still alive.

Your creature?

You mean you're the one
who created that thing?


Because I could.

Well, well, well.

Hello again, "Mother".

I almost made it.

Yeah, that's what it looks like.

You almost made it.

You're doomed now.

You've released an Elder.

Beginning of the end.

I don't think you know shit, Abigail

or whatever your name is.

I know that much.

Mark my words.

Choose them wisely

because they're the last words
you're ever gonna say.

Still just a bitter little girl, aren't you?

Blaming the world for your mummy
running out on you.

Is that it?
Are those the last words you're gonna say?

No, they're not.

Then try again.

It was me.

I did it.

Back at the farm.

- What?
- Tainted your blood.

You and your sister.

I did that without your mother
even knowing about it

just to see what would happen.

And look what happened.

Just look what happened.

I created a monster.

No, two, in fact.

Two little monsters.

You want a monster?

I'll give you a monster!

So, let's try this again with someone
who won't be fixed so easily.

Get off of me!

What a cute little couple you make.

So, anyone else have anything clever to say?


Shall we just get on with it?


Stop! Stop! Stop!

Don't sh**t! I'll tell you, I'll tell you!

I'll tell you, OK? I will tell you.

Fine. Where's Scarlett?


right behind you.

Easy. Put it down. Put it down!

Heard you were looking for me.

No, no, no, no. Everyone just...


This is the woman of the hour.

Oh, yes. Oh, Scarlett.

Oh, yes indeed.

I know you very well. Yes, I do.

Yeah, I know who you are.

Or were, I guess.

Oh, shit.

"Nothing But Trouble" By The Lazys

Jesus, kid, you just might survive
this thing after all.

Hey, come here, come here.

Let me see. Let me see.

O... K.

Now you're just showing off.

Go check him out. I'm good. I'm fine.

OK, alright.
Stop being such a tough guy.

You OK, Doc?

Thanks for taking a b*llet.

Holy shit.


Well, say something if you know something.

I cannot.

What? Why not?

Only if asked may I help.

I just did.

- Nicely.
- f*cking...



Sorry, I know nothing about that book.

Don't touch that book.

That's far enough!



Was that real, when we met?

I don't know.

But it happened.

So is she really gone?

Hey, Sleeping Beauty.

How you doing?

Doesn't matter.

Come on, this way.

Let's go.

You found Flesh?


He died, again.

It's a long story.

And Callie, too?

Yeah, can't quite seem
to k*ll that kid.

But Harrison's dead, for sure?

For sure.

For sure, sure?


Oh, it doesn't get much deader than that.

She took his head clean off.

Wait a second. You took down
this whole place all by yourself?

- No, I was...
- Well, I sent her the Elder.

- Not now.
- What?

Not in front of them.

- Oh yeah, don't worry about us.
- I don't.

Look, I can't, OK?

I got things I gotta do, you guys are gonna
have to fend for yourselves.

Been doing that.

Do you have any suggestions?


I think it's a safe zone.

This place was supplying the city
with some kind of drug that they made here.

If that's true, and it works

it just might be the start
to the end of all this.

And you might finally be
of some use.

You're amazing.

Something for the road.

Alright, look.

Feed yourselves, wash up,
do what you need to do.

- I'll go see about fuelling up the helicopter.
- Wait, we're leaving tonight?

The sooner the better.

You positive about this, Vanessa?

I mean, we made a pretty good team.


Good luck out there, big guy.


Well, I guess this is goodbye.

I guess.

Thank you for everything, Axel.

I'd say keep in touch, but that doesn't
sound very real anymore.


Hey, Doc?
I need you to guard this with your life.

It just might help out in the end.

What is it?

Patient Zero.

Oh, shit.

You gave her blood from the vial?

Yeah, a few drops.

Just in case we lose the rest.

You can come out.


That Susan?

- The Elder.
- It's pledged to help us.

Alright, I meant
to tell you earlier, just...

Yeah, well,
that would have been good.

It took on a persona I was comfortable with,
so that's why.

Of course it did. Why not?

Jesus Christ, am I the only person
that thinks this is insane?

Well, I know what I gotta do,
so I'm gonna go do it.

Well, so do I.

- I'm a Van Helsing, too.
- It doesn't matter.

The hell it doesn't.

We're in this together. Until the end.

You and me.

All of us.

End of discussion.



So what's next?

Oh, you're not gonna like it.

Any of what's next, I promise you that.

Sounds about right.

So let's do it then.

Let's go k*ll some vampires.