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03x09 - Loud Love

Posted: 06/12/21 09:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on Van Helsing...

- It's the sh*ts, Jo.
- What?

They're what's causing
these violent outbursts.

It's the sh*ts.

- Then we have to tell someone.
- No.

We have to tell everyone.

The names of all the people
that survived the rising.

- They're in here?
- You bet.

I found her, Phil!

I found your wife.

She wouldn't want to see me.

Not-not after what I've done.

You don't know that.

I forgive you.



You think you should be heading
south in your condition?

We got some room, some of you
can come with us.

The sisterhood rules you now!

We go to the east!

We k*ll humans!

We will rule!


Phil! Phil?




- I'm in here!
- Phil!


I got you! I got you, Phil!

I got you! It's ok!

Hey! It's me! It's me!

It's me! I'm right here.

It's ok.


I'm alive.

- Yeah.
- I'm alive.

Yeah, you're alive.

I thought I'd be in
that darkness forever.


Come on, let's get you cleaned up.

So you gonna keep trying
to off yourself?


Yeah, I'm sure there's something
out there that'll do the trick.

Don't worry.

You'll find it.

But if you think I'm gonna keep
coming here

and hosing your scrawny ass down
you've got another thing coming.

Or should I just let them find
a dead man come back to life?


'Cause I am telling you right now,

there are plenty of Harrisons out there

that would love to cut you up
to see how you tick.

And it won't be pretty.

You know that.

Hell, maybe that'll k*ll you, huh?

It sure is a terrible thing
having people care about you.

So what's next?

I'm gonna find my wife.

We're done here.

What the...

- There you go.
- Keep the change.

Thanks so much.

This coffee is actually really good.

I'm not buying it.

It's-it's-I don't know what
he puts in it-

- Jolene Walker?
- Yes?

- You're under arrest.
- What?

- Arrested? For what?
- Ow.

The dissemination of false
information that is detrimental

to the well being of
the citizens of Denver.

I didn't make that. You can't do this.

You shoulda kept your mouth shut.

Jolene, just stay calm, ok?

I suggest you come along quietly.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

There must be some kind of mistake.

Talk to Caitlin Bruce.

Her orders.


I'm gonna fix this!

- Sarah!
- I'll find you!

Beautiful country, ain't it?


Beautiful out there.

Minus all that horrific death

Yeah, I guess.

Worry's a good thing.

How's that now?

When you stop worrying
about something or someone

you got nothing.

Are we talking about something
in particular here,

or just talking?


You think you made the wrong decision.

That's simple to see.

Is it, now?

But there's no decision
that can't be undone.

Yeah, well, I could do
without the psychobabble

if you don't mind.

Ok, suit yourself.

She's better off without me
in her hair, right?

She can stay focused.

Stay on mission.

Not have to worry about my dumb ass.

The same way you're
not worrying about her.

What the hell's going on back there?

It's Kit! I think her water broke!

Yep, it broke.

It's coming!

It's gonna be ok.

It's coming. It's coming. It's coming.

It's coming. It's coming.

It's coming!

Thanks, Barry. I heard ya.

g*dd*mn apocalypse.


One more step and I sh**t.

Stand down.

She's harmless.

- I know why you're here.
- Why the hell did you arrest Jolene?

I assure you she'll be given

the most lenient sentence
our laws will allow.

But she didn't do anything.

She attempted to induce undue panic

among a fragile population.

What evidence do you have?

I swear, she had nothing
to do with this.

She didn't make it, that's true.

We already have that person in custody.

But she did spill the beans to who did.

But that's not illegal.

So what the hell?

You're not stupid, are you?

Look, we know we can contain
the wave she's made.

- Then why are you punishing her?
- Simple.

You're important and she's how
we make you cooperate.

- I'm not important.
- Ah, I wouldn't sell yourself short.

It took our best people months
to discover the link

between Black Tech's repellant
and the outbreak.

You did it in 48 hours.

Well, maybe they're not
your best people.

We want to take this country back.

Make it great again.

Make it safe.

Bottom line, we need you.

Look, Caitlin, let her go
or I won't help you

with any more of this bullshit
you think is America.

Yes, you will.

Try me.

Jolene's fate is entirely in your hands.

You play ball, work on
eliminating the side effects

to the repellant, and she
remains in a comfy cell.

Succeed and voila, early release.

Defy me-ah ah,

and there are much, much worse places

out there beyond these walls she can go.

Believe me.

- That's blackmail.
- I don't care.

Think about it.

Get back to me by the end
of the day... Sarah.


Ok. Kit, you're doing good,
you're doing good.

Just keep on breathing, in and out.

In and out. Here we go.

Push. Can you push?

- Yes, ok.
- Is that normal?

I- how the hell am I supposed
to know, Barry?

Hold on, we got you, girl. Ok?

Keep on breathing for me.

One more push, one more push,
here we go. One, two, three.

- I can't. I can't.
- Yes you can.

- I can't.
- Don't say that. Don't say that.

- You can. You have to.
- Give me one more, ok?

One more. Here we go. One more.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Stop pushing, stop pushing,
stop pushing.

Wait, wait, what is it?

What is it? Can you see the baby's head?

No, no no it's sideways.

We're gonna have to...
we're gonna have to turn it around.

- How the hell do we do that?
- I don't know, Dre.

Please save my baby.

Save my baby.

- Please, please.
- It's gonna be ok.

It's gonna be good. It's gonna be good.
Here we go.

Just gotta turn it around.

Juan stepping in.

Enough to feed us for an eternity.

Let's take them.

You speak again and I will
burn you alive.

I'm sorry, sister.

I just thought that-

You thought what?

They didn't survive
this long on stupidity.

How will we reach those walls?

We need an army far greater.

Not greater.


These walls are meant to keep
out vampires

and we are daywalkers.

You got a visitor.


Step back from the bars.

Shut up down there!

I'm so sorry.

- Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
- Sorry?

This is not your fault.

Hey, that's it!

You know if I hadn't tested
that repellant,

you wouldn't be in this mess.

I should have just kept
my nose out of it.

- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
- Stop it. Stop it.

It was my choice to tell my patients

and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

Alright, time's up.

- Step away.
- I promise you.

- I told you-
- Ready.

I told you, step away!

Get off of me!

Let's go. Let's go.

I'll get you out of here, Jolene.

Hey, get off me! Get off me!

Have you two made up yet?

- I take it you've made a decision.
- I'll do it.

- That's good to hear.
- I'm gonna need a few things.

- Name it.
- A gene sequencer.

I don't care how you get it.

If you want me to do
what you want me to do

I'm gonna need it.

- Done. Anything else?
- Yeah. A vampire.

If you want results I'm gonna
need to get messy.

- I'll see what I can do.
- Just do it and make it quick.

- I can't.
- God dammit!

Stop it! Stop it!
Please, I can't take it.

Just one more try. One more try.
Here we go.

Come on.

No, stop please, I can't take
it anymore!


You have to keep trying.

You're losing too much blood, ok?

Please, you have to save my baby.

Please just do it.
You know what you have to do.

Please, just do it.

Just do it, please.

Please, Axel, please.


- Woah, woah.
- Ok, ok.

Do it! Do it!

Do it!

Hold her down, God dammit!

Ok, ok, I see it!

I see it! I see it!

It's ok. It's ok.

Ok. Hey.

It's a girl.

- Shhhh.
- Oooh.

It's a little girl.

Your baby.

Here you go, mama. Here you go.

Here you go.

Here you go.


Thank you.

Thank you.

- Thank you.
- You did good, Kit.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.



I am so sorry. Why?

Well, here it is.

It's your gene sequencer.

I trust it's to your liking.

It's old.

It's as you wished.

It's not exactly top of the line
but we've all become accustomed

to forgoing certain luxuries these days.

And my vampire?

It's en route as we speak.

We've installed a reinforced
cell over there.

That I can assure you
is top of the line.

And this?

Aluminium solicite.

It's the base compound
for our repellant.

Or psychotic break inducer
I think you mean.

Jolene's hoping you'll change that.

How'd you get all this so quickly?

Let's just say Black Tech's
influence reaches

far beyond the walls of Denver.

Now get to work.


Oh man, here goes everything.

Hey. Hey, Frankie.


I'd say no one pissed in
your corn flakes this morning.

Wait, why-why would someone
piss in my corn flakes?

Are you serious?

No. No, I'm just kidding.

Just kidding.

What's got you so chipper?

Well, I feel about as good as you look.

If I didn't know any better

I'd say you're trying to hit
on your boss.

Maybe I am.

Will you allow me to take you out?

I'll allow it, yes.

Great, great. Great!

Uh, how about dinner, tonight?

How about now?

What about the bar?

It's fine.

I know the owner.

Oh, the door.

So dinner's off?

I prefer breakfast, anyway.

Hey there. How can I help you today?

I'm trying to find my wife.

Oh, exciting.

Lovers separated by tragedy
attempting to reunite.

Something like that.

- Yeah. Name?
- Fleischman. Jennifer Fleischman.

She may be using her
maiden name, Houser.

The plot thickens.

Do you suspect that
she thinks you're dead

and reverted to her maiden name
in hopes to take another?

Been reading too much Danielle Steele?

Come back in four to six days.

- Four to six days?
- That's right.

Well, which is it? Four or six?

You're funny.

You like making jokes.

I'm not leaving here
'til I find my wife.

Then get comfortable, because
it's gonna be four to six days.

I want you to listen to me
very carefully.

You see, if I have four to
six days to plot your death

no one will ever find your body.

You'll just be that guy
who didn't show up for work

and I'll be back here
in four to six days

and your replacement will
tell me what I need to know.

Give me a moment.

Thank you.



Phil, Phil.

What're you doing here?
Is everything alright?

I found her. I found Jennifer.

That's great. But-but why are you here?

Well, she's not here.
She's not in Denver.

They transferred her to some
place called the Loveland.


Oh, hey Frankie. Yeah, you know it?

Loveland's the prison colony.

Prison? What-there must be some mistake.

I'm sorry, Phil.

No, I mean, that doesn't make any sense.

I- I gotta go there.

- You can't.
- What do you mean?

No one goes there and no one comes back.

I'm so sorry.

I gotta get there.


I'm-I'm sorry.

I gotta go after him,
make sure he's alright.

I'm sorry.

You sure about this?

Going it alone out there?

Yeah, I'm positive.

- Alright.
- You'll find her.

I have faith.

Love is a beacon of light that
guides us where we need to be.

I sure hope you're right.

Me too.

Thanks for getting us here alive.

- You got it, brother.
- I could come with you.

Oh, come on, Barry.

You've done enough burying
for a while, haven't you?

Besides, you've got your hands
full there, don't you?


You name her yet?

I get to name her?

Somebody's got to.


How about Kit?

I love that.

Solid choice, Barry.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You make sure you tell
whoever's in charge here

about those daywalkers, alright?

We will.

Come here. Thank you.

Been a pleasure.

Come on, crew.

Let's go.

Come on, Kit, we got a new home.

See you on the greasy side.

Come on, let's go, people.

Going to break that...

We should take them now.

Our numbers grow hungry.

No. We'll have more than
enough to eat later.

Give me your clothes.

Come on, let's stay close.

We don't know what we're looking at.

You are now entering a secured area.

Prepare to present identification

and surrender all weapons.

- This is it.
- Holy shit.

Yeah, you're not kidding.

I repeat, you are now entering
a secured area.

These UV lights must keep them out.

These aren't going to work
against the daywalkers.

That's for sure.

You are now entering a secured area.

Prepare to present identification

and surrender all weapons.

Damn it!


Shut up!


Hi. On, you're awake.


You have to listen to what I'm saying.

They've evolved or mutated or something.

The sunlight you think
protects you up here,

it doesn't affect them anymore.

Maybe no one's there.

They're there.


I am trying to help!

Look. I need you to calm down.

Lower your voice.

And I need you to listen
to what I am saying.

The woman who processed us
wouldn't listen

- and now you won't listen.
- If I listen-back up!


If I listened to every crack pot
lunatic spouting nonsense

that we've had pass through here,

Denver'd be no safer than
it is out there.

This isn't nonsense. You tell the man.

It's true. Every word.

Look, I get it.

I know it sucks.

It sucks everywhere.

But just do your time.

It'll be over before you know it.

There are vampires walking
around in direct sunlight

more powerful than ever before

and if you think that that wall
of yours is gonna be

strong enough to keep them out
without some preparation

then we might as well be out there!

You know what? We're done here.

No! No! No!!!

Get her out of here!

Hey, hey, hey!

Back up, big boy!

Back up!

- Let her go.
- You think I'm messing with you, huh?

- Back up!
- No.

Stay right where you are.

Let her go!

Excuse me.


Fleischman. Phil Fleischman.

I need to talk to somebody
about getting to Loveland.

You can't go to Loveland.

Why can't I go?

Exactly that.

What, are you-telling me
that Loveland is off limits?

This is what I'm telling you, man.

Look, even if you could go,
we can't let you leave Denver.

Why not?

You haven't paid off your debt.

What debt?

Well, you were in quarantine.

And in there you were given board, food

and medical care that costs money.

Money you repay by working.

Just like the cockroaches,

the taxman survives the apocalypse.

Right. So um, basically you're telling
me that this is a prison, too.

No, this is a haven.

That place is a hell hole.

- We're done here.
- My wife's in that hell hole.

Well, unless you perform
some heinous crime

you won't be seeing her any time soon.

Is that so?


Will that do?

Stay down. Stay down.

- Watch out!
- Woah!

Stop! Get on the ground!


What did you do?

Get him out of here!

You are now entering a secured area.

Prepare to present identification

and surrender all weapons.

You are now entering a secured area.

Prepare to present identification

and surrender all weapons.

Something doesn't look right
about these guys.

I'm gonna check 'em out.

You are now entering a secured area.

Prepare to present identification

and surrender all weapons.

You are now entering a secured area.

Prepare to present identification

and surrender all weapons.


Let me see a line up.

Shoulder to shoulder.

Hoods off, heads up. Come on.

Do it!

Do not make me repeat myself.

What's happening?

I don't know.

I'm gonna find out.



What's going on out there?

Daywalkers! Run! Run!!!

Hurry up.

Get back.

Move, move!

- Stay there.
- Don't move!

- Go, go, go!
- Get back!

How'd they get here?

Open fire! Go, go!

Come on!

k*ll them!


This better be important.

I wouldn't have called you if it wasn't.

Oh, you managed to solve our
problem already, have you?

No, but I have had a breakthrough.

That's great news.

Yeah, it was under my nose
the whole time.

You should take a look.

What is it I'm looking at?

You're smart, right?

You'll know when you see it.

There's no difference in
the compositional structure

from our original formula.

There's no breakthrough here.

Oh, I didn't say I had a
breakthrough with your problem.

I had a breakthrough with mine.

I knew you were too much
of a chicken shit

to take your own repellant.

Oh yeah, I remember this part.

You should start to feel it now.

It hurts, doesn't it, Caitlin?


Thank God.


Oh... we gotta get outta here.

- The baby.
- Yeah, she's ok.

Yeah, we gotta get outta here, now!

Let's go.

Rats, trapped in a cage.

Release the brethren.

Turn the strong and keep
the young ones for food.


We're almost done.

Go k*ll them for me.

Shit. Frankie.


What're you doing?
Can't you hear that siren?

I'm fixing this. You guys never
noticed this? It's driving me crazy.

- We need to leave.
- Why? That thing goes off all the time.


They've breached the perimeter
and we need to leave now.

Oh my God.


We gotta find a way out of here.

They're gonna shut the sector down fast.

- We need to move.
- Let's go.


- What the hell? Stop!
- Jolene! Jolene!

- Shit!
- What are you doing here?

This whole sector's under evac orders.

Where are all the prisoners?

Well, they're on the bus
headed to Loveland.

The bus is leaving right now.

Oh God, that can't be right.
That can't be right.

Is there somewhere else
you hold the prisoners?

If they were in here
they're on that bus.


Stop the bus! Hey! Hey!

Stop the bus!

Wait! Jolene! Stop the bus!

Stop the g*dd*mn bus!


Jolene! Jolene! Stop the bus!

Stop the bus!


Go, go, go!


No! No!

Oh my God, you've been bit!

What the hell, you're healing?

I'll explain later. We have to move.

Damn right you will.

- Come on, come on, come on!
- Julius!

What're you doing?

- Aaargh!!!!!!
- We need to go now!







Look at me.

It's me you want, Scab.

Take me.


Your suffering is all I want.

J... J... Julius.

You don't want-no.

No! Leave me alone!

Julius! Julius!

Frankie! Frankie!

Leave me alone! Leave me alone!

Scab! No! No!

Frankie, no! No!

Frankie! Frankie!

Get off of me!

Get off!


Scab! No! No! No!

Frankie! Frankie! Get off me!





Let me back in there!

Frankie! Frankie!

Scab! I'm gonna k*ll you!

Do you hear me?

I am going to k*ll you!

Frankie! Frankie!