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Star Wars Holiday Special, The (1978)

Posted: 06/15/21 05:31
by bunniefuu
That's it I'm turning back.

I know your family's waiting.

I know it's an important day.

All right.

We'll give it a try.

I'll set short coordinates we won't jump far.

I'll get you back there in time, pal.

Trust me.

Our only hope now, is to outrun that Imperial garbage scow, tho'.

I'm going to lightspeed.

That's the spirit!

You'll be celebrating Life Day before you know it!

Standby, here's where we say goodbye to our unpleasant friends.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL Starring Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker.

Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.

with Anthony Daniels as C-3PO.

Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca.

R2-D2 as R2-D2.

And, James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader.

Introducing Chewbacca's family, His wife, Malla.

His father, Itchy.

His son, Lumpy.

With special guest stars Beatrice Arthur.

Art Carney.

Diahann Carroll.

The Jefferson Starship.

Harvey Korman.

And an animated Star Wars story on...

The Star Wars Holiday Special.


Oh, Artoo, look.

It's Chewbacca's family.

Here, keep working on it.

Hello Malla, Itchy.

Hiya Lumpy.

Where's Chewbacca?

Whoa, wait a minute!

One at a time.


Not now, Artoo.

Uh, wait a minute, I don't like the looks of this.

Let me get this fixed.

Oh, Artoo, you're supposed to be watching that...

There, that ought to hold it.

I think.

What's up?


Yeah, well, bring him to the screen.

I want to say hello to him.

You don't know where he is?

Oh, he's not there yet.

Is that it?

Oh boy.

Well, all I can tell you is that, uh, he and Han left here on schedule.

If he's not there now, they're way overdue.

There must've been trouble.

Artoo, please, this is important.

Now, now listen.

Calm down.

I mean...

you know how Han and Chewbacca are anything could've happened - they could've, they could've stopped off somewhere, or been held up by an asteroid storm.

Listen, I wouldn't worry about Chewbacca, I know him and he hasn't missed a Life Day yet, right?

Well, there you go!

He's not going to miss this one either.

It's just taking him a little longer to get there, that's all.

He'll make it.

Come on, don't look so worried.

Now, Chewie's not gonna wanna come home to a house full of long faces, is he?

Come on, Malla.

Let's see a little smile.

Come on...

There, that's better.

Try to enjoy your Life Day.

I gotta get back to this engine.

I think we might have it solved.



What are you doing?!

What are you doing?!

Oh no...

It's alright.

Nobody's perfect.


I suppose you want to see my identification.

No, I'm off duty.

I've come to look around your shop.

Well, good, good, good.

Look around, browse around, make yourself at home...

As you can see I've got just about everything a man or wookiee would want.

Oh here, let me show you this; I really love this.


Ah, here we are.

Here it is.

A pocket sized aquarium.

Wonderful, isn't it?

And, you can take it with you anywhere.

And the t*nk is a snap to clean.

I hate fish.

Well, so do I, as a matter of fact.

I take a drink once and a while, but I just thought I'd show you some of the stupid stuff those wookiees purchase from me.

Oh, here...

Here's a hot little item that seems to be moving pretty rapidly these days.

Excuse me, I got a wall screen customer.

Good to see you again.

Don't worry Malla.

I know just why you're calling.

You're wondering when that shaggy carpet you ordered will arrive at your home.

Let me assure you madam, it's on its way.

You know, it was made especially for you by a little old woman four planets away.

She did it all by herself.

In fact, you might say she did it by Han...Solo.

Tho' it's going to take some time to get to you.

I know you'll understand.

You understand don't you?


By the way, I'll be by later to drop off that extra proton energy pack.

You're welcome.

What's a matter?

Don't you like this?

It's just a groomer.

- Just a groomer?

- A groomer..

Just a groomer, you say?

It's a lot more than that.

Evidently, you haven't read the instructions, the warranty, and the guarantee.

... besides shaving and hair trimming.

It's guaranteed to lift stains off clothing, faces, and hands.

Cleans teeth, fingers, and toenails.

Washes eyes, pierces ears, calculates, modulates, and syncopates like rhythms and can repeat the entire Imperial Code, all 17 volumes, in half the time of the old XP-21.

Just the thing to keep you squeaky clean.

I use one of these all the time.


Well, not all the time, but some of the time.

Oh, another outstanding, uh, feature of this little model you can recharge it by simply plugging it into any ordinary laser outlet.

I'll take it.


I thought you would.

Well, would you like to pay me something for it or give me something in trade?

I said I'll take it!

That's a load off my mind.

I thought I might embarrass you when I told you it was a gift.

I don't like embarrassing people I don't like being embarrassed myself that's why I, uh, don't like to embarrass people.

I just said that.... just a groomer...

We've ordered a blockade and a curfew.

And, started a search operation.

It's just a matter of time before we find the Rebels.

I want the Rebels located and identified.

If it means searching every household in the system.


Today we are going to be preparing a very succulent dish called "Bantha Surprise." It's not only a very hearty, nourishing dish, but it's very economical, too.

So all those hungry mouths in your household will be going "yummy yum for their tummy tum." If you just follow along with me as I prepare this popular favorite.

Now, today I'm going to be using the tenderest cut of the bantha: the loin.

The loin is very tasty and serves four nicely.

But, of course, if your family has a hearty appetite, I would suggest then that old popular holiday favorite: The Bantha Rump.

Um, very tender.

Ah, we just slice into bite-sized pieces.

And only you know the size of a bite in your family!


Alright, now it's time to put our chunks into our pots.



Add a dash of negavo.

Umm, very good.

A sprig of celentery.

Umm, umm, just a bit of turshum, always nice.

And, uh.


Turshum is nice!

And, just a little whisper of chelchum.

Ah, looking very nice.

Guess what I forgot?

A bit of the calarantrum root!


Just adds that touch of piquancy.

There we go.

Very nice.


Now we add enough liquid to cover.

And guess what we're ready for now: the cooking!

Step one we stir the mixture.

Stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, very nice.

Now, step two while we're stirring, we also whip.

So it's stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir, stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir.

Now, let's try it again together at an increased tempo because precision is very important in this recipe and we do want a fine consistency, don't we?

So, and on the count of one stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir, stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir.

Come on, faster altogether now.

Cooking can be fun.

Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir, stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir.


Having fun, having fun, alright.

Having it all nicely, now.

Step three we also have to b*at.

So it's: b*at, b*at, b*at, stir, whip, stir, whip, b*at, b*at, stir That's not right.

I'm sorry.

Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir, b*at, stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir, b*at.


coming along nicely.

Mmmm, starting to have a fine aroma.

Whew, caught it just in time.

Now at this time, I usually like to taste the broth.

So, we'll have a little taste and see how it's coming along.

Mmmm, a little bit more turshum.

A bit negavo.

A little tunkell.

One for the pot, Hum!

Coming along Very nice.

Oh, wonderful!

Coming along nicely...


Alright, the coordinates weren't the best.

Out of the frying pan into the fryer, huh pal?

How should I know we'd come outta hyperspace into the middle of an Imperial convoy.

At least against these fighters we got more of a chance.

However slim...

You can say that again.

This is one Life Day we won't soon forget.

Wait, I lost control of the remote cannons.

I'm gonna hafta run back and operate the aft g*n manually.

Stay on things here.

Why do I always think that taking you home for Life Day's gonna be easy?

Attention all viewers.

Due to suspected Rebel activity on the Kashyyyk planet the Empire has declared martial law.

A blockade has been set up around the planet No ships will be permitted to land or take off until further notice.

It's me Saundan.

Hi, Itchy.

I brought you that proton pack.

You know, for the, uh, the whatsis the whatchamalcalit, the, the thingamabob, the mind evaporator.

That's it, the mind evaporator.

Boy am I glad to see you folks.

How are my favorite wookiees today?

Why all the long hairy faces?

I made it through the Imperial patrol, didn't I?

If I made it, Chewie and Han will.

Is this all the big hello I get?

I brought you somethin' special short stuff.

You want it?

You got it.

Happy Life Day.

I love to make a wookiee happy.

And now, for the lovely lady of the house.

Happy Life Day.

Now wait a, wait a minute, not so fast.

What does an old friend get?


That's more like it.

Itchy, I know what you'd like.

I'll insert this proton pack.

Now then Itchy, I thought you might like this.

It's one of those uh...

oh, it's a real...

it's kinda hard to explain...

WOW, if you know what I mean.

Put that right in there.

And I do mean happy Life Day.

I know you're searching for me.

Searching, searching...

I'm here.

My voice is for you alone.

I am found in your eyes only.

I exist for you alone.

I am in your mind as you create me.

Oh, yes...

I can feel my creation.

I'm getting your message.

Are you getting mine?

Oh, oh...

We are excited, aren't we?

Well, just relax.

Just relax.

Yes...a little more.

Now, we can have a good time, can't we?

I'll tell you a secret, I find you adorable.

I'll tell you a secret, I find you adorable.

I find you adorable.

I find you adorable.

I don't need to ask how you find me.

You see, I am your fantasy.

I am your experience.

So experience me.

I am your pleasure.

Enjoy me.

This is our moment together in time that we might turn this moment into an eternity.

If we could only bend this minute.

Infinitely extend this minute.

Then I could live my whole life right now.

Reality is sweet this minute.

Can't we repeat and repeat this minute?

Why can't it always be right now?

I've parted with yesterday.

Yesterday's moment is cold.

All I ask is this moment to hold.

How can we ever lose this minute?

From all my life, I choose this minute.

I will give up the old and the new.

Sharing with you...

this minute now.

If I could just hold my breath and close my eyes and not make a sound.

Will the universe stop going 'round?

Still the universe keeps going'round and 'round and on and on and on and on and on.

A minute's almost gone.

How can we ever, ever lose this minute?

From all my life, I choose this minute.

I will never need anything more than living for this minute now.

This minute now.

This minute now.


Ah, I have made the connection.

You may speak now, if you wish.

Malla, it's good to see you.

Happy Life Day Oh, she says it may be a happy Life Day for you, I...

I don't want to tie up the channels.

So, could you do me a favor and send either Chewbacca or Han Solo to the screen please?

She says that she would like to grant your request, but is quite unable to do so.

You mean they haven't arrived yet?

She says, there has been no contact.

Yes, I think I understand her message.

Oh, that Imperial patrol must be giving them more trouble than we bargained for.

Malla, are, are you alone?

If, you would permit me.

No, she says she is not alone.

She's with a friend.

Could he come to the screen, please?

Good afternoon, ma'am.

I'm Saundan, a local trader.

A friend of the rebellion and a member of the Alliance.


Look, I know I can count on you to take care of my friends until their leader returns.

You'll do that for me, won't you?

Yes indeed, ma'am.

That's what I'm here for.

She is expressing her warmth towards the trader.

Look, I can see you're in good hands, Malla.

I'll contact you again, soon.

Now then, what's that I smell?

Oh, could it be some of those famous wookiee ookiees?

I told you we'd make it.

Did I ever let you down?

I feel the same way about you too, pal.

And your family.

I've never seen so much Imperial traffic in this system.

Better land on the north side.

It'll be safer there.

So, is a long walk.

Little exercise never hurts everybodie.

Happy Life Day, pal.

Sounds like a starship.

What I tell ya?

Must be Chewbacca now!

This unit is occupied by four wookiees.

Two adult males, one adult female, and one male child.

Where is the other wookiee male?

Officer, uh, maybe I could be of some help there, sir.

Who are you and what are you doing in this wookiee house?

Oh, I'm a trader in this district.

You see, the uh, uh the truth of the matter is she had a terrible fight with her husband and he just stormed right out.

Your identification.

I said it!

Your identification.

Oh, identification, yes.

It's a very important thing, identification.

I, I never leave the shop without my identification.

It's uh, it's very important, just in times like this.

I just found my identification.

I think it's in my pocket.

Search the dwelling.

Officer, you may notice that little leather case that I carry my identification card in.

I whipped that up myself.

That's a pretty fast selling little item.


uh well, some people like to keep things neat and clean and that's why uh, I have the little leather case for the identification card.

As a matter of fact, if any of you guys want a couple of those leather cases.

I've gotta couple of extra ones here.

Oh, officer, that uh, that picture you're looking at right now was taken quite a few years ago.

That's uh, one of me.

I've gained quite a bit of weight since then.

Hello little guy.

Where's your daddy?

Hey, they have no respect for authority!

Excuse me.

I beg your pardon.

Uh, maybe you know my brother's boy.

He's a member of the Imperial militia.

He must be 24 or 25 years old by know.

Good little guy...

Your identification is in order.

You can go now.

Thank you, thank you very much.

I just have a little more work to finish up here and uh, oh by the way, uh, while I'm finishing up here uh, why don't you boys uh, take it easy.


Put your feet up and make yourself at home.

Wookiee food isn't the greatest...

but I'm sure I can whip something up in the kitchen that we can all eat.

Uh, you don't mind do ya, Malla?

Malla will you come in the kitchen to help me.

What are doing with that thing?

That's a very delicate piece of workmanship.

Alright Malla, it's alright.

The slightest jarring will mess up the whole works.

If you're going to play around with it let me show you how.

Relax, I gotta turn it on, don't I?

Just sit down and enjoy it.


Here we go.

Will you get on with it?

Okay, okay.

God, all dignified, if you want to.

What I would really like to know.

Will you light the sky on fire?

Will you light tonight like you did the night before?


You could take me higher than the diamonds in the sky.

Take me, light in the sky and we'll vanish without a trace and we'll see God then.

Temples and mirrors interest me.

Though all there really is to know.

Will you light the sky on fire?

Will you light the sky on fire again tonight?

You can take me higher than the diamonds in the sky.

Take me, we'll vanish without a trace and then we'll all see God then.

On the pyramids of the legend.

The great god Kopa Khan came from the stars and vanished.

And the legends say he will come back again someday someday...

Will you light the sky on fire?

Will you light tonight like you did the night before.

You can take me higher than the diamonds in the sky.

Take me, light in the sky and we'll vanish without a trace, And then we'll see god then.

Yes, I would really like to know.

What I've been watching this for.

Yes, I would really like to know.

Will you light the sky on fire?

Will you light the sky like you did the night before?

You could take me higher than the diamonds in the sky.

Take me, we'll vanish without a trace.

And we'll all see God then.

Vanish without a trace.

Vanish without a trace.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's vanish without a trace.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, we'll vanish without a trace.

I knew you'd like it.

Your work here is finished.

You may leave now.

I guess you're right.

It's about all I can do for now.

I hope you guys find what you're looking for.

Keep up the good work.


Itchy, please...

Alright, finish the search of the residence.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I want to leave you my card in case you need any of uh, oh...

Okay, I'm leaving.

Investigate the upper area.

Check for any Rebel material.

Anything to connect this household with the Alliance.

Oh, don't forget about those protective cases for your identification card.

I gotta good item...

That's it, I'm gone.

Finish the search of the house.

We have other areas to cover today.


Take the upper area.

We don't want to have to hurt anyone.

That's not what we're here for.

But, when my men get angry I can't always control them.

We are going to continue our search.

Now keep him quiet and I'll forget this ever happened.

Starlog 3-24-1 from the bridge of the cruiser RS Reekvange, captain Kazan reporting.

We are awaiting the return of captain Han Solo and his first mate, Chewbacca.

Who are long overdue on a delicate mission to acquire the mystical talisman, which has been sought by our forces and the Empire.

The talisman, it makes things invisible, I think.

Yes, even you.

Which I think might be an improvement.

We've picked up something.

It's the Millennium Falcon.

They're coming out of lightspeed.

I can't make contact.

Try a lower channel.

Falcon, do you copy?

Come in Falcon.

It's Chewie.

But where's Han?

That's him!

Hanging upside down!

I can't make radio contact.

He's on a collision course.

Princess, we're in mortal danger from our own forces.

Falcon, do you copy?

This is madness.

You're right General.

I can't understand what Chewbacca's doing.

Whatever he's doing, there must be a reason.

Hold your fire.

We've lost all contact, sir.


The Falcon is near impact.

I'm going after them.

Luke, take Artoo with you.

What'd he say?

If something has happened to captain Solo and Chewbacca is alone, you will need me to interpret.

Sir, he's f*ring on us.

I know, but I don't think he means to hit us.

Chewie's a better sh*t than that.

Look, he's speeding up.

We're losing him.

Not for long.

This is Y-4 to base.

He's heading straight for a moon in...

the Panos system.

Hang on Artoo.

What about me?

I'm going to shake apart!

We're approaching the water planet.

We're following Han and Chewie...

We've lost them.

Hang on, Threepio.

We're going in.

Are you sure this is the best way, sir?

Master Luke, sir, are you all right?


How 'bout Artoo?

Our comlinks are out.

We can't contact the base.

Where are you going, sir?

To see if I can locate the Falcon by visual sighting.

Maybe it's close by.

Artoo, stand by to fire the ejection pod.

And hurry Artoo or we'll be desert soon.

What is it, master Luke?

I'm not sure.

You saved my life.

Thank you.

You are alone?

I have two droids.

We've come in search of a ship that crashed near here.

Maybe I can help you.

I am Boba Fett.

The ship you seek is nearby.

Are the Imperial troops near this planet?

They are here, friend and growing more powerful.

How far away?

Settle down.

All they do is eat.

This is all we have but uh, he's welcome to it.

You are foolish to waste your kindness on this dumb creature.

No lower life form is worth going hungry for, friend.

I take it you have no love of the Empire.

I don't.

Well, neither do I.

It will be easy to find the ship you seek.

Follow me, friend.

Don't you think it might be imprudent to trust him so quickly, sir?

He's our only chance.

And, besides he seems like a friend.

Indeed, friend is merely a term that is often misused.

Did Artoo say that?

Words to that affect.

Chewie, you've got the talisman.

What's wrong?

No, don't destroy it!

The talisman...

Boba Fett, no!

He's a friend.

Don't hurt him, Boba Fett.

What did he do to Luke?

He didn't do anything.

R2-D2 has detected contamination.

It must have come from the talisman.

Artoo says it's some kind of sleeping virus that only affects humans.

He says the only way to keep them alive is to let the blood rush to their heads.

I know this sleeping virus the Empire uses on its enemies.

They have a remedy for it in the city.

I could get some for you.

I'm afraid, Chewbacca insists on going with you You'll only get in the way.

But, if you must.

Come on.

You stay here.

While I get the serum.

I said stay, friend.

Luke trusted me and I'm your only chance of getting out of here alive.

Do you understand me?

Starlog update: although Boba Fett quickly located the serum for the sleeping virus We had no idea of his real plan.

I have made contact with the Rebels and all is proceeding as you wish, Darth Vader.

What is it now?

Oh is that all, just some silly game.

Yes, their metabolisms are slowing down.

I wonder what's keeping Chewbacca.

Try to find them on the viewscreen.

Darth Vader!

Good work, but I want them alive.

Now that you've got their trust, they may take you to their new base.

This time we'll get them all.

I see why they call you the best bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Oh no!

What will we do now?

I have the serum.

We must leave quickly, friend.

Are you all right?

I'm not sure.

What happened?

I don't know.

Well, somebody must know something.

He says our friend Boba found serum for the talisman virus.

Boba, you're a hero and a faithful friend.

You must come back with us.

What's the matter with Artoo?

I'm afraid, sir, it's because you said Boba is a friend and faithful ally.

That simply does not feed properly into Artoo's information bank.

What are you talking about?

We intercepted a message between Boba and Darth Vader, sir.

Boba Fett is Darth Vader's right hand man.

I'm afraid this whole adventure has been an Imperial plot.

We'll meet again, friend.

Well, trust a droid to get to the bottom of things.

Boba sure fooled the rest of us.

I beg your pardon, sir.

Chewbacca suspected all along there was something bad about Boba.

How did you know, Chewie?

May I quote directly, sir?

He just didn't smell right.

Well, lets's get off this galactic raindrop.

Captain Kazan, starlog 3-24-1 signing off.

May the force be with you.

Let's go.

Nothing up there.

Go clean up your room.

That will keep him busy for a while.

This product was packed under strict quality control on the system Amorphia and this instructional cassette provided by the manufacturer.

It offers a unique chance for consumers everywhere to meet an Amorphian being.

The motor abilities of Amorphian citizens are frequently impaired by malfunctions which results in a temporary loss of power.

This in no way reflects on the safety of our product, rather it should serve as a guarantee of our high standards of long wear and durability.

Thank you for selecting our brand of mini-transmitter.

If you assemble it properly, following the instructions I'm about to give you.

It will provide many years of fun and valuable services.

But, now let's get started, shall we?

First, find the sealed package containing all the tools you'll need.

It looks like this.

Try not to rip it open because it makes a very handy storage case for your tools until you need them again.

Now, this is the first thing you'll need.

Please be careful not to hurt yourself on the sharp edges.

Now, find the circuit breaker module and by the way, let's start calling these components by their proper names.

Circuit breaker module.

Remember, every one of the ten thousand terminals on your circuit breaker module is marked in a particular color.

Beautiful, aren't they?

Like a rainbow.

These must be connected with the wires with the corresponding colors.

So, red goes to red.

Blue goes to blue and so on.

Now, watch me closely.

And we'll assemble our mini-transmitters together.

Let us work slowly and methodically because this is a job worth doing well.

Well, I see time is running out.

So, we better turn our attention to the assembly of the impulse to voice translator.

The impulse to voice translator.

The very heart of the mini-transmitter which converts electronic energy which provide into any of a thousand recognizable languages.

We must remain alert for this very complicated procedure.

Endurance and concentration are the key words here and the total utilization of our neural cranial synapsis is absolutely essential.

The following live broadcast is recommended by the Imperial council in the belief that your commitment to remain upstanding citizens will be reinforced.

It is required viewing for all members of the Imperial forces.

Time now for life on Tatooine.

Brought to viewers everywhere in the hope that our own lives may be uplifted by the comparison and enriched with the gratitude of relief.

This transmission isunrehearsed and unedited and is hereby begun without further comment as to its lack of moral value.

Well, I'm certainly not going to get rich with customers like you.

I thought I taught you to drink faster than that.

Well, at least you're steady.

Oh, come on now.

Drink up.

There's plenty more where that came from.

- What'll it be?

- Hello, Ackmena.

Okay, we'll do it your way.


Now, we'll do it my way.

What'll it be?

Can we talk?

Well of course we can talk.

We are talking.

You're not ordering.

I'm not pouring.

We are not drinking.

We are talking.

I'm moving this to make room for a drink, so that next time I say "what'll it be" and you tell me.

I can put it right there.

Doesn't matter.

Give me anything.

I'll have one of those.

I'm sorry I couldn't get back before.

Ah, before what?

Uh, until now,...

until tonight.

I thought about it a dozen times.

I had to be sure.

Ah, excuse me.

I have a customer waiting.

I'll be right back.

"Come back soon, I'll be waiting." Ackmena?

How's your drink?

It's all gone.

Look, there's a flower on top of it.

I see there is.

Do you want another drink?

The flower is for you.

I wanted to bring you something and that's all I could think of.

I don't get many flowers.

I uh... but you didn't have to bring me anything Ah, ah...


Krelman, what a nice name.

When I left here the other night, I felt something that I haven't felt in longer than I care to remember.

I felt alive again.

Someone made me feel like all the years I've lived meant something.

And all you said was six simple words.

"Come back soon, I'll be waiting." Well, after all, only words I probably...

...more than words.

I knew that at the time.

That's why I went home and thought and thought about what you said.


What did I say?

It uh, it doesn't matter, silly.

What you said is not as important as what you meant.


What did I mean?

I decided what you meant was exactly the thing I needed to hear.

Well, I'm glad about that.

You know its funny.

A man can live as long as I have.

Through all the ups and downs and just when he thinks its all over, someone cares for him again.

I wasn't looking for that when I came in here.

Maybe that's why it, it happened.

Because I wasn't asking for love anymore.

I wasn't desperate.

I wasn't begging, whining, ruffling, sniveling.

I just came in here for a drink... and I find a lot more.

- Uh, uh, Kerlman...


Uh, lis...

listen uh, Krelman.

You're, you're kind and, and sweet and, and terribly attractive but, if, if you're saying what I think you're saying you felt you meant I thought you needed to hear then, I just have one thing to say.

I did not.

Ackmena, don't do this to me...

Now, please look!

I have customers.

Why don't you sit down.

Finish your drink.

Have another drink.

This one's on me.

Now, you stay just as long as you want.

But, I have business to attend to.

I really have no time for anything else.

You'll change your mind.

I just know you will.

Six simple words.

I could wait forever to hear it again because I know...

Come back soon, I'll be waiting.

Due to increased activity among subversive forces, we are placing a curfew on the entire Tatooine system effective immediately.

All inhabitants will return to their homes at once.

This order will remain in effect until further notice.

Okay, Bobbarine.

Take a break.

I don't know how long.

Maybe forever.

Oh, don't leave me now.

Please, please, I have enough aggravation.

Alright, one more round before you leave.

And this one's on the me.

Tork, see what the boys on the bandstand will have.

Gentlemen, gentlemen, I don't know how to tell you this but I guess the wall screen said it all.

We're closed.

Gentlemen, I guess you didn't hear what I said.

The Empire has closed us down.

Now, I know this sort of thing happens all the time.


I'm sure it's just temporary, Fellas, The party is over.

How dare you.

You stop that.

Stop Tork, it's alright.

I'll reason with them.

Kelnor, Zutnor, come on you guys.

Haven't I always lent you money?

Ludlow, Ludlow, you of all creatures.

Please do me a favor and leave.

Ludlow, you're heartless.

Thorp, Thorp, after all I've down for you.

Short memory, eh, Thorp?

Short memory!

Helpmus, do you remember the time that...

I don't believe we've met.

We're closed!

I said, we're closed.

Look, I'm sorry we are closed.

The Empire just imposed a curfew on this planet.

Everybody has to leave right now.

Now...Tork, I don't want anymore trouble.

You, take care of the door.

Alright, alright, alright, alright.

I can take a hint.

We'll have one more round.

This one's on the house.

I'll run a tab for the Empire.

Just one more round, friend.

Then homeward bound, friend.

Don't forget me in your dreams.

Just one more song, friend.

I so lone friend The night's get shorter it seems.

Just one more rhyme, friend.

Yes, it's a crime, friend.

But you know time, friend.

Time can fly.

So it's goodnight, friend.

Goodnight, but not goodbye.

Just one more drop, friend.

Before we stop, friend.

One more moment face to face.

Next time you're dry, friend.

Try stopping by, friend.

If there's a light in the place.

We may not cry, friend.

But we survive, friend.

Look, we're alive, friend.

You and I.

So say goodnight, friend.

Goodnight, but not goodbye.

Just one more dance, friend.

Just one more chance, friend.

One more chorus, one more tune.

It's not the end, friend.

If you're a friend, friend.

Then you come back to me soon.

But it's too late, pal.

To celebrate, pal.

You have to wait, pal.

Don't you cry.

Now, it's goodnight, friend.

Goodnight friend.

Goodnight friend.

Follow me!

You're such a dear, friend.

You know I'm here, friend.

Is that a tear, friend.

In your eye?

Now, it's goodnight, friend.

Goodnight friend.

Goodnight but not...

Return to base.

Return to base.

Return to base.

Return to base...

Message received and obeyed.

We leave at once.

You, stay here.

There's a male missing from this household and I want you to be here when he returns.

It's possible, he's one of the Rebels we're looking for.

Return to base.

Return to base.

Return to base.

Return to base...

Return to base.

Return to base.

Return to base.

Return to base...


Come here sweetheart.

It's okay.

It's alright now.

Everything's okay now.

Here's your daddy.

Boy, has he grown.

It's okay everybody.

He's gone.

How are ya?



Itchy, you look wonderful.

Doing well, huh?

Your son's been doin' you proud.

He's saved my tail more'n a couple of times.

Look Malla, I'd love to but, I can't.

I gotta get back to the Falcon before somebody stumbles across her.

Hey, will you look at Lumpy?

He's sure grown, huh?

An' I think his voice is changin'.

Come on, I'm just teasin' ya.

Well, look.

I gotta go.

Have a nice Life Day.

But be careful, a lotta troopers in the area.

Chewie, check and see if the coast is clear, will ya?

You're like a family to me.

I know, bye.

Okay pal?

Bye everybody.

Well pal,...

be careful.

They'll be lookin' for him.

Take care.

You sure know how to make a guy feel welcome.

Glad you're home, Chewbacca.

If you're looking for who I'm thinking you're looking for, forget him.

We won't be bothered by him again.

This is a general alert.

Calling officer B-4711, officer B-4711.

We are unable to reach you on your comlink.

Is there a problem?

You are instructed to turn on your comlink immediately.

Wait, wait a minute.

I think I can handle this.

We have two-way communication, trader Saundan.

Is this a report about the missing trooper?

It is, sir.

Trooper B-4711 was here with three other men.

They left and he remained.

As soon as they had gone, he packed a lot of food from this house and robbed me blind.

Then, he took off for the hills.

- Very well.

We'll send out a search party.

- Thank you.

Yes, sir.

Identification is very important.

Helps you maintain contact with the Empire at times like this.





This day is for you.

Have a wonderful celebration.

And may the force be with you.

Happy Life Day.

Happy Life Day, everyone.

And, we're certainly glad that we were allowed to celebrate it.

Yes, Artoo.

It is indeed true, that at times like this, Artoo and I wish that we were more than just mechanical beings...

... and were really alive, so that we could share your feelings with you.


Chewbacca, we were so relieved to hear you were alright.

All of you are an important part of my life, pal.

I'm glad I could be here.

This holiday is yours But we all share with you the hope that this day brings us closer to freedom, and to harmony, and to peace.

No matter how different we appear, we're all the same in our struggle against the powers of evil and darkness.

I hope that this day will always be a day of joy in which we can reconfirm our dedication and our courage.

And more than anything else, our love for one another.

This is the promise of the Tree of Life.

We celebrate a day of peace.

A day of harmony.

A day of joy we can all share together joyously.

A day that takes us through the darkness.

A day that leads us into might.

A day that makes us want to celebrate....

...the light.

A day that brings the promise that one day, we'll be free to live, to laugh, to dream, to grow, to trust, to love, to be.