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01x02 - New Tricks

Posted: 06/16/21 17:07
by bunniefuu
ALISON: I've been thinking...

- Again?

- No!

Previously on "Kevin Can F*** Himself"...

♪♪ No!

If I could start over, and go somewhere else...


So, what'd I miss the last years?

What's this?

We're moving.

Wake the hell up.

The account's empty.

We decided we're staying.

We did?

WAITRESS: So, this is, what?

Seven days in a row?


You're sweet to notice.

It's my new ritual.

A scone, a book, and some peace.

Are you new to town?


Lived here all my life, but I just never had any time for myself.

But since my husband passed...

Oh, I didn't realize.

I'm a widow.

How'd that happen?

Oh, I k*lled him.



Good for you, honey.

It's gotta be tough not getting caught.

How'd you do it?

♪♪ I don't know how I did it.




What the hell is happening?!

It's Belichick Hoodie Day!

- What?!

- It's Belichick Hoodie Day!



Oh, no.

You okay, babe?

Definitely concussed.

And any other day, that'd bother me.

But not today!

Don't you wanna ask me why?

Because my genuine Bill Belichick sweatshirt...

Cut at the sleeves like a boss and worn to at least two Pats games...

Is arriving today!

And, uh, how much you pay for a torn hoodie?

I cannot and will not put a price on what the greatest coach of all time means to me.

Okay, well, what price did the Internet put on it?

More than our wedding, less than our car.


I was having the nicest dream.

Come on!

You can sleep anytime!

This is like Christmas morning!

Okay, well, then, where's my present?

Your present?

Well, I'm the gift that keeps on giving, baby!


Belichick Hoodie Day!



♪♪ I k*lled him.





It's, uh...

It's Bill Belichick Hoodie Day.

Oh, yes.

But I celebrate privately.

Well, have a good one.


♪♪ Hey, where's our breakfast?

You're not supposed to have favorites.

Kevin's my husband.

Yeah, Neil, breakfast is for family.

See, Kevin's the husband, I'm the father-in-law.

Yeah, and I'm like a brother.

No, you're more like a cousin who just got out of jail for stalking.

And everyone's secretly kind of hoping he goes back.

- How is Keith?

- Bad.

Hey, babe?

Can you go see if my package is here yet?

Can't you do it?

I'm in the middle of something.

Aw, man, I really need this hoodie.

The old self-esteem took a real hit this week when the camera on my phone flipped to face me.

So many chins.

That's just baby fat, bro.

Thanks, brother.

Well, I checked, and no package yet.


This is taking forever!

What sins did I commit in a past life to deserve this?

Past life?

Hon, you know what happens when you try to be funny.

Kev, I think I hear a delivery truck coming down the street.

Now he can get up.

Aw, man, it's just an ambulance!

- On our street?

- Please don't be for me.

Please don't be for me.

Hey, the new neighbors have packages on their stoop.

What gives?

I saw her moving in, and I am not a fan.

Bad vibes there, bro.

Ooh, bad neighbors.

What would that be like?

You trying to be funny again?



And Neil's probably right.


I went over there to be neighborly.

You know, make sure they know who's the alpha on the street.

Hope you also told 'em who's the beta.

And you know what they said when I asked them what their favorite football team was?

Manchester United.

- Boo!

- Hiss!

- Football is football.

- I mean, really, is nothing sacred?


♪♪ Hi.

I was hoping to do s...

Hey, there's no eating in here.

This is a "liberry." Of course.



Um, you want a napkin?

Oh, no, I'm fine.

Um, I was hoping to do some computer research.

- I'm writing a book.

- Mm.

It's a romance novel, actually.

It's about a woman who's sad.

She's very sad, and she just wasted the last years of her life on this terrible marriage.

Very pathetic.

It's very depressing in the beginning, but, um...

But then, one day, she realizes what she wants...

Truly... and she has this brilliant plan.

She keeps playing perfect housewife,

- but in the meantime

- Affair with her neighbor?



She decides to k*ll her husband.

Why wouldn't she just leave?


Like it's easy?

Like he'd just let her take the $ she has and buy a bus ticket to Jersey?



What would she do?

Sleep on the street?

No, he'd find her anyway.

And maybe she doesn't want to leave.

Maybe this isn't about leaving at all.

Maybe she wants him dead, and he deserves it.

How is that romantic?

It's aspirational.

Computers are in back.

Thank you.




Excuse me?


Um, sir?

Hey, sorry, um, how did you get past the, uh...

The firewall?

Sorry, excuse me?



Oh, sh*t.


You okay?


I don't know.

I've never found a dead body before, so I don't really know if I did it right.

"Did it right"?

Well, I just didn't realize I'd be so rattled.

Better than being used to it.

By now, an OD is welcome.

At least oxys aren't a mess.

We got this call once...

-pound dude, dead in his fourth floor walk-up for like five months.

Wait, this guy overdosed?


But he was wearing a Patagonia vest.

- Okay?

- Well, he could afford to shop at REI.

He wasn't living on the street.

Yeah, there's no type for this sort of thing anymore.

All kinds of people OD.




like, anyone c...

Garbage men, cable guys, could be on oxys?

They could die?

Yeah, grandmas, frat kids.

Three of my cousins.

I don't remember the last time I was shocked by an oxy OD.

But that -pound dude leaking through the ceiling?

That was a surprise.

WAITRESS: So, how'd you do it?

I k*lled him with oxycodone and made it look like an OD.



Hello, Allison.

Hi, Dr. Gaetz.

Thank you for, uh, seeing me so quickly.

Of course.

Kev carried the bowling team on Thursday.

I owe him one.

So, uh, first up, we're gonna get your height and weight,

- and then we'll...

- Oh, do we have to?

'Cause I'm just...

I'm just here with some back trouble.


Still need your height and weight.

- Come on.

- I'll take off my shoes.

It really doesn't matter.

So, you're having some back pain.

Yeah, um, lower back, mostly, on the right-hand side.

I have to, uh, carry a lot of boxes at the package store, and it think I must have just kind of tweaked last week carrying a box of Olde E onto the hand truck.

I know I should wear a brace, but I have a hard time admitting when I need help.


My, uh...

My Uncle Chu...

Well, you know Chuck.

Um, he has a slipped disc, and he said that there's some pills that, um, seem to be really helping him.


- Allison.

- Mm-hmm?

You know, pain medication, it's not given out lightly.

Yeah, no, I...

Yeah, and I...

I wouldn't expect that you...

They're only given out for people in real pain.

Of course.

These types of pills get abused very often.


Yeah, I've heard.


I've heard that is...

It's awful.


Ugh, yeah, yeah, right.

I am...

I'm fine, and I don't want to get mixed up in all... all that.

I haven't even tried acupuncture yet, so...

You talk to Kevin about this?

Uh, about my back?

I'm sure he'd want to chat about it...

Your..."pain." I could call him with you if you'd like...

No, no, no.


I don't want to bother him with all that.

I am...

I'm fine.


I think what you really need is to talk to someone.

Maybe not Kevin, but a...

A girlfriend or a... a book club.

You got a book club where you sit around with wine and chat about things?

Eh, not really.

Well, maybe a coworker.

Before you try...

acupuncture, I think you need to talk.

That'll be $ for today's visit.

Yeah, sure.



You know, if you're looking for a good person...

Someone to talk to...

I know someone.

Great with this sort of thing.

- A-A professional.

- No, thanks.

I don't do therapy.

It's worth considering.

Yeah, well, just the thought of paying a stranger to listen to me complain...


I-It's not like that.

Well, it's just, it's not for me.

I swear, she helped my sister-in-law.

Same thing.


Needed a little something for herself.

- Maybe not the greatest marriage...

- Oh.

Thank you.




No, no.

I got it.

Yeah, I'm...

I'm not sure why I'm the one hauling all the boxes back and forth.

Even though I got years on you.

- It's fine.

- ALLISON: Sorry.

Uh, my back's been hurting a little bit.

How's Uncle Chuck's back been doing, by the way?

Uh, well, you know.

Waiting for the insurance company to approve the surgery on his bulging disc, and still saying the procedure's "experimental." I mean, they know he needs it.

I don't know what the big experiment is, so...

He's pretty much laid up asking for meatball subs and whiskey rocks from the couch.

But it's fine.

You still, uh, dole out his pain meds, or...?


Chuck says it makes him feel like a child, having me be in charge of him, so...

- Yeah.

- He insists he can handle it himself and I don't wanna argue anymore.




Are you giving up?

Uh, how do you mean?


What's going on here?

Oh, uh...

You like like miles of bad highway.

It's, uh, actually my new favorite.

Oh, it... it's got stains.

I know.

I like 'em.


Thing is...

this sweatshirt is actually a...

I mean, you've got a good shape going on under all of that.

Don't just let yourself go.

It's not fair to Kev to just give up.

Not fair to Kev?

Look, I should be wearing orthopedic shoes from Hawley Lane for my plantars, but Chuck says they make me look like a night nurse coming in to change his diaper.

- Mm.

- So what do I do?

I go over to Target, I get myself nice flats.

I deal with my arches on my own time.

Okay, well, you know you don't have to do that, right?

'Cause that's... that's crazy.

No, honey.

That's marriage.

Uh, h-h-has Kev seen this new look?

- No.

- Oh, good.


No, I just wear this here.

- Oh.

- 'Cause I...

I get cold.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, okay.

I'll pick up a space heater from Lowe's.

Warm you right up.




... the minute I saw them!

They took it!

I know they did!

- What's going on here?

- Oh!

I've got a terrible feeling about something.

Let's check it out, shall we?


Where's my stuff?


What the hell?

It works for you!

Well, it's not "Alexer." It's "Alexa." That's what I'm saying.


Alexer, where's my stuff?


What am I doing wrong?!

Speaking English.

Okay, try this.

Say "Alexer." Alexa.

There ya go.

Alexa, where's my stuff?

ALEXA: One shipment was delivered for Kevin today.

Foul play!

My Belichick hoodie...

The closest thing I have to a child... was stolen!


You don't want children.


You said it pulls focus from what really matters in life...

Your needs.

That sweatshirt was gonna be my test case...

My pride and joy.

Instead, it's probably stuffed in the neighbor's closet.

All cold and alone.

Not even knowing I'm trying to find it.

It knows, Kev.

Damn foreigners are tearing my boy apart!

Pete, you blame hurricanes on foreigners.

Are you sure it's them?

Maybe it was just a mistake with the mailman.

Allison, whose side are you on?


Well, it's obvious what has to be done.

Set UPS on fire.


- No.

- Set the neighbors on fire.


Neil, we don't let you do fire anymore, remember?

I know.

But still...

the flame...

she calls to me.

We have to have a Revolutionary w*r reboot!

I love a reboot.

This is almost as good as the new "CHiPs"!

Rebels versus Redcoats.

Stealing that sweatshirt was as bad as the Boston m*ssacre.


You guys said the same thing about cinnamon gum.

It's too hot.

Gum is meant to be minty and refreshing.

It's on!

Pat, go to the salon.

Get those leftover Roman candles.

- We're gonna need a*mo.

- Roger that.

You left the fireworks at the salon?

There's so many times I wanted to use them!

TOGETHER: We don't let you do fire anymore!

Let's go, men!

We got a w*r to win!





Alright, I'm good!

- You alright?

- I'm good!

We're men!


- Ow!




- Hi.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Oh.

- What's up?

- Nothin'.

'Cause I've been dying to show you, uh...

- Just, like, show someone.

- PATTY: Can it wait?

I gotta get to the salon and start looking for those Roman candles.

They're buried in the crawl space somewhere and I'm gonna hit my head at least three times trying to get 'em.

You're actually gonna help them with that?



- What?

- No, nothing.

I just thought that we were, uh...


I never really thought of us as a "we." Yeah.


My mistake.

So why the hell you tell me about the money, then?

About Kevin?

I called the bank, and you were right.

The money's gone.

You blew up my life.

Was that just for fun?


♪♪ I felt sorry for you.

Convincing yourself all your dreams are gonna come true.

That you were destined for something bigger than this.

That you were gonna be happy.

It was hard to watch.

I'm bad with cringe comedy.


So, I'm an idiot for wanting something, and you're fine with hitting your head looking for the Roman candles for the rest of your life?


You felt sorry for me.


They're oatmeal raisin!



Why would you put fruit in a cookie?

Mixed messaging!

Like a dessert with homework.

Yeah, it's like putting a vegetable in a... a cookie.


Oh, dear God.

No need to invoke the Lord.

The neighbors stole my jersey, so I rightfully stole one of theirs.

Pretty sure we got the Big Man's blessing on this.

After all... eye for an eye, tit for tit.


Look, does it always have to be "tit for tit"?

Can't just you let some things go?


This is a Revolutionary w*r, Allison.

Could you imagine if George Washington just "let things go"?

Yeah, I can.

We'd be Communists.

Oh, honey.

Not even close.

Well, look at me.

I had a tiff with a friend, so I baked some cookies to make peace.

- What friend?

- They're made up.

Just like leprechauns.

You taught me that.

KEVIN: Ouugh!

It was on the doorstep.

It's a message.

You want to let it go now, Allison?!

So, what is the message, exactly?

That they're not playing around.

Look at this!

It's clearly a Deflategate dig, and it is not taken well.

Again, not even close.


Wait up!




What friend are these for?

Uh, someone who doesn't pretend to hate things they like just to be one of the guys.

Jesus, are you an after-school special?

Come on.

It's someone I can actually talk to.

- Hi.

- Oh, what the hell?

No, I know.

I just came to apologize.

Careful, Marcus.

Barbie might break your nose this time.


Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

What are you...

Look, I was in a terrible place that day, and I made a huge mistake.

I've never actually slapped anyone before...

Whoa, no, no, no.

Hold on.

You didn't slap me, tough guy.

- I was fine.

- Okay.

Uh, of course.

Either way, I was very rude, and, um, so I wanted to make it up to you.

Are you serious?

I dunno.

Everyone likes cookies.

It's a good gift.

You're not gonna be a pain in the ass asking me for coke now, are you?

No, no, no, no, no.


Gave me some interesting ideas, but, uh, I feel like my body's still recovering.

No, uh...

- I want oxys.

- Jesus Christ.

Just like to pills.

I've already tried to get a doctor to give them to me...

Of course your first thought was to ask nicely.

He just sent me to a therapist, and I...

I need these.

I'm in very real pain.

Marcus, use your r*pe whistle.


Private conversation.

Look, I don't have that sh*t on me, okay?


I'm not that guy.

But, uh, I can hook you up with one.


Oh, my God, okay.

Thank you.

Be on the th Street overpass at midnight.

- Tonight.

- Okay.

Don't try to pay in cookies.



No, okay.

Uh, thank you.


Uh, hey, I know it's not cash, but, uh, do you think that he'd think that this hoodie was worth something?

Oh, it looks awful.

Uh, t-this was...

This was worn by Belichick.

Bill Belichick?

My, uh... my husband paid Lord knows how much for it, but God forbid I ask.

- Lady.

- Um, Allison.

I don't want to know your name or your story.

- I don't care.

- Right.

Now get the hell out of here.

- Okay.

- Bye-bye, now.

- Goodbye.


- Okay.

- Thank you.

- Thanks for the raisin cookies.

Don't worry about washing the bowl.

♪♪ - Gah!



- What are you doing?!

- Gotta protect my lady.

Can't be too cautious.

Well, can't you?!

Not when the neighbors lit our garbage cans on fire.

They what?!

Why would they do that?

Well, after Kn*fe-In-Football-Gate, I had one of those strokes of genius.

I shoved a cherry b*mb inside a soccer...


Ball, and I put it on their front lawn.

A true message.

What, that soccer blows?





That they cannot mess with me!

And that message was received.

You should have seen it.

The sparks!

The colors!

Little flaming hexagons flying everywhere.

It was...

It was...

It was spectacular!

But I also b*rned their lawn.


lit their lawn on fire?

- I heard about that.

- It's fine.

A little singe will just make the grass grow back twice as lush...

If it's anything like my foot hair.

So, that's when they torched our garbage cans?


Can you believe it?

It's practically arson.

Well, you lit their lawn on fire!

They stole my sweatshirt!

You b*rned down their pergola!

Irregardless, this is all just ramping up so fast, we had to beef up security.

- And that's our security?

- Well, the bat is step one.

Step two is...

Ah, Neil returns with step three.

I sent him to my guy.

He's former SWAT.

Neil, what are you doing?

Well, this is what your guy gave me.


You caved!


- You got me a dog?

- 'Course not.

My "No Pets" rule stands.

I refuse not to be the cutest thing in this house.

Impossible, babe.

Besides, that's not a dog.

That's a mistake.

Neil, I-I sent you to my guy to get, like, a r*fle or a crossbow or something.

Yeah, well, your guy said this was the most w*apon I could handle.

- It's something.

- Is it?

I don't know.

He looks tired.

Maybe a little slow.


And lazy.

Doesn't seem like McRoberts material.


Dog, you're here on a trial basis.

No name till you're off probation.

And no cavortin' with my wife.


Okay, so, what's step two?


Well, step one's the bat.

Step three is the dog.

So what's step two?

Oh, I installed a full DING security system outside.

Cameras at every door, motion-sensored.

I've got it wired, babe.

I'm feeling diligent, focused.


You got chips there?

- I brought them from home.

- Did you, now?

You know what they say about sharing.

- No.

- Gimme.



♪♪ God damn it.




Good boy.


That's a good boy.

What's this?

Yeah, you're a good boy.

Well, actually, no.

That's not a nice thing to say.

I'm sorry.

Good boys don't get to do anything fun.

Trust me, I get it.

This is my first time sneaking out of a house.

Why'd I wait so long to do something like this, huh?

It's exciting.

It'll be a good story.



You wanna know another good story?

♪♪ I stole the g*dd*mn hoodie.

Don't rat me out, okay, pal?

Thank you.

You stay there.





You Marcus' girl?


Well, no.

- I'm not his girl, but...

- I got ya.

Uh, how do you wanna do this?


However you'd normally do it is good, I guess.

Money first?

Sounds good.

- W-What do you want to pay...

- So, wha...


You g...

Uh, y-you go first.


- $ ?

- No way.

Most girls in your position would be kissing the ground I walk on for that price.

Well, I'm not most girls, so...

$ , final offer.

Get in.

Uh, where we going?

We can't do this right here.




So, you got the stuff?



Oh, I got your stuff right here.

No, wha...

What the hell are you doing?

Oh, right.

Marcus said you were into that sort of thing.

"Oh, no, Mister.

I'm not that kind of guy." What?!



I'm not gonna have sex with you!

Marcus said I...

I would have sex with you?!


That's usually what the money's for, yeah.

Oh, my...

No, I'm not a prostitu...

Marcus said that you'd sell me pills.

Like, dr*gs?


Lady, I sell life insurance.


Marcus was trying to get back at me, so it...

I'm sorry, I have to go.

Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait.

- God damn!

- Oh!

What the hell?!



I was just trying to tell you there's a child lock on that door.

Oh, my God.


You broke my frickin' nose!

I'm so sorry.

Here, here, here.




Jesus Christ, lady!

The least you could do is give me a handjob.


No, thank you.


- Allie.

- Hey.

- Uh, it's late.

- Yeah, sorry.

Um, how are you?


Uh, I don't really know how to answer that question.

I know that I am supposed to say, "I'm good.

How are you?" Anything more than that is just rude.

No one actually wants to know how you are.

It's just a way of saying, "Hello.

I'm good, how are you?" Uh, but I actually wanted to...


To me?


Thought maybe you were mad or something.

Why would I be mad?



- You want a coffee or something?

- Uh...

After the night I had, I'd say an Irish coffee, but I don't want to make you do that.

I can muscle through.


No, I was being...

I was being rude.


This is really for me.

I used to love mixing drinks for you.

Remember our, uh, white trash margarita?


Yellow Gatorade and tequila.

- With a maraschino cherry.

- Ugh.

Of all the drinks I miss, that one's pretty high up there.

Thank you.



So, you wanted to talk?




Something that isn't the weather, or my aunt's foot ailments, or the feud with the neighbors.

I've had the worst...

decade, really.

Like, I can't believe how much time I've spent talking about nothing.

And now that I feel like I actually have something to say, um, the closest thing that I have to someone who cares is a dog.

I care.

Just that you knew me before...

W-When we were younger.

I had friends, right?


Yeah, I feel like they all had names that started with J, K, and L.

Katie, Kelly, Lauren, Lindsay...

- Julie.

- BOTH: Jess.


They liked church.

- They loved church.

- Mm.

And your friends in the swim team.

Well, no.

Those girls didn't really like me.

I was a bit...

Bit competitive.



And I had the people at the restaurant, and I had you.

I just don't know when I got so isolated from everyone.

Wish you'd been here for the last years.

I mean, I'm not sure that would've actually helped.


People who think they're cut off from everyone are actually often walling themselves off from the world.

Okay, can we not?

'Cause I've already turned down therapy once this week, so...

No, yeah.


I'm just saying, when you talk about wishing I'd been here...

you're the one who pulled away.

I pulled away?

Okay, I mean, you were gone way before I got married, okay?


How are we talking about this?

I just wanted someone to talk with.

Did you, though?

'Cause from where I'm sitting, you wanted someone to listen and nod and agree with you.

You know what?

I take it back.

I'm good.

How are you?

♪♪ Wha...

Have we been robbed?

That is absolutely correct.

Shouldn't we be calling the police?

Oh, simple Allison.

This is all a part of my master plan.

Okay, well, the last time you said that, we had to cut down the oak tree to get you out of it.

That tree was an eyesore for years.

Paul Revere planted it.

Just listen.

The security system picked up some of those damn neighbors lurking outside the house last night.



How do you know it was them?

Uh, he was wearing the hoodie.

That's tough, babe.

Thank you.

But as I was trying to lure an entire family of skunks under the neighbor's house, I realized that that security footage gives me all the a*mo I need to go to the insurance company.

So, ta-dah!

Kevin, we agreed you'd give up magic when that playing card punctured your eardrum.

Allison, I can't even hear you to agree with you.


This is the magic of insurance.

I talked to the guy about my stolen hoodie and all the, eh... wink...

other stuff missin' here.

Guy's coming down later today to take claims on everything.

TV, Wade Boggs rookie card, your father's ashes.

- Kevin.


I'm just kidding.

He's not worth anything.

No, I mean, isn't this fraud?

No way.

Our stuff isactually missing.

I mean, maybe if you went over to Neil's garage...

it might all be in there, but who knows?

Not I!


No, no, no!

And not you!

I am not going in Neil's garage.

- I am taking Bill out.

- Whoa, whoa.

Who's Bill, and where are you taking him?

Bill is what I named our dog.

Where is he?

Oh, uh, that whole security system wasn't working.

The cameras were blurry, the dog was a bum, and the bat broke when Neil and I were smashing watermelons.

I scrapped all of it.

All of it?

- Even the dog?

- I took him back to my guy.

I expect I'll get some sort of store credit once he finds "Bill" tied to his porch.

You abandoned the dog?

When I left, I gave him half my bacon, egg, and cheese.

If that's abandonment, abandon me every morning.


With that insurance money, I can get the hoodie that Belichick wore in the playoffs.


- So, that other hoodie...

- Keep it, foreigners!

Put another win on the board!

In the game of life, it's Kevin , Life .

New Belichick Hoodie Day, baby!



♪♪ Oh, um, excuse me.

Is there a therapist office in here?

WOMAN: Therapist?

Ah, yeah.

Just, uh, ask for a wash like Barb gets.

She'll hook you up.

She'll "hook me"...

Oh, it's dr*gs.



WOMAN: One sec.

