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02x14 - 'Til It's Gone

Posted: 06/24/21 06:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Secret Life Of
The American Tennager"...

She's coming here... Now.

Her dad has
a business trip planned,

And she wants to come
with him to see me.

Don't let amy break up with you because
her italian girlfriend is showing up.

Break up with her because
you don't want to be with
her anymore.

I love, love, love
getting away with you.

Maybe we shouldn't have lied.

This is the school counselor

Calling to find out
why you're not in class.

I think my mom is leaving.
She got an offer.

The job is in new york.

Having sex ruined
everything for us.

Not continuing to have sex
ruined everything for us.

Ben! Benito!

I made a mistake of asking ann
if there was any possibility

That the baby
might not be mine,

So ann took the baby
and went to see her mother.

She took amy and john, too.
But they're coming back.

I don't know.
I don't even know if
they know they're coming back.

I never actually thought
she'd come to california.

Now's she's here with her dad.

I do love amy,

But I want to be
with other girls.

I want to date and have sex.

You could mediate
a legal agreement
without going to court.

I want to see my son, amy.
I want you to bring john home.


Thought I heard something.

So are you going to see
your friend

Before she goes back
to Italy?

Uh, I don't know.

Did you talk to amy?

I mean, unless I see my friend,
there's no sense in talking
to amy about anything--

Well, not about my friend
anyway, right?

Right, unless you're
going to continue to have

A relationship
with your friend.

In that case
you may want to tell amy.

I'll just play it by ear.

By ear.

Yeah, you do that.

Good night.
Good night.

You want me to shut the door?

Uh, yeah, it's just
that I'm...Studying.

What are you studying?

Oh, where'd you get this?

Betty's yard sale.

it's a very good story.

About sex.

About life.


Good night.

Anything going on
you want to tell me about?

Not at this moment, no.

New supply?

Did you need--

Nope. Good night.

I don't know what you're up to,
but good night.

Benito, you found me.

Maria, I did.

"falling in love is such
an easy thing to do,

"birds can do it
we can do it,

" let's stop talking
let's get to it,

"let's fall in love".

You don't have to have
your shirt off for that.

I know.

It just balances
the masculine

With the feminine.


Put your shirt back on.

What's the problem?

with the male body?

Oh, shut up.

Are you sure you're gay?

Why don't you think
about that question,

Then ask me again.

Of course I could be mistaken
for metrosexual.

Then again there's nothing
really metro about me,

And I am gay,

And metrosexuals
are gay, too,

So there you go.



What's the--

Clarifying mask.

Clarifying what?

That I'm gay.

That's what I thought.

Just removes
all the impurities.

Impurities from...


From his face.

All right. I didn't know.

Thought it was for his mind
or something.

Because I'm gay I have
impurities of the mind?

Don't get all defensive.
I just didn't know
what that thing was...

On a guy.

Why does he have
his shirt off?

Why, uncomfortable
with the male body?

Yes, I am.
Put your shirt on.

I don't care
if you're gay or not,
and keep your pants on.


We have other rooms,
you know.

There are plenty of beds
all over the house
if you're staying over.

Ashley said
I can stay right here.

You said he could sleep over
in my room.


You sure you're gay?

Is this going to be an issue
every time I sleep over?

Probably. Dad,
he's fine staying in my room.

All right. You know,
it's kind of lonely
in there.

You guys want to hang out in
the family room, watch some tv?

Dad, don't.
That's pathetic.

Where's moose?
Your mother's side of the bed.

Okay, pathetic or not,
let him hang with us.


Here, take what's left
of the mask.

It'll make your face
smooth as a baby's bottom.

Don't say baby to him.
I told you.

Oh, I forgot.

Maybe that mask is sucking
the brain out of your head.

As long as it keep
my pores clean,

I'm okay with that.

I'll wash it off
in 10 minutes.

Just hang in there.

Then we'll do something
you want to do.

What do you want to do?

What do you usually do
when you have sleepovers?

I've never had one.

I'm shocked.
You're so much fun.

This will be fun.

This will be fun
if we end up having sex.

No, this will be fun
not having sex.

It's a sleepover.

Yeah, that's great,
a sleepover.

How about a sex-over?

We agreed not to have sex
for a while, until we work
some things out.

It's been a while,
and we've worked
some things out.

Don't you think
we should reward ourselves

With the progress
we've made?

What progress?

We both have agreed
that we couldn't possibly
decide at 17

If we're ready to be together
for the rest of our lives.

We have.
You got your way on that.

You were right about that,

And maybe you're right
about the reward.

Yeah, we deserve
a little reward for that.

And I said
that I would entertain

The idea
of possibly marrying you

At some time
in the distant future.

That wasn't easy for me,

But I understand where
you're coming from
on that.

Okay, and we get a reward
for that, too.

That's all I get for that?

We-- that's all we get
for that.

okay, come here.

And I agree that if we did
get married someday,

That I would consider
having another child

If we both wanted a child,

And the marriage was stable

And we were financially
and emotionally ready
to have a child.

We get a really big reward
for that.

All right, let's just do it.

No, we're not going
to just do it.

Doing it is a reward we get

When we decide to get married
and have a family

And be together
the rest of our lives.

Adrian, don't tell me
you don't want to do it
right now

Regardless of what's going
to happen in the future.

Of course I do,

But I'm afraid
that if I do,

Then we'll lose
all the progress
we've made so far.


Why don't I go downstairs

And pop some corn

And we can put in a movie.

Okay. Be right back.

And this is the bedroom.

Oh, I see.

That's okay.
You can check it.

I know who it is.
It's fine.


believe me, it's fine.

Where were we?

Do you need to take
that call?

If you need to take
the call, it's--

I don't.


You don't have a girlfriend,
do you?

Yes, as a matter of fact,
I do. You.

No, it's my mother.

Ever since my brother d*ed,
we call each other
every night.

Oh, you should call her.

I think it's about time
I stop that little ritual.
Don't you?

I'll call in the morning.

All right, if you want.

I mean,
if you want to call her,
it's fine.

Hmm, let me think about this.

Uh, call my mother
on the phone

Or have sex with you?


Or we could have sex

While you talk
to your mother on the phone.

a jewish boy's dream.




Just wanted to say good night.

Good night, jack.

Are you sure you don't want
to change your mind?

I don't want to change my mind.

Okay, grace.

Good night, jack.

You okay with your mom
not being there?

I could come over
and just stay downstairs
in the living room,

Sleep on the couch?

It's a funny thing.

My parents used to let
tom and I stay here
by ourselves once in a while

When they were gone,
and we were fine,

But it just feels different
now with my dad being gone.

I always thought
if something went wrong,

He would just run home
and save me.

I'd save you.

I'd run over
and save you, grace...

If anything happened.

It's okay.

I can take care of myself.

Good night, jack.

Mmm, okay, okay,
we have to stop.

Stop? What is this word stop?

Uh, alto, alto.

No alto.
Go, go, go, home run.

No, no, no, no.
No homeruns, maria.

We've agreed to be friends.

We agree to friends in Italy.
This is america.

In america you can do anything.
You can be anyone.

Let's be lovers.

No, I can't.
I just can't.

You can if you want.

Trust me,
a part of me wants.

I bet I know which part.

Maria, stop, please.

Beno, no stop, please.

What's the matter, benito?
You don't want to make love
to me tonight?

Tomorrow I go home, and you can
have your amy again.

Hi, I'm ben's dad,
leo boykewich.

Sausage king of america.

I'm so happy to meet

The father of my friend,
my ben.

I didn't realize
you were here, ben.

That's because I hide
in the closet

Because ben, he is nervous
that he is caught by amy,

Who's had a baby
with another man.

Ridiculous, no?

Even so,
amy is his girlfriend.

What's a girlfriend--
a girl who is a friend?

I'm his girlfriend, too.
Am I not?

I really don't know.

I'm sorry.
I don't even know your name.

Maria, maria maccini.

You're related
to rocco mancini?

Si, my papa.

Oh, he's a nice man--

And he's here with you
in california?

Si, si, he's waiting
at the hotel.

And he knows you're here
visiting ben.

He loves ben.

Uh, yeah, he does.


That's nice.

If I would've known you were
here, maria,

I would've invited
your father over for a visit.

But then benito and me,
we could not kiss,
not so much.

Well, true, I guess.

Maybe you can bring him
with you next time.

In the meantime,
would you like our driver
to take you back to the hotel?

It's getting late.

Oh, mr. Leo boykewich,

Thank you so much,

But I want to say good-bye
to ben alone, solo.

All right, I'll give you two
a few more minutes.

Ben, could we, uh...

I'll just be a second.

Do you know who her father is?

I've met him.

Do you know who he is?

I can't believe we're grocery
shopping at 00 at night.

We should've stopped
on the way here,

But don't worry.

Mimsy's nurse will take
good care of john and robbie.

They won't even miss us.
It will be fine.

I know that.
That's why this is
so wonderful.

It's like a dream,

Almost as good as the beach,

Only we don't have to watch
the babies.

I can't believe
we're grocery shopping
at 11:00 at night.

This is
really, really fun, mom.

We should do this
all the time.


I'm exhausted.

I don't know
why you're exhausted.

I drove the whole way
to mimsy's.

Well, you're still
a relatively new driver, amy.

In between keeping
my eyes on your driving

And the babies
and then dealing with mimsy,

Really, I'm exhausted.

We can't spend all night
in here.

Mimsy's doing great.

No, she's not.

They have an overnight nurse
staying with her for a reason.

She's beginning to forget
who she is, amy.

Well, I'm beginning
to forget who I am.

Did you just see that?

Yeah, I saw that.

Mom, he doesn't know
who I am.

He doesn't know
anything about me.

Well, you don't know
anything about him.

I know he was looking at me,

And not in that "look
at that poor teenage mother"
kind of way.

just go find some cereal

Or the guy if
that's what you want to do.

I think I will.
I mean, it's not like
I'm cheating on ben.

I'm just having
a little fun, right?


That's what this trip
is all about,

You and me finding
the fuin life again.

Well, hello there.
I heard you were here.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god?

You have no idea

How many times I've dreamt
about making so that

When we were dating
in high school.

under different circumstances,
of course.


I waited
until she walked away.

Is that your daughter?

Yeah, and I don't want
to have to explain
things to her.

You have no idea
how complicated
my life is already.

I heard you have
a new boyfriend.

You and him moving into
the old norman house?

That's the house
you renovated, right?

No, we're not moving there,

And anyway that's over.

Yeah, I heard.
But you're back here,
so I thought--

I'm just visiting
with my mom.

Amy and I wanted to get away
for a few days.

You have to go now.

Okay? Just-- just go.

Not before you kiss me.

I can't kiss you.

I'm married.

No, you're not.

No, I'm not, but I'm back
with my husband.

Yeah, kind of, sort of,

But you and him had
that big fight over the baby,

So I thought maybe
that's why you're here.

You want to get back
with your old boyfriend.

Not me,
your other old boyfriend,

Your more recent old boyfriend.

I forgot what it was like
living in a small town.

Small town nothing.

You should pay more attention
to what you write in the emails
to my brother

Because he forwards
all those to me-- yeah--

Ever since you guys ran
into each other in chicago.

He does not.

He comes across
as such a saint.

I can't believe he'd do that.

Not would. Does.
He does do it.

Now, enough small talk.
Come on, kiss me.

Absolutely not.

Come on, let's just see
if we still have it.

You know you want to.

They make the pimento cheese
here in the store.

Do they?
Right here in the store?

That's totally awesome.

Yeah, it is...
Totally awesome.

Do you like pimento cheese?

I don't know if I've ever had
pimento cheese.

Well, perhaps we can make some
pimento cheese sandwiches

And go on a picnic tomorrow.

Oh, tomorrow?
I don't know if--

Are you busy tomorrow?

I'm here visiting
my grandmother.

Yeah, I know.
My dad told me.

He pointed you out to me.
It was a good point.

Wait, what?
He knows your mom.

They were
high-school sweethearts.

There you are.
I was looking for you, amy.

Amy? I'm nicolette.

This is jimmy,
jimmy nash.

Yeah, that nash.

Amy, nicolette,
whatever your name is,
we've got to go.

Are we all going?

We were thinking that you two
might want to have a pizza
or something.

- Feel like a pizza?
- Yeah, I feel like a pizza.

No, we can't.
Nicolette, we've got to go.

- Can I call you?
- I don't know. Here.

You can call me if you want,

And if you're going to be here
for a while.

Good night.


All right, so my name is amy.

I use nicolette sometimes.

It's a middle name,

Or I wish it was
my middle name.

Why don't I
just call you pimento?

After the cheese?

All right.

Let's just leave this stuff here
and come back tomorrow.

All right, do your thing.


Yeah, hola.

Want a drink?

Oh, yeah.
Gate's unlocked.

Just jump over the wall.

Better than jumping
through hoops.

I've done my share.

That's what I call neat.

That's what I call
the old neighborhood.

That's a fancy neighborhood.

What's going on?

Ricky's over.

Not that amy needs
to know that.

I'm not going to tell her.

He's not exactly speaking
to me right now--

She, or her mother.

Ann still gone?

That's going to be some
conversation when she gets back.


You actually asked her
if the baby is yours?

It's just a question.
I don't know why she got
so upset about it,

Unless it's not my baby.

Or unless it is.

Why would she be upset
if it is?

Uh, because if it is,

You falsely accuse her
of having someone else's baby.

I've seen guys m*rder*d
for that.

I'm not accusing her
of anything.

I was just asking.

George, that's not something
you ask your wife.

She's not my wife.
We're divorced.

I'd like to get married again.

I mean, if little robbie's mine.

Does it matter?
Yeah, it matters.

If he's not my baby,
he's just a constant reminder

That ann cheated.
But you cheated first.

Yeah, but the person
I cheated with
is not having my baby.

That would be cindy.


George, would you and ann
be together

If she hadn't gotten

I don't know,

But the fact is she had
a baby,

And I don't know
if he's my son.

Maybe you could look at it
this way.

Whether or not he's your son,

He brought you and ann
back together,

So maybe it was just meant
to be.

Or if he's not my son,

He's what's going to drive us
apart for good.

Maybe that's what's
meant to be.

I thought we agreed all us men
were going to support
each other.

I'm trying.

Well, how would you feel
if my sleeping cindy

Is what brought you and cindy
and adrian together

And living next door to me.

How would you feel?

I'm not quite sure
I understand your logic
on that one, george.

And would you quit bringing up
cindy and her indiscretions?

Oh, yeah.

Heard about that job
in new york.


Darn dog.

Is that george?


I think I heard george.

Can I go home now?

If we're not going to have sex,

I just want to wake up
in my own bed.

All right, whatever.

Thanks, adrian.

Thanks a lot.

There are no more rewards.

All right.

You're welcome to stay.
I don't think so.

Maybe not having sex
will be better next time,

But, frankly,
I find it a littleoring.

Would it be more exciting
if amy came back home
with your son?

That's why you said you'd stay
over here, isn't it?

That wasn't the entire reason.

Okay, if we were having sex
and you heard amy's car
in the driveway,

Would you jump up
and run over there?

No, I'm not a complete jerk.
I'd wait until I was finished.

We-- until we were finished.

Oh, thank you for that.
You're a real gentleman.

Look, amy hasn't called me,
and she has my son with her.

I want to see my son.
I want to see john.

This is as long
as he's ever been away
from me,

And I don't like it.

I told you to do
something about it.

My dad said he would help you.

You should try to get
joint custody in writing.

Maybe I will.

All right,
I'm going home.


I'll call you if I see her
drive up in the driveway, okay?

Thanks, adrian.
Yeah, you're welcome.

You know, I'm really trying
to make this no-sex thing work.

Yeah, I know.

Good night.
I love you.

I love you, too.

So you've had sex.

Yeah, I don't want to have sex
just to have sex.

I want a boyfriend,

But gay relationships
in high school are just--

I don't know, impossible.

Why's that?

Even if I find a guy who's
as comfortable as I am

With being gay,

It's not likely his family's
going to be comfortable as mine
with it,

And it's not likely the whole
high school is going to be

With a couple of gay guys
openly making out
in the hallways.

You don't give people
a lot of credit, do you?

No, I don't.

I watched my brothers go
through a lot of "crapola"
in high school.

I'd like to avoid that
if I can.

Even if that means
not getting what you want?

Not getting a boyfriend
you can make out with
in the hallways?

I refuse to make getting
what I want that important.

I just want to take it
one day at a time

And see what happens.

I don't need to focus
on getting into a relationship.

I mean, if it happens, fine.

If it doesn't, well,
I'm 15.

It'll happen eventually.

Are your brothers
in relationships?

Yep, my parents
and I don't like
one of the partners,

But the other one
we like a lot.

What's wrong
with the one you don't like?

He cheated on my brother.

My brother got over it,
but the rest of us can't.

He's probably
still cheating on him

Even though he says he isn't.

You know, once you go
down that road--

Oh, right, I forgot.
I'm sorry.

So, you know, with everything
that happened with your parents,

Does that put you off
from wanting to have sex?

No, it was amy's description
of what happened at band camp

That put me off having sex
anytime soon,

That and the baby.

You don't think
your first time having sex

Is going to be like amy's
first time having sex.

I don't think it's possible
to have meaningful sex
in high school.

Whether it's gay or straight.

Let's get boyfriends.

I tried. I'm not into it.

You don't like mark?

Well, I think he's going out
with someone else.

Thank god.
No, no, don't say that.

I lied.

I don't think our friendship's
ready for boyfriends.

Yeah, I agree.


It's me.
Tom let me in.

Ugh, jack.

I had a feeling
you were cheating on me,

And now I know.


You don't want anything?
You okay?

Mmm, I'm better than okay.

I'll say.

Go-- mom.

This is kathleen,
the woman I was telling you

This is the widow?


I thought you were dead,

You didn't answer the phone.

No, I didn't.

I was going to call you
in the morning.

He should've answered
the phone.

I told him to answer
the phone.


I like you.

You know, your husband
and my son

Have only been gone six months,

But I like you.

Life goes on.

You have children?

Yes, yes, I have a son
that we adopted,

And I have a daughter.

You want more?

Just something to think about.

That's all I'm saying.
Good night.

And next time,
pick up the phone,
or you know what'll happen.

I'm so embarrassed.

Oh, no, no, no,
don't be, don't be.

She's a liberal democrat,

You know, no judgment

Unless you're a republican.



Oh, well, I'm glad we had sex
before I found that out.

Republican? Really?

But I voted for obama.

Oh, so you're a cheater, too.

I cheated on my first husband.

And the republicans.

No, I want to tell you this.

You sure?

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have you done?

I'm an idiot.

I never should've asked maria
to come.

It's just that it's
her last day here,

And she came
all this way to see me,

And she's just--
she's so much fun.

I mean, she's full of life,
and she's-- she's fun.

You mean, compared to amy,
who has to go to school,
work, and raise a son.


Well, you can't just base
a relationship on fun.

Why not?

I feel like an old married man
who just saw the light.

Oh, I don't think
you've seen the light yet.

Fun doesn't last.

Cooking does.

It's what my mom says.

About me?

I can cook, so there.

Yeah, maria can cook, too.

That's not going to last.

I don't know if I care.

Oh, jeez,
what are you going to do,
move to bologna?

No, I'll just stay here
with amy.

Oh, great, that's
a lovely attitude to have
about a woman.

I'll just stay with amy,

But I'd rather be with maria.

Well, it's the truth.

I don't know what the truth is

Other than I want a sex life.

You know what?
This w*r in my brain--

This "break up with amy."
"no, don't break up with her.

"yeah, break up with her."

It's become a full-time w*r.

I need a wartime consigliore.

Ben? What's going on?

Sorry to call you so late.

I just really need
to talk to you

Even though I know
you told ricky

That you wouldn't talk to me.

That's okay.
He's not here.

So amy's out of town?

And adrian?

We're still trying to work
things out,

So this can't be
anything serious
because I love adrian.

Yeah, yeah, I know,
and I don't care.

I don't want this to be
anything serious anyway.

You're not a serious guy.

Not tonight I'm not.

Let me help you.

Oh, I got it, dad.
It's okay.

No, you don't got it.

Come here, john.

How's my grandson?
How's my daughter?

Me? Oh, I'm fine.
I really am.

Where's your mom?
Where's robbie?

They're still at mimsy's.

We stayed at a beach resort
enjoying ourselves

For a couple of days,

Then we drove over to mimsy's.

Mom wanted to stay
a little longer,

But I figured
I should get home.

You weren't at mimsy's
all week?

No, just yesterday.

Mom and I needed a break

So we went by the beach first.

So you lied.
You and your mother lied.

Like you don't lie?

Come on, it was just the girls
having a little fun.

It was more fun to keep it
a secret.

Dad, you lie about things
all the time.

Of course, your lies
are your business.

And what lies would those be?

The none-of-my-business lies.

give me him.

Welcome home, daughter.

It's nice to be home, father.

Wait a minute.
Wait just a darn minute.

Amy-- amy juergens,
I want to talk to you.

One second.


Wanted to put john down
while he was still sleepy
from the ride.

Yeah, the ride.
Right there.

That's what I want to talk
to you about.

How did you get here?
I drove.

Without a license?
I got my license.

You got your driver's license
without me?

Uh-huh. Mom took me
on the way to the beach.

What's your mother driving?

Mimsy's car.

Mimsy isn't driving anymore.

I see.

So you drove the new car,

All the way from mimsy's,
all by yourself.

Mom gave me a note so I can
drive john in my car,

My new car, the suv,
the one that david gave me,

All the way from mimsy's,
all by myself,

So it's legal with a note
for me to drive john.

David's a giver.

He's a real giver.

I'd like to know if he gave
your mother anything.

What, like-- like robbie?

I don't know.
I don't' want to get involved.

That's between you and mom.

I waited 16 1/2 years
for you to be able to drive
a car,

And you went to get your license
with your mother and not me?

You get your first tampon
from your mother.

You get your first license
from your dad,

And I'm your dad.

You sure about that?

Seems like you
and your mother have
a lot of secrets these days.

Yeah, well, you and ashley
have your secrets to,
so there you go.


All right, she's home.


Are you going to go
over there?

I thought I'd give you
a sh*t at her first
before I call ricky.

I'm at work right now,
and so is he.

Take a break and go
over there. Fix this.

I don't know how
to fix it.

I thought I wanted
to break up with her

Until you talked me
out of it.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

You're not going to break up
with amy

For some girl
who lives half way
across the world.

Even if there was no maria,
I'd still want to break up
with amy.

Okay, now, ben,
you know you don't mean that.

Okay? You love amy.

You two have been
through so much together.

Just hang in there
and give it another sh*t.

You've worked so hard
at this relationship.

That's just it.
I don't want to work
at a relationship.

I just want to have fun.

Grow up.

are not always fun,

And after all this time

You put in trying
to make it work,

You really want to give up now?

I don't know.

I'm tired, confused.

Besides she's going to break up
with me anyway

Once she knows that my friend
from bologna's here.

No, she's not.

She might be a little jealous,

But, hey, she's the one

Who left and went out of town.

You can't help it
if that's when maria
decided to come here.

You and maria
are just friends.

You and amy are
more than friends.

You know, I bet you're justweekx
with amy.

No, that's impossible.

No, it's not.

She just wants to know
that you really love her,

And hey, absence
makes the heart grow fonder,

So even if she is upset,
she'll get over it.

I have to go.

My dad.

no cell phones!


Was that ricky?

It was ben.

He asked me to call
if I saw amy come home.

You know,
you might want to mind
your own business

When it comes to people coming
and going from that house.

It is my business.

Adrian, I still think it's
in your best interest

To make friends with amy,

And if you keep spying on her,

You're not going to make
friends with amy.

I know.

All right,
as long as you know.

You haven't seen your mom
over there, have you?

No, but if I do,
I'll let you know.

She has no interest in george.

I didn't say she did.

Don't let her go to new york.


Don't let her go to new york?

Listen, your mother's
not my property.

She can do whatever she wants.

That's ridiculous.

She can't do
whatever she wants

And be in a relationship
with you.

You tell her that--
she wants you to tell her that.

I don't know.

I know.
Look, just do it, okay?

I want you two
to stay together.

I want you two to get married.

Adrian, we don't always get
what we want.

Okay, why do people think that?

Yes, we can get what we want.

Nice job.

You've been working hard
all day.

Yeah, I have.

Trying to get your mind
off something?

Like what?

Like cheating
on your girlfriend.

What makes you think
I was cheating
on my girlfriend?

Someontripped the alarm
when they were leaving.

Oh, I was over at adrian's.
I did that when I came back.

It was really late.

No, you would never do that.

Someone else did that.
Someone leave in a hurry?

Yes, I had someone over.
She stayed too late,

And then she rushed out
before I could turn off
the alarm to let her out.

You feel like crap,
don't you?

Yeah, you do.

You don't want to cheat
on adrian.

Adrian and I aren't doing
anything right now,

So I have a reason to be
with someone else.

It's not cheating.

- A reason?
- Yeah.

There's no reason.
There's only justification.

You don't want to cheat
on the person you love.

You just don't, so stop.

Quit trying to figure it out
and just stop.

No good can come of it.

You think I'm not tempted
to cheat on my husband

Every day I'm here?

You see all the men come
in here,

Flirting with me,

Giving me their business cards,

Offering me discounts
and favors and such.

They just want sex.

Yeah, I may have seen
that happen once or twice.

All the time.

Listen to me, kid.

When you're driving your car
and you see a red light,

Do you think about whether
or not you should stop,

Or do you just stop?

I just stop.


Hey, did amy call you?
She's back.

Oh, great, and she
didn't even let me know.

She's the mother of my son.

I haven't seen my son
in five days,

And she doesn't even have
the courtesy to call me.

How do you know?
How do you know she's home?

Uh, I asked adrian to call me
and let me know.

I told you two to quit talking
to each other.

I really needed
to talk to her.


About breaking up with amy.

You're pathetic.
You know that?

If you want to break up
with amy, break up with her.

And you don't want
to break up with amy,

So just shut up
about it.
I can't.

Her friends are going to tell
her about maria.

I know they are,

So I thought that I
should break up with her,

Or I could let her
break up with me.

Are? Her friends are going
to tell her about maria?

How about have? They have
told her about maria,
don't you think?

And they haven't,
ashley h.
She was there.

I don't thin ashley
would say anything,

And I'm not sure that amy's
talked to madison and lauren.

It doesn't matter.
You're not going to have
a relationship

With a girl in Italy,

Maria's just a friend.

You can have friends
and still be in love with amy.

You've been with her
for over a year.

You're not going to break up
after all the time you put in.

That's pretty much
what adrian told me.

I'm taking my break, bunny.

- Hey, jack.
- Tom.

- What's up, buddy?
- Oh, nothing, buddy.

Just hoping grace
comes down

To talk to me.

Problems in graceland?

I don't know.

Maybe I could help.

Is that a sincere offer?

Because you know, tom,
any guy that goes
with your sister

Is going to try something
with her,

So you shouldn't hold that
against me.

You're right.

We used to be friends,
you and me.
I remember.

Can we be friends, tom?
Can we be friends again?

I think that
could be arranged.

She's cheating on me,
isn't she?

I'm afraid so.

I knew it.

Sorry about that.

Do you know who the guy is?

I know who it is.

It will cost you.

I thought we were friends.
We're friends.

And I have to pay
for your information?

If you want
information, yes.

How much.

How much you got?

Thirty-five bucks.

I think I see
another 20 in there.

I see it.

Fifty-five bucks.

Ooh, pretty good.

Who's she cheating
on me with, tom?

Is it ricky?

Jason, lauren's brother?


Well, who is it?

She's having sex with herself
by herself. Ha.


Hey, jeff.

Hey, kathleen,
what are you doing?

Oh, nothing much, really,
just cleaning the house.

I thought about the stuff
you told me last night.

I don't know why I did that.

No, I do know
why I did that.

Because I didn't tell marshall
for 15 years,

And then he found out,

And I wish I would've told him.

Well, I wish
you hadn't have told me.

Oh, really?

No, I'm just messing with you.

Okay, please don't do that

Because I feel so vulnerable
around you.

I like that, though.

I like vulnerability,

But you're also a very strong
woman, too, kathleen.

I like that.

I like you.

I mean, I more than like you.

I love you.


He loves me?

He loves me?



Not jesus.

It's jeff, right?

You two are already telling
each other you love
each other?

I didn't tell him.
He just told me right now
on the phone.

Grace, be happy.

Be happy for me.

I'm happy for you when good
things happen to you.

Actually, good things have
been happening to me lately.



Awesome, huh?

Oh, yeah. I'm so happy
I may never see jack again.

Hey, ashley, I have something
I want to say to you.

I'm very sorry
about the way I acted
when dad gave you this room.

That was wrong of me.

Yeah, I'll say.

And I'm happy that you have
this room

Because I have something
better than this room.

I have a new suv,
and I have my driver's license.

I have freedom.

And a baby.

Don't forget john.


And a baby.


But I also have a new guy
in my life.

I met someone,

Someone named jimmy.

Oh, god.
Jimmy, huh?

Yeah, jimmy.

Is he one of mimsy's friends?

No, he's mom's
high-school boyfriend's son,
for your information.

Mom's high-school boyfriend?

That guy she was with
in chicago?

That was who she was
with in chicago?

Yeah, or didn't she
tell you that?

She told dad,
and he told me.

I guess you and mom aren't
as close as dad and me.

We tell each other everything,

And now I'm going to tell him

That she's pretending
to visit mimsy

When she's really visiting
her old boyfriend.

Is he the father of her baby?


Is who the father of her baby?

No one.

No one that I know,

What's going on?

Dad, if you want mom back,
you better get on the phone
right now.

She's seeing her old
high-school boyfriend.

That's what she's doing.

She says she's seeing mimsy,
and, I don't know,
maybe she is,

But she's seeing
her old high-school boyfriend.

How do you know that?

Because amy, apparently,
is seeing his son.

Oh, hi.
I was going to call you.

Were you?
Were you going to call me?

Yes, I was going to call you.

I just got home,
and I had to unpack
and do laundry.

John is my son.

Yes, and john is my son, too,

And I felt like getting away
from you and ben

And everyone else.

You can get away all you want,
but not with my son.

I want my son,

And I'm going to go to court
to make sure

You don't just take off
with him ever again.

Adrian's dad
is going to help me.
I just want you to know that.

I'm going to get
some kind of legal agreements

So that john doesn't just
disappear anytime
you feel like taking off.


Hi, adrian.

Who is this?

It's zoe from school.

You slept
with my boyfriend mac.


Mac has a girlfriend?
He didn't tell me.


Look, I just wanted you to know

- That I returned the favor.
- I slept with ricky last night.

Wait, what am I talking about?

Not slept with.

We had sex last night,
And it was great.