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02x17 - The Second Time Around

Posted: 06/24/21 06:26
by bunniefuu
I miss Mom.

Do you miss Ben? No.

We may have broken up, Amy and me,

but I still care about her.

Jack and I are just
friends and nothing more.

If you really love me, then I wouldn't care

if you spent all the time in
the world with Amy and John

because they wouldn't be a threat to me.

Even though we're just friends now,

I wouldn't want you to have
sex with any other guy.

Without having a boyfriend in my life,

maybe I do have room for
a new friend after all.


I guess we could try to be friends

anyway, for-- for him.

I was wondering if you'd
like to go out this weekend.

We decided we'd go out.

As long as we're still broken up.

Yeah, we're still broken up.

You're not really her friend.

Yeah. I am really her friend.

You need a boyfriend.

We have to get you a boyfriend.


What are you doing here?

I figured you might be happy to see me.

I am happy to see you.

I could take John home after work,

and then we could go out, the two of us.

That sounds good. Let's go.

Oh, brother.



Uh, I'm going now.


Do I look okay? Uh-huh.


Take a condom.

What does that mean?

It's a compliment.

Really? You think this is okay?

Translation of "Take a condom,
" Amy, is you look hot.

Do I?

You're starting to border on needy.

But hot and needy?

They're in my desk drawer. Help yourself.

Maybe I will.

They're for sex, you know.

I know that.

I'm not gonna have sex,

but maybe I'll take one anyway.

That pouch. They're in there.

Oh, that's cute.

It's functional.

Why do you want the condom?

Why do you have condoms?

Well, better safe than you.

That is why I want the condom.

I'm not going to make
that same mistake twice.

Isn't this the second time
you've been out with Jimmy?

Third, if you count the grocery store.

I wouldn't count that if I were you.

Even if it is the third date,

it would be way too soon.

Years too soon.

I'm not going to do anything.

Yeah, pimento, don't forget
who you're talking to.

I thought it would be nice
if I had a condom in my purse

like any other responsible teenager

going out on a date.

I just-- I want to feel normal tonight.

Okay, Amy, seriously,

you're not really thinking

about having sex with this guy, are you?

No, I'm not.

I'm going to take this anyway.

All right. If you do have sex,

I hope you enjoy it this time.

Good night.

Do you know how to use that?

There's instructions on the Internet.

I know how to use it.

Okay, well, just so you know,

it doesn't work from your purse.

I know that. You have to put
it on the banana first, right?


Thanks for that tip and
for saying I look hot.

Means a lot.

Go. You're getting too sisterly now.

Be careful out there.

* Falling in love

* Is such an easy thing to do *

* Birds can do it We can do it *

* Let's stop talking
Let's get to it *

* Let's fall in love

That was the year I made a
calendar for the furniture store.

12 months of me. That was September.

What's September about it?

It's like a back to school shot.

This is before or after you married Mom?

Before. Back when I was managing the store,

before Old Man Miller had sold it to me.

I was working for him
while going to college.

He convinced me I could make a k*lling.

With your calendar?

Not just with the calendars. With the store.

I may not have made a k*lling,
but I've had a lot of fun.

Fun? Yeah.

Hey, remember when I
used this picture of you

for the recliner sale? No.

Well, I did. I got a supermodel for free.

You know, I read that letter

where you apologized to Mom
for some chick named Rita.

Where's that one?

Oh, yeah. Lovely Rita Meter Maid.

"Come on, Raggedy Anne,
I wasn't doing anything.

"Rita means nothing to me.

"She's just a customer.

"She came in the store,

and she was testing the mattress--"

"I just laid down next to her to be funny.

"You call me your funny
man because I'm funny.

It was a joke. I love you. Call me."

I left this on her dorm room door

with some flowers-- roses.

Oh, wait a minute.


Gladiolas? Because you were so cheap?

I was saving to buy her a ring. Gladiolas.

She liked them. She told me

that gladiolas were totally underrated.

She told me they were her favorite flower.

No. Her favorite flowers are yellow roses.

Yeah, but those are expensive.

She told me a cheap flower
because she wanted that ring.


Where are you going?

Hey, that's personal stuff in there.

Take it to her.

Nah. I can't do that.

Do that, Dad. Please do that.

With some yellow roses. The ring's paid for.

How many times can I drive up there

just to get rejected?

As many times as it takes.

You're not going to call
Ricky again, are you?

I only called twice. John is fine.

Yeah, but I like to make sure he's fine.

Ricky's only kept him overnight once before,

and he didn't even stay all night

because I found out Adrian was over there.

Ricky's girlfriend was
spending the night, too?

No. She wasn't spending the night.

I don't think.

So your objection was?

I don't like Adrian.

Or I didn't.

Well, now we're friends, kind of.

So are you calling to find
out if she's over there

or if John is okay?

No, I know she's over there.

I agreed that she could be over there.

Are you worried about the baby

or his daddy being with Adrian?

You still have feelings for Ricky?

No. I never really did.

What about Ben? Do you still
have feelings for Ben?

No. We're friends.

Oh! Not the F word, pimento.

Don't be friends with the guy.

We are friends, and he's been
a really good friend to me.

Did you have sex with him?

No. I didn't.


Do you have sex with any
of your girlfriends?



Really. I'm waiting for the
one who's worth waiting for.

I can't tell whether you're
telling the truth or not.

I'm telling the truth.

I don't want to have sex
while I'm in high school.

I just don't think it's a good idea.


Call Ricky. See how John is.

No. It's okay.

I'm sure that he's fine.

Go out with us.

I'm fine, really. I don't want to go out.

Like old times, just the three of us.

It'll never be like old times

because there's the two of you,
and then there's me.

I'm like a third wheel.

You were always like a third wheel.

Yeah. We were always a couple.

Now you're a couple having sex.

We're not going to be
having sex in front of you.

I would hope not.
We'll just go to the movies.

I have a screening room here.
Then we'll stay here.

Please, just go. It's a Friday night.

You should be out having a good time.

While you stay here dreaming about Amy.

Amy? Amy who?

Yeah, right.

Hey, it's over, and I'm fine with that.

Do something, Hank. The man's a wreck.

He looks okay to me.

I am okay. Go.

Call us.

But not after 9.

Good night.

You know, wine tastes like grapes.

Hey. Leaving so soon?

Yes, and unfortunately without Ben.

Good night.

So, Alice, you're driving?

I can't drive with him in the car.

How are you going to go anywhere?

We don't have to go anywhere.


Because you two are in love.

We are.

I know you were counting on Ben

to go out with you,

so why don't you take the car?

I'll have Mike drive you. Are you kidding?

What if Ben decides to go out?

He decided to stay in. It's okay.

Take the car, the two of you.

You've never offered us a car before.

Is something wrong?

No. Nothing's wrong.

I'm here with my lovely bride-to-be.

Ben's upstairs hanging out,

and the driver and the car are free,

so be my guest.

Okay. I'll be over in 15 minutes.

I had to lie to them.

Yeah, I feel kind of bad about it,

as well as bad about
having my dad lie to them,

but hey, I'm looking
forward to my first date

the first time I can drive.


Yeah. I know I can't take you anywhere,

but I can drive myself over to your house,

and I'm really excited to be coming over.


* Love is lovelier

* The second time around

You know, it is.

It is the second time.

This is the second time.

It has to work.

It has to.

Sync by honeybunny

Pizza delivery.


I sent a pizza over. Why?

Because I know you're there alone,

and you don't want me to come over

because you're all depressed
about your parents.

And pizza will help?

The guy's banging on the garage door.

Well, let him in.

I don't have money for a pizza.

Oh, well, maybe you could
sleep with him or something.

I'm not answering the door.

You should answer the door.

My dad's not home.

I know the guy, okay?

That's how I got him to deliver the pizza.

Now answer the door and then call me back.

Hold on. I'm coming.

I'm over here.


You said that out loud.

I'm owning it.


Wow what?

Wow, uh, Griffin was right.

I think I might like you.

Uh, I think I might love you.




How much is the pizza?

Oh. Pizza's free.

I think Griffin was hoping
we'd eat it together,

and now I'm begging you,
could we eat this together?

How old are you?

I'm 16. I just got my license.

And how do you know Griffin?

He's my cousin. Are you gay?

I know it runs in the family.

No. Not gay.

I got no problem with gay,

but, uh, not gay.

Ever k*lled anyone?

Only with kindness.

That wasn't funny, was it?

Are you funny?

Apparently not.

You are making me nervous,

asking me if I k*lled anyone or anything.

I've never even been arrested.

I've never even done anything illegal

to get arrested for,

and, uh, I think you're beautiful.

Well, you still can't come in.
No one's home.


Griffin told me you got a backyard.

All right.

Go down the side of the house.

All right.

Your cousin?

Yeah. Isn't he great?

Why are you fixing me up with your cousin?

I thought we weren't dating in high school.

Oh, be his friend. He needs a friend.

You need a friend.

Good-looking people have
difficulty making friends.

You and I both know that.

What's his name?

You didn't even ask his name?

No. Grant.

Does everyone in your family have a name

that starts with a G?


All right. I'll give him a half an hour.

Well, go. The pizza's getting cold.

And be nice.

Do you want to have dessert
here or go somewhere else?

I don't know. Where would we go?

Oh, I'm picturing some place

where we could be alone and talk.

Maybe just drive somewhere and park.

I don't know about that.

Maybe we should just have something here.

Are you afraid to be alone with me?

Maybe just a smudge.

Did you want to order dessert, coffee?

Uh, yeah. I'll have a little something.

Or maybe we could share something.

Do you have a dessert menu?

Of course.

You know, I didn't think about something.

Maybe we're spending too much money here.

We don't have to order dessert.

I was doing that so we could
spend more time together.

Look, you ordered the
cheapest thing on the menu,

and I appreciate that, believe me.

But I have enough money for dessert,

and even a tip.

But thank you for being so considerate.

You're welcome.

Thank you for dinner.

Okay, that's not on the menu.


You pick.

Uh, traditional.

Apple pie and ice cream. Perfect.

Look at Hot Amy. Hi.

We didn't know you were going to be here.

Is this Jimmy?

Yeah. Is this Madison and Lauren?

Jimmy. Jimmy.

We're go glad we finally got to meet you.

This is Jack. Don't you
love his new haircut?

I made him do it.


Oh, and this is Jesse.

Good night.

Good night. Good night. Nice meeting you.

No, no. Why don't you sit down, join us?

We just ordered dessert.

Okay. Okay.

Good night, John.

Daddy will be right in the next room.

I love you.

Thanks, Adrian.

This is really nice.

Well, I hope you like it.

It's chicken with mole sauce.

I can't believe I've been
going out with you this long

and never knew you cooked.

Well, there isn't exactly
a kitchen in the bedroom.

No, there isn't, not that I'm complaining.

I wonder if this is what
married life will feel like.

No. This is what not married is like,
I have a feeling.

Mm. Before dinner.

After dinner and before breakfast.

I can't spend the night.

We'll talk.

Ben. Come in.

Thank you.

Uh, these are for you.

Thank you.

They're gorgeous. That's so sweet.

Oh, thanks.

It's so nice that you chose to be with me

the first night you can drive.

I feel so special.

You are special, Grace.

I thought you were special

since the first time I saw you.

And I know a lot has happened since then,

but I would love it if we could be friends.

Of course.

You can do this.

You can do it. You can.

You've gotten her back a
thousand times before.

You can get her back now.

I want a family.

I want to live the dream, yeah!

Live, damn it!

Come on, buddy, live!

It's a good omen.

So do you go back to med camp this summer?

Yeah, I've been invited back.

Although I think sports medicine

was a bit of a lark.

I might go in a different direction.



I know heart disease is
a big issue for women,

so I'll probably focus on
women and heart problems.

What's the best school for that?

I don't know, but that's another
reason to go to this camp.

You make great connections,

and they give great career guidance

selecting a school,

and they help you get into the school.

It's a really great thing for me.

I so admire you for knowing
exactly what you want to do.

I'm still not sure.

Although if I stay in the meat business,

I'm sure it'll be out of the butcher shop

and more in an office.

My dad never went to college,

and he's done well for himself,

but he'd like me to go, and I want to go.

I'll probably get a degree
in international business.

Is that why you're learning Italian?

That and other reasons.

We have family in Italy.

My dad's Italian and Jewish, actually,

My dad's dad is from Brooklyn.
He was Jewish.

And then my dad's mom was Sicilian.

Catholic? Yep.

And your mom? From Brooklyn,

but both sides Italian-- and Catholic, yeah.

I'm WASP, all the way.

So how is your dad?

That is a crazy match, my dad and Betty,

but they seem happy.

You can never tell you will
fall in love with whom.

No, you can't.


I want to get married.

Oh, me, too.


Whenever you want.

I want a wedding.

A small wedding here.

Oh, I don't know.

I don't think your friends and family

will ever be as excited as
me about getting married.

I don't have any family here other than Ben,

and he loves you.

And if my friends don't love you,

they're not my friends.
It's as simple as that.

So you go get yourself a
beautiful wedding dress

and tell me what you want

in terms of flowers and things like that,

who you want in the wedding,
and we'll do it.


I beg your pardon?


I don't think I should wear white.

I think I should wear ecru.

You can wear any color you want.

You can wear red if you want.


Well, maybe not red.

Ecru, then.


What exactly is ecru?

Oh, it's like a dirty white.

Thanks for dropping by.

It was nice to meet you.

Nice meeting you.

So how's that parked car sounding now?


This was a bad idea.

I'll say.

So what did you think?

He's cute.

Do you like him better than Ben?

No. Me, either.

I thought he was cute.

I'm joking. I was just trying
to stay in the conversation.

I think the Ben and Amy thing is over.

You don't know that.

You don't know that. I know that.

No, you don't.

Yes, I do.

Ben is out with Grace tonight.

He asked her out,
and she wanted to go out with him.

She told me this? Yeah, she told me.

And why are you just telling me?

Yeah, why are you just telling her?

This is the strangest date

I think I've ever been on.

Excuse me?

I think we should call Amy.

No. No, no, no.

You know they're going to tell her.

Did you know?

Yeah, but I don't care.

How do you know?

I told him. Why?

Because you two were a half hour late.

I was running out of stuff to talk about.

We're not on a date.

You don't have to talk to me.

I don't know.

I've never been on a double date before.

The rules are you're supposed to tell me

that has anything to do with Amy.

It has nothing to do with Amy.

You better watch out.

What? What did I do?

Jimmy took care of it.

He just did that

because he thought Ben would do that.

Ben would do that.

You know, this Jimmy is good.

Maybe he's not so bad after all.

Yeah. Especially since Ben's out with Grace.

I'll do this.

No. We'll do this together.

I like doing dishes with you.

You cooked. I don't mind cleaning, really.

Let me finish this.

You go check on John.

All right.

Hey, buddy, what are you doing?

I thought you were sleeping.
Now you're crying?

You weren't making any noise.

Come on. Come here.

Come on.


He's fine.

Fine. Just checking.

Well, if you're checking

to se if Adrian's still here,
she's still here.


He's fine. We're fine.

Just make sure to pay attention to him

and not just Adrian.

I know.

How's your date going?


I'll be there at 6:30 tomorrow morning

when he gets up.

I'll bring him home when he gets up.

As soon as he wakes up,

I'll bring him right back to you.

All right.

Tell Adrian I said hello.

I will. Good night.

And don't call again, okay?

And I don't say that
because you're annoying me.

I just don't want you to annoy that guy.

If you really like him everything's fine.

Good night.

Good night.

They're fine.

I knew they would be.


So, you want to make out?

That's not very romantic.

Yeah. I do.


All right, you start.

You kiss me.

Come on. it's too awkward

if I lean over and kiss you.

No. No, you go first.

All right.

Was that okay?


If he doesn't come back
with her tonight, that's it.

I don't think he'll ever
drive up there again.

I don't think his ego could take it.

I don't understand

why she won't come home at this point.

I know she has to take
care of my grandmother,

but she has to bring Robbie home.

We have to at least try to make it work,

or else it's always going
to feel like we failed.

I don't mind failing if we try first

because that's not really failing.

Not to try at all is to fail, and--

Oh, my God, am I still talking?


Sorry. I've--

I've never done that before.

I'm not really much of a talker.

Maybe you never found the
right person to talk to.

See, now you've turned it around

and made it some kind of gooey "we" thing.

You shouldn't have said anything.

Now I feel all weird.

I know what could make you feel weirder.

I could kiss you.

Oh, say, get the dog.

Moose? Moose!

Moose. Darn.

I wasn't going to kiss you.

Sure you were.

What? I never slept with her.

You slept with her.
You slept with her in Chicago.

I did not. And I would tell you if I did.

Anne told me. And where is Anne again?

With Mimsy. Where with
Mimsy this time of night?

She went to go for a ride.

Mimsy wanted to go for a ride.

She couldn't settle down.

So the nurse is off.

Anne asked me to come over. I came over.

Nothing more than that. I don't believe you.

Believe me, George.

And believe me about Chicago, too.

My brother called me when he
ran into Anne in the hotel bar.

They had a few drinks.
They got me on the phone.

We started acting like idiots,
like in high school.

We made some jokes about making out,
and that was it.

Why would she want me to
think she slept with you?

Probably to get back at
you for what you did.

And I know what you did.

Now what am I going to do?

Go home. Let her come to you.

She's going to come home to you.

Don't screw it up this time.

Just give her the flowers, all right?

Yeah, sure. Gladiolas?

Yeah. Good night.

I'm just going to go say
good night to Robbie.

I can't believe we've been
talking this whole time.

I'm-- I'm sorry about that.

No, it was really nice.

I'm going to have to go.
I can't drive past 11:00.

Oh, that's right. That's the law.

I know.

Thanks again for letting me come over.

Yeah, I had fun. Yeah.

Oh, I'll walk you to the door. Oh.

So maybe next time, if there is a next time,

if you'll consider going out with me,

I'll get out driver so we
can really go somewhere.

Sure. I'd love to do that.

We sent him out with
Alice and Henry tonight.

I didn't want them to know where I'm going.

Is it a secret?

Well, you know how things are.

And people love to talk,
so I didn't tell anyone.

I just wanted this to be our night

and not have the whole
world talking about it.


I probably shouldn't have told Jack.

Oh, you told Jack?

Well, we're friends,

and he asked me what I was doing tonight.

Oh, of course. I--

I forgot that you might still talk to Jack.

I should have said something

if I didn't want anybody to know.

I'm sorry.

Oh, no, it's okay.

Uh, good night.

Good night.

Well, you have a long drive,

so I guess we should say good night.

Oh, I don't know if I can say anything.

My lips are kind of worn out.

That was fun.

Yeah. That was a great date.

I had a really nice time.

Me, too. So...


Good night.

Oh, Uh, I forgot my purse.

Ah. A leave-behind. I like that.

I didn't do it on purpose.

You did, too. I'll get it.

Hey. So it went well?

Yeah, it went well. How was your night?

it was okay.

What did you do?


Good night.

See you.

Who was that?

Who was who?


Yeah, hi.

Oh, uh, were you with Ashley?

I'm not with.

I'm Jimmy. I'm Amy's friend.


Ashley's sister.

She never said anything
about having a sister.

Or maybe she did.

I was mostly just staring at her.

And smelling her.

She smells great, that girl.

Yeah. Uh, do me a favor, would you?

Would you take that back to Amy?

She left it in my truck,
and I gotta take off.

Yeah, no problem.

Happy to go back.

And after that, we just made out.
It was great.

Better than making out with Ben?


I like him, Ashley.

I mean, I love Ben. You know that.

But this is new, and it's exciting,

and I'm just in such a different
place than where I met Ben.

Some guy outside said to give this to you,

if you're Amy. I'm Amy.

Here you go. It was nice
seeing you again, Ashley.

Good night. Now I'm back, I don't guess

you'd wanna keep making out
until you dad gets home?


All right. Bye.

My head is spinning.

Why did Jimmy not bring this in to me?

And who is that guy? And where is Dad?

And why did Jimmy not bring this in to me?


And Lauren.

Look, we have to tell you something.

Are you still with Jimmy? No. Why?

Ben went out with Grace Bowman tonight.

Ben and Grace?

Yep. The two of them.

So you might wanna stick with Jimmy.

Oh, and tell him thank
you for dinner.

Okay, I will.

If I ever see him again.

Ben is out with Grace.


Well, that can't be true.

Why did he not bring in my purse?

I have no idea.

Don't call him. Let him call you.

Just be cool, Amy.

Did Mom do that to you?

Your mother? Your mother's a saint.

And from what I heard from her boyfriend,
she might be coming home soon.

All right. Well, that's good.

I just hope Moose comes home soon.
He ran off with some dog.

I'll get him.

How was your date, Ames? How was Jimmy?

Uh, good.

Thanks for everything.

Even for telling George
that you and I never--

Especially for that.

He never would've believed me.

I shouldn't have lied to him.
He just made it so easy.

He doesn't seem like a bad guy.

No. He's just so...George.

Oh, I forgot. He left you something.

These, uh, crummy flowers.


Good morning.

Why not the kitchen door?

We're broken up,
and we're just friends, so--

So what's so important you had
to come by without calling?

I thought I should tell you that I--

I kind of mentioned that you were
out with Ben to Madison, that's all.

Because? Just making conversation.

You know what? That's something

you and Madison actually have in common--

talking too much.
You were the one who told me.

Yes, well, maybe I shouldn't
tell you anything from now on.

All right. Fine.
How'd your date go last night?

Why would I tell you? I just told you
I wasn't gonna tell you anything.

And it wasn't actually a date.

It was just two friends getting together.

We're two friends. Could we get together?

What? What happened to Madison?

You're my girlfriend.
I want to be out with my girlfriend.

No, Jack. I am not your girlfriend.

I think that you are a great guy.

I just don't think we're good together.

We're bad together.

It's just not for me.

Everyone knows Ben just wants to have sex.

Guys behave differently
around different girls.

He was a perfect gentleman with me.

And I like it. I'm going out with him again.

All right. If you get tired of him,
you know where to find me.

Yeah, I do. With Madison.

Bye, Jack.

Wait. Where's your mom and Tom?

They're at a conference.
They'll be back later.

Do you need to talk to them?

Were they here last night?

No, they were not here last night.

Damn. Jack!

We could've been good together.

Yes, we could have.

However, we made some mistakes--

mistakes that changed how I feel about you.

I like you. I want to be friends.

I just don't think we're
good as boyfriend-girlfriend.

And if you're gonna be with Madison,
Jack, just be with Madison.

'Cause nobody respects a cheater, okay?

Okay. Bye, Jack.

Bye, Grace.

Oh, good morning, sir. And thank you.

That was really nice of you, sir.

Bye, Mike!

Sorry, sir, but you did say as directed.

You been out all night? Yes.

We took a ride up to the coast

to a place that Alice knows
that has date shakes.

Milkshakes with dates, sir. Quite good.

You been out all night?

They called their parents,
and I spoke with them.

All night?

They didn't do anything in my car, did they?

Oh, no. But I wouldn't recommend
tempting them with a second time.

Oh, there's not gonna be a second time.

That's why they wanted
to stay out all night.

Go get some rest.
Betty's gonna wanna go shopping.

Give me an hour or two, if you will.

All night?

Where'd you hear that? Madison.

She calls this morning, otherwise we'd
still be on Pacific Coast Highway.

That was great, man. It was so
good to be rich for a night.

But Grace?

I would've told you guys,

but I was trying to be discreet.

I didn't know she was gonna tell anyone.

Wait a minute. If we had the driver,
how'd you get there?

I drove.

I got my license yesterday.

Hey, awesome.

Wait. You didn't tell us that, either.

I was gonna surprise you guys.
I was gonna pull up in front of your house.

I don't like surprises.
Don't get upset, Alice.

It was his dad who gave
us the ride of a lifetime.

We had the sunroof open. We got date shakes.

We watched the sun rise on the beach.
We can't be angry at him.

Your dad knew you were trying to keep
driving over to Grace's house a secret?

Well, yeah.

And Betty? Yeah.

All right. Then I'm angry with both of them.

Alice, come on. Please,
don't be angry with anyone.

Not today. Today is a good day.

I got my license yesterday,
and I had a date with a girl

I once would only dream about talking to.

Come on. I'll make you guys some breakfast,

and I'll tell you everything.

There's something to tell?

She kissed me.

She kissed me.

Maybe I'm just tired because
I've been up all night.

But I don't like that she kissed you,
and I'll tell you why.

Because now, if you ever
change your mind about Amy,

she will never change her mind about you.

John woke up. I drove him over here,

and he fell back asleep,
so I put him down in the nursery.

Okay. Well, everything go okay?

He woke up a few times,

but he went right back to sleep.

Adrian didn't spend the
night over there, did she?

Don't get angry. You said she
would not spend the night.

We stayed up late. It took a
while to get John back to bed.

She was tired. I didn't want her driving,
and I couldn't drive her home.

So she slept on the couch.

I swear, we didn't do anything.

All right. Well, I guess it's
none of my business anyway.


Wait. What's going on? Something's going on.

Ben went out with Grace last night.

Oh, yeah. Adrian told me.

But you were out on a date.
What do you care?

Going out with Jimmy is not the
same as Ben going out with Grace.

She's part of our group.

I thought she was my friend, kind of.

She is your friend.
Grace is everyone's friend.

And she's probably just
being a friend to Ben

because you were out. You think?

Man, I thought you were happy
about you and Ben breaking up.

Unlike you, I have feelings,

and I can't just turn
my feelings on and off.

I am happy that we broke up,
but I still care about him.

And I care that he was out with
my dad's ex-wife's daughter.

Amy, it seems like in the past few weeks,

you've been a lot more confident,

more grown-up.

It seems like you just started
accepting the way things are

and being comfortable with
yourself and who you are.

I like the changes.

Don't go back to all that old stuff.

You've been so difficult the last year,

and I know you were going through the
most difficult challenges in your life,

but it seemed to me that

you just got over the hurdle
and started enjoying yourself.

Don't get caught up with
Ben and Grace and all that.

You are moving in the right direction.

Keep moving.

Thanks. You're welcome.

I-- I really needed to hear that.

I needed to hear

that I'm doing something right for once.

I slept on the couch, I swear.

We were up all night taking care of John.

There's no staying out all night.
I don't like that.

Yeah, neither do I. I thought you wanted me

to get this house so Ricky
could come over here,

not you go over there.

He has a baby. And you know what?

I love that baby, and I love Ricky, and...

Look, I'm sorry for staying out all night,

but I have to say I had a good time.

So just please don't be angry with me.


Tell her.

Tell me what?

I'm not taking the job in New York.

Because we're getting married.

Oh, my God! Mom!

I wanted you to come
home so I could tell you.

So when? When are you gonna do it?

When are we gonna do it? Uh,
whenever you want.

Well, are you gonna have a wedding?

We can have a wedding in the backyard.
A big Mexican wedding.

I'm Colombian. Yeah, well, he's Mexican.

Oh, Ruben, I love you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you for talking her into this.

I don't know that I talked her into it.

At least I hope that's not the case.

Well, I was just scared.

Moving into this house scared me.

When I had the opportunity to run,

I had to at least think about it.

Old habits are hard to break.

Yeah. Until you find the one you love.


We both have to settle down. I mean that.

No more messing around, all right?

Hi. Hi.

Don't let me interrupt the lecture.
He needs one.

Bad boy! Bad boy!

Bad, bad, bad, bad boy, Whitey!

His name is Moose, if you're
referring to him. I'm George.

Yeah, I was referring to Moose, George.

He got my little Bella pregnant.

God! Maybe it's something in the soil. What?

Well, you sound surprised,

and yet the dog is not neutered.

Yeah? Neither am I. So?

So the dog should be neutered.

Yeah, I know. The last owner
was supposed to neuter him.

Moose got kicked out of
the seeing eye dog system

partly because he wasn't
neutered and partly because

he has a mind of his own, like me.

Well, as long as you're not
going around the neighborhood

humping everything that moves,

I won't insist that you get neutered.

But the dog, Moose, is another story.

Wait a s-- Are you--

You're George Juergens
from the furniture store.

Who wants to know? I'm Nicky.

You sold me a whole hous
e-load of crap when I moved in.

Oh, yeah. I remember you.

And as I recall, you didn't
have a whole lot of money.

As I recall, I let you take
any crap you took a liking to.

That's right. And I love crap,

but hate your dog.

You're sure she's pregnant?

My vet seems to think so.
I don't know much about it.

I'm just taking care of her
while my sister's away.

She started acting weird, and...

I don't know.

I thought it was kind of nice
that she had a boyfriend.

I'd like a boyfriend.
Well, I'd like to help you out there,

but I'm madly in love with my wife.


Hi, Ashley.

It's so good to see you.

Where's Robbie? Oh, he's in the nursery.

So, you're back? No, not really, Ashley.

I was thinking about it, but...

I don't think that it's a
good time for me to come back.

I thought it was, but my mistake.

Oh, no.