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05x01 - Previously on...

Posted: 06/25/21 06:22
by bunniefuu
♪♪ I'm retiring.

- DIANE: What?

- LIZ: Why?

I've done as much as I can do here.

I will stay until the end of the year, but after that I should move on.

STR Laurie wants a % downsizing of the firm.


I retire.

That'll be cut in half.

Do you believe him?

This is some selfless act?

Are you kidding me?

This is about the Democratic Party.

Four years from now, we need an African American candidate

- that can go the distance.

- So, how can I help?

You can be that candidate.

Step one to running: you write a book.

A political statement.

And a memoir.

Got you a contract with Simon & Schuster to write about your political awakening.

♪♪ Years ago, I wanted to create a law firm run entirely by women, but it never worked out.

So, why not now?

- What, Reddick/Lockhart?

- Just you and me.

- We don't bring in a third.

- Partners?


- DIANE: Partners.

Stella Corben.

I am Inspector General at the Department of Justice.

I say this with a heavy heart, but Judge Cain is guilty of accepting a bribe.

This carries a sentence of up to years.

Isn't this retribution for Judge Cain's coming to your office, requesting whistleblower protection?

Of course not.

You're here as a whistleblower, Julius.

DIANE: Didn't Judge Cain come to your office with accusations about something called Memo ?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

DIANE: Memo is a document used to intimidate judges into ruling for the more powerful party.

And you are testifying that Judge Cain didn't come to your office regarding this?

I'm testifying that Judge Cain came to my office to put pressure on me to drop the bribery charge.

Well, it's a good thing I recorded that meeting.


Counselor, is that a one-party consent recording?

It is, but in federal court, one-party consent is permissible.

We're in Illinois, a two-party state.


- They're going to destroy me.

- We'll move for a recusal.

She'll just deny it.

Not if we thr*aten to expose her complicity

- regarding Memo .

- How can we do that?

♪ The itsy bitsy spider ♪

- ♪ Crawled up the water spout ♪


♪ Down came the rain and washed the spider out. ♪

Who died?


That is the Lucca I know and love.

(WHISPERS): Bianca.

Um, what time is it?

: .

Are you asleep?

- No.


No, no, no.

What do you need?

- What are you doing?

- Bianca, you always ask me that.

My life is not that interesting.

I go to work.

I go to bed.

I don't jet off to exotic places.

I need you to fly to England.

- What?

- I need you to go to England to buy the St. Lucia resort for me.

Be my proxy.

Get a good price.


Uh, when?


Hold on.


- Mm-hmm.

- Bianca, I-I've never been outside of the country.

You went to St.


For three hours.

Well, now you're going for three weeks.

Call me when you get there.


- I have a son.

- I know. I have a nanny for you and Joseph on the plane.

Call me when you get there.

♪ The rain and washed the spider out.


So, what I have in mind is a book called Ten Cases, outlining my top ten police brutality cases, making the connection between police and systemic racism.

Oh, I love it.

So, how about this?

Talk about your ten cases but how they opened your mind about how white and Black can work together.

But that's not really the book I want to write.

I understand.

I understand but consider it.

Your Honor, this is a high-conflict divorce.

And the key is this psychological study.

(WHISPERING): I wouldn't present it as a psychological study.

Just use the evidence.

When I want your legal opinion, I'll ask for it.

David, this judge rejects psycholog...

Your Honor, I'd like to submit as evidence this study that the respondent has narcissistic...

JUDGE: Don't bother, Counselor.

Psychiatrists can make anything sound bad.

Lucca, I have a friend who's frustrated.

I need some advice for her.

LUCCA: Marissa, where are you?

In court.


Where are you?

In London.

Good, say hi to the queen for me.

This friend is getting frustrated with her job, and she maybe wants to be a lawyer.

What's the quickest way she could become one?

- What do you mean, the quickest?

- I don't know, like, is there some way to accelerate the process?

Some schools offer a + program.

You can go to law school during your last year of college.

No, no, she's not in college.

She has a job.

She just...

Okay, it's me.

- You want to become a lawyer?

- I don't know. I'm just checking.

I hate being talked down to.


First of all, you'd be great.

I would, wouldn't I?

- I could wipe the floor in court.

- Second of all, enroll at law school.

Take summer programs.

You can get it down to two years.

- Oy.

- I know.

It's... it's not easy.


- Where are you, in church?


That must be Big Ben.

Okay, uh, let's talk when you get in.

Marissa, I am actually really in London.

Okay, I'll come by your office this afternoon.








Jay, hey, uh...

Can I call you back, man?

I'm kind of, kind of busy.

(WEAKLY): Who-who is this?

It's Adrian, Jay, you called me.

Why did I call you?

Jay, I'm trying to write right now.


I think...

I think you're my father.


All right, get some rest.

We'll talk tomorrow.

- All right?

- Something's wrong.

I'm having trouble seeing.

Where are you, Jay?



Jay, listen to me.

Did you take anything?


I don't like pills.

Where are we going?

We're going to the hospital.

There's something very wrong with you.



I don't know.

There's this thing from China.

Have you been with anybody from overseas?


I don't know.


- What-What's from China?

- Just stay still.

Don't try to get up.



♪♪ Hello, Diane.

Thanks for meeting with us.

How could I not?

What can I do for you, Mr. Bloomberg?

Let me take you back to .

- Pre-Trump?

- No.

Post-Harry Dargis.

Remember that name?

Of course.

Four years ago, I represented him in federal court.

His daughter was shot and k*lled.

With an illegally purchased g*n.

- And we lost.

- But we had a good case, and now we're working on the appeal.

We have a date in front of the Supreme Court later this year.


_ ♪♪

DIANE: What were you working on?

- My book.

- Oh, right.

How is that going?

It's bullshit.


What about you?

Oh, it's this Supreme Court g*n control case.

Could be really momentous.

But... ?

They have the wrong strategy.

They're making technical points when they really should be trying to sway Chief Justice Roberts.


Tell 'em that.


D.C. lawyers.

- They don't want to hear it.




What the f*ck?!



- Whoa!

- The f*ck?


Can I tell you what I really want?



I want to argue in front of the Supreme Court.

If that's what you want, you f*cking tell 'em that.

I'm telling them my book is shit.


Tell 'em.

- Bottoms up.



Mr. Bloomberg.

Oh, yes, sorry.


Yeah, I think we have a real case here, and I want to be involved.

But I think it's essential that I be the mouthpiece

- in front of the Court.


- Hello?

- Well, I'll tell you, the key is

- to bring Chief Justice Roberts over to our side.

- Yeah, hold on.

Uh, Adrian's calling.

Uh, no, and I think I have a John Roberts secret w*apon.

- She's gonna have to call you back.

- I already talked to the client

- and he agrees.




So, I-I will call you back.

Good news?


For me.

I am arguing in front of the Supreme Court.

For you, eh...

I'm getting your beloved g*ns off the street.

My beloved g*ns?

Now I need something from you, my darling bear.

Oh, God.


Be my John Roberts.

Hey, Julius.

- How is he?

- They just closed the doors.

- They're not letting anybody in.

- Why not?

It's this coronavirus thing.

They're afraid it's spreading.

- Where are you going?

- To see him.

- The doctors said no.

- Well, then they can stop me.



PRITZKER: They've come back to me with one inescapable conclusion.

To avoid the loss of potentially tens of thousands of lives, we must enact an immediate stay-at-home order for the state of Illinois.

So that is the action that I'm announcing today.

We have looked closely at the trajectory of this virus in countries like Italy and China.

Left unchecked, cases in Illinois will rise rapidly.

ADRIAN: All we know is that this stay-at-home order will last until April th.

At that point, you'll all be getting invitations

- to come back to work.

- Are we all being asked back?

We hope so,

- but we really don't know.

- How do we know

- whether we still have a job?

- We'll be calling you guys hopefully within a week.

- So we just wait by the phone?

- In the meantime, we're setting up a teleconferencing infrastructure.

So download a program called


ADRIAN: Get on your computers.

I hate saying this, but...


I'm thinking the same thing.

It's a better opportunity for us to start laying off our %.

- Are you kidding me?

- You weren't at the office, so I just wanted to be the one who told you.

So you're firing me?

No, but given this pandemic, there's just no practical work for an investigator.

I'm sorry, Marissa.

I'm sorry, too.



Okay, I'm going to law school.

Where should I go?

Let me think about it, Marissa.

I'll call you back.



let's take a break.

How are the negotiations going?

We're still ten million off.

That's good enough.

You can say yes if you want.

Why am I more concerned about your money than you are?

'Cause you're good at your job.

- Now, what'd you need?

- Actually, it's not for me.

It's for a friend.

She wants to go to law school, and I know you gave an endowment to Chicago-Kent because I approved it.

So I was hoping you can make a call.

You call.

You represent me.

They're not gonna take a call from Lucca Quinn.

They will because they know you're me.

Now I have a proposal for you.



- Hello?

- LOGGINS: Hello?

I was given this number for Marissa Gold.

This is she, but I don't work here anymore.

Ms. Gold, my name is Rasputin Loggins, and I work for the admittance office of the Chicago-Kent College of Law.

And we want to congratulate you for joining our first-year program.


Welcome to the world of law.

Are you sure you want to do this?

We're sheltering-in-place.

Why not together?


You could end up hating me.

It's a risk.

- Or I could end up hating you.

- Mm-mm.

No way in the world.

I'm way too lovable.


NEWS ANCHOR: Breaking news.

We're getting eyewitness footage out of Minnesota of a deadly police encounter.

A warning to our viewers, this video contains graphic v*olence.

A -year-old Black man was stopped for allegedly buying cigarettes with a counterfeit $ bill.

Eight minutes and seconds later, he was dead when a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck, suffocating him.


- Adrian.

- Yeah.

I'm writing the book I want to write.

Now, y'all do what you want to do.

Now is not the time to, you know, "talk positive".

Adrian, Adrian, just listen to me.

Yeah, I-I saw what happened, too.

I saw it.

But the only way to bring change is to not give in to anger.

You're kidding me, right?

Giving in to anger is the only sane response right now.

- Understand?

Look at that.

- I understand!

- You're not hearing me!

- Look at the f*cking screen!

You think I didn't see it?

Are you hearing me?

- Are you watching?

- Listen to me.

- I've seen it all!

- Don't tell me I'm not listening!

- You got nothing to say to me right now.

- I'm...

g*dd*mn it!


Stop talking and listen.

NEWS ANCHOR: The United States has been rocked by another night of protests over the death

- of Mr. George Floyd...

- LIZ (ON LAPTOP): Listen,
they are closing down travel from London, so we think you should come back home now.

Oh, uh, but Bianca wants me to stay here till the end of the month.

Then you might get stuck there for a long time, Lucca.

I know.

Um, something else...

She's offered me a permanent job.

- Really?

- Yes.


- ADRIAN: Lucca.

- _ You'll give the firm a chance to counter, right?

She's offered me $ , a year.

Well, still give the firm a chance to counter.

- Sure.

- _ Um, one other thing.

You have to click "private" to keep me from seeing your chats.

Uh, good to know.

- Talk to you soon.

- Yeah.



NEWS ANCHOR: Cities across the U.S. remain in a state of high tension tonight.


Is it just us?

Yeah, it's just us.

We cannot beat $ , .

You want to keep her, you offer her a partnership.


I'll call you back.

What a...

What are you guys doing here?

Same thing you are.

Trying to get away from our loved ones at home.

Who's replacing Boseman?

Uh... we-we don't know.


You mean you and Diane don't know?


- I told you.

- What-what is...

All right, what-what's... what's wrong?

- We're an African American firm, right?

- Yes.

What Black firm has a white name partner?

She-she-she was a name partner long before I got here.

Yes, and she jumped the line then.

Some of us had more seniority.

But she brought in Chumhum,

- a client we don't even have anymore.

- Okay.

- I'm going home.

- No, Liz, we have to address this.

We're losing a lot of our associates, and most of them are Black.

What is this firm if it's not African American?

It's just another midsized all-service Midwestern law firm, one of .

You need to replace Diane and promote two African Americans to partner.


- You two?

- Any two.

Start counting up how many Black associates we're letting go, Liz.

It's not right.



- Jay?

Are you there?

LUCCA: Over here, Jay.

Jay, over here.

MARISSA: Jay, how are you?


I don't know.

My power is fading.

- Jay, can you call a nurse?

- No.

No, the power on the...

on the... this thing.

- Jay, you have to tell Lucca to stay at the firm.

- Marissa.

She's being offered a shit-ton of money to abandon us.

JAY: I'd better go.

Someone is here.

LUCCA: I can hire you away.

You can come and work for me...

Who are you?

Are you a doctor?

Who are you?

MAN: Haven't you forgotten something?


Are you... ?

You're Frederick Douglass?


What did I forget?

Are you going out into the world with your hair looking like that?




Okay, uh...

It's, uh...

Things have changed.

It's not called "the natural" anymore.


I've been watching our people's progress, and I'm quite familiar with "the natural".


I'm also aware that it's worn as an outer expression of pride and dignity.

You seriously think my hairstyle is going to impact race relations?

Have you forgotten?



My Afro Sheen Comb-Easy and Hairspray for Sheen.


That makes complete sense.

My life doesn't pass before my eyes.


Commercials from Soul Train do.

♪♪ Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the Court.

Let me start by stating what this case is not about.

It is not about the Second Amendment.

Why is it not about the Second Amendment?

Because this is not about the right to bear arms.

- This is about...

- But the result that you're looking for

- is to restrict arms sales.

- No.

Injured parties only ask to be allowed to sue...

But you've been employed by Michael Bloomberg,

- have you not?

- Kurt, that's not fair.

- Of course it's fair.

- Wait.

Who-who are you at this point?

The Chief Justice or Kurt?

- What's the difference?

- Well, I-I just want to know.

Is this about us arguing?

Or-or about my oral argument?

Your oral argument.

Counselor, please maintain decorum.

My apologies, Chief Justice.

You just look so sexy in that robe.

- Mmm, look at that.

Sexy Judge.


- New this fall.


- Mmm.

I can't.

I have a motion.

- Yeah.

God, I got a motion, too.


PLAINTIFF: Your Honor, we're ready.

And you're muted.

- Let's do it while you're muted.


CHARLOTTE: Is the defense ready?

Yes, Your Honor.


This is Judge Charlotte Hazlewood...


So, what's going on?

John and Madeline came to me about the firm losing its culture.

Yeah, I was wondering when somebody would raise

- that issue again.

- They want me to demote Diane.

But that's not up to you, right?

You can't demote her.

They could vote her out.

But will they?

Well, I mean, we're-we're losing you and-and Lucca and-and... and Black associates.

I mean, we're only losing four white associates.

- So, what are you thinking?

- I'm thinking that if Biden wins, there might be a reason to be a Black firm again.


Well, if you're thinking it, then Diane's thinking it, too.

White guilt.

It runs very deep on that one, huh?

CHARLOTTE: Memo is just for brinksmanship.

MAN (OVER LAPTOP): That's not what I'm hearing.

They don't have a case.

Diane is just preening.

Julius will make a deal.

He's been resistant up till now.

I'm the judge on the case.

Just make the offer.

He'll come around.



Well, this is highly secretive.

Just drive around the block, Diane.


I can't tell you how I know this, but the judge in Julius's case...

- Judge Hazlewood?

- Just let me talk.

It's better that you don't say anything.

There was a discussion about using the case to pressure Julius into taking a deal.

A discussion with whom?

I really shouldn't know this, but I do.

I checked their Internet history.

If you tell me, I will use it.

And that is why I'm taking a minute right now.

The recipient's name...

is Josiah Nile.

Five emails were sent to him.

You have a motion to recuse, Counselor?

I do, Your Honor.

We ask to approach the bench.

If you think it'll make a difference.

Josiah Nile.


We ask that you recuse yourself, Your Honor.

Or we'll need to call him as a witness and read five emails that you wrote to him.

These are from Adrian?

I can't say, Your Honor.

You've made a big mistake, ma'am.

You're probably right, but we need you to recuse yourself.

The defense's motion is granted.

A new judge will be assigned in the next two days.

Good luck.



How's everybody doing today?

Oh, my God.

So, what are we doing here?

It's a burglary charge, right?


A judge, too.

That's awful.

Resorting to burglarizing.

Am I supposed to be wearing a mask or something?

- You headed out, huh?

- Home.

Are we sick of each other, then?

That's not what this is about, and you know it.


Come on.

Let's talk this out.


You made your choice, Adrian.

Julius Cain over me.

The choice was about right and wrong, Charlotte.

Well, maybe you can ask him to move in and suck your d*ck.


It was about getting you to recuse yourself.

Oh, come on.


You listened in on my Zoom calls.

You checked my emails!

Emails from some m*therf*cker who will destroy your career and wreck this relationship, Charlotte.

You understand?

Some Trump administration stooge.

- For God's sake!

- Your friend Julius is the Trump administration stooge.

He is a Republican judge!

He is also a partner in the law firm that I've helped build for five years.

This is work I have dedicated my whole f*cking life to,

- Charlotte.

- You said the choice was between right and wrong.

- Yes, I did.

- No.

Turning over my emails was the choice.

Oh, God.

Listen to me, Charlotte.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

I love you.


- It's too late, Adrian.

- No, it's...






Maybe you won't be with me, but you keep down this path...

you'll be done, I'm telling you, you'll be done.


I loved you, too...


The only man.

But that's not enough.


NEWS ANCHOR: The choice is historic.

Kamala Harris is the first African American vice-presidential candidate in American history.


Hey, that's bad for Adrian, though, isn't it?

Oh... yeah.


They only need one Black face on that stage in ' .


Maybe we should invite him to stay on as partner?


I don't know.

I was liking the idea of a all-female firm, weren't you?

Uh, yeah, I...

I was.

You know, if it... if it works.

Uh, let's look again at which associates to fire.

I'm worried we're losing too many African Americans.


You can just say Black people.



(QUIETLY): Black.

Thank you.

Why do I give a shit about summary judgments?

LUCCA: Because you are a L.

But the whole point is to win in court.

Yes, but you have to figure out how to win.

- I win by f*cking them up.

- Marissa.

I know that you know how to play the game, but you have to pass the bar to get in a position

- to play the game.

- But all these other -Ls are idiots.

And the teachers...

If I k*ll someone tonight, I will hire you to defend me.

But only if you get a degree and pass the bar.


You'd hire me if you k*lled someone?

I might go out tonight and k*ll someone.

I love you, too.


Why are you leaving here?

I'll miss you.

Because they won't pay me what I deserve.

Anyway, I thought they fired you.

But they didn't mean it.

It's like the smoothie place... they kept trying to fire me, and I just kept showing up.

Then why don't you...

(IN ACCENT): come over to England?

(REGULAR VOICE): We can work together.

I mean, people over here, they are weird about me.

I mean, they love me.

Well, you're lovable.

No, this is something else.

They like that I'm Black and American.

I'm exotic.

I want to be exotic.

So come over here.

No, I'll just be Jewish.

The Brits don't like Jews.




I have this news feed alarm for American news.

Whenever I hear that ding, I know that it's bad.

Well, maybe it'll be good this time.


So, the oral arguments are done over teleconferencing these days.

You'll talk into this camera here.

- That one?

- Yes.

And there are home Zoom screens of the Supreme Court justices on these three screens.

And the Chief Justice is

- on this screen.

- Okay.

- And they can see me?

- Yes.

- Do you want to see yourself?

- No.


- Who's this?

- Oh.

My husband.

- Hi.


- Kurt.


Don't shake hands.

I'm sorry about this, Kurt.

We're setting up for oral arguments.

Do you want the g*ns in the background?


They think that makes me seem like less of a nut.

- Maybe you should have a...


... amm*nit*on belt over your shoulder.

DIANE: Thank you, Kurt.

Hey, Diane.

- Hmm?

- Sir, please.

Can you step away?

I need a minute with my wife.

MAN: Yeah, can you grab that light, move it over there?

KURT: Close the door.




- I'll send them away.

- Oh, no.

- just won't let go.


I'm so sorry.


Oh, no.

It's over.

He gets to nominate someone.

Another Kavanaugh.

We'll have a conservative court for the next years...

- my whole f*cking life!


- MAN: We're all set.


They don't want an oral argument now,

- not with RBG gone.


- MAN: Ms. Lockhart.

- Give us a minute.

(SIGHS): Oh, babe.

I don't deserve you.

Oh, stop.


You don't agree with me.

I can still feel bad for you.

What do we do?

They're k*lling us.

Who are they k*lling?

Black men, women, the young.

What do we do?




Even with white supremacists?

I would unite with anybody to do right, with nobody to do wrong.

Mm, no.

Why am I talking to you?

You're just a Soul Train commercial.

MAN: What about me?

Karl Marx?

I'm guessing you're from a college extension course

- I took on economics.

- Why don't people think I am about more than economics, huh?

- I have a life, too.

- But you can't tell me nothing about Black people being k*lled now.

And what about me?

You're from my mother.

That's why you're here.

So, you don't believe in me?

I guess I do because you're here.

- Can I say something?

- Yeah.

- You're Jesus.

Go ahead.

- I'm a historical figure, like Napoleon or Cicero.

So I don't understand why people have to talk about believing in me.

Because you're an opium for the masses.

See, that is such nonsense.

I am the salvation...



Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Let me ask you...

What do I do about George Floyd?


Whoa, hold up, hold up, hold up.

Please, please.

Please, please, please, please.

When else can I get you three together?

MAN: Four.

Okay, good.

That fills a poker table.

The four of you.

What do I do about George Floyd?


- Wait, wait!

Wait, you all are talking at the same time.

Jay is right.

Let's start chronologically.

- Jesus Christ.

- Thank you.

The key is to avoid the v*olence.

v*olence poisons the perpetrator, but it also poisons the cause.

- Karl.

- This is all about the upper class versus the lower.

Race is just an avatar for issues of class.

- Malcolm?

- It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal att*cks.

And these are brutal att*cks.

- Brutal att*cks?

Brutal att*cks?

- JESUS: Now, wait a minute.

So you would have Jay lash out?


But until the oppressors are ready to follow you, Jesus, or even you, Mr. Douglass, Jay...

... you need to fight the oppressor.


This is your test.

♪♪ GARRETT: So, we're looking at Arizona, more to the West Coast, obviously, where you can see Joe Biden is right now , votes ahead.

The question: can Biden hold on to this lead?

Kurt, you don't have to stay here.

Watch Fox in the other room.

I'm fine.

I think you need it more.

It would be the first time this red state has turned blue since .

Yes, but, Kurt, if you stay, I know this isn't sensible, but...

Trump seems to get more votes whenever you're sitting on this couch.

Are you serious?

I am so deathly serious.

Whenever you're sitting here, Arizona goes for Trump.

Humor me, please.

Just go in the other room.

No, no, no.

No kiss.

If you kiss me, we'll lose Georgia.

Uh, if you lose, we'll be fine, right?

Kurt, let me just say this.

I'm only saying that we won't be fine so that the universe will grant me a win.


Phoenix voted for a Republican candidate every election since .

That means you have to go back to Harry Truman to find the last time it went blue.


- Will be the year that Maricopa changes?

Will it be enough for Biden to win it all, or...

- Here.

- That's the...

that's the champagne from the back of the fridge?

- Yeah.

- That was for when Hillary won.

I-I can only drink it if Biden wins.

It's odd you progressives resisted religion.

You seem to have a hundred religions to take its place.

Go away, Trump.

I mean, Kurt.

I'm going.

Uh, love me even if, uh, you lose.


it's called Maricopa County,
located in the South Central part of the state.

- I'll think about it!

- Moving over to Pennsylvania now.

Right now, Trump is up by about , votes, but the most Democratic counties are still out.

The question: does Biden have enough votes to make up the difference?

As the night wears on, we see that Diane has found more pockets of blue blood cells in Pennsylvania, and fewer red blood cells in these regions. You'll see here, right around the red blood clot blocking the coronary artery.

That is what local officials call the myocardial infarction.

And as you see here, bringing it up again, I bring up the right heart valve.

The coronary arteries bring blood and oxygen to the heart.

- Oh, my God.

- If the blood flow is blocked, the heart is starved of oxygen and heart cells die.

So Biden needs to win the commonwealth of the right ventricle, or Diane will have a coronary event of some kind.

Okay, God.

If the blue blood cells of the inferior vein...

You know I don't believe in you, but I will believe in you if Joe Biden wins.

... then the district of Lockhart will avoid a myocardial...

I'm sorry.

I know that that's not what Jesus taught.

There's nothing in the New Testament that says, "Believe in me, and I'll make sure your candidate wins", but I need Joe Biden to win.

I'm sorry, God, but I just do.

... locked in a basement in Delaware...

I need some faith.

MARISSA: Anything?

Military votes in Arizona.

Georgia thinks they'll be done counting votes tonight.

Oh, I thought you were checking in on Jay.

Oh, no, sorry.

MARISSA: He was texting me.

I think he's getting out today.

BAILIFF: All rise.

The Honorable Judge Trig Mullaney presiding.

It is like I am being smothered in these things.

You can sit.

Do we have a new president yet?

- Not as yet, Your Honor.

- Well, whatever they say about Trump, he was good for the courts.

Anyway, I've made my decision on this case...

the, uh... the bribery one.


Do you want us to stand, Your Honor?

I thought you were.

Yes, I do.

So, bribery is a bad thing, and the state can't condone it.

Neither can I.

"Nee-ther", "ni-ther".

"Nee-ther" can...

"Ni-ther" can I?

"Ni-ther" sounds better, right?


- Neither can I.

- I have a sick feeling.

- Either way we appeal.

- So, that...

is why I find you guilty and sentence you to seven years in prison.

We plan to appeal, Your Honor.



Go for it.

Anyway, that's it, I guess.

Thank you.

Have a nice day.

- Oh-oh, my God.

Seven years?

- Don't worry.

- Julius...

- Seven years?

- We're going to appeal.

Don't-don't worry.

- Seven years?

- Tell my wife.

- I will.

I will.


- But, Julius, don't worry.

Why not?

GARRETT: It is official.

By a to margin, the Electoral College has made Joe Biden president-elect.

Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the certification according to the Electoral Count Act of ...

You opening it now?

Now many eyes will look to the date of January , when a joint session of Congress counts the electoral votes.

- Many expect a contentious debate. - Nope.

If I open it now, something bad will happen.

I've waited four years.

I can wait another few weeks.

The former vice president will take the oath of...

Lucca, this firm doesn't want to lose you.

This is the best and final offer.

We can't afford to get into a bidding w*r with Bianca, so we're going to need a yes or no answer from you by the end of this call.


I'm ready.

With Adrian leaving, we have one spot open for an equity partner.

We will give it to you.

You will be the youngest equity partner in the history of this firm.

And the firm will match Bianca's offer of $ , a year.


DIANE: But again, we can't have a bidding w*r.

It's yes or no now.

ADRIAN: Lucca, look.

History is being made right here, right now in America.

Now, you need to be part of that, part of that tradition.

England is not yours.

America is.

We are a Black firm, Lucca, and we need you.

(CUTTING OUT): I don't...

Wi-Fi is...

- Hello?

Hey, guys... ?

- LIZ: Lucca?

- Can you...

- Can you call us back, Lucca?

- Hello?

- Lucca, if you...

Just call us back.

You think she did that on purpose?

I would have.

She's probably on with Bianca right now.

They used George Floyd because they want you for less.

They have never appreciated you as much as I do.

All those scars, all that times being taken for granted and undervalued has made you a fighter.

It's made you someone I now want.

Do you have your legal pad ready?


I don't like bidding, so here it is.

I want you, Lucca.

$ .


You are my new CFO.

Go ahead, call them back.

My guess is they won't be able to beat that.

LUCCA: So it wasn't just a ton of money, it was CFO.

- And a ton of money.

- MARISSA: So this is goodbye?

- I can't believe it.

- It's not goodbye.

I'll be seeing you.

Yeah, but like this, on a screen.

Marissa, we don't have to work together to be friends.

- And you're gonna be a lawyer anyway.

- What?

I've been going to law school.

You're kidding?


You didn't tell me.

She's been using her time.

You should have, too.

LUCCA: How are you, Jay?

Getting better.

I... lost my taste buds.

It was weird.

And I carry a g*n now.


It's performative.

Stay safe, Jay, okay?

What are we talking about?

- COVID or the protests?

- Both.

Give me a ride on your private jet, Lucca.

When I get one, I will, yes.

I have a-a confession to make.


I stole...

your breakfast sandwich one morning.

You got a-a bagel egg sandwich.

And I said it was Jay that took it, but it was me.

What a bitch.

Oh, my God.

Your Birkin bag is still here.

I can't believe you just left this here during COVID.


I had to leave in a rush.

Well, do you want me to just put it in with all the other stuff?


You keep it.




- I'm keeping it.


Because of the bagel.

- Think of me when you use it.

- No.

You think of me when I use it.

God, I'm gonna miss you guys.

I'm gonna miss this.

You make me smile.


I didn't smile much before you guys.

I smiled all the time, but I didn't mean it.

So then this is goodbye?


I think I'm crying, so probably.

I have to go.

This is getting too emotional.


Goodbye, Lucca.

You were one of the best.


But together...

we really were.



♪♪ God, have you ever seen anything like it?

It's so...

It's so f*cked.

But there's a good side.

Trump's people bring, what, cases against the election?

They lose .

Seems to me the guardrails held just fine.

- System worked.

- Yay...



Sometimes when things work out, there is no parade.

There's no congratulations, but I'll tell you this.

We live to fight another day.


Then why are you leaving the law?


I am moving to Atlanta.

- I'm s...


- What?


I am moving to Atlanta.

I-I read this op-ed by a man named Charles Blow.

He's talking about Black people returning to the South to create and consolidate real political power.

Those wins in Georgia inspired him.

- Mm.

- And I'll tell you.

Inspired me, too.

- Have you ever lived there?

- No.

But if today told us anything, it's about starting over.

I am starting over.

Here's to you.

What about you two?

- Ooh...


- Well, we lost Lucca.

We're losing you.


But my guess is that the-the Biden administration is gonna be better for Black businesses,

- so...

- (QUIETLY): Mm-hmm.

Will you replace me?

I think the big question is, are you replacing me?

Well, I...

(CHUCKLES): It's not my intention.


Well, I can't change the color of my skin.

(CHUCKLES): I know.

Hey, I'm gonna fight for my partnership.

I know.

I will leave it there, ladies.



Bye, boss.

We're all gonna miss you.

- Come on.


- Mmm...


You sure you know what you're doing?


But I'm all about improvisation, right?

- What about you two?

- (CHUCKLES): Well, it...

I-It's going to be interesting.


Diane is a terrific lawyer, but this firm belongs to you.

Your dad built it.

Uh, n...

He did, Liz.

Despite all his faults.

You got to run this place the way you want.

This is a Black firm.

And after today...

the world needs Black firms.

You got me?

I got it.

I'll see you.





- Hey!

- Hey.

- What's up?

What's up?

- Hey.

- What you guys doing here?

Packing for Lucca.

MARISSA: It's weird.

Everybody fun is leaving.

- Hey!




- Okay, everybody except for us.

- Okay.

- How you doing?

- Uh...

Well, I think I'm what they call a long-hauler.

- But I'm feeling good.

- LIZ: Oh!

Oh, oh, oh!



Wait, wait, wait.

H-Have you guys heard?

- What?

- Well, uh, Trump...

Trump pardoned all of the convicted and corrupt Republican officials.

Makes sense.

And Julius got a pardon, too.

- What?

- Yes.

- Julius?

- Julius.

You're kidding?


- Oh, my God!

♪♪ (MEOWS)