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03x10 - My Girlfriend's Back

Posted: 06/27/21 08:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Life
Of The American Teenager...

I knew you weren't getting
anywhere with Ricky.

Maybe that kiss was all I wanted
out of the relationship anyway.

Maybe, but I doubt it.

I need you to get Grant to call me.

I don't want you using my cousin.

He wants a serious relationship.
He wants a girlfriend.

I need a guy like that.

Did you talk to Ruben?

He asked me to talk to Adrian

because I asked him to help my mother.

You actually want me to marry Ben.

Who's that?

That's my husband.

This is Peter.

Nice to meet you.

Maybe you should start a business
of your own. I would love to.

I'd love to stay home and keep house
and cook and take care of the kids.

Promise not to tell?

Promise not to tell what?

That I'm giving up the French horn.

It was really nice meeting you.

Yeah. It was nice meeting you, too.

I hope I get to see you again.

Give me a call.

Don't worry. I don't
wanna get married either.

I just don't want you with Ricky.

Sorry, but...

I might still love Ricky.

So, everyone's going to the park

to celebrate the last
day of school! Yeah!

I don't feel like celebrating.

I still haven't heard from
Amy. How's the wife and kid?

Shut up.

Come on. Amy will call you. Someday.

Go. Go to the park. Go somewhere else.

Just get away from me with
all your joy and sarcasm.

And leave you all alone
on the last day of school?

It's no big deal. I'll
probably just go home.

And cry.


It's the last day of school.

I can't help it if I'm in
a good mood and he's not.

What are you gonna do at home?

You can't just sit there and
wait for Amy to call you back.

Why can't I? Because.

Maybe she's not going to call you back.

Not anytime soon anyway.

She has to call me back.

At some point, she has to call me back.

And at this point, it's not
soon at all. It's way past soon.

I mean, we're into eternity.

It's been an eternity.

For all of us.

I'm trying.

Try harder.


Adios, amigos.

Oh, I think the baby
should be bilingual.

But we should start with Spanish.

Nobody in my house speaks Spanish.

Everyone in your house speaks
Spanish, except you and your dad.

And Betty.

Betty speaks Spanish?


Oh, here. Leme help you with t



Ben, nothing would make me
happier than for you to be happy,

but that's not gonna happen with her.

It might. It still might.

I mean, she's talking to you.
She's gotta talk to me eventually.

Yeah, but when she does talk to you,

she could say something
you don't wanna hear.


Like she doesn't wanna see you anymore

because you're having
a baby with me, and...

Come on, Ben. That's understandable.

Is it?

You and Ricky are friends.
You and Amy are friends.

Amy and Ricky are friends. How'd I
get to be the odd man out with Amy?

I don't know.

Maybe because she loved you more
than she ever loved Ricky or me.

Maybe it's just easier for her
to be friends with Ricky and me.

But, I mean, I was her
friend when she was pregnant.

Why can't she be my
friend when I'm pregnant?

I'm pregnant.

We're pregnant.

Are we? What's pregnant about you?

I don't know, but... I mean, I offered
to marry her when she was pregnant.

My father offered to marry my mother,

and it took her 17 years
before she said yes.

Because no one wants just an offer.

I do.

Hey, Ricky, come here. I
need some help helping Ben.

Soy, but I'm not talking to him,

because all he ever talks
about is Amy not talking to him,

and I've r out of things to say to him.

Bye. Great.

So neither of you are
sympathetic with me.

That's really nice. Really, ally nice.

We were sympathetic
with you upo a point.

What point? This point, okay?

Look, I'm the one who's pregnant.

And this baby isn't just
interfering with your life,

it's interfering with
my life, all right?

And that's supposed mean what?

That if I hadn't gotten you pregnant,

you'd still have a shot at Ricky?

Yeah, I would.

For now, we're friends.
Ricky and I are friends.

And? And you're not friends with Amy.

You have to be friends first if you're
ever gonna be in a real relationship.

Oh. I get it.

So you're still trying to be with Ricky,

but you don't think
that I can be with Amy.

I wanna marry Amy.

You think Ricky's ever
gonna wanna marry you?

I seriously doubt that.

I mean, I seriously doubt
that Ricky's gon wanna

marry you or anyone else.

We have an OB-GYN appointment tomorrow.

It's the first sonogram. won't be able

to find out the sex of the baby,
but we will be able to see a picture.

If you're interested, you can come.

so you still gonna work

at the usual time, right,
now that school is out?

You'll be starting earlier, but you're
still gonna pick John up at the usual time?

Yes, I'm still gonna pick
John up at the usual time.

I don't have to go to work
today or even this weekend.

Bunny told Ben and me we could have the
weekend off before we start summer hours.

That was nice.

Yeah, it was.

So, what are you doing?

We're playing in Central Park tonight.

A lot of people in the park
for the Shakespeare festival.

It sounds as if you've
been doing nothing

but playing the whole
time you've been there.

Playing as in I'm playing in a quartet.

We're one of three quartets
scheduled to play tonight.

Oh. I thought Ashley said
you were giving that up.

No, I'm not giving up
the French horn entirely.

I still wanna play for enjoyment.

I just don't think the French horn

is gonna be my career, that's all.

Oh, and what is? I don't know.

Why do you sound so snotty?

Do I? Yeah.

'Cause maybe I'm tired.

I got upETn. with JohC


I see. Tired, huh? I know that feeling.

Yeah. I know you do.

You know how much longer I'm here.

I'm here for two more weeks.

Although, I think I maybe wanna stay

a day or two extra at
the end of the program.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.

When four weeks is up,
four weeks is up, okay?

John's doing okay. But stay extra days,

extra time away from him?

I know, I know. I miss him.

I really miss him, and I'm
really anxious to get home to him.

But they say we can keep the apartments

for a few days extra if we
want at the end of the program.

Are you kidding?

No. Isn't that nice?

No, it's not nice for you

to take advantage of the situation
and stay longer than you said.

That's not what I'm doing.

Well, what are you doing?

All right. Well, I
wasn't gonna say anything,

but some of the dads are flying in

to be here with the
mothers alone as a couple

at the end of the program.

I think it'd be kind of
awkward for us to do that

since we've never really
been in a relationship,

so I was just gonna stick around

and help babysit and meet
my friends' boyfriends

or partners or...

There goes my phone again.

Why does your phone keep beeping?

Because Ben keeps trying to call me.

Why don't you just talk to him

and tell him that it's over, all right?

Put him out of his misery as
well as everyone around him.

What? Is it over or isn't it?

It's really none of your business.

Yeah, it is. He's starting to bug me.

He's having a baby with Adrian.

He shouldn't even be trying
to get together with you.

You really are tired and cranky.

Yeah, I am. And you know what?

Maybe if Ben hadn't been
trying to get together with you

when we were having a baby,
things might've gone differently,

and maybe I would be flying
in at the end of that program

to be with you in New York.

Differently how?

I don't know.

What chance did we ever
have at a relationship

when he was willing to step
in and come to the rescue?

I guess you're right.

But it doesn't make any difference now.

I'm coming to my own rescue.

Hey, I've been at your
house for two weeks,

and I'm gonna be here another
two weeks taking care of our son.

Don't you think I've come to
your rescue just a little? Huh?

You're right. John is
our son, not just my son.

So you're not rescuing me.

You're just doing your
part as John's dad.

Not that I don't appreciate it,

but that's not coming
to my rescue, all right?

Yeah. All right. You're
not just tired and cranky,


I don't know what you are.

I don't know either.

Why the hell did I do that?

Why the hell do I do anything?

Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sure the thought

of my staying here a few
extra days is really annoying,

so I just wanna ask
you to think about it.

Just think about it.
That's all I'm asking.

Maybe you could think
about me flying to New York

at the end of the program just
like all the other dads are doing.

Ricky, I told you, those are dads

who are in relationships
with the mothers.

Some of them living together,
some actually even married.

Well, if we're not in a
relationship, what are we?

I don't know.

I think we'll be different things
to each other at different times.

I don't think we really know what we
are right now other than John's parents.

Yeah. Okay.

But I have the weekend.

Why don't I fly to New
York, and we could just talk?

I hate talking over the
phone, and I wanna talk to you.

I'll bring John if you want me
to, but I want to talk to you.

Ricky, you can't fly here and
back in a weekend with John.

He'd be so unhappy on
a plane all that time.

But you're not saying
no to my coming there?


I mean, we haven't really talked

the way other parents here have talked,

so I guess it could be helpful.

But I wouldn't want you
to leave John with anyone

other than my mom and my dad, and...

This is crazy.

Why is it crazy? I
don't think it's crazy.

I think it's about time we
confronted each other, don't you?

Okay, not confront each other, but...

It's time we talked, Amy.

We need to talk.

We can talk when I get back.

Or we could talk this weekend.

Yeah. Or this weekend.

48 hours basically.
I'd be back in 48 hours.

It's something she needs to do-

we need to do.

Okay, not need, but want.

Okay, not wanna do, but have to do.

We have to do this. And
it would be good for John

if Amy and I did do
this sooner than later.

We should talk to each other
and figure some things out.

I offered to take John,
but Amy doesn't think

that he should be on a
plane that much in two days.

And she'll be home in two weeks.

Although, most of the
other dads are coming in

at the end of the program for a
couple of days without the kids.

But we don't have to do that.

I mean, I wanna do that.

Which is one of the reasons
I wanna do this, but...

Will you watch John, please?

Well, I guess we could.

Couldn't we? Where you gonna stay?

It's New York. I'm sure there are
plenty of hotels I can stay at.

Okay, let's just cut to the chase.

Promise us that you are not going to
have sex with Amy if we do this for you.

Amy and I are definitely not gonna
have sex if you do this for us.

It's for us, not just for me.

Promise. Promise. I'm not
even thinking like that.

Supposedly you weren't thinking like
that at band camp, and it just happened.

I don't wanna hear that
it just happened again.

Of course not.

I would never ask you to keep John

so I can fly to New York to
have sex with your daughter.

I just wanna talk to her,
and she wants to talk to me.

And we need to talk, that's all.

That's all?


Yeah, go.

Thank you. I really appreciate it,

and I know Amy really appreciates it.

I'm gonna go pick up John.
I'll bring him right home,

and then I'm gonna go.

Go where?

Why don't you go with me to
pick John up from the nursery?

I wanna talk to you.

No, it's okay. I don't
really feel like talking.

Come on, Ashley. I'm asking you
to do this for me as a friend.

Well, I'm not really your friend.

I don't know what you wanna talk
to me about or where you're going,

but since they knew
about it first, forget it.

I don't wanna be late. Come on. Please.

What's all the happiness about?

About making you happy.

There's probably nothing
that's gonna make you happy

when you hear that Ricky's
going away for the weekend.

He's going to see your
sister in New York.

They need to talk. Talking is part of
this program she's doing apparently.

And this would be a problem for me?

Ricky talking to Amy would
be a problem for me because...

I know the way you feel about him. I
know you don't just wanna be friends.

But, Ash-
But, Dad-

I would think it would be more
of a problem for you and Mom

since, obviously, if Ricky
flies all the way to New York,

he and Amy are gonna be doing
a lot more than just talking.

I mean, I would think
that they would have sex.

At least once. Maybe more,
depending on how the talking goes.


Hello, Ben.

Amy? Amy, is that really you?

Yes, it's really me.

Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you for talking to me.

Ben, I thought it was clear when
I didn't return your 57 messages

that I don't really wanna
talk to you right now,

but apparently you can't
accept that I don't really

wanna talk to you right now, so
I'm just calling to let you know

that I will talk to you at some
point, but not over the phone, okay?

When I get back, then
we can talk face-to-face.

Until then, please stop calling me.

So, you will see me and
talk to me when you get back?

Yes, I will. I definitely will.

I'll call you when I'm ready to talk.

When do you think that'll be?

Uh, what day do you get back? What time?

Do you think I can pick
you up from the airport?

I drove you to the airport, remember?

I'll call you when I get back.

A day or two after I get home,

after I've had time to see
John and get settled in,

I'll call you, and we
can get together and talk.

Can we just talk for
a minute now? Please?

I don't have much time. There's
something I have to do tonight.

I just wanna know that there's hope-

that there's some hope

that you and I can
someday beogher again, Amy,

despite what's going
on with Adrian and me.

I don't wanna have this
conversation over the phone.

Well, I can come back there.

Yeah, I could ask my dad
if he minds taking the jet,

and he can fly there again,
and we can talk face-to-face.

No, Ben. I'm sorry, but no.

And I really have to go. And I
really want you to stop calling me.

I'll call you when I'm ready to talk.

That's two more weeks, Amy.

I don't know if I can not
call you for two more weeks.

Then just start with this weekend, okay?

No more phone calls or messages or
anything this weekend, all right?


Yeah, I think I can do that
- just not call all weekend.

And I will

look forward to talking
to you face-to-face

whenever you're ready
to talk face-to-face.


Was there something else
that you wanted to tell me?

No, I don't think so. Bye, Ben.

Bye, Amy. And thanks for calling.

Well, not calling, but
picking up and talking to me.

You're welcome. Bye.



So I just talked to her.

Yeah, I actually just talked to Amy.

Oh, yeah? What'd she say?

She said that she doesn't
wanna talk to me right now.

Well, I said all along
that she'll be angry.

And she'll be angry for
a while, but life goes on.

Yes, it does. She said that she wants

to talk to me face-to-face
when she gets back.

What do you think that
means? Oh, I don't know.

That she'll talk to you
face-to-face when she gets back?

I think that's good. I mean, don't you?

I mean, you could take it as

she wants to see me.

Amy wants to see me. Did she say that?

Or did she say she'll
see you in two weeks?

No, she said she'll talk to me
in two weeks. But face-to-face.

So that's as good as
saying she wants to see me.


Oh, it was so great to hear her voice.

I never thought I'd
hear her voice again.

I mean, I've heard it a thousand
times on the message machine,

but I didn't really think I was
gonna get to hear her voice again.

And now I'm gonna hear it in person.

In two weeks. That's good.

Could be. How's Adrian?

Who? Oh. Yeah.

Uh, Adrian. She's fine.

She's having some sort
of thing done tomorrow.

Uh, we have a doctor's appointment.

What sort of thing? I don't know.

But I told her I'd go with her,

which is proof that
I'm not ignoring her.

I'm just not marrying her.

So if you came in here
to try to pressure me

into a relationship with Adrian,

now would not be a good time to do that.

Because one, I do have a
relationship with Adrian.

It's just not the one that
you and her father want.

And two, I'm still pretty
high on that phone call

in which Amy said that she's gonna
see me in two weeks and talk to me.

That's not what I came in here for-

to pressure you into a
relationship with Adrian.

But you came in here for something.

I came in here to ask you
if you wanted to invite

some of your friends over tonight
for hamburgers or something.

Have a little party. Have some fun.

I mean, where are your friends?
Where's Henry and Alice?

I mean, every year,
when school lets out,

the three of you usually
do something to celebrate.

Why don't you ask them over?

Or ask some other people over.
You need to be with people.

No, I don't. And what other people?

Jack. You could ask Jack over.

Or maybe Tom, since he and
Tom are living together.

And then, I mean,

Grace is in the house
right next to them,

and you might wanna ask her over.

And since she's best friends
with Adrian, she might come.

I mean, if you wanted. No pressure.

Yeah. No pressure.

Ask anyone you want over.

As many people as you want over.

Ask Amy's friends. Uh, uh...

Madison and Lauren,
and her sister, Ashley.

Ashley probably doesn't have
anything to do, does she?

I don't know, and I don't really care.

Unless, of course, I could
enlist her as a supporter,

but I think she's kind of
interested in Ricky right now,

which may or may not be good for me.

Maybe she could come with that guy
that she came to the wedding with.

Uh, Grant, was it?

He just went out with Grace.

So maybe they wanna
see each other again.

Invite him and his cousin, uh, uh
- Griffin, is it?

He's seeing someone, too. Invite her.

It's not a her. Then
him. Invite them all.

Yeah, or none of them at all.

Ben, really, life is
constantly changing,

and you never know who's
gonna wind up with whom.

And you can't just sit around
waiting for Amy to come around.

Maybe she will, and maybe she won't.

Could you just be on my side, okay?

I mean, could you just
be on my side with Amy?

Because everybody else
is turning against me,

and I'm hanging out
there in the universe

hoping for a miracle, and...

I need someone, you know?

I need someone who knows me

and understands me and
knows what I'm going through

and who wants Amy to love me as
much as I want her to love me,

even though I'm having
a baby with Adrian.

And so what, you know?

So what if I'm having
a baby with Adrian.

I still want Amy.

Wanting something really, really badly

doesn't mean you're gonna get that
something or that someone, Ben.

And sometimes, when
you go chasing a dream,

you find that you already had
what you wanted in life already.

Like Adrian and a baby?

I don't want that. I really don't.

And that is not what I
wanted to hear right now.

I know.

I know what you wanted to hear, but...

Henry and Alice are downstairs,

and I think they
already invited everyone.

Yeah, that's where my parents are.

Well, what about us? I'll be back.

Well, then you go to football camp.

I go to football camp every summer.

And it's not a sleepaway
camp, so I'll be home at night.

Not that I'll feel
like going out at night.

And even if you do, you have
a 9:00 curfew from the coach.

But I know you two managed to
find a way around that last summer.


When do you go off to
that medical school thing?

Med camp? The program's been
shortened by a few weeks. Cost cutting.

Mmm. Cost cutting. Well, I hope they
don't leave out any of the vital organs.

Like the heart?

Or did you mean some
other vital organ? Oh, boy.

So, Jack told you he's going
to Phoenix to visit his parents?

I just love his mother.
Don't you? And his father.

Well, I only met them the one time.

Oh. Oh, yeah.

I've known them for years,
you know, 'cause of church.

Right. Church. I forgot
you went to church.

Yeah, Jack and I both go to church.

Well, Jack and I have something

far greater in common than
belief in a higher power.


I hate that you've had sex with her.

Well, I did, and I can't
take it back. It happened.

Well, I wanna do something with you

that you haven't done with her.

We do that all the time.

Well, then, I wanna do something else.

Something else like what?

But we always go to the
family cabin for the summer.

I have to go.

And then you have to come
back and go to football camp.

You have no time for me.

Then I'll make time.

Next week?

Next week, I'll be at the family cabin.

It's like not even having a boyfriend,

having you as a boyfriend.

Well, what do you want me to do?

I don't know.

But I'll think of something.


Think of something.

Does Peter have to meet you here?
Why couldn't we just pick him up?

I feel like your date.

Peter may be out of the
closet with his family.

That doesn't mean he's
comfortable dating.

I'll do whatever Peter wants to do.

If he wants to come by himself
and meet me here, that's fine.

You have to take these
things slowly, you know?

See you.

Hey! I'm so glad you came.

Good to see you. Good to see you, too.

So, is Jack still living
in the guest house with Tom?


That's too bad.


Because, obviously, you loved
him enough to have sex once,

you probably still love him
enough to have sex again.

And I just got stomped on, and
I'm not up for a second stomping.

You know what I mean?

I know what you mean. Who told you?


Med camp?

Yeah. How'd you know? How'd you know?

I went there. I wanna be a doctor.

No way.

What section were you in?

I'm kind of embarrassed
to say. Obstetrics.

Oh. I was in sports medicine.

Oh, yeah. Jack.

Yeah. But I'm changing
this summer though.

Yeah. Me, too. What's next?

I haven't decided yet.

Wow. Med camp. No kidding.

We were both there, and we
didn't even notice each other.

So, did you sign up for
obstetrics so you could meet girls?

Yeah. And I thought it might somehow
make me sexier for some reason.

You got a real interest
in sports medicine?

Oh, not really.

Not an interest that lasted anyway.


Can we talk?

She's all yours... till med camp.

There's no chance I could have company

sleep over at the guest house, is there?

Even if none of us are
gonna be doing anything?

Maybe if I sleep with him he'll
feel closer to me than her.

I mean, he's had sex with Grace,
but he hasn't slept with her.

And sleeping with somebody
can be a really intimate thing.

Hey, maybe you guys
could sleep over, too.

They've got bunk beds.

Yeah. I could say I'm spending
the night at your house,

you could say you're spending
the night at my house,

and we could just spend the
night at Grace's guest house.

God, I hate that he lives
in Grace's guest house.

Hey, Ashley. How are you?

I was afraid you might be here.

Hi. Hi.

So how's Grace?

Interesting. We just found
out we both wanna be doctors.

Since when do you wanna be a doctor?

Since always. You Adrian?

Yeah. Hi.

Heard about the baby.


Maybe I shouldn't have said that-

that I heard about the baby.

I just felt I should say it.

I studied obstetrics, just at med camp.

Really? You know about babies?

Just what they tell 16-year-olds
who think they wanna deliver babies.

Do I know you? Grant.

Oh, yeah.

You're Grant. Huh.


Yeah. Huh.

I'm Grace's best friend, you know.

I know.

Is it me, or is it boring in here?

I'll let you two talk.

Griffin's meeting Peter here.

You're not angry at something, are you?

No. Not at you anyway.

My dad made me come here.

I hate parties.

I'm no good at parties.

I don't think Ben is enjoying the party.

It's early. He's still angry
with us. He'll come around.

I hope so. I can't take him being
like this for the next couple months.

Couple months? You mean the
next nine months to 18 years.

Oh, right. The baby. I
just meant the summer.

Yeah. Summer's come and go.

Babies stay around a lifetime.

I think Benjamin Boykewich
is going to have to

get over his spoiled self and grow up.

Thank you.

So, who's the Sausage King's heir?

I don't know. I, um-

I don't know any of these
people really, except, uh...

Hi, Griffin.

Griffin, Hayley. Haley, Griffin.

Nice to meet you.

Are you a Boykewich?

No. Uh, that guy right there
- that's Ben.

Hey, Griffin.

So, look who's speaking to me.

Oh, don't be a jerk, all right?

All right. This is
Peter and his... date-

date Hayley.

Come on, Hayley. I'll show
you where the drinks are.

You can thank me later.

So, do you actually know Ben Boykewich?

Could you introduce us? Why, yes.

I could also introduce you to
the girl he's having a baby with.

She's really nice.

Why are all the really good
guys having babies these days?

So, surprise.

I'm just not ready, all right?

I wanted to see you again,
but I'm just not ready.

Hey, ready or not, you're gay.

Yeah, well, I'm gay when I wanna be gay.

Well, you're gay whether
you want to be gay or not.

And I'm usually more
sympathetic with guys

who are having a difficult time
coming out to friends and family,

but you are out.

You came out. You can't go back in.

Yeah, I can. I can if I want.

You don't want or you wouldn't be here.

And does Hayley know that you're gay?

No, and you're not gonna tell her.

Yeah. All right. Fine. Whatever.


No, you're not.

No, I'm really not.


So I think it's a good thing.
I mean, she made it a point

to pick up the phone and tell me
herself that she wants to talk to me

in two weeks when she gets home, and
that she wants to talk to me face-to-face.

So, obviously, she wants
to see me face-to-face.

So she wants to see me.
I think it's a good thing.

Really? You think so?

Tammy said she want to see me.

And I didn't wanna see her.

Yeah, but I do wanna see Amy.

Maybe she had bad news
- tell you.

And that's why Tammy wanna see me.

And Tammy tell me she
was getting married.

I don't think Amy wants to
tell me something like that.

Ben, this is Hayley. Hayley,
this is Ben Boykewich.

Hey, Ben Boykewich.

No offense, but I'm not interested.

What's wrong with you?

What is wrong with me

is that the only girl
I'm interested in is Amy.

Well, I've got news for you.

Ricky's flying to New York
to see Amy this weekend.

Ricky's flying to New York
to see Amy this weekend?

Uh-oh. What?

I'm really not good at parties.


Yeah, it's me. Come on up.

So, uh, welcome to New York. Come on in.

It's nice. Yeah. Isn't it?

It is. So, how was your flight?

It was good. I slept the whole way.

Oh, so you're not tired? I'm not tired.

Still, we should probably
walk over to your hotel.

Or I could do that alone.

I could walk over to the hotel,
clean up, come back in an hour or two.

Yeah, we could get some breakfast.

I always eat breakfast at this
cute little place around the corner.

All the girls do. Well, all
the girls in the program.

They call us the "Little Mothers"
- all the guys who work there.

Or, you know, you could just
clean up and shower here.

I have a really nice
shower and a bathtub.

I could do that, I guess.

Yeah, that'd probably be
quicker. Yeah, that'd be quicker.

And then I'll show you New York.

I'm not really here to see New York.

I'm just here to see you, Amy.

Um, I'm kind of hungry. Are you hungry?

I could eat. But after I clean up.

Yeah. After you've cleaned up.

I've missed, uh, John.

And he's missed you. But he's busy.

He's so busy walking around,
getting into everything.

He's really growing up fast.

I hope he's okay without you there.

Oh, he'll be okay.

It's really good to see you, Amy.

You, too, Ricky. You, too.

We're gonna get in trouble
for this anyway, you know?

So what?

"So what"?

I could get kicked out
of here. That's "so what".

Well, I can't go home right
now. It's 4:30 in the morning.

I'm supposed to be at her house.

Yeah. And I'm supposed
to be at her house.

We can't show up at either
house in the middle of the night.

What time do you two usually get up
when you sleep over each other's houses?

Around 11:00.

This really isn't what I had in mind.

You know that? And I don't
mean I had sex in mind.

I did have sleeping with you in mind.

I know that. Stop complaining.

Yeah, stop complaining.
We all know that.

We all thought we were gonna
sleep in the same beds together.

We still could.

No. I say no.

I have to go. I'm in so much
trouble it's not even funny.

Mmm. It's kind of funny.

Yeah, kind of.

Good night, Doctor.

Good morning, Doctor.


Is it night, or is it morning?

Oh, we were
- we were at a party.

And Grant, um
- That was Grant.

- He followed me home

just to make sure I got home safe.

And then, well, you know.

Yeah. I know.

And your mom knows. The whole
neighborhood probably knows.

What? It's not like
we were doing anything.

Look, here's the thing. If
you do decide to do something,

don't do it with a guy
at med camp, all right?

All right. The whole purpose of med camp

is to go, get your mind off guys,

focus on your schoolwork, what
you wanna do with your life.

I have news for you and Mom.

Tonight is what I wanna do with my life.

I wanna stay up until 4 a. m.

and make out with some
guy that I really like,

and talk about life
and laugh until I cry

and cry until I laugh.

All right. Well, I just came down here

to get your mom the last piece
of pie that was left over.

Lock the door and make
sure that you're all right.

I am more than all right.

So Mom is still awake?

Yeah. Yeah, you know,
you guys are a lot alike.

Good night.

Or good morning.

I'm really surprised
you let me sleep over.

You're surprised? I'm shocked.

Who knew my parents
would let you sleep over?

And by the way, who's sleeping?

You've been talking
for two hours straight.

Have I?

Yeah, you have.

I'm just... nervous.

You're nervous?

Yeah. I'm nervous.

I've never really had a boyfriend.

Yeah, but you've had sex.

And I haven't had sex.

We're not gonna have sex until we know each
other better and until I'm comfortable with that.

Yeah. All right. I hear you.

Hey, could you two knock it off?

I'm trying to get some sleep here.

Not that this isn't
really interesting stuff,

but I have to get some sleep.

You better not tell anyone.

Oh, come on. She's gonna tell someone.


I still can't believe that stupid
Sausage King's kid is having a baby.

What is going on at that high school?

No pregnant teens at your high school?

Oh, yeah. Plenty of them.

I was hoping to be one.

Obviously that's not gonna happen.


I'm joking.

Nobody wants to be a teenage mother.

I don't wanna be a teenage father.

But you are.

And that's just how it is, Ben.

You just have to accept that.

And you have to accept that Amy
- Ow.

That Amy will someday come
around, and you'll be friends.

We'll all be friends... someday.

I can't believe I didn't
hear between the lines.

That's why she told me
not to call this weekend.

I know why. Ricky.

I thought she wanted to see me. I really
thought she wanted to see me and talk,

but what are we gonna talk about?

What are we gonna talk about
other than my having a baby?

What a stupid, stupid thing I did.

Stop beating yourself up. Things happen.

Yeah. And who knows?

Maybe this will all
turn out good in the end,

and like Alice said,
we'll all be friends.


Yeah, she's here.

And Ben said he was gonna go
to the doctor with her today.

Thanks, Leo.

Hmm. This could be good.

That's the last time you
sleep in my room. You got that?

Oh, that's where he
was. How was the par-tay?


We should go get some breakfast.

Yeah, let's do it.

Go have some breakfast, I mean.

Yeah, I knew what you meant.

Did you?


- So how'd it go?
- Here.

It's my baby's first sonogram.


This is amazing. So,
is it a boy or girl?

Oh, it's still too early to tell.

I can't believe I can
already see my baby.

It's so exciting.

Or it would be if I were
ten years older and married.

But it still is. This is a baby.

Yeah. My baby.

It's the first time I really
felt like I'm having a baby.

Hey, where's Ben?

Oh, I dropped him off at home.

They gave him a copy of the picture,

and I think he was kind of overwhelmed

and nauseous.

I can't believe that's my baby.

I can't believe that's my baby.

Yeah, well, did you pass out?

Well, my knees got a little weak, but...

Yeah. I'm just glad I was there.

Or near there anyway.

I missed all that with Amy.

But that wasn't my baby.

This is my baby.

This is my little guy
- or girl or guy.

I kind of hope it's a girl.

Yeah, I hope it's a girl. I
have a feeling it's a girl.

And then you and Adrian could teach her

all about the birds and
the bees when she grows up.

Hank. Wrong time.

What? I didn't say
"sex. " You know what?

I'm gonna marry her.

I'm gonna do what you said,
and I'm just going to accept

that this is my fate,

and I'm gonna marry Adrian
and learn to love her.

All right. If you do decide that
you want to ask her to marry you,

leave out "fate" and
"learn to love her. "

Yeah. I'd even leave
out, "Will you marry me?"

I'm not letting you do this. I
don't care whose father is behind it-

yours or hers
- you are not getting married.

I might. I might just do that.

Oh, no. Y-

You wouldn't marry Adrian
just to get ba at Ricky and?

Oh, no. I get it.

I totally get it.

If you say you're going to marry Adrian,

either Amy will stop you-

Or you'll be married. No, Ben.

So what?

Music is important to me. I love music.

I love all kinds of music.

What kind of music do you like best?

I like jazz.

Yeah, jazz.

I like classical, too. I love big bands.

I like big bands.

I used to listen to Buddy Rich,
Gene Krupa, this guy Bill Richmond.

You know, Richmond wrote some
of the Jerry Lewis movies.

I love Jerry Lewis.

You're kidding me. I hate Jerry Lewis.

Three Stooges? No.

Marx Brothers? No.

Dumb and Dumber. I loved that.

Me, too. When he hit
her with that snowball...


I love moo shu pork. They
never give me enough duck sauce.

I don't really eat that much pork.

Because you're Jewish?

Half Jewish. My dad.

He beat the crap out of me and
my mom, but he never ate pork.

Ricky, your childhood
was so sad and scary.

Oh, don't feel sorry for me. I
don't want you to feel sorry for me.

I'm nothing like my dad or my mom.

Yeah, me, neither.

Why is that so funny?

'Cause I've spent the
last two weeks with them.


I can't believe she kissed you.

I kissed her back, so you
can't just blame Ashley.

I blame you, too. Was it a long kiss?

Long enough. I didn't
time it or anything.

Did you feel anything?


Maybe a little something.


I'm a guy.

I'd be lying if I said
I didn't feel anything.

Hey, I'm making progress. I
didn't try to sleep with her.

If she wanted to sleep with
you, would you sleep with her?

Depends on how aggressive she is

and whether or not
your parents are home.

I'm kidding. Really, I'm kidding.

I would never, ever sleep with
your sister unless you're dead.

I'm sorry. It must be the jet lag.

I'm joking. I'm just joking.

I can't believe that you said that.

Hey, tell me you haven't thought that your
life would be easier if I weren't around.

Yeah, I've thought that. Too quick.

I should get going.

Why? It's late.

I told your parents that we
- that we wouldn't do anything.

We're not doing anything.

Well, when could we do something?

Could we do something?
Could we ever have sex again?

Whoa, whoa. Conversation
took a turn here.

I don't know.

I don't know if we could
ever have sex again.

Could you ever not sleep with every
girl you got the chance to sleep with?

I'm working on that.

Which means you're
still sleeping around.

I'm still sleeping around.

Well, if you ever wanna sleep with
me again, you'll stop doing that.

I'll stop doing that. Ricky,
it's one thing to say that,

but it's another thing to not
do it with anyone else but me.

And it would have to
be no one else but me.

I would want an exclusive relationship.

And even then, I would insist
that you get tested for HIV

and anything else
before we had sex again.

And I'd still wanna use condoms.

Well, I would want
you to be on the pill.

I am on the pill.

Why? Why are you on the pill?

Because of you. Because
I know what can happen,

and it's never gonna happen
unintentionally again.

So you're saying that one day,
you'd like to have more children.

I don't know.

I love John. I really love him.

I wish we were older, but we weren't.

I love him so much it's crazy.

He's so cute. Isn't he cute?

He's my kid. Of course
he's cute. I'm cute.

We're a cute family.

Not family, but whatever we are.

What do you want us to be?

I don't know.

I really don't.

I think it's too soon to decide.

I don't know. I really don't.

Me, neither.

John's over a year old.

He's walking.

Maybe we should decide.

He walks funny.

He runs funny.