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05x12 - Hedy's Happy Holiday House

Posted: 06/29/21 08:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Life
of the American Teenager...

So I woke up Grace and
asked her to come in here,

and then I'll tell her about Jack.

He's not gonna die, is he?

You seem to be in a good mood.

My dad got remarried yesterday.

What are you doing here?
I slept over with Anne.

Did you know that marriages
are public record?

You're not married, are you?

After the baby is born,

I'm going to be going
back home to my family,

I'm transferring.

And so are my friends.

He's a beautiful boy!

Oh, thanks.

He really doesn't look
anything like George.

Jack got beaten within an inch of his life,

probably by that pimp.

I just can't believe that you
guys are doing this for me.

We would like to have you in our family.

That's my sponsor. You can't date her.

This is the first woman that
I've been interested in.

Hey, David! George Juergens.

George. Anne's husband.

How's your son?
You have a son, right?

I'll be in touch.

I want you to have this baby.

I know you're going to be good parents.

I do want to get married, I really do.

Shall we pray?

What time is it?

Okay. Well, we've had Christmas
dinner and opened the presents,

what should we do until
Santa comes at midnight?

I don't know.

What did you do when you were a kid?

Every year was different.

There was always a Christmas tree.

Some years we would open
gifts on Christmas Eve,

and some years we'd open
them on Christmas Day.

And Santa Claus?

Oh, yeah, Santa always came.

Ashley and I would get up
early to see what he got us.

What's the biggest surprise
you ever got for Christmas?

You mean, besides John?

Yeah, when you were a kid,

what's the best gift you ever
got, the biggest surprise gift?

The biggest surprise was
my first French horn.

I got it when school started in September

in the fifth grade.

My parents gave it to me as
an early Christmas gift.

And then on Christmas Eve my

dad wrapped it up again
and put it in a big box.

And when I opened it, I was surprised
that it was my French horn.

I'd been playing it for three months.

I forgot that it was a Christmas gift.

And to make it worse, Ashley
had a bicycle in her big box.

I was so upset that my
parents bought me a bike

when they went on sale after Christmas.

I wanted a blue bike, but
they got Ashley a blue bike,

so I settled for dark green,

and it was a boy's bike.

That was a bad Christmas.

Not as bad as some of my
Christmases, I'm sure.

No, of course not.

But not all of them were bad.

The ones I spent in juvie were pretty good.

How could a Christmas in juvie be good?

It was downtown, juvie hall,

near Hedy's Happy Holiday House.

What is that?
What? You've never been to Hedy's?

No. I don't know what Hedy's is.

Hedy's is the best toy store ever.


It's, like, in the worst
section of downtown,

it's a family-owned business.

It's like Santa's workshop or something.

It has old toys and new toys,

and lights and a train.

We used to break in every year.

Those were the best Christmases.

The security guard would

always leave the loading dock door unlocked

and cracked just a little bit.

He knew kids would break in.
Hedy knew kids would break in.

And we would break in.

We'd climb up the loading dock,

go in and have ourselves a little party.

We never trashed the place or
anything, we just ate the candy.

Then when we were ready to leave,

we'd each take some small toy
we thought they wouldn't miss,

and that we could hide,

and then we'd go back out
through the loading dock.

And you never got caught?

I think they knew, really. It
would have been easy to catch us,

there were a dozen of us.

Is it still there, Hedy's?

I don't know, it's been a while.

Want to take a ride?
Yeah. You want to break in?

And get arrested on Christmas Eve?
No, thank you.

We're more likely to get accosted

by juvenile delinquents than get arrested.

No one's going to get arrested.
Come on, let's do it.

I mean, I don't even know
if it's still there,

but let's take John and find out.


All right.
Let's go!

Come on, John! It's Christmas Eve!

Let's go see what Daddy did
when he was growing up!

It's open. You go in first,

I'll hand you John and then I'll hop in.

I don't want to go first.

You have to go first.
If you don't go first,

you'll have to get in by yourself.

Here, I'll give you a boost.

Ricky, it sounded like a good idea, but...

Just do it. Come on, hurry up.

Find me something to step
on so I can get up there.

I don't want you to boost me, onto my head.

Here. Try this.

Do it!

Here. Go with Dad.

Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. Um...

Hand me John.

It's just like I remember. Come on.

I can't believe it!

Um, it's amazing. It's absolutely amazing.

Isn't it?

What do you think, John?

- Where's Santa? - Well, Santa's
probably already out delivering toys

to all the good little boys and girls.

You know what?
Maybe you'd like to ride on the train?

You want to ride on the train?

I want to ride on the train.

I want to ride on the train!

Are we going to ride on the train?

We're going to do a lot of things.

Where's Santa?

Let me see if I can find out
when he's going to be back.

Okay. Come on, Bud. Let's go.

Hey. Merry Christmas.

What's wrong?

Shakur volunteered to work
in the emergency room

and Margaret's down at the Children's
Center dishing out dinner.

Yeah. That's what they always do.

What are you doing?

Absolutely nothing.

I'm here alone because Kathy's
parents don't want me

to be part of their
stupid family Christmas,

so my first Christmas with a
family in years totally sucks.

I need you to do me a favor.

Dad keeps a Santa suit in the hall closet.

I need you to get it, get on a
bus and come down to Hedy's.

You must have gone to Hedy's
at some point, right?

You're at Hedy's?

What are you doing at Hedy's?

It's Christmas Eve. I brought
Amy and John down here.

I thought I'd show them a
traditional juvie Christmas.

All right. Yeah, I'll
come down there, sure.

You know what? Take a taxi.

I'll give you the money when you get here.

I see envelopes under the
tree, I think there's cash.

Don't steal money on Christmas Eve.

I'll leave the money on the loading dock.

And you know what, you be Santa.

I was going to do it,

but you put on the Santa
suit and you do it.

I'm not fat enough.

Tell John you're on a health kick.

Santa wasn't always fat, you know.

I'll bring you the suit, but I'm
not promising I'll be in it.

Come on, it'll be fun.

And hurry up, 'cause John's
getting really sleepy.

Should I tell Margaret and
Shakur where I'm going?

Yeah. Tell them you're going
to spend some time with us

and we'll bring you home by : .

And that's all you tell them.

I'm not stupid. See you in minutes.

You look so cute!
You do, too.

What are you doing?
I'm going to be Santa for John.


Ricky and Amy have him at Hedy's.

It's the crazy old toy store downtown.
They snuck in.

It's something you just

did if you were in juvie hall at Christmas.

So you're going to sneak in, too?

Yeah, it's great.

I thought the tradition was

you didn't go unless you
were in juvie, but...

It's unbelievable.

I wish you could go with me.

How long are you going to stay?
I should be home by : .

That's an hour from now.

I know. I'm just going to go down there,

sneak in and say, "Ho, ho, ho!"

And they're going to give
me a ride home, so...

I guess I better go then.

Here. This is for you.

Thank you.
Merry Christmas.

And I have something for you.

Our first date.
I know.

Thank you.

Really. That is so thoughtful.

Come on, can't you go with me?

Well... Why not?

What are they going to do? It's Christmas.

I'll text them from the car.

Jack, it would be so nice if you
woke up in time for Christmas.

That would be the best
gift I could ask for,

for you to wake up.

You sure you don't want to wake up? For me?

Maybe, uh...

Maybe he doesn't know it's Christmas.

Oh, no, Adrian, he knows
it's Christmas, he just...

He knows what I'm saying, he
just can't respond. You know?

Not yet anyway, but he will.
Won't you, Jack?

Okay, well, we're going
to have to leave soon.

We're having Christmas
dinner with my family.

And other people from the church.

I'm telling you, it's fun.
It's going to be fun.

No, it's not.

And we have to go to my parents', too.

No, we don't.
Yes, we do.

My mother invited them.
They're coming to the house.


You better not be proposing to
me or anything stupid like that.

Uh, I'm not proposing to you.

I've already proposed to you

and I'm still waiting on an answer,

and I'm not getting you a
ring until you've said yes.

But I love you.
If you loved me,

you wouldn't t*rture me on Christmas Eve.

I don't want to spend
Christmas with family.

This was a compromise, remember?

Tonight we spend with our families

and tomorrow we have Christmas
Day all to ourselves.

Not that that's going to be fun either.

I like being around my family at Christmas.

I have nieces and nephews

and I like to see them

get all excited and open
gifts and all that.

And the food!
Oh, my God!

You wouldn't believe the
food we have at our house.

Hi. It's me.


Merry Christmas, Clementine.

I was really surprised to get your text.

Thank you for inviting me to stop by.

Oh, no. I am so happy you did.

I really wanted some of
Jack's friends to drop by,

but, so far, you are the only one.

Oh. Well, except for Adrian and Omar.

Hi. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Is that a gift?

Yeah. It's just a little
something for Jack and Grace.

I didn't realize you would be here.

I would have brought you something.

Oh, you didn't have to do that.

But it would have been nice.

Merry Christmas, Clementine.

We were just leaving to go to my house.

You and Grace should come with us.

Oh, I can't. I'm staying
here until midnight.

Well, almost midnight.

I promised my mom I'd be home in time

for midnight church services.

Jack's dad decided to do that this year,

a special prayer service
for Jack on Christmas.

'Cause Jack loves
Christmas, don't you, Jack?

Open the gift.

Oh. Okay.

Did you ever see the movie,
It's a Wonderful Life?

Every time a bell rings, it's
because an angel gets its wings.

I was hoping maybe, you know,

an angel would get his
wings by waking up Jack.

That's a great idea! It's so thoughtful.
Thank you.

Oh. Do you want some candy?

'Cause Adrian and Omar brought some candy.

Well, not just any candy,

it's taffy made by monks at
some monastery or something.

And also very thoughtful.

I'll pass, but thanks. I have to get going.

Oh, really? So soon?

We got to get going, too.

Everyone's leaving? Really?

Yeah, I have this stupid
Christmas tradition to keep up.

Yeah, us, too.

What are you doing?
It's just this stupid thing I did

when I was in social services.

A small group of us would
sneak out on Christmas Eve

and sneak in to this store.

You ever been to Hedy's Happy
Holiday House downtown?

I heard about it. It's a toy store, right?

Yeah. Are you still sneaking in?

Does that mean breaking in?

But it's not what you think.

They leave a way in.

They know that kids who have no
place to go are going to come in

and they know at they're going to
leave with a little something.

So I'm too old to go with the other kids,

but I drop by a little early
and just look around.

I love it.
I want to do that.

- You want to do what? - I want to go
to Hedy's Happy Holiday House.

We have to go to Mom's Happy Holiday House.

You all could go if you want.

I only stop by for a few minutes.

It's an amazing place.

If you've never seen it,
you really should go.

Grace? You want to go?


No. I mean, not without Jack.

Well, don't they come in and
put him in a wheelchair

and wheel him around every few hours?

Yeah. A couple times a day.

But he's already had his rides today.

But today is Christmas,

maybe he'd like another ride.

A bigger ride.

A ride downtown to Hedy's.

Uh, Adrian...
Your mom said any time.

We can come down at any time.

There are so many people there,

she's not going to care
if we show up just, what,

a half-hour later than we said we would.

Let's do it.

Let's put Jack in a wheelchair
and take him with us.

I mean, it's not gonna hurt him,

and maybe it would help him wake up.

Just tell the nurse to
put him in the chair,

we want to take him outside and
let him see the Christmas lights.

He can't see the Christmas lights.

Who knows what he can see?

Let's do it!

Hurry! Hurry up!

I can't believe we're doing this!

Merry Christmas, Jack! Wake up!

Hey! Hey! What are you doing there?

I got it.
You? I got it.

Let me explain.
Somebody better explain.

It's me, Officer.

I'm trying to steal my boyfriend

and take him to a toy store on Christmas.

He's been semi-comatose for months

and his doctors just thought

it would be really good for him to get out.

I'll put him back.

His doctors?
Well, I'm his girlfriend,

but I've been supervising his medical care.

'Cause I've been at med
camp for three years

and then in the fall I'll be
pre-med and I'll be a doctor.

But you're not a doctor now, are you?
I'll put him back.

All right, somebody's gonna
have to go put him back.

Please, please, please don't
make us put him back.

I really think it would be
good for him to get out.

It's Christmas!

Yeah, and I'm not getting
fired on Christmas Eve.

Look, I'm sorry, but you
can't just steal a patient.

Now, you go get him
checked out legitimately,

I'll be the first one
to help you out, but...

I'm sorry, toots.

Come on, we'll put Jack back in bed

and then the rest of us should
go, just for a few minutes.

It'll get everyone in the Christmas spirit.

Where were you going?
Oh, just this toy store.


Yeah, you wouldn't know it to look at her,

but she was a delinquent.

No, you wouldn't.

All right, let's go.
I'll go.

You guys should, uh... You
guys should take off.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Merry Christmas, Grace!

Merry Christmas, Grace.
Merry Christmas, Grace.

Merry Christmas, Jack!

Let's do this.


Little problem here.

I'll be right back.

What took you so long?

I need some help.

I brought Kathy with me.

Hi. Merry Christmas.

Yeah. Hey, Kathy. Merry Christmas.

Who are you?

Oh. Here, let me pay you.

No, it's okay.

Just helping a couple of
people out on Christmas Eve.

I mean, once she's in,
I'm done for the night.

You didn't think this through, did you?

That's okay, I don't have to come in.

I can just go back home.

I think my parents are kind
of upset with me anyway.

What kind of alarm system
are we looking at here?

I don't know.

I got to make a phone call,
I think I can find out.

Maybe we can open a door

without tripping the alarm if I
just know what the system is.

Well, make the phone call!

Hey, Ethan.
Hey. I need a number for the girl

whose dad owns the security company.
You know the one.

What do you need it for?

Uh, I just want to ask about
a certain kind of lock.

What kind of lock?

Can I just have the number?
I'm kind of busy here.

I don't know if she'd like
you to have her number.

Fine, you got a security guy
there who could help me out?

One of your guys?

Maybe. But you're going to have
to tell me what's going on.


What's going on is that I'm
at a toy store playing Santa

and I've locked myself into an
area that I need to get out of

and I don't want to set off any alarms.

That sounds kind of fishy to me.

Hey. What's up?

- Is that the girl who's your
sister, the one who... - Yeah.

Who is that?
It's Ethan.

Let me speak to her.

She doesn't know anything
about alarm systems.

I might.

Hey, who is this?

You know me from school, right?

Are you familiar with a toy store called...

Oh, my God, are you at Hedy's?

I am. And I've got my girlfriend down here

who's nine months pregnant and, well...

I can't get her up on the loading dock.

Loading dock? I never
used the loading dock.

There's a hidden door on the

side of the building, I'll
tell you where it is.

There's no locks on it,

you don't have to worry
about locks or alarms

or anything like that, you
just have to find it.

There's a side entrance.

There's a side entrance.

Good. That's good.

I really need to sit down.
She's getting really heavy.

Hurry it up.

When is she due?

She's not, like, due now is she?

No, she's just nine months.

Yeah, it's downtown in
this really iffy area.

The kids come in around
midnight, they're out by : .

And you went in there?

I went in there, yeah, some of us

sometimes went in there
after the kids had gone,

but we didn't stay long, believe me.

And you had to work on Christmas Eve?

Lot of lonely guys on Christmas Eve.

I never even heard of the place.

Heard of what?

It's this place downtown. I
don't think you'd know it.

Oh, you don't, huh?

You do?
Yeah, I'm familiar with it.

You should go down there
sometime and take a look.

But, uh, you may want to take
someone with you, one of our guys.

In fact, while we're k*lling time,

why don't you take a ride?

But it's almost : .

Aren't we having dinner at : ?

We always have dinner at
: on Christmas Eve.

Not this Christmas Eve.
Moved it to midnight.

Midnight? Ugh! Man, I'm starving!

Yeah, there's going to be
snacks to hold us over.

Some... What are they?

Yeah, what are they?

Why are we having dinner at midnight?

'Cause that's Camille's tradition.

I never realized it, but I used to

keep her at the office
late every Christmas Eve

trying to get everything ready for us,

so by the time she got home
and put something in the oven

and cleaned up and got her
Christmas lights on the tree

and got her Christmas dinner
ready, it was midnight.

So that became her
tradition, because of us.

So shouldn't we be feeding
her before midnight now?

She likes midnight.

And she's still in there
getting things ready for us.

All right. Well...

Well, let's take a ride.

If you're gonna go downtown, you
should have someone drive you.


- I think he's right. - Then this Hedy
place will just have to wait.

Maybe we'll, um, I don't know,

drive around and look at
Christmas lights or something.

And what about the canapes?

Take 'em with you.
I'll just get my coat.

I was coming up to tell you,

keep her out of the house for a while,

we want to decorate her room wh
a tree and presents and stuff.

Uh, I don't think she
believes in Santa Claus.

Don't be a Scrooge, it's Christmas Eve.

It's her first Christmas Eve with us.
We want it to make it good.

Like Christmas isn't
always good at this house?


I'll try to keep her out as long as I can.

Merry Christmas, son.
Merry Christmas.

Now? He's sleeping now?

Yeah. I couldn't keep him awake any longer.

But... Santa is here.

Well, he's out cold.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Merry
Christmas one and all!

Oh, Santa!

Hey, John.

Hey, John, Santa's here.

Hey! What are you doing here?

It's so good to see you! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Wow! Look at this place! This is crazy!

Didn't I tell you?

Find her a place to sit down.

Are you okay, Kathy?
Yeah, are you okay?

She's fine.

You're fine, right?

Hey! What are you doing here!

What are you doing here?

I wanted Amy and John to see this.

I come down here every year all by myself,

just for a few minutes.

Well, this year, you have friends.

Merry Christmas, Clementine!

I don't believe this.

Me neither. This is crazy good.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Hey, guys!

We found it!

Well, what do you think?

I think there are a lot
of people here, Amy.

Oh, come on. I wanted them to see it!

Merry Christmas!

Yeah. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Uh, I think, um... I think
we have to leave though.

Yeah, we better get you home to
your parents and your grandma.

We need to get me to a hospital.

Um, they are many, many minutes apart.

How many?

Why don't you, like, play
some music or something?

- Wouldn't it be nice to hear
some music, Kathy? - Yeah.

Oh, my God, I hope she doesn't
make it to the hospital.

It's like the birth of Christ

and we're the three wise women!

Uh, it would not be wise to
have a baby in the toy store.

We have to get her to a hospital.
She's what, ?

I don't believe I did this.
I don't believe I did this.

We saw your car, so we drove in.

No! No!

Hey! Merry Christmas, guys!
What's going on?

What's going on is that Kathy's in there

and she's having a baby

and for some reason the
ambulance isn't here

and we can't get our cars
out of this parking lot.

And now you can't either!

Hmm. Never drove here before.

Yeah. Me neither.

Where are they?
Sir, we're having trouble

finding Hedy's Happy Holiday House.

We don't have a listing for it.

Are you sure you don't have an address?

They're not even on the way!
Oh, my God.

No. There's no address on the building!

Cross street?
I don't know.

It's just blocks from juvie hall.

The old one or the new one?

There's a new one?
It's near the old one.

All right, we're working on it.

Are you anywhere near the stockyard?

The what?

I think I see the stockyard.

Was there an ambulance or not?

They're working on it.

Just look at this place!

Oh, dear. I can't have a baby in here.

I'm going to be in so much
trouble with my parents

and with her parents.

All right, let's go, everyone.

Are they sending in a wheelchair,
or a stretcher, or something?

Yeah. Is somebody coming in for her?

Uh, no. I think we're gonna
need to walk her out.

What? Why is that?

Thank you for coming to our rescue.

Oh, it's what I do. Rescue the women.

Okay, well, thanks.

And, uh, I guess everybody
will be back to get their cars

once they get Kathy checked
in at the hospital.

So, uh...

I'm off duty. Um...

I'm going to meet my brothers
at this little diner.

It's kind of a Christmas tradition.

Would you care to join me?
Oh. Um...

I don't know. Maybe.

Come on, get in the holiday spirit.

They serve a traditional
Christmas dinner all night.

What about pumpkin pie?

Do they have pumpkin pie?

Of course.

You can't have Christmas
without pumpkin pie.

Okay. Well, then I'm in.

All right.

After you.

Hey, will you help me out here!

Hey! What are you doing here?

What am I doing here? It's
Christmas Eve, you dummy.

Get the food and the gifts out of the car.
Is everybody here?

Well, not everybody.

It took me six hours to get here.

The traffic was insane.

Oh! Mom!

Hi, George.
Hey, Mimsy.

Merry Christmas. You want a drink?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

George! She's on medication.

Well, look at that!

I didn't know we had company.

You are so pretty!

I mean, darling, you are rely pretty!

Is this your wife?

Uh, I was.

Oh, so was she.

I thought this was a family dinner.

That's tomorrow night. Over at Amy's.

And I'm not invited,

so we thought we'd have
our Christmas tonight.

I, uh, dropped Tom off
with Grace at the hospital

and then we're picking them up later,

and then we're going to church,

and I think I'll go change.

Tomorrow night?

It's Christmas Eve.

We've always gotten
together on Christmas Eve.

Hey, not my idea, it was
your daughter's idea.

And by the way, your

girlfriend's not invited
tomorrow night either.

Oh, yes she is!

We're doing family dinner tonight

and then tomorrow night, we're
spending Christmas together.

Not at Amy's.
This totally...


I'm going to go put Robie down.

Oh, that woman is such a whiner. I mean...

I thought she would never
shut up about the traffic.

I mean, six hours in a car with that woman.

Merry Christmas, indeed.

Are they gone?

Afraid not.

She wasn't supposed to
be here till tomorrow.

I guess Amy didn't make that clear.

Guess my Christmas present to
you is just gonna have to wait.

Mine as well.

Guess we missed our window of opportunity.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

I've got an hour or so before
I have to pick up Grace.

Anne said she had some food in the car.


Crackers? Gum? Chips? Cookies?

Yeah, I'll have some cookies.

I'm hungry.

How long have I been asleep?

A long time, buddy.

What's today's date?

It's Christmas Eve.

It's Christmas Eve?

Oh, my God! Grace!

Wake up!


He woke up.


Jack. Jack woke up.

Are you sure?

He was talking to me!

Look, Tom, I know you're just
trying to make me feel better,

but please, you don't
have to make things up.

No. It's true. He said he wanted cookies.
He's hungry.

You got to believe me.

Okay, Tom, I believe you.

We're gonna have to get
going to church soon.

I'm staying right here in
case he wakes up again.

Yeah. Okay.

Hi. We're with Kathy. She's .

I think her parents are
here already somewhere.

Well, get her in here.
We've been waiting on you.

So you're really not going
to ask me to marry you?

I got you a cashmere sweater, I swear.

That's the same thing I got you.

And there's no ring?

Oh, man. I told you, you have
to say yes to me in private

before I'm giving you a ring in public.

I don't want to be completely humiliated.

It's bad enough my entire family
knows I asked you months ago.

I hope they didn't tell my parents.

This is why you're not getting a ring.

All you're getting is that
cashmere sweater and all my love.


You can't beat going to that toy store.

That was amazing.
Yeah, it was.

All right. Let's go in, I'm starving.

And as soon as I eat, we are leaving.

Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.

Come on.

Oh, I like this. It's like a treasure hunt.

I told you she'd have fun.

She loves everything.

It's so fun to give something to someone

who hasn't had anything.

As opposed to me?

Well, I did have a little
trouble shopping for you.

We both did.

I get a treasure hunt, too?

I have arrived!

Ready, everyone?

We're ready. Are you ready?

I don't know. What's in there?

Well, open it and see. But, um, watch out.

Is something going to jump out at me?

It could, you never know.

All right. On the count of three.

One, two, three.

A kitten! You got me a kitten!

Didn't you say you wanted a kitten?

Only all my life.

I know you'll take good care of her.

What are you going to name her?


You never got me a kitten.

Go find your gift.
Uh, I don't want a kitten.

I know that.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for everything.
You saved my life.

And the kitten's life, too. She's a rescue.

Merry Christmas, Patches.

Just stay out of my den. Oh, yeah.

Always wondered what the box step was.

It's a box.

Two, three, four. Uh-oh. Wrong way.

Just like old times.

It's nothing like old times.

It's nice to have the girls
out of the house, isn't it?

I hope Sugar Plum is enjoying
a big Italian Christmas.

I'm sure she is.

And if she isn't...
We don't have to hear about it.

Thanks for sharing dinner with Kathleen.

Yeah, I saw her in her Santa's helper suit.

She looked like she
needed something to eat.

I'm sorry if I interrupted anything.

Are you?

Eh. There's always New Year's.

Merry Christmas, Anne.

Merry Christmas.

Holy smokes!

Did you know about this?

Know about it?
He let us pick it out.

Yeah, only I picked out
something else and so did Henry

and your dad went crazy and got this!

This is insane!

Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.

Cleared it with your parents, not to worry.

This is crazy!



Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Nice touch, Dad. This is unbelievable.

Hey, you're graduating this year.

Who knows where you're
gonna be next Christmas?

Maybe home, maybe halfway around the world.

So enjoy it.

And you buy the next one.

Thank you, Dad. This is
the best Christmas ever.

Come here, Mom.
Oh, don't make me cry!

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

How did you get this in here?

When did you get this in here?

Wasn't me. Must have been Santa.

Merry Christmas, Ricky.

Merry Christmas.

I am telling you, he woke up!

Wake up, damn it! It's Christmas.

Tom, we have to go.

Jack's dad is expecting us at church,

and then he and Jack's mom
will come back over here.

But he was awake!

He asked for cookies!

Jack, you want cookies?


Thank you! Thank you!

Hi! Hi!

I love you!

Okay. I love you, too.

Jack, are you okay?

Yeah. I'm a little thirsty.
You're thirsty? Thirsty? Okay.

He needs water. Someone get him water!

Stat! Please, water, water!

Can we get some water in here, please?

We, uh, we're here with Jack,

we've got some good news, get over here.

What's the good news?

Jack, you've been in a coma.

Did we win?

Yeah... Yeah, we did.

Merry Christmas.

It's Christmas?

It's the best Christmas ever.

It's a miracle!

You ready?

Yeah. I am.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

Call me.

Meet your parents, baby girl.

Thank you, Kathy. Thank you.

I'm sorry things didn't
go quite like we planned

and that you didn't get to see her...

That's all right, that's
perfectly all right.

You did a good job.

Hello, my beautiful daughter.

Are you okay?

I promise I'll be a good father to her.

And I promise I'll be a good mother.

I know you'll both be good parents.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Kathy.

Merry Christmas. And Happy Hanukkah.

Happy Hanukkah.


Do you want to know what
we're going to name her?

I had this aunt who was
crazy about Christmas.

She had what she called
a toy store downtown,

but it was really more of an art exhibit.

Every year on Christmas Eve,
she would leave it unlocked

so anyone who dared come in,

they could take just a little something.

After she passed away, Jonathan
decided to keep it up,

keep the tradition going.

It was such a beautiful
gift to the community.

She was such a lovely woman.

Your aunt's name wasn't Hedy, was it?



It means delightful and sweet.

And that's what she is.