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02x07 - The Field Trip

Posted: 07/03/21 06:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on High School Musical:
The Musical: The Series...

Oh, my gosh, that's Lily.

When North High released

its flawless Beauty
and the Beast promo,

I was offended,
as Zack Roy's former lover,

and distraught,
as his current enemy.

But none of that matters
when you've got a cast

who's gonna make
Alan Menken himself weep.

Well, most of the cast.

Not to mention a song
about a flower

that's gonna make
the competition wilt.

Yes, and...

Maybe we should take a break.

It's all smooth sailing
from here on out.

Good morning, East High!

Welcome to the East
High Morning Show.

- I'm Gina Porter.
- And I'm EJ Caswell.

And we're co-hosting the
first-ever East High Morning Show.

'Cause I'm president
of the AV club.

I'm his only friend
who agreed to do it.

That's right. Back to you, Gina.

Thanks, EJ.
Now, for our first-ever guest.

You know her from The Rose Song

that's been blowing up
the East High Instagram.

Oh, uh, quick reminder,

tickets for Beauty and the
Beast go on sale next week.

Hmm, that's right, EJ.

Now, please welcome
Nini Salazar-Roberts.

Hey, guys! Thanks for having me.

This just in...

Nini's song has
over , views,

making it the most viewed post
in drama club Instagram history.

Are you serious?

Songwriting skills,
universal acclaim...

Nini, how does it feel
to be you right now?

Uh, feels good.

It feels amazing!

The song just poured out of me.

I had no idea it would
connect with people this way.

I mean, yes,
I was upset at first

that Carlos posted
it without asking,

but now I'm glad he did.

And Ricky has been
over-the-top supportive.

It's just been...

It's been a lot.

So what was the songwriting
process like for you?

I was actually inspired by my...

- Hey, is that Nini on the TV?
- Yeah, and she's killin' it.

...really being a boss...

Wait. Are you actually fine
with the song not being a duet?

What else would I be?
Hurt? Offended?

It's a show tune, Big Red.

It doesn't actually
mean anything.

But it means so much to me.

So thank you guys
both for your support.

- Well, there you go. Uh, I'm EJ.
- I'm GP.

Good morning, East High!

Come on.

Everyone, attention please!

I'm sure you're
wondering why I called

this special midday
drama club meeting.

Oh, are you announcing
the fall musical?

I vote Dear Evan Hansen.

No, Seb. It's March.

And the rights won't be available
for five years. I tried.

I am announcing that

we are in such a good place
after our improv workshop.

We're getting one step
closer to Menkies gold.


And today,
our wonderful actor/designer,

Kourtney Greene, is going to
show you your completed costumes!

Oh, my God.

Speech! Speech!

Okay, um,
guess I'm making a speech.

I'm super excited for you all
to see your costumes because...

Oh, uh, sorry, that's Howie.

Okay, so we set these as
our personalized text tones

because he was laughing about
something the other day,

and he made this
cute little noise,

it was like...
You know what I mean?



with your costumes this
semester, I really tried to...

Can you not keep your phone
on silent in rehearsal,

like everyone else?

"Sorry, everyone,"
is what Carlos would say

if he were more like me.

Okay, Kourt, I am sorry, but

listen to this caption
from North High.

"It took people over
hours to create our Belle dress.

"Beast costumes ever."

- Terrible pun.
- Lame.

On the day that we're
unveiling our costumes?

How did they know that?

They've been trolling
us for weeks, you guys

and I'm trying to not
let it get to me...

Oh, my God,
is your phone hungry?

I don't understand
what I'm hearing.

Okay, okay,
let's get back to our costumes.

Go ahead, Kourt.

Anyway, took me a while,

but I built you some abs

that would make
Captain America proud.

I have abs.

EJ, everyone has abs.

These are Kourtney originals.

I also padded the tush for you.

Oh, thanks,
I actually need that.

This is amazing, Kourt.

Oh, no problem.

And every Gaston needs a Beast.


Oh, that's weird.
Your mask should be here.

has anyone seen a Beast mask?

Haven't seen it.

We're too busy being
obsessed with our costumes.

You guys...

I know where our Beast mask is.

- What is...
- Wait...

What... I don't get it.
Can you just...

What are we looking at?

Look at the trunk.

- Still don't know...
- That's our trunk.

I don't see...

Hello? That is obviously Beast
fur. Look, it all makes sense.

Our mask just
happens to go missing

on the same day they post this?

They snuck in here and took it.

I hate to say it,

but that did kind of look
like a Beast mask to me.

Classic Beast.

Do you really think
they'd steal from us?

I would.

No, I mean, I used to
be that kind of person,

before the present day.

We have to get even, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Miss Jen, you have to
at least say something.

Guys, guys, guys. Enough.

Do you really think North High

would stoop so low
as to sneak in here,

break into the costume room,
and steal Kourtney's work?

And they just posted
something new, captioned,

"North High's gonna steal
your heart this spring."

Are they a witch? How do you
explain these coincidences?

It's just that, a coincidence.

Now, I want you kids to
keep looking for that mask

and let the rest go.

As I learned when I appeared in

a regional production
of Anything Goes

opposite a woman who
once sued me for libel,

you should never
dance with the enemy.


Yes, Miss Jenn.

Thank you.

The plan is simple.

Based on that Instagram post,

the mask has to be in
their costume shop.

We know from their
Instagram overshares

that North High has
dance rehearsal today,

so they'll be in
their dance studio.

They have their
own dance studio?

We're raiding their costumes

and not leaving until
we have our mask.

Isn't this kind of trespassing?

It'll be fine.

There'll be people still
here after school for clubs.

We'll blend in.

Though, Ashlyn, you may have taken
the camouflage thing too far.

No, today, I am Diane.

I play volleyball,
and I love North High.

Diane, is it?

How would you feel about
dating a guy from East High?

Oh, a forbidden romance.

Who's gonna be the lookout?

I'll do it.

If you leave me unsupervised
with their costumes,

I cannot promise I won't
go all Gina . in there.

Just stay calm and act natural,

You got this. Everyone ready?


- What team?
- Wait, maybe we shouldn't yell.


- Let's go.
- Strong start.

I have decided to
come talk to Zack.

Not because I suspect foul play,

but because I despise
bad sportsmanship.

This competition between our
kids has gotten out of hand.

Now you may be wondering,

am I nervous to be seeing my ex

and his unrealistically
beautiful face?

Not at all.

I'm a modern woman.
I love my job.

And I have recently made
the exciting decision

to open a so-called
savings account.

I am not the same
person Zackey knew,

and he can't get under my
skin the way he used to.

I just need five more minutes.

Starting now.

Hey. Haven't seen you before.

I'm super new.

What's your name?


Wow, that is actually
my great-aunt's name.

Amazing story.

Okay, well, it was nice meeting
a fellow North High student.

Can I get your Snap, or...

Hey, babe.


I'm so glad you're here.

we still on for risotto later?

You know I would never
miss risotto night.

And that's my cue.

Okay. Risotto?

I guess Miss Jenn's improv
class really paid off.

Yes, and also made you weirder.

what are you even doing here?

I felt bad that you got
stuck here alone on lookout.


Oh, that's, um...
That's sort of sweet.

Well, hey, what are fake
boyfriends if not sort of sweet?

I just...

Want risotto?

Yeah. Me, too.

Okay, I need to sit down.

These expensive costumes
are bumming me out.

You guys, my song has been
viewed, like, , times now.

- No way.
- That's cool.

I keep getting all
these DMs saying

I should start a separate
account for my music.

Is that something
you want to do?

I don't know.
It seems scary, right?

I'm a little scared right now.
Does that count?

Oh, Howie.

I'm sorry, but is this normal?

To not know someone very long,

but already feel like
you know them so well?

Sorry. Bad timing?

- Kourt?
- What?

The box you're sitting on
has fur stuck in the lid.

- Open it.
- Uh! You open it!


Why am I scared?

It's just a bunch of very
expensive-looking wigs.

I want one.

I can't with this
school's costume budget.

So where's the Beast mask?

Hello, Wildcats.


So, basically,
what I'm saying is that

I think we can agree it's
our job to keep morale up,

and it's better for everyone
to just focus on the show,

don't you think?

Why are you giving
me handsome eyes?

do you remember the cast party

the first night
after Guys and Dolls?

The food, the music,
the ambiance?

It was like we were the only
two people in that Denny's.

The point is,
now my kids are convinced

that your students
took our Beast mask,

which doesn't even
sound that crazy,

since you did steal our show.

And that song we learned for
the senior year talent show.

God, we were great.
Maybe the greatest.

But it's not about the mask,
of course.

It's about the spirit of fair
play and, and friendship.

Yeah, it's just too bad you
bailed on the big night.

Okay, what?

I bailed because I caught you
making out with Valerie Prescott

ten minutes before
we had to go on.

Come on, Jennie,

a true professional would
have gone on anyway.

You didn't want to
because you knew

I would out-sing
and out-cha-cha you.

Excuse me?

You didn't have the chops.

You didn't then,
and you don't now.

Oh, I have the chops.
I have all of the chops.

Well, I still have the music.

Prove it.

What are you all doing here?
Scoping out the competition?

We came for our Beast mask.
We know you took it.

Pardon me, but our costumes
are most excellent.

Why would we steal your mask,

when it is so, uh...

I... We do not have a
word for this in France,

but in America,
I believe you say "fugly"?

What did you call my work?

- Quoi?
- Look, I'm sure your mask is supes cute.

But we're just in
different leagues.

I mean, we're literally a
quasi-pre-professional theater company,

and you guys put on shows
based on made-for-TV movies.

Now maybe you should listen to
your precious High School Musical

and stick to the stuff you know.

Oh, yeah?
What if we bop to the top?

Honey, no.

Let's just wait for the Menkies.
We'll see who's in what league then.

Or we could find out now.

What does that mean?

We challenge you to a good
old-fashioned dance-off.

Really? A dance-off?

A what?

A school-versus-school dance-off

to a Beauty and the Beast
song chosen at random.

You'll do your version,
and we'll do ours.

We'll see which school
has what it takes.

No costumes, no makeup,
just talent.

I'm sorry, no. That's weird.

Super weird.

Even for me. Let's go, guys.

Classic East High.

Walking out of here with
your tail between your legs.

Just like your Miss Jenn did
when she gave up on Broadway.

And, you know, let's be honest,

maybe your Belle
just can't cut it.

No, I'm sorry,
but nobody out-Belles our Belle.

We are doing this.

Good. Ten-minute warm-up,

then we settle this,

I don't think this
is a good idea.

We have to defend
Miss Jenn's honor!

But Miss Jenn is the one who told
us not to dance with the enemy.

She's better than this.


Think I won't keep up?

Got a lot to prove

But you ain't ever seen everything
I can do, let me show ya

Oh, no, I'd never say that

Right now,
you're bringing me back

And it's never ever
been me versus you No

Always setting fires
whenever we're put together

We can't even be
in the same room

Can't even pretend that I
can't get you out my head

'Cause I'm
overthinking 'bout you

Why do I always get like
this Whenever I'm around you?

- Around you - When I'm around,
round you

And how do you get under my skin

When I don't wanna let you in

Let's face it

That maybe we like this
as much as we hate it

And I can't take it

Why does it always come to
this Whenever I'm around you?

Whenever I'm around you

Going head to head
Gotta watch my back

Better watch your back

'Cause I've seen it all
before Looking at our past

- Ooh,
you're so dramatic - I'm not

Just stop Gonna lose my head

It's like you're trying to
push me right to the edge

Always on the wire
whenever we get together

We can't even be
in the same room

Same room

Can't even pretend our
situation will get better

I'm overthinking 'bout you

Why do I always get like
this Whenever I'm around you?

Around you

And how do you get under my skin

When I don't wanna let you in

- How does it get like this?
- Let's face it

That maybe we like this
as much as we hate it

- And I can't take it -
I can't take it

Why does it always come to this

- Whenever I'm around you -
Whenever I'm around you

Whenever I'm around you

Around you

- Whenever I'm around you -
Whenever I'm around you

Whenever I'm around you

- No, I can't be around you -
I can't be around you

- But I wanna be around you -
I wanna be

Around you

Yep. Still got it.

Okay, I think I'm ready.
Let's do this.

Ricky Bowen, right?

I have something to say to you.

That you're a huge traitor?

Okay, I actually wanted
to pay you a compliment.

Yeah, right.

Like what?

Well, I was going to say

that, competition aside,
I think it's really cool

how you're handling
your girlfriend

stabbing you in
the back like that

with that quasi-viral
song of hers.

What are you talking about?
I love Nini's song.

but do you love the lyrics?

"I won't be confined
to your point of view.

"I'm done living
my life for you."

Does that really sound like
a Rose talking to a Beast?

Sounds more like a girl
who wants some space.

Anyway, let me know if you're
looking for one who doesn't.

Forgive me for saying,

but it is a pity to be dancing

against such a
beautiful mademoiselle.

I don't know what your game is,

but I'm loyal to
East High forever.

Though, objectively,
your accent is amazing.

Merci. I'm glad
you appreciate it,

I have had a hard time
connecting with people

since my English is,
you know, not so good.

Okay, yeah,
I didn't think about that.

Living in a new country
must be very challenging.

I'm sorry.

Well, perhaps we could,
uh, go for a...

How do you say... Um, date?

That is very sweet, um,
but I have a boyfriend.

Of course. I should have known.

I assume it is that
dashing young man

who looks like Tom
Holland on stilts.

Ricky. Oh, no.

Oh, I see.

It must be him, then.

That is % my cousin.

Um, my guy's over there.

I see. I see.

Now remember,
my English is not so good,

so if I say something rude,
it is by accident.

That man looks ridiculous, and
you should dump him and date me.

Okay, everyone.

Warm-up is over, gather around.

What the...

I will now press shuffle
to choose the song.

After which, I will prepare
a dance remix of the song,

since I, on occasion, DJ.

Ah, of course he's a DJ.

Non, monsieur, I DJ,
but I would not say I am a DJ.

Thanks for the clarity.

Everyone ready?

And it's...

- The Mob Song.
- Yes!

- The first one!
- Sucks!

I knew you all didn't
like The Mob Song.

- It's not really a dancing song.
- It's boring!

- Well, I mean...
- It's fine, guys. We're East High.

We can make anything work.

Yeah, we can.

Open the curtain.

- What?
- Oh, my goodness.

- Oh, my gosh.
- What?

- You're kidding.
- What the...

- We didn't even...
- What kind of budget...

- Look at that mask.
- Can you see this?

That's like Broadway...

Is it just me, or is all of
this, like, off-the-rails insane?

Honestly, if you don't
wanna do it with us,

you could always take off.

Don't want you to feel confined.

Wait, what?

This is a bad idea.

Okay, now that's...

That's a Beast mask.

May the best school win.

Places, please.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Oh, my God.
- Come on.

Through the mist,
through the woods

Through the darkness
and the shadows

It's a nightmare but
it's one exciting ride

Say a prayer Then we're there

At the drawbridge of a castle

And there's something
truly terrible inside

- It's a Beast
- He's got fangs

Razor-sharp ones

Massive paws k*ller
claws for the feast

Hear him roar See him foam

'Cause we're not Coming home,
till he's dead

Good and dead

k*ll the Beast

Light your torch
Mount your horse

Screw your courage
to the sticking place

We're counting on
Gaston to lead the way

Through a mist, through a wood
We're within a haunted castle

Something's lurking that
you don't see every day

It's a Beast One as
tall as a mountain

We won't rest till
he's good and deceased

Sally forth, tally-ho Grab
your sword, grab your bow

Praise the Lord and here we go

No one's safe until he's dead

He'll come stalking us at night

Set to sacrifice our children
To his monstrous appetite

He'll wreak havoc on our
village If we let him wander in

So it's time to take
some action, boys

It's time to follow me

We don't like what we don't
understand In fact, it scares us

And this monster is
mysterious at least

Bring your g*ns,
bring your knives

Save your children
and your wives

We'll save our
village and our lives

We'll k*ll the Beast!

Hearts ablaze Banners high

We go marching into battle

Unafraid, although the
danger's just increased

Raise the flag Sing the song

Here we come with strong

And Frenchmen can't be wrong

We'll k*ll the Beast!


Of course he's the
one to catch her.

He's not Superman,
he's just a super man.

Let's get out of here, guys.

For the record, we won.

Are you serious?

Just because
someone almost fell?

Yeah, did you see Gina's moves?
No way you beat that.

Maybe we should have figured
out some sort of points system?

You know what? It's fine.

Let her say they won.
This dance-off doesn't matter.

The Menkies matter,
and we're gonna win that,

because we've got one
thing you don't have.

The sympathy vote?

No. Nini's Rose Song.

Yes, we do.

Sorry, not sorry, Wildcats,

but if you perform
her song in your show,

you will be disqualified
from the Menkies.

- Are you serious?
- Since when?

You can't alter the
original Menken text.

Well, let's just do it anyway.

Stick to the plan
and take the risk.

And risk letting them win?

Isn't there a sports
metaphor for this?

- EJ, you had one job!
- Really?

- EJ!
- Great job.


I mean, what if the song

didn't really fit in the
show anyway, you know?

Seems a little heavy.

Let's go.

First the Beast. Now this?
Are you kidding me?

I've missed you, Jennie.

You know,
maybe I should talk to my kids.

I'd really like to see North
High and East High be friends,

at least peers.

You know, get along.

And maybe we could, too.

It's been such a long time.

All right.

Twist my arm.

Let's sing something else,
and then call it a night.

- Is your sheet music in the...
- No, I...

It was you.

You took the mask.

Jennie, I know I...

It's a contest, Jennie.

Isn't everything?

It is now.

Goodbye, Zack.

Nini, wait!

I just don't get it, Ricky.

Why would you pretend to be
supportive and happy about my song?

Okay, I wasn't pretending,
I was trying.

I knew it. I knew you were upset
about not being in the song.

I don't care about
being in the song.

I'm just a little relieved that

the whole school's not
gonna hear my girlfriend

singing about being
kept under glass.

It's just a song, Ricky.

A song can mean everything.

I guess we're not boyfriend
and girlfriend anymore.

Yep. Just co-anchors.
Back to normal.

Back to you, EJ.

Good morning, East High!

I'm sorry.

I got caught up in the heat
of the moment, Big Red.

Wouldn't you rather
call me Rouge Grand?

It's pronounced "Grand."

That was the wrong thing
to say right now. I see it.

I don't even know

how I'm going to explain
all this madness to Howie.

I'm heading into date
night with stories.

And send it.


Let me explain.

Don't bother.

Oh, my God.

Hey, world!

Welcome to my first
video on this account.

I'm posting here
because a few of you

asked me to share
some more of my music,

and I didn't wanna mix it
with my, like, life stuff,

so here goes.

I hope you'll support me
and what I have to say.

And I should probably
start with my name.


I'm Nina.