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01x09 - Spy-anoia Will Destroy Ya

Posted: 07/04/21 06:28
by bunniefuu
I have your essays, and I
must say I was underwhelmed.

(Thinking) Underwhelmed?

Pshh! Can't be talking about me.

I whupped that essay's behind!

Okay, I got a... "B"?

He gave me a "B"?

Any good English teacher would
know that I deserve an "A".

Unless... this guy's not a teacher at all.

I bet he's an undercover agent

sent here to get information on me.

I bet that moustache isn't even real!

That man is a spy!

K.C., shh! What... No one can hear me.
I'm in my own head.

(Bell rings)

Mr. Enright, can I ask you a question?

I'm sure you can, but may you?


Just a little English teacher humor.

Ask me anything, K.C.

Glad you feel that way.

Mr. Enright, if that's even your
real name, who do you work for?

The Arlington Department of Education.

Yeah, let's make this
easy on the both of us.

Who is your contact?


My union rep Harold?

I know who you really are.

And I also know that that moustache is
just as phony as the grade you gave me.

(Ripping sound, Enright screams)

K.C.: My bad.

Woman singing: ♪ Oh,
when danger comes to you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside ya ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
keep their head so cool ♪

♪ I'll always find a way ♪

♪ A way out of the fire ♪

♪ But don't tell nobody ♪

♪ Tell nobody ♪

♪ I'm not perfect ♪

♪ So many things I want to tell you ♪

♪ But I ♪

♪ I keep it undercover ♪

♪ Livin' my life on red alert ♪

♪ Doin' my thing gonna make it work ♪

♪ Know I'm the realest
baby I'm fearless ♪

♪ But I always got your back ♪

♪ Nobody can do it like I can ♪

♪ I gotta find out who I am ♪

♪ Ain't gotta worry about me ♪

♪ It's all part of the plan ♪

♪ I keep it undercover ♪

♪ I keep it undercover cover ♪

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.

I can't believe it.

I asked ten girls to the dance,
and all of them said no.

Although a couple used
stronger words than that.

Well, I think you're gonna need my help.

Your dad used to be a playa

from the Himalayas back in the day-a!

All right, your opening line.

Let's hear it. You see a pretty girl...

and you say...


Breathe. Oh, a little strut?

Yeah, playa!

(Clears throat) Did you know
the over-consumption of sodium

is a contributing factor
of pediatric hypertension?

You can't be serious.

No, it's true. Studies prove it.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Okay, listen to me.

Rule number one for getting
a date... compliments!

Watch this. (Clears throat)

Well, hello there.

Are you an unpaid parking ticket?

Because you have "fine"
written all over you.

Oh, good grief!

Ernie, just be yourself.

That way, any girl who likes
you will like you for you.

Now, let's get going.

K.C. got in trouble at school.

K.C. got in trouble at school?

Must be "opposite day."

Which means all the girls that said
no must have really meant yes.

I have so many dates!

Except a date with reality.

So, Mr. Enright gives you a "B", and
all of a sudden, you think he's a spy?

I know it sounds a little wacky, but
what do we really know about that guy?

He's been teaching at
the school for years.

That's called "deep cover."

You really believe that when you were a
baby, enemy agents planted a teacher

at your future high school on the
off chance that you'd become a spy?

That's how good they are.

What the heck am I saying?

What is going on with me?

Honey, this happens to a lot of new spies.

It's called spy paranoia.

Also known as "spy-anoia."

No one calls it that.

It could catch on.

Wait, so I'm just being paranoid?

All new agents go through a phase
where they think everyone I a spy.

We're trained to be alert
about everything and everyone.

You just got carried away.

With your spy-anoia.

I know you're anoia-ing me.

Heh, now who's making up words?

Wait a minute.

How do I know that I'm
really being paranoid?

Maybe you guys aren't even my parents.

Maybe you're just telling me I'm paranoid

because you think that...
Oh, wow, how do I fix this?

All: Ohm... Ohm...


You know what?

I don't feel paranoid at all.

(Groaning) Oh, good. I'm done.

Whew! From now on, the only chakra
I'm interested in is Chakra Khan.

Sorry I'm late.

I was with my new girlfriend,
and we lost track of time.

Pfft! (Laughing)

Are you kidding?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Girlfriend?

Okay, um, here's a little spy tip, okay?

When you're coming up
with a good cover story,

you probably want it to
be somewhat believable.

Hi, everybody, I'm Jolie.

And this is my sister K.C.

Oh, Ernie's told me so much about you.

So, how did you two kids meet?

Oh, I just moved here.

Today was my first day of school.

I was so nervous, until I saw Ernie
and thought, boy, he's cute.

I'd sure like to meet him.

So I went over, and we started talking.

Yeah, we made chitchat. As you do.

And he started talking about the dangers
of sodium and pediatric hypertension.

And I was all, like, "Wow, this guy's
not only gorgeous, he's smart, too."

(Mouthing words)

In other words, he won her
heart by being himself.

Jolie's an "A" student, and at her old
school, she lettered in four sports.

(Gasps) Ernie, stop it.
You're embarrassing me.

I'm just glad you didn't mention
that I also train seeing-eye dogs,

and I'm first chair on the bassoon.

Well, sweetie, we better hit the
books if I'm gonna have enough time

to help push that whale back
into the ocean before curfew.

Ernie: Let's go. See ya.

So nice meeting you guys.

What a cute couple!

I knew he had it in him.
I knew he had it in him!


What? What's wrong?

Okay, you guys are messing with me, right?

Come on! Jolie...

She's just so whoo! Yeah! You know?

And Ernie's just kinda...

Not following.

Okay, let me just spell
it out for you guys, okay?

Jolie is smart, she's
beautiful, interesting.

And Ernie...

He's Ernie.

Yeah, well, we Cooper men have a knack
for attracting beautiful women.

I remember this one hot girl I dated...
And you married her.

No, no, this one was...

Yes, I married her! Yes, yes...

Jolie is clearly an undercover spy
here to get information on us.

You're being ridiculous, K.C.

That girl could not scream spy more
if she stood on a street corner

with a sandwich board that said "I'm a spy"

written on both sides
while repeatedly screaming,

"I'm a spy" at the top of her lungs!

Sweetheart, remember what we talked about?

Spy paranoia?


It's not gonna catch on!

Not with that attitude it won't!

Honey, pull yourself together.

You're right.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Yeah, do some of those.




Totally gonna expose that little spy.


I am finally the head of the
decorating committee for the dance,

and what theme do they stick me with?

The I-dees of March.

What does that even mean?

It means you have to stay
awake in history class.

And it's the "Ides" of March, okay?

It was the day that Caesar was stabbed.

How do you dance to that?

And more importantly,
how do you decorate that?

So, the big dance is coming up.

I'm going with my girlfriend.

Have you met Jolie, my girlfriend?

Yep, girlfriend.

We get it. You have a... girlfriend.

Well, we're dating.

I don't want to tie myself down.

Smart, cute, and funny.

(Baby-talking) What other
secrets have you been keeping?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Hey, K.C. Sorry I'm late.

It was my fault.

Oh, hey, Jolie.

Aren't you just like a zit that won't quit!

Just keep poppin' up.

Oh, I'll have to take your word for it.

I've never had a zit.

Anyway, gotta go.

Let me guess, you're gonna go
volunteer at the soup kitchen?

Don't be silly. I do that on Wednesdays.

Bye, ladies.

I don't trust that girl, okay?

Don't you find it a little odd

that suddenly she's
buddy-buddy with my best buddy?

To be fair, I am very likeable.

That girl is a spy, okay?

And she's here to get information
on me and my family.

Why would she go to all of that trouble?

Because that's what spies do.

They gather intel so that
they can find your weakness.

Or she's just your average, perfect,

gorgeous, completely
flawless, all-American girl.

Look, we need proof, okay?

So your assignment is
to bring her to my house.

Wait, so this is like... like a mission?

What's my cover identity?

Someone who brings her to my house.

Can I do it in a Southern accent?


(Southern accent) My,
my, it's hotter up here

than two goats in a pepper patch.

Wow! Cool hangout.

Uh, thanks. Make yourself at home.


Uh... (Nervous chuckle)

Is this one of those cool massage
chairs that you find at the mall?

Because, um, it's not very relaxing.

(Powering down)

K.C., this isn't right.

Even in this harsh lighting,
her skin still looks flawless.

Oh, thank you.

My secret is I absolutely wear no makeup.

Um, what exactly is going on here?

I think we all know what's going on here.

Um, actually, I'm still
a little bit confused.

But I'm just going with it.

Okay, we're just gonna
have a little chitchat.

Who sent you here?

Marisa invited me.

Where were you trained? Tap dance or potty?

You know what? If you're not gonna
talk, you leave us no choice.

(Marisa gasps)

(Beeping, whirring)

What is that thing?

Oh, it's just a little
device I like to call...

The Tickle Taser.

This will get you to talk.

(Electricity crackling)


Who sent you here?

Why are you doing this?

Why are you suddenly friends with Marisa?

What? She's very likeable!


What's going on in here?



We were just doing a
little initiation ceremony.

We were actually welcoming Jolie
into our little circle of friends.

No wonder your circle is so little.

Ernie, please.

Your sister has been torturing me.

I'm not surprised.

She's been torturing me my whole life.

Why would you t*rture my girlfriend?

Ernie, come on.

"t*rture" is such a strong word, okay?

I would prefer "tickling
the truth out of her."

Look, I'm sorry, okay?

I thought she was a spy.

Why would you think that?

Because she's smart, she's funny, and
she's super-pretty, and you're...

Not smart, not funny, not super-pretty?

Exactly. No, that's not what I...

Okay, let's just be honest, okay?

You have a -year dry spell.

And suddenly, out of nowhere,

Jennifer Lawrence Jr.
Magically drops into your lap

after some scintillating
conversation about sodium intake?

Okay, I get it.

Look, I know I'm not exactly the
best-looking guy in school...

or the most athletic.

And I know that a girl like
Jolie is way out of my league.

But what really hurts is that my own sister

didn't believe that a girl like
that could like me for me.


I'm so, so sorry, okay? I feel horrible.

Good. Mission accomplished.

All right...

You know, I gotta say, you and Ernie
are absolutely terrific together.

And I'm really hoping that we can put
this little... incident behind us.

It's not gonna be that easy, K.C..

No worries. At my old school,
I was voted "best forgiver."

First I was mad about all the
attention, but then I forgave them.

Or maybe it will be that easy.

Hey, Ernie, wanna give me a hand?

You are the grill master around here.

What are you talking about?

The last time he used the grill, we
had to get the neighbors a new cat.

I'm just trying to make him
look good in front of his girl.

He doesn't need your help.

She likes him for him.

Just don't let him anywhere
near that propane t*nk.

Excuse me. The grill master's
gotta go do his thing.


So, uh, we're cool?

Everyone makes mistakes.

Look, I don't hold grudges, because
one day I'll make a mistake,

and then, I don't want it held against me.


You really are perfect, aren't you?

Well, I'm too modest to say that,
but, um, I don't mind if you do.


Oh, man, I'm so sorry.

(Speaking Russian) Kakoy
durak. Moya rubashka!


Uh, excuse me. What did you just say?

What? Oh, oh, nothing.

I-I was just clearing my throat.

(Coughing) Moya rubashka.

Oh... (Chuckles)


(Thinking) Clearing her throat, my butt!

I know Russian when I hear it.

She must be a spy.

Ooh, I so want to do
my happy dance right now!

But first, I have to tell Mom and Dad.

Wait, I can't tell them, or
they'll think it's spy-anoia.

Hey... (Chuckles) is catching on.

Okay, I have to get some proof.

And I know just how to do it.


Yes, the secret files are
hidden in my locker at school.

I'll be there in minutes.

Of course no one will follow me.

Uh, hey, guys, I'm gonna just go to the
grocery store and get some lemonade.

But there's plenty right here.

Yeah, I'm kinda in the
mood for pink lemonade.

Oh, well, I guess it never
hurts to, uh, shake it up.

Where the heck are those secret files?

Looking for something?

Oh, K.C. You scared me.

I, uh, thought you were getting lemonade.

Yeah, and what exactly were you doing?

I, um...

had to get my... Spanish textbook.

Oh. From my locker?

And don't you mean your Russian textbook?

Wait, why would I need that?

I speak fluent Russian.


So, now that you've been exposed,

what exactly was your assignment?

To get close to you and your family,

and gather information
about your weaknesses.

Yes! I knew it!

See, I had, like, this gut feeling, and...


And now I got another gut feeling.

I'm gonna take you down.

Bring it.

(Both grunting, shouting)

Ooh, are those the new Laser Stud Earrings?

I've been asking for those for months.

Yes, my handler got me
them for my birthday.

Oh, when's your birthday? Last week.

Oh, happy birthday. Thank you.

I'm gonna get ya!

(Both shouting)

Well, I thought this would go on longer,
but I guess it's time to end this.

(Spray hissing)

Okay... (Grunting)

I don't think so.

Because you're not the
only one with cool jewelry.

K.C., what happened here?

You ruined all of my hard work.

Okay, your hard work.

Marisa, I was right, okay?

Jolie, she was a spy.

I cannot wait to tell Ernie
that she never even liked him,

and she was using him the entire time.

Hey, to soften the blow, why don't
you throw him into a cactus first?

Or, better yet, release a
honey badger on his face.

Yeah, I, uh, see your point.

You know what? New plan, Red.

You're going back undercover
for one final mission.

I'm sorry I had to end it this way.

You're such a great guy.

I know.

We'll always have Monday.

And most of Tuesday.

(Knock on door)

Oh, hi... Daddy.

So, uh, where's Jolie going?

You're not gonna believe this.

Jolie just got the call from NASA.

She's gonna be the first teen in space.

There's nothing that girl can't do.

Except come up with a believable story.

Excuse me? Oh, nothing.

Uh, I was just saying I know how
much you guys liked each other.

You good?

I will be, I guess.

By the way, I owe you a big apology.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I just... I guess I didn't realize
that my dorky little brother

was turning out to be a pretty cool guy.

We're good.

Hey, are those new earrings?


Just a little something I picked up.

Woman: Rob, your name's on TV!
