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01x27 - K.C. and Brett

Posted: 07/05/21 07:38
by bunniefuu
- Previously...
- I came here to k*ll you.


- I can't do this.
- (Scoffs) Yeah.

If I don't eliminate you, the
Other Side is going to eliminate me.

We can only assume that Brett's gone rogue
or been turned by the Organization.

Your mission is to find them,
and eliminate them both.

Do you know what kind of danger
you put my entire family in?

Guys, he put himself in danger
when he didn't complete his mission.

We have to help him.

KC, look out!



KC! No!


Hey, Drama-rama, little help here?

You're alive.

How did you get out of there in time?

Well, when you go out for chili cheese dogs

with Ernie as much as I have, you get
pretty good at jumping out of cars.

I'm so glad you're okay.

Yeah, no thanks to that
super-psycho girlfriend of yours.

Look, if I were you, I'd break up with her.

On second thought...
that won't be necessary.

We should probably get outta
here. We're safe for now.


(Car starting)

♪ Oh, when danger comes for you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside you ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
keep things hustle cool ♪

♪ I'll always find a way,
a way out of the fire ♪

♪ Don't tell nobody, tell nobody ♪

♪ I'm not perfect ♪

♪ So many things I wanna tell you ♪

♪ But I, I, I, I keep it undercover ♪

♪ Livin' my life, no way to learn ♪

♪ Doin' my thing, gonna make it work ♪

♪ Know I'm the realest,
baby, I'm fearless ♪

♪ But I always got your back ♪

♪ Nobody can do it like I can ♪

♪ I gotta find out who I am ♪

♪ Ain't got to worry about me ♪

♪ It's all part of the plan ♪

I keep it undercover.

I keep it undercover.

Look, the Other Side is not gonna stop

looking for Brett just
because Ursula's toast.

You mean burnt toast.

Okay, we gotta help this boy.

The jukebox.

I'm thinking B- . "I Gotta Get Away."

Okay, I don't think
jammin' out to your oldies

is necessarily gonna help right now.

(Coins drop)

Emergency escape plans.

We each have money, passports, and aliases.

Wait, my alias name is Rocky Blue?

What the heck kinda name is that?

Oh, no worse than mine.

Dwayne Wayne?

I mean, please.

Ernie Cooper?

They didn't even change my name?!

I mean, that's kind of the perfect cover.

No one would ever pretend
to be Ernie Cooper.

You're not gonna be needing it anyway,

because from now on, Brett is Ernie Cooper.

What... is goin' on?

There's a safe house in San Diego.

Here's a burner phone
programmed to one number.

Call it, someone will pick you up,
and get you to the border in Mexico.

I wanna thank you guys for helping me.

Don't thank me.

I voted to turn you
over to the authorities.

- (Bracelet beeping)
- Oh, hologram alert.

It's from Beverly. Hide him.

Hello, Coopers.

Hey, girl.

You know what? It has been too long.

You and I have to get together, go
out on the town, and find you a man.

I have remarried two years ago.

Answer a text, would ya?

There's chatter that Brett
Willis has resurfaced.

Would any of you know about that?


Me? (Stammering) What
would I know about him?

Oh, so we're just pretending that
you didn't come to my office today

and practically beg us to take him back.

Because if we're gonna pretend, this
hair actually grew out of my own head,

and didn't come via two-day shipment.

I honestly have no idea
what you're talking about,

and I have never seen
your hair look better.

If I find out you lied to me about
Brett, you're all on notice.

I don't think it's a good idea
for us to be out in public.

Ernie, it's called hiding in plain sight.

You know, like you do at parties.

When you're there, but no
one actually notices you.

He's right. I should be
getting ready to leave anyway.

It's been nice spending
time with you, babe.

Thanks, Brett. Good
catchin' up with you, too.

(Cell phone rings)

Wait. This is impossible.

Ursula? Wait, is she butt-dialing
you from beyond the grave?

First you chase me off a cliff,
and now you stop taking my calls?

Are you breaking up with me?

If he won't, I will.

- Come on, we gotta get outta here.
- Okay, hold on. Ernie.

Let's go.

Man, we really need to find
a new place to hang out.

I thought Ursula was done-zo.

And I thought fro-yo
was lactose-free.

It's been a pretty awful day of surprises.

We need to get back to your
house and get those documents.

And run the risk of
Ursula following us home?

Absolutely not. I have
a family to think of.

Well, let's at least call your parents.

Look, as much as I don't
want them worrying about us,

I cannot run the risk of someone tracking
us down, so give me your phones.

Because from now on, we're on our own.

Glad I sprang for that upgrade.

How much cash you have on you?

Like bucks.

That's not gonna get us to Mexico.

Now what?

If we can't get you to Mexico, I
think we can get you to Canada.

I have a friend with a cabin by the border.


This is so exciting to be involved
in a major mission like this.

At first, I was all, should
I obey my parents' rules

by not letting any friends at the
cabin, or should I save Brett's life?

Obey my parents' rules, save Brett's life.

Obey my parent's rules, save Brett's life.

Obey my parents' rules, save Brett's life.

I'm starting to wish you'd
obeyed your parents' rules.

Have you guys heard from KC or Ernie?

I'm really worried about my babies.

I know. They should be home by now.

Hey, anything happens to
them, can I have KC's room?

Judy, KC and Ernie could
be in real danger out there.

Maybe now is a good time
to show a little compassion.

Yeah, I can't do that.

What? Emotions are a human thing.

You want a laser blast through
your door, I'm your gal.

You need a flotation device,
don't even have to ask.

You want to have a conversation
about your feelings,

make an appointment with Dr. Gives A Darn.

You know, you may not be
able to feel compassion,

but you should be able
to use that computer brain

to figure out what to
do when someone is upset.

Okay, okay, I get it.

How's this?

Don't worry, Agent Kira.

The chances of anything
bad happening to them are...

(Computer whirring)

...well, you're young.

You can still have more kids.

Okay, um, so we hide a key
under one of these rocks.

This could take a while.

Got it.

I cannot believe that you
told Marisa we're spies.

Bro, relax, okay? Besides,
if you had a friend,

you'd probably do the same thing.

This isn't a joke, KC.

I get why you would hide it from Mom
and Dad, but why didn't you tell me?

Because I didn't want to
make it your problem, okay?

I'm looking out for you,
trying to protect you.

Yeah, well, thanks for nothing.

Look, not only am I a spy,
I'm also your brother.

We're supposed to be a team.

What do you think we should serve
for Brett's going-away dinner?

Pasta in a pouch.

"Best by ."

We should probably put
this in the "maybe" list.

I think I could turn this
cat food into tuna casserole.

And pasta in a pouch it is.

You know, it wasn't cool what
you put my family through.

You know what else isn't cool?

How cool you are.

How are you so cool all the time?

Maybe it's because I don't
care what people think of me.

And you shouldn't either.

People respond to people
who believe in themselves.

Plus it helps I have good genes.


So being cool is hereditary?

No. If you rock a really good pair
of jeans, it gives you confidence.

So what's wrong with my jeans?

Well, they're, uh...

- Food's ready.
- Oh, thank goodness. Let's go eat, man.

Wow, you have really soft hair.

KC, that's the bear.

Oh. Right.

My bad.

Aren't you glad you let me live?

Yeah. You know, I'm glad I got to
spend a little more time with you.

Me, too.

I mean it. It's no secret how I feel.

No, it is not.

To be clear, how exactly do you feel?

KC, you know that I'm in love with you.

Oh. Okay, well, that's cool.

Don't you wanna tell me
how you feel about me?


Um... I...

- Help!
- What's going on?

Moose attack.

How did she find us?

Moose can smell fear.

Not the moose. Ursula!

I am not surprised.

She always was the best
tracker for the Other Side.

Really, Brett? Is now the best time
to sing your ex-girlfriend's praises?

I know you're in there.

Man, that girl just won't die.

What are we gonna do now?

I got ya covered, babe.

Now I see what you mean about
needing the right pair of jeans.

You better get out here
before I sh**t the place up.

I don't mean to be a pain.

I know you guys are, like,
really busy right now.

But I probably should
mention our house rule.

Always leave the cabin in the same
condition as when you arrived.

If anything happens to my
mother's Confucius statue...

Wait. My mom doesn't
have a Confucius statue.


This isn't our cabin.

Well, feel free to sh**t it up!

How did you not know that
this wasn't your cabin?

All these places look the same.
I haven't been here in a while.

You're lucky I found the place.

You didn't find the place.

Marisa, are you okay?

(Speaking gibberish)

Don't worry. I'll get you out of here.

No. Can't move. Not gonna... nuh-uh.

Ernie, I don't think
that's a very good idea.

You don't need to think at all.

I got this.

Ever since I became a spy, everyone
is always trying to protect me.

Always wondering if I could handle things.

Well, guess what.

I can, and I will.

Today, this spy becomes a man.

KC, Brett, cover me.

I said cover me.

Okay, uh... maybe it's the whole
saving my life thing, but I gotta say,

you are a lot cuter than I thought.

Oh, no offense.

- None taken.
- (g*nf*re)

Yes! Yes, he made it out with Marisa.

That is my little bro right there.

Okay, now it's your turn.

I'll cover you, make a run for the car.

Okay, well, it looks like the
car is making a run for us.

KC, I don't know if we can
make it out of here on foot.

Okay, maybe not two feet.

But how about four?

What is your problem?

Something's wrong with this horse.

Yeah, there is.

You don't know how to ride it.

Junior Spy of the Year, my horse's butt.

For your information, I
have ridden a horse before.

Oh, really?

Was it wooden, and went
up and down to music?

It counts.

I'll be fine; I'm a fast learner.

Yeah? Well, hold on tight, babe,
'cause this ain't no merry-go-round.

Come on, she's catching up.

(No audible dialogue)

KC: I believe you're looking for someone.

It's over.

Drop your w*apon.

Now slowly put your hands behind your head.

I was hoping you'd say that.


This isn't over. I'll be back for you.


Brett. Brett, Brett.

Look, you gotta wake up, okay?

Brett! Brett, look, I love you.

Okay, I have loved you from the
moment that I saw you, please.

Now I'm never gonna get
a chance to tell you.

Oh, you don't need to tell me that.

I knew it all along.

I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with me?

You're okay.

Wait, how are you okay?


Laser-proof vest, babe.

Oh, I hate you.

Really? That's funny because I could've
sworn you just told me you loved me.

- So you're okay.
- I'm fine.

How about now?

Well, this is it.

Yeah, I kinda wish there was some way...

There's no going back.
Come on, you know that.


Well, I mean, at least Ursula will report

that you've been eliminated,
and you can go start a new life.

Yeah. I hear Canada has great bacon.

(Both chuckling)

Stay safe... babe.

No goin' back.

(All laughing)

No hug from you, Judy?

Have you just met me?

I'm a robot; I don't do feelings,
I don't do compassion,

and I definitely don't do hugs.

I wish you guys could've seen Ernie today.

I mean he really stepped it up.

Well, I don't like to brag,

but I single-handedly
saved Ma...


I saved mah sister.

That's right. He did.

He saved me.

His sistah.

I'm proud of you, son. Real proud.

- (Bracelet beeps)
- What does Beverly want now?

Coopers, we know you've been harboring
Brett Willis, a wanted fugitive.

Because of your flagrant
dereliction of duty,

you are no longer members
of the Organization.

Wait, we're not spies anymore?

No, you're not.

Man, I was just gettin' good at it.

We're also confiscating all
of the Organization's property,

including your Judy.

- Me?
- What did she do?

Judy's assignment was
to assist the Coopers.

Now that you're no longer
members of the Organization,

- she's being reassigned.
- To where?

That information is classified... civilian.

But I don't wanna be reassigned.

- Craig!
- Judy, we'll figure this out.

Guess robots do hug, after all.

Now what?

Rob, your name's on TV.