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03x08 - Keep On Truckin

Posted: 07/08/21 07:26
by bunniefuu

The Other Side is
negotiating to buy the plans

for a treacherous new w*apon with
the secret code name Storm Maker.

It's satellite-based, and can cause
catastrophic man-made weather disasters.

KC had to steal the plans
for some weather thingy.

- Now she's hiding 'em in her locker.
- Really?

The plans that were in
my locker, they're gone.

It's done.

Marisa's still clueless.

Operation Storm Maker can proceed.

This is gonna be a game changer.

Glad you decided to do the right thing
and come clean to Agent Johnson.

So what exactly are you gonna say?

I'm just gonna be honest.

Say that I failed my mission,

it was my fault that the
Storm Maker plans got stolen,

and I will do whatever I
have to do to make it right.

That's my girl. Honesty
is the best policy.

Get out, Brustrom.

I don't care if you were honest with me.

You failed your mission,
and you can't be trusted.

Plus, I know it was you who took
the last powdered doughnut.

On second thought, I'm gonna lie.

I'm gonna lie straight through my teeth.

Hey, lose the doughnut. Oh, uh...

♪ Oh, when danger comes for you ♪

♪ You know I'll stand beside you ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
keep their head so cool ♪

♪ I'll always find a way,
a way out of the fire ♪

♪ Don't tell nobody, tell nobody ♪

♪ I'm not perfect ♪

♪ So many things I wanna tell you ♪

♪ But I, I, I, I
keep it undercover ♪

♪ Livin' my life, on red alert ♪

♪ Doin' my thing,
gonna make it work ♪

♪ Know I'm the realest,
baby, I'm fearless ♪

♪ But I always got your back ♪

♪ Nobody can do it like I can ♪

♪ I gotta find out who I am ♪

♪ Ain't got to worry about me ♪

♪ It's all part of the plan ♪

I keep it undercover.

I keep it undercover.

We have to find a way
to make this right.

Pin it on Agent Brustrom?

He's already fired.
He's not going to know.


We need to find a way to stop the Other
Side from using the plans they stole.

Ooh, I got it. I got it.

So Storm Maker runs on
a very rare energy source

- called dilithium.
- Dilithium?

How come nothing runs on
triple-A batteries anymore?

Yes, Dad, 'cause a catastrophic
doomsday machine is gonna run on

the same batteries as
your nose hair clippers.

By the way, you might wanna
pick up some of those triple A's.

Where the heck is the Other
Side gonna find dilithium?

Better question is, how are we
gonna find it before they do?

Okay, Dad, I'm gonna need
you to back up a little bit,

'cause I feel like your nose hairs
are tickling the back of my neck.

(Doorbell rings)

(Doorbell rings)

Someone's at the door.

Well, get it.

I'm not getting it, you get it.

(Doorbell rings)

All right, rock, paper, scissors.

Both: Tie.

(Doorbell rings)

One more time.

Both: Tie.

Petey: Judy!! Judy!!

Get the door.

What is it, Petey?

Did you bring my homework home for me?

Yeah, but how come you
didn't come to school today?

You don't look sick.

It was a personal day.

Great-grandma Glenda died.

She was .



As in "Oh, sorry for your loss"?

No, oh as in, "Oh, why
did I open the door?"

Judy, I cannot believe you.

Would it k*ll you to be kinder to Petey?

No. Does it cost anything to
show a little sympathy? No.

Is it conversations like this

that make me want to trade
places with Great-grandma Glenda?


So did the Organization freak
out 'cause you lost the plans

for that Storm Maker machine?

Not at all, because I lied to 'em.

Like I was gonna tell 'em

I brought the plans to a school
dance and they got stolen.

What? KC Cooper told a lie.

What is next, you're gonna
copy my English paper?

Why would I do that? I would just
be copying a copy of my paper.

You know what, sometimes, you gotta lie.

Right, like in first grade,
when Mrs. Andrews said

I would eventually
need math in real life?

Marisa, you need math now.

The lunch ladies are
tired of you coming up with

a big bag of coins, asking
how much will this get me?

Laugh all you want to,
but I had two meatballs

and half an apple for lunch yesterday.

For $ .

Wrong. quarters.

That's $ .

A little lie isn't even gonna matter,

because I'm gonna find
a way to make this right

- with this Storm Maker machine.
- How?

My dad and I found out that
the only supply of dilithium

will be passing through a truck
stop in Knoxville tomorrow.

Wouldn't it be easier to just
order the dilithium online?

Marisa, dilithium is a power source

for the Storm Maker;
it's incredibly rare.

So is % off my mascara, but if you
look hard enough, you'll find it.

All right, anyway, I gotta go.

Where's the check?

Don't worry. I got it.

Look at you paying.

It's like I don't even know you anymore.

Of course. You know,
like, everything about me.

Hey, Brady, it's Marisa.

I just found out something about KC that
you're definitely gonna wanna hear.

But first, does this sound like
enough for a medium pizza?

Got a second, Agent Johnson?

Sure, Ernie. Just let me
finish this work email.

The new laser-proof wetsuit provides
neither the support I need,

nor the comfort I demand.

Mission not accomplished.

So what do you need?

Okay, well, I'm not naming names, but
I'm concerned about one of our agents.

- Which one?
- I'd rather not say.

But what do you do when you're
assigned to work with someone

who's a loud, obnoxious,
rude, cold-hearted windbag?


You named her, not me.

But just to be clear, Judy
is the agent I'm not naming.

Although Lord knows, she's
got a lot of names for me.

So what's Judy done now?

She's not protecting her cover.

Earlier today, she wouldn't even pretend

to care that her best
friend suffered a loss.

Ernie, I know Judy's
incredibly life-like,

but don't forget, she is still a robot.

Her emotional processor
probably just needs an upgrade.

Here, this should dial up her
appropriate emotional responses.

Thanks, Agent Johnson.

Hey, Ernie, before you leave,
could you help me with something?

Just name it.

I'm having a little trouble
getting out of these.

Do me a favor, have Carl
bring up a pair of scissors

and a bottle of corn oil.

Sorry, I just got an assignment to
perform an upgrade. You're on your own.

Why do I need more emotions?

I already have
disappointment in humanity.

That's all the emotion I need.

The Organization ordered this, Judy.

You'll just have to deal with it.

Petey: Judy!!

- (Doorbell rings)
- Judy!!

Let Petey in, and be nice this time.

Hey, Judy.

My mom says I have to stay here while
she reevaluates her life choices.

So what I'm hearing is,
you'll be here a while.

Don't worry. I'm not gonna bother you.

I'll just sit here quietly,

and try not to be upset
about Great-grandma Glenda.

Are you on that again? Petey, I...

I want to apologize for how I behaved.

You were feeling sad, and I
disregarded your emotions.

That is my bad.



I'm saying I'm sorry.

Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I'm
a little scared right now.

Don't be.

We're friends, and friends are the
angels who lift us up to our feet

when our wings have trouble
remembering how to fly.

Mom, Judy's freaking me out!

She's being nice! Mom!!

Hm. Wonder when that emotional
upgrade's gonna kick in.

Cookie, what's goin' on back there?

Did you have drive to
Philly for the cheesesteak?

Calm down. I'm workin' on it.

Workin' or hardly workin'?

Look at all these hungry
people waitin' for their food.

Come on, move it.

No sign of the truck
delivering the dilithium yet,

but I'll let you know if I see it.

Miss, can I please get a menu?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Here ya go.

Uh, I don't think he
was done with this one.

He snoozes, I chooses.

Then what do you recommend?

Eating at a better restaurant.

Yeah, I just found out that KC
is at a truck stop in Knoxville.

I'm flying there now to intercept the
dilithium before she can get it.

The Alternate will not fail.

Uh, Ernie.


Hey, how long have you
been standing there?

Long enough to know you're an enemy spy.

I heard everything you said.

Oh, that's too bad.

I didn't want to have to hurt you.

Hurt me?

You know, on second thought, I
doubt I heard everything you said.

Actually, I think I didn't
hear anything you said.

In fact, I already forgot
what we were talking about.

(Both laughing)

That's right, you forgot.

All right, you ordered
a cup of belch water,

a short stack with skid grease,
and a side of whistle berries.

And for you, the "chicken."

I'm putting quotes around
it because I legally have to.

It's not really chicken. At least,
not the parts you're used to.

Welcome to Mama's Gas N Go,
or as we call it, Mama's Gas.

You'll understand later
when you have to go.

Okay, order in.

Give me a cowboy with
spur and a slab of moo,

let him chew it, and
two cows, make 'em cry.

What the heck does that mean?

That means I want a
western omelet with fries,

rare steak and two
hamburgers with onions.

Why didn't you just say so?

I put on a wig, I'm in character.

You gotta deal with it.

You deal with this...
everyone in here

is getting cold sandwiches,
'cause that's the only thing

I know how to make. Hey, Tillie.

- Gladys.
- Gladys, whatever your name is.

Look, did you find the
truck we're looking for?

No. When I do, I'll let you know.

Okay, good. We need to
finish this mission soon.

I'm starting to sweat like
a sweaty guy in a sweater.

That explains all the "food
is too salty" complaints.

Something wrong with your memory?

You already gave me
the emotional upgrade.

No, I didn't, and there's
nothing wrong with my memory.

Steel trap. Nothing gets out.

Or in.

Upgrade complete.

(Doorbell rings)




I'm so happy to see you!


Anyway, I brought a board game.

It's Bunnies!!! with three exclamation
points, so you know it's fun.

Well, if it'll make you happy,
then let's make you happy.

Judy, why are you still
being so nice to me?

I guess I feel bad about not feeling
bad about Great-grandma Glenda.

Well, she was a great goldfish.

Uh, what now?

A goldfish.

Great-grandma Glenda was a goldfish?

You said she lived to be .

Days. She lived for days.


Are you sad about Great-grandma
Glenda's passing, too?

No, I'm sad because I was
nice to you for no reason.

(Resumes crying)



Do you mind?

I'm tryin' to eat my lunch.

Yes, I do mind. I'm
trying to get my check.

You want a check, sweetie?

Check your attitude.

As I said before, Gladys
is on her lunch break.

I'd like to be on a lunch break.

But you haven't brought my lunch.

I'll get to you when I get to you.

But my blood sugar's
feeling a little low.

Oh, really?

That oughta hold ya.

- Tillie.
- Gladys.

Gladys Tillie, get over here.

The truck just parked.
License plate LMP .

The driver's heading towards the diner.

Okay, keep him busy.
I'll grab the dilithium.


Miss! I'm still waiting on my check.

Um... it's on the house. For everybody.

By the way, don't forget
to tip your waitress, okay?

Gladys may give away free food,
but she don't work for free.

- Hey, where's KC?
- I don't know.

So she's not back from her mission?

I don't know about any mission.

So she didn't get that dilithium thingy?

What dilithium thingy?

Why do you know more about
KC's missions than I do?

And why are you so interested?

It's like you're spying
on her or something.

Okay, spying on KC?!

I don't care what anyone says, Ernie,
you... you, sir, are hilarious.

- So, I'll let her know you stopped by?
- That'd be good.

Brady, it's Marisa.

I didn't find out anything new
about KC's Storm Maker mission.

As usual, Ernie doesn't know a thing.

Marisa's a spy! And so is Brady!

Agent Johnson, it's Ernie Cooper.

Code Red emergency.

The entire Organization
may be compromised.

I better tell you the details in person
in case this channel isn't secure.

Get over here as soon as you can!

Marisa! What are you
doing sneaking around?

I'm getting good at this.

Dad, there's nothing in this truck
except crates full of stuffed bears.

The dilithium must
be inside one of them.

You gotta find it, and quick.

I don't know how long
I can stall the driver.

BEAR: Wuv you. Wuv you.

Wuv you.

I would "wuv" if you
had the dilithium in you.

Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?

Oh, I'm sorry.

You ordered Swiss, and
I gave you American.

Or was it pepper jack?

Any cheese is fine.
Give me back my burger.

No, no, you're a hard-workin' brother,
and you ordered a cheeseburger,

and I'm gonna give it to you
exactly the way you like it,

even if it takes all
day. Bleu cheese, right?

- Swiss.
- Cheddar.

- Swiss.
- Brie. Got it.


Wuv you.

I got it. We're good to go.

I'll just meet you in the diner...

KC, are you okay?


Yeah, I'm fine, but the
truck's getting away.

Don't worry, baby, we'll
get him at the next stop.

No, I'm gonna fix this.

Why can't I just go to a mall

on a Thursday afternoon
like every other teenager?

Hey! Know where I can
get some teddy bears?

Or maybe some dilithium?


Agent Johnson? What are you doing here?

What do you mean? You
called me with a Code Red.

Uhhh... no, I didn't.

I think I'd remember if I'd done that.

It's Agent Johnson!


Thank you sooooo much
for having me built!

What the heck did you do to Judy?

Nothing. Just gave her the
upgrade like you told me to.

I told you to give her
one emotional upgrade,

not turn her into a
greeting card commercial.

Okay, there you go.

Okay, that should reset
her back to normal.

Ew. Why was I hugging you?

I never get this close to people.

Unless it's to flip them on the ground.

Oh, please don't, I had trouble

getting out of a wetsuit,
and I threw out my...


You want me to call Carl?

Call Carl.

KC, KC. You okay? KC.

Yeah, I'll be all right
if you stop slapping me.

I'm fine though.

I'm just a little
bruised especially my ego.

It's okay, honey. I know
you gave it your best.

It's just so frustrating.

I feel like every single mission I've
been going on lately, it goes bad.

It's like somebody's
just one step ahead of me.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Who would be out to get me?

Hey, sorry I'm late, guys.

It's all good. We were just, um...

Okay, uh, what happened to your face?

Uh, God blessed me with great looks.

No, I don't think he did.

I'm talking about the scratches.

Oh, nothing.

I was playing with my
cat and it scratched me.

You have a cat?

Yeah. You remember.

Mr. Whiskers.

Oh! Oh, Mr. Whiskers.

You totally have a cat.

He totally has a cat
with a lot of whiskers,

which is why he named him Mr. Whiskers.

Well, cats will scratch.

You know what? Save your change babe.

I'll pay for this one.

Oh, he'll pay, all right.

He'll definitely pay.

Rob, your name's on TV.