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04x08 - Sweet Justice

Posted: 07/13/21 10:37
by bunniefuu
I wasn't expecting
you all 'til tomorrow.

Of course, we're gonna
help you on your moving day.

And also, we couldn't wait to see it.

Are you gonna let us in?

OK, come in!

Well, you certainly had
your eye on the prize

taking on all those insurance cases.

- All those long hours paid off.
- Where do I put

- this down so we can get to work?
- Oh no, you don't have to do anything.

No, don't
listen to my foolish daughter.

"Many hands make light work."

Ohh, is that your famous potato salad?!

Made with hard-boiled eggs just the way

- you like it.
- And I'm sure

it's delicious, Flo, but it's not quite

as sweet as... Tadaaa!

Bonbon Emporium's candy
sticks?! Mary, those are expensive!

Well, you only buy
your first house once.

There's everything: peppermint, lemon,

- apple...
- Oh, root beer's my favourite!

- Ooh!
- You have no "broughtupsy",

- not before a proper meal.
- Sorry.

We will break bread
and bless this house tonight.

You must be very happy
making Mildred so proud.

I am. You know how hard
it is to impress her.

- I can hear you!
- Sorry.

What was that?

First, they only let us buy here!

Then, they ignore us
when we have a problem!

- Yeah!
- But what is this commotion?

Don't worry, Mom.
We're gonna figure that out.

Well, let's see if they can ignore this!


Oh! She can't do that

- to city property!
- What the hell are you doing?!

You see this?

This community hasn't had
clean water in weeks.

Every time my son Sam
drinks water, he gets sick.

I'm not putting up with it
anymore. None of us will.

That sounds like an issue for City Hall.

They're part of the problem.

We are shuffled
into certain neighbourhoods

like our concerns are
shuffled to the bottom

of the City Hall heap.
I have tried the mayor,

newspapers; nobody will help.

And it figures. I guess
we're on our own, huh?

These two can help.

- Why would you say that?
- We're private detectives.

I'm Trudy Clarke. This is
Frankie Drake. I just moved in.

Not much of a detective, are you?

- What do you mean?
- Have you checked your water?

You're a sucker like the rest of us.

Well, so much for my dream home.

Ugh. Oh...

Well, your pipes
aren't rusty or clogged.

In fact, they're in good shape.

I was afraid you'd say that.

The house has good bones.

Once you unpack and put up
the pictures, perfect.

Yeah, apart from the dirty water.

Well, if it was me,
I'd check the source.

So we've heard.

Trudy, where do these boxes need to go?

Oh. No, don't worry about it. We got it.

What? Upstairs? Basement?


- Thanks, Sebastian.
- What are we going to do?

The new tenants already move
into the old house.

Ma, I'm so sorry. I must have got

all caught up in the excitement
of buying the house.

I saw your list; it was exhaustive.

I checked the faucets;
the water was clean.

I was so careful
before signing that contract.

It must have started
after the inspection.

I gotta say you are
handling this very well.

What am I gonna do if we don't
get to the bottom of this?

When have we never not solved the case?

You know, you and your family
are more than welcome

to stay here. Mi casa es su casa.

Ha! I can hear my mother now.

I don't think so.

I can only imagine the things
Frankie does in there.


All right. Well, according to this map,

- I live here.
- The river system runs

north to south, so whatever is
polluting your home

must be coming from here.

That's gotta be one
of these two factories

close to the reservoir.

Drake Detectives.

Toni! We'll be there.

Looks like Etta got her an appointment

with Commissioner Renforth today at 4.

That gives us
a couple of hours, let's go!

Ellie! What the Dickens
are you doing here?!

A girl can't visit her favourite auntie

- in the big city?
- Well, of course!

- Ohhh!
- Aww!

I missed you, Aunt Flo.

You know, I got to thinking
about our last visit together.

We saw The Pirates
of Penzance, remember?

"In short,

♪ In matters vegetable,
animal and mineral ♪

♪ I am the very model
of a modern major general ♪

♪ He is the very model
of a modern major general ♪

That was the best day of my life.


Ooh! Hmm...

Is that a...

- Well, I am at work, Ellie.
- Right.

And I have interrupted.
I really should have called.

Oh no! That would have
ruined the surprise.

Let me tell you what,
let me slide this guy away,

and we will go and grab dinner.

- Have you ever had Chinese food?
- No.

You know how Mother is.

Speaking of which, how is she?

She says hello.

- That's a first.
- Hm!

How did you convince her
to let you travel here alone?

I'm not a kid anymore.

I don't know why
people can't understand that.

You ladies take a wrong turn?

Actually, we are here to see you.

Haven't we met before? Sure we have.

At that club! Arturo's the name.


Trudy. Arturo, maybe you could

help us out.
Who has access to reservoir?

Just me. Well, and
the odd city inspector.

Is it always locked?

Hey, like Fort Knox, this site.

Some of the neighbourhood kids,
they like to jump the fence.

They're just looking
to cool off. I can't blame 'em.

- The water's nice and fresh.
- You sure about that?

- Why all the questions?
- I live south from here;

the water in my house
isn't safe to drink.

Oh, geez, you don't say.

Do you think the reservoir
could be the source of pollution?

Pond's as clear as day.

Haven't heard a peep about any problems.

Have you thought about talking
to the bootleggers up the road?

- The bootleggers?
- Yeah, just over that hill.

I bet whatever hootch
they're brewing up over there,

there could be some bad runoff.

- Thanks, Arturo.
- Anytime, ladies.

Hey, next heatwave
that hits you, come back.

I hear this water's great
for skinny-dipping.

Or so I imagine.

So that's a maybe.

We've had to boil
our water for weeks now,

and it does nothing.

We pay taxes like everyone else;
we deserve clean water.

I agree with everything
you say, Mrs. Freedman.

There's a water treatment plant
in the works

within the next year, two at the most.

Which really means three.

What do you expect everyone
to do until then?

What about a temporary
filtration system?

City has no budget for that.
Now, listen,

I reviewed your home purchase
contracts. It's black and white.

Unfortunately, caveat emptor.

This is not on us or the homes
we bought; this is on you.

I encourage you to have
patience with the process.

- Security!
- And I encourage you

to enjoy the water you're set
on having us live with.

Get her out of here!

Thank you.

She can't go around assaulting

- City officials.
- I understand,

but you have no idea
what she has been going through

- the last few weeks.
- Will you at least take a look

- at her suggestions?
- Absolutely.

But know that I'm only one man.

Hopefully, the right one.

It's so nice of you
to bring these for me.

Oh, it's my pleasure!

I just devoured these
when I was your age.

The fashion, the celebrity gossip...

So, what's for dessert?

Oh... I don't think
I could eat another bite.

But you should go see what they have.

What's wrong, Flo?
Looks like your cat died.

I called Ellie's mom,

my sister. Ellie lied to me.

This is not an impromptu visit.

She was kicked out.

And according to sister dearest,

she's something of a "hell-raiser".

Oh, dear.

Well, maybe she was embarrassed.

Remember what it was like
being at that age?

I sure do.
But I never ran away from home

or lied to my aunt.

Maybe she needs you now more than ever.


Thank you so much for watching him.

Oh, he was no problem at all.

Oh, go to the last page.

Sam was reading it for me,

and I want to see how it ends.


- Ah!
- Just read it myself.

I can tell he's your world.

- He's all I got left.
- Is Mr. Freedman around?

Uh, my George was part
of the Black Battalion.

Thought it was his duty
to serve his country.

His battalion wasn't assigned g*ns,

so he had no way of protecting himself.

He was k*lled delivering wood
to the frontline.

So sorry.

He sacrificed his life,
and how is his family repaid?

With water they wouldn't give a dog.

Trudy and I have a new lead:

a security guard at the reservoir.

- What kind of lead?
- Apparently,

there's a bootlegging operation
up there.

- Then why are we sitting around?
- We gotta

surveillance the area first
to see who we're up against.

This isn't the time
to pussyfoot about; let's knock

- those boys out!
- They do not play around,

and they always carry weapons.

You're not gonna bring me along?

What if things get
out of control? Sam needs you.

Frankie and I will check it out
first thing tomorrow,

- I promise.
- I'm tired.

I'm tired of empty promises
and hearing about tomorrow.

I am tired of putting
my faith in others.

I should have known better.
I'm the only one I can rely on!

What is all this palaver?

You want to wake your brothers?

Mom... what's going on?

It's all right, my sweet.
It is time to go.

You don't think she's going
to do anything rash, do you?

Well, she feels cornered,

and you know what a trapped dog does:

it att*cks.


- Hey!
- Arturo!

- Hey, brother!
- It's my birthday already?

What? I thought it was my birthday.

Wait, I got something.

All right. What do you got?

Hey, you keep bringing me
money like that, you can

- take whatever you want.
- I might take you up on that.

All right. Come on, come on.

It's all right. You don't have to.

Aw, come on, you know I got your money,


- Ugh!
- Hey! You can't be here!

What are you doing?

Arturo! What's going on over here?

Hey, she's got a camera!

- You can't do that!
- She... she got a camera!

Just imagine.

Day by the water.



Just me and my amore

having a... frolic.

I think your English is
getting a little bit too good.


I can help you handle the frolic.

Oh no, no. I think
we've got the frolicking down.

But a day off in the middle of a case,

no, no, no, signore.


I'll be right back.

Arturo lied. It is the reservoir.

"Masked vigilante spotted in Toronto.

Friend or foe." Wow, is this
normal for the big city?

Definitely not. She is
the talk of the station, though.

The phones were ringing off
the hook all night with tips.

The paper's calling her "Lady Justice".

"She saved someone from being mugged

by flying in on the wings of night."

- Haha!
- Can you believe such malarkey?

Gosh, she's like Zorro,
defender of the common man,

- righter of wrong.
- I don't know about all that,

but I think private citizens
should leave

this type of thing to the professionals.

Oh, the police can't be
everywhere at all times.

This gal has some chutzpah.

Now, onto more important news.

I managed to finagle my way out of work,

and, as the French say, voilà!

You and I and Mary

are going to a matinée today!

Oh, you didn't have to splurge on me.

I was just gonna wander.

Oh, well, we could stroll about after.

Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you.

We'll meet you
outside the Crown Theatre.

Show's at 3 p.m. You good 'til then?

Yeah. I think
I'll tour the city for a bit.

On my own.

Oh, Flo!

I'll take an anonymous envelope any day.

These photos are proof
that the reservoir's involved

- in some toxic dump scheme.
- Now we just need

to figure out what
the signage is on the truck.

It's so blurry.

You think Arturo
could fill in the blanks?

- He's already on the way.
- Hmm.

Maybe he knows who took the photos.

Oh, I have a guess. Her.

- Lady Justice?
- Two of the sightings were

within blocks of our building.
On the same night

that an anonymous envelope
is dropped off?

- OK, fair. So who is she?
- My guess is Toni.

- What?
- She's the only one who would

know the exact evidence that we need.

And a mask protects her, protects Sam.

Wait. Frankie, do you know
this Lady Justice?

- I might.
- Because vigilantes

are very serious.
Back home the Squadristi,

they break the law.

Sometimes, the law needs to be bent.

OK, that's true, but we do it

because we're professionals.
And we don't wear masks.

You said if I answered all
your questions, you'd give me

- those photos.
- We are not done yet.

So, all you do is open
the gate when you see

the trucks, and they give you
$15 for it?

- Yeah, it's what I said.
- Who are they?

Oh, OK. Well, you know what? Maybe
if we get the police involved, you'd be

- more inclined...
- I told you the truth.

All I know is these
people don't mess around.

They gave you that shiner?

No. It was the masked dame.

- Told you.
- It's been weeks,

you must have been able to get
a good look at this emblem.

Listen to me, kids are sick
from the water

because of your actions.

I don't see so good
at night anymore, OK?

It was a circle. It was
a triangle. There was a star

or something. I gotta go!

We need to track down
who owns that truck.

All right, I'll go pay Boyzey a visit.

He might be able to recognize the truck.

All right. I'm gonna talk to Toni.

If these people are that dangerous

and she is Lady Justice,
she needs to know.

The smell of Toronto!

And Trudy Clarke needing a favour.

Hello to you too, Boyzey.

I spoke to your mama. Sorry to hear

- about your broken engagement.
- Oh, please. No, you're not.

And what are you doing
talking to my mother?

Well, she called. She told me
about the water troubles

y'all all having. How can I help?

Actually, this truck was dumping waste

in the reservoir. I know
the picture's kind of blurry,

- but do you recognize it?
- Recognize it?

I use 'em regularly.
Silver Star Trucking Rental.

Greek fellow, Eros, manages the lot.

Oh... Silver Star make you
sign any paperwork?

Yeah, yeah. You know,
you could track down

those polluters using
their rental manifest.

Or you could always call
on Lady Justice for help.

Not you too.

She's exactly what this city needs.

Yeah, I heard she has a good punch,

but I don't trust
anyone wearing a disguise.

You don't want to eat

anything? Nothing?

Ah, he says food upsets his tummy.

I just don't know what to do anymore.

Oh, no kid can resist the sweets here.

Sugar? Haha!

He'll be bouncing
off the walls until midnight.

No, thank you.

We're gonna solve this. He's gonna

get his appetite back and get better.

I so badly need
to believe that right now.

Trudy and I came into some evidence

that toxic waste is being
dumped into the reservoir.

That's great. You call the police?

No, we want to be able to name names.

But I think that Lady Justice

has been giving us
a helping hand in all of this.

Well, thank goodness.

Did she find out what they're dumping?

No, not yet. We need
to be able to get a sample.

Where were you last night?


At home with Sam. Why?

Well, if someone is
helping us out, I would

caution her to be very careful.

These people don't play nice.

You think I play dress-up at night?

Well, you didn't have those bruises

on your knuckles
when we spoke yesterday.


I box. I know bruises.

And those easily could have
come from punching

- a security guard.
- Like I said,

I was home with Sam.

Excuse me.

- More candy?
- We have to have treats

- for the show!
- If Ellie even makes it here.

Oh, she has plenty
of time before curtain.

Or not.

Five-minute warning bell.

You go ahead.

Five minutes is plenty of time.

In five minutes,
I could write up six women

for improper hemlines,
eight if I scribble.

I can crack a corpse's chest
and rip out its heart in three.


Ellie probably just missed her stop.

You know how the streetcar can be.

Mary, she ain't coming.

How did you think Toni
was gonna take it, Frankie?

Maybe she would
be flattered, come clean.

Speaking of coming clean,

- Sebastian?
- What about him?

You snapped your fingers,
and he was under my kitchen sink

- in what? An hour?
- No, he... he came for you.

He lives in our building;
he is a handyman.

Hmm... You know, I'd assume to think

that Alessandro was pretty handy.

What are you doing here?
Women never come to the lot.

We are detectives. Was hoping

we could get a little help
on a case we're on.

Maybe we could take a look
at the rental agreements

- from last night.
- Geez, no can do.

- Oh...
- I could knock

10% off a rental. You gals need that?

Eros, that is the, um...

That's the god of love, right?

You sure know
your Greek mythology.

Well, I bet you can
teach me a little bit more.

It's all here. Everything we need

for an official investigation.

But it was all obtained illegally.

It's not illegal to take
photos of public property.

Except the road to access
the reservoir is private.

And this. Do you have an actual sample

from the reservoir water itself
to match it to?

We could take the water from my house.

That's not enough.

That doesn't prove
it comes from the reservoir.

- It stands to reason...
- Reason isn't evidence,

- just a smart guess.
- One phone call,

and you could have that
by the end of the day.

Except this isn't a fiefdom.

- There's a system.
- Well, the system is broken.

Look. I grew up in a house
without running water.

I know how vital it is,

but my hands are tied.

So what proof do you need to untie them?

Excuse me.

Just a moment.
You'll see yourselves out?

- Yes.
- That man's a liar.

Toni's dossier is right there
on his desk where he left it.

- He hasn't even opened it.
- You're right.

- He never intended to read it.
- Something shady is going on.

I bet the commissioner's covering.

Those dancers were just amazing!

Ellie! You're alive.

Welcome. You only
missed the entire show.

No, I'm sorry. I must have missed...

If I wanted to be treated
so rudely, I would have had

- kids of my own.
- Flo.

And the only way I could
get out of work today

was by promising that I would
do weekends for a month.

Not to mention the wasted ticket. Ellie,

I'm not made of money!

Please don't be mad.

- Your mother was right.
- Oh, dear.

You called my mother?
How could you do that?!

- Don't turn this around on me.
- No! You're exactly like her!

Stop trying to control me!


- She's not the girl I knew.
- It's not easy being 16.

I hope I didn't cause
my mother this much heartache.

I think we all did.

Great. Now, you have me
feeling sympathy for my sister.

There are worse things.

Hey! It's her! By the pond!

Get her!


I'm trying to help you!

Any markings? We could
trace it back to a jeweller.

Not as far as I can tell.

Well, Toni and Sam
came over for dinner last night.

I tried questioning her,
but she's very coy.

Onwards and upwards.

We should get that sample to Flo
along with whatever you were

- able to get off the truck.
- Right.

- We could test them both.
- Yeah.

Oh, sweet Lady Justice strikes again.

Paper's full of new sightings.

I bet she wears a perfume that makes

a man wanna meet his god.

Anything else you want to share?

Ah. Here she be.
Silver Star's rental list

from the night of the dumping.

Three different companies
rented trucks that night:

Mateosian Meats, Bonbon's Emporium,

and Kerrigan & Harding Metals.

If Flo is able to identify
the toxin, we can figure out

which of these three companies
had access to it.

- Case closed.
- Yeah.


You ever hear of knocking?

Reports came in of a break-in
at the reservoir last night.

Now after your visit yesterday,

I asked myself, "Who else could it be?"

- Oh! I'll be taking that.
- You have no right to be here

and you have no right
to be taking evidence.

If you have a problem with my retrieval

of city property, you can
contact the City's lawyer.

Miss Drake.

Crooked as a barrel of fish hooks.

I hate to say it,

- but I was right.
- That man's hiding something.

- We need a second sample.
- What about from your kitchen?

It'll be diluted,
but it's better than nothing.

That sample was proof that
the reservoir was contaminated.


And you know he'll argue that
the problem is just your house.

- And my neighbour's house.
- And he'll argue that too,


I hate to sound pessimistic,

but looks like it's getting worse.

You're not wrong.
I am so tired of boiling water

'round the clock. And as for bathing,

what if it never gets clean?
What are we supposed to do?

Now, we're gonna figure this
out; you and your neighbours

are gonna live here
for a very long time.

I wouldn't say so.

So, Sam and I are moving.

- We can see that.
- I got an offer on the house;

I didn't think twice.

But our water problem
is public knowledge;

who'd willingly buy
into this neighbourhood?

A woman called,
offered 60 cents on the dollar,

which is better
than nothing considering.

- You're selling at a loss?
- Well, Sam

feeling better, having clean water

feels like a win to me.

Be right back.

- Look at this.
- Ugh!

Hey! So, are you excited to move?

Mom said I could pick a
new colour to paint my room.

- Blue?
- Red.

Haha! That was gonna be my next guess.

Have you ever seen your mom

- wearing this?
- No.

Jewellery turns her skin green.

Oh. Well, do you know

if she hurt herself at work or at home?

I saw some bruises on her knuckles.

She punched a hole in
the wall after being in jail.

She put a picture over it,
but, uh, I know it's there.

Sam, baby, come on!

We have some packing to do.

- Bye! Thanks for trying.
- They say you two

aren't giving up.
I'll be rooting for you

and everyone else here.

She is not the vigilante.

Yeah. Why don a mask and risk your life

only to pick up and move?

Look at that.

- Those are new!
- Looks like

someone's buying up
the whole neighbourhood.

So they're pushing us out.

They deliberately poisoned the
water, so that we would sell.

I bet the City has plans for this land.

Why else would the commissioner be up

in our business
and squash Toni's appeal?

Can you take those samples to Flo?

I'm gonna have another
chat with Renforth.

Send him my best regards.

You can't just barge in here.

Hmm. You didn't seem keen
on knocking earlier.

Miss Drake,

- I'm a busy man.
- We saw

- the Sold signs.
- Sold signs?

- I don't follow.
- We're gonna play that game?

- What game?
- The one where you act

all innocent.
Even though on the same day

that you take evidence from my office,

Mrs. Freedman's neighbourhood
is bought up at a discount.

What are you planning
to do with that land?

I haven't the foggiest idea
what you're implying.

Oh, I'm not implying anything.

You're as dirty as that water,
and I'm gonna get

to the bottom of it.

Stripes imbue class.

You could use some of that.

It's me. We have a problem.

So all this to buy up
your neighbourhood cheap?

Yeah, seems so.
Frankie went back to Renforth.

Told you the man's crooked.

My test confirmed
that the goo from the truck...

Oh, goo, is that the scientific word?

It is now.

It contains traces of copper acetate.

And so does the water from your
tap, Trudy. It's definitely linked.

Well, Flo, that's the evidence
we've been looking for.

Copper acetate sounds dangerous.

It's poisonous. Large amounts can burn

the lining in your throat
and cause vomiting.

In small amounts, it can
make you feel nauseous.

- Like Sam.
- What is

- copper acetate used for?
- Most commonly?

In coloured pigments: dyes, paints...

used to be used in food colouring.

- Food colouring?
- Mm-hmm.

Candy! Bonbon's Emporium, it was listed

on the trucking manifest you gave us.

Mary is crazy for them.

But they shouldn't be using
copper acetate in their recipes,

- it's outlawed on account of the poison!
- Right.

What do we know
about this candy company?

Hmm. Not much, yet,
but I have a friend who might.

How many pots do you have
your hands in, Boyzey?


- Hey.
- Hi!

- Mm-mm!
- Oh, that's my candies!

Flo will explain.

- What was that about?
- A welcomed distraction,

- but now I am getting concerned.
- Ellie hasn't come home?

She's out there with no friends
and not a dime to her name.

- Mary, what if...
- Should I file

- a missing person's report?
- The police will contact

her mother. I don't want to do
anything that brings Rosalyn to town.

Well, then, we're gonna have
to find her ourselves.

- This is hers?
- Yeah.

OK, um...

I don't remember my country
niece ever wearing lipstick.

Maybe she wanted
to look pretty for someone.

Ugh, there's a boyfriend
in the picture? Swell!

Oh! Look at this:
"4 p.m. Capote's Cafe."

There he is.

The candy baron himself,
Mr. Regis Walker.

The mayor offered him
the key to the city

and he turned it down. Says he has yet

- to earn the honour.
- Yeah, well,

his reputation doesn't match the fact

that his company's involved in
some very serious wrongdoings.

Well, let's ask the man himself.

Miss Clarke! It is you.

I'm sorry. Have we... have we...

Oh, I wouldn't
expect you to remember me,

but a woman certainly
remembers when two detectives

come around asking
about her broken engagement.

Ernie Penny. Owns a little toy shop.

Right. Yes. Her ex-fiancé
was a client of ours.

- Mm-hmm.
- That is some getup, Miss...


Julia, right. You work for Mr. Walker?

I'm married to him.

Oh! Haha!

- Hello, Sweetheart.
- Candy empire is definitely

a step up from a small town toymaker.

Well, that is very kind of you to say.

Your face is everywhere.

Regis, we're out of time.

Oh, what is that man doing here?

Oh, that man is just horrid.
Did you know

that he...

Ah... Never mind me.

I'm gonna follow them
and see if I can hear

- what they're up to.
- Yeah, you heard her,

- the man's trouble.
- Exactly.

And I bet he brought this
candy baron into his scheme.

You stay here,
and don't do anything rash.

Now where's the fun in that?

Oh! I can see Ellie there.

But she's with a friend.
I told you she was safe.

Thank the Lord it's not boys
or some romantic entanglement.


I wouldn't be so sure about that.


I know why she came here.

Mary, I pushed her away.

We definitely have to intervene.

Tell me this doesn't change
the way you think about her.

Flo, it's against the law.

You're saying it's wrong?

No, not at all. I'm saying
she needs to be more careful.

Not everyone is as
understanding as we are.

Are you sure about that? I don't know.

Absolutely. Everything is taken care of.

Regis, I know.

"I'm getting you the proof
you need. Call the police

if you don't hear from me by morning."

Boyzey, you're a fool.

It's unlocked!


Oh, hello, friend.

I, uh... locked myself out of my studio.

Well, you know, I charge
a pretty penny to pick

- a lock.
- Well, whatever it is,

getting this beauty home is worth it.

You're hired.

That looks like it belongs
in a landfill.

Ooof. Cold, Drake, cold.

This is an original Isaacs and Youngs.

A fella was just throwing it out.

A man's trash is another
man's treasure, I suppose.

Well, some people just don't know

what they have right in front of them.

- Miss Drake.
- Commissioner,

- what are you doing here?
- Crisis of conscience.

It's really not that hard.


What's going on?

If you want to know
who's behind the pollution,

you need to visit the
Bonbon's factory out on Queen.

- Go on.
- Regis Walker is certifiable.

He wants land, expansion fast,

and he won't let anyone get in the way.

Look, I've been doing this a
long time. People rarely give in

- to moral crises.
- I didn't know he was

poisoning kids, for crying out loud.

Look, he said it would just make
people want to sell.

I'm sorry for my part in all this,

but... I'm no monster.

You're going to have
to do more than just apologize,

and I have to talk to my partner Trudy.

- She's already there.
- What?

She knows.

So if you want to protect her,
posthaste, Detective.

Boyzey! I'm here, hold on!

- Frankie!
- Don't move

or I'll fill you full of lead.

Oh, that's no way to talk to a lady.

- Put the g*n down!
- Quiet!

It's the candy clown himself.

Don't either of you know

it's not nice

- to trespass.
- You know what else isn't nice?

Poisoning the community's water
to get them to sell cheap.

Can't be a shark
without shedding some blood.

The two of you shouldn't have
been poking around.

How many more factories
do you need to own?

Got my eye on going international.

- And what's in it for Renforth?
- That fool? Haha!

Such a naughty boy

with everyone but his wife.

You're blackmailing him.
Where are the photos?

Safely tucked away
in my... well, my safe.


- you shot me!
- "Baby,

you shouldn't talk so much!
Get him out of here!


Get your...

"Eye on international"?

He's never had his eye on anything

but a glazed donut until he met me.

You're the one who's been calling
and buying up all the properties.

Well, you know what they say,

"Behind every successful
man is a smarter woman."

Let me guess. He dies,

- and you own it all.
- Oh, come on!

I barely broke the skin.

I don't want anyone to die.

Well, that's not true.

Why have 12 stores in one country

when you can have 25 in Europe alone.

All I needed was a
little bit of cheap land

to get operations up.

Well, this operation is going down.

No, it's not...

but you are.

And you are next.

Oh! Oh no! Frankie!

I'll be taking that IOU now!
Help me, Frankie!



Lady Justice too!

- Come on!
- Come on!

Let's go!

Argh! Ah!

Ah! Ugh!

How bad is it?

Lady Justice, you saved my life.

- OK, I guess it's not that bad.
- Go!

- There's something I need to do.
- Frankie, when Lady Justice

- tells you to go, you go.
- I need to get

- those photographs.
- Oh, no leverage, no power.

That's right. Can you cover me?

- I'll be back for you.
- Ugh! Will you be back too?

Justice never stops.

Sorry, boss. Looks like they escaped.

What do you mean, they escaped?

He... he was over a vat,
for Pete's sake!

It was that damn crusader, boss.
She flew in out of nowhere.


I'm used to men getting
in my way, but you, Missy,

are an itch I've been dying to scratch.

Very clever.

You ruined an entire
community! A kid got sick!

I'll be sure to send
the little baby a lollipop

for his booboo.

I've waited too long
and worked too hard to let

some lady playing dress-up stop me.

I'm not just some lady!

Sweet dreams, Sugar.

I'll wait with Boyzey
for the police. Take these.

Go! I'll meet you back at the office.

- You brought my bag.
- A gal needs her things.

I'm so sorry, Aunt Flo. Really, I am.

I understand why things
have to be this way.

I'll let you know where I end up.

Oh, for heaven's sake, I'm not
kicking you out. Sit down.

Sit down.

You're staying put with me.

But after what I said and... you saw...

Just no more secrets and no more lies.

I promise.

I can imagine the feeling
when you finally met

your... friend.


It's just... This isn't Paris, kiddo.

This is still Toronto.

I know, and I'll be discreet, I promise.

And it's not that you have
anything to be ashamed of;

it's just because...

...this city is full of jackasses.

Well, finally, this
home has been properly blessed.

I'm gonna be full 'til Christmas.

Thank you for having me, Mrs. Clarke.

- Mm-hmm.
- I seem to remember

- you inviting yourself, Boyzey.
- OK.

- Ooh, let me help you.
- OK.

- Oh, yeah.
- I see that the for sale sign

- is down at Toni's.
- Yes.

She took a sledgehammer to it
this morning.


You know you could have told me.

- I could have.
- I would have helped.

I didn't want you to get in trouble.

How many times have I been in trouble?

Yeah, I know.

But this is my new home,

my new community, and if anyone

was gonna go to jail for what I did,

I wanted it to be me. Just me.

OK, but if you ever do it again...


I want a costume!

- Deal!
- Aaah...

OK, so do you all want
to hear about our kiss

- one more time?
- No!

I wonder when we'll meet again.

We interrupt
this program with breaking news.

Regis Walker, owner of the
Bonbon's Emporium candy chain,

and his wife have escaped
police custody.

- What?
- The couple are considered

- armed and dangerous.
- That is just reprehensible.

I can't believe they're on the lam.

- ...local police station house.
- I guess justice never stops.

They are armed and considered dangerous.

Contact your nearest
police station house.