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04x04 - Dead Man Calling

Posted: 07/15/21 07:03
by bunniefuu
And here, on
Royal Street,

in the famous
French Quarter,

on your left you will see
America's first pharmacy,

from the late s.

experimental surgeries,

some say it was actually

more of a
t*rture chamber.

Truth is, New Orleans

had the highest mortality rate

than any city in those days.

'Course, when you mix
all that death

in a town born in chaos,
crime and culture,

spirits tend to roam.

Spirits like

Confederate sailor
Cornelius LaRue,

who plunged to his death
from that very rooftop

on All Saints' Eve, .

Now, some say
Cornelius went crazy

and jumped 'cause of the fever,

but trust me,

he isn't roaming the streets

till this day
'cause he was sick.

He was m*rder*d.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

♪ Tough in the center ♪

♪ Never questioned I got spine ♪

♪ Walk in to the room ♪

♪ Heads turning on a dime ♪

♪ Diamond in the rough ♪

♪ Workin' my way up ♪

♪ No, you never thought that
I would rise to the top... ♪

Percy, hold up.

Yo, Son. Hey.


I tried calling you.

Could have swooped by and
picked you up on the way here.

No, the new apartment's
right around the corr, so...

Oh, right, of course.

You guys are all moved in.
You need some help,

maybe hanging pictures or something?
No, we're good, thanks.

Morning, Sonja,


♪ Don't give a damn
how you feel ♪

♪ I'll get there on my own ♪

♪ Armor made of steel
on the fire. ♪

Mm-hmm. Thank you.


Ghost tour.
Rotary club from Minnesota.

They all saw the same thing and
thought it was part of the act,

at first. Tour guide
knew better, though.

What do we know
about our victim?

Jacob Anderson,

Petty Officer Third Class.

Hospital corpsman
from Norfolk.

Arrived in town three days ago
on emergency leave.

Any idea why?

No, I'm still waiting
to hear back from his command.

Witnesses say whether they think
he, uh, fell or jumped?

They don't know.
They're all just freaked out.

Yeah, I don't
blame 'em. On a ghost tour,

and a guy falls from
the same building

a Confederate sailor
jumped from years ago?

Or was pushed.
That's why Cornelius LaRue

still roams the streets
of New Orleans today,

looking for justice.

- Ain't that right, Percy?
- Stop.

What are you talking about?
Who's this, uh, Cornelius LaRue?

- This happened before?
- Right after the Civil w*r.

Part of New Orleans history.

City lore we take seriously,
and rightfully so.

Yep, including ghosts.

Yeah, well, that probably
explains all the extra creeps

that have been hanging around.
See this one right here?

Had to tell him twice
to stay away

from the Vic before
they put the tape up.

Said he's some kind of
spirit chaser or something.

Still, Gregorio, hey, you should
check out the ghost tour.

I mean, it's part
of the city's history.

You don't know much about it.
Hey, free daiquiris, too.

Daiquiris, I'm good with.
Ghosts, not so much.

Oh! Hello!

What did I tell...
Don't you have

any respect for the dead?

Talk to me.

Well, it's a fractured skull,
broken ribs,

legs, internal bleeding.

It's all consistent
with a four-story fall

onto unforgiving stone.

Corpsman Anderson
died on impact.

Any idea if it was
an accident, or...

su1c1de? No, not yet.

Uh, however,
there is a third option.

I found abrasions and
contusions on the arms,

uh, hands, face,

not consistent
with the end result.

Defensive wounds-- from a fight?

If so, it was a recent one.

Semisolid state
of coagulation

indicates it began

before the injuries
from his fatal fall.

Question is, what was Corpsman
Anderson doing up on that roof?

And if he was in a fight,

was the fall an accident
or intentional?

Or maybe he was pushed,

just like Cornelius.

You want me to check the roof?

No, Sebastian's up there
already, I'll go.

Find out everything you can
on our victim.

Especially interested in
what brought him to New Orleans

in the first place.

Copy that.
Copy that.

What's with them?

Not sure. But whatever it is...

not getting any better.

It is not a good situation.

Lot of construction materials
up here,

the building owner's remodeling.

Careful of all this
slippery plastic right here.

Access unlocked
when you got here?

No, actually,
it was propped open.

Explains how our Vic
got up here.

Yeah, but not why.

Loretta thinks
he was in a fight.

From the looks of things,
seems she's right.

Yeah, definitely.

I'm thinking Jacob Anderson
and one person,

based on the footprints
in the tar there.

A lot of slipping and
sliding, but if you, um,

if you look closely
there, you can see,

uh, two distinct
sets of shoe prints.

Right over there
by the ledge.

You're gonna have to get over
your fear of heights

sooner or later, Sebastian.

Yeah, no.


Figure that's why you
sent me up here, you know?

Just to work on it,
help me out.

Either that or you just hate me.

Anyway, uh, I found some
fresh traces of blood

trailing from...

that pallet.
Meaning Jacob made it

halfway across the roof
before the fight started.

Yeah, I'm thinking he was
surprised by his attacker, too,

because the shoe prints
don't join up

until right here
by the pallet.

Yeah, attacker
was waiting for Jacob.

Question is why?

And why here, of all places?

Just what this town needs:
another ghost story.

Okay, tell me
you hear that, too.

Brandy Anderson.

- Hello?
- Jacob...

No, no, no, wait.

Slow down.

No... no...

This is not Jacob.

I'm a federal agent.

Are you okay?

Ms. Anderson?
Special Agent Pride.

I'm the one who answered your
brother's phone when you called.

You all right?

I just... I don't
understand what's happening.

My grams-- she
was very sick.

She just passed.
I came down

to help Jacob with
the arrangements,

and when I got here,
the door was wide open

and the place was...
was torn apart.

Well, it's okay,
we're gonna figure this out.

Where is Jacob? Why did you
answer his phone when I called?

Excuse me
for just one second.

Dwayne. What's NCIS
doing here?

I'll explain later.

Nah, other than somebody did a
number on the place; it's clear.

You want us
to send Forensics?

No, we'll handle it from here.
Thanks, G.


Something happened to
my brother, didn't it?

I'm so sorry.

Do you think this was connected
to Jacob's death?

Brandy, you shouldn't be...
No, I...

I'm okay.

Agent Pride, I want to help.
I want to help

figure out who k*lled
my brother, I need to.


Jacob came to town
before you did,

was staying here?
Grams and Jacob

were very close,
they talked all the time.

Jacob came back

to help her
organize her things,

get the family stuff
back together.

That's what meant most to Grams.

And you're sure she
didn't have anything

of monetary value?

Mm, just some
family heirlooms.


Sentimental value.

All the money she ever had,
she used to put me

through med school.

And Jacob helped her
with what the Navy paid him.

Grams was the only
family we had left.

I can't believe
he's gone now, too.

Come on, let's get you
out of here.

Let me take you
back to your hotel.

What is this?

So, what,
was someone trying

to conjure a ghost
with a séance? I mean,

Jacob was trying to check in
with his grams or something?

Everyone grieves in their
own way, Lasalle. Don't mock it.

Yeah, you don't
want to mess with that.

Wait a second.

Are you scared of ghosts,

What? No, of course I'm-- no.

I'm just saying we don't know
what we don't know, so...

let's just focus
on what we do know, all right?


Well, the problem is

we don't know that much.

Background on Jacob Anderson

came back
cleaner than clean,

and his commander said
his request for emergency leave

was because
of his grandma's passing.

So, wait, he came into town
to bury his grandmother,

but got k*lled instead?

It's got to have something to do
with her place being tossed.

Was there anything
on surveillance?

Camera on top of the Pharmacy
Museum across the street

was inop, and no other angles
on the rooftop.

All right, then we're gonna have
to backtrack his last three days

in town, figure out
what drove him there.

Yeah, and who was waiting for him
when he got there.

the séance

seems to be our
only lead so far.

Lot of shady people in this town

willing to take advantage
of people's grief,

and Pride said Jacob took
his grandma's death pretty hard.

Yep, and maybe somebody was
trying to take advantage of him.

Still doesn't explain
why he was up on that roof.

No, but maybe this'll help.
I digitized the photos

that Pride took from the séance,

which, scientifically speaking,
is a total quack.

I mean, don't get me
wrong, I love, uh,

The Haunting, I love

the originals, I mean,
not the remakes.

- You guys want to talk about quacks?
- Sebastian.

They're not good movies.
What do you want me to say?

The photo.
Okay, yeah.

I was able to isolate a, uh,
fingerprint smudge

on one of the candles--
you see it right there?

Any matches?
Oh, yeah. No surprise--

a, uh, con artist psychic
who is on probation

for taking tourists
for everything they got.

Got a name on this joker?
Name and an address.

Otis Bartholomeus
the Third. He, uh, works

at one of those haunted
mansions called The Mortuary.

Wait a minute. Isn't that

the creep from
our crime scene?

- Mm. Yeah.
- Yeah, spirit chaser, my ass.

That's probably
our perp.

All right, call Pride.

He's with
Jacob's sister.

Tell him we got a legit suspect.

Gregorio and Sebastian, y'all
go through the front door.

Percy and I'll go around back
in case y'all scare him out.

Or maybe you and Sebastian
can chase Otis out to us.

Come on. Go around back.
Why? What difference does it make?

Well, maybe we should just

wait for Pride anyway.
We're here.

Let's do this.
Percy, you're with me.

Comms open.

Okay. All right.

Hey, don't worry,
it's all right.

Got my proton pack.

That's from Ghostbusters.
You ever seen that?

All right, just go. Just go.

Okay, you take the stairs.

I'll go this way.
All right.


Uh... you know what?

Probably shouldn't split up.

Protocol, so...

t*rture chamber.
How appropriate.

What's that supposed to mean?

You are afraid of ghosts,
aren't you?

Shh. I hear something.

Cliché, but cool.
Shut up.

Welcome to these Haunted Halls,
where sprits

roam and...
We're not on the tour, pal.

We're federal agents. Freeze.
Turn around, hands up.

Go ahead. Go. Go.
I'm going!

NCIS! Freeze!

Con on the run.
He's coming at you.

Copy that.

Argh, me think you're gonna die!

♪ Ring around the rosy... ♪

♪ A pocketful of posies ♪

No! No! No, no!

♪ Ashes... ♪

NCIS! Stop!

I didn't do anything!

I'm innocent!

Yeah, well, why'd
you run? Huh?

Hands behind your back. NCIS.

Hey, where is Gregorio?

That's a good question.


Found these items in his car.

Watch is engraved with Jacob's
grandmother's name on it.

Shouldn't be hard
to get her granddaughter

to identify
the other items, too.

Okay, wait. I-I told you
I didn't ransack the house.

I-I only took those i--

to try and connect with her
after she passed.

That's... that's how it works.

That's why you came
to Jacob's crime scene, too?


No, I-I was there to try
to connect with him directly,

you know, before he...
he moved on.

We got your fingerprints
at the house.

Part of a séance
that you no doubt conducted.

Add these stolen goods,

couple that with
your criminal record...

Hard not to think that
you conned Jacob's grandmother

into a séance,
robbed her.

Then when Jacob came to town

and found out what you did,
he came after you...

Which is why you k*lled him.

Just hear me, okay?

F-First of all,
the old lady came to me

asking for a séance.

Okay? It's
not uncommon.

People tend to
be more open

to the other side when
they are close to it themselves.

You seriously trying to tell us
you're a legit psychic?

A medium. There's a,
there's a... a difference.

What a crock.

Really, Gregorio?

First it's ghosts.

Now it's psychics?
You can't really

be believing this stuff? Really?

I'm not alone in this.
Half this crazy town

believes in this stuff.

Am I freaked out by it?
Yeah. I'm Catholic.

Do I dismiss it? No,
because if I can't control it

- or explain it, I don't like it.
- Okay, Otis.

For the sake of argument,
let's say we believe you.

Why did Jacob's grandmother come
to you in the first place?

I don't know.
She just said that

she was trying
to solve a family secret,

one-one that she'd been trying
to solve her whole life,

but that she was, she was...
running out of time.


What secret?

Well, the séance was
to figure that out.

But I-I figured I'd humor her,

you know, make a few bucks,
and-and then bolt, but, um,

then, uh, after
she died,

she started... talking to me.

Oh, boy.
Here we go.

No. Look, man,
I-I didn't believe it, either.

I've... I've faked
this for a lot of years,

and, uh, and I made some
decent dough doing it, too,

but this time, it...

it-it really happened.

Look, all the old lady said was

that she was right
about whatever the secret was,

and that I had to find
her grandson

and-and tell him,
because he'd understand,

he would, he would
do something about it.

And so I did.
I-I found him,

and I told him,
and the next thing I know...

he's dead.

You hear this?

This whole case has
the Malocchio on it.

The ma... ma...?
This whole case is cursed.

Name of the Father,
Son, Holy Spirit. Amen.

Give me your hand.

What are you doing?
Any spirits to us...

You'll thank me when I'm done.
Don't attach any spirits to us.

We just got
a brand-new apartment.

Listen, I swear I'll
never-- I'll be good.

Well, I got to admit,
that's a first.

Yeah, maybe we ought to
get ourselves a Ouija board.

Hey, joke all you want, but like
I said, I don't recommend it.

there's got to be something

to this family secret thing,

whether we believe Otis or not,
Jacob apparently did.

Yeah, and it was probably
what got him k*lled.

Yeah, well, Gregorio's right.

We need to figure out
what Jacob knew,

- and what he was trying to do.
- Wait.

You saying you
believe Otis?

What I believe is,
we need to investigate

this case just like any other.

Follow facts,
see where the evidence leads.

- Yeah, what are we gonna do with Otis?
- He said he was with

his probation officer
the night of the m*rder.

Easy alibi to check.
Gregorio, make the call.

- Okay.
- Then get his phone records,

see if his story
about Grandma Anderson

calling him
checks out, too.

There's also the issue of
who ransacked the house

if it wasn't Otis.

Yeah, and what they
were looking for.

Well, I might have a lead
on what Jacob was looking for,

or at least where
he was looking for it.

Pulled this from
his cell phone; it tracks

every last location
that he went to between the time

that he arrived
and the time that he... died.

Well, you want me and Gregorio

- to retrace his steps?
- No.

No, I want you and
Christopher to do it.

That's an order.

Look, I don't know what's
going on between the two of you,

but it's not affecting just you
anymore, so work it out.

Loretta thinks she might've
found something on Jacob's body.

I'll let you know what.

Come on, people, learn things.

Prelim tox screens
came back negative,

and the blood samples

on the rooftop all match
Corpsman Anderson.

None from the k*ller?

Could've used gloves,

or maybe just overwhelmed
Mr. Anderson,

caught him off guard?

Adds to the theory
the assailant was lying in wait.

Still, how did
he even know

that Jacob Anderson was
gonna be on that roof?

Hell of a coincidence,
if you ask me.

Cornelius LaRue.

Loretta, please
don't tell me

you believe in those
ghost stories, too.

I've been on every one
of those tours in this town


I'm a coroner, Dwayne.

I'd like to think that this
is not necessarily the end.

Call it a coping mechanism.

Learn something
new every day.

Ah, speaking of something new--
I found a strain of bacteria

in Mr. Anderson's lungs

which I've never seen before,

which is curious.
Curious how?

Well, aside from the fact
that I can't identify it,

Mr. Anderson's postmortem
body temperature-- normal,

no fever.

Means how or where
he contracted it

had to have been
just before he died.

It could help us figure out
what put him on the roof.

You sure
you can't identify it?

No, but Sebastian might be
able to, if you can spare him.

Long as Christopher and Sonja
don't blow up on me, I can.

Yeah. Ever find out
what's going on with those two?

No, but I know I need
to nip it in the bud,

both for the sake of the team
and because of HQ.

HQ? What's NCIS got
to do with it?

Maybe nothing, but...

can't kick the feeling

they're still trying
to break up the team.

Just don't want
to give them any way in,

any reason to come back
down here...

Do I sound paranoid?

All right, got it.

We'll-we'll keep
you posted, too.

So, Gregorio says
Otis's alibi checks out,

so he's definitely
not the m*rder*r.

Well, that doesn't mean
he's not a con, though.

Could you believe
that crap he said?

I don't know.
No, I guess.

But we are in the cemetery,
one of Jacob's last stops.

Just one more weird thing in
this case to make you wonder.

Nah, it doesn't make we wonder.

I mean, I believe
there's more out there

than just us-- always have--
but talking to the dead?

Nah. As far as we know,
we're just on...

A wild ghost chase.

Let's not.

We got to talk about this.

This tension between us
is affecting more than just us.

Team, too.

Yeah, and the team's
all that matters, right?

I'm sorry.

I-I didn't mean that.

Wh-What I mean

is I understand
why we decided

not to be more than
just friends, but...

I don't know how to go back
to being just friends.

It's not easy.

Well, it's not like
anything's changed, though.

Has it? I mean,

Country Mouse and City Mouse...

...all preceded that, too.

Yeah, and it's also
what led to it, too.

Or almost did, anyway.

Maybe it's time
to retire the mice.


I don't believe it.
No, hey, I'm sorry.

We just got to figure this out.
No, no, no, no, no, no.

Not us. That.

“Cornelius LaRue.”

A Confederate sailor.

And why would
Jacob Anderson come here?

Just to get pushed off the
same roof Cornelius did...

years later.

Look, all I'm saying
is that coincidence

is the least
likely explanation

as to why Jacob Anderson
died the same way,

and in the same place
as Cornelius LaRue did.

Well, now that we know that
Jacob visited LaRue's crypt

just before he was k*lled,

I admit, there could
be a connection

A crypt, which, by the way,
we now know is a stop

on the Cornelius LaRue
Ghost Tour.

Still doesn't mean the
connection we're looking for

is supernatural.
Hey, Pride,

if it walks like a ghost
and talks like a ghost, right?


All due respect...

...this is a hard
enough case to solve

without wild theories.

Besides, last I heard,

courts require natural evidence

to try the cases
that we bring them.


So let's just please focus on
what we know, all right?

Well, unfortunately, we don't
know much other than Jacob

was probably k*lled
investigating a family secret

which somehow connects

to Cornelius LaRue.

Question is, what?

Shouldn't have let Otis go,
could've asked him.

I know, it's not
admissible in court.

I get it.


It's a little thematic humor,

'cause of the whole, um...

you know, the ghost thing.

What do you got, Sebastian?

Uh, I got test results

from the bacteria that, uh,

Loretta found
in the victim's lungs.

Turns out that it's
a kind of mold,

but not just any kind of mold.

It's a very specific spore

that hasn't been seen
or heard from

since the th century.

Any idea where Jacob
came in contact with it?

No, but according to Loretta,
it must have been

at one of his last stops.

I just haven't had a chance
to figure out which one yet.

Well, you know,

Cornelius LaRue died
in the th century.

Just trying to make

a natural connection here, so.


Well, I mean,
you might have a point.

Crypt, rooftop across
from the pharmacy,

the -year-old mold spores--

there's no denying that all
roads so far lead back to LaRue.

Grandma Anderson's
family secret.

It does look more and more like
Cornelius LaRue's death

was what Jacob was investigating
before he got k*lled.

Well, if so, then he
must have found something

that somebody didn't want found.

Contact Chris and Sonja.

Tell them to keep tracing
Jacob's last steps,

but to be careful,
the k*ller is still out there.


find out where exactly
Jacob inhaled those spores.

Might just lead us to
what this case is all about.

Where you going?

Jacob's sister, see
if she knows anything

about her brother investigating
Cornelius LaRue.


We're at the next stop now,

We'll let you know.

This case keeps getting nuttier
and nuttier all the time.

Even King is starting to believe
in this crazy ghost story.

It's hard not to.

Pretty much every one
of Jacob's last stops

matches up with
LaRue's Ghost Tour,

including this one.

- The Edgar Mansion? How so?
- Mm-hmm.

Cornelius LaRue's ghost

has been spotted knocking
on the door over the years.

Well, if he was a ghost,

why wouldn't he just
walk through the door?

Good question.


Are you one of the owners?

Didn't you read the sign?
No trespassing.

Ghost Tour stops
at the sidewalk.

Hey, we're not part
of the Ghost Tour.

Special Agent Percy,

Lasalle, NCIS.

We're here about a m*rder.
For God's sakes, we're already

telling your other agent
everything we know.


What other agent?

Here he is.


What are you doing here?
What? Whoa. Okay.

Wait. Before you get upset,

in-in fairness,

I only said I was helping

NCIS. That's...

Is there a problem?
And you are?

Uh, Tate Prescott,
Tess's husband.

A-And someone
who's graciously

taking time to help us

figure out what Jacob

was doing here yesterday.


Uh, come here.

- Sorry. Oh.
- Mm-hmm.

Have you lost your mind?

What are you doing here?
What's happening here?

Other than
impersonating a federal officer,

which, by the way,
is not just a con,

it's a felony.

I started thinking,

it can't be a coincidence

where and how Jacob died, right?

So, I went on the Ghost Tour.


Please, I can't just do nothing

I need to figure this out

just as much as you do,

i-if I don't,

I'll never get them
out of my freakin' head.

Enough. You're
under arrest.

W-W-Wait. Just stop.

You can't both talk
at the same time!

I take it he's not
talking about you and me.

Okay, I'm listening.

It's what?

What? Where?

It's, uh...


Uh... uh...

There. That.

What? May I?

Of course.

Recognize anybody?

That's my great-great-

Whitman Edgar, on the left.

Uh-huh. Shaking hands

with the one and only
Cornelius LaRue on the right.

Whoa, wait.

LaRue looks just like
Jacob Anderson.


Coincidence? I think not.

Your grandmother ever mention
the name Cornelius LaRue?

I mean, other than as a part
of New Orleans lore?

Not that I know of. Why?

Well, I'm not sure,
Brandy, but it's possible

she thought he was
somehow connected

to some sort of
family secret.

God love her,

but Grams always loved
to spin her tales.

She always thought the family
was more important

to this town than people knew.

What does this have to do
with what happened to Jacob?

I'm not sure
about that, either.

But again, it's possible
that your brother thought

there might have been
some truth

to the family secret
and was looking for proof.

And you think that
whoever k*lled him

was looking for proof, too?

Well, I don't think
there's anything in there

that's gonna
help you much.

It's just a bunch
of old journals

and newspaper clippings
and old photos

that Grams kept over the years.

And you're sure
that this wasn't touched?

I mean, by whoever broke in.

No. It's always just
been buried beneath...


What is it?

Newspaper clipping...

about Cornelius LaRue's death.

November , ,
right on top.

Like she was just looking at it.

Says LaRue jumped

because of the
yellow fever,

but the part that's underlined
says that his wife tried

to get the police to open
a m*rder investigation.

Why would Grams care
about any of that?

Well, this might be why.

Looks like she was putting
together a family tree

going all the way back
to the Civil w*r.

Seems your grandmother believed

that someone changed
the family name

after the Civil w*r...

to Anderson, from LaRue.


We're related
to Cornelius LaRue?

It might be the family secret

she was trying
to piece together.

If so,

maybe Jacob was trying to prove
that LaRue was m*rder*d, too?

Although, I'm not quite sure
how he planned

to do that years later.

Well, I don't know, somebody
obviously thought he could,

otherwise, why would they be up
on that roof waiting for him?

What end, though, you know?
I mean,

LaRue's k*ller is long dead,
so what's the point?


You know what we should do?
Get Otis,

have him conjure
the ghost of LaRue,

and then we can ask him.

You know what?
Enough already.

You don't want to believe
in this stuff? That's fine.

That's your choice,
but stop teasing me.

I'm not teasing you.
Yes, you are.

I totally am teasing you.

The point is,

that I'm a scientist, okay?

You got to show me proof
if you want me to believe

that something exists.

Can you prove that love exists?


No? Hmm?

Hmm? No? Okay.
I rest my case.

We're here.

You think this is where Jacob
inhaled the old mold spores?

The basement archive was his
last stop before he died.

Basically the Four
Seasons Fungus down here.

to .

I bet you this is what
Jacob was looking for.

Hurry up.
This place creeps me out.

You know this is like a
total role reversal, right?

I mean, usually
I'm the nervous one

and you're cranky pants.
Just focus

on the archives.

All right. God.

What was that?

Did you hear that?

I'm not kidding.

You wonder why
I tease you.

Oh, crazy.


There's something on
a-a Benjamin LaRue,

he's Cornelius's son.

It's a court approval
for a name change.

Yeah, well, he didn't want
to be associated

with a ghost; I don't blame him.

Yeah, well, you're
never gonna guess

what he changed
his name to.


Grandma Anderson was right
about the family secret.

But not why Cornelius and Jacob
were k*lled to protect it.

Oh, God.
What was that?

What was that, Sebastian?
I don't hear anything.

Sebastian, shut up.
You're out of your mind.

Hey, I still think you should go to the ER.

- No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it.
- Are you kidding me?

The fire department is still
putting out the fire.

You and Sebastian are lucky
you made it out at all.

Just got a little scared is all.

Par for the course
on this case.

You sure you're all right?
I will be,

once we find out who tried
to make us ghosts.

I mean, we're obviously not
the only ones following

in Jacob's last steps.

And whoever it
is doesn't want us

finding out what they found,

Looks like they left tire
tracks at the scene, though.

cross-checking 'em to see

if he can get a car match.

Well, that's about
our only hope.

No surveillance cameras
in the area.

Well, somebody's going
to an awful lot of trouble

to keep the truth from us.
But why?

Can't just be to solve
a -year-old m*rder.

Well, means it's got to be connected
to the fact that the Andersons

are related to Cornelius LaRue.

Again though, why?

What's to gain
and what's the motive?

What do we know

about Cornelius LaRue,

other than he was
a Confederate sailor?

Born in New Orleans
to a family of doctors,

attended Harvard Medical School
before returning home to enlist.

Medical school.

You got that picture
of LaRue and Edgar?

Thank you.

What is it, King?

Whitman Edgar was the founder
of the first pharmacy

in the States,
right here in New Orleans,

if I remember correctly.
Yeah, the museum.

Which the family then turned
into one of the largest chains

in the country.

I don't know why I didn't
notice this before,

but this photo was taken
right in front,

across from our crime scene.

Businessman and doctor,
shaking hands.

Almost like partners.

Wait, are you suggesting

Cornelius LaRue
and Whitman Edgar

started the pharmacy together?

Definitely not what
the Edgar family lore says.

Might be they don't want
anybody finding out.

Company like that's got to be
worth hundreds of millions.

Half of which would belong to
the Andersons, if it was true.

Sounds like a motive
to push Cornelius off the roof.

And Jacob.
Yeah, but...

how do we prove it?

Maybe with a certain
Mercedes G-Class.

Those tire tracks we found
at the library, pretty unique.

Also expensive.

Edgar Mansion had

a G-Wagen parked out front.

He's right.
We saw it there.

All right, Gregorio, Sebastian,
let's go pay them a visit.

Chris, Sonja,
we need proof of the partnership

if we're gonna make
any of this stuff stick.

All right, Pharmacy Museum
will be the place to find it.

We're on it.

Thought we were gonna wait
for the curator.

No time.

Folks trying to k*ll
Gregorio and Sebastian means

we're getting close.

I don't even know
what we're looking for.

Museum's a window
to the pharmacy's beginnings.

We're looking for anything
to connect the dots

to its founders.

Yeah, but that's
still pretty much a long shot.

I mean, the Edgar family

would've removed
all the evidence by now.

Yeah, except they didn't know
anyone was looking

until Jacob
started sniffing around.

Maybe they didn't
have time.


There's that same photo.

All right. What about it?

I never noticed it
before, but the angle.

Like... it was taken
from high up,

like from across the street.

From the rooftop.

Maybe that's why

Jacob went up there,

thinking he might find

Like maybe...


I don't even know what you're
talking about. I was at home

all night, in bed.

And I don't appreciate
the implication that I was...

If you don't have somebody who
can back up your alibi, ma'am,

it'll be more than
just an implication.

It'll be
probable cause.

We think your Mercedes
was parked

near the scene of an
attempted m*rder today.

Of me.

So either you hand over
the car keys

or you're under arrest.

All right.

I have nothing to hide.

The car's gone.

It's not in the garage
or on the side street.

Where's your husband?

Your g*n,

slide it
over to me slowly.

You, uh...

you've been pretty busy tonight,
haven't you?

Following us all over town.

Well, I had to figure out
what Jacob was looking for,

what he had.
Because he told you

the family you married into
stole the company from his.

And when you couldn't find
the proof at his house,

you followed him here.

k*lled him before he had
a chance to expose the truth.

I wasn't sure
what he had, exactly.

I still don't.

But he obviously knew
that he had something.


What are you doing?

So, what are
you gonna do?

You can't push me off the roof
like you did Jacob.

I'm not alone here.

Percy, come on, already.

Do you see anything

or don't you?

Tell him there's nothing here

and you're coming down.


Nothing's here,

City Mouse!

So, now what?

The secret's out, Tate.

We won't be the last agents to
figure out what really happened.

Yeah, maybe.

But maybe not.

Absent proof,
it's just another ghost story.

And you'll just add to it.

Don't do it!


Give me your hand!

Come on!
Take his hand!

It's not worth it!

You're right.

Should've seen that Jacob was
up there looking on the mosaic.

Figured out what
Tate never did:

proof was there
all along.

Yeah, well, luckily,

you were too busy
saving my butt.

Country Mouse.

I thought you wanted
to retire the mice.

That was before
they saved my life.

Think I might've
found something.

Looks like a time capsule.


She's all right.

They used to be fairly
common in New Orleans,

used to mark
the opening of things,

especially new businesses.

Anderson must've figured it out.

A newspaper clipping from
the opening of the pharmacy.

Old photos.


“With this
indenture, I,

“Merchant Whitman Edgar,

“and I, Physician
Cornelius LaRue

“pledge to found and uphold
this business

“in mutual partnership.

“Shall it heal the
city for generations

to come.”
And it is signed by both men.

It's too bad it didn't

work out that way.

I-I had no idea.

Past is what it is.

Just have to find a way
to move forward.

I'm Tessa Edgar.

Can we talk?


Hey. Whoa. Okay.

Whoa. I-I was totally exonerated.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

No, I'm not here as a cop.
Matter of fact,

if anybody asks,
I'm not here at all.



So, what? What do you want?

Let's just say, uh...

my father's driving me nuts.

Wouldn't mind taking care of it
once and for all,

if you know what I'm saying.


He's dead.

I need to
talk to him.

Oh. Right.


It's okay.
Have, um...

have a seat.

No, I can't sit.

I got a reputation to keep,
you know what I'm saying?

Follow me.