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15x07 - The Invisible Enemy - part 3

Posted: 04/12/04 14:08
by bunniefuu


Part Three

Original Air Date: 15 October 1977
Running time: 23:28

Inside, the clones struggle through the maelstrom. At least they hold on to each other. Shortly they find themselves in a surprisingly dry area.

DOCTOR 2: Well, what do you think?

LEELA 2: I don't know what to think. I've never been inside anybody's head before.


LEELA 2: It's very interesting.

DOCTOR 2: Thank you.

LEELA 2: Hey, why aren't we wet?

DOCTOR 2: Because we're too small to break the surface tension.

LEELA 2: What was that?

DOCTOR 2: Oh, just a passing thought. Electrochemical reaction in the synapses. Leg wants to move.

Back in the lab, the Doctor's leg kicks wildly into the air, breaking the straps. Marius and the others hold him down.

MARIUS: I don't think he can hold out much longer. The virus is strengthening its grip.

LOWE (on screen): Marius! You have not replied to my ultimatum. I shall destroy this centre.

MARIUS: No, wait! I agree to your terms. I have no further use for the Doctor. He's yours whenever you want him.

LOWE (on screen): A wise decision. Tell me, Professor, is the woman Leela with you?

MARIUS: No. As you can see, there's simply myself and my two assistants. She is somewhere in the Foundation, but I have no idea where.

LOWE (on screen): No matter. She will be destroyed. Stay where you are. We are on our way.

The screen goes blank. Marius goes over to the door and opens it.

MARIUS: Leela! He gestures for her to come over. They're coming now. We must hold them up for ten minutes. Can you do that?

LEELA: Can I borrow K9?

MARIUS: Yes, certainly, certainly. K9, cooperate with Leela.

K9: Master.

LEELA: What we need is that corridor.

K9: Corridor X3.

LEELA: Yes. If we can just make some sort of barrier.

K9: Recheck. First we must eliminate the service shaft.

LEELA: Of course! They can attack us from behind.

MARIUS: You haven't got much time.

LEELA: Right. K9, you destroy the shaft and meet me in the corridor.

K9: Affirmative.

K9 rolls noisily out into the corridor.

PARSONS: Suppose they fail?

Marius hesitates, then goes over to the blasters by the cloning chamber. He picks up both of them and hands one to Parsons.

MARIUS: Have you ever used one of these?

PARSONS: Thank you, sir.

MARIUS: Parsons, if by any chance I am taken over by the virus, I hope you won't hesitate to use that on me, because I certainly will on you. We must give the Doctor his ten minutes.

PARSONS: I understand, sir.

Back inside the Doctor's head.

LEELA 2: Doctor?

DOCTOR 2: Yes?

LEELA 2: I do not think you have any idea where we are going.

DOCTOR 2: What do you mean, I've got no idea where we're going? We're travelling along my neural pathways looking for a sort of bridge, a crossover point between the left lobe and the right lobe.

LEELA 2: Is that where the virus will be?

DOCTOR 2: Since it seems to control both the conscious and unconscious it's a good enough place to start.

LEELA 2: Suppose we meet it?

DOCTOR 2: What? No, no, no. It came in through the optic nerve. We are somewhere between the spinal cord and the cerebellum. But keep your eyes open for tissue deterioration.

LEELA 2: Like this?

She kicks the tissue.

DOCTOR 2: That's me you're kicking.

LEELA 2: Oh. Sorry.

They continue on. As they pass through a "valley" a large fuzzy ball, about the size of a beach ball, floats downward behind them unseen.

In the corridor Leela crouches down while K9 approaches.

K9: Mission accomplished. Service shaft destroyed, mistress.

LEELA: Thank you, K9. Now, what we need here is some sort of barrier.

She indicates the corner of a wall that has been damaged by the shuttle crash and sports a large crack. K9 blasts the crack which widens and breaks apart, a huge chunk of heavy polystyrene slamming to the floor.

K9: Acceptable?

LEELA: Perfect. Thank you, K9.

K9: There is no need for gratitude. I am an automaton.

LEELA: Really?

K9: I am without emotional circuits. Only memory and awareness. Attention. Four hostiles approaching.

Lowe and his party come around the corner.

LOWE: It's the reject.

They take cover.

LOWE: Leela. Leela. Bring me the Doctor.

LEELA: Come and get him.

They exchange blaster fire as she takes cover farther down the corridor.

Back in the lab.

MARIUS: Eight minutes to go. Anything?

PARSONS: It's all there, sir.

They all gaze up at the monitor screens showing something organic which apparently has some meaning to them.

PARSONS: Leela's tissue profile, adaption, disease resistance.

NURSE: Bit of a mongrel, isn't she?

MARIUS: I imagine that's why her race survived. There's no sign of any physical immunity.

NURSE: There's a wide variation in blood characteristics, sir. It'll take hours to check them all.

MARIUS: On the other hand, it could be a psychological factor.

PARSONS: You mean not physical at all?

MARIUS: Yes, something in her mind, her way of looking at things.

PARSONS: Aggression.

NURSE: Determination. Stamina.

MARIUS: The predator's instinct.

Back inside the Doctor.

DOCTOR 2: Doesn't look like the most advanced computer system ever, does it.

LEELA 2: Urgh. What's that?

DOCTOR 2: That is why my brain is so much superior to yours.

LEELA 2: Doctor.

DOCTOR 2: What is it?

LEELA 2: I can sense danger.

DOCTOR 2: Rubbish. If there was any danger about, I'd be the first to scent it. I know this brain like the back of my hand. Danger. What do you know about brains, anyway?

LEELA 2: All right, all right, don't get excited.

DOCTOR 2: I'll get excited if I want to. It's my brain. Danger. I'll tell you something about brains. Do you want to know something?

LEELA 2: Not much.

DOCTOR 2: I'll tell you anyway. Somebody once tried to build a machine as efficient as the brain. Only trouble was, it would have had to have been bigger than London. Do you remember London? And powered by the entire European grid. And that was just a human brain. Mine's much more complex. Left and right sides working in unison via the specialised neural ganglia, thus combining data storage and retrieval with logical interest and the intuitive leap. And here. Are you listening to me?

LEELA 2: Yes, Doctor.

DOCTOR 2: That is a reflex link, whereby I can tune myself into the Time Lord intelligentsia. A thousand super-brains in one.

LEELA 2: Why don't you do it now?

DOCTOR 2: What? Oh, well, I lost that particular faculty when they kicked me out. Oh look.

LEELA 2: Kicked you out?

DOCTOR 2: Oh look. Connection seven. Hello.

LEELA 2: Hello.

DOCTOR 2: Don't be funny.

LEELA 2: Doctor, you're wasting time. Keep moving.

DOCTOR 2: No, no, no. Come on over here. This is recent damage.

LEELA 2: The virus?

DOCTOR 2: What else. We must be getting close to it now.

LEELA 2: What's that?

DOCTOR 2: What?

In the background, a g roup of fuzzy beach balls begin to harass Leela. She struggles against them, screaming.

LEELA 2: Doctor! Doctor, help me!

DOCTOR 2: I can't! It's my body defence mechanism. They're my own phagocytes. Use your knife!

She continues to struggle.

LEELA 2: Oh, Doctor!

He runs over to some dangling ganglia and touches two of them together. Nothing happens, so he touches two others together. There is a zap. The phagocytes leave Leela.


LEELA 2: What did you do?

DOCTOR 2: I think I told them my liver was disintegrating. I think.

LEELA 2: That's very clever.

DOCTOR 2: That's very clever.

He touches two more together. In the lab, his body jerks.

PARSONS: What was that?

MARIUS: Well, it proves they're in there at some sensitive area.

Blaster fire is heard in the corridor.

PARSONS: They're coming closer, sir.

MARIUS: Seven and a half minutes. Not much chance.

Out in the corridor, the blaster fire stops. Cruikshank steps forward and Lowe urges him on. Cruikshank leaps over the barrier landing directly in front of K9. K9 blasts him at point-blank range before he can fire. But Cruikshank zaps K9 with his lightning virus glance before collapsing dead to the floor.

K9: Contact has been made. Master.

Inside the Doctor.

DOCTOR 2: After you.

LEELA 2: Are you afraid?

DOCTOR 2: Not necessarily, no. From now on, we're on the trail of the virus, and that's the path it took.

LEELA 2: Where to?

DOCTOR 2: Well, if I knew that, I wouldn't have brought you along. From now on, this is where your tracking skills come in.

She draws her knife a nd goes through the opening first.

Back in the corridor, Lowe gives a command to K9.

LOWE: k*ll her. k*ll the reject.

K9: Affirmative. k*ll the reject.

K9 rolls around toward Leela who does not suspect. He noses up to her and blasts her, but although she falls apparently unconscious, it looks as if he missed.

K9: Reject liquidated. K9 into self-regeneration. Non-functional.

LOWE: Good. Now for the Doctor.

Inside the Doctor, Leela reacts.

LEELA 2: Ow!

DOCTOR 2: What is it?

LEELA 2: Something banged my head. A real bump, but

DOCTOR 2: What?

LEELA 2: There's nothing there.

DOCTOR 2: That was your outside head.

LEELA 2: Oh, that's all right, then.

DOCTOR 2: No, it isn't all right. You and I have only got a limited life in here. Your outside self and your inside self are made of the same tissue. Your outside self is hurt, then you feel a shock. Your outside self is k*lled, yes.

LEELA 2: We'd better make the most of the next six minutes then.

DOCTOR 2: Yes.

LEELA 2: Where are we?

DOCTOR 2: This is the gap between one side of our mind and the other.

LEELA 2: But it's dark on the other side.

DOCTOR 2: Well of course it's dark. It's the gap between logic and imagination. You can't see one side from the other side.

LEELA 2: But it is there?

DOCTOR 2: What?

LEELA 2: There is something on the other side?

DOCTOR 2: This is the mind-brain interface, Leela. At least I think it is. That's the mind and that's the brain. Two things entirely different but part of the same thing.

LEELA 2: Oh, like the land and the sea?

DOCTOR 2: That's right, that's right.

LEELA 2: It's very deep.

DOCTOR 2: Yes. Sometimes I don't quite understand it myself.

Back to the lab.

MARIUS: Five minutes to go.

He motions the nurse toward him and puts her in the cloning chamber for her own safety. The door opens and Lowe's group fire at Parsons.

LOWE: Don't move, Professor.

They enter.

LOWE: Release the Doctor.

MARIUS: No, I can't.

Lowe zaps him with eye lightning.

MARIUS: Contact has been made.

LOWE: Release him. We must make contact with the Nucleus.

MARIUS: No, no, wait. The Nucleus is in danger.

LOWE: What?

MARIUS: Micro-cloned copies have been injected into his brain and are even now trying to hunt down and destroy the Nucleus.

MARIUS: If they succeed...

Unnoticed behind them, the nurse escapes from the chamber and gets out of the lab.

LOWE: They must not succeed.

MARIUS: We can't stop them. There is no time.

LOWE: I say we must!

Out in the corridor K9 extends his probe, waaauugh.

K9: Mistress?

LEELA: Why did you attack me?

K9: I had to. I was temporarily overpowered and my motivational circuits were in confusion. I have now regenerated and await your further orders.

LEELA: Where are the others? Have they got the Doctor?

K9: Affirmative.

The nurse peeks in the lab, then rushes over to Leela.

NURSE: They've got Professor Marius. He's been taken over by the virus. And they've k*lled Doctor Parsons.

LEELA: What are they doing now?

NURSE: Well, they're cloning Lowe and they're going to inject him into the Doctor's brain.

LEELA: Then we'd better stop them.

K9: Negative. We must wait. Maintain surveillance.


K9: We cannot interfere while there is still a possibility that the Doctor will succeed in destroying the Nucleus.

Back in the brain, the Doctor and Leela have crossed the mind-brain interface. There is a great sound of rushing wind as they come round the pathway. They stand and face the breeze with smiles.

DOCTOR 2: Bracing, isn't it?

LEELA 2: Very.

DOCTOR 2: The interface. The mind unsullied by a single thought.

LEELA 2: Where are we going, Doctor?

DOCTOR 2: Into the land of dreams and fantasy, Leela.

Back in the lab, Marius holds a syringe.

NUCLEUS (OOV.): Hurry. Hurry.

He plunges it into the Doctor's neck. We see Lowe moving down one of the neural pathways. He moves through some of the same areas passed earlier by Leela and the Doctor.

NUCLEUS (OOV.): Hurry! Hurry!

He carefully steps around the superganglia.

b]NUCLEUS (OOV.): They are closing in. Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Elsewhere in the brain.

LEELA 2: Is this your land of dreams and fantasies?

DOCTOR 2: Well, on the way to it.

They turn and see roman columns flying through space. The sight amuses them.

LEELA 2: The evil thing. Very close. And another. Doctor, we're going to be trapped.

Lowe closes in on them from behind, stepping carefully. The Doctor moves forward. He enters a chamber and looks around. He does a double take when he finds the nucleus.

DOCTOR 2: Who are you?

NUCLEUS: I am the Nucleus.

DOCTOR 2: You're trespassing, you know. Treading on my unconscious, affecting my metabolism. Nucleus of what?

NUCLEUS: The Nucleus of the Swarm.

DOCTOR 2: Oh. Oh, I see. Why did you choose my brain?

NUCLEUS: Because of your intelligence.

DOCTOR 2: Oh, well, I can understand that, but do you realise you have no right

NUCLEUS: I have every right! It is the right of every creature across the universe to survive, multiply and perpetuate its species. How else does the predator exist? We are all predators, Doctor. We k*ll, we devour, to live. Survival is all, you agree?

DOCTOR 2: Oh yes, I do, I do. And on your argument, I have a perfect right to dispose of you.

NUCLEUS: Of course. The law is survival of the fittest.

DOCTOR 2: Touché.

NUCLEUS: Your time is running short. How do you intend to dispose of me? You have no weapons, and in minutes you will cease to exist. I am the virus of the Nucleus of the Swarm. For millennia we have hung dormant in space waiting for the right carriers to come along.

DOCTOR 2: Carriers? What do you mean, carriers? I'm not a porter.

NUCLEUS: Consider the human species. They send hordes of settlers across space to breed, multiply, conquer and dominate. We have as much right to conquer you as you have to strike out across the stars.

DOCTOR 2: But you intend to dominate both worlds, the micro and the macrocosm.

NUCLEUS: We have waited, waited in the cold wastes of space. Waited for mankind to come. And now we have not only space but time itself within our grasp.

DOCTOR 2: Time?

NUCLEUS: Through you, Time Lord.

The Doctor looks chuffed. Lowe continues advancing slowly. He continues through another area. He walks forward, blaster raised. Leela appears behind him and grabs him. They struggle and both fall to the ground. Lowe fires at Leela. She stabs him with her knife. The phagocytes attack Lowe's body as Leela gets away. Back in the chamber.

NUCLEUS: So, Doctor, how can you puny creatures compare yourselves to us, the Swarm, the new masters of time, space and the cosmos.

DOCTOR 2: New masters? Not if I can help it.

NUCLEUS: But you cannot. Your time is up. You have fallen for my stratagem. Already you cease to exist.

Leela enters and the Doctor grabs the blaster from her.

DOCTOR 2: Get out of my brain. Get out of my brain!

He fires the blaster at the nucleus, at the same time disappearing. There is nothing left inside the chamber – Doctor, Leela and nucleus are all gone.

In the lab, Marius is collecting fluid from the tear duct onto a slide.

LOWE: Destroy them! Destroy them now!

MARIUS: No, no, we must find out what happened. We must restore them to their full size and interrogate them.

He goes into the room, places the slide on the floor. He leaves and closes the door. The Doctor's face is fully covered in scales. Marius operates the controls and instead of the Doctor and Leela, the nucleus grows larger and larger inside the room. The nucleus is no longer covered in a black sheet. It looks funky, like a giant prawn. The scales fade completely from the Doctor's face.

DOCTOR 2: Get out of my brain!

DOCTOR (OOV.): The tear duct. The tear duct. The tear duct. The tear duct. The tear duct. Tear duct.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

Voice of K9
John Leeson

Michael Sheard

Brian Grellis

Edmund Pegge

Jay Neill

Anthony Rowlands

John Scott Martin

Voice of Nucleus
John Leeson

Professor Marius
Frederick Jaeger

Roy Herrick

Roderick Smith

Marius' Nurse
Elizabeth Norman

Reception Nurse
Nell Curran

Jim McManus

Kenneth Waller

Pat Gorman

Assistant Floor Manager
Tony Garrick
Christabel Albery

Raymond Hughes

Barry Newbery

Film Cameraman
Nick Allder

Film Editor
Glenn Hyde

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Maureen Winslade

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Norman Stewart

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Robert Holmes

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Brian Clemett

Studio Sound
Michael McCarthy

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Tony Harding
Ian Scoones