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01x07 - Search Party

Posted: 07/17/21 07:21
by bunniefuu

Who's there?


Where is she?

This is what she does, causes a problem and evaporates.

All right, look, you two go check the gym again.



Hey, have you seen Hilde?

I saw her with Donny and Spoon.

Look, you gotta promise me she won't write a story about what happened.

If it gets out that I was even in a room with someone with dr*gs, Coach Rigley will cut me from the team.

Wait, are you mad at me?

I haven't seen her for an hour.

I did yell at some kids in the library earlier, but...

Hey, look, I checked upstairs. She's not there.

Look, I don't know. This is not like her.

This is exactly like her.

I mean, she probably just went home without telling us.






Nice shoes, Trip.

Bob, Imma do you a favor and take that at face value.

Thank you.

What? Trip, I got a problem.

You got a problem? Well, I got a date.

I got a date with a dude named Wilford, and I need to hurry up and get there before I realize how stupid his name is.

I lost him.

What? I lost Sam.

You gotta be kidding me.

Where are you?

Hey, Carol. Has, uh, Hilde come home?

No, why?

Ginny was such an angel.

Is everything all right?

This doesn't make any sense.

Matt, take a breath. We'll find her.

Oh, wow, her bike's still out back.

Look, she probably just walked up to the cabin, okay?

I can go get her. Wait, what cabin?

No, you're not going out walking in the woods in the middle of the night.

Well, actually, we go there all the time.

Mostly in the middle of the night.

Wh-What? Okay. Izzy, we'll go check the cabin.

Matt, you retrace Hilde's steps from school.

Maybe she stopped off on her way home.




No, no, no.



Where are you?

Hilde? Hilde, hey. Hilde?

What is this place?

Hilde and her weirdos call it HQ.

Hey, Mom.


Where is she?

I'm sure your dad has found her by now.

What if he hasn't?

You know, I mean, like... what if something happened to her?

Honey, you know she's gonna be fine.

We are gonna find her.

I think it's my fault she ran off.

What? No, of course not.

Some older kids were smoking weed. I wasn't, I swear.

And then Hilde came in and was gonna tell everyone and then I punched this girl who was trying to hurt her and then I told Hilde that I hate her...

And that I w... and that I wanted her to get out of my life and... and disappear.

Honey. Come here.

It's gonna be okay.

We just have to stay calm so we can find her.

You punched someone?

Please just ground me already.


You know, now I am even more sure that she's fine.

You know, she probably just got upset and hid somewhere.


You punched someone?

Jessica. Oh, Jessica.

'Cause she was threatening Hilde.

I'm so proud of you.

But don't tell anyone I said that.

It's gonna be okay. I promise.

Did you... Did you...

Where did you get that?

I-I found it by the side of the road. Oh, my God.

Izzy, it...

Mom, you know she would never leave that behind.

Maybe she dropped it. Oh, come on. Come on!

No, she went to a friend's house, and she dropped it on the way.

And I will call Winnie.

Okay, are you okay?

She's gone.

Stay calm. Just breathe.

Voice mail. I'm gonna drive over.

Okay, you come with me. Why don't you... Come on.

You took him on a three-hour tour instead of driving him back to the prison?

I started doubting everything.

Oh, well, please don't doubt your stupidity.

Trip, please... Please what?

You rope me into history's most delayed, most backward crisis of conscience, and you expect me to be nice about it?

I don't know.


How the hell did this happen?

Do you think the whole furlough thing was just a plan for him to escape?

I don't know. I...

I think he maybe got the idea after he overheard my dad.

Yeah, he came by, and we kinda got in an argument and... he might have said something about how Sam would never get out.



Look, I'm here.

But what the hell else do you want from me?

Help me find him. Wait, I'm sorry. What?

If I call it in, they add on escape charges.

He gets a longer sentence.

Oh, so this is about you being a good guy?

Look, I think we can put this whole thing back in the box before it blows up. And your dad never knows anything?

Yeah, fine. It helps me too not to call it in, but it also helps Sam.

A full-scale manhunt for an escaped convict doesn't usually end well.



All right.

His sister was his only relative in town, right?

Are there any... any friends you know of that Sam might reach out to?

Uh, Spoon and Donny are both home and in bed.

Neither one has heard from her.

I'm gonna call the sheriff.

Maybe we should go in there together.

Hey, why don't you go and hang out with Carol?


Hilde? No, it's, uh, Frank Briggs.

I know this may sound weird.

Have you heard from Sam tonight?

Sam? No, I thought you were taking him back to the prison.

Yeah, I was.

He escaped.

Oh, my God.

Bridget? Hilde's missing too.

What? This can't be a coincidence.

Okay, I'll be right there. Just sit tight.

Okay, I found Hilde's journal on Waterside... about here.

And, I don't know, I was...

I was yelling for her kinda all around this area here.

All right, there's six of us. So if we do this systematically...

Wait. What do you mean, "There's six of us"?

Sam's got cuffs and leg-irons on.

He's not moving faster than a slow walk.

So, at that pace, they'd be somewhere in, I'd say, this circle.

That's a pretty big area.

Yeah, we should use the entire force.

You know, helicopters, searchlights, that kinda thing.


Oh, you don't wanna get in trouble with your daddy. That's what's happening here.

We're talking about my daughter, Frank!

And they'll be super motivated to find Sam, which will help.

Or not. Sam is now an escaped convict.

A bunch of local white cops looking for a native man on the run?

They won't just be carrying flashlights.

We don't want Hilde getting caught up in the middle of that.

Come on. This is not just to save my own ass, Matty.

I promise you. We are trying to keep Hilde safe.

We don't even know where she is right now!

Please just tell me the best way to get my daughter back home.

Look, Sam's trying to get away. So... he's headed either to the bus station or the ferry or the res.

If he's on the reservation, we're screwed.

We don't have jurisdiction there.

I still think we need more eyes on this.

More eyes means more g*ns. I get it.

Matt, you've covered enough of these stories to know how that ends.

If Hilde's with Sam, then she is safe.

You know him, Matt. He is a good guy.

I-I don't know. You know, desperate people do desperate things.

And don't forget, honey... his father... Mom, not now.

Prison changes people, Kim.

He hasn't changed.

I've been with him all day, and I think you were right.

I think he's innocent.

Izzy, I need you to stay home with Pop-Pop and Ginny and promise to answer the phone.

Temperature is dropping, and there's some weather that's about to move in.

So, Trip and I will head toward the bus station, circle the lake on the way.

The ferry doesn't leave until sunup.

Kim, you and your mom can head that way.

See if you can find her.

Give this an hour, okay? We'll find her.

All right, not a minute more.

Then I don't care what anyone says. I'm calling it in.

I'm gonna check in with each group every few minutes.

If you see them, call us immediately, okay? Please.

I know where you are right now.

But this isn't that.

This one will turn up.

Stop following me.

Why did you escape?

Where are you going?

Nowhere with you.

I'm on your side, Sam.

I can help.

I solved your sister's m*rder.

Let me help you.

Agent Adkins.

Chris, it's Matt. Listen, I really need your help.

What's going on?

My kid's been missing for more than two hours.

I'm pretty sure she's with the guy who went away for the Fife m*rder back in '88.

You said you thought that guy was innocent.

Yeah, I-I did. I-I do.

It-It's just he escaped while he was out on furlough.

You contact the local sheriff?

Eh, it's complicated.

A couple of cops who are friendly are helping us off-book, but it's not an official search.

Listen, I know you know this, but you usually only get six hours before...

Yeah, I know. Which means we've only got four hours left.

Come on, man. Can you help me?

I'm on it.

Who were you talking to?



Come on. Let's go.


Hey, I'm sorry about your date.

Shut up.

Look, I know you're pissed.

That doesn't even scratch the surface.

I could lose my job.

I spent my whole life trying to make the best decisions I can for my future.

I'll be damned if I start making stupid ones now.


You think I don't feel like a complete idiot, like a failure 'cause of this?

I'm pretty sure I don't give a crap about what you're feeling.

It just seems like you're about self-preservation, and I am caught up in the middle of it.

I know it looks like that. But this is not self-preservation.

You know, I called you...

'cause you're the only person I can trust.

I can't say the same.

But... here we are.

And now this is about Hilde.

Sam, run!


I told you. Go home, Hilde.

The cops are coming.


Sam! Hilde!


Look, I just want to talk.

Off the record, I promise.

I don't even have my notebook.

I dropped it somewhere back there.

Leave me alone.


I know a place where we can go to get those chains off.



Are you kidding me?

Kidding's not my thing.

Trust me.

You should be with your family.

I know your mom's gotta be worried about you.

What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

Secrets... are like monsters under your bed.

They won't let you sleep.

Hm. I don't sleep anyway.

Don't those handcuffs hurt?

Well, let's get those off then.

Let me try.

Why do they have to make those so tight?

They don't want you to feel human.

Here. Maybe I can get that from a better angle.

This isn't working.


What's going on out here?

Oh, nothing, Pop-Pop. We just...

Sam. Hey, how're you doing, bud?

Okay, Mr. Lisko.

Syl. I tell all the kids, it's Syl's Cycles, not Mr. Lisko's.

What? Oh, you need some help with that.

Yeah, I guess I do.

I got...

Let's see in there.

Yeah, that's not it.

Let's see. Ah, there it is.

Have a seat, Sam. We'll get you out of those.

Richie Fife is missing.

I know you saw that guy.


The one with the "sinner" tattoo on his arm.

I think he had something to do with it.

There you go.

Thank you. Thank you.

Sam Gillis.

Hey, you look pretty cold in that.

We got some stuff over here. Let's see what we got.

Nope, that's...

What do we got?

Oh, here's good. This is good.

Don't be a stranger...

Sam. Come around the shop again.

Sure, Syl. I will. Okay.


Hey, Pop-Pop.

Pop-Pop, can you deliver an important message to Izzy?


Can you tell her I'm okay?

Pop-Pop, what're you doing in here?

If Mom finds out that we opened the door...

It's okay, it's okay. I was just chatting with Sam and Hilde, that's all.

Pop-Pop, Hilde's not here right now.

She sure is, and she wants me to tell you that she's okay.


Oh, Peanut.

You don't have to worry.

Sam's a good guy.

I promise. Okay? Okay.


Who did you call?

What? On the phone before.

I called a contact of mine from the FBI.

We discussed not getting more g*ns involved in this.

Actually you discussed that.

What is that supposed to mean?

I'm just saying that decision was unilateral.

Let's just leave it at that. No, it wasn't. We agreed.

I'm not gonna get in an argument.

We don't have time for that. I just called him.

Are you insane?

Whose side are you on here?


Are you sure?

'Cause I'm not gonna let our daughter go missing and not call in every favor that I have.

She's not missing. She's with Sam.

Oh, cool. Cool. And what are they doing? They're just taking a walk?

Can you just consider that I might be seeing things a little bit more clearly about this?

I mean, given what happened to you, that you might feel...

Don't. Don't do that, all right.

You have no idea how I feel.

All right? You never have on this!

You never let me.


Slow down.

No. Go back home.

I have more questions.

Will you slow down?

I don't want anyone to hear me.

Three questions. Make them good.

Then go back home to your family.

Your mother's been good to me.

She doesn't deserve to be worrying.

Do you have any idea of what really happened to Richie Fife?

No. Next question.

Uh, what was my Pop-Pop talking about?

The guy with the "sinner" tattoo?

I don't know.

Are you lying?

Is that your third question?

Oh, no. Uh, scratch that.

My final question is... where are you going?







Look, we gave it a good try, right?

Mom, I know him. This is where he would come and hide out.

This is where he felt safe.

You knew him... 30 years ago.

And how can any of us really... really know anyone?

Are you saying you think that he would hurt Hilde?

You can't possibly still think that he k*lled Richie.

Honey, I don't know what to think.

Sam and Penny's father had mental problems.

Their father was not crazy.

I had dinner at their house the night before his plane went down, and trust me, he was fine.

You don't go from being fine to suicidal in the course of eight hours.

You were just a kid. You don't know what might have...

Mom. And you don't know what was happening.

Mom, just-just stop.

Aw, honey. Come here.

Come here.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Richie is in a better place now.


Sheriff Briggs.

I'm calling from Northfield Corrections Center.

Inmate Gillis has not returned to the prison following his furlough time.

Come on.

Got a fugitive.


You don't mess around with the cops.

You are a cop.

Yeah, why do you think I became one?

Pull over.


Funny, how you're supposed to be dropping Sam Gillis up in Northfield, but you're down here shining spotlights in the woods.

A reasonable person might assume you lost your quarry.

Yeah, well, he's not an animal.

It's a figure of speech, kid.

Sam must have overheard you at the Gillis house.

Being all loud and proud about keeping him in jail no matter what.

So he escaped?

And you didn't call that in? He did call it in.

Look, I wanted to keep this thing contained.

And it's likely that Sam came across Hilde Lisko, and they are together.

So now that there's a child in the mix...

I should have never pushed you to be a cop.

I always knew you weren't built for it.

I'm taking over.

You're suspended, effective immediately.



Go home.

Johnson, you stay.

I need the manpower.

I can help you get out.

The right way.

With my paper.

Interview's over, Hilde.

If I could just convince them.

You can't.

All that matters is what you can prove.

And I was in all the wrong places at all the wrong times that day.

Is that why you ran?

I heard Sheriff Briggs talking to Frank, saying I'd never get out.

I saw my chance, and I took it.

That was kinda dumb.

Pretty dumb that people think I k*lled Richie.

This town's never thought much of me or my people.

Richie was my friend.

Who do you think k*lled him?

Well, if you were his friend, you... probably knew him pretty well, right?

Was there anybody who would've wanted to do that?

Hurt him?

I don't know. I saw a few things.

Like what?

Bruises on his arms, his body.

Like an accident?

I'm not sure.

But I think someone in Richie's family was hurting him.

Did you tell anybody?

Sheriff Briggs. Thirty years ago. But he didn't listen to me.

Locking me up probably made him sheriff.

So, what's your plan now?

Hey, Frank. Frank, did you find them?

No. And my dad just got himself involved. He's sending me home.

What? What? That doesn't make any sense.

He wasn't too happy with me not calling it in.

Look, it's a county manhunt now.

I'm sorry, Matt. I never wanted this to get crazy.

I'm going to keep looking for her.

Well, at least you'll get your helicopter and searchlights.


My dad said this bridge was built in the 1900s by prisoners who never got paid.

Maybe that could be your next story.

I used to have a good life.

Mom, dad, sister.

All happy, all together.

When my dad was still alive...

I used to go to work with him sometimes.

Used to be my favorite part of the day.

Kinda still is.

Even after everything that happened.

Just wanna watch the sun rise again.

One more time.


Ow, ow, ow.

Oh. Ow! Ow.

Just go.


Sam, stop. Just go.


I got you.


Where are you?


Come on.

This... This can't happen again.

Matt. You get up, and you find our daughter.

You don't understand what this is like for me.

Come on. You don't get to blame this on what happened 31 years ago.

Because you made a choice.

You chose to lie to me, so now here we are.

You're different since we got here.

I am sick of tap-dancing for my girls and pretending everything's okay while Daddy loses his sh*t in the corner.

It's too much, Matt.

I don't have anything left.

Oh, sh*t.


I just put out a statewide Amber Alert for your little girl.

Thank God.

The best thing for you all is to go home, be with your girls.

Wait by the phone for any updates.


No, no, I'm staying here.

Well, this is, uh... This is no place for a civilian, son.

My men are highly trained.

Oh, yeah. "Highly trained."

A nine-year-old kid is closer to solving Richie's m*rder than you ever were.


We found her. Someone saw her.

She's heading towards the old airport. We're on our way.

I'll use my coat to climb over the barbwire.

Then I'll find an opening for you in the fence once I get to the other side.

How old are these things?

Some go back to World w*r II.

They originally built this place to ferry new bombers back east where the pilots and crews were trained.

How do I know you're not just making that up?

My dad taught me.

Before he d*ed.

What happened to him?

People say he crashed his plane on purpose.

That wasn't true.

There was something wrong with that plane.

I know it. The company covered it up.

That's so unfair.

Life isn't always fair.

Justice doesn't always prevail.

I saw a hole back there just big enough...


You're a good person, Hilde.

I don't meet many of those often.

Thank you for everything.

What? Hey. Wait.


Come on.

Sam, come back here.






Sam! Sam! Open your eyes!

Sam! Sam!

Sam, come on! Hilde! Hilde!

Sam! Sam!

Fan out.

Sam, run! Get off that plane, now!

Raise your weapons, but hold your fire.

Stand down! Stand down!

What the hell are you doing? Get out of the way.

I'm not moving. Oh, so, you're a big hero now?

What does that make you, Dad?


Now. Do what you gotta do.

I got you. Sam, come on!

Sam, look. I need you to get down.

Get down, Sam.

For both our sakes. Down.


Sam! No!

Put your hands up. Come on.


No, don't put those on him. They're gonna hurt him.

Stop it.

It's okay. Honey, just let it go.

Honey, just come on. Let it go. Let it go. That's it.

It's okay.

Stand down, people.

Mom, stop crying. I'm fine.

I know. That's why I'm crying.

I'm really sorry.

Dad, who's the guy with the "sinner" tattoo?

"Sinner" tattoo?

Never mind.

Also, Sam told me that he saw bruises on Richie's arm.


He thinks someone in Richie's family was hurting him.

Look, if Richie's parents were hurting him, you know, he woulda told me.

I was his best friend, remember?


I don't tell you guys everything.

What if Richie's dad...

He couldn't have, Hilde.

Okay? Couldn't have.


Why did you shut her down?

Because this whole Richie Fife thing... it has to stop.



We got this.