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02x16 - Conspiracy

Posted: 07/19/21 06:12
by bunniefuu
Are you there, Nigel?

Ma'am, I'm sorry.
No cell phones allowed in the hospital.

This is an emergency.

- Nigel?
- How's Henry doing?

I don't know.
I haven't gotten to his room yet.

Look, did you reach
that lab in Dallas?

I'm on hold for five minutes now.

A man may be dying.
Are they clued into that?

They're trying to connect me to their expert,
but he hasn't answered his page.

We know what's wrong with Henry.

What we need is a way
to reverse his condition.

Yeah, I'll... I'll get
that information, Jordan.

I'll be speaking to
the man at any moment.

- Henry.
- He's cyanotic. / Clear!

He needs our help, Nigel.

- Charging three hundred.
- Clear!


I just had this ugly premonition
that I'm never going home.
Days Earlier

Mmm, I know you just pulled a double shift,
but can... can I run a situation by you?

Oh, can you do it
between here and the elevator?


Uh, this weird guy came in
looking for his missing friend.

Now, when you say weird...

- Uh, he's a little out there.
- Mmm.

Anyway, his friend's body isn't here, but he
won't leave until he talks to someone in charge.

Well, luckily for me,
that would be Garret.

The thing is, Garret's not here.

He... he got some call
from his ex-wife and he took off.

So close yet so far away.

Is she the one
I need to talk to?

Uh, Doctor Cavanaugh,
this is um...

My name is Henry Ross
and I'm here to stop a m*rder.

Let's take this from the top,
why don't we?


is this about
your missing friend?

Frank Arnett.

I'm concerned.
I'm very, very concerned.

He's been gone over
twenty-four hours.

I have to find him.

This is Frank.

We usually work from photographs.

I think I really captured his likeness.

He's thirty-two, he's got
black hair and brown eyes.

And what makes you think
that he's in danger?

Frank's a chemist.

He's involved in secret research
for a defense contractor.

He's been very scared.

Said people wanted him dead.

What people?

Government agents is
what he thought.

Government agents.

Okay, uh, did you
file a police report?

Yes, with a Detective Rohrbach,

and let me tell you,
he has a very disbelieving attitude.

I honestly don't see how
the M.E.'s office could help you.

Now, we will be sure
to contact you...

Frank and I played chess
in the park

every Saturday for the last
three and a half years.

Mister Ross. / Last Saturday,
Frank didn't show up.

That's never happened before.

And then last night,
I got a call from him.

He said he was sick,
that they had gotten to him.

He asked me to meet him
at the hospital,

and when I got to the hospital,

they said they had
no patient named Frank Arnett.

Doctor Cavanaugh,

haven't you ever believed in a truth
out there that nobody else cares about?

Please help me find Frank
before it's too late.

Oh, Garret, thanks for coming.

Whose place is this, Maggie?

Or did you just win the lottery?

- What's the matter?
- Been a long time, Garret.


I... I wasn't sure quite...

how to handle this, and
Maggie thought maybe you could help.

Is it Martin?

My God, Joan, what happened?

Well, we uh,

we stayed in last night.

We ordered Thai,
watched a movie.

He must have come down in the middle
of the night to get his pills.

I woke up this morning
and I found him.

It was his heart.

We all knew it was
just a matter of time.

But I... but I thought
if he took care of himself.

Since when did Martin Hewitt
do that?

Doctors make the worst patients.

Did you call nine-one-one?

No, the paramedics would
just call the police,

the police would come and...
and call you.

I don't want strangers
looking at him,

milling around.

Martin should be treated with dignity.

Can't you help her, Garret?

Hey, Nige.

I've got a favor.

This pertains to Henry Ross,
no doubt.

Oh, did you talk to him?

Actually, he did all the talking.

The man has no friend named Frank
if you ask me.

Yeah, you're probably right.

But he just seems so...
kind of desperate.

I just want to make sure that
Frank Arnett even exists,

and I was hoping
maybe you could help me.

I'm afraid I must decline.

Oh, that's so unlike you, Nigel.

Therein lies the problem.

You hear the rantings of
a paranoid freak and uh,

I'm the first person
that comes to mind.

No, it's only because of your great talent
for finding out information.

Well, I'm tired of being everyone's
internet lackey around here.

You know,
since I came in the morning,

Lily's asked me to help her
with her email account,

Doctor Macy wants me to
troubleshoot his DSL line,

and now this.

I was hired as a criminalist
and not a hacker.

I... I w... I want...
I want respect.

I... I want to be taken seriously
eh, as a professional.

I saw that.

I saw that.
You're laughing.

No, I'm not.
I'm not, I swear.

This is precisely
what I'm talking about here.

You... you want to chase after
this Frank Arnett, Jordan,

you can bloody well do it yourself.

You remember when Martin invited us
to that conference in Seattle?

It was the first time
we ever flew first class.


Four of us hiking up Mount Rainier.

That view, it was like
looking down from heaven.

They were such a great fit.

I can't even picture one
without the other.

None of it seems real.
I mean, he was my friend and I just...

I let him drift away.

Now, don't blame yourself.

I mean, when we split up,
so did a lot of other things.

Yeah, I guess.

Garret, hey,

don't be a stranger.

We don't need to
go through this alone.


Doctor Winslow, I wanted to
talk to you about the Hewitt case.

Oh, I got a full load.
I don't know if I'll get to him today.

This is a priority.

I'd like his body released
to the family by day's end.

That might not be possible.
What if I have to do a full exam?

Won't be necessary.
Just look him over and sign him out.

- I don't understand.
- I examined the body at the scene.

Now, those records document
a lifelong history of heart trouble.

He died of a heart attack.

Well, what kind of an M.E. would I be
if I just took your word for it?

It's open and shut, Doctor Winslow.

Just look him over,
sign him out and don't cut him.

Well, with all due respect, sir,
if that's how you want it done,

why don't you just
do the exam yourself?

Because I told you to do it.

Sorry, Doctor Cavanaugh.

As you can see, no Frank Arnett
was admitted last night.

I just wanted to make sure.

Thanks for checking.

Oh, wait. Excuse me.

Hi. Um, you have a John Smith here,
age thirty-two, black hair, brown eyes.

Uh, can you tell me
who treated him?

Uh, looks like he was
seen by Doctor Erkhart.

That's him right down there.

Oh, thanks.

Boy, am I glad to see you.

You don't know how much your looking
into this means to me, Doctor Cavanaugh.

Eh, Mister Ross,
what are you thinking?

Well, the same thing you are.

I... I haven't found out
what happened to Frank,

but since I borrowed this outfit,
I've been getting a lot more cooperation.

You know, you can't just
go around impersonating a doctor.

Well, isn't that
what most doctors do?

Does he know
something about Frank?

Please go home and
I will handle this.

Look, if he has something to say
about Frank, I need to hear it.

Excuse me, Doctor Erkhart.

Hi, my name is Jordan Cavanaugh.

I'm with the M.E.'s office.


Uh, and I'm uh, Doctor Ross.

What can I do for you?

I wanted to ask you about a patient
you treated last night, a John Smith?

Is this the man, Doctor?

That's him.
Is he dead?

Why would you ask that, sir?

Well, you said you were
from the M.E.'s office.

She is.
I'm not.


In any case, uh, Mister Smith came in
complaining of a severe rash on his neck.

Uh, he seemed to think
there was something seriously wrong.

And was there something
seriously wrong?

I don't know.

He left before I could find out.

He left?
Why did he leave?

He seemed to feel
there were people after him,

that if he stayed here,
they'd find him.

You know, we hear that kind of thing
all the time here.

Was he actually
telling the truth?

Well, it certainly
looks that way.

You know, when you said Hewitt,
I didn't realize you meant Martin Hewitt.


His father died young
of a heart attack.

I think that's one of the reasons
he achieved so much.

He knew he was racing the clock.

He wrote the book on
laparoscopic surgical technique.

Director at NIH,
advisor to Clinton.

Is there anything
the guy didn't do?

Didn't make it to sixty.

We met in med school.

He was a few years older.
He'd already gotten a law degree.

You went to med school with him?

Oh, I mean, it's just very
different career paths, that's all.

Thanks for pointin' that out.

Doctor Macy, I didn't mean
to say that you...

Is that your report?

Yeah, uh, blood samples showed spikes
of triponin and CKMB,

so you were right.
He died of a heart attack.

What's this?

Intake photos from
when he was processed.

No-no-no, I'm talking about
these lividity marks on his back.

From the surface
he was lying on.

He was lying on a hardwood floor.

Well, I don't know.

I'm sure there's some explanation.

I mean, like you said,
it's open and shut, right?

So what you working on?

Oh, you know, uh,
coroner stuff.

Still trying to find
Frank Arnett, hey?

Not to worry, Nige.
I will not rope you into this.

How are you uh,
how you going about it?

Oh, keyword searches, mostly.

Well, there are more efficient ways.

Yeah, whatever. You know,
it's just a matter of time here.




Look, I... I know I drew a line
in the sand earlier,

but there's exceptions to every rule.

Please evacuate the keyboard area.


It was so painful
to watch you flounder.

I was actually prepared to beg.

Yeah, so was I.


Uh, Frank Arnett's
vehicle history report.

Ninety-eight Mustang.

The previous owner reported it
stolen two years ago.

That doesn't really help us.

Yeah, but the police say they found the car
because AutoTrak had been installed.

See, the Mustang was equipped
with a GPS vehicle recovery system.

You think the GPS is still active?

Why don't we just sneak in
the back door of the AutoTrak website,

type in the vehicle
identification number and find out?


There's his car.

Right there,
on the outskirts of Burlington.

It's not moving. It...

it doesn't even look like
it's on a road.

Looks like someone
drove through the guardrail.

The late great Frank Arnett.

Ah, Detective Rohrbach.

Nothing like a dead body to
make you sit up and take notice.

I made a judgment call.

I thought Henry Ross was nuts.

I still do.

That's a pretty bold statement,

considering that Ross said that
Arnett was in danger and here he is.

Nothing says this was
anything but a car accident.

No skid marks, no damage to the car
showing it was run off the road.

So, what, Mister Arnett just
decided to take his car four-wheeling?

Let's cut to the chase,
Doctor Cavanaugh.

Have you found
any evidence of homicide?

I will once I do the autopsy.

I'll wait by the phone.

You're a real smart ass.

I respect that.

Oh, hey, Nige.

Uh, those Mister Arnett's x-rays?


you should know that
last night will never happen again.

Oh God, what are
we talking about here?

My new image in the workplace.

No more Nigel the computer jockey.

Okay, I was swept up in the moment,

but now it's truly done.

Good to know.

Alright, meanwhile, I found something
intriguing in Mister Arnett's personal effect.

Oh, a blank check?

A redemption check for
a fixed income mutual fund

with a five million dollar
minimum balance.

Didn't see that coming.

Tantalizing, no?

A wealthy and mysterious scientist,

a possible conspiracy,

labyrinthine in its complexity.

Are you sure
these are his x-rays?

Yeah, positive.

I figured he died of internal injuries,
but, I mean, look at all these fractures.

Well, that's not unusual
for a car wreck, is it?

Uh, but there's no
bruising or hemorrhaging,

which means he must have dead
before the car crash.

Joan, something's come up.

About what?

About the circumstances
of Martin's death.

You said you two were home all night and
you found him in the kitchen the next morning.

Why are we revisiting this, Garret?

Well, lividity marks indicate that
Martin was lying on fabric

or upholstery when he died.

What I told you is
exactly what happened.

A wooden floor
wouldn't leave those marks.

We've been friends for...
twenty years?

Are you saying
what I think you're saying?

I need to do a full autopsy.

You told me you wouldn't.

Come on, Joan.
I need to look into this.

It's not what I want,
not what Martin would want.

Please let it go.

- Here you go.
- Oh, thank you.

Uh, sweetheart,
those are so bad for you.

It's my last one, I swear.

I promised her I'd quit.
Old habits.

Yeah, this whole thing with Frank
just has him so upset.

Well, I'm hoping to have this
all sorted out...

uh, with your husband's help.

My help?
I can't help you.

I need to know how Frank died.

Well, d... didn't you
do an autopsy?

It was inconclusive.

His organs, his blood,
everything was perfectly normal.

You see?

These people can k*ll
without leaving a trace.

Look, they left a trace.
We just haven't found it yet.

At this point, I think
maybe you should stop looking.

Henry, I'm gonna
see this through.

Now, the rash that Frank had

may have been a reaction
to something he was exposed to,

like uh, a toxin.

You think he was poisoned,
injected with something?

Well, there were no
puncture marks on his body,

so it had to be introduced
in some other way.

Now, you mentioned that...
that Frank was a research chemist.

On a w*apon's program.

Biological, chemical,
he didn't say.

Well, who did he work for?

I don't know.

I just know that he wanted out.

He said people were following him,
that hi... his phone was tapped.

They had him so scared,
he would barely leave his house.

Could you take me to his house?

Look, what if there're toxins
here in Frank's apartment?

Oh, I doubt it. I mean,
you've been here before, right?

No, Frank gave me these keys
for safekeeping.

I've never been
on this side of the door before.

Well, what a way to live.
It's like a bunker in here.

Yeah, but with less charm.

I guess he didn't spend
all that money on interior design.

What money?

Uh, the guy had millions.


Wow. You know, you think
you know a guy.

I just thought because money is what I do...
I'm a certified financial planner.

Oh, you're kidding.

Oh, my clients will tell you
I can work wonders with a -K.

Well, you'd need to
work miracles with mine.

Barely enough in it
to buy a Happy Meal.

My life isn't half bad,
Doctor Cavanaugh.

I don't want that to change.

Well, why would it?

Frank knew secrets.

We met for chess every Saturday
in a public park.

I didn't want to say this in front of Alice,
but what if they saw me with him?

What if they think
he told me things?

I wish I had
some answers for you.

But I think I know
where to start looking.

Paramax Industries.

Okay, here's my report on the materials
on my external examination of Martin Hewitt.

I'll take it from here.

Take what from...
It's all done.

It's all wrapped up.

I'm reopening the case,

but I want you to know
it has no reflection on your work.

Oh, yes. Yes, it does.
I signed the death certificate.

If you reopen it, I look like
I don't know what I'm doing.

Listen, this is my mistake.
I should have done the exam myself.

It's a simple exam.
How could I have screwed it up?

You didn't screw it up.

Listen, Doctor Macy, I would really
like things to work out here.

If there's a problem, tell me
what it is. Let me address it.

It's a question of experience,
Doctor Winslow.

It's a possible homicide.

What happened to heart attack?

I'll know more
after I've done a full autopsy.

That's exactly
what you told me not to do.


Look, I know I'm the new guy here,
but what is this, some kind of hazing ritual?



Everything alright?

You have time for
a cup of coffee?

Sure, but wouldn't my office
be a better place to talk?

I could even make you
an espresso.

I want to be on neutral ground.

I need you to help me
make sense of this.

Now, just yesterday,

you and I were remembering all
the good times with Martin and Joan,

and now she's telling me
you want to do an autopsy?

There's some unanswered questions.

For God's sake, Garret,
this is Joan.

The whole idea was for you
to make it easier for her, not...

not more painful.

Look, there were
marks on Martin's body.

Maybe they came from the gurney.

I don't think so.

Somethin's not right.

And you're not gonna stop
until you figure out what.

What's that supposed to mean?

Joan and Martin were
the perfect couple.

I know where you're
headed with this, Maggie.

Don't do it. / You measured
yourself against Martin...

- Please.
- Us against them.

You were... you were
always jealous, Garret,

of what they had,

how good they were together, and...

and you were always looking for
some sign that it was all a big lie.

And... and you're still looking.

Martin's dead.

I need to find out why.

And I'm not gonna let you
or Joan or anyone else stop me.

So, what's new
on the toxin front?

Well, the poison definitely
didn't enter through his skin.

It was either ingested or inhaled.

I keep testing his blood for
any toxins, but nothing shows up.

Hey, keep at it.
It's in there somewhere.

In the meantime, we did a little
digging on Paramax Industries.

Who's we?

Well, me and Henry.

Yeah, it turns out he's pretty
handy with a computer.

I see.

Yeah, Paramax makes chemicals
and they have a government contract.

That's about all we could find out.

You're at Paramax now,
with... Henry?

Yeah, look, I'll let you know
what we find out, okay?

I... I'm beginning to question
the wisdom of this idea.

These are really dangerous people.

You wait here.
Let me handle this.

Sometimes you just have to
walk through the front door.

You know?

Okay, okay,
keep your hands off.

You're not welcome here,
Doctor Cavanaugh.

Neither are your questions.

What did Frank Arnett
do at Paramax?

It's company policy not to
comment about our employees.

Oh, is it that or is it something
you're trying to hide?

No, what goes on
inside that building?

Leave the property
or I'll have you arrested.

Hey, you can't do this to us!

This is America!

Well, are you alright?


Look, I'm gonna find out
what they're up to one way or another.


Uh, you...
you've got on your neck...

The rash?


I got the rash?



He hasn't woken up.

They don't know if he will.

No one even knows what's wrong.

He never hurt anyone.

Who would do this?

I don't know.

But I promise you
I'm gonna try to find out.

Oh, excuse me.

Doctor Erkhart, any diagnosis?

Well, I've run tests,
I've called in specialists.

All we know is what it isn't.

It isn't infection or stroke.
There's no brain damage.

This has to be related
to Frank Arnett.

Well, we don't know
what caused that, either.

I think it may have been a toxin.

- Oh.
- We'll... we'll figure out which one.

It's just a matter of time.

That's something that
we don't have.

Mister Ross's organs are failing.

At this rate, we'll be lucky
if he lasts another day.

Hey, Nige,
I need some good news.

I just got more results
on Frank's blood.

Forty-two toxin tests,

all negative.

Come on, you're
the poison whiz, remember?

I know. I... I've done...
I've run everything I can think of.

At this point, I'm just guessing.

And with ten thousand possible toxins,

we're looking for
a needle in a haystack.

Well, where we need to look is
Paramax Industries.

Martin Hewitt's body
was just cremated.

It's not my fault.

You let the mortuary
take the body.

You hadn't revoked
the death certificate.

I was legally bound to
release his body.

Why didn't you call me?

I did call you. I called your office,
I called you on your cell phone.

Where were you?

Letting Joan Hewitt
get away with m*rder.

Oh, no. We still have the photo
with the marks on his back.

It's not enough. She says
she and Martin were in all night

and she found him in the kitchen.
We can't prove otherwise.

So when did he take his swim?

Take a swim?
What are you talking about?

Yeah, I put it in my report.

His hair, his skin,
it smelled like chlorine.

Do the Hewitts have a pool?


He was lying
in the back seat of a car.

How can you tell?

Mmm, you see this
pale impression here?

From the receiving end
of a seatbelt.

What kind of car?

Not enough information to know.

Anyway, there you have it.

- I've got work waiting back in the lab, so...
- Bug, Bug, Bug, Bug, Bug.

Martin was supposed to
be home all night.

Obviously, he wasn't.
I'm trying to reconstruct his movements.

You asked Nigel and he said no.

Look, here's the thing, Bug.

- It's...
- No, I will not be your Nigel.

Now, I'm not hearing you can't do it,
just that you don't want to.

This guy was a friend of mine.
I need your help.

Come on.

I need his Social Security number...

Oh, yeah, that's right here.


Here's something.

He bought gas with his ATM card
in Bedford at one twenty a.m.

That's the night he died.

And Bedford's thirty miles from here.

So much for take-out
and a video with the wife.

Seems he filled up in Bedford
on a regular basis.

And he was a repeat customer
at a liquor store there, too.

He may have been to
a swimming pool in Bedford.

Any way to find out where?

I'm beginning to feel Nigel's pain.

Please come in.

Believe me, the last thing
Paramax Industries would do
[font color=FFFFCC]Paramax Industries

is impede a police investigation.

Wow, flash a badge and all of a sudden
it's a brand new you, huh?

Well, as you can see,
this is just a warehouse facility.

Of course.

And Area Fifty-one's
just a patch of desert.

Frank Arnett is dead.

His friend is sick.

These two think Paramax is involved.

They think there's a laboratory here.

Well, that's absurd.

You're certainly welcome
to look around.

I've got a better idea.

Why don't you just show us
where Frank worked.

Well, you're looking at it.

You're telling us
that he worked here?

You said he was a scientist.

- He was.
- He was.

Oh, no, he wasn't.

Uh, Frank had
an active fantasy life.

Uh, he was the CFO's nephew,
he was a trust fund kid.

We just gave him a job as a forklift operator
to help keep him out of trouble.

He ran a forklift?

Yeah, there's his rig
right over there.

Or was.

Look, I don't know what line of bull
you're trying to sell us here,

but Frank Arnett was a chemist
working on some kind of weapons program.

Paramax has a government contract.

Yes, but not for anything but

So, if I just were to reach my hand
into uh, this box right here,

what might I find?

It's a urinal cake.

Actually, we prefer deodorant block.

Paramax is number two in the world for
commercial and household deodorizing products.

Urinal cakes.

Hey, Nige.


Frank smoked.

So did Henry.

This is a cigarette
from Frank's pocket.

We batten down the hatches,

grab the lighter

and fire this baby up.

Okay, but how do
we check the smoke?

Well, with this.

It's a prototype on loan
from Livermore lab.

It's a pathogen detection system.

In essence, a fancy smoke detector
that can sniff out chemical agents.

[font color=FFFFCC]Pathogen Detected

Well, I guess smoking
really does k*ll you.


It's... it's what k*lled those people
in the Russian theater.

There... there's a lab in Dallas knows
everything you need to know about the stuff.

Great, see if you can get them
on the phone, okay?

Alright, hey.

Are you sure this is
the right address?

We're saying that Martin Hewitt
was in Bedford after midnight.

Well, no public swimming pools
would have been open.

So I checked with the permit office
for homes with pools,

and this one is closest
to the gas station

and the liquor store
that Hewitt frequented.

Um, Doctor Macy?

Yeah, Bug?

I think I'm starting to enjoy this.

That's great, Bug.

And just what do you think
you're doing?



I'm uh, I'm Garret Macy.

This is Peter Winslow.

- Hi.
- And we were wonderin'...

Come on in.


Can I take your coats?

Actually, we'd like to
ask you some questions.

I've got some answers.


We also have private rooms.

Voyeur, fantasy,
soft swing, full swing.

And may I take you
on a private tour?

Yeah, you know what?
That would be great.

No, no.

Th... there's been
some mistake here.

See, he and I are...

My mistake.

The room you two want
is upstairs.

Oh, no-no-no.

Now you've got it all wrong.
We're not together.

Not at all. No.

It's okay.

No one here has to pretend.

I'm not pretending.

Come with me.
I'll show you around.

It takes a while to...



You're overdressed.

Are you there, Nigel?

Ma'am, I'm sorry.
No cell phones allowed in the hospital.

This is an emergency.

- Nigel?
- How's Henry doing?

I don't know.
I haven't gotten to his room yet.

Look, did you reach
that lab in Dallas?

I'm on hold for five minutes now.

A man may be dying.
Are they clued into that?

They're trying to connect me to their expert,
but he hasn't answered his page.

We know what's wrong with Henry.

What we need is a way
to reverse his condition.

Yeah, I'll... I'll get
that information, Jordan.

I'll be speaking to
the man at any moment.

- Henry.
- He's cyanotic. / Clear!

He needs our help, Nigel.

- Charging three hundred.
- Clear!

He needs it now.

Okay, people, I'm calling it.

Time of death, ten thirty-five.

Henry came to me for help.

I didn't just let him down,
I let him get k*lled.

Come on, you're not the one
who put the fentanyl in his cigarette.

Well, who did?

And why?

I bought into some huge
conspiracy theory about what?

You know, a delusional
forklift operator and uh,

deodorant blocks.

Well, maybe we should have been
looking for the conspiracy...

a bit closer to home.

Meaning what?

I've reconsidered.

You know,

what right have I to withhold
the bounty of my computer talents.

Welcome back, Nige.
Whadya got?

Henry's bank statement.

Last month, he paid the first premium
on a hefty new life insurance policy.

Can you guess the beneficiary?

Police Interrogation Room


Our lab found traces of it
in your husband's cigarettes.

Are you saying someone used this
to k*ll my husband?

Not someone, Mrs. Ross,


I loved my husband.

You got a funny way of showing it.

We found that
in your underwear drawer.

You m*rder*d your husband, ma'am,

and you k*lled Frank Arnett to make it
all look like something it wasn't.

It's absurd.

Why would I do that?

You know that better than me.

Why would she poison his cigarettes when
she was trying to keep him from smoking?

Something's wrong with this picture.


deals with grief
in different ways, Garret.

Is that what
you were doing, grieving?

I don't expect you
to understand.

How did he die, Joan?

In the company of
two lovely young women.

He had a heart attack
in the hot tub.

And your response was to put his body
in a car and stage it here.

That's obstruction of justice.

Martin was a great man.

He accomplished great things.

So this is about saving
his reputation, is that it?

People would have
judged him, Garret.

The way you're judging me.

Well, you lied to me, Joan.

You used me
and you used Maggie.

And you broke the law.

I did what I had to do.


where does that leave us?

I don't know.

Henry Ross Residence

Client Files

F. Annett


Jordan, remember
Frank Arnett's money?

Yeah, you mean
the five million dollars?

Yeah, well, not anymore.
It's gone.

What do you mean, gone?

I mean, all funds have been
wire transferred out.

As of this morning, they were moved into
an offshore account in the Caymans.

After that, I lost the trail.

Frank Arnett's the only one authorized
to access this account, but

he obviously didn't
order the transfer.

He's dead.

Hey, Nige, is uh,
Henry's body over there?

It's funny you should mention that.

Actually, it's...
it's missing at the moment.

Some mix-up at the hospital.

I'm heading there right now.
Meet me there.

Yeah, but you saw Henry.

He was dead.

He appeared to be.

Well, I suppose it's possible.

Um, poisons like curare and tetrodotoxin
can mimic death,

but why would Henry
fake his own m*rder?

For Frank Arnett's money.

The man works wonders
with a -K.

Imagine what he could do
with a real nest egg.

Wait, so you're saying he's the one
who poisoned Frank and then uh,

concocted this whole conspiracy
as a smokescreen?

With my help.

He knew I'd buy into this.
He sought me out, Nige.

Which means that he...

he bought the life insurance
just to implicate his wife.


Leaving us to chase our tails
while he got the hell out of dodge.

Oh, excuse me.

Where's Doctor Erkhart?

I'm sorry, he left for vacation.

Well, when's he coming back?

He's not.

We've been totally played, Nige.

The ticket isn't
under Henry Ross's name.

How do you know he's the one
who bought it?

A multi-stop open ticket
cost thirty grand.

Oceanic Airlines hadn't sold one
for two months...

until an hour ago.

Well, if it's an open ticket,
he could be on any one of these flights.

Yeah, which is why we need to
check every one of 'em.

Or he could be
pulling another fast one.

Maybe he's not even
flying out of Logan.

If you've got a better idea,
I'm all ears.

Enjoy your flight to Tahiti,
Mister Morris.

I certainly shall.


I'm afraid there's gonna be
a slight delay.

Good twenty years, I'm thinking.


Look at you, a medical miracle.

I suppose you got Erkhart.

Nailed him at the Canadian border.

What do you think, Detective?

Go directly to jail,
do not pass go,

do not collect five million dollars.

Read my mind.

I didn't think you had it in ya.

No one does.

That's the story of
my miserably dull life.

Henry the accountant.

Don't sell yourself short, Henry.

You're a m*rder*r.

You k*lled your best friend,
you framed your wife.

What for?

I saw a chance...
to start over.

A chance to be someone new.

If I'd gotten on that plane, Doctor Cavanaugh,
you never would have seen me again.

I don't even see you now.

What are you thinking about?

About us.

When was it over for you, Mag?

Y... you mean

the specific moment?

If there was one, yeah.

It was a Saturday morning.

I was watching you sleep,

staring at you.

Because you had changed...



Your face, your...

your hair,
even the way you smelled.

It's uh...

You were a stranger.

I still loved you.

I don't know, maybe you never know
who people really are.

Maybe if you and I had seen
that more clearly,

we might have found
our way back.

Maybe so.

Did you get the full story
on what happened to Martin?


Garret, I accused you of
attacking their relationship.

I always held them up
as some sort of ideal.

When we split up,
Martin and Joan just kept going.

Happy and in love.

It... it gave me faith.

But... but I don't need
to kid myself.

If it was just an illusion...

I'd like to know.

They were the perfect couple.

Hey, you looking for me?

Yeah, Peter.

listen, about last night, uh,

I think you and I saw some things
we shouldn't have.


Oh, you mean the orgy?

Blew your mind a little?


seeing Mrs. Hewitt
was unexpected.

Well, don't worry about me.
I know how to be discreet.

It's one of the tenets
of the program.

What program?



Yeah. Hey, Doc, we all have
our dark places.

- It's true.
- I'm late. I gotta go for a meeting.

Hey, you hear about
uh, my case?

Henry Ross.

Oh, the guy who rose
from the dead.

Yeah, Nigel told me.


God, even after we busted him,
I still couldn't believe it.

I was conned, Garret.


He found your blind spot.

We all have 'em.

Well, which one?

I mean, I've got a few.

You're a sucker
for the underdog, Jordan.

I'm not sure I can change that.

I don't think you should.

What's yours?

Your blind spot, I mean?

I put people on pedestals.

And inevitably, they fall off.

Then I think you're
pretty safe with me.