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02x05 - As If by Fate

Posted: 07/19/21 06:19
by bunniefuu
So, um,

how often do you let clients
set you up on blind dates?

Well, apparently, not often enough.

Lily failed to mention that
you were a home run.


Uh, and how long have you two
known each other?

About six months.

We met at the gym,

and she needed some legal advice
for her mom, and uh,

I was happy to help.

You know, frankly, you don't strike me
as the blind date type.

What type is that?

You know, sagging a little,
anxious to settle down, have kids.

There's a sweeping generalization.

But an honest one.

I guess I've been kind of
a hermit lately.

You know, I just thought
I'd give it a sh*t.

Of course, if Lily had mentioned that
you were Lawyer Type A...

Oh, come on. Give me
a little more credit than that.

Based on what,
the sagging body comment?

Well, until last year, I...
I was cruising Europe on a Harley.

Oh. Hadn't been back
to the States in a decade.

Were you rude to women there, too?

Uh, not rude, direct.

Spoken like a true attorney.

You toast with water?

Haven't had a drink since college.

Wow. Then we have
absolutely nothing in common.



I... I'm sorry.

I called your secretary and
she told me where I could find you.

We need to talk.

Can't this wait?

Why don't uh, you call me
at my office tomorrow.

I think he knows.

Uh, maybe I should leave.

Jordan, wait, wait...

No, no, I... really, I have to go,

but thank you for the dinner.

Let me explain.
Sh... she's...

I'll call you.

'Morning, luv.

Oh, hi, Nige.

Hey, just got word of an unlucky jumper
at Tremont and Lincoln.

Are you uh, are you on call?

Yeah, I'm headed for work.

Uh, what's all that noise?

Uh, I'm on the T.

Just had breakfast with my investment guru
in Kendall Square.

Found out I've lost half
the four-oh-one K this year.

At this rate, I'll be working
'til I'm ninety-five.

Yeah, you and me both.

Uh, listen, don't bother comin' in.
I'll pick you up.

Oh, no, that's... that's sweet.

I'll just switch trains
and meet you at the scene.

Okay, bye.

Maybe you're playing too risky.

Excuse me?

The market.

I'm a broker.


so it's your fault.

I'm Josh Barrow.

Nigel Townshend.
How do you do?

Is that your family?


My son just turned five.


Every day there's something new.

Suddenly, when you have kids,

it all sort of makes sense.


Whoa, hey, let me help you
with that.

Oh, thank you.

Shopping at rush hour,
really smart, huh?

Here, take my seat.

Oh, a gentleman.

I thought they sh*t
all of you guys already.

That's alright.


Oh, my.

Toto, we are not
in Jersey anymore.

I'm Cavanaugh.

Uh, who are you?

Uh, the father of your children.

I'm Phil Berman.

I'm uh, new
to the seventh via Hoboken.

- Ah.
- It's... damn, it's a pleasure.

What have we got?

What? Oh, a local hotshot did a half gainer
from his balcony around five a.m.

Garbage crew found him, no witnesses.
You have gorgeous eyes.

I'm looking for a tall English guy.

Have you seen him?
He's assisting me.

Yeah, I hear tea bags
are terrible in the sack.

True or false?

I gotta work.

That's cool. Yeah, I just thought,
you know, I found this phone number.

It fell out of Superman's pocket
when he tried to bounce.

So I'm just gonna give it a sh*t,
try it out.



How you doin'?


What a mess.

Car jumped the rail
and hit the water.

This is horrible.

Here we are.



Alright, number one is a male,
severe head trauma.

Laceration of the right thigh, probably
hemorrhaging from the femoral artery.

Any identification?

Joshua Stephen Barrow, Lennox.

Kid looks just like him.

I'll make the call.

This is a woman, also thirtyish.

No visible cause of death.

Uh, Garret,
this one doesn't have ID.

He doesn't need any.

Name's Calvin Wheeler,
one of the great sax players.

I saw him at Montrose
in 'seventy-five.

This guy was unbelievable.

Don't think anyone's seen or heard
from him in more than a decade.

Give me a hand,
help me find somethin', will ya?

What are we looking for?


Hands have multiple fractures.

The right humerus and
the rib cage are damaged, as well.

There's severe bruising and

one deep, penetrating wound
to the upper torso.

Tear is about four inches long.

So the um, word around the water cooler
is that you slept with this guy.

Was he any good?

So you didn't?

It was one date,
one meal, that's all.


Well, since when did you
become Mister Gossip?

Nora in maintenance did
some charity work with him.

Claims he was big on giving back.

Well, nothing against the guy,
but all I got from him was attitude.

Were you your usual
charming self?


Then you probably deserved it.

Look, uh, when I left
the restaurant last night,

he said that he wanted to call me.

Those are not the words
of a suicidal man.

Horny, yeah.
Suicidal, no.

You think there was
more to it, don't you?

A jumper with a deep s*ab wound
and unexplained bruising?

You tell me.

So that's Rayanne?

- Yeah.
- Ah.

Wheeler said she was his mistress.

Said he treated her like a lady

and she always left him wanting more,
or something like that.

Now I guess she's his widow, huh?



Okay, all done.

Nice stench.

You'll live, unfortunately.


Wow, luminol, huh?

- Yeah.
- Some spread.

Can you imagine the muffins
that he baked in here?

Smell anything else
in here, Detective?

Uh, what do you want me
to smell, Doctor?


Someone recently cleaned
this place down.

So uh, he had a great maid.

Big deal.

Even if Larken bounced down to the street,
it wouldn't have caused that wound.

The facial abrasions could have been
caused by hitting the car,

but those long, thin bruises
had to be caused by something...

Hard and metallic.

There's no seven iron.

Okay, since when does Gandhi know
anything about the back nine?

Since I won my parents' club championship
at the age of fifteen,

you stupid r*cist ass.

I like him.

He's a... he's a keeper.

How much you want to bet that blade
matches the wound perfectly, huh?

Larken had an argument at the restaurant
with a woman named Catherine.

How's about we open up
his address book and run a search.


- Four listings for Catherine.
- Oh, multi-tasking.

I'll uh, check and see
which one saw him last night.


What are you doing?


Oh, I'm enjoying your proximity.

Do it again and I'll push you
off the balcony myself.

Okay, Jordan.

We're ready.

Clean... can be deceiving.

What we see...
is often meaningless.



it's a good thing you didn't
come back to knock one out, Doc.

Looks like your date would have
turned into a uh, homicide.

I'm sorry.

Sorry for what?

Don't sweat it, bud.

You think I wouldn't have changed cars
if I knew this was coming?

But you're dead.

Perceptive, Sherlock.

What gave it away?

Don't listen to her.
She's just ticked off.

With good reason.

Will you get over it?
We all had a bad day.

Boo-hoo. You're dead.

Now, let it go.

Lovely Leslie over here would love to
thank you, but her throat's crushed!

Awfully generous tip, young man.

Every time it rains,
it rains pennies from heaven.¢Ü

Maybe I did die.

don't you know each cloud contains...
[ font]
- Geez, will you cut it with the existential crap.

pennies from heaven...
[ font]
- Enough with the singing.


k*ll me now.

Oh, that's right,
I'm already dead.


I'm in hell.

It's funny how
things happen, though, huh?

- Shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh.
- Satchmo, sss.

I'm laughing.

Well, look who finally showed up.

Do you know how busy we've been?

You better plan on working late.

Hope you had a relaxing morning.

Can I get you anything to drink?

No, ma'am, we're fine.

Simone, will you please
take Matthew to the playroom?

Mrs. Fielding, I assume
you remember our meeting last night.

Yes, I'm so embarrassed.

Ross was such a good friend,
and this is horrible.

How long did you
know each other?

Only a few months, really.

So you were romantically involved?

I'm married, Detective.

Would it be possible to
speak with your husband?

Well, you can,
but he won't be of any help.

Why's that?

Well, Ross was doing
some work for me as a favor.

My husband is also an attorney,
but their paths never crossed.

You are aware that this is
a homicide investigation now?

Oh my God, no. I...

Ross just seemed frustrated
about something last night.

We were wondering if...

I mean, it was just business.

It was stupid, really.

Ross was doing me a favor.

It's a heck of a way of
showing your appreciation.

Are you insinuating that I had
anything to do with his death?

I think you should go.

- Mrs. Fielding.
- No.

Please, just go.

Catherine Fielding, she needs legal advice
like I need celibacy.

You can never have enough lawyers.


My guess,

she was bangin' Perry Mason
right behind Big Daddy's back.

Yup, Larken wanted that tight little
thing all to himself,

so he threatens to
go to the husband,

and then whack,

she knocks him pin high.

You have some imagination,
you know that?

- Really?
- Yeah.

Want to know what
I'm imagining right now?

Oh, by the way,
I know why you come to this bar.


'Cause it feels like
a freakin' morgue.

I heard that.

I don't believe
I've had the pleasure.

Eh, Detective Phil Berman,
this is Max Cavanaugh.

He's my father.

What? Oh, hey.

Uh, sir, you... you got a...
you got a great place.

Okay. Uh...

yeah, I'd love to stick around,
but I can't.

I'll see you
back at the office, Jordan.


Problem is, he's right.

It's just a lull.
I... it'll pass.

Pretty soon, the only draft in here will be
the breeze coming through the front door.

Dad, you've got to liven this place up
just a little bit.

Well, how about some music?

Yeah, I'm gonna make some calls.

You know, there's a couple that
performs twice a week at the VFW,

sound just like Steve and Eydie.

And that's a good thing?

Name's Elizabeth Freed.

Lives alone in Allston.

I contacted her parents in Rhode Island.
They're on their way.

Alright, let's get through this
before they show up.

Female, thirty-one years of age.
Bruises on arms and torso.

No evidence of severe external trauma.

Okay, Nigel, let's open her up.


Scalpel, please.

It's not necessary.

Excuse me?

She drowned.

Was trapped under the man
sittin' next to her.

How do you know that?




Nigel, wait.

Not now, Lily. All I want to do
is go home and get to bed.

I really think that we should talk.

About what?

I've just never seen you
walk out of an autopsy, that's all.

Well, forgive me if I disappoint you.

Yes, it even gets to me sometimes.

That's fine, but it j...
it just uh...

Jordan says that you called
from a train this morning,

and then you just said that
you spoke to that woman?

You know, why can't I just have
a bad day once in a while?

Why... why can't happy,
smiling Nigel just...

just not carry the feelings of the world
on his shoulders for one afternoon?

You were on that train,
weren't you?

You were in that accident.

And what if I was?

You can't just make believe
it didn't happen.

Why didn't you tell somebody?

Tell them what?

That I saw the light
at the end of the tunnel?

Believe me, it's one thing to work
with dead bodies on a daily basis.

It's another to watch 'em die!


You've got to deal with this.

Hey, stop worrying.

There's really only one question
to answer.


What's wrong with you?
What are you doin'?

Since I was on that train...

why aren't I dead?


all the blood samples we scraped
off the walls matched Larken.

Somebody really pummeled him, huh?

Somebody smart enough to know
how to clean up after themselves.

Latex gloves left smudges
but no prints.

But I am wondering...
if they cleaned up everything.

Whoa, whoa.
Lucy, 'splain.

What if the k*ller... grabbed him
just below the forearms...

and dragged the body
all the way over to the balcony?

That would have put
the k*ller's hands...


Big deal.
You just said they were using gloves.

During the cleanup, yes.

But before.

I mean, you've just
k*lled someone.

Your adrenaline is pumping.

I think this was a crime of passion.

If you're right, I'm gonna buy you
the biggest, fattest steak in Boston.

Grill Twenty-Three.

Rib eye, medium rare.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

I'm sorry to hear he was m*rder*d,
but I have no idea who Ross Larken is.

He was your wife's lawyer.

Is she here?

Upstairs. Catherine's feeling
a little under the weather.

We found your fingerprint
on the decedent's watch.

Let me correct you, Detective.

You found a fingerprint,
not mine.

Actually, we're pretty sure
it's yours.

How many points
are we talking about?

Seven, maybe eight.

Oh, why,
good luck with that in court.

I'll repeat what I just said.

You found a fingerprint.

I'd hate to see
you embarrass yourself.

Look, it's pretty hard for us to believe
that Catherine never mentioned him.

I'm a partner at a firm
with one hundred and fifty employees.

I teach law two days a week.

Is it possible the name came up?

Does it mean anything to me?
Absolutely not.

Oh, great. So you wouldn't mind
telling us where you were

between the hours of
one and five last night?

I sleep next to my wife.

And how would you
explain the watch?

My birthday was two weeks ago.
Catherine took me shopping.

I tried on lots of watches.

Perhaps Mister Larken and I
have the same tastes.

Well, that's a heck
of a coincidence.

Isn't it?

You people should know I make a living
legitimizing evidence like this.

Trust me when I tell you,
you're wasting your time.

And uh, those scratches?

I went mountain biking this morning.

Took a nasty spill
into some branches.

Would you like to see the bike?

You know, uh, for somebody
being questioned about a m*rder,

you're awfully patronizing.

Am I?

I'm trying to cooperate,
but this is becoming harassment.

Well, you're gonna
get sick of seeing me.

Can't wait.

Alright, so I traced Catherine's credit card
to a jeweler on Battle Street, right?

- Uh-huh.
- You ready?

She bought two of the same watch.

Thank you gift for her attorney?

Yeah, that and a golf club
in the chest.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

She was feeding us a line about
her relationship with Larken, Jordan.

The night they had
the big restaurant blowup, right?

Yeah? What if she went back
to see him again that night?

She begs him to bang one out
for old times' sake.

He says no,
because he's got tsk-tsk,

Cavanaugh on the brain,

so she clubs him
like a freakin' baby seal,

then she switches the watches
to frame the husband.

Are you always like this,
because there probably is medication.

Oh, that's really funny.

All I'm saying...

is that there is a lot of
coincidences here, Jordan.

And Catherine Fielding
connects the dots,

so maybe someone should
go talk to her again.

Fine, you do it.

Uh, I already tried.

You what?

Yeah. I only got as far as the door, though,
'cause she gave me this card.

Oh, a lawyer from Stuart's firm.

I know, it was great.
His people call my people.

My people kick my ass.

Apparently, I can't get within
a hundred yards of Catherine the Great.

But you can.

You sure you want to do this,
Mister Wheeler?

Picture ID works just as well.

I'm fine.

Go ahead.

Was this your father?


Would you like a minute alone?


No, that won't be necessary.

Now, because of the train accident,
we have to do a basic autopsy.

After that, you're free to have
a funeral home pick up your dad.

I don't care
what you do with him.

Then I assume
he left instructions.

He didn't leave
anything for anybody.

Do what you want.

Mister Wheeler, we...
we can't make that kind of decision.

Now, I know as well as anybody

how a father can be there for his kid
one minute and gone the next.

This is your responsibility.

You want to know
about responsibility?

When I was twelve,
he came back from the road

and started b*ating
my mother and me.

One night, he left for a gig
and never came back.

My mother didn't have a job.

We didn't even own a car.

So don't tell me
about responsibility, Doctor.

Because I owe him nothing,

and he will forever owe me.

And what about his horn?

Turn it into scrap metal
for all I care.


Nigel was on that train yesterday.

Why didn't he say something?

I mean, I'm worried.

If he keeps quiet like this for
much longer... Well, where is he now?

I don't know. I... I tried
calling him at home and on his cell. I...

I think he's in what's called
a reexperiencing phase.

He's trying to relive it
in order to make sense of it all.

I remember playing by myself.

It's tough
when you don't have siblings.

He has cousins in California, but I don't fly,
so we don't see them very often.

How did you find us, Doctor?

Your nanny.

It's amazing what a badge'll do.

Catherine, if you're innocent,
now's the time to tell me.

We just found your husband's prints
on Ross Larken.

I understand why you're here.

- My marriage is less than perfect. But...
- No, the...

any further questions should be
directed towards my attorney.

I think Stuart k*lled him.

Matthew, we have to go.

I know what it's like
to feel trapped.

Why are you doing you this?

I didn't know Ross that well,
but I believe he was a decent man.

Now he's dead, a lot of people are lying,
and I think he deserves the truth.

Come on, sweetheart.

Catherine, I didn't mean...

Why didn't you tell somebody?

I'm fine.

I'm alive, right?

I shouldn't be, but I am.

Look, you experienced something
that most of us can't even imagine.

Then to go back to the morgue
and see those same people...

I... I stepped off that train car

seconds... before it happened.


Coincidence. Chance, maybe.

These things happen every day.

I don't think so.


maybe you should
get some therapy,

talk to somebody who can help you
make sense of it all.

The only thing that
would make sense

is if I was in the crypt,
icy cold and wrapped in plastic.

Some things apparently
defy logic, Doctor Macy.

Who am I to question it?

Alright, alright.
So it didn't go so well.

Don't sweat it.

Did I mention
your optimism is refreshing?

Oh, it is?

No, I... I'm serious.

I mean, you're disgusting,
but for some unexplained reason,

I don't mind it.

You want to get naked?


Yeah, that's cool.

Alright, so this insurance dude gives me
a call about an hour ago, right?


Wants me to verify that
Larken offed himself.

So, of course, I tell him no can do,
and then he springs it on me.

Apparently, Matthew Fielding,
the midget with the hot nanny,

is about to receive a two million-dollar
trust fund from Larken.

You're kidding?

No. Two million bucks.

He's a kid. I mean, what the hell's
he gonna spend it on, nipples?

That's what you'd spend it on.

Hell, yeah, but you're
missing my point, Jordan.

What if Larken is
the kid's father?

You know, Catherine and Ross have
a little post-marital hanky panky

and then whammo, hello, Junior.

No good.

Matthew's three years old.

That means he was conceived
almost four years ago.

Check it, but Larken lived in Europe
for the last decade.

Yeah, so she visited him.

She doesn't fly.

So she's lying.

We can probably check
her passport.

Alright, so how do you make a kid
if you're four thousand miles apart?



We need to get a hold of
Catherine Fielding's medical records.

Okay, do you know how hard it is
to subpoena medical records, Jordan?

Why, Detective?
Are you saying that you can't do it?

Oh, you're good.

You're very good.
You're going straight for my nads.

That's great.
Okay, fine.


you found Nigel?


But he has to want the help,
and I'm not sure he's there yet.

I saw that Mister Wheeler's son
came by.

How... how come he didn't sign
the release form?

Well, let's just say the guy's not very
interested in what happened to his old man.

God knows, I've been there.

Lemme show you somethin'.

Joe Wheeler mentioned a drastic change
in his dad's behavior in the late 'seventies.

It got me thinking, so...

- take a look at this.
- Sure.

June, 'seventy-eight.

Wheeler's on the road with his band
when a truck hits 'em head on.

Ooh. The drummer, Shel Lieber,
didn't make it. Now...

Calvin had some minor injuries,
but he seemed okay.

It says here that he hit his head
in the collision.

Well, he could have suffered a concussion
and still walked away.

You think that's what caused
the behavioral turn?

I don't know.

There are reports of patients being
aggressive and violent after head trauma.

Maybe the old man
didn't abandon his family.

Maybe he did the only thing
he could stop hurtin' 'em.


Previous hemorrhage and bruising
of the frontal lobe.

You see... indications of impact
on the skull near the sphenoid bone.

Is that what you'd see
in an auto accident?

These bruises never fully heal.


I know what this man's music
meant to you.

You... you realize you may be looking
for a hero where there isn't one.

It's the least I can do to help him
explain to his family why.

Do you want me to
call his son again?


I'll do it.


This is a really great thing
you're doing.

Thought someone should
tell you that.

I'm not even gonna ask
how you got this.

Yup. Fielding's O.B.
never has to pay another parking ticket.

According to this,
they tried for years to get pregnant.

She saw six different fertility doctors
until the last one realized it wasn't her.

Oh, wait a minute.

Wait, you... you mean the guy's fish
don't swim upstream?

Oh, well, that explains
the attitude problem.

Four years ago, she made a withdrawal
from the New England Donors Foundation.

She had insemination, and
nine months later, Matthew was born.

Yeah, well, yeah, but Jordan, how are we
gonna prove that Larken made the deposit?

I mean, the records in those places,
they're locked up tight.

There's only one way to find out.

I betcha they keep the good reading
in the back, huh?

Crank up a little Luther Vandross,

some warm lotion to uh,

take care of business, right?

Easy hundred bucks, right, buddy?

Oh, honey?

Yes, pumpkin.

I explained your problem to these people,
and they just need you to sign right here.

You... My... my prob... sure, um,
wh... wh... what problem is that?

You know, about you being sterile.


Uh... uh, Jordan?


Um, I'm willing to do
anything for a case.

- Uh-huh.
- But this...

infringes on my manhood,

and just for the record,
all my swimmers go the distance.

Mmm, good to know.

Now, I described Ross Larken
in terms of what we are looking for,

and these are the guys
they came up with.

It's broken down by profession.

Uh, doctors, scientists, artists.


- No cops.
- Yeah, their loss.

I pinpointed lawyers
with Ivy League educations.

What'd you get?

Well, uh, this guy likes to
meditate nude in the Berkshires.

Oh, pass.

Yeah, pass with gusto.


Oh, "I am a law student who loves to read,
travel and ride my Harley through Tuscany."

Oh, well, that's awful.

Forget it. Next.

No, I think this is the guy.

Well, it's that easy?

Yeah, uh...
Excuse me, Miss?

Hi, um, we'd like to
take this one, please?

Pay the woman, pumpkin.

And the word of the day is...


It's Larken?


The donor's DNA matches
Larken's perfectly.

So that's gotta be it, right?

The kid is definitely Larken's son.

But we still don't know
who k*lled him?

I mean, Catherine's
in a relationship

with a guy who can destroy her
in divorce court.

She finds Larken.

She guilts him
into financial responsibility.

She offs that poor bastard
and then fingers it on Stuey.

The detective's right.
That puts a cool two mil in her pocket.

Well, it certainly gives her motive.

Excuse me.



Yeah, I'm on my way.


Who was that?
Another blind date?


You wanted to see me?

Doctor, I think we should talk.

So you and Ross never
had a physical relationship?


Stuart and I tried to
conceive for so long,

and when we discovered that
he couldn't...

You looked for a sperm donor.

It was so easy.
A friend worked there,

and my husband never needed to know
that the baby wasn't his.

So you didn't tell him?

For the first couple of years,
he called it his miracle,

and then he started to wonder.

Matthew doesn't look
anything like him.

Is that when the abuse started?

First, it was just me.

Sometimes I would see Stuart
yelling at the baby, and...

that's when I got Ross's name
from my friend.

And broke the anonymity clause.

I thought if he knew someone was
hurting his son, he would want to help.

So why didn't you tell the police?

Do you know who my husband is?

Who his friends are?

I was scared.

How did Stuart find out?

I'm not sure.

I was so careful when we spoke.

But last night, I was stupid.

I asked Stuart
about the fingerprint.

That's when he hit me.

He said unless I wanted to lose my son,
I should never mention Larken again.

He k*lled him, didn't he?

Stuart is dangerous
because he is so smart.

You don't have the evidence you need
because he didn't want you to find it.

If anyone could
get away with m*rder,

it's him.

Yeah, well,

don't bet on it.

Playing the song
he wrote for my mother?

Just give me a break, Doctor.

You said there were
papers to sign.

What if I told you
your father's disappearance

had nothing to do with
abandoning his family?

Look, I told you.
I don't really care.

He had a brain disorder
that triggered his behavior.

It was caused by an auto accident
twenty-five years ago.


No, he told me
that he hated us.

Look, I'm not trying to
turn your old man into a saint.

People make mistakes and their kids suffer
their whole lives because of 'em.

All I'm saying is
that wasn't just your father.

There was a lot more to it.

He never even knew
that I'm a music teacher.

One time, a parent asked

if I was related to
the great Calvin Wheeler.

Know what I said?

I told him no.

I can't do it.

Not after all these years.

You admired him.

Do what you think's best.

Wayne Newton: The Summer Wind

The summer wind came blowin' in
from across the sea.

It lingered there so warm
and fair to walk with me.

All summer long, we sang a song
and strolled on golden sand,

Two sweethearts
and the summer wind.

Like painted kites,
Those days and nights,

they went like...



I, uh,

I didn't hear you come in.

Yeah. Dad,

please, no karaoke.

The "Summer Wind" will blow every customer
you've got to the bar across the street.

Please, Jordan,
don't sugarcoat it.

Well, let me call some friends.

Remember those musicians
I used to play with?

Yeah, but, uh, that was...
that was years ago.

Think they'd do it?


But first, um,

I'm looking for
the smallest detail.

Is the k*ller that good?


It's late.

I'm asleep
when I hear someone at the door.

And as I open it...

I push my way inside.

Hey, hey, hey!

You're drunk, irrational.

I want to know
what you're doing with my wife.

We exchange blows.

Fielding sees an opportunity
and he takes it.

Larken's strong,

but he's no match
for the golf club.

I hit you over and over again.

Was he already dead?


He dragged him
to the balcony.

You're heavy.

You leave me there,

so you can use my supplies
and clean up.

Then you'll come back later
and dump me over the rail.

I cover all my bases.

I can't leave any signs
that I was here.

So you remove
every speck of blood.

Except for one.

When they fought,
Larken was wearing a ring.

Excuse me, what ring?

Larken was wearing a college ring
the other night at dinner.

A red ruby.

Now, when he and Fielding fought,

I'm convinced it was the ring
that caused the cuts in Stuart's face.


Ah, it takes a finely tuned eye
to see red blood on a red ruby.

Luckily, I'm that good.

Can you run a tox screen
on the sample?

Yeah, done already.

And not only doesn't it
match Larken's blood,

but it has a blood alcohol
rating of point-one-one.

Well, uh... uh,
Larken didn't drink.

I need to get a sample of
Stuart Fielding's DNA.

Can you make that happen?

If I have to suck it
out of him myself.


I was visiting my sister in Phoenix.

I had just talked to him.

After the doctors
do a cursory examination,

we'll release your husband's remains
to the funeral home.

We never planned for this.

I don't even have
anything arranged.

I promise,

I'll help you get through this.

Can I have a moment?

I'll be right back.

Forgive me.

You're Mrs. Barrow, aren't you?


Have we met?

Not really.

I knew your husband.

See, I was on the train with him,

and uh,
we talked shortly before he...

before the accident.

I don't understand.

Uh, uh, I mean, you look...

I know.

I can't explain it.

When I saw you in here,

I suddenly thought that maybe
things do happen for a reason.

Maybe I'm here

so you can know what
Josh's last thoughts were.

He'd just finished telling me

how wonderful it was
being a father.

And how... suddenly...

It all made sense.

Stuart Fielding.

What is this?

Oh, nice tux.
You're under arrest.

Excuse me.

Arrest for what?

For the m*rder of Ross Larken.

Catherine, we should
discuss this in private.

Actually, I don't think
there's anything to discuss, Stu.

We found your blood
on Larken's body.

Got a DNA sample
from your toothbrush.

Courtesy of your wife, Stu.

That's m*rder one.

So, you have the right
to remain silent.

You have the right to an attorney.

Oh, damn, you are an attorney.

You don't know what a huge mistake
you all are making.

He was an innocent man,

a donor, that gave me
what you couldn't, Stuart.

He gave us our son
and you k*lled him for it.

Could I have your attention, folks?

Could I have your attention
just for a second?

I wanted to say, it's great to see
so many of you here tonight,

because, well, that's what having
a neighborhood bar is all about.


Now, you know, these guys
don't take requests,

- but I made one anyway...
- No, wait, Dad...

A while back, I heard them do a song
with a singer I hold dear to my heart.

- Oh, Dad.
- My daughter, Jordan!

Come on, sweetheart!

Come on.

We won't take no for an answer!

Tom Waits:
You're Innocent When You Dream

The bats are in the belfry,
the dew is on the moor.

Where are the arms that held me

and pledged her love before?

Oh, and pledged her love before?

It's such a sad old feeling.

The fields soft and green.

It's memories that I'm stealin',

But you're innocent...

when you dream, when you dream.

You're innocent when you dream,

When you dream.