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02x17 - Cruel and Unusual

Posted: 07/19/21 12:16
by bunniefuu
The family of Roland Winton is suing
the state of North Carolina

for cruel and unusual punishment

after his execution by lethal injection.

Some case, huh?

Bastard r*pes and kills three women and
his family looks to his death for a jackpot.

I'm just glad we're not
a death penalty state.

- You would be.
- It's barbaric and arbitrary.

It's just and effective.

And even if it worked as a deterrent,
which it doesn't,

men shouldn't make those decisions.

Punishment should fit the crime.

Then what did I do to have to
sit through this conversation?

I'm here to tell you that
the North Carolina D.A.

is asking you to perform
the autopsy on Roland Winton.

Why me?

M.E.'s office put Winton away.

They want an outsider,
someone who goes above and beyond

someone whose reputation is spotless.

Mm-hm. When?

Right away. We're booked on
an eleven o'clock flight.

What do you mean we?

Winton k*lled the woman in Boston.

I gave them the case for a shot
at the death penalty, but this was my guy.

I'll be damned if his family profits
off his death.

You and me in North Carolina.

Talk about cruel
and unusual punishment.


- Oh.
- I've got a female OD.

Want to supervise Peter
on his first house call?

Yeah, no problem.

You look grim, even for you.

I've got to go to North Carolina
to do the autopsy on Roland Winton.

Oh, the guy the state just fried?


Well, last I looked,
they had their own Chief M.E..

Mmm, they want an outsider
to do it.

So listen, while I'm gone,
you're in charge.

Uh, me? All of a sudden,
I have leadership abilities?

I flipped a coin.

Now, don't sign anything
and don't make any decisions.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

No problem.

Uh, can I sit in your chair?


Okay, so what's your first move?


you're quizzing me.

Yeah. I have to justify
my existence somehow.

Well, as long as
I don't have to call you sir.


Okay, your first move is to check in
with the catching detective,

and the bedroom is
second door on the right.

What, did'ya scout
the place already?

No, of course not.

How'd you know
where the bedroom is?

I don't know.

Uh, this apartment
seems kind of familiar.

You know what?
You go out on too many cases.

No, actually,
I think I've been here before.

Is that anyone you know?



What are you doing here?

You guys know each other?

Uh, Tom Crane, this is Peter.

Tom and I used to...

Well, why don't you check in
with the detective.

Yeah, okay.


What the hell's goin' on here?

I don't know.
I don't know.

There were some pills.

Uh, they're saying that...
that she k*lled herself.

Okay, who's she?
Uh, I mean,

does your wife
even know about this?

She is my wife.

Mrs. Sullivan,


I'm Lily Lebowski.

I am so sorry about your son.

Thank you.

I'm here to talk,
if you want, about anything.

Oh, I feel...


I was angry with my son

and I said things...


Is something wrong?

I'm not going to talk to you.

Uh, it's really hard, I know.

Is there somebody else
that I could talk to?

Mrs. Sullivan, did I do
something wrong?

I need to leave now.

We were just getting started.

I can't.

I can't talk to you.

- Had she been upset or depressed?
- I don't... I don't know.

We've been separated.

Oh, I see.

Yeah, almost a year now.

I was trying to figure out
how I felt about that, and...

now this.

Tom, I'm... I'm sorry.

How long have you
been back in Boston?

A little while.

I meant to call.

But you didn't.

Yeah, it's a long story.

Listen, I need to uh,

fill out some paperwork, but um,

we should talk.


Yeah, I'll uh, give you a call.

Yeah, do that.

- Wow. Look at this.
- Oh, you hate it.
[font color=FFFFCC]Six Years Earlier

- No.
- It's too romantic.
Six Years Earlier

- No, it's great.
- Liar.

It's just that you don't have
to give me things.

Well, it didn't feel like
an obligation.

You know, speaking of which,

I'm available to
stay the night tonight.

Now, don't take this the wrong way,
but I don't think you should.

You might want to steer me
in the right way to take that.

Well, aren't things good
the way they are?

Just casual, no strings.

Come on...

I thought it'd be nice
to wake up next to you.

Oh, that's only
because you never have.

I snore, I'm grumpy.

Aren't you a little curious
as to why I'm available to stay?

Definitely not.

How come you never
ask about her, my wife?

Aren't you glad that I don't?

I thought there'd be some
natural curiosity, you know?

It's none of my business.

I'm gonna put my keys on this.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

And I'm gonna open the door,

and we're gonna go upstairs

and you are not gonna
say another word.

Hi, Lily.


Did you see his mother?

I sent her in to you.

She wouldn't talk to me.

Oh, I feel terrible.

Maybe she isn't ready.
How is that your fault?

It's because of my tattoo.

Oh, you don't know that.

Uh, she was staring at it
and then she split.

You have a better explanation?

Uh, no, but...

Her son died of AIDS.

He got it from a tattoo needle.

And the first person
she goes to for help is me.

Come on, one thing doesn't have
anything to do with the other.

Maybe not.

But I sure didn't help her.

You're saying Jordan knows her?

No, her husband.

And she tried to hide it.

Look, I don't know how much
you know about Jordan, but...

She's an enormous
pain in the ass.

Mm-hm. Took the words
right out of my mouth.

Got the tox screen?

Yeah. Found lethal quantities of
alprazolam and alcohol.

- Sleeping pills.
- Mm-hm.

Uh, was the script in her name?

Yes, which is why
I'm testing the hair.

See if she was in the market for a few winks
and bought herself a lifetime nap.

Uh, so you think
it was just an accident.

Use sleeping pills long enough,
you build up a tolerance.

Easier to OD.

Yeah, except there was
a previous attempt.

What? Really?

Yeah, I found these on her wrists.


She meant business.

Yeah, I checked her medical records.

She tried to slash 'em
six years ago.


Six years ago.
I just told you.

Yeah, no, I mean the exact date.

Uh, September twentieth,
nineteen ninety-seven.

Uh, I know this is a bad time, but could
you please ask Mrs. Sullivan to call me?

Thank you.

Jordan, hi.

You're busy.

Oh, I screwed up on a case.

You... you okay, Jordan?

I'm fine.


- Will you stop?
- I've got a body waitin' on me.
North Carolina: District Attorney's Office

He's dead.
I don't think he's counting the seconds.

I've got better things to do with my time
than kiss some DA's ring.

Well, I'm glad to know that
what you lack in political savvy,

you make up for with a bad attitude.

That's very clever.

Renee, so good to see you.

Doctor Macy, very grateful to
have someone of your expertise.

No problem.

This is a very important case.

The wrong verdict here could set
the death penalty back fifty years.

And here I thought it was the death penalty
that set the justice system back years.

Meet Melissa, Stacy and Robin.

Young, beautiful and deprived of
futures by Roland Winton.

You might feel differently
if one of them was your daughter.

I'm here as a medical examiner,
not a father.

Renee and I, we got the right guy
and we put him away the right way.

No one doubts that he was a m*rder*r
or that you went after him the right way.

None of that matters if you decide
the needle went in too rough.

Please don't presume... / We better
get to the morgue now, hmm?

Of course. I just wanted to welcome
Doctor Macy to the team.

Listen, I want to be
absolutely clear.

I'm not on anyone's team.

I'm here to find out what happened.

Nothing happened.

Family's just looking for
an easy payday.

If someone screwed up,
you better tell me right now.

Nothing happened.

We're counting on you
to prove that.

- What the hell was that?
- I don't work for him.

You can't talk to the D.A.
the way you talk to me.

The hell I can't.

Excuse me, are you Doctor Macy?


My name's Anthony Winton.
This is my wife, Leslie.

Roland Winton was our son.

I'm sorry, sir.
We really can't talk to you.

I remember you from the trial.
I have nothing to say to you.

We should go.

I'd like to hear
what they have to say.

Then I'll go.

We wanted to tell you
about Roland.


I'm not sure
that'd be appropriate.

He was a monster.


The man should know the truth.

He was just born bad.

I was afraid of him
since he was two years old.

Grown man afraid of a little boy,

that's the kind of evil he was.

Did you get him help?

Oh, we tried,

but nothing worked.

I prayed every night
he wouldn't hurt anybody.

But he did.

Three women.

He deserved to die.

Everybody's better off for it.

Well, if that's the way you feel,
why are you suing the state over his death?

Because they were
supposed to put him to sleep,

and instead they butchered him.

Nobody deserves to die like that.

I can promise you my results
will be thorough and objective.

Doctor Macy, you just make sure that
this doesn't happen to anyone else's son.


Whoa, I haven't died, have I?

Uh, no, Howard.
I need your help.

What's the matter?
What happened?

I think I may have k*lled someone.

Six Years Earlier

Well, most of the time
I'm just pretending.

Pretending what?


To be me.

It's like my...

my life is a role I'm being forced to play,
but it never feels quite right.

Until I'm with you.

Oh, then what happens?

I know who I am.

What about you?
You pretend?

Well, if I do, the act is so good
that even I can't tell.

Like really wantin' me to stay tonight,
but just uh, not being able to admit it?

Time for you to go.

So you had an affair.


And then six years later,
the guy's wife ends up in the morgue

and somehow that's your fault?

She has these scars on her wrists
from a previous attempt,

uh, an attempt that occurred two nights
after I ended my relationship with him.

So, racked with despair
because you stopped seeing her husband,

she tried to off herself?

You don't understand.

I understand you feel guilty.


And I understand
why he appealed to you.

Because he had a built in
no getting close clause.

Tell me something
I don't know.

Do you remember
how your parents were together?

What the hell does that have to do
with anything?

Well, relationships are patterns,

and sometimes we repeat
what we saw or what we felt.

You're repeating something
that makes you afraid to get close.

I remember my parents...
being happy.

Why does that make you sad?

Because it can't be right.

Why not?

It just can't.

Just a minute.



How are you?


- I was just wondering...
- What the parents wanted to tell me?

Actually, no.

They just wanted me to know that
their son, who they hated by the way,

was tortured to death by the state.


Well, I just came by to see
if you wanted to get a bite, but...

looks like
you got plenty to chew on.

You're quiet tonight.

Long day.

And monosyllabic.

You okay?

Eh, don't take this the wrong way,

were you ever a Yankees fan?

- What?
- Dad, don't get hysterical.

When were we ever
not Red Sox fans?

Yeah, I know.
I was just thinking about...

Well, what's goin' on, Jordan?

It is not your favorite topic.

Aw, geez, Jordan.
Not again.

Eh, look, in my memories, you and Mom
always seemed to really get along well.

Of course we did.

Yeah, but those are my memories and
I don't know if I can trust them.

I loved your mother
and she loved me.

Whatever she did out of sickness
doesn't change that.

Was there ever anyone else?

Not on my part.

Her, you know about.

Yeah, but did you know it
at the time?

Why are you asking, Jordan?

Why now?

You know what?
Just forget it.


Yeah, just forget it.

North Carolina Morgue: Autopsy

North Carolina Morgue: Autopsy

good to have you, man.

Seymour, I'm grateful
for the hospitality.

Listen, uh, I hope there are
no hard feelings about this.

Nah, I'm glad to be
off the hook on this one.

Oh, good.

Winton was a sick bastard.

If he did suffer, personally,
I'm tickled.

Pretty deep puncture wounds.

They definitely poked and prodded him.

Well, they probably
couldn't find a vein.

It's common in the chamber
with so many drug addicts.

Nasty restraint bruises
on his wrists and ankles.

He got the barbiturate.

Why was he struggling?

I'm running a tox screen.

I want to know what dr*gs he got
and in what order.

Aw, it's a tough call.

Cruel and unusual?

Seems more like a question for God
than an M.E.

Guess God was busy.

They're ready for us at the prison.

Alright, be right there.

Pretty lady.



Prettier than our D.A.

Jenetta's a schmuck
and he'll steamroll to get what he wants.

That sounds like a warning.

Mmm, just a friendly
piece of advice.

Uh, now, Macy told me
not to sign anything.

I'll take full responsibility.

But I'm in charge.

Yeah, that's what
Macy thinks, too.

Got the hair test back.

Oh, accidental overdose?

Uh, no.
No previous use of alprazolam.

Did find some divalproex sodium,
though, that she used on and off.

Okay, that's an anti-convulsant.

Now, maybe she was epileptic
or had a brain disorder.

Well, I'll have Peter check it out.

Yeah, do that.

Rumor has it you're in tight with
this lady's husband.

I've gotta go.
Place doesn't run itself, Nige.

Hey, Nigel, you got a minute?

Hours for you, luv.

Uh, you sort of have
a wild side, don't you?

It's been said I'm all wild side.

Well, have you ever done anything
too wild in your past that...

that's hurt you professionally?

Well, there was that one thing with
the sword swallower in the bubble bath.

Never mind.


Besides, even if I wanted to,
you can't undo the past, right?

Well, what if you could?

What if there was something hurting you
from your past and y...

you could just make it go away?

Well, it doesn't sound wise to me.


Because nothing's that simple.

Before you watch the tapes,

it's important to know the ropes.
North Carolina Prison: Execution Chamber

This is how it's supposed to go.
North Carolina Prison: Execution Chamber

After last meal...

the prisoner is brought into the chamber
and strapped to the gurney.

Cardiac monitor leads are attached and
an IV is started in each arm with a saline drip.

We use separate IV's
so the executioner's identity is anonymous.

Then we open the curtain.

Usually, there's family watching,
both his and the victim's.

The prisoner is
then asked for his last words.

The execution team
is behind the curtain.

They have eight syringes.

The first is sodium pentothal,

a barbiturate that causes the prisoner
to lose consciousness.

This is flushed with saline,

and potassium chloride
is administered to induce a heart attack.

The last drug is pancuronium bromide.

This stops his heart beating
once and for all.

That's what's supposed to happen...

in a perfect world.

But this was not a perfect world?


What went wrong?

I set the tapes up here
for you to see.

The District Attorney and I would
like to know what happened.

You watch the tapes, you tell me.

I just got your message.


How you doin'?

Oh, you know, I'm doing
what needs to be done.

Uh, how are you?


Well, for a second there,
you almost had me convinced.

Well, same old me.

What does that mean?

Perpetual malcontent.

Oh, well, that's not
how I remember you.

Maybe I was different back then.

I'm glad you called.

It's a hard time and...

seeing you somehow is a...
it's a... it's a comfort.

Do you think she k*lled herself?

I don't know.

Would she have any reason to?

What, now you're
interested in my wife?

Well, I need to know
what happened to her.

Look, you know, you left without...

a word, a note. I...

I looked for you, you know, for...
for a long time.

Then finally, I, you know, I just assumed
you didn't want to be found.

You assumed right.

Would have been nice, though,
you know,

a postcard, something to say,
you know, "Hey, I'm not dead."

I left the way I had to uh,
and I don't expect you to understand.

I might understand if you had
any interest in making me.

Do you have any idea why
your wife would k*ll herself?

Guess I was wrong.
You haven't changed a bit.

Everything's just a case to you.

Why the delay? He was supposed to
be ex*cuted at seven.

They were probably
looking for a vein.

What the hell's that?

They use the neck when they can't find
a vein in the arms or legs.

Do you have any last words?


What's wrong with him?

He's having some kind of reaction.

To the dr*gs?

I don't know.


- Hi.
- Hey.

Come on in.

So'd you get something to eat?

Um, I just came to ask you if...

Well, we could if you wanted to.

- I'm not hungry in the least...
- Me, either, yeah.

I'd k*ll for a cigarette.

I don't have any cigarettes.


Listen, today was... was horrible.

So if you don't want to be alone,
I mean, th... that would only be human.

Thanks, but I've been quantifying
my own emotions since I was six.

Excuse me for trying to show
compassion to a block of ice.

If you had any compassion,
you'd offer me a friggin' drink.


- No ice?
- Don't push it.

Don't you usually gulp and run?


But tonight I don't have
anywhere to go.

You know, I really don't like you.

Right back at'cha.

I mean not at all.

I get it.

Just kiss me.

Have I told you that
I make a great Greek omelet?

Get out.

Oh, it's... it's great.

- It's... it's...
- I'm sure it is.

Get out.

Feta cheese?

Can't go a minute without me.

Is this Jordan Cavanaugh?

Uh, who is this?

Is my husband there?

Who... who is this?

This is Eve Crane.

I'd like to know
what you're doing with my husband.

I'm not...

- I don't...

You didn't tell me
you got a promotion.

Although, um,

if you can't answer a phone,

you might not last.

I... Uh, there's something
that I didn't tell you.

You're kidding.

His wife knew.

Did she now?

She called me once,

one night right after he'd left.

What did she say?

She asked me what
I was doing with her husband.

What was your answer?

I hung up,

I packed my bags and ran.

From him.

Yeah, from him,

this place, from everything.

That was the night
that I left Boston.

You left because of him?


I couldn't f... face it,

what I'd done.

And then hearing her voice
on the phone...

There's something
you're not telling me.

Yeah, I was supposed to
be asleep.

When she called?

Oh God, I must have
missed something.

There must be something else.

Uh, I need to look at the body.

The answers you're looking for
are not in that body.

Trust me.

The answers are always
in the body.

Miss Lebowski?

Haven't opened him up yet, huh?

No, I'm just going over
the tox screen.

I see.

I see.

Look, Renee, um,

I just... I wanted to say that... that
last night was a real comfort, you know?


Where I come from,
they call it sex.

Uh, I was...
I was trying to be discreet.

Mmm. Back to being a stick
in the mud, I see.

Well, see, now I'm at work,
so just...


Ms. Walcott, Garret.


Doctor Martin.

- I'll be back in a bit.
- I'll see you then.


Did you notice anything on this?

I notice a lack of
sodium pentothal.

See, they thought that's
what made him sick,

so they didn't give him any more,

but as you can see,

he hardly got any the first time.

Well, without the pentothal,
he felt everything.

He was totally mentally alert.

He slowly suffocated to death.

Some would call that suffering.

But if the pentothal didn't give him
that reaction, what did?

That's the question, isn't it?

Time to open him up.


Sorry you got dragged into this.

- It's not your fault.
- Actually, it is.

A year ago,

I got tight with a lady A.D.A.

Ever since then, high profile cases
skip my desk.

Is this another warning?


I'm just telling a story.

You can't just take my case.

Watch me.

I did everything that you asked.
I checked for epilepsy,

I checked for seizure disorder,
and it all came back negative, Jordan.

I'm allowed to question
your findings.

It's one of the little perks
of working here forever.

What's really going on here?

Does this have to do
with her husband?

Stop asking me that.

Does it have something to do
with your mother?


What the hell do you know
about my mother? / Nothing...

Nothing. I heard.


Look, why don't you want anyone
to know anything about you?

- Sorry.
- No, uh...

No, this has nothing
to do with my mother.

Divalproex is for seizures,
and seizures are caused by brain tumors.



Perfectly normal.

Why can't she just be
a healthy woman

who chased some sleeping pills
with a bottle of scotch, Jordan?


because she can't.

What did you do?

I got rid of it.

And now I hate myself,
this job and everything.

What are you talking about?

You love your job.

Well, I didn't think
I would have to change.

It was one woman, Lily.

You didn't have to
get rid of it.

I have to be somebody
that people feel they can talk to.

I have to be...


Look, why did you get the tattoo?

I found something that said
this is who I am.

And you think you've lost that?

I don't know who I am anymore.

I don't even know
who I want to be.

You wanted to be someone
who could help that woman.


Help her with the part of you
that isn't ordinary.

As bad as you thought?


I didn't find anything.

I have no idea
what happened to this man.

Well, no need to panic.
You don't have to testify 'til tomorrow.

Brought you some dinner.

Smells like Thai.

You like it?

Actually, I'm allergic to peanuts.
They put peanut oil in everything.

I can't... / What happens to you
if you eat it?

It's not pretty.

My throat closes off,
I can't breathe, I uh...

Hit those lights,
would you, please?

- What'd you have in mind?
- Just hit the lights.

Look at that.

He had leprosy?


It's an allergic reaction.

Well, we knew he had a reaction
to something.

This is an allergic reaction to food.

I found nuts
in his stomach contents.

What was his last meal?

Short ribs, French fries,
chocolate shake. Uh...

I don't see any nuts.

You think someone tried to
poison him?

Who would try to poison him
when he was about to die?



Unless they weren't
trying to poison him.

They were trying to save him.

Dr. Garret Macy

You said the truth was
inside me.

It is.

How do I find it?

Start by telling me
why you ran away.

I was breaking up a marriage.

And what happened
when you got the phone call?

I heard her voice.

She became real.

I didn't want to hurt her.

If that was true, you would
have broken off with him, but...

you left your job,
your father, your home.

Now, why?

Look, I was scared. I...

Why were you scared?

I don't know.

You do.

Somewhere inside you,

you do know.

I loved him.

And that terrified you.



I... I was supposed to
be asleep.

When were you
supposed to be asleep?

In my bedroom.

I heard the door.

Daddy's home.

So I went down the stairs,

and that's
when I saw the hat on a table.

The Yankees cap.

It wasn't him.

It wasn't... it wasn't Daddy.

That's when I heard the noises.

What noises?

My Mom and that man,

the two of them together.

What did you do?

I ran up to my room
and shut the door.

It wasn't safe.

What wasn't safe?

It wasn't safe to love anyone.

I... I promised myself
I never, ever would.

And with Tom,
you broke that promise.

Will I ever escape her?

It's up to you.


We're not taking a deal, so if
that's why we're here, you can forget it.

Rest easy, we're not
offering any deal.

Mister Winton, did you see
your son before he died?

No, we agreed
it was best not to.

But someone had a change of heart,
didn't you, Mrs. Winton?

I didn't see the harm.


I didn't see the harm
in saying goodbye.

But you brought him something,
didn't you?

I brought him a cake.

They said that I could.

A cake with a file in it.

You be quiet.

What's... what's he implying?

That cake had nuts in it,
didn't it, Mrs. Winton?

You knew he was allergic
and figured

if he got sick enough
they'd postpone the execution.

That's crazy.

I have a child.

I know what a parent might do.


They didn't have to k*ll him.

He was my boy.

I thought I could save him.

Roland's reaction was
to the cake you brought.

The adrenaline in his system staved
off the reaction until the last minute.

The state isn't responsible for
what happened to him.

Oh God.

He was my boy.

What are you doing here?

I came to finish our session.

Don't bother.

What did you do?

I um,

had a minor surgery.

I was hoping to tell you
a few things about your son,

you know, something about Dean.

Did you know that bats
use echolocation?

They use it
because they can't see.

The... bat on Dean's back was
to help him find unseen things.

The... the dog on his chest
was next to the word "Mom."

Dogs are a symbol of loyalty,
devotion and protection.

Is that so?

The bird on his arm
with the human head

meant that he believed
his soul would fly away after death.

Thank you.

D.A. Jenetta can't stop
singing your praises.

That's great.
Just the outcome I wanted.

What are you so upset about?
We won.

If there's one thing
I'm sure of, nobody won.

What does that say for us?

I don't know.

Doctor Martin's in the penalty box

because he looked the wrong way
at an A.D.A.

Ah, so that's what you're worried about,
your illustrious career.

You are an elected official.
Doesn't that concern you?

Oh, a little bit, I guess.

But I didn't get this far
in my career to lose my life.


You know, it's not gonna be
easy on our home turf.

Nothing worth anything ever is.

I still don't like you.

You keep on telling yourself that.

I came here a lot
when you were gone.

Sometimes I think I'd see you
coming down the street.

I'm really sorry how I left.

Can you tell me why?


I've been afraid my whole life.

I've carried this fear around with me
until it didn't even feel like fear anymore.

Uh, I tricked myself into
believing that it was uh,

a companion, a friend that would
always keep me safe.

It's that fear that made me
leave that night.

I don't understand that.

I fell in love with you.

I never told you this, but the night
that I left, your wife called me.

And that's what made me realize how
I really felt about you,

and I ran for my life.

I had no idea she called you.

I... I...
I didn't know she knew.

Did she slash her wrists
because of us?


No, no, no-no-no.

She s...
stopped taking her pills.

Well, her pills?

She's bipolar.

Hated taking the pills.

She uh,

probably tried to
wean herself off again.

Why didn't you...

Mmm, no, sorry.
Just forget it. Uh,

let's put it in the past.

I loved you, Jordan.

I know you did.

And maybe... maybe
when a decent interval has past...

I... I don't think so.


It's too much blood under the bridge.

Could I just sit here
and hold your hand for a while?


Yeah, I'd really like that.