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05x03 - Under the Weather

Posted: 07/19/21 12:21
by bunniefuu
A little late for that now.

That's very funny.

I just walked three blocks
from Peretti's lke this.

Really? I was right across
the street at Rita's kitchen.

We could have had
lunch together.

I needed a little time
to my own, you know.


Well, you're entitled.

It's a big adjustment being back.

Everyone's scrutinizing
your every move.

Second guessing you,
looking over your shoulder.


The tarps are good to go.

What the hell's going on?

They found one of the missing boys.

Is he alive?


No, his body's at the bottom of a well
about yards from the reservoir

where they started
the search last night.

The other two?

Not yet.

All right,
I'm going out there.

Yeah, me too.
I'm just grab my kits.

No, Jordan, you're sick.
Go home and get in bed.

That's an order.

Sorry, gonna disobey that order.

Nigel and I are taking the van.
I already called homicide,

they're meeting us there.

Why didn't I know about this
when it happened?

It was lunchtime.
You were not here.

I made an executive decision.

I'm sorry.
Am I still the chief around here?

Yeah, last time I checked.

Good. Just so we're clear.

So, it's just beyond
these trees over here.

The neighborhood's a quarter mile
over that ridge.

Parents said they play here
almost everyday after school.

The man on the news said the area
has some abandoned mine shafts?

Oh, yeah.
We checked them out yet?

We checked them,

but there was a big cave-in
back in the ' s after some floods.

They were all sealed up.

There's no way in.

What about the resevoirs?
Have you dredged it yet?

They're on it.

Search and rescue teams
found a nine millimeter casing

a few yards from the well.

He shined his light
down there and...

Well, see for yourselves.

Mother of God.

Nigel, let's lock down a yard perimeter
and get me a mobile trace kit.

I'm going down first
before we move the body.

Dr. Macy,

we gotta get an ID ASAP.

These parents are
going nuts waiting.

All right,

can you get ome rappelling gear
from the rescue team?

Make that two.
I'm going down with you.

No one's looking for heroics, Jordan.

Go home.
Get out of the rain.

Come on, Garret,
you know me better than that.

I'm serious, I mean it.
Go home.

Is it me or have I lost
my air of authority?

Truth is you never had it.

At least not with me.

But don't get a complex about it.

I still think you got
the rest of them fooled.

The entrance wound is right here
between the scapulae.

They sh*t the kid in the back.

No chance of a facial ID.

Let's turn him over.

His leg's stuck
under this debris.

Call me an optimist, Garret,

but there's a good chance the other
two boys are still alive out there.

Another seven hours,
they'll have been missing a full day.

I don't have to tell you
the statics after that.

That's kids' left ankle is
really wedged in down there.

We've had problems
with this well before.

The ground up here becomes
unstable with heavy rain.

We get some crumbling.

Search and rescue say it's
gonna be at least minutes

to get the submersive equipment
up there to get him out.

That means
we got two choices here.

One is we amputate his foot now.

Two is we wait.
It's your call, doc.

Let's wait.

The kid's parents are facing
a big enough shock as it is

without us adding to it.


who is she, and what does
she have to do with these boys?

It might be hard to determine.
There's no ID on her.

Have you ever seen her before?


Right, get her back to Trace.

Find anything you can that might
lead us to the kids.

I'll stay here and
do the same with the boy.


How quickly can you set up
a video uplink back to the morgue?

Well, about minutes to go.

Right answer.

How are you doing?

You sound like you got a cold.

I do. Thanks for asking.

Well, if there's anything
I can do to help.

Well, you could start by
trying to find those other two boys.


When do we get ID?

Not now, Lily.
We got bigger problems.

I've got three sets of parents
over there

waiting to see which one of
their sons was m*rder*d.

What is more important that that?

It is pitch black down there.

That kid's face is practically gone.

It's gonna have to wait.

We have descriptions of
what they were wearing.

What if they traded clothes or
the k*ller did it to confuse us?

I'm not gonna rip some parent's heart
out by ID'ing off a shoe.

We're gonna do this the right way.

You almost got that?

Yeah, it should be here
right about now.

Hey, Garret, can you hear me?

Like you're in my head.

Some things never change.

We got the same size wound
as the boy's, entrance and exit.

b*llet went clean through.

I'm thinking nine millimeter,
just like the casing we found.

Well, accounting for
the water rigor and liver temp,

put the boy's T.O.D.
at between and hours ago.

That's right about
when they disappeared.

My Jane Doe here is , .

So he k*lled them
at different times.

Dr. Macy!


Recovery equipment is here.


Todd Reynolds has a birthmark
on the back of his neck.

Danny Alioto has a scar
behind his left ear.

And Kevin Parker's
had his tonsils removed.

Please, can we just do this now?

Tell the Parkers
we found their son.

Let's get him in the tent.

She's got no prints with RMV
or missing persons,

so I've got a call into NCIC
about charting her dental records.

Then you've done your part.

Go home, Jordan,
and get some rest.

I can finish here.

Are you kidding?

I've been chugging this.
I'll be up for a week.

Ah, there you are.

I found an egg sac
a few minutes ago,

and now I have the culprit.

Cicindela Rufiventris.

A.K.A, the Red-Bellied
Tiger Beetle.

And this helps us how?

I don't know.


Where was her body found?

The well is right here
near the entrance to the park.

That's where the search area is.

Well, that's the north face
of the slope, right?

Which means at some point
after she d*ed,

she had to have been
somewhere over here.

The south face.

The Red-Bellied Tiger Beetle
nests on Acacia Pycnantha.

It needs a lot of sunlight.
Southern exposure.

And with her T.O.D. being
a couple hours befor the boy's...

We're looking for
a second crime scene.

Somewhere about here.

I've finished Trace. I'm taking
the kid's body back for autopsy.

Where are we?


Search and rescue's
sending volunteers home.

It's too dangerous.
People are getting hurt out there.

Plus they're forecasting
another inch of rain.

Maybe two by morning.

For God's sake, Jordan, what are
you doing, going for MVP here?

I think we're looking in
the wrong part of the park.

Bug found an insect
on our Jane Doe's body.

She wasn't k*lled here.

Her crime scene's
somewhere over here.

We got a tip.

A call just came in
at the service.

Yeah, I saw a maroon Volvo
about : last night,

heading out of the park real fast.

Two boys in the back.

I didn't get the plate,

but there was a big dent
on the left rear fender.

I hope that helps.

Any way to trace that call?

The reservation's still wired with
analog telephone cable.

There's no way to trace it.

I'll put out an APB,
get an Amber Alert going.

Check any video cams in the area.

Great, I'll stay here.

And try to look for
Jane Doe's crime scene.

No, you won't.

I wasn't asking you.

Lightening, mud slides, falling trees.

It's way too dangerous
out there right now.

Sure, when it doesn't concern you,
it's not really that important, is it?

So, how do I get over there?

Bishop Trail.

But the terrain's tough enough
in daylight when it's dry.

And the longer it rains,

the less chance there'll be
evidence left to find.

No, they're right.
It's too dangerous, Jordan.

We'll look for the crime scene
as soon as the rain lets up.

We've got the tip.
We've got the kid's body.

We'll find the boys.

Now you go home.

It's the last time
I'm gonna tell you.


Who's there?



Oh, god.

Thank you.
Could you please give me a hand?





Help me.

Get me out of here!


No! No!


Todd, are you okay?

Todd, everyone's been
looking for you.

The man who k*lled that woman?

He k*lled Kevin too.

Didn't he?


I'm sorry.

Do you know the way out?

The way you came.

Yeah, that's not gonna work.

Look, Todd.

I'm gonna get you
out of here, okay?

Everyone's worried
sick about you.

And about Danny.
Hey, you know where he is?

One of the b*ll*ts hit him.

How is he?

He stopped talking
about an hour ago.

Is he here?

Where is he?

Todd, where is he?

In there.

Behind the caved-in wall.

Where are we?

Just got the film back.

What the hell took so long?

Any evidence on this kid leads to
the k*ller which leads to the boys.

we don't have time to waste.

b*llet appears punched the lung
ricocheted off her posterior rib.

It could be anywhere in there.

Not anywhere, right there.
Upper abdomen.

I'll get it from the front.

Four hundred and seventeen
maroon Volvos in Boston.

Zero reported an accident
with the rear bumper.

I got UNIs scouring tape from traffic cams
near the reservation last night.

But in this rain, we'd have
better luck finding Nemo.

Hey, I got coffee from Jean Paul's
if you guys need a break.

God bless you.

- Great, uh...
- No break.

Well, I'll try to match the b*llet
we pulled from the kid with coplink.

It's a multi-state registry
for g*ns used in crimes.

The g*ns are listed by
their striation patterns.

Maybe we'll get lucky.
Our k*ller didn't start his life of crime today.

Right, Kirk Hammond, .
From Dorchester.

as*ault, that's where
he used the g*n.

Resisting arrest, DWI...

Oh, get this, he was
driving a maroon Volvo.

I'm on it.



Nine months ago a restraining order
was filed against him by a Kristen Wilmyer.

That's our Jane Doe.

Where are the boys?

I love her.
I'd never hurt her.

That explains the restraining order.

She's not dead.
She can't be.

That's what happens
when you sh**t someone, Kirk.

Please! I don't...

Where are those boys?

We were camping!

Then my buddy called and
get us a gig in Harvard Square.

I had to head back.

You left her alone up there
with the perfect strom rolling in?

She didn't care!
She loved it up there!

She didn't wanna leave.

And I gave her the g*n for protection.

Protection. I think you're the one
she needed proteing from.

I didn't do anything.

Let me sum this
up for you, Kirk.


Your girlfriend and the boy
were sh*t with your nine millimeter.

Two. She had a restraining order
against you.

And three. We got a witness that saw
your car leave the crime scene with the boys.

You don't start coorperating,

one plus two plus three

is gonna equal you spending
the rest of your stupid life

in a six by nine foot cell.

So, where are the boys?

Hey, you wanna throw
some more light over here for me?

Wow, you even got this
signed and everything.

You a big Sox fan?

My parents are gonna k*ll me.

I told Danny coming up here
was a bad idea.

I told him.

Trust me, your parents
just wanna see you.

I should have just gone home
after school.

But Danny stole some ouzo
from his folks' cabinet and

his brother showed him this
drinking game using a deck of cards.

Ace, one sh*t.

Joker, two.

I'm gonna go in there,
make sure it's safe.

You stay here, okay?



Oh, hey.


I'm Jordan Cavanaugh.

I'm a doctor.

I hate doctors.

Yeah, me too.

Look, I'm just gonna...
check out your wound, okay?

He's gonna be okay.

All right.

That's how my mother looked

when my brother sliced off
his finger in the car door.

Don't worry.

They sewed it back on.

Todd, you okay?

Is there an exit
on the other side of that?

Leads to the old entrance
to the mine.

That's where Danny was going
when the wall fell down.

You're looking for a way out.

Aren't you our way out?


This b*llet's not too deep.

But where it's sitting I'm worried
it might damage your lung

if I try to move you.

And I'm definitely
getting you out of here. So...

I'm gonna have to take it out.


I'm gonna take
care of you, Danny.

He's not giving up the boys.

You gotta find something.

We're gonna find every place
this car's been in the last hours.

If Hammond ditched the kids,
we'll find out where.

He's got a toll pass.

I can track his route.

And there's dirt on the tire treads.

Soil composition
may give us a region.

Sodium, magnesium,
granite, and peat.

That soil is
from the Norfolk Reservation.

We already know he was there.
That doesn't help us.

Well, I'm not a magician.

This is wrong.
The soil's dry.

- Huh?
- The soil's dry.

T.O.D. on both bodies
was after the rain started.

This car left the reservation
long before the rain.

- Yeah, but the phone tip said...
- It's wrong.

You're saying the boyfriend
didn't k*ll her or the boy.

Not unless he's got
two of these cars.

Did Hammond say anything else?

He said that Kristen was camping
at the base of Simeon Peak.

South side, where
the beetle pupae would be.

I think you may have just pinpointed
our second crime scene.

The rain stopped.

If there's anything left of Kristen's
campsite, now's the time to find it.

Jonny Damon signed that.

When we get out of here,
I'll get you another one

signed by the whole team.

Ah, ouzo.

You guys actually drink this stuff?

Smelled like licorice.

That will teach you.

Okay, Danny,

I want you
to bite down on this glove.


You sure you really know
what you're doing?

When I was a kid,

I was a champ at Operation.

And this is the same thing.

Long as I don't touch the sides,
Danny here won't feel a thing.

You like Operation?


He likes Grand Theft Auto.

Oh, well, there you go.

I like Operation, I'm a doctor.

He likes Grand Theft Auto.

Just... think of the career
you'll have ahead of you.

I need to make this hole
a little bit bigger to get at the b*llet.

So I'm gonna have
your buddy here

hold you down
so you don't move.

You're gonna wanna move.

But I'm gonna cut fast,
so it'll be over fast.


I need your help here, okay?

If this was a campsite,
someone cleaned up real good.

Deluge hasn't helped.

It would have
come in handy earlier.

I think we've found
our crime scene.

Looks like two sets.

Two sets of prints.

I'm guessing one of them is hers.

I found her ID.

You're right.
These are her prints.

Hold on, our luck runneth over.
We've got another match.

The park ranger?

He said he never met her.

I guess he lied.

So, how about the Sox?

Think we can make it
two years in a row?


Someone's up there.

Hey, we're down here!


Help us! We're here.

They can't hear us.

That's okay.
They'll see my car.

They have to.

You saw her boyfriend leave.

Pretty young thing,
all by her lonesome.

Thought you'd pay her a visit,

see if she needed
some special attention.

I had nothing to do with this.

She says no, you took her g*n.

- Detective Hoyt...
- Bang!

The boys see you dumping the body,
so you gotta k*ll them too.

Detective Hoyt.

I know you're anxious
to find these kids,

but this is a waste of time.

Just like that tip
we got on the Volvo.

Interesting that it came to you

and not just as we're going
to look for that second crime scene.

I wanna find these boys
as much as anyone.

You said you never
saw Kristen Wilmyer.

And I didn't.


do you recognize this?

Yeah, it looks like my umbrella.


We found it
at Miss Wilmyer's campsite.

Where she was m*rder*d.

We also found her prints on it.

They were bloody.

And we found your prints too.

Maybe she took it
from the ranger station.

I leave it outside.

You don't get it, do you?

See, I'm trying to
help you here.

You tell me where the boys are,

the D.A.'s gonna cut you
a sweet deal.

A deal?

All you have are my fingerprints
on my umbrella.

Criminalists are combing through
every inch of your trailer.

Going through everything you own.

Todd Raynolds, years old.

Play second base.

He's all his family has.

Danny Alioto, youngest of four.

Everyone says
he's the class clown.

Now I want you
to look at these photos.

I want you to look at them.

And then I want you to tell me

where these boys are.

I'm done talking.

I want a lawyer.

You saved the b*llet, right?

Why, you wanna impress the girls?

Look, Todd,
I know you're scared.

No, I'm not.

Then I'll be straight with you.

Where that b*llet went in,
it's infected.

Danny needs medicine fast.

So I gotta get him out of here.

And to do that,

I'm gonna need your help.

Is he gonna die?


No, he's not.
Not if we get him out.

So I'm thinking

we can push one of those ore carts
under the air shaft.

You get up on my shoulders,

climb in the shaft, get out,

and get some help.

Do you know how heavy
those things are?

We have to try.

Are you gonna ask me
what to tell the parents, Lilly?

Because I don't know.

You're doing what you can.

I just wish
that were good enough.

I can't.

Just a few more feet.

This is stupid.

I know this is hard,
but you gotta help.

What's the point?

You got your arms,
now push the cart!

You're not my mother!

No, I'm not. I'm the one who's
gonna get you out of here,

so that you can see your mother.

You think she wants to see me?

Just because you want
things to be better,

you think it's gonna
make any difference?

That you can make me feel better
with some stupid promises?


They wanted to go home.

I was the one
who made us stay.

I was the one who saw the guy.

And I know what's gonna happen.

We're all gonna die,
and it's all my fault!


He's dead, isn't he?

No, he's not dead.

I k*lled him.

I k*lled my two best friends.

It's not your fault, Todd.

Kevin was wet from the rain.

He wanted to change.

Danny felt sick from the ouzo.

But I wanted to keep
playing in the rain.


And then we saw this guy.

He was dragging something.

- Check it out.

- It looked like a body.

- So I dared them to follow him.
- Let's follow him.

I mean, I didn't really think
it really was...

It scares me.

Let's find out.

- Kevin was scared.
- Come on. Come on.

Then I called him chicken.

Then he dropped the tarp.

A body fell out.

Who's there?
Come on, Todd.

- I couldn't move.
- Come on.

But then,

Kevin saved me.

We made it back to the mine.

But then he cut our rope and...

started sh**ting.

Then he covered the hole.

Left us to die.


My parents are gonna hate me.

Kevin and Danny's parents
are gonna hate me.

Listen to me, Todd.

That man, whoever he is,

he's responsible for this.

You're years old.

You're supposed to test limits
and break curfew. And...

freak out your friends
and play around.

If you knew half the stuff
that I got away with

when I was your age...

Danny's not dead.


He's just unconscious.

His body's trying to
fight through this.

That's why we gotta get him
out of here right now.

I figure,

if he's fighting,

why shouldn't we?

What the hell do you mean, released?

All we got is a print on an umbrella
that he admits is his.

He's got no record,
no priors, no motive.

The judge went out on a limb

to get you people
that search warrant,

and you found nothing.

He's not gonna take on the entire
State Park System without more evidence.

You sure he's your man?

He's our man.

I'm gonna go pay him a visit.

See if I can sweat him
until he breaks.

You're gonna sweat him
until he breaks?

You got a problem with that?

Won't that get you
into some hot water?

Screw the hot water,
I want those boys.

Call me if you get anything.

We will find them, Dr. M.

There's gotta be a clue
to their location.

What good is it gonna do
when those kids are dead?

He was there,

at her campsite.

Tiger Beetle pupae

and used tissue.

Excuse me?

That's the same bug
we found on her body.

We also found tissue
at her campsite.

So if her DNA's on that tissue
on his boot,

we nail him.

What are you doing?

You're gonna loop this
around your belt.

And around Danny.

Look, this debris is thick,

but it's loose particulate.

We don't have the strength
to dig through it.

But with enough water pressure,

it should flush all this stuff
down the tunnel.

You're crazy.

That's beside the point.

Tie yourself off!

You're gonna drown us.

It's okay. We'll need
all the pressure we can get.

Now, when the water
finally pushes through,

we're gonna get
whitewater in here.

Just hold on, okay?

Hold on.

Okay, I've called up
Kristen Wilmyer's sample.

Shouldn't take too long
to see if that's her tissue.

And I've got beryllium.

There's traces off it in the mud
from Strauss' boot.

Aren't those beryllium mines
in the park?

Yeah, they're supposed
to be sealed off.

Oh, bloody hell.

Tissue's female,
but it isn't Kristen's.

Maybe there's another victim.

Run it through CODIS
and missing persons.

How'd you get a match
that fast?

I don't know. I...

What database did it match?


No answer at home, and Jordan's cell
went straight to voice mail.

Yes, please.

If you find anything.

Jordan's car isn't
at her apartment.

And the state trooper didn't find it
at the reservation parking lot either.

I'm engaging the tracking system
on her car.

The GPS on her cell phone
is active.

Damn it!

There's a radio tower
down from the storm.

System's out.

I've got a lock.

It's by...


Bishop's Trail.

Right by the old beryllium mine.

Shouldn't this
have worked by now?

Give it some time.

Well, I'm freezing.


could you stop complaining?

Kinda wet in here.

Thought we'd take a shortcut.

Mr. Strauss!

It's your friend from
the Boston Police Department.


Oh, your septic t*nk
is leaking sewage.

That's a major
health code violation.

I'm gonna have to detain you
until it's cleaned up.

Otherwise the whole neighborhood's
gonna smell like...


Assaulting an officer.

Where are the boys?

I don't know.

Wrong answer.

How many bodies you got
stashed up here, huh?

You t*rture them all?

You sh**t 'em in the back
like a coward?

You r*pe the girl?

Where are the boys?



She's gotta be here.

All right, thanks.

She wasn't in her car, but they
found it in the middle of the reservoir.

Strauss must have dumped it.

That's how he got
the tissue on his boot.

So what does this mean?

I found Jordan's cell phone.


The boys.

He trapped them in the mines.

There's an airshaft

at a clearing off Bishop Trail.

We're already in the park.

There's a stump
with a rope tied to it.


Jordan's in there too.

Yeah, I know.

There it is.

Over here, guys, come on!

It's sealed shut.

She has to be alive in there.
She has to.

It's filled solid.

I'm not getting an image
on this radar.

It's like the mine
doesn't even exist.

Use the ultravision.

Yeah, we've been waiting.
What's your ETA?

She should have just gone home.

Just hold his head up here
so he can breathe.

I can't.

You can.

Okay, these walls just need
a little more pressure.


Now, where's that mine entrance?

Dr. Macy!

There are people down there.

Three of them.
And they're moving.

Jordan and the missing boys.

They're still alive.

They won't be
if we don't get to them fast.

I want to know
where that mine goes.

They're over there.


Oh, thank God.


It's another air vent.


Garret? Garret!


Garret! Garret!

We're gonna get you
out of there.

These boys first.

We need an ambulance
and amoxicillin, fast!

It's on its way.
Just... just hold on!


Just hold on.

- Hi.
- I'm sorry I was so scared.

No, you did great.

I think your parents
wanna take you home.

Thank you.

You never made at home.

Oh, you know me.

You okay?

Yeah, fine.

So I hear you caught the guy.

He just, uh,...



Um, I gotta get back
to the station.

Charges to file.

Chopper's en route
to the Boston General.

They've got Danny stabilized.

That was stupid and reckless,
what you did.

You know that.

You don't listen to me.

Come on, Garret.

You do what you want.

And if you hand't this time,

those boys wouldn't be
alive right now.

All in a day's work,
no big deal.

I'm still your boss,
and I'm telling you it was a big deal.

Own it.

I don't know what I would've done
if something had happened to you.