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05x15 - Blame Game

Posted: 07/19/21 12:30
by bunniefuu
Well, finally my influence pays off.

Because you look fabulous.


So, uh, I heard there was
a multi car crash at the Big Dig.

Yeah, yeah.
I'm... I'm setting up right now.

Yeah. I heard about it
on my new satellite radio...

in my new car.

You finally did it?



Two hundred and seventy one horse power
of V with an ATI super charger,

satelite imagery GPS.


How about ?? trims,
six way power bucket seats.

In dash with CD changer,
MP player.

I'm sorry, I can't restain
what you're saying.

You have your doughnut in your mouth.

I'd thanks for open?? up door.

You're welcome, alright.

So, the reason I asked you
to breakfeast is cause I thought

maybe we should talk about last week.

There's nothing to talk about.

Of course, there is something talk about.

There's always something to talk about.

The weather, the Red Sox,

the severed head we found
in the alley behind Mickey's steakhouse.

Not my case, thank god.

Not mine either.
Just an example.

Should I just keep talking
to get a reaction?

Hang on, hang on.
Just hang on.

You can't even make eye conatact
and you still don't think we need to talk?

Okay, guys.
I got the dental X-rays.

Wow, Bug.
Look at you!

Parked your car on the street?
Are you insane?

My space in the garage is next to Jordan's.

She dings my door every time
she opens her's.

Yeah, but your car could get stolen
on the street, or broken into.

Au contraire.

When I leave the car,
I set the alarm.

If somebody tries to break in

it calls my cell phone.


Oh, man.

Massachusetts is in an
official state of emergency.

This is one of the state's
worst wildfires in several years.

It has burned structures
and closed two highways.

Our early estimates are that the fire
has consumed over , acres.

The rugged terrain is hampering our
efforts to reach the source of the fire.

Fire teams from Vermont,
New Hampshire, and Connecticut

have arrived on scene to help

and we owe them
a huge debt of gratitude.

We stand ready to return that favor
any time they need us.

I'd like to personally thank the men and women
of the Massachusetts Fire Department

for their exemplary work here
in trying to contain this volatile fire.

- Their professionalism...
- I'm taking an inventory.

We have everythng we need
to go retrieve the bodies.

Nobody's died.


Let's keep a good thought.

Very thankful for the work
they've done here today.

We should hope to have
this fire contained within hours.

Thank you very much...

That's kind of judgmental, Dad.

Asking you what goes on
in group sessions is judgmental?

What goes on is we talk.

But what you asked was,

"Have they put you in with
the hardcore addicts?"

Well, I was just wondering
if they lump you all together.

No, you and Mom lumped me
all together with these freaks.

Abby, the first step to recovery
is admitting you have a problem.


Cause I don't hear that every day.

Do you have anything new?

Go ahead.

It's your whole life.

Why sould today be any different?


Captain Innis, this is
Dr. Garret Macy.


They never had a chance.

Why were the bodies moved?

Out of respect.

These men are heroes.

Peter Cronin, head of the state's
emergency response office,

Doctors Macy and Cavanaugh
from the M.E.'s office.

I understnd the impulse, Mr. Cronin.

But you've compromised the evidence.

We couldn't leave them
where they fell.

- They deserved better than that.
- Mr. Cronin!

It's no mystery how they died.

Just a small point, sir?

The flags shouldn't be
touching the ground.

Mayday, mayday!
We've got a flashover.

Mayday, mayday!

Mayday, mayday!

Kind of a bad staging area, huh?

You think?

You two okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

With this kind of damage,
how hot is a wildfire?

Depends on the conditions.
One like this, around , degrees.

- Names, addresses, next of kin.
- Thanks.

Garret, I'm gonna call
these in to Lily.

Get her started on
dental and DNA samples.

So, did you know these guys?

Yeah, one of the best teams
in the country.

Most corageous man you'll ever find.

Where the hell's Nigel?

Let's suit up, the bodies
will be here any minutes.

Hey, Maggie.


- This is not a good time.
- Hey, hey.

Where did you get off telling
Abby she could leave rehab?

I didn't say she could leave.

That isn't what she says.

Well, then, she's lying.

Or else you're just not
being very clear.

I talked her into staying
two extra days.

That's the best I could get.

You and I have come up
with some kind of plan.

I'll talk to her.

No, this can't be solved
with dictates from Daddy.

Well, do you have
a better suggestion?

Oh, yeah, just leave it up
to me as always, huh?

You know, maybe if you had
just been around...

Wait a second, I was there
when I was allowed to be there.

- Don't give me that.
- You were there, hiding in your office.

I think it might be best for all of us
if we just concentrate on Abby.


You know, I just don't want to get
a phone call six months from now.

Or next year.

Or next week.

That she's here.

No, don't. Just don't.

He ruined my car.

I am so sorry.

No wallet here.

Nothing here either.
No keys, nothing.

What's that?

Hmm. Okay, who's going to say it?

Leapt a tall building
and misjudged the landing?


Passed out while flying by?

- Cape malfunction?
- Stop it!


Is there any way to get you
to follow instructions?

I've done everything
you asked me...

Let's go.

Sir, yes, sir.

You too, Lily.

Did you really think
you could fly?

This bluff is what
they were trying to protect.

What's there?

Well-connected rich people.

They don't deserve fire protection?

I'm just answering your question.



So weather service predicted strong
northeasterly winds today,

starting at : a.m.

Okay, that would be coming off
the water cool and moist.

Shouldn't that help?


Because when the wind hits the fire,
it's like hitting a brick wall.

The wind gets pushed back
and sideways.

Sucks the fire right along with it.

So if you're standing anywhere near it...

You are dead.

Let's hydrate 'em.

Way ahead of you.

Here's the time of death.

: .


That doesn't make any sense.

Why not?

Hang on.

Some of this stuff
is in pretty good shape.

Too bad these guys weren't
as well-protected.

Dr. Macy?


The wind kicked up
exactly as predicted.

The time, the intensity,
the direction.


So, the weather service was feeding

precise data in real time
to the command unit.

Whoever was in charge

knew when and where the danger was.

These men shouldn't have died.

I'm in charge of
the emergency response.

The captain is in
charge of fighting the fire.

Does that answer your question?

No. What were those men
doing in that area?

I sent them in to cut a break.

Remove a swash of brush

so we could stop the fire
before it hit the houses.

No fuel, no fire.

Well, didn't you know that
northeasterly winds were forcast?

Of course we did.

They were instructed
to get out before : .

- So why didn't they?
- I don't know.

I was on the line,
not in command.

We were on top of it.

Can you explain that to me?

We tried to get them out.
The radios malfunctioned.

Did you try anything else?

We did everything we could.

My office will conduct a thorough
post-mortem of our activities,

and that's my job.

If that insurance company thinks

I'm gonna just accept
whatever they tell me,

they've got another thing coming.

Way to stick it to the man, Bug.

Is that the new XT- webcam?

Top of the line, baby.

I thought Dr. Macy said
we couldn't afford it.

O, no, it's mine.

Yeah, early birthday gift to myelf.

See, this way all my followers

can get a glimpse
into my daily life.

Now there's a scary thought.

Hello, bloggers.

- Oh!
- Oh, I'm sorry.

- I should look where I'm going.
- No, I should've been paying more attention.

So did you ID the man that fell?

Not yet.

Poor bastard, huh?

Did you hear about your car?

Yeah. Insurance company totaled it.

Oh, Bug, I am so sorry.

But they're pay for it, right?
You can buy another?

Well, according to
my insurance agent...

it all depends.

Did he jump, did he fall,
or was he pushed?

A su1c1de is considered
an act of God

for which the cheap bastards
pay out nothing.

Nada. Zip.

I mean the only way
the policy pays off is

if somebody deliberately tossed
the poor bastard out of the window.

He took a header out
of one of these windows

on the th, th,
or the th floor.

Hello. I'm from
the Planet Zorgon.

Please take me home.

Hello. I'm from
the Planet Zorgon.

Please take me home.

Zorgon. Zorgon. Zorgon.

Hey, there, little guys.

Hello there, Mr. Robot. How...

Hello. I'm from
the Planet Zorgon.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna send them
down to the morgue.

Do you really think
that's such a good idea?

You have gotta loosen up, Lu.

You gotta take your fun
where you can find it.

Hey! What the heck
are you doing?

Where did you send them?

Down to nine.


Sir, we just need to ask you
a couple of questions.

Hay! Hay! Hay!

I'm Arthur Hay.

May I help you?

Yes, sir. We would like
to see the big window

on the west side of
the building, please.

Why is it black?

And why is it nailed shut?

Mr. Gibson lives in
a world of good and evil.

Those robots for sale?

Oh, no.

They're advanced strike force
from the Planet Zorgon.

We're trying to neutralize them.

If they escape, the Earth is doomed.

I'm kidding.


Um, do you happen to know
anything about the guy

who took the header a while ago?

What guy?

Who's on the floor above you guys?

[font color=D EFB ] Fifeenth Floor[/font]

We shred things!

Medical records.

Corporate documents.

You know, whatever people
want destroyed.

What about the police department?

You guys must generate
a ton of paperwork.

We tend to have to file
all that stuff.

There's the window.

Totally blocked by the shredder.

This looks more promising.

And quieter.



If this is it,
it's definitely m*rder.

The window's closed.

Keith Everett. .

Is it him?


Any keys over there.


Thank you.


Looks financial.

We're gonna need
a forensic account.

Keys, please.



And more.



Either he really hates banks,
or he's laundering somebody's money.

[font color=D EFB ] Autopsy Report: Reggie Anthony[/font]

[font color=D EFB ] Manner of Death:[/font]

Nigel, where are the tox screens
on the firefighters?

They're processing.
You really...

And what are you doing in here?
You should be monitoring the IVs.

I am, I am. You need
to see this, Dr. Macy.

You know, this whole place
runs like a ship without a crew.

It's unbelievable.

Hey, hey hey!

I don't know what your problem is,

but nobody I've seen today
is goofing off.

Now, if you could just stop
crabbing long enough to listen,

I have something to show you.

Well, let's see it.

- Peter Cronin.
- Yeah?

He's the director of M.E.R.O.

Appointed eight months ago.

Previous emergency
response experience?

Getting stains out
of cocktail dresses.

He owns a statewide chain
of dry cleaners.
[font color=D EFB ] Cronin dry cleaning[/font]

Apparently, piles up money for him

because he was a top donor
to his political party last year.

How hard can it be to find
qualified department heads?

You think you're mad now?

Just hang onto something, would you?

'Cause there's more.

Stephen Alder.
Backroom power broker.

Likes to be called Godfather.

Cronin owes his appointment
to Don Corleone here.

These mansions on the bluff?

The ones the firefighters
were trying to protect.

That one belongs to Mr. Alder.

Are you saying that these men died

so that Cronin could save
his friend's summer house?

Calm down, Garret.

You know, it's like appointing a carpet
salesman Chief Medical Examiner.

It's worse.
Carpet salesman don't k*ll people.

I don't believe Cronin
tried to pull these men out.

He left them there hoping that

they could dig fast enough
to save the rich folks' houses,

not giving a damn whether
or not they died trying.

There's no way we're gonna
prove that from these bodies.

Maybe we won't need the bodies.

Hey, Bug.

- His name was Keith Everett.
- Keith Everett.

Which floor.


So where's Woody at?

Oh, he went to
Mr. Everett's home address.

I'm baby-sitting
the forensic accountant.

Can you give me a hand?



Afraid you'll break your scissors?

Just doesn't seem right to cut it.

That mean you're not mad anymore?

About your car.

It's just a car.

You've known Woody a long time.


You think he's a good guy?

Yeah. But I wouldn't want
that to get back to him.

So why'd you ask?

Is that a rash?


Who knew superheroes
get allergies?

What kind?

I don't know.
I'll run some tests.

There's bruising.

Like somebody grabbed him hard.

Would that leave prints, DNA?

It depends.

What did you find upstairs?

Come see for yourself.

And bring your crime-buster kit.

And then when I was eight
I had my first pony ride

at what you people
would call a petting zoo.

I always thought that
sounded faintly naughty.

I can hear you fine.
Can you hear me?

Loud and clear, commandant.

Cronin told me the radios
weren't working.

They seem to be fine now.

Doesn't mean he's lying.

The conditions on
the fireline are hardly ideal.

Yeah, I know that.

Then why are we doing this?

There's no way for us
to prove negligence.

Not based on this.


I'm on my way.

Take over. I'll be back.

What's going on?

Director's on his way down.

What happened?

They found a syringe in her room.

Where did she get a syringe?

Oh! Yeah, that's right.

Just focus on the least
important aspect of the whole thing.

That's so...

We explained the rules
in the biginning.

You do dr*gs in this program,
you're out.

- Did you screen her?
- Yes.

The results were negative.
But I thought we should all talk.


where'd you get the needle?

I'll tell you like I told him.

It wasn't mine.

Where was it?

Taped to the bottom of a drawer.

Well, I didn't put it there.

Well, then who did?
You have a private room.

I'm not the first person
to use the damn room.

It's not my fault that
they don't clean up between guests.

Why should I believe you?

You lied to your mother
this morning.

You and your junkie boyfriend...

All right, Garret, that's enough!
Just shut up!


what do we do now?

We find this works best
if we all stay calm

and don't try to assign blame.

If you don't know
where the fault lies, you can't fix it.

We're all sitting in it.

It's one great, big, huge,
stinking pile of fault,

and it's never going away!

Mom, I told you I'd give it
two more days.

After that, I am so out of here.

I'm sorry to pull you out, Jordan,

but one of the windows has
a question that I can't answer.

Reggie was a high school
history teacher,

but he din't think
he was making a difference.

He told me / showed him
who the real heroes are.

I didn't want him
to do it, and now...

I'm so sorry for your loss,
Mrs. Anthony.

You had a question?

I gave him a Saint Florian medal.

The patron saint of firefighters.


To protect him.

And he always wore it.

Well, I'm afraid we haven't
gotten that far yet.

I'll wait.

It may take some time, Mrs. Anthony.

I'll wait.

Looks like he was
hanging on for dear life.

Okay, this is the only file
I can't connect to the business.

It's a list of names.

But what you've got here

is an incredibly
sophisticated hedge fund.

If this really was a one-man
operation, he was a genius.

Anything shady?

Honey, shady is kind of
the definition of hedge funds.

Okay, thank you.

Keith Everett lived in a small
one-bedroom apartment in Franklin Square.

All that money, he was a renter
in a downscale neighborhood?

bucks a month, plus utilities.

I spoke to his neighbors.

They said that they
hardly ever saw him.

That he was very secretive.

He had plenty to be secretive about.
He was a thief.

He was skimming all his accounts.

Except one.

A... Charles Gibson.

Toy designer on the th
floor of this building.

He's dead?

How well did you
know him, Mr. Gibson?

He was my nephew.

Did he have any enemies?


No friends either.

He's kind of... loner.

No... social skills.

Just a genius with money.

How could he fall out a window?

He didn't fall.

He was pushed.

Someone k*lled him.

You know, he wore
a costume under his clothes.


Like a superhero thing.

Cape and all.


The biggest disappointment
of Keith's life was

when he realized he couldn't
grow up to be a superhero.

He was eight.

I never saw a kid so depressed.

Mr. Gibson, we're finding evidence that
Keith was stealing from his clients.


You're wrong.

Keigh would never steal.

Dr. Macy, okay?

He seems particularly
crabby today.

Oh, well, I think maybe
he's just worrying about Abby.

Oh, good.

I was afraid it was personal.

Oh. This must be Reggie Anthony.

Hey, Nige,
take a look at this.

His wife says it's platinum.


Isn't it's melting point
above , degrees?

Yeah, quite a bit.
Around , .

So why did this melt?

Come on, guys. You haven't even
gotten them undressed yet.

Hey, Garret...

I came to see
how we're getting on.

These men deserve
the best from all of us.

That would've meant more
to them when they were alive.

What's the supposed to mean?

You were in charge.

You had the information.

Why were these men
in the path of the fire?

- It's being investigated.
- By whom?

I've done some checking.

You've got a history
of bad judgment.

Somebody screwed up out there.
You're the best bet for that.

All medical personnel
who are state employees,

my office has the authority
to suspend their licenses.

Now, you can appeal my decision,
but it's a long road back.

The sooner you release these bodies
the better it will be for everyone.

That son of a bitch.

What were you gonna show me?


The fire wasn't hot enough to melt it,
and yet as you can see...

- You sure it's platinum?
- It is.

- The chain too?
- Yep.

Then what would account
for the melting?

Well, normally wild fire burn
between , and , degrees.

But that can sh**t up
if the fuel is really dry.

Was it?

Not accroding to
the information I've seen.

Well, if the goal was
to protect the homes,

and time was running out...

And if cutting the brush
by hand was too slow...

There is another alternative.

If you're right...

Come on, Nigel.

Oh, good.
You found it.

Is she still here?

She feels like
it's all she's got left.

Look, I'm sorry. I just can't
give it to you right now.

And it's mine.
I want it back.

And you'll get it back.

Only right now
it's part of the evidence,

- so we need to hang onto it.
- Evidence?

You make it sound like...

like a criminal case or something.

We have to follow
certain procedures.

My baby will never
know her father.

You're talking to me
about procedures?

Dianne, the medal
is very important.

It might help us figure out
what went wrong out there.

"Went wrong?"

What does that mean?

Okay, there are a lot of pieces
to this investigation.

You can't leave me
in here not knowing.

Okay. It's possible...

possible that there was a miscommunication
that lead to their deaths.

The radios failed and
they walked into a backdraft.

Who is responsible?

As soon as I know,
I'll let you know.

I promise you that.


The captain said
he sent them out here

to cut a fire break
to protect the houses.

- You don't need benzene for that.
- No.

We're gotta figure out
what happened on the fireline.

Why these men died.

The captain said the men
were out here

cutting a brush trying
to hold the line.

Then someone gave another order.


No way.
Too dangerous. No.

Maybe the captain lied to you.

I don't think so.

Cronin knew time was running out.

He ordered them to set a backfire.

Okay, we'll do it.

All right, guys, light it up.

The brush was dry
It caught instantly.

He deliberately
put him in harm's way.

You don't know it was him.

It could still have
been Captain Innis.

Mayday, mayay!

No, he was at the command post.

He knew the winds were shifting.

He left them here to die.

It was Cronin.

The uncle's wrong.
According to the accountant,

Keith Everett's been skimming several
million dollars over the past few years.

There's $ in his checking account

and a money market
worth about , .

It doesn't make sense.
If I had millions of dollars...

Millions of stolen dollars.

He doesn't want to throw up
red flags to the IRS.

Well, I'm not sayng that
I'd go out and buy a yacht,

but I'd at least
spring for a schooner.

Or a dingy.

This guy doesn't even have
a car, for God's sake.

So where did the money go?

Lots of ways for a financial
genius to hide money.

Hey, Bug, what have we got?

I found leather fibers
on his neck.

Whoever did it wore gloves.

Paraffin oil.
He was allergic to wax.

So whoever grabbed his neck
got it on him.


So what paraffin oil used for?

It's an industrial lubricant.

Wax lasts longer than regular oil.

You use it in machinery
that has lots of moving parts

and runs all the time.

Like maybe a big shredder?
Thank you, Bug?

The obvious motive is that
Mr. Shredder doesn't just shred.

Yeah, he looks at the client's
documents first...

When he finds hanky panky...

Tries to cut himself
in on the action.

Keith Everett would not
go for it.

We're finishing
each other's sentences.

Does that mean anything?

You're the shrink.
You tell me.

You know, it's still bothering me

what Everette was doing
with all the money.

Let's catch the k*ller first.

Yeah. We'll ferret out
Mr. Shredder's client list

and then do some
old-fashioned leg work.

- I love leg work.
- I figured.

A backfire?

Are you kidding me?


You can't do a back fire
under those conditions.

You're caught between
the fire and the ridge.

It's su1c1de.

It's m*rder.

Cronin knows nothing
about fire fighting.

I'm not sure it'll stick, but
I'd say it's negligent homicide.

Call it what you want.
He k*lled them.

He k*lled them to protect
his rich friends.

He'll deny he gave the order.

It'll be my word against his.

Somebody must know
he gave the order.

Blame rolls downhill.

There. That's better.


Hey, what do you think
you're doing?

I've got contracts.

We know. We got a list
of them right here.

The checkmarks show
which ones you were blackmailing.

We found your offshore
account, Mr. Sullivan.

We tracked the electronic deposits
to you from all these companies.

You figured out Keith Everett
was skimming his accounts

and you went after him too.

But he wouldn't play along.

He said he'd had enough
and was going to the police.

So you k*lled him.

Who are you guys?
Crocket and Tubbs?

You are under arrest for
the m*rder of Keith Everett.

Oh, and we need these.

You got lubricant and
fibers on his neck

where you grabbed him.

One last thing.

You left too soon.

There was something like $ ,
in his file cabinets, cash.

Get him out of here.

Damn him.


You think that's a confession?

Sounded like a confession to me.

Bug, we need you in the lab.
What are you doing?

I don't like loose ends.

You're tracking what he did
with the money, aren't you?

You figured it out yet?

I have.

Pick a paper, any paper.

All right.

Post-it says - .

At first I thought it was a date,
but it is page and column numbers.

Page , column two.

"Sole Survivor of Family
Infirm and Destitute."

Yeah. Vonetta Tilson. .

Her two sons get her
to the roof of her house

in the lower Ninth Ward
in New Orleans,

then swim for help.

They both drown.

Now this is the list of names
that the accountant found.

The one that nothing to do
with Everett's business.

Vonetta Tilson.

He was playing Robin Hood.

Yeah. I checked Ms. Tilson out.

And she's at a really good
nursing home in Houston.

All expenses paid courtesy
of an anonymous benefactor.

All these people.

Yeah, all except the last one.

William T. Jones, injured
by a hit and run driver.

Single dad. Four kids.

Can't work. No insurance.

I guess William T. Jones
is out of luck.


All these names are people
who fell on hard times.

People who were left
destitue by earthquakes,

hurricanes, devastating illnesses.

What are you telling me?

Your nephew gave them
a fresh start.

Thank you for letting me know.

Oh, and we thought
you might want this.

Keith couldn't save people
from burning buildings or runaway trains.

But he did what he could.


You brought me here for this?

Autopsy reports are public records.

Within a few hours,
these'll be on the news,

and everything'll know you ordered
a dangerous back fire that k*lled six men.

- I've already explained it to you.
- No, you haven't.

You release these reports,
you're finished.

That's right. You've got
friends in high places.

You know how fast they'll drop you
once the media gets on this?

Thanks for your concern.
I'll be fine.

Maybe you should think
about protecting yourself.

You're a dry cleaner, Cronin,
with no qualifications

and no experience,
and not much sense.

You're done.



Hey! What the hell do you
think you're doing?

Explain it to them.

Hey, Bug.


Did you ever get the insurance
money for your car?


How much?

grand. Why?

'Cause I got a piece of
your mail this morning.

A letter from a William T. Jones
thanking you for sending him

$ , to help cover his expenses.

He is "overwhelmed by your generosity."

You didn't notice
it wasn't addressed to you?

Who is William T. Jones?

Somebody who needed help.

I thought you were
getting another car.

I decided I wasn't that guy.


You know, I never apologized

for kissing you last week, and, um...

I don't think
that needs an apology.

Well, I was upset.

I'm not upset now.

So, you... you still want to talk?


Yeah. About the weather.

The Red Sox.

That severed head in the alley
behind Mickey's Steakhouse.

- Not my case.
- Not my case either.

It's just an example.

Great. Well, let's talk.


These are ready for your signature.

Just leave them on the desk.

Expecting a call?

- No.
- Thinking about making one?

I can't sign the reports
until you put them down.

Abby or Maggie?

Who are you thinking about calling?

I'm not exactly on
their good sides right now.

- Why do you think that is?
- Because I can't fix it.

- Did they ask you to?
- They expect me to.

They do or you do?

Nobody can fix it, Garret.
It's not a broken toy.

Look, it's a process.

It's not easy,
but you can't just give up.

I'm not.

You're afraid to make
a phone call.

I'm trying to think of what to say.

Well, you gotta have
the conversation with them.

You can't have it in your head.

I'm out of words, Jordan.

I've been talking till
I'm blue in the face.

Maybe just listen.

Thanks for meeting me.

So, what are we gonna do?

I don't know.

I can't eat. I can't sleep.
I can't think.

About blaming someone.

You know, sometimes things happen
that somebody has to pay for.

This isn't one of them.

Thank you.

What changed your mind?

You know, stuff.

She's . We can't
force her to stay there.

We can present a unified front.

Supportive, non-judgmental.

What good'll that do?

I don't know.

We've never tried it.

We're the ones
who broke the family.

This may be our last chance.

How you guys doing?

It's okay.