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03x13 - Making Whoopee

Posted: 07/20/21 10:16
by bunniefuu
Hi, dad, it's me.

Hi, arthur.

Call your

Something about
summer vacation.

I'll call her
after space cadets.

You're spending July
with her, right?

Yeah... And jerry.

I'm sure she'll take you
somewhere exotic.

She must love the money.


That's for the plastic fly
in my coffee.

So... Why are you
all dressed up?

Carol and I are going out.

But space cadets is on.

Don't you care
what happens?

You can tell me
what happens.

I'll be right out.

Well... How do I look?


There's microwave pizza
in the freezer.

When will you be home?

Not too late, I imagine.

We all work tomorrow.

See you later,
old buddy.

So where are
you taking me?

It's a little


♪ wake up in the morning,
feeling shy and lonely ♪

♪ gee, I got to go to school ♪

♪ I don't think I can make it,
don't think I can take it ♪

♪ I'm wondering
what I'm going to do ♪

♪ but when I look
around, I see ♪

♪ that someone is
smiling right at me ♪

♪ wait! ♪

♪ that someone's talking to me ♪

♪ hey! I've got a new friend. ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ all you need is to believe ♪

♪ be honest with yourself ♪

♪ forget your fears and doubts ♪

♪ come on, give us a try ♪

♪ at degrassi junior high. ♪

Hey, arthur.



That's for the fly in my milk.

That was funny.

Yeah, right.

Did you watch
space cadets?

I bet your dad
is worried.

He didn't see it.

But you always
watch space cadets.

He had a date with carol.



I wish they'd break up.

They're too old
to date.

How old is she?

I don't know--
30 something.

She's desperate
to get married.

Relax, he'll never
get married again.

That's what
my mom said

And now she's
married to jerry.

It's okay-- let's go.

He and shane
did acid.

Shane's still

I bet it was
his idea.

He doesn't even
feel guilty.

That's a druggy.

Here comes snake.

Such a hunk.

I've decided
he'll take me

To the
graduation dance.

Alison, you hardly
even know him.

That can be changed.

He's good at math
and I need some tutoring.

Good luck.

...And will remain in effect.

Hi, kathleen.

I wish I'd never
read her diary.

We used to
be friends.

But you helped her.

I still never see her
eat anything

And now she hates me for life.


Hi, snake.

So... How are things?



Good... Good.


Well, um...
I guess I'll see you.





Oh, snake?


Do you understand
our math homework?

Uh... Yeah.

I didn't.

Do you think you
could help me?


you're so nice.

Um... I'll see you
in class.

All right.

Did he say yes?

She likes him, he likes her.

I get to stay home
with my mother.

Melanie, they're just
talking about homework.

No, I cannot compete
with a glamorous "niner."

I might as well
join a convent.

He likes you;
he's asked you out twice.

And twice I've ruined it--
he won't ask again.

Then you
ask him out.

I couldn't... Could I?

Ida lucas to
the principal's office...


When's lunch? I'm starving.

Want some gum?






Where did you get
all this stuff?

Me and my dad found
this joke place.

We're going
there tonight.

Want to come?

Your dad is so cool.

He used to be,
till carol came along.

Come on, she can't be that bad.

She tries to make
like she's my mother.

"hi, arthur,
how was school?"


We've got to
do something.

I'm still waiting
for assignments

So they can be put up
for open house tomorrow night.

All right, class dismissed.

Don't forget the meeting
of the open house committee.

Due to lack of interest

Tonight's pep rally
has been cancelled.

Have you ever played
a trick on carol?

I wouldn't dare,
she's got no sense of humor.

So do it.

She'll get mad

And they'll
split up.

The whoopee cushion.

It sounds like it'll be fun.

It will be.

I'll see you
at the meeting.

He said yes.

Who will you

I don't know.

But what am I
going to wear?

He's such a hunk.

Oh... Alison.


You are so lucky!

She's a babe.

She's all right.

All right?

You're not still
hung up on melanie

Are you?

Every time you
go out with her,
it's a disaster.

No wonder she doesn't like me.

You're not
a lot of help.

I'm trying
to help you now.

Melanie's a baby;
alison's a babe.

Fix your priorities.

Oh, joey.

Hey, tim.

You saw shane,

So how's
he doing?

He's still unconscious.

Does he look... Really bad?

Go see for yourself!

We're not real close.

Anyways, me and hospitals...
You know.


I don't!

Why am I bothering?

She's blond,
she's beautiful.

Maybe I could
dye my hair.


Don't worry,
it'll be fine.

I'm so nervous.

Don't be.

But it's

Should I say
"welcome to degrassi"

Or "welcome
to degrassi"?

It's up to you, alex.

Whichever feels
more natural.

Welcome to degrassi.

Hi, I'd like
to help.

We need
all the help
we can get.

Let's go over it
one more time.

Our job is
to make sure

The evening
goes smoothly.

I love this.

I've got to get one.

This is weird.

He said he'd be here by 4:00.

It's her!

Give me the
whoopee cushion.

Hi, arthur--
yick, buddy!

Hi, herb.

This is yick

best friend.

This is carol,
my best friend.

Hello, yick.


Arthur, how was school?


Here, have a seat.

No, thanks.

But you must be tired.

No, really.


Can yick come with us to joe's?


I'm sorry, I forgot.

We've arranged
to go bowling.

We've got a bowling
league at work.

I convinced
your father
to try it.

You guys go--

You don't need a
fuddy-duddy like me.

I called mom.

She's going to take me to France

For two weeks.

France? How nice.

Can I get
you a beer,

Thank you.

I'll come with you.

I hate when he does that.

You think they've...
You know?

I don't want to even
think about that.

So you want to go
to joe's, sweetie?

Give me a break.

Let's go.

It's 7:00.

Time to...

Good morning.

I guess you
were surprised
to see carol.

She really
likes you,
you know.

I know you'll like her, too,
once you get to know her.

Yeah, right, dad.

So how was joe's joke emporium?

Are you and carol
going to get married?

I don't know about marriage.

Carol and I...

Um, well...

Well, there's commitment, but...

I'm going to school.

I'll see you later
at the open house?

Sure, dad.

I'm looking forward to it.


I'll make sure my mom
gets you as a tour guide

So don't bring her
into raditch's class.

She'll want to see
your home room.

Tell he we don't have homeroom.

Tell her it moved, anything.

Did you ask
snake out?

I didn't get a chance.

Well, I'm sure you'll
get a chance tonight.

I hope so.

Because of tonight's open house

Today's after-school activities
will be postponed.

Hi, arthur,
have some peanuts.

Here, they're good.

All right.

I love this thing.

Carol slept over last night.


I went in to wake up dad
and... There she was.

You saw them in bed?

Were they naked?

I didn't stick around
to find out.

You know what
this means, don't you?


She's going to leave
a toothbrush in the bathroom.

Then she'll bring over
her suitcases

And move all her stuff in.

How do you know that?

Because that's what happened

Before my mother
and jerry got married.

Looking forward
to the open house tonight.

Some of your parents
are newcomers.

Others are old acquaintances,
right, mr. Jeremiah?

Our thought for the day
is understanding.

Remember, don't step
on someone else's toes

Without first putting
yourself in their shoes.

Hey, tim?

Next time you see shane

Give him this card.

Give it to him yourself.

I can't.

Why not?

You took the acid with him.

He didn't have to take the acid.

But you could have
stayed and helped him.

Don't you think I know that?

Don't you think I feel bad?

to degrassi.

Hey, guys?

to degrassi.

Welcome to degrassi...

to degrassi...

Snake-- why, hello!


A movie?


No, no, I don't think
I have anything planned.

Welcome to degrassi...
Welcome to degrassi.

Hey, there's snake.

Go get him.

Hey, snake, nice shirt.

Orange is really
your color.


My mom bought it for me.

Snake, why don't you and...?

I'll go
with snake.
I'll go
with snake.

Snake's paired
with melanie.


Says who?

Says my list.

People are waiting.

We're your tour guides.

I'm melanie.

I'm archie.

Mom, this is caitlin.



This is the young lady
you always talk about?

It's time to start
the tour, caitlin.

This way.

She's just as pretty
as you said she was.



Hello, nancy.

Welcome to degrassi.

Welcome to degrassi.

This is homeroom 8-b,
mr. Raditch's class.

Once you're
done in here

You can go
to the drama

So, uh... This is fun.



Would you like to go
to a movie with me tomorrow?



Oh... Wait a minute.

Do you know


She invited me
to her party tomorrow night

And I promised I'd go.


I know, I'll ask her
if you can come.

No, it's her party.

I'm sure she wouldn't
want me there.


You've got some red
stuff on your teeth.

Snake, can you finish this tour?


Our next stop is
the drama class.

You've got to tell
your dad how you feel.

I told you,
I can't.

Sure you can.

You have to,
before it's too late.

Look, he's going
to be here tonight.

This is your
big chance

To talk to him
without carol.

to degrassi.

Hi, I'm

I'll take you
on the tour.

Hi, alex.

Welcome to degrassi.

I want you
to meet someone.

This must be

Mrs. Kobalewscuy.

She's not my mother!

I shouldn't
have come here.

That was rude.

Me, rude? This is
supposed to be for parents!

I didn't think you'd mind

If I invited carol.

Well, I do mind.

I think I should leave.



Arthur, smarten up!

We were fine without you.

I'm leaving.

I'm very disappointed.

That was
very mean.



to degrassi.

to degrassi.

Welcome to

I feel sorry
for snake.

Stuck with
that melanie.

She's totally

For sure--
and her make-up?

Talk about overdose.

She's got
a crush on him.

As if he'd ever
like her.

Why don't the two
of you shut up.

Melanie's nice,
which is more than
I can say for you.

Well, excuse me!

her problem?


Why are you always on her side?

You're supposed to be my dad.

I'm sorry I haven't spent as
much time with you as usual.

Where's carol?

We had
a little talk.

We've decided
to slow things down a bit.

We won't see each other
for a while.



You made the right
decision, dad.

It wasn't my decision.

I thought things
were going all right.

Come on, dad.

You don't
need carol.

Sometimes us old guys
get lonely.

But you're not alone.

got me.

I know.

Want to watch tv?

It's too late for dinner.

Should I microwave a pizza?

Have what you want--
I'm not hungry.


Thanks for
sticking up for me.

Alison's not
his type anyway.

Trust me.

Do you want
to come over

I can't.

Okay, no problem.

I've got a counseling session.


I've been going
for a while now.

That's great... Right?


But if you tell anyone,
I'll k*ll you.

My lips are sealed, I swear it.


Hi, snake.

See you in class.

I've been meaning to ask you.

I was going to yesterday

But you sort of

You know the graduation dance?

Do you want to go...
Well, sort of... Together?


So what happened
when you got home?

They aren't seeing
each other anymore.

All right!

She kind of dumped him.

Why did she dump my dad?
He's a nice guy.

He's lucky to be rid of her.

But you should have seen him
last night-- he was so sad.

I haven't seen him like this
since the divorce.

Come on, arthur, we won.

Then how come I feel so lousy?