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04x15 - Stressed Out

Posted: 07/20/21 10:33
by bunniefuu
Are you ready for english?

I hope so.

I studied really hard.

I hate
final exams.

Me, too.

I got to drop these books off
to ms. Avery.


Hi, ms. Avery.

I searched my room.

I am positive these are
all the books I have.

Leave them
on the counter.

Is something wrong?


What are you staring at?


What are you standing there for?

Get out of here.

Get out!

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ got to shake the feeling ♪

♪ I've got to face
a day of school ♪

♪ what's to be afraid of? ♪

♪ I can ask a question ♪

♪ or maybe even bend the rules ♪

♪ I'm searching for a place
where I'll fit in ♪

♪ there's a way, if I look
then I can win ♪

♪ yeah, I can see
I'm not alone ♪

♪ I can face the unknown ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ in yourself you must believe ♪

♪ give it a try ♪

♪ at degrassi high. ♪

Okay, everybody, that's it.

Please hand in your papers.

Man on public address system:
Students are reminded

That lockers must be cleared
by 3:00 p.M this Friday.

Anything left will become
school property.

There will be no exceptions.

My last exam-- I'm free!

Me, too.

Thank goodness for exemptions.

You're finished too, right?


Oh, right.

This doesn't thrill you?

Of course it thrills me.

It's just, ms. Avery
acted so strange.

She's probably just
stressed out.


I just hope nothing's wrong.

Let's clean out our lockers.

We have to--


I brought garbage bags.

Okay, but it won't be pretty.

No more exams!


I got one more exam,
then I'm history.

I got two,
and he's got one

And then we'll have fun
in the summer sun.

♪ two more tests
to go this year ♪

♪ then, my man,
we are out of here ♪

♪ we're out. ♪

See you later.


What's in the bag?


Come on, let me see.

I said no!


I'm sorry.

You know how I get during exams.

It's just these.

Caffeine pills.

Why are you taking dr*gs?

They're not dr*gs,
they're just like

Lots of coffee.

These are dr*gs.

They can't be that bad.

They're nonprescription.

They help keep me awake.

I've got a lot
to catch up on.

I got to go to work,
then home to study.

I've got a headache,
I feel achy.

I've got something,
I know it.

You'll feel better
after science.

Hey, dudes.

How was your exam?

I don't know.

I hope I did okay.

I don't want
to flunk again.

I've got to study
for the next one.

Me, too.

But just for
half an hour

Let's relax.

Want to play
some video games?

Excellent, let's go.

I can't.

My dad's taking
me driving.

The test is Thursday,
after my last exam.

You'll get your license
this time.

He has to.

You know what they say--
third time lucky.


Let me give you
some advice.

This time, stay on the road.

And don't hit
any pedestrians.

That's a real no-no.

Stop bugging me.

I can drive, parallel park,
back up.

I can do everything...

Joey and wheels:
Except pass the stupid test.

Oh, yuck.

Oh, gross.

What is that?

I don't know

But it's been in here
since January.

It's an alien

We are earth people.

We will not harm you.

Mmm, yum.

You have to come
to my cottage this summer.


Oh no.


No-- more library books.

I'll be right back, guys.

I want all books back by Friday.

Is that

Relax. Don't have a bird.

I don't like your tone.

Oh, sorry.

Sorry, ms. Avery.

Please, don't suspend me.


What a system.

Although the servery
is now closed

The cafeteria will remain
open this week

As an extra study area.

Please keep the room
clean and quiet.


I'm sorry that I snapped
at you earlier.

I guess I was pretty upset.

I won't be back next year.

Why not?

Don't ask me,
ask the school board.

All I wanted
was a chance to teach.

I bent over backwards,
and this is the thanks I get.

They fired you?

I have had it

Up to here with a board
that doesn't care

And kids that don't listen.

I'll find something else
to do with my life.

I won't be treated this way.

Is she really upset?

What do you think?

How would you feel?

Without her help

I would have failed
french last year.

She's helped everyone.

It's so stupid-- they fire her,
but they keep fogerty.

He's terrible.

We should get
her a present.

How about
a surprise party?

Good idea.

Sure, but we should
do more than that.

Like what?

Like fight.

What if we wrote
a letter of protest?

We'd get lots of signatures
and take it to the board.

Another petition?

It's not a petition,
it's a letter of protest.

Is that a good idea?


I'll write the letter tonight.

Tomorrow I'll make copies
and we'll collect signatures.

We have to do something.

Good morning, degrassi.

There will be a city-wide track
and field meet this Saturday.

Spectator buses load
at 9:00 a.M. And leave at 9:30

From the front of the school.

b*at the pressure of exams

While our athletes
b*at the competition.

It's not right
to fire avery.

If it wasn't for her
I wouldn't even be in school.

I'd have dropped out.

She's helped lots of us.

That's why we have to fight.

There you go.

Thanks, guys.

Trish, hi.


Maybe a little warm.


You won't catch fire

Or anything.

This isn't funny.

My throat's sore,
my headache's even worse.

I'm really sick.

The only reason I'm here
is because my mom made me.

The yearbooks are in.

Great. Great.

When's your
next exam?

In ten minutes.

Ten minutes?

Man, I got math.

I got to study.

I'll see you guys later.

And it's your last one?

Yeah, I got exempted
from geography.

The minute you walk
out of there

You'll feel better.

I guarantee it.

I'll see you
after my exam.

Want to come over
tonight for dinner?

My mom says it's fine.

I don't have time.

You need to eat.

I need to study.

I've got science now,
geography this afternoon.

There's only tonight
to study for history.

Whoa, michelle.

Slow down.

You can't stay up all night.

I have to.

When else can I study?

I work

You need sleep.

You can pass even
without studying.

Passing isn't enough.

My dad says I'm hurting
my future by living on my own.

And it's true,
my marks have dropped.

He wants me to move back home.

I'm going to prove him wrong.

Everyone take
their seats.

Clear the benches

Except for
the pencils
and pens.

Michelle, I just don't like
you using those pills.

This will be
a two-hour exam.

Remember, it's worth 30%
of your final grade

I recommend

You budget your
time accordingly.

Good luck
to you all.

There you go.


So I'm signing
this guy's yearbook

And he goes,
"don't sign there."

So I hit him.

Way to go.

Did you see
lois's picture?

Um, will you sign
this letter of protest

To keep ms. Avery?

You crazy?

We need less teachers, not more.

You moron, she's a person
not just a teacher.

If you can't

A good teacher,
that's your problem.

The kiddies seriously
need a vacation.

Here's lois.


What is
this petition

I'm hearing about?

It's not a petition,
it's a letter of protest.

We've already got 35 signatures.

The unfair f*ring of ms. Avery?

What is this all about?

They shouldn't
fire ms. Avery.

She wasn't fired.

The job in the
resource center

Was for one year.

The regular person
is coming back.

So they should give her
another job.

She was offered another job.

She turned it down.

She turned it down?

And I was getting people
to sign this letter.

This is so typical.

I try to help and I wind up
looking stupid again.

Well, that wasn't
too bad for science.

Who cares about the exam?
I'm free.

I still have gross geography
after lunch.

Don't start.

I've only got two exams left--
just two--

So don't you dare nag me.

Attention students,
the yearbooks have arrived.

Pick up your copy
when you hand in your lock

In the school office.

Yearbooks will not be issued

To those who haven't paid
their student activity fee.

What's a toaster
doing in your locker?

I have no idea.

I wonder if it works.

Caitlin, the party's
going to be fabulous.

Raditch said
we could have it Friday.

We're getting
her a clock.

I don't care
what you get her.

What's wrong?


It's been the worst year
of my entire life.

I hate this year

And I'm not going
to a dumb party

For a dumb teacher.

In the north, the sahara desert
is pushing south

Into the sahel zone,
which is really dry savanna.

But in the south, the kalahari
desert is pushing north.

So north goes south,
and south goes north.

Why can't they
stay put?

Just one more exam.

Just one.

I don't feel anything.


My glands are swollen.

I'm really sick.

And I finished my last exam,
so I'm not faking it.

Maybe you should
go see the nurse.

I'll just go home to bed.

Suit yourself.

The worst thing is I'll
miss my driving test.



If I can't pass
when I'm well

There's no way I'll
pass when I'm sick.

You're nervous,
that's all.

Here we go again.

You have to make
yourself relax.

Relax... Silly me
for not thinking about that.

Do like this.

Stand up.

Come on, stand up.

Okay, now breathe.

In through your nose,
out through your mouth.

Breathing-- what a concept.

Snake, it really works.

Try it.

Come on,
in through your nose.

Locker 1238.

Me and my family are going
to greece this summer.

Just check it off

So I can get
out of here please.

Here you go.


I heard about the petition.

It was a letter of protest.


It was a nice gesture
and I appreciate it.

Yeah, right.

Why did you lie to me?

I have never lied to you.

Yes, you did.

They offered you a job

And you turned
it down.

Know what that job was?

A roving teacher.

A teacher without a class.

A permanent substitute.


So I can't accept that.

That is not what I want.

You said you wanted
a chance to teach.

Yes, I want to teach.

With a class of my own.

Students of my own.

I won't be half a teacher.

So you quit teaching
because you want to teach?

That makes
a lot of sense.

If that's what you think, fine.



What are you staring at?


I'll see you in September.

You, too.

Have a nice summer.


Would chris perkins please
go to the guidance office?

Chris perkins to the guidance
office. Thank you.

Ready for the geography exam?

It's in five minutes.

Five minutes?

Oh no! I lost track of time.

I'm not ready.

I'll blow it.

Calm down.

Why should I calm down?

Why are you always
telling me what to do?

You're worse
than my dad.

Oh, everything is going wrong.

Hey, relax.

You relax!

Leave me alone.

Stop bugging me.

Michelle, stop it.

You stop it.

You stop it!



Somebody get the nurse!

Michelle? Michelle?

Is she okay?

What's wrong
with her?

She's fainted.

Please note that today
is the final day

To clear out all lockers.

Would ms. Avery please report
to the main office immediately.

We're out of here, dudes!

No more homework,
no more teachers

No more suspensions
till next year.

Just good times!

Come on.

Come on, hurry up.

Get in.

When you fainted yesterday

How long had you been
taking the pills?

A week?

Or maybe more
like two weeks.

I understand how
stressful exams are

And you want to do well

But you're not doing
yourself or your body

Any favors by using
artificial stimulants.

I know, I know.

Caffeine pills
can cause

Hyperactivity and insomnia,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

They can dehydrate you.

They can be

You're lucky nothing more
serious happened to you.

You have a nice
summer holiday.

Get lots
of sleep.



Everything's okay.

I have to make up
the geography exam.

I made you late.

That's okay.

I didn't do
particularly well

On the other exams.

Come on, let's get to the party.

Wait a minute.


This is a big moment.

I want to hear you say it

And I want to hear
you say it good.

So, uh, who was right this time?


Excuse me, I can't hear you.

Okay, you.

I shouldn't have taken
the caffeine pills.

You were right.

Ah, music to my ears.

Here she comes.

It wasn't necessary
to bring me down there.

I could have filled
out that form later.

Rules are rules.

You know how
the system can be.

The system.

The warm, caring...


You knew about this.


My mom's taking me
to Italy this summer.

That sounds exciting.

I'm going to the mall.

I was wondering
if you could sign

This yearbook
for l.D.

Oh, yes.

How is l.D.

Well, she's back at home.

The cancer is in remission.

Everyone hopes
it's gone for good.



Ms. Avery, would you
like this toaster?

It works.

Thank you.

Aren't you going
to have some cake?

What's the matter?

Marks come out Monday.

If they expect me
to do grade nine again

I've had it with school forever.

I mean it.

I think you're going to pass.

And there
isn't anything

You can do about it
now anyway, right?

So, relax.

Just think, tomorrow's summer.

No more degrassi till next year.


Thanks, man.

It's so lovely.

Do you like it?

We wanted to find
the perfect gift for you.

Would you hold
this for me?



I'm sorry I was rude to you
the other day.

Don't be.

I thought a lot
about what you said.

You mean you're staying?

No, I still want
my classroom.

I've contacted a place up north
called rainbow valley.

They really need teachers.

I have an interview next week.

That's great, I guess.

It is.

So-- thank you for helping me.

I really helped?

Oh yeah.

I'm going to miss you.

I am going to miss you, too.

I want you to be
the 339th person

To see my new driver's license.


Let me look at that.

I can't believe it.

I finally got something right.