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01x13 - Fail Safe

Posted: 07/21/21 05:59
by bunniefuu

[voices whispering]



I’m sorry, Father,

I must rest.


This is nothing compared to what you will endure.


I feel I made a mistake sending you, Tal.

You are no savior.

I will be.


We’ve been at this for months, and yet you still falter.

Father, please.

I am the one.

I will become who I was chosen to be.

Then prove it.

Prove to me that you will never shame the house of Rho again.

What happened to the Eradicator?

You had it right before the blast.

What did you do with it?

[voices whispering]


Where is it?


Where is Leslie Larr?

How could I know?

I can’t see beyond these lead-lined walls…

And all I hear

is what’s in my mind.

There may still be time for her.

It’s too late.

Leslie Larr replaced Irma Sayres a long time ago.

And you feel nothing for what you’ve done?

I feel more than you could possibly imagine.

But my concern isn’t for the souls of this planet.

It’s for those that need to be resurrected, my own, even your soul, Kal.

How wrong I was.

You were, and so was your father.

We found this at your fortress.

Go ahead.

Rid me of my father’s influence as I rid you of yours.

This crystal will never be used again.

You don’t wanna tell me where Larr is, fine.

I’ll find her and bring her here.

After that, you and I will never see each other again.

[heroic music]

I spoke with your grandfather.

The DOD’s gonna stick around town a little longer than they planned.

Until you guys find Leslie Larr or…

That and they’re shutting down the mines.


Gonna get all the X-Kryptonite out so no one else gets hurt.

So no one else gets powers, you mean.

Also true.

And then what?

And then we’re just supposed to go back to school and pretend like none of this ever happened?

Principal Balcomb’s holding an all-school assembly today.

She’ll talk to everyone about it, answer any questions she can. [cell phone buzzes]

Maybe we should just stay home.

[chuckles] Yeah, nice try.

As far as everyone is concerned,

Edge was experimenting with people, giving them powers, mind control.

I discovered what he was up to with the help of your grandfather who had help from Superman, we stopped him, copy?

Yeah, don’t worry, Mom.

We’re getting pretty good at cover stories so–

[cell phone buzzes]

You ready?

We gotta go.

Love you guys.

both: Love you. [cell phone buzzes]

Chrissy keeps texting, wondering when I’m coming in. I gotta go.

You want a to-go plate?

[sighs] Our guest is probably hungry.

I understand your frustration.

I just ask for your patience.

And you’re recommending Kyle take a leave from the station?

Just until all this Edge stuff blows over, a couple of weeks, tops.

A couple of weeks?

Come on, Mayor, I just want to get back to work.

Kyle, maybe he’s right.

Well, you know, I’m not the only one who wanted Edge coming here.

And I’ve been saying the same thing, Kyle, trust me.

I’m not quite sure why people have been singling you out, but I am gonna change the narrative, make sure that they put the blame where it should be.

Just give me some time.

[somber music]

Attention. Attention.

All students are now required…

Today’s gonna suck.

It feels like the Salem witch trials are here.

Hey, Sarah.

Where’s everybody going?

School assembly about Edge.

[Sarah scoffs]

I can’t do this today.

Where are you going?

Anywhere but here.

Yo, Kent!

Yo, what’s good, boys?

Dude, is it true? Your grandpa runs the DOD?

Uh, yes. [laughs]

Yeah, something like that. Yeah.

Sounds like some “Get Out” level stuff went down.

Come on, man. How’d Edge do it?

Okay, gentlemen, head to the gym.

Let’s get a move on. Let’s go.

You too, Mr. Kent.

Yes, ma’am.

Today’s gonna be weird, isn’t it?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, no, I–

I’d honestly rather be pretty much anywhere but here right now.

We can be.

[warm music]

We could just find something better to do.



[bell rings]

We need a story, Lois, big story, front page, catchy banner, something like “The Edge of Humanity.”

Maybe something better than that.

It’s a jumping-off point.

This is the biggest story of the year, the biggest story of my career.

This is like Superman first showing up in Metropolis big.

That’s why we need to do more interviews.

What we’re lacking in hard evidence, we can make up for with eyewitness testimonies.

Anything to back up all this crazy.

We need to talk to more Edge employees.

We have to talk to the mayor–

Your dad.

He doesn’t do interviews.

DOD always releases a statement though.


I don’t know, probably soon.

Lois, people are calling here nonstop, freaking out, all with bits and pieces of information, mostly gossip. They’re desperate for answers, and I feel a lot better giving it to them if we had some kind of verification from the DOD.

[soft dramatic music]

I’ll reach out to him right now.

[electronic soft chime]

Home-cooked meal?

Oh. Room and board, huh?

Hey, you saved my life.

You saved the world. As far as we’re concerned, you eat free here the rest of your life.

What’s this?

My Kryptonian tracking system.

I enhanced the range to help with our search for Larr.

Might get lucky.

Is that how you found me?

More or less.

You know, with your skills, Sam could really use someone like you at the DOD.

I could talk to him if you want.

I don’t think so. Look, Clark,

I appreciate you opening your home to me, but once we find Leslie, I think I’m just gonna move on.

Figure out now that I’m on this planet,

I oughta make it my home.

It may not seem like it, but, uh,

I know what you mean.

Enjoy the food.

[dramatic music]

Detecting a Kryptonian air mobile.


She’s heading for the DOD.


Prepare the suit.

Synching with all functions now.

Sam, any sign of Larr?


Has the building been evacuated?

Not yet. About 60%.

Sir, we got eyes on Larr.

[dramatic music]


Impact in five seconds, four, three, two, one.


[both grunting]

[suit whirring]

You haven’t won, Kal.


Nice sh*t.


It’s over, but we have loose ends to tie up.

We got Edge and Larr.

I think it’s safe to say we can finally move on.


I had those weapons built for the wrong reasons.

What are you saying?

I was wrong to think you could be a thr*at to the world.

I’m gonna take that kryptonite and those weapons, bury them in concrete and sink them to the bottom of the ocean.

What about Edge? Larr?

We’ll keep enough to guard them appropriately, but there will no longer be enough supply an army.

[tense music]

I don’t know what to say, Sam.

Eh, you don’t have to say anything.

Just know you, Lois, the boys, you don’t have to worry anymore.

Are you making fun of my car?

No, no.

Says you-you can’t even drive.

I like the seat colors.

Nice thread count.


You guys live somewhere out here, don’t you?

Yeah, yeah, not too far from here.

How’d you know that?

Someone may have told me.


What else did someone tell you?

That you have a girlfriend in Metropolis.

Nah. Had.

We broke up.

[rock music playing over radio]

How about you? Are you, um…

Are you hanging out with anyone or…

Nope, no one.


I think I know where we can go.




You are a rule-breaker.



You’ve missed more days this year than any other kid in school.

I have a weak immune system.

[scoffs] Hmm.


Anyways, thank you for coming with me.

Of course.

Denise and Avery still giving you crap about what happened?

I just know they’re talking about me, but it can’t be worse than what they’re saying about my parents.

That’s not fair.

I don’t think fair is a real thing.

My mom, she’s a public relations queen, so–

Yeah, so what are you so worried about then?

[warm music]

My dad, he-things like this usually send him over a cliff.

I’m kind of just waiting for that last little nudge.


You know, are you sure you don’t want to go to the movies or like Main Street or something?

Something fun.

You tell me.

What about the bank?

Any chance you could get your old job back?


No, they replaced me as soon as I left.

Besides, the whole thing is tied up with that Edge mess.

Lana, what are we gonna do? [bell jingles]


Oh, hey.

Hey. [laughs]

Out of rehab, huh?

Not quite out yet.

Just been craving chicken and waffles.

So the squad wanted to treat me.

Oh, okay.

It just happened, Chief.

Yeah, I know how it happened.

Mayor Dean said he talked to you about all this.

About leave of absence?

Yeah, he talked to me about that.

Are you the one pushing for it?

I think it’s best for everybody.

Especially someone gunning for my job, right?

Kyle, they were thinking about me and the fire, that’s all.

The fire,

the one that I pulled you out of?

The one where I saved your life, that fire?

The fire Edge’s freaks started.


Oh, that’s my fault?

I knew as much about what Edge is doing as the rest of y’all.

[scoffs] Okay.


I would never do anything to hurt anyone.

Look, come on, y’all.

Y’all know me.

Babe, let’s go. Come on.

[somber music]

I can’t believe you.

I don’t have time for this, Lois.

We are not releasing an official statement, and that’s it.

But it’s standard procedure.

If anything, it’s a courtesy.

But you always give a comment.

Okay, no comment. You can print that.

You can’t be serious.

We’ve already said enough.

Enough to create more questions.

Dad, people are worried.

As we speak, a pamphlet is being made to address the X-Kryptonite of it all.

A work of fiction.

But it will alleviate their concerns while also scaring them into staying out of those mines.

This isn’t right.

It’s necessary.

Dad, this is my home now. These people are my neighbors.

What am I supposed to say?

That Edge is Superman’s brother?

That he was using those people to build a Kryptonian army to take over the world?

No, of course not.

I know it’s not what you wanna hear, but you need to run your story with the bare minimum.

Eventually, this town will be okay.

Trust me.

But the last thing our family needs is for this story to get out of Smallville, and any quote from me will give it the legitimacy for that to happen.

[dramatic music]

[door clicks open, shuts]

[voices whispering]


Finally, you are ready.

Now what, Father?

You will leave here to find the Eradicator.

And if it hasn’t yet arrived?

Stay there until it does.

By myself?

That could mean years.

It’s already been many.

Study them.

Exploit their weaknesses and profit from it.

Prepare for our resurrection.

Then perhaps before I go,

I could engage with mother, get her counsel, meet her once before I leave.

I’ve told you repeatedly that your mother would never be by my side.

Then why include a crystal in my pod?

So she can witness my vision for how Krypton will be restored…

Before I extinguish her forever.


Just once.


And do not return until the day is here.


One last time, where’s the Eradicator?

[voices whispering]

[inhales sharply]

I told you it’s of no use to you.

If you don’t wanna tell me, fine.

We have everything else, including Leslie.

She’s locked up now, same as you.

Stopped her before she could break you out.

I don’t know what the plan was, but it wasn’t a good one.

It’s called loyalty, something you know nothing about.

I am loyal to the people of this world who accepted me.


Accepted you?

They fear you.

They always will, and they should.

You’re wrong.

You should be a god, but you became a sl*ve to them.

Don’t you ever wonder who you might’ve been if you hadn’t landed here, been raised by simple farmers?

I’d be nothing like you.

We both know that’s not true.

You fight against your real nature every day.

You don’t know me.

I know the power surging through you.

I know how every moment you make a choice to hold yourself back, because that’s the only way we can walk amongst humans without k*lling them, isn’t it?

It’s all about control.

But didn’t it feel good to lose it just once?

Goodbye, Tal.

I can see it in your eyes, brother.

You felt it. [door buzzes]

You are just like me!

No comment? They always give a comment.

Yeah, I don’t know what to say.

Well, is it because we’re a small paper?

You always got a statement when you were at the “Planet.”

Chrissy, we don’t need the DOD or my dad.

We can do more interviews and write what we want.

It just doesn’t make any sense.

Is this story different somehow?

Not that I know of.

Lois, what is he hiding?

I don’t know, Chrissy.

[soft dramatic music]

Are lying right now?


You’re totally lying.

Chrissy, it’s not what you think.

Lois Lane is protectingthe DOD.

You’re supposed to be on the side of the people, not the man.

I thought we were in this together.


Lois, if you can’t tell me the truth, then maybe you should leave.

You know your mom’s a legit role model.



One year I even dressed up as her for career day.

Okay, well, full disclosure,

I did too.

[laughing] What?


Your family is really cool.


Well, between your mom and your grandfather, there’s no question.

So you heard about my grandpa from someone?

From everyone. I mean, your family is kind of in the middle of the biggest thing to happen to Smallville.

Do you think those people were actually brainwashed?


They’re saying that Edge was experimenting on his employees.

My cousin said that she saw Avery Phan’s mom fly.

I heard about that. That’s–that’s crazy, right?

Well, what does your grandpa think?

Does he know how Edge gave them all the powers?

Tegan, why did you bring me here?

I wanna get to know you.

I mean, you weren’t interested in me last week, and then what-I mean, what changed?

[laughs] I don’t know, Jonathan.

I just–

Just wanted information.

Well, we’re also hanging out.


Uh, I think I’m gonna walk home.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Jonathan.

Everyone wants to know what happened.


And obviously, you want to be the one to tell them.

So I get it.

See ya.

I mean, did you even see the way they looked at me, huh?

My own crew doesn’t even trust me.

Kyle, you can’t take it personally, babe.

It ain’t right, okay?

You know, you risked your life to save this town.

Maybe if these people knew about that they–

What, you think they’d believe it?

I barely do, and I was there.

Damn it. Lana, it–it’s just not fair.

No, it’s not. It sucks.

But the mayor has our back.

We just have to be patient. We’re not alone in this.


But look, I cannot just stand around here and do nothing.

Well, you can help me look for a job.

Well, finding something around here is gonna be a long sh*t.

I know, but I was thinking we could look in the surrounding areas.

Yeah, we could also move to one of the surrounding areas.


If we’re throwing out options, why not?

Oh, my gosh. You’re serious?

Lana, these people have known us our entire lives.

You know, what’s it say about them if they’re just so quick to turn their backs on us like that, huh?

These people, they’re our family.

Look, this will blow over.

I guess we’ll see about that, huh?

How’d you find this place?

[birds, insects chirping]

I used to come here with mi abuelita.

She’d tell me stories about my family.

We’re originally from Mexico, but we’ve been in Smallville for generations, so.

You know, half the time I wouldn’t even know which one of her stories were true,

[both chuckle] But it always just made me feel like I had somewhere to belong.

I never really felt like I belonged anywhere…

To be honest until I met you.


I know, I know, I know, whatever, but it’s–look all I’m saying is that it only really takes one person to change your whole life, just to make you feel safe.

And you have Jon, and you have your family, and you have me…

[warm music]

And that’s never going away.

You should probably kiss me now.



That’s enough, you two.

[radio chatter]

We’ve got about two dozen r*fles and handguns, a few thousand kryptonite b*ll*ts, give or take in addition to a substantial collection: knives, swords, spears.

What about the prototypes in the R&D lab, the biochemical weapons?

Maybe five or so in varying stages of development.

And how much raw kryptonite do you have in your stockpile?

A couple of warehouses worth. Why all the questions?

It’s all gonna be gone anyway.

I think it’s a mistake.


We need 7734.

That’s why you authorized it in the first place.

And then I saw how it hurt my family.

These weapons can k*ll you.

Yeah, that’s why we need them.

Clark, you’re not the enemy.

Yeah, but I could have been.

Look, Sam, people like me, without these weapons, we’re indestructible, and if something like this should happen again without a plan in place, without a fail-safe…

[dramatic music]

That would be the end.

[soft dramatic music]

[spray can hissing]

Well done, John, a perfect recreation of the original design.

I believe Natalie would be proud.

Given that your suit is complete and all enemy combatants are now in custody, may I inquire as to our new mission parameters?

I’m still working that out.

Perhaps another attempt to see your sister?

You know, you’re getting kind of pushy.

I am programmed to anticipate your needs.

Optimal psychological health requires the formation of interpersonal relationships.

Hey, sorry.

I just got home and heard voices, so…

So you really built this thing from scratch, huh?

Pretty amazing.

You’re a gear head?

I don’t know what I am.

Always been an athlete, you know, so…

Me too.

You know, you can be more than one thing.

Perhaps you could tell Jonathan a tale from your own upbringing.

Would you please just shut down.


Why aren’t you in school?

[cell phone ringing]

This better be about the statement.

Not now, Lois. It’s important.

What’s wrong?

It’s about Clark.

I’m worried about him.

Hey, Soph.

Mom, is anything wrong?

What do you mean, sweets?

Dad asked me if I wanted to try another school.

No, baby. Daddy was just asking.

[phone ringing] Hold on, okay?


Oh, hey, Kya.


Jon, it’s not like you to break the rules.

I know, I know, but there’s this girl, and she’s a junior.

And I don’t know. I thought–

I thought she was out of my league, you know?

You skipped class to impress a girl?

Well, that’s the thing.

She just wanted to talk about what happened, like, Edge, powers, Grandpa…


I mean, I didn’t say anything.

We need to talk.

Yeah, we do. Jon skipped class.

What? Go upstairs.

I will deal with you later.

We can talk about him after we talk about what I wanna talk about.

You told my dad to keep 7734?

I did, I did.

I should have talked to you first.

Jonathan, upstairs.

After everything we’ve been through–

I know. I know.


Because it’s the right thing to do.

This isn’t about Edge, is it? This is about you.

Lois, I almost k*lled John Irons.

But you didn’t.

Yeah, but what if I had?

I mean, who would have been next?

Look, I swore to protect the people of this planet.

So far, I’ve done a decent job, but what if I was to be tricked or corrupted?

That will never happen.

Except that it just did.

The people of this world deserve the means to defend themselves from the one thing I can’t save them from: me.

If weapons like that exist, then the wrong people will get their hands on them, and then what do we do? [phone ringing]

Not enough to skip school.

This one has to go get arrested.

If they’re both acting out, we’ll give them a punishment.

[sighs] I’ll drive.

Lois, about the other thing?


I’m right. You’re wrong.

I understand why you would think that.

Do you know what it was like when my dad gave John Henry Irons the go-ahead to fire the m*ssile?

I’m sorry.

Then why risk it happening again?

I told you because it’s–

Because it’s the right thing to do.

What does that even mean anymore, Clark?

I lied to Chrissy today to protect our family.

I broke my sacred role as a journalist.

We both play fast and loose with journalistic integrity from time to time.

When it comes to keeping your secret, not the stories we investigate.

Yeah, but Edge is my brother.

He’s Kryptonian. This story is different.

Why should I be okay with the m*llitary having the secret code to k*ll my husband, given the countless psychos who want you dead?

It just feels like a really bad idea.

Lois, will you please just listen–

No, there’s nothing you can say that I wanna hear, and now I’m angry, and I feel sorry for yelling at you, but I also have to stay angry so that I can scare the hell out of Jordan.

So why don’t you just stay here, and let’s just both take a moment to think, and then we can talk about this later after I bail our son out of jail.

What were you doing?

I can’t believe you, guys.

I can explain.

I’m so sorry.

Lana, and you must be Jordan’s mom.

Kya, what’s going on?

They were caught trespassing out by Atlas Pond.

Are you kidding me?[laughs]

When we were their age, we used to go there all the time.

I don’t know what to tell you other than it’s private property.

[radio chatter]

Deputy, if Lana didn’t even know it was private property, then I’m sure the kids didn’t either, and I promise you, there’s a world of just unimaginable horror that awaits my son for skipping school.

The same goes for Sarah. This will never happen again.

Just because she let you two go with a warning doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


Don’t talk yet.

As I’ve been saying, the Cushings are the real problem here.

Honestly, Sheriff, I was suspicious of Morgan Edge from day one.

But you know Kyle, he just pushed and pushed until he finally got his way.

I mean, honestly, we’re the real victims here.

Who knows what kind of perks they got from Lana’s special little job.

Zero perks.


We got lied to just like everyone else.

Just like you lied when you said you were gonna help us.

Why don’t you and I go talk somewhere else?

You said you were gonna set the record straight, and all you’re doing is covering your ass so you don’t feel the blowback come election time.

I’m doing what’s best for the town.

You’re doing what’s best for you at the expense of my family, and for that, shame on you.

You okay?

I don’t know what I am right now.

I feel so many things.

Mostly anger, right?

So much anger. Have you ever noticed–

How punchable the mayor’s face is?

Yeah, I have.


You know, he’s not the only one.

I mean, it’s like this entire town has turned their back on us.

They’re just looking for a way to move on.

Blaming you is easier than blaming themselves.

Yeah, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.

Smallville has always been there for me.

It’s why I built my life around it, and now I’m wishing I had a backup plan because I’m out there in the cold with no nest egg and no connections anywhere else.

And I am worried about my family, Lois, especially when people like Mayor Dean are out there controlling the narrative.

It’s not right. It’s not right.

And it’s not the same town I used to love.

Go to your room. We’ll talk about this later.


They let them go with a warning.

That’s good.

Jon’s still up in his room.

We should talk about–

We need to talk about–

You first.

Clark, you are wrong.

[sighs] Lois, we have to have a plan.


Because your mind is corruptible?

We have proof now.

Your heart is stronger than your mind.

No, you don’t understand.

Clark, I’m all about backup plans, but this one comes with major risks, and for a reason you’ve proven isn’t a thr*at.


That’s not entirely true.

What are you talking about?

My dad taught me control.

I have been controlling my powers every second of every day for almost 40 years, but when Zod took over, for the first time,

I felt what it was like to let go.

To really let go.

Clark, those were Zod’s emotions, not yours.

I know, but I felt it.

It was me.

And I’m not saying I want this to be true.

I wish it wasn’t…

But it felt good.

It felt really, really good, and that feeling worries me.

If there’s even the slightest chance that

I could be manipulated again with that desire to let go…

The world needs a way to stop me.

I don’t think that will ever happen.


But… on the off chance I’m wrong, and if this will make you feel better, then fine.

Let’s have a fail-safe, but there is no way in hell

I’m trusting the DOD with this.

Then we just have to find someone we can.

You wanna run that by me again?

I know it’s a lot to ask.

You want me and only me to have the capability to k*ll you?

Should it become necessary, yes.

But I know who you are now.

I know, but this is about situations we can’t predict, and you’ve seen firsthand the devastation I can cause this world.

I’m trying to move on.

Remember, now that k*lling you isn’t my singular purpose in life…

And it shouldn’t be.

John, I have no doubt you’ll find your way in this world, but I believe you can do that and be 7734’s gatekeeper.

You came here to protect this world from me, that’s what I’m asking you to do.

I’ll call Sam.

Wasn’t expecting to see you.

I owe you an apology.

Kinda busy, Lois.

You were right.I lied.

My dad is hiding something, and I can’t betray his trust.

This story is bigger than you or your dad.

We have a responsibility to the people.

This town is falling apart.

Believe me, I know.

People are tearing each other down, looking for someone to blame, and if we do nothing, we are as responsible for its downfall as anyone else.

If only there was something we could do.

I can’t write this story.

I’m too close to it to be objective…

But you can.

It’s a statement… from your dad.

He wouldn’t go on the record about everything, but this is enough to tell most of the story and to focus the blame where it belongs: on Morgan Edge.

This was really messed up, Lois.

I know.

I hope that I can earn back your trust.

[heavy breathing]

[voices whispering]

What are you doing there?

I’m not alone.

All this time I’ve been without anyone of my kind, alone, Father, for years.

How could you not tell me?

He is of no consequence to you.

He’s from the house of El. He’s my–

He’s your brother, yes, by bloodline only, a pathetic treasonous bloodline.

He’s become a hero, Father.

He is nothing!

I’ll find another way.

You will do no such thing.

When I find the Eradicator,

I’ll show him what we can do.

Tal, no.

I’ll make myself knownto him, give him what he’s been here without as well.

Tal, listen to me.

I don’t need to do this your way, Father.

You are going to ruin the resurrection.

I’m not; I’m just not going to die to do it!

My way is the only way!

Tal, Tal?

Tal, what are you doing? No!

[dramatic music]

[voices whispering]

[heavy breathing]

[voices diminish]

Your way is the only way.

Goodbye, Father.

I don’t really know what I’m supposed to say here.

You could start with an apology.

I’m sorry the cops got all aggro about us going to the lake.

You know, forget the trespassing, Sarah.

You ditched school. That’s unacceptable.

I’m supposed to sit in class while people talk about me?

About you?

Everyone blames us about Edge, and I’m over it, okay?

So please just ground me.

I’m not exactly dying to go out there in this sad little town with these vindictive closed-minded garbage people.

You know what? Let’s just call it a night.

Start fresh tomorrow, okay?






You should have seen the look on Mayor Dean’s face.

He knows he was wrong.

Yeah, well, he’s got to cover his own hide.

It’s only gonna get worse, isn’t it?

[light dynamic music]

Maybe you’re right, Kyle.


Maybe we just pack up

and get as far away from here as we can.

We’re gonna be all right.

Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in?

You can’t just skip school.

I don’t care if you’re mooning over Sarah Cushing or coming home to build robots with John Henry.


It’s a warsuit.

Look, guys, you’ve been through a lot.

You wanna blow off some steam, I get it.

But there are rules, and you do not disrespect your teachers by ignoring the work they put into your classes.

We’re sorry.

Really sorry.

You want to try saying that a little more convincingly, please?

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

Now things are finally calming down, so when you’re done being grounded, you guys can go back to being normal teenagers, and believe me, small towns are actually a lot of fun.

All right. Go to bed. Now.




“Small towns are a lot of fun.”

Just trying to give them something to look forward to.

Sounds vaguely provocative.

Oh, does it?

And you’re still not sold on the small towns?

I’m sold on my small town guy.

Hmm. I can live with that.

[warm music]

[monitor beeping]

How long ago did this start?

A couple of minutes, sir.

[exhales deeply]

Send in a team to check it out.

[dramatic music]

His vitals?

They’re gone, sir.

We’re not registering anything.

[alarms beep]

Maximize that kryptonite field.

Get them out of there.

[walls rumbling, cracking]

[all groaning]

[tone humming]

[voices whispering quietly]

[worried chatter]

[alarms blaring]

[device beeps, whirring]


[car horn beeps, audience cheering]

[overlapping chatter, bell tolling]

[siren wailing, overlapping shouting]

[radio chatter]

[soft dramatic music]

[rapid whoosh]

He’s gone.

Then where the hell did he go?

[intense music]

You had one mission.

One mission.

One mission.

And you veered from it because you are weak.



You shall not veer from it any longer.

Now go and complete what you were sent here to do.

Become the Eradicator.

Become the Eradicator.

Become the Eradicator.

Become the Eradicator.

Become the Eradicator!

Or know that you are the sole reason

Krypton was lost.