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04x13 - Mr. Monk and the Big Reward

Posted: 07/22/21 16:44
by bunniefuu
It is the largest private collection in Europe.

The Cromwell family has collected everything from furniture and paintings to medieval weaponry.

This, of course, is the crown jewel of the exhibit.

No pun intended.

The Alexander Diamond.

It was worn by Queen Elizabeth at her coronation.

Experts have called it the most perfect diamond in the world.

You're probably wondering what it's worth.

Actually, no one knows.

But I can tell you this.

That little rock has been insured by Lloyd's of London for $20 million.

[Randy Newman ragtime theme]

* It's a jungle out there

* Disorder and confusion everywhere *

* No one seems to care

* Well, I do

* Hey, who's in charge here?

* It's a jungle out there

* Poison in the very air we breathe *

* You know what's in the water that you drink? *

* Well, I do, and it's a-ma-zing *

* People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time *

* If you paid attention, you'd be worried too *

* You'd better pay attention or this world we love so much *

* Might just k*ll you

* I could be wrong now

* But I don't think so

* 'Cause it's a jungle out there *

* It's a jungle out there *

That's $42.80.

Okay, there we go.

And I have a coupon.

I can't take this, it expired yesterday.


Oh, she's right. Darn.

Sometimes I wish I had a time machine.

Wait, if you had a time machine, you would use it to go back to save 50 cents on Lysol?

Yes. Yes, I would.

You wouldn't use it to save Abraham Lincoln?

Fine, I'll save Lincoln.

It never ends with you.

Sir, do you have a different card?

It says declined.


Mr. Monk, do you have any money in the bank?


That could be it.


Um... I'm sorry.

Please hurry.

All right, I've got...


Is that it?

Yesterday was payday.

Yes, it was. But I didn't get paid.

You know, your paydays are becoming sort of... theoretical.

Come on, you need to put some stuff back.

No, I can't.

Look, I made a list.

Everything here is on the list.

I know, I know.

We're gonna come back later and pick it up.

Come on, people are waiting.


Uh, this then.

Oh wait, no. I need this.

Oh, this. Gotta have this spray.

All right, how about one of these?

Yeah, this one. No!

Um, no.

Let's go with that one.

Oh, wait a second.

It's like Sophie's choice.

Except it's soup.

Okay, we're keeping the soup.

Putting back this, this, this, and this.

Mr. Monk, look at us. This is ridiculous.

We're both broke.

We haven't had a new case in three weeks.

What do you want me to do?

You need to get a raise.

You gotta talk to the captain.

We can't go on like this.

I'm not good at this, asking for more money.

Okay, then let me do the talking.

I'm not good at that either.

Mr. Monk, you deserve a raise.

You've solved a lot of big cases for them single-handedly.

Maybe I helped a little.

No, no, no, no. You can't think like that.

You gotta brag about yourself.

You gotta toot your own horn.

I'm not much of a tooter.

(Natalie) You better learn how to toot.

(Monk) Toot's a funny word.


Oh, hello. Gladys.

Natalie Teeger, this is Gladys.

Gladys is great.

Gladys has been cleaning up around here for years.

I used to help her out in my spare time.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

Remember? Yeah.

Until I got that restraining order.

Remember? Good times.

Good times.

You have to get underneath, right, Gladys?

Under? Why?

Nobody ever looks there.

But you'll know it's clean.

Isn't that its own reward?

You'll know.

The captain says I don't have to talk to you.

I know, I know.

But under, okay? Under the table.

I wanna help you guys, okay? I really do.

They already questioned me four times.

(Disher) It's not just you, Mr. Landis.

We talking to all the guards, the cleaning staff.

Curators, anybody who was at the museum.

Yeah, but I haven't even been home yet.

And I appreciate that.

We just need your official statement, then you're free to go.

So, for the record, where were you during the robbery?

For the fifth time, okay, I was at my station on the main floor. I never left.

I didn't even go to the bathroom.

And you didn't hear anything unusual?

No, sir. I was three floors away.


Excuse me for a second.

Can I get you something to drink?


Monk, Nat.

What's going on?

Oh, you haven't heard?

Robbery at the Macmillan Museum.

It was big big.

The Alexander Diamond.

Whoa. I know whoa.

Robbery division asked us to help out, so we're taking statements from everybody on site.

So you're not arresting him about the dr*gs.

Uh, no. What dr*gs?

His fingertips are stained.

Looks like red phosphorous.

You get that from making crystal meth.

He's gotta have a lab somewhere.

Okay, I'll check it out.

Excuse me, Mr. Landis.

Could you come here, please?

If the captain needs me, I'll be in interrogation room B.

Uh, right this way.

What? You know what.

You just solved that case. For free.

What was I supposed to do?

Well, if you're selling ice cream, would you hand out free scoops?

What was I supposed to say?

Hey, Lieutenant, there's a drug dealer somewhere in this room.

I'll tell you who it is for $20.

At least we'd have $20.

All right, there's the captain.

Remember, you deserve a raise.

You deserve it!

Okay, when you're right, you're right.

Okay, Captain? Hey, Monk.

What are you doing here?

Captain, I have to talk to you about something.

Can it wait?

Okay. Well, we'll come back.

We're back.

And... Natalie?


If this is about money, forget about it.

We're broke. The department is strapped.

We just got another hiring freeze.

Captain, we haven't had a new case in three weeks.

You know, you're right.

There hasn't been a major homicide in a long time.

But you gotta keep your hopes up.

Stay optimistic.

Okay, well, thank you very much.

Okay, Captain, come on, we can't just sit around waiting for the phone to ring.

It's not fair to us.

We have no security.

What do you want me to do?

We wanna be put on retainer.


Yeah, retainer. Like a lawyer.

We want a guaranteed income.

Look, it doesn't have to be much.

We just need a little security.

Okay, I'll see what I can do.

But don't get your hopes up, okay?

Anything else?

It's about Gladys.

Have you been talking to Gladys?


I told you not to talk to Gladys.

She's not cleaning under the tables again-- squish!

I think you should talk to her.

I will. About her aim.

Get him downstairs.

You were right.

I get this guy in the room, he's denying everything.

He's twitching, he's nervous.

I thr*aten to get a search warrant and tear his house apart.

I pick up the phone, I start to dial, he collapses.

He gave it all up.

Crystal meth lab in his basement.

Narcotics is on their way over.

I owe you one.



You know what.

Oh, the thing?

About the ice cream and the free scoops?

That's right.

Mr. Monk?

We're rich. We hit the jackpot.

Oh, good.

Look, it's about the Alexander Diamond.

Lloyd's of London is offering a $1 million reward to anybody that finds it.

No questions asked.


Mr. Monk, you can find that diamond.

Aah, I don't think so.

What? You're a great detective.

You solve crimes all the time without even trying.

It's annoying how many crimes you solve.

Come on! Let's go for it.

Let's cash in!

Natalie, I don't do what I do for money.

Mr. Monk, it's a million dollars.

You'll never have to worry for the rest of your life.

Well, of course, you'll worry.

But not about money.

I don't know.

Mr. Monk, you have to do this.

I mean, I love this job, but I have to get paid.

Just--just please.

Just say yes. Say you'll do it.

Just say yes.

Could you get off my counter?

Okay, fine. I'll do it.

* A million dollars a million dollars *


Excuse me. Any suspect yet?

I wouldn't know, I'm just delivering flowers.

No, you're not.

You're a private detective, just like me.

Well, not quite like me.

Me, a detective?

That's pretty funny, actually.

I can't wait to tell the guys back at...

Look, you're insulting me.

That satellite dish on your roof.

The number on the side, 555.

Obviously a fake.

Conclusion number one, you're after the Alexander Diamond.

Conclusion number two.

You haven't got a prayer.

Excuse me, that's a handicapped spot.

It's okay, I'm psychotic.

Is this where they stole the rock?

You addressing me?

Not anymore. You, Poindexter.

Is this the scene of the crime?

Excuse me, boys, I got a million dollars waiting for me inside.

[door opens]

Ah, apparently we think alike.

Frightening thought for those of us who aren't you.

Uh, Phillip Wick.

Access to all areas. This'll do me.

Hello again.

What does this say?

Curator Sally Kanter.

Here, try this one, Robert Gant.

That's a boy's name.

Uh, look, chaps, since we're all after the same thing, why don't we just pool our talents?

What are you talking about?

Well, work together and split the reward.

Why don't we begin by introducing ourselves, all right? My name's St. Clare.

Retired Scotland Yard Inspector.

I moved to San Francisco--

I'm interrupting you.

No frigging way.

I'm finding that rock myself.

And I'm keeping all the money.

Well, may the best man win.

I intend to.

He said man.

This entire wing was locked.

I mean, it was completely locked down.

Somehow they opened that connecting door from the inside.

We can't figure it out.

What do you think?

I don't know yet.

Well, come on, focus. Concentrate.

Do that thing you do.

I've never seen you like this.

What, broke?



These scratches here and here.

Looks like these tire irons weren't heavy enough to do the job.

Gentlemen, we have competition.

That is Adrian Monk.

Adrian Monk? I thought he worked homicide.

(Dirk) What are you two afraid of?

Something's off here.

What is it?

Glass shards on the inside.

When that case was shattered, this case was open.

I think they took this w*apon, used it, and put it back and relocked the case.

What does that tell us?

A lot.

It means it was an inside job.

And they didn't want us to know it was an inside job.


What does that mean?

[over headphones] It means we're gonna be rich.


This guy's good.

What's he saying?

Put that thing away.

Excuse me, sir.

Did anything unusual happen Tuesday before the break-in?

Anything at all out of the ordinary?


Well, now that you mention it, Tuesday afternoon I heard, or I thought I heard somebody whispering. Whispering.

It wasn't in this room, it was down the hallway.

It was about 2:30.

I was standing about there.

And I thought I heard someone saying, "My womb."

"My room"?

"My womb." It was a man's voice.

And he was saying it over and over.

My womb...

I thought it was coming from that vent, but it's impossible.

[phone rings]

I think I'm going senile.

I'm sorry, I've got to take this.

Hello? My womb.

My womb. My womb.

It sounds like a mantra.

Like, a meditation.

My womb.

Look at this.

What? It's a footprint.

Somebody was hiding in here.

Wait, in there?

That's how they opened the connecting door.

Let's grab the detectives, we need an evidence kit.

Wait, not yet.

What do you mean, not yet?

Let's find the diamond, then we'll tell 'em how we did it.

Natalie, this is not a game show.

This is a felony investi--

It's a broken necklace.

That's an unusual design.

(Natalie) Oh, good, good, good.

We'll try to ID it.

Come on, let's go.


You okay?

I don't know, something's...

Something's wrong. I...


I'm not balanced.

(Rufus) Um, excuse me.

Yeah, um, I'm gonna be needing that back.

Because I only have two of them and the other one doesn't work.

Are you following us?


Ah, Mr. Monk. What an honor.

My name's St. Clare. Inspector St. Clare.

I've been following your cases assiduously from across the pond, you know.

Shakespeare, nobody cares.

Wait, I can't believe you're following us.

Is that a lead?


Look, Mr. St. Clare.


I'm sure a gentleman like yourself can appreciate the fact that these two leads belong to us.

Two leads?

Well, yes, the necklace and the initials carved in the desk.

Mr. Monk. I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

My name is Jennie Mandeville.

And I did something I'd like to confess.

What'd you do, Jennie?

I robbed a bank.

It was about three weeks ago.

The Community Savings Trust in Sausalito.


I don't remember anything about that.

I'll take it.

Hi, I'm Lieutenant Disher.

Uh, Jennie. Miss Mandeville.

Just have a seat.

Uh, is there a problem?

I'm claustrophobic.

Is this the only room that you have?

All the rooms are the same size, Miss.

Please, just have a seat.

This is Lieutenant Disher.

I'm in interrogation room A with Jennie Mandeville.

So, you say you robbed a bank.

That's right.

I went inside and...

I saw one of those pens.

You know, chained to the desk?

And I really needed a pen.

So, I snapped it off and I put it in my purse.

You stole a pen?

One pen?

Oh, God.

Do you think God will forgive me?

I don't know, Ma'am.

But we do.

You're free to go.

What is up with those three detectives?

Do you think we lost them?

Oh, Natalie, they are not detectives.

They're rent-a-cops.

They're hired g*ns. They are mercenaries.

In other words, they're us.

This whole thing is about greed.

You know how you always say you'll thank me later?

You'll thank me later.

Oh, that's gotta be him.

Hello, are you Mr. Kwan?

I think he nodded.

That... Was that a nod?



If that was a nod, nod.

Sir, we found this at the scene of a crime.

A robbery.

We've been doing some research.

This is your design, isn't it?

You give these to your students?

Natalie, please.

Sir, you... You have a thread... hanging right in the middle there.

Just--I'll get it.

Just one little... Uh...

Okay, Mr. Kwan, you look like a very busy man, so I'm just gonna get right to the point.

Do you have a student that could fit inside of a roll-top desk?

He can't be more than five feet tall.

Does that ring a bell?

Or a gong?

Mr. Monk, you're distracting him!

No, he's distracting me.

Is there anyone here who's that small and limber?

Who could scrunch up inside of a desk?

A scruncher? A little scruncher?

Mr. Kwan, there's a lot of money at stake here.

I got it. I got it.

(St. Clare) Well, well, well, Mr. Monk.

We meet again.


Why don't you get your own clues?

Well, normally I do.

But you two are so easy to follow.

Especially when you're kind enough to keep your emergency blinker on all day long.

I told you.

It's the safest way to drive.

Wait, don't question anybody yet.

I have a voice stress analyzer.

I'll be able to tell if he's lying or not.

He hasn't said anything.

You are a pathetic little frog, aren't you?

You thought you could lose me, huh?

Well, you can all just relax.

Dirk'll take it from here.

Hey, hippie.

You in charge?

My name is Dirk.

I'm a professional bounty hunter.

I was wondering if I could have a word with you.

Maybe this'll change your mind.

I got $200 here.


They do use money on your planet?

[all talking at once]

Cabin 14.

It doesn't say that.

You're good.


His name is Chasen. He's over at cabin 14.

Mr. Monk, what are you doing?

Excuse me.

Hello, Mr. Chasen!

Is this your necklace?

We found it in a museum.

Okay, where's the diamond? Hey!

Hey, I'm talking to you.

Wow, that's a really deep trance.

Couldn't be deeper.

This man is dead.

Welcome back, Miss Mandeville.

Have a seat.

You know the drill.

I don't like this room.

Please, Miss Mandeville, you said you had something important to tell me.

Something about a dead body.

And you said you didn't wanna talk in my office.

I told you, I'm claustrophobic.

What about another room?

All of our interrogation rooms are the same size, unfortunately.

No wet bars, no Jacuzzis.

Please just have a seat.

Now, you said you found a body.

Your roommate's body.

This... This is a real thing, right?

Not like, uh, stealing the pen from the bank?

Okay, good. Tell me about it.

This is Lieutenant Disher.

I'm in interrogation room D talking with Jennie Mandeville.


So, let's start from the beginning.

What was your roommate's name?


Toni? Toni what?

I don't know.

You don't know.

Male or female?

I think male.

You're not sure?

To tell you the truth...

I just brought him home the day before.

Okay. Um...

Let's move on.

So you came home, you found Toni.

And you, what, disposed of the body yourself?

You realize that's a federal offense.

I couldn't take it, okay?

I couldn't just stand there looking at it.

Jennie, what did you do with the body?

I flushed it down the toilet.

Was Toni a goldfish?

A hamster.

A hamster.


Here's the coroner's report.

Victim's name Danny Chasen.

It's probably an alias.

Victim was poisoned.

Somebody spiked his all natural barley tea with ammonia.

Was he part of the heist?

Looks like it.

They found some hair samples in that roll-top desk at the museum. They match the body.

What about the diamond?

Still missing in action.

Wasn't on him or in the cabin.

We know he had a partner.

Somebody who works at the museum.

It's probably still with them.

Wait, wait, wait.

So the reward is still good, right?

I mean, no one's claimed it.

Yes, as far as I know, the offer is still good.


Uh, can you make her stop saying that?

This is no longer a parlor game.

A man is dead, this is a homicide investigation now.

Which means nobody is to withhold any information from anybody.

What, you're looking at me?

Yes, I am, Ms. Teeger.

(Gladys) Did you write these?!

Don't deny it, I know it was you!

"How are things down under? Hint, hint."

"Monk was right, you should clean under the table."

You don't fool me for a second.

"It goes without saying, don't forget to throw away these little post-its too."

Captain, she never cleans under the tables...

You are not the boss of me!

Well, I think I am the boss of you.

What makes you think you're the boss of me?

If I was the boss of you, you'd be fired!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa!

Hey, separate.

Both of you. Monk, over there.

Gladys, can I have a word with you, please?

Look, Gladys, he's Monk.

Try to ignore him.

Can you ignore him?

No, I can't.

Just do the best you can.

So you're not gonna arrest me?

No, not this time, Miss.

But listen, the next time you feel like confessing something, you might wanna call a priest.

Will you escort Miss Mandeville out?


Who's she?

The Looney Tune of the month.

Her name's Jennie Mandeville.

She keeps coming in here and confessing to stuff.

What was it this time?

She comes in, same as yesterday.

Says she accidentally k*lled her roommate.

So I take her into the back room and I turn on the tape recorder.

Turns out her roommate was a hamster.

She didn't look unstable.

They never do.

Okay, can we get back to work now?

Missing diamond, remember?



She is putting so much pressure on me.

She's obsessed with this million-dollar reward.


All right, well, Adrian, she's worried about money.

Now, I know, a lot of people are.

Not me.

When I was on the force, I used to hate cashing my paycheck.

I still do.

To me, police work is like a higher calling.

Like the priesthood.

You know, Adrian, even priests have to get paid.

But it brings up an interesting question.

Something I would like to explore with you.

What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Well, uh...

I guess I'd hire you full time.


And keep you on retainer. 24/7.

Maybe I'd buy you a house right next to mine.

So I could just drop in.


[chuckles] This is fun.

What would you do with a million dollars?

Buy an island.

A desert island in... the middle of nowhere.

So we would do our sessions over the phone?


Well, see, this island, in my mind...

No phone service.

I guess I'd have to buy a boat.

See, that's funny, because, the island, in my fantasy...

No dock.

Well, may the best man win.

Excuse me!

What are you doing? Did you see that?

There was someone out there.

I'm going to have to report this.

It's okay. It's okay.

He's just another detective trying to find the diamond.

There's a whole bunch of them.

Yesterday, they followed us down the coast to that big meditation center in Monterey.

Oh, I've been there.

It's just beautiful.

But this was years ago when Jennie Mandeville was still alive.

Jennie Mandeville.

Jennie Mandeville.

Yeah, she owned the property.

There's this big plaque there with her name on it.

That's right.

I remember, I saw it.


I just solved the case.

I think I know where that diamond is.

Ah! I have to go.

We'll add 20 minutes onto my next session.

Oh, Adrian! Adrian, I'm sorry.

I have a policy.

If you leave early, I have to charge you for the whole session.

Ugh! Yeah.


Okay. Okay.


[trolley bell chimes]

Natalie! Natalie, I did it!

I solved the case!

I know where the diamond is!

What? So where is it?

It's at the police station, it's been there the whole time!

It's been right under our nose.

Oh, my God.

(Natalie) Who would do that?

Oh, my God. Natalie!

They're listening.


What I meant was, I didn't solve the case.

I wish I had, I'm completely stumped.

What are you talking about?

No, wait.

What I really meant was, I did solve the case.

The diamond is in the Philippines.

We gotta go the airport, fly to the--

Forget about it.

Just run! Run!

Here, here.

[motorcycle engine revving]

[counting steps]

We lost 'em.


We've been following Monk, we've been watching Monk.

Why don't we try thinking like Monk?

Think like Monk.

Think like Monk.

He went that way.


I think we lost 'em.

You keep saying that, but we never do.

Hey, Taxi!


Police headquarters on Vinton Street.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa.

What are you doing, chief?

I'm with her.

You gotta ride in the back, that's the rule.

No, I prefer to sit up front.

It's one of my things.

It's true, it's one of his things.

Well, here's one of my things.

Nobody rides in the front.

I'm afraid it's not negotiable.

Who's negotiating?

That's it, I'm out of here.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait wait wait!

I'll give you 50 bucks if you let him ride up front.

Why? What's he gonna do?

Nothing, nothing. He's got a cluster of compulsions and phobias that manifest themselves in a variety of, you know...

It's one of his things. He has things.



All right, 72. That's all I have.

Welcome aboard.

Whoa, whoa, wait.

This inspection sticker expired yesterday.

Yeah, I'm taking care of that tomorrow.

Expired. It's expired.

Mr. Monk, it's a million dollars.

Please get in the cab for me.

It's expired.

Forget about it, forget about it.

Give me back my money.

No refunds.

It's one of my things.



Oh, Disher. Yeah, yeah.

I think he's in the observation room.

Gladys, we're being followed.

Don't tell anybody you saw us.

They locked the door!

It says "Push."

That way.


Lieutenant, remember the security guard that you arrested? Yeah.

Where did you interrogate him?

Right there, room B.

And the girl who kept confessing, Jennie Mandeville, where did you take her?

Room A then room D.

But she was never in there?

No, no. It's gotta still be in there.

In that room! What's in there?

Monk, what's going on?

Tell you later.

Whoa, you cannot come in here.

My two friends are American citizens.

They have a right to be here.

Myself, I am on a temporary visa.

Which I hope to extend.

Are they with you?

Only in the strictest, most terrible sense of the word.

I heard you tell your shrink you solved the case.

Excuse me.

Nobody's going anywhere.

Not until we know what he knows.

You just made a big mistake, my friend.

I happen to be a police captain.

And this is an unlawful imprisonment.

Book him.

You're under arrest. Turn around.

Do you have your cuffs?

In my office.

It's in there, isn't it?

The diamond is in that very room.

It is?

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.

[all yelling]

Shut up! Everybody, shut up!

Everybody but Monk. Monk, what's going on?


Here's what happened.

The woman who founded the meditation center was named Jennie Mandeville.

What, the confessor?

No, the girl you met was not the real Jennie Mandeville.

She got the name from a plaque she saw up at the retreat.

She needed a fake name, maybe she liked the sound of it.

What was she doing up there?

She went there to k*ll Danny Chasen.

The guy in the roll-top desk.

It was probably her boyfriend's idea.

Jewel thieves are like children.

They hate to share.

This is a very crowded room.

This is a very very very very very very...

Monk, Monk, it's okay. It's okay.

Who was her boyfriend?

He was the security guard that Randy arrested.

He was the jewel thief!

He was the inside man.

The diamond was still in his pocket when you were talking to him.

(Disher) That's right, we brought him here right from the museum.

(Monk) I remember before the interrogation he was chewing a big piece of gum.

When I saw him after the interrogation, the gum was gone.

You had him on the drug charges, he knew he was about to be arrested.

Which, of course, meant he'd be searched.

He panicked.

He hid the diamond right there under the table.

(Stottlemeyer) With his chewing gum.

(Monk) People do it in restaurants all the time.

I've written letters to my congressman and to the editor.

What can I do?

He must have telephoned his girlfriend from jail to tell her where he stashed the diamond.

And that's why she was coming in here confessing to everything.

And why she was always asking to switch rooms, 'cause she was trying to get in there.


I changed my mind.

There's seven of us and we're all adults.

We'll just divide the money seven ways.

No way. We were here first.

I think it's only fair that we divide the proceeds.

I mean, we have been working in tandem.

We've not been working in tandem.

You've been chasing us. That's not tandem.

Excuse me, could I say one thing?

You and you and you...

You're breathing my air.

What about them? They're breathing your air.

You're breathing his.

It's complicated.

But if these two dropped back--

Monk. Monk, it's okay.

I'll call for help.

(Natalie) Oh, my God. Gladys.

No no no no no.

Oh, no no no no.

Gladys, no!

[all yelling]

[knocking on glass] Monk?

Is that you?

[all yelling]


I told you to leave me alone.

Somebody barfed in the bathroom!

No, come on!


[all yelling]

There it is.

[all yelling]

Okay, fine!

Look, I'm gonna clean under the table just like you want, okay?

[all yelling]

Go over the table and clean!

Okay? You happy?

I can't look.



She came in again late last night.

Said she had something to confess to.

This time we got a real confession.

Okay, listen to this.

"Gladys Winchim, who was employed

"by a local cleaning service for the last 22 years, "will be flown to London on a private jet

"to pick up her reward.

"Miss Winchim found the stolen gem while cleaning under a table in an interrogation room."

You're blaming me?

Under a table.

Why would they even want it back?

There's gum all over it.

I've got some good news.

Sort of a consolation prize.

I talked to the commissioner.

He's gonna put you under contract.

Really? Put you on a retainer.

He has guaranteed you 16 homicides a year for the next two years.

16 a year. Well, what about after that?

Well, we'll have to take it one year at a time.

We'll see.