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01x17 - Dig

Posted: 07/24/21 06:59
by bunniefuu
Of course you know
you're not really a Ranger

until a DPS chair makes it so.

You, uh, got one more
important decision to make.

You ready?

- Scotch or bourbon?
- I'm good, thanks.

- You good? All right.
- Yeah.

Don't mind if I do.


To Walker... Texas Ranger.

Glad you took the time.

- For yourself and your family.
- Yeah.

Yeah, it was, it was... It was good.

I needed that. Thank you.

Now, don't-don't get
all sappy on me here.

Come on, I need my top Ranger out there,

not this-this new breed

all in touch with
their feelings and that.

Yeah, well, you know,
Stan, maybe it's time

we embrace some change.

Don't doubt yourself too much.

You were born to do this.

Just do me one thing, though:

- color inside the lines.
- Uh-huh.

You mean at least until
you get elected D.A.?

See, that's a smart man right there.

That's right. What, one more day
on the campaign trail, huh?

Yeah. Just got this feeling

everything can change
tomorrow, you know?

I mean, I'm still gonna have
to eat your brother's lunch

at our alma mater later.

That's right, the debate
at Sacred Heart High.

I'm not gonna be able to make
it, Stan. You're going, right?

I mean, one of us is gonna have to see

who our new boss is gonna be.

- Yeah, I was gonna drive Liam over.
- What? No.

No, no, we cannot have...

that-that would be favoritism.

We can't have favoritism
in this department.

Am I right, Cap?

Walker will absolutely be driving you.

See? That just makes more sense.

Well, listen, I'm hoping,
for both our sakes,

that, uh, you won't have to take orders

from your kid brother. Huh?

That looks nice.

Welcome back, Ranger.

Thank you, sir.

Now where's my damn tie?

♪ ♪

They call yet?


Hey, Google, remind me to
call the doctor at noon.

I'll remind you at noon.

So I can give him the what for.

- STELLA: It's the last week of school.

Don't you think you need to tell Ruby

how you feel before summer?

Stella, it's not that easy to just...

Come on, Augie.

- Show some spirit.
- AUGUST: Yeah.

'Cause it's, it's Spirit Week, yay.

Is it Spirit Week already?

All right, I got some work to do.

It's best not to keep things
bottled up, trust me.

So, what's Spirit Week?

Oh. Liam's never told
you about Spirit Week?

No, no, Bret is here to
help with the campaign,

not to talk about Spirit Week.

Okay, seriously, can we
stop saying "Spirit Week"?

- It's kind of getting annoying.
- Spirit Week!

- Spirit Week!
- Spirit Week!

I have not heard of the week
whose name we shall not speak.

It's what we call the week
before summer break,

when everyone's taking care
of unfinished business

they put off all year,
like, I don't know,

finally confessing their crushes.

Thank you. And, yeah,
and making up for being

a terrible friend.

- Or in Uncle Liam's case, both.
- Ooh...

Half the school apologized
for how I was treated

when I came out, and
the other half wanted

to hook up before going off to college.

Hey, no phones at breakfast time, love.

No, I got talking points
and the debate... Okay.

Okay, so let me get this straight.

Uh, everyone announces
how they're gonna change,

but the question is,

is it all just talk, or do
they actually act on it?

Are you talking about
Spirit Week or the debates?

Are you making this all about you now?


What about you, Mawline?

You need some talking
points for those vows?

Excuse me, I have done this before,

and things do get better with age.

Love you.

- AUGUST: Thank you, Mawline.
- You're welcome.


- AUGUST: Are you serious?
- Spirit Week!


Ah, there she is!


There's my baby!

Oh, Trey, look at you.

Oh, you gonna get some of this, too.

Come here. Oh, my gosh!

Trey, she is beautiful.

Oh, my goodness. I mean,
I've seen pictures,

but you never know, with
all the filters and whatever.

But gosh, would the two of you make

- some beautiful babies.
- Ooh...

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- It's so nice to finally meet you.
- Yeah.

And, um, you can stay...

Don't worry about that, I have
a room down at the Driskill.

I just had to stop by
and see my boy first.

My goodness, Trey... Oh, wow.

You're an artist, too?

Okay, so have you guys worked out

who's gonna pay the mortgage,
the utilities and all of that?


Listen, I know talking
about money isn't sexy,

but it is a part of any
healthy relationship.

- Well, that and, uh...
- All right, Mama.

Why don't we get you something to eat

- and let Micki get ready for work, huh?
- Okay.

Well, I'm starving, because you know

- I didn't eat those pretzels on the plane, Trey.
- I know.


Oh, damn it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Ma, I got it. Okay?

(CHUCKLES) She's a trip, isn't she?

- Yeah. (CHUCKLES)
- You all right?

Yeah, I just missed a
couple days on these.

- How many days?
- Probably not enough to be pregnant.

Even though we'd have beautiful babies.


Did you just take two of those?

Yes, Doctor. It's fine.

I'm sorry, I just, uh,
really have to run.

Okay, what's that... what's that look?

What would we do if, uh...

- I were pregnant?
- Yeah.

I'm not ready yet.

I mean not anytime soon.

But I am all about the practicing.

- Uh-huh.

But we should figure out the whole

mortgage-utilities split first.

Yeah. Right.


Howdy, Counselor. You ready for this?

As ready as I'll ever be.

Bret, you remember Micki Ramirez, right?

Yeah, yeah, of course.
She's the woman that

inspired you to run.


Here we go, here we go. Bill and Diane.

Here you go. Vote Stan.
You guys know that, come on.

- Hey.
- LIAM: There he is.

I've got to beat that guy.

Don't worry, you have my vote.

STAN: You guys can vote, too.

Make sure it's legal.

We only count legal votes here in Texas.

Hey, hey, look at this.

Two high school debate champs

closing the campaign on
their old stomping grounds.

Of course, Liam here

took off for New York the
second he got that diploma.

Always the wayward son of Lonestar.

You know, maybe you should
have stayed an outsider.

Well... I, uh... I had to come back

after you made a mess of things.


You both were involved in the
sentencing of Carlos Mendoza

for the m*rder of Emily Walker.

He won't talk to the press.
Do either of you have

- anything to say about his exoneration?
- I think we've covered that.

Mr. Mendoza didn't cooperate
with our initial investigation,

but mistakes were made, yes.

Thankfully, justice prevailed.

Well, can you comment on
the timing of the arrest

of Detective Campbell and the
retirement of D.A. McLawson

- this past week?
- Byron, Byron. Come on, man.

It's a photo op, not a press conference.

- Here. Get in here. Come on.
- Come on, get some photos.


Principal Heaney. Is there a problem?

Someone just called in a b*mb
threat a few minutes ago.

Local PD is already en route. Hey...

- What's going on?
- All right, everyone clear out.

Stay away from the building.

MICKI: Follow me in an
orderly manner, this way.

Dad, is everything okay?

We have a-a... a situation.

Why don't y'all just stay back
until we figure this out. Go on.

Go on.

- Hey.
- Hey.

b*mb squad's five minutes away.

- We gotta make sure the building's clear.
- Yeah.

- Anyone in here?
- Texas Rangers!


Texas Rangers.


I think you should search the cow.



WALKER: Um, just...

Um, okay, well...

Yeah, keep me up to speed.

All right, witness who called it in
wanted to remain anonymous,

but they said they overheard
an explicit threat

- to both candidates.
- What'd they say?

"They can run for office in hell
after I blow 'em to pieces".

All right, well, we're
sweeping the school,

the auditorium where
the debate was gonna be,

and coordinating with local PD
about questioning suspects.

Y'all have any idea who
could have done this?

- Mm-mm.
- Past threats? Anything?

Well, DPS and the D.A.'s
office are still dismantling

- North Side Nation.
- Trials pending.

Open investigations.

That doesn't exactly narrow it down.

Well, hell, I don't know.


Well, good job.

May the best man win.
(CHUCKLES) I'll see you.

Hey, what are you doing
for the rest of the day?

Why, what do you got in mind?

A beer, barbecue back at the ranch.

See, that's the first good idea
you've had the entire campaign.

So yes. But I'm bringing the barbecue,

and that's not open for debate.

I guess he's buying.

Where do we start?

The kids.

It's been a rough year for all of them,

not just Stella and Augie.
I mean, this age is brutal,

and this was something they
were looking forward to.

(SIGHS) If only someone
co-owned a restaurant,

it could be a safe haven
for them to unwind

and eat all the free hot
wings they wanted. Mm.

I like how you're thinking.

Mm, I am the smart one.

♪ I've been losing all this sleep... ♪

All right, Sacred Heart,

food and drinks on the house, no booze.

- Oh, no, no, no. Come on.

Hey there.


I didn't know you were back.

Just filling in for Lewis; hard
to leave this place, I guess.

Even if I don't care for
the new management.

- (LAUGHS) Funny.
- What's going on here?

Spirit Week prank gone wrong?

b*mb threat at the school.

- Geez.
- Yeah, uh,

figured they could use some
place to stay safe, you know?

It's funny.

We were the same age
when we first came here.

Wow, I didn't even think about that.

I still can't believe Hoyt's
fake IDs even worked.

Well, Chad, the old bartender,
was blind in one eye.

Yeah. You remember how he
used to take his glass eye out

and put it in his whisky?


- "Here's looking at you".
- Yeah, I remember.

Huh. Who's making Augie so nervous?

WALKER: Ruby, the young
lady he's talking to.

He's been hung up on her all year long.

Still can't tell what's going on there.

I guess everyone needs a Becca Ferguson

before they find the right one.

Becca Ferguson? Wow.

That's a deep cut.

Remember when she kissed
you at the drive-in?

Do I remember?

The shark attack, you mean?

Yes, I remember. I still have scars

in the back of my gums.

- All of the teeth.

Hey, you mind if I leave
'em here with you?

I gotta head back.

- Go catch a bad guy. I got the kids.
- Okay.

Thank you.

Hey, Cordi?


When I left before...

Geri. Uh, Geri...

I'm glad you're back.

ABELINE: We need to
tell them it's cancer.

Liam already knows and it's not fair

to keep it from the rest of the family.

After everything that's happened,

you think they need more drama?


Let's just wait till after the election.

LIAM: Hey.

I invited Stan.

- I see that.
- Brought barbecue.

- And some beer.
- Well, come on in. Just no politics.


- We'll try our best.
- That's funny.

I hope they moo-ved that
heifer to cow-nty lock-up.

All right, stop milking it.


b*mb squad's cleared the building.

Doing a sweep of the auditorium now.

Figured we'd just do a walk-through

and see if anything stands out, like...

Oh, my God, is that you?

You and Hoyt.


Yeah, we had a good run that year.

- Wow.
- Hey, they trace that caller yet?

They're still working on it.

Oh, my God, is that you, too?!

You look like an ice-skating
Patrick Swayze.

You were a theater geek.

I-I went down the road for a spell.

Oh, yeah, is it because of those girls

staring at you so intensely?

I do this professionally.

That girl is Becca Ferguson,
a literal drama queen.

She actually dumped me in between acts

of The Merchant of Venice, no less.

Is that a tragedy or a comedy?

The play or the relationship?


Speaking of relationships,

Trey's mom is in town. It took less than

five minutes for her
to get in a question

about kids, and I...

I don't know why I'm telling you this,

but I realized I forgot
to take my birth control

for the past few days.

Well, I don't know if that's
a comedy or a tragedy.

Ooh, well played.

I mean it's not like
we don't think about it,

it's just... I just became a Ranger.

You know, I'm still trying
to figure out this whole

work-life balance, you know?

I do. You know, my two cents?

One, you're kicking ass as a Ranger.

And two,

you're never gonna find
that balance; no one does.

I thought you were
trying to figure it out.

- Yeah, I am trying, but...

- _



- Oh, who's that?

Uh... Geri.

We should check out that auditorium.

- Yeah, we should.
- Yeah.

Oh, come on!

Dude, too easy.

Don't get too arrogant.

- You figure out what you're doing this summer?
- No.

Meanwhile, everyone's talking
road trips or cool jobs or...


What about you?

Um, I'm going to see
my parents in Mexico.

Seriously? That sounds awesome.

Getting away from all this.

Do you want to come?

I wish I could.

Why can't you? It's not like you've had

the most awesome junior year.

I'm gonna beat you, just you wait.

No, you're not.

- All right, there you go.
- Thanks, bro!

Your turn to sign my yearbook.

Yeah, all right.


- Wait, are-are you...
- Hey, so...

my parents are out of town.

You want to come over later?


All clear.


Shame. Sure would have been nice

to see my kid brother putting on a show.

Yeah, Liam would have,
uh, wiped the floor

with our DPS overlord.

Yeah. Yes, he would.

Which reminds me.

I heard you never had your
chance to talk to Stan,

or the DBS commission in general

about my, uh... behavior.

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Ranger Ramirez.

Would you care to comment
on your partner's actions?

I think they were excessive.

Do you think he's fit to wear the badge?

♪ Spend all your time... ♪

I believe everyone should be held

accountable for their actions,

no matter what their
reputation might be...

- or what they've been through.
- ♪ Caught in the light ♪

♪ Of this distant memory... ♪

- You think I should have quit?
- MICKI: No.


you are a good Ranger.

But I know you can do better.

And not just then.

Today. Tomorrow.

For as long as you wear that badge.

♪ From this sweet fable ♪

♪ Feel like it could be my time to go ♪

Yeah. You're right.

♪ Be my time to go ♪

♪ Be my time to go... ♪

I had a lot of dark in me,
and it just took hold.

And I don't want that
to ever happen again.

It shouldn't be an excuse.

And it's not.

I know I need to do better,
and I will do better.

I promise.

♪ Be my time to go... ♪

But I might need your help.

I'm not going anywhere.

♪ Be my time to go ♪

Let's go finish up.

♪ Be my time to go. ♪


Seriously, Micki?

You just have to have a
picture of me as Bassanio?

- Geri?

Captain James. We have anything?

Got it. We're on the way.

So, they traced the caller.

Travis Pike, ex-con.

Served time for arson.

Travis Pike! Texas Rangers.

- You mind answering a few questions?
- g*n!

Don't! Don't do it!
Don't even think about it.

- Come on.
- What are you gonna do, huh?

How you gonna stop me?

- You gonna use that g*n there before I get to mine?
- No, I'm not.

And neither are you, all right?

Look, this doesn't have
to get out of control.

Let's just, uh...


All right.

Let's talk.

What do you mean when you
say you want them to listen?

D.A.'s office wouldn't return my calls.

DPS wasn't any better.

Neither of those slick politicians
would listen to me.

They dropped my case.

What was your case, Travis?

The lithium clouds from the moon towers

are causing the bats
under Congress Bridge

to attack people; open and shut!

Right. Of course. Uh...

Travis, that sounds
more like a civil matter.

Uh, they deal more
with the criminal side.

People think because I'm messed up,

I can be ignored.

I've made mistakes.

I've served my time.

Witnesses said

you were gonna do something

really bad at the debate.

Is that true?

I don't know.

I just wanted somebody
to hear my side of things,

but no one would listen.

No one would hear.

Travis, this man is gonna take
you somewhere safe, okay?

Give you some time to think.

But I promise you we will
relay your message, okay?


Thank you.

That's all I wanted.

That's all I wanted. Howdy.

TODD: Sometimes the answer's
right there in front of you,

you know, just staring back at you.

I bet.

Rangers! Perfect timing.

This young man here, he was, uh,

- trying to...
- Trying to...

trying to get himself in trouble?

Why don't you go sign some yearbooks.

Give me your digits.

- Can you just...
- Come on, your digits!

- No-no digits today.
- Move it along.

Digits? Is everyone
this spirited right now?

They were all fine. It's
actually kind of nice

seeing everybody act like
it's the end of the world.

All the feels.

Mm. Well, we all need
our Becca Ferguson.


Really? Both of you?

All right. Um, hey,

do you mind taking Augie and Stella home

to the ranch later?

- Sure.
- Great.

And do you mind telling

our future bosses

that the security threat is...

- No longer a threat? Sure.
- Yeah.

Everything okay?

Yeah, just...

You know, something the would-be
security threat said about

serving his time, but never being heard

made me think about somebody else

who served his time and was never heard.

Um... Carlos Mendoza.



Wow, you really are taking
this reformed Ranger

to new lengths.

He made a false confession,
yes, but the D.A.'s office,

the Rangers, me especially,

we should have done a better job.

And he's been living a lie
for a long time, and I,

I just need to understand why.

- You know, I need to hear his side of things.
- Yeah.

You want me to go with you?

No, I'm not going as a Ranger.

I'm just going as a, as a, as a widow.

All right, um,

- I'll check in with you later.
- Yeah.

Okay, so this is your Aunt
Karen's second grandchild.

- That's her first one.
- Uh-huh.

- Look at her.
- Wow.

I'm serious.

Once you have one grandkid,

you want a dozen, Trey.

Uh-huh. I think you're laying it on

kind of thick, aren't you, Ma?


Trey, I know why you didn't redeploy.

Because you were done with that.

You wanted to be safe,
reliable, I get it.

And I now know that you
wanted to be with her.

Your Micki.

I love her, Ma.

I know you do, son. I can tell.

And I like her, Trey. I really like her.

But, son, she just ran out
of the door to be a Ranger.

She might as well be the
one that's redeployed.

Ma, what are you trying to say?

I just want to be sure that
you both want the same thing.

That's all.


- Yeah.
- Okay.

Oh, you're not gonna
believe this one. Look.

My neighbor, Miss Adeline,
this is her grandbaby.

Look. Look at that face.

No one is saying that
the system is broken

beyond repair, I'm just saying that

it needs to be fixed.

Oh, well, hang on.

Let me guess, let me guess.

Compassionate release initiatives.

- Yes, yes.
- Prison reform. A sentencing commission.

- Yes.
- Oh, and, uh,

how, exactly, is the county

gonna pay for all this, Counselor?

Budget reforms.

You could raise taxes.

- There it is. There it is.
- If necessary.

You hear that, Bonham?

Your boy's gonna raise your taxes.

It's not like you've shown
me anything better.


Bonham Walker, you can't
start with me with that.

- Oh, hey, Stella.
- STELLA: Hey.

Where's your brother?

He's still at the Side Step filming some

end-of-the-year thing.

I thought the debate was cancelled.

Oh, it is, don't worry.

Liam here was just
reading from the typical

- liberal manifesto.

Hey, Stella, before you go,

any questions for our
two lovely candidates

on the final night of the election?


Uncle Liam, would you have let my dad

be a Ranger again, after
everything that happened?


I didn't think that he was ready.

But I know that he wants to change.

And I know that he's
trying to be at peace.

STELLA: Cool. Thanks.



Mr. Mendoza?

I'm sure you remember me.

I know who you are.

Good news. The security
threat has been lifted.

- Yeah! That's good.
- That's great. Thank you.

What'd you find out about the suspect?

He was troubled.

Likely harmless in the long run,

but he was taken in.

Just wanted to be heard.

You should have brought
him out here, Ranger.

Liam could have set up a plan

for the man's rehabilitation and reform.

They're still in debate mode.
It's been, uh, spirited.

It's Spirit Week.

Damn it. Why did I grant
one last interview

to Byron Santos?

Maybe because after he trashed me,

you figured he'd be in your corner.

(LAUGHS) You know your opponent.

All right, I think he's pulling up.

I better get out there.

You know, come to think of it, he's, uh,

probably gonna want a
hero shot of you out front.

You know, where the
man became the legend.

It's been all day.


You know it's a cicada year?
First one in our lifetime.

Yeah. Yeah, that's super cool.


(CLEARS THROAT) Uh... what's happening?

What do you mean?

Uh... (SCOFFS)

Y-You know, like, uh,
what's up with you and Todd?

We were together, and now we're not.


But all year, you never
really gave me any clue that

this would be a situation
we'd ever be in, you know?

So analytical.

(LAUGHS): Yeah, yeah,
yeah, so... analytical.

I've been thinking
about this for a while.

Okay, uh, you know,
I really wanted to say

this perfect thing to you, but I just...

I feel like this whole time
it's been really one-sided.

And, like, you're leaving.

And if we do something,
you're still leaving,

and I-I just will think about what else

could have happened
with us, so... (EXHALES)

Yeah, I just, I-I don't want
this to be the version of us.

August, you think too much.

Yeah, yeah, I know.


Look, I really wish we tried,

but... I feel like it's too late.


Have a great summer, Ruby.

My, my, how far this city has come.

From hitchhikers to phone apps.

All in the name of progress, I guess.

So, what? Polls really that tight,

you had to get one more scoop?

I gotta be honest, I started out doing

a follow-up piece on the Walkers;

- Liam and Cordell.
- Oh, here we go.

Trash talking one of our best Rangers.

No. As far as I can tell
he's turned it around.

Including the arrests of

multiple North Side Nation members,

and helping in the
Detective Campbell case.

But, of course, you know about that.

Yeah, Byron, I'm on the DPS.

What-what are you getting at?

You were a little evasive
about the connection between

D.A. McLawson's retirement

and Detective Campbell's arrest earlier.

- Oh, come on, don't start.
- I just wanted to close the circle.

I think that's been
pretty well gone over.

A man of a certain age wants to spend

- more time fishing, more time with his family.
- With his family, yes.

That is a popular phrase
among politicians

with something to hide.

Do you have something to hide?

WALKER: I wanted to be able to

look you in the eye again without hate,

knowing the truth.

I want to be able to tell you I'm sorry.

It was my decision.


For my family.

We needed the money,

and I'm a dying man,
so what do I matter?

I know you're a father.

Can't you understand that?

Why are you asking me all this?

Why don't you go bug
McLawson or Campbell?

I was at the county clerk's
office this morning.

Found out there are a
number of other cases

McLawson dismissed that also had ties

to North Side Nation.

Well, what's that got to do with me?

Like you said, you're the DPS chair.

You signed off on all the cases

that were dismissed.

This is, uh...

This is cold comfort.

I know that.

But when you confessed,

there was something in your eyes.

Something that was behind 'em.

I remember feeling like

there was something you weren't saying.

I'm in a place now

where I can admit to you

that we should have
asked more questions.

You're just a man who lost his wife.

The people who did that to you,

who did this to me,

they are the ones that should pay.

- She's dead.
- Who?

Cali. The woman who put you up to this.

The woman who... k*lled my wife.

She's dead now.

♪ ♪

You said "they".

Look, hey, Santos, come on.

Hey, hold on, hold on. Take it easy.

Look, what you got here,
this is... (SCOFFS)

This is more cobbled together

than my Aunt Linda's berry slump.

Tell me, wh-what's really going on?

You know, I'm just trying
to understand why

you dismissed all those cases.

If there's something
you're not telling me...

No, no! You're not hearing me!

All right? There's...
There's answers to all this.

Look, my truck is here.
Let's both of us,

we'll go down to my office...
Will you stop that?

We'll go down to my office right now.

We'll go over all the cases.

You'll see everything's on
the up-and-up. Come on.

- All right? What is wrong with you?
- You're hiding something, Stan.

- No, I'm not hiding something.
- It's gonna come out.

If you're gonna make
accusations like that,

you've got to let me say my piece.




Hey. Hey.

♪ Come along for the ride... ♪

CARLOS: Cali came to see me the
last time I was in the hospital.

There was a man there with her.

Seemed like he was in charge.

- He put up the money.
- What'd he look like?

His face... His face is everywhere.

He's running for district attorney.

Stan Morrison.


♪ Do you like how it feels? ♪

♪ And oh, yeah ♪

♪ Come along for a ride. ♪

Are you on dish duty?


Anything to win your vote, ma'am.

- Ha!
- Who's it gonna be, Abs?

Come on, I promise I won't tell Liam.

I don't love you that much, Stan.

I, uh...

saw him take a pill earlier.

He's sick, isn't he?

I won't say anything.

But you're gonna get through this.

You Walkers, you have this
natural-born survival instinct.

I swear, from the prairie
to the courtroom,

y'all always find a way.

You know, whatever happens

with this election,

I want you to know you
still have a place here.

I'm gonna insist on that.

Is there, uh, anything
else on your mind?


Just trying to get this mess cleaned up.

Actually, Liam was telling me
that you and Bonham were

talking about renewing
vows; you got a venue?

Oh, we don't need that.

No, listen. Hey, hey, hey.

(WHISPERING): Go all out on this.

Use my place.

Throw a party that you don't
have to clean up after.

You would do that?

Well... it might be fun.

Well, then, let's have
some fun. All right?

So, Cordi took you on a trip down
memory lane at Sacred Heart.

- Becca Ferguson?
- Becca Ferguson!

- I have a photo that's gonna blow your mind.
- Well, well!

I can see where your
vote's gonna be cast.

Where's that partner of yours?

Yeah, where is Cordi?

He went to visit Carlos
Mendoza at the hospital.

What did he go see Mendoza for?

Maybe something you said stuck with him

when you made his
reinstatement official.

Well, that's... (CHUCKLES)

He's a hell of a guy, your brother, huh?

Yeah, he is.

Listen, uh...

whatever happens...

you ran a great campaign.

We got problems.

♪ ♪

You know, quiet's nice after the storm

that Stan and Liam kicked up.

That was some real truth telling.

Well, you certainly haven't
gotten any more subtle

over the years, that's for sure.

But you're right.

There have been enough...
secrets around here.

What's going on with my health

should be talked about with the family.

Mind you, my dad didn't tell us until

- he was being wheeled in to surgery.
- Okay, that is not

the legacy we're looking for, love.

Mm. Okay.

You know, Stan has offered us his place

for some vow renewals,
if you want to get fancy.

Oh, did he?


It'd be nice.

Make some happy memories
for this family.


- TREY: Amazing.
- KEESHA: I know it was. I knew it was.

- Hi.
- Hey!

I'm sorry I missed today.

- These are for you.
- Aww.

Thank you.

And I am not ever going to say no

to alone time with my son.

Don't worry, I brought
something for you, too.

Ah, banana bread?

- Is it from that spot? Yeah!

Let me get these in some water.

All right, Ma.

So what else did you
bring home? Booties,

or maybe a bonnet or something?

What kind of Victorian
fantasy are you living out?

(LAUGHS) Anyways,

you will have to wait.

- Hmm?
- I'm not pregnant.

And you are relieved.

- You are.
- I don't know.

I don't know what I was hoping for.

It's good to think about it, though.

Yeah. I agree.

I mean, I think I'm gonna be
a little bit more on top of

taking my pills, because
you're starting to scare me.

Oh, really?

No, actually.

I mean...

I do worry about the future.

But, um,

not because it's bad.

Maybe because it's good.

I know you're worried about
that work-life balance.

Walker says no one ever figures it out.

Maybe he's wrong.



♪ Start that fire ♪


♪ You should know by now ♪

♪ I'm a liar... ♪

Hey, how'd it go with Ruby?

I bailed.

♪ I was the only one... ♪

Yeah. And in an unforeseen
turn of events,

she didn't even want me to.

You know, all year
I've been trying to find

the right thing to say
to her at the right time.

Gotta say this tracks for the guy who

literally narrates his life.


I don't know, I-I think I had
the right thing to say to her.

I just...

I just let the right moment slip by.

And maybe the right person left.

Bel's aunt is taking her
to Mexico this summer

to be with her parents.

I'm sorry.

August the Noble.

- Come on, dude.
- No!

For real. You see more
than what's in front of you.

The way you started
taking pictures, like Mom.

I love that you do that.

It makes you see things
that other people don't.

Well, I think we've
both seen a lot of stuff

other people don't.

♪ I'm with you right now,
I'm with you tonight ♪

Have you heard from Trevor again?

♪ I'm coming home... ♪

I thought about writing,

but some moments are hard to separate

from others with him.

They were all real.


Yeah, this morning I, uh...

I thought I could capture it
all in a yearbook message.

(SCOFFS) Seems so stupid now.

- God...
- Not really.

Hey, I believe in the power
of a yearbook message.

- Oh, really?
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, you want to sign mine?


only if you sign mine.

- Deal.
- Okay.

♪ I'm coming home... ♪

"Stella, your dad is hot".

- Are you serious?
- I know, it's gross.

Hey, you shouldn't read
somebody else's yearbook.

All right.

♪ I'm coming home ♪

♪ I'm coming home. ♪

Where is Dad, by the way?

STAN: I should have known
you couldn't handle this.

I paid you to deal with this,

not to watch me take care of it myself.

Hey, you're involved in this
whether you like it or not.

And I think we should
be on the same page

so the cover story sticks.

You paid to think?

- What do you want to do with this guy?
- STAN: I don't know.

I just cannot deal with
another mess right now.

Hey, you know what?

Why don't you handle
this yourself? Go ahead.


Whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Don't move!

- Okay.
- Don't move.

You move... I sh**t.

Won't this be...

Won't this be an interesting
headline, huh?

DPS chair arrested on eve of election.

Oh, I'm not arresting you.

Come on, you worked
really hard this past year

to reform yourself.

With your encouragement.
After you ruined my family!

- Cordell, this isn't you.
- Don't be too sure.

This isn't you. You're
not this guy anymore.

Shut up!

Get in the truck.