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08x19 - Brothers and Sisters

Posted: 07/26/21 16:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER...

I'm a drunk.

How long have you been sober?

Almost five years.

Brian! Brian!

( groans )

Is there somewhere
you can stay tonight?

I'll figure something out.

So, you have
your place back?

He offered it to me, yeah.

Greg Pratt?

Mark Green.
How you doing?

Do I seem like
a punk to you?

Then how about you stop
treating me like one.

I know everybody thinks
you've changed, Chloe

and I hope to God
that you have

but, I mean, do you really think
you can be a good mother

to this little girl?

I'll be right back.


You like macaroni
and cheese?

Who? Me? No.

That's all I've got.


For dinner.

Too bad.

Oh, well, it's not so bad

if you kick in a few bucks
for a nice bottle of wine.

I've got your
meds, Mr. Walden.

Are you asking me out?

I'll pass.


I don't like
macaroni and cheese.

Well, then you
cook something.

I don't think so.

What? You can't cook?

I'm not making you dinner.

Wow. I just figured
you'd want to eat first.


You know, before things
get hot and heavy.

( laughs )

Okay, sure.

Come on, you
can't tell me

you wouldn't want to go home

have a nice hot shower,
glass of wine

some great sex.

Did someone say sex?

Do you like macaroni
and cheese, Pablo?

Oh, yeah, I love it.

You got yourself a date.

Yuck. I don't even know
what half this stuff was.

( knocking on door )

Were you expecting someone?


Hey. Come on in.

Hey, Carter.

Would you like some pizza?

I just came by to make
sure you were settled.

I'm getting there.

Yeah, I can see that.

It's a little
housewarming gift.

Welcome home.

Oh... you got to
make it stop, man.

Hey, I can't help you

unless you settle down
and tell me what's wrong.

Need a hand?

It's in my stomach.

Did you ingest
something, sir?


My brother...

Wait, wait...

your brother what?

Did he give you something?

No. He's inside me.

Want me to call
for a psych consult?

Not yet.
Are you taking any dr*gs?

He's trying to bite his way out.

I'm going to get
some haldol.

I didn't ask for that.

Stop it.

And some soft restraints.

No. Look, I fly the plane.

You serve the coffee.

I think he's angry.

Oh, God.

Fine, he's all yours.

Pratt, did you do a repeat

EKG on Finestien?


You need to do serial
EKGs to rule out an MI.

His first EKG was normal.

He could have
of his T-waves.

I got to get him out
before he kills me!

Calm down.

A little help!

Hey, Haleh, let's get
hard restraints

haldol and psych consult.

Better get a wrist film too.

Did you know

that "lesbians are at
a higher risk of breast

"cervical and
ovarian cancers

"because they are
less likely

to have children by
age 30, if at all."

Is that so?

Yeah. "Lesbians are less
likely to see healthcare

"because of the
discomfort of coming out

to healthcare providers."

Why are you
telling me this?

"Lesbians are also less likely

"to get routine
gynecological services

which means later detection
of these cancers."


Do you have to keep
saying that?

What? Lesbians?

I'm just reading
what it says.


I can't help it.

Kerry, I-- this
gets me excited.

You want to know why?

Because this smells
like money.

Your sisters are

and we can fix that.

Yeah, you're trying to exploit
my lifestyle.

No, I'm not.

I am trying to accentuate
the positive here.

You're Chief, you're gay,
you're challenged...
Ah, challenged.

You can be poster girl
for County General's

new Center
for Lesbian Excellence.


You haven't even seen
the proposal.

What proposal?

It's in the press packet.

Read it before
the news conference.

You better be kidding.

This is going to be great!

What are you doing?

Damn toaster
ate my Pop Tart.

Is that a switchblade?

I couldn't get my brass knuckles
in the slot.

Whose stuff is this?

It's Pratt's.

I don't think Weaver's
given him a locker yet.

I hope you unplugged
that thing.

( toaster rattling )

Very funny.

LEWIS ( phone message ):
Hi, it's me.

I'm out saving lives
or shopping.

Leave a message. ( beep )

At least I'm honest.

Have you heard about
a replacement for Dr. Green?

This is Frank
from Castle Automotive.

Your car needs a new battery.

It's 180 bucks with labor.
Get back to me.

$180. I barely make that
resuscitating somebody.

Are you covering for...?

Aunt Susan? It's Suzy.


My mom's really sick.

We're in a hotel.
I think she needs a doctor.

I can't wake her up.
I got to go.

CHLOE ( on phone ):


We're not at home

but if you want to leave
a message for Chloe or Joe

wait for the beep.

Chloe, hi, it's Susan.
Are you there?


Are you there?

Your brother-in-law's a cop?

Yeah, in New Jersey

but I couldn't get
a hold of him either.

His precinct said he
took a few days off

but they don't know
where to reach him.

Mmm. Do you have
caller ID at home?


Can't you just trace
the call or something?

Yeah, I'll see what I can do.


You okay?

I don't know what to do.

I'm sure it's nothing.

You know kids;
active imaginations.

Dr. Lewis, Mrs. Reynolds

would like you to go over
her husband's aftercare.

I did.

She has a few more questions.

It's a damn carbuncle.

I'll go talk to her.

No, Carter,
you don't have to do that.

It's all right; I
rock with carbuncles.


What room?

Exam four.

I'll be right there.

You got a minute?

Yep. What do you need?

I need to talk to you.

Go ahead.

About Abby.

What about her?
What do you think?

She's drinking again,
or didn't you notice?

Luka, seven-year-old witnessed
15-foot fall, headfirst.

He was climbing a
tree on a class trip.

Page surgery.

Stabilize the neck.

Get Peds neurosurge
down here.

Is that spinal fluid?

Looks like it.
Prep 30 grams
of mannitol.

Sats 93% on four liters.

Blood in the left canal.

Feels like a deformity
at the angle of the mandible.

DTR's three plus.

We got this, Carter.

Pupils midrange

equal and reactive.

Probable basilar
skull fracture.

6.5 ET and a two mac.

Premedicate with 40 of lido
and 2.5 of pav.

So, how was it?


Your date with Pablo.

Pretty interesting.

Did you know he used to be
with a Mexican circus?

Oh, really?

Yeah. Guy's had a hard
life, but intriguing.

He was even sh*t by
border patrol once.

You really had dinner
with Pablo?

Not at my place;
at Doc Magoo's.

He was hungry and I just
can't stand eating alone.

Where's Mrs. Pradeep?

I sent her home.

Excuse us.

I didn't sign off
on her chart.

There was nothing wrong
with that woman.

She just wanted
a free meal.

Yeah, I sign off
on every single patient you see.

I don't care
if they stop in here

for directions
to Wrigley Field.

Got it?
I got it.

Let me know if
you hear anything.

Thanks, Dix. Bye.


Dr. Lewis?


Phone company traced the call.

Came from a cellular phone

off a network
in New York.

New York?

Yeah, it's on the upper
west side of Manhattan

which is in the jurisdiction of
the 55th precinct of the NYPD

and they're expecting
your call.

Thank you.


( phone rings )

5-5 Precinct. May I help you?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Please hold.

Bosco, you're early.

They fumigating
your apartment?

No. Some jerk from
the second watch

has been working out
in the weight room

without wiping
down the benches.

What do I look like?
The gym monitor?

Sir, you have to call
parking enforcement.

We don't tow cars.

How hard is it
to take a towel

and wipe the sweat
off the bench?

5-5 Precinct.
May I help you?

I put up a sign,
he's still doing it.

Tell you what,
I figure out who it is

I'm going to put his head
in the squat rack.

Okay, ma'am, let me
put you on with an officer.

Bosco, take
a missing persons report.

I'm not on yet.

Well, your sweaty
manhunt can wait.

Line two.

Be right with you, ma'am.

Officer Boscorelli,
how can I help you?


Okay, ma'am, calm down.

Ma'am, you got to calm down.
Now, listen to me.

When was the last time
you talked to your sister?

Abdomen's soft,
no guarding.

Two by two abrasion of
the left iliac crest.

Let's hold off for now.

Give neurosurge a
chance to see him
before we paralyze.

Heart rate down to 60.

Six centimeter
scalp lac

with exposed

I need three-O
chromic on a driver.

How's Mark?

He's good.

He's in Hawaii
with Rachel.

He's showing her
where he grew up.

Oh, that's nice.

I didn't know
he grew up in Hawaii.

He grew up in a lot
of different places.

He's fixed and dilated.

What? No.

Eight millimeters.

BP's up 160/100.

Cushing's response.

Let's page neurosurge.

There's no response to pain.


There's a step off;
pretty big skull fracture.

No corneal reflex.

I think he's herniated.

Let's tube him.

200 mikes of Fentanyl

50 of sux.

Won't the sux
raise the ICP?

It's a myth.

Besides, I don't think
it's going to matter.

I have to leave.
I put in four calls

to find someone to cover for me.

Wait, slow down, Susan.

My sister and her daughter
are missing

and the police aren't helping.

I have to go. I'm sorry.

Whoa, what's going on?

Oh, I'm trying to catch
an 11:30 flight.

You're going to New York?

Yeah. I can't sit around here
and wait.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to find them.

Jesus was a healer.

Who let Reverend Ed in?

You know the preacher?

He's a holy pain
in the ass.

Get rid of him.


In about ten minutes

he's going to start
trying to heal people.

It's bad for business.

You see, the road to recovery

begins when you open
your heart to Jesus.

Excuse me, sir.

I'm afraid I'm going
to have to ask you to leave.

Now you treat the body
and I treat the soul.

Watch your back, darling.

Go with God,
my son.

Stanley Sherman, 32

security guard,
GSW to the abdomen.

B.P. 140/80,
pulse 100 with a liter in.

Pay attention.

Where's it hurt,

Where do you think?
Right here.

Eyes are open.

Is this the GSW?

Small caliber entry wound
to the epigastric area

no LOC, good breath
sounds both sides.

Haven't seen you
around this morning.

It's been busy.

This is all yours, Pratt.

Okay, CBC, Lytes,
BUN and creatine

glucose, accucheck and
a hemacue times three.

Okay, a big stick.
Say ow.

( yells )
Told you.

Lateral C-spine,
AP chest and pelvis.

Bilateral TMs are clear.
Head's atraumatic.

Can I do the airway?

No, he doesn't
need an airway.

You can do the rectal.

The rectal.

Play nice, kids.

Don't make me stop
this trauma.

It's a big g*n show in
Baltimore this weekend.

You interested?

Uh, no, thank you.

Oh, come on.

Come on, you can
bring the kids.

Yeah, okay,
let me call Fred

and tell him to pack
a bag for the kids

so they can go
to the g*n show.

Hey, what's up, Lieu?

Your missing persons report
from this morning.


The doctor
with the missing sister.

I thought she
was in Chicago.

She was.
She flew here?

What are we talking about?
You brought us in
for this, Boss?

Somebody tell me
what's going on.

Her sister and
her sister's kid

go missing
for what, an hour

so she's coming

Take her out and
drive her around.

Oh, you got
to be kidding me.

A doctor from Chicago...

That kind of trouble
I don't need.

Hey, Bosco, whatever
you told her on the phone

she hopped on a plane.

Now she's your problem.

I didn't tell her

Well, maybe that's why
she got on the plane.

Wait, what's
going on?

The sister's missing?

She probably took her
to the zoo or something.

Uh, excuse me, excuse me.

Are you the officer I
spoke with this morning?

Yeah, hi. Boscorelli.
How you doing?

This is my partner,
Officer Yokas.

Susan Lewis.
Have you found them?

Uh... I made
a few phone calls

but I'm afraid
I don't have much.

I called my niece's school.

They said she hasn't
showed up in days.

I'm going to get
a cup of coffee.

You want some?

No, I'm fine.

You know, uh, Susan?


Like 90% of the time

these things work out
to be just fine.

Well, I called their
home, his work.

I can't get ahold of anybody.

Maybe the whole
family took a trip
to Disneyworld or...

I don't know,
went fishing or something.

Where do they live?

South Orange.

South Orange?

That's New Jersey.

You know what we can do

we can call
the PD over there

and we can have them
send a patrol over

and, uh, you know,
check it out.

Would you just
listen to this?

Aunt Susan?

Aunt Susan, it's Suzy.

My mom's really sick.

We're in a hotel.

I think she needs a doctor.

I can't wake her up.

( whispers ):
I have to go.

Did you try the hospitals?

Isn't that your job?

Do you have pictures?


Well, what we can do
is we can canvass

the hotels in our precinct
and see if anybody's seen them.

Can I come with you?

Thank you.

Stanley, can you hear me?
I'm talking to you.

Run in another liter.
Let's repage surgery.

BP's dropping.

Set up for a central line.
Let's prep the rapid infuser.

He's not breathing.

Bag him, Gallant.
What dr*gs you want, Pratt?

120 of sux, 20 of etomidate.

Sats coming up.
94 percent.

Eight-oh ET
and a three Mac.
dr*gs are in.

I thought this was my tube.

Go for it.

Hey, I'm running this.

Teaching hospital, Pratt.

Come on,
give him a sh*t.

If he doesn't get it,
it's mine.

Yeah, don't hold your breath.

Okay, pressure's
better, 110 systolic.

All right, keep running it in.
I'll give you a crichoid.

You ready?

Okay, okay.

Don't chip his teeth.

Tell me what you see.

Just the back of his throat.


All right,
lift towards the feet.



Okay, yeah, give me the tube.


Just watch it go right
through the cords.



I got it. I'm in.

Easy intubation.

Carter was looking for you.

Oh, he found me.

He didn't seem real happy.

No, he's not.

It's going to be okay.

When Allan fell,
he tore a blood vessel
in his head.

Can't you fix it?

The neurosurgeon
will speak to you

but the CT scan shows damage
that they feel is unrecoverable.

But he's still alive.

The ventilator is
helping him breathe.

And we're giving him medicines

to stabilize the pressure
in his brain

but if we discontinue them

he'll die.

I'm sorry.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
What are you...?

Nice, jag off!

Yeah, what about Mercy?


Yeah, Mercy.

Let me check.

No. we got nothing at Mercy.

Okay, 10-4.

Nobody matching your
niece or your sister's
descriptions or names

have showed up
at the morgues
or the hospitals.

That's good.


This happens
all the time.

You know that, right?

People decide
to go somewhere

forget to tell their family
members they're going.

All right, thank you.
Thanks for looking.

Any luck?


Was your sister
and her husband

having problems
with their marriage?

Not that I know of.

Was he having any kind
of personal problems?

Like what?

Like dr*gs or alcohol
or gambling?

No, he's the one
who straightened
out my sister.

Straightened her out?

Chloe had a substance
abuse problem

for awhile.

She's been clean
for five years.

Joe helped her get
her life back together.

You should've told us
she's a drug addict.

She's not a drug addict.

She had a problem
and she b*at it.

She's a responsible
wife and mother.

If she's so responsible
then why are you here?

Surgery's on their way.

You sure you know
how to work that?

You spend almost
a year at the VA

you learn to work
the hardware.

They got a whole floor of
vent-dependent Gomers there.

Hey, don't
call them that.

Why not? That's what they are.

No, they're veterans
who gave themselves

so you could live
the life you do.

Nobody ever gave me anything.

Third unit of
type specific is up.

Maybe Carter should
call surgery again.

They only have so many ORs.
They'll come when they can.

( alarm )

Run of ectopy.

Open a crash cart.

100 of lido I.V. push.

Okay, pressure
is holding.

Let's start a drip at
two milligrams per minute.

Should I get Carter?

( alarm )

It's V-tach.

V-fib. Charge
the paddles to 200.

Come on!


We both have a card.

Definitely asystole.

Thoracotomy tray.


Look, I am going
to get Carter.

No time!
CPR, Gallant.

Get with the program.

Do not do this, okay.
They are coming.

They're coming.

What's that?


No, no, no, no.

See one, do one.

You heard
what Carter said.

This is a
teaching hospital.

There's no pressure.

Step back.

Step back!

Okay, fourth to fifth

intercostal space
just below the nipple.

I am not doing
this! Abby!

Would you shut up?
I'm trying to concentrate.

Okay. Okay.

Anything that bleeds, clamp it.
Pass me a snap.

Here, this?

No, that's a Kelly.

It'll do. Give it me.

Rib spreader.

Right up here. Yeah.

All right, come on,
crank it.

Come on, come on, wider.

Crank it.

What are you doing?

Go get somebody.

Crank it. Wider.

There, there, there.

Carter your students just
cracked somebody's chest.


was full of clot.

Are you guys insane?

I need to cross clamp
the aorta with that
big ass clamp.

If you don't know
what it's called

then you sure as hell
shouldn't be using it.


Get out of the way.

Page the OR. Let's get
a trauma surgeon down here.

Why didn't you
come and get me?

The guy was dying.

Well, if he wasn't,
he is now.

All right,
I'll check this one out.

Hey, Daryl.

How's my good friend?

You're looking dapper today.

I need some information.

You seen any junkies around?

I'm looking for a junkie
with a six-year-old girl.

You seen her?

Man, I ain't seen
no little girls, man.

Okay, well,
go get the owner.

You know, Bosco's
not as bad as he seems.

Come on, go get... what
are you ignoring me? Huh?

Go get the owner now
before I break your face.

Stupid ass.

Excuse me.

What was that all about?

Daryl wasn't being helpful.

Did he see the mom
or the daughter?

Did you even show
him the picture?

He went to get the owner.

You know what, you
better tone it down

with a civilian
in the RMP.

She's wasting our time.

You guys finally going
to shut this place down?

Who are you?

Neighborhood watch.


They're hookers, you know.

I believe the politically
correct term

is street hostesses.

In and out of this
dump day and night.

Stopping traffic up
and down the street.

I've been documenting
their activity.

Nice work.

Been calling the precinct
for months.

Didn't think you guys
would ever come.

Yeah? You see that drunk
outside the deli over there?

Yeah, I called
about him, too.

You got a picture?

I can't arrest him
without a picture.

It might be a custody thing
with her and the husband.


Maybe this chick
isn't even missing.

Maybe she's hiding from
her controlling lunatic
of a sister

who jumps on a plane

the minute she doesn't
answer the phone.

She flew in
from Chicago, Bosco.

She's worried
and she's scared.

Junkies go missing
all the time.

We aren't out
hunting for them.

Well, the sister
said she's clean.


Oh, no, this is a bloody mess.

What did you use to cr*ck
his chest, a hand grenade?

Hey, we saved him.

Who the hell are you
and why are you
talking to me?

You're supposed to be
chief resident, aren't you?


Well, you better start
acting like one

before your students k*ll
off the rest of your patients.

What's his problem?

His problem is you just
hacked up a patient

you shouldn't
have been touching.

The guy would
have been dead.

Shut up.

Go to the lounge,
both of you.

For what?

( sighs )

For once, just do
as you're told, Pratt.

Thanks a lot.

Hey, where
you going?

To save some
more lives.

Yeah, I rented it
to a woman on Monday.

They seemed like nice people.

Cute little girl.

Just the two of them?


Did they have
any visitors?

Around here we specialize
in anonymity.

That and $20 nooners.




The cell's dead.


We should have been working
this angle from moment one.

He moved a little.

It wasn't voluntary.

Trees, monkey
bars, fences...

He was always climbing.

I swear

he was half monkey.

He's not going to
get better, is he?

He's got what we call
an axonal injury.

Even if we could
remove the blood

the force of the fall
damaged the connections
of the brain.

Is he suffering?

I think he's gone.

This is just his body.

We want to
let him go.


Excuse me.

Where's Pratt?

I don't know.

I told you both
to wait in here for me.

Yeah, and I'm here.

How's Stanley?

He's still in the O.R.

That was really stupid.

Look, it was not my idea.

You should have come to get me.

I tried.

If I would
have left Pratt

the patient would
have d*ed for sure.

What was I supposed to do?

Well, you weren't supposed

to cr*ck the guy's chest.

All right,
you're on scut duty

for the rest of the day,
both of you.

Yes, sir.

You know Dr. Malucci?


That's because
he got fired.

He was a hotshot, too.

k*lled a guy because
he thought he knew everything.

You two pull another stunt
like that, you're out of here.

Look, I don't blame you
for being angry, Dr. Carter

about what happened, but please,
don't confuse me and Pratt.


I thought I told you
to get rid of that guy.

I was pulled
into a trauma.

Well, it doesn't

look like you're
in one now.

The healing
will begin.

Forget it.

Pratt, turf that guy.

Yeah, okay.

More suction!

This the GSW?

What's left of him.

What happened?

Well, he had
the unfortunate luck

of passing through
the ER butcher shop.

Where were you? I paged you
about a dozen times.

I had to break the bad news

to the parents of a little boy

with a severe
head injury.

Oh. Huh. Right.
That old excuse.

Dr. Corday, you have
a phone call.

She's busy!

Take a message please.

It's your stepdaughter calling
from Hawaii.

She says it's
an emergency.




What's going on?

There he is.


Oleg, I want to ask you
a few questions.

Come here.

Don't make me
get out of the car.

Damn it.

Hang on.

Have you
seen them?

How you been, Oleg?!

Get out of there.

Get out of there.

Stand up.

Shut up.


What do we have here?

Illegal narcotics?

I'm shocked, man!

Let's do this again, huh?

Look again.
Have you seen them?

I'm not good with faces.

Keep looking.

Maybe. There's
a sh**ting gallery in back

of the old carpet factory.

How long ago?

Maybe an hour.

Was the girl there?

There's no kid.

You sure? Huh?

( gasping )

Maybe she

was there--
I don't know.

I didn't see her.

Show some respect
for the badge, Oleg.

You're bleeding
all over my car.

You may have
broken his nose.

Nah, he was always that ugly.

( laughing )

All right. Okay.

Carter, Pratt just
did a perfect tap.

now you can go home.

Come on, man.

I told you
to wait in the lounge.

What good does that do anybody?

You want to stay here?

You do what I tell you,
when I tell you.

It's that simple.

Don't make me be
a hard-ass, okay?


Gallant's in Exam Four.

Why don't
you teach him

how to drain
a perirectal abscess?

Uh... did I
miss something?

( sighs )

We need to keep
our eye on him.

He's good.

He's dangerous.

Any word on Pratt's

I haven't heard.

Do you want to
talk about it?

There's nothing
to talk about.

Oh, no?

It started after
your as*ault.

I said I didn't want
to talk about it.

No, you said there was
nothing to talk about.

Whatever. Carter,
it's not what you think.

Just relax.
Relax, Abby.

I can handle this.

I'm not throwing
the program at you.

I'm just trying to help.

Don't need any help.

Six years. You know?

You were sober for six years.

That's right. That was then.

I'm a different person now.

( snorts )

What? I'm not sh**ting up.

I had a beer. I had a beer.

Stop trying to make
it such a big deal.

Well, it is
a big deal.

It's not about the beer

you had yesterday...

or the two you're going
to want today

or the six you'll want tomorrow.

It's under control.
Oh, is it?

Yes, it is,
and it's not a reaction.

It's a decision--
my decision.

We have a 35-year-old
restrained driver

in a left T-bone.
Possible DUI.

Ran a red,
airbag deployed.

Sir, can you hear me?

BP's 110/79 initially,
now 100 palp,

Pulse 100.

You guys got this?

No breath sounds
on the left.

Probably put down a lung.

This the MVA?

Yeah. Drunk driver.

Trauma Two.

He's satting at 96.

Not now, Lizzie.

I am not
having a good day.

I got spanked
in the stock market

some moron from radiology
backed into my Jag

and I just spent
the last several hours

putting that ER victim
back together.

I need some time off.

And I need a month
in the south of France

with Vietnamese twins.

It's not
going to happen.

It's Mark.
He's sick.

I thought he
was in Tahiti.

Hawaii. Uh...
he's got worse.

I don't think he's going
to be able to fly home.

Well, you'd
better go to him.

I don't know how
long I'll be.

We'll survive.


Anything I can do?


It's not exactly my strong suit

but, uh, in this case,
I'll make an exception.

Sats are still dropping.

This guy smells
like a distillery.

Better get that blood alcohol.

Did he hurt anybody else?

I don't know.


I guess this is the downside
of a three-martini lunch.

7.5 tube and a curved blade.

Better open the crash cart.

I'm going to need
some O-neg

and a chest
tube tray.

I got that.



Whew! Smell that?

Welcome to urine town.

How hard is it to find a toilet
and take a piss?

Fellas, you don't want
to be here. Split.


Get lost.


Over here.

Over here.

I think it's her.

Let me see. Chloe?

Chloe, oh, my God.
Chloe. Chloe!

Where's Suzy?
Where is she?

Chloe, wake up.

Is she breathing?

Uh, it's shallow.

This is 5-5 David.

I need a bus at 1047
and East 93rd forthwith.
Damn it.

No little girl.

She's not here.

Oh, God.

I can't get
a line-- Kim, stop.

She needs
more Narcan now.

Who are you?

I'm her sister.

I give up. Let's go.

No, she's
barely breathing.

IM Narcan sucks.

She needs a central line.

I can do it.
I'm an ER doctor.

Are you licensed
in New York?


Hospital's only
three minutes out.
We'll be fine.

Look out, she's going to blow!

She say anything?

No, she's too out of it.

You need to tube her
to protect her airway.

Yeah, I know. Thanks.

You guys going to Mercy?
Can I go with you?

You'll need a second
set of hands.

No, it's against
department policy.

Can you give her a lift?

Yeah, come on.
We'll follow them.

Let's roll.

Know what, come on!

Jump in!
Come on!

He's dead.

When was his last epi?

Give up, Luka.

You're not going
to get him back.

He tore out his aorta.

Time of death, 7:33.

What a waste.

She's a big girl, Carter.

Yeah, with
a drinking problem.

I don't tell
people how to live.

She was living
in your house.

I didn't make her
start drinking.

You didn't stop her.

She's not a drunk.

Yes, she is.

Are you stupid
or do you just

not give
a damn about her?

Or do you want her to keep
drinking, is that it?

You like them
a little vulnerable

so you can play the caring,
brooding comforter?

Don't push
your luck, Carter.

What are you going
to do, b*at me up?

You going to bash
my head into the ground?

Get out of my way.

If you're not helping her

you're hurting her.

Another two of Narcan IM.

What's the total?

What can
I do to help?

Nothing. I mean it.

Sit on your hands
if you have to.

We're good at this.

I promise

she's going to be fine.

( moaning )

Chloe, what were you taking?

( mumbles )

How are we doing?

BP's 140/80

pulse 90.

That's kind of high
for heroin.

Chloe, were you doing coke?

Were you speedballing?

Step on it!
She's throwing PVC's!

Chloe, where's Suzy?

Call dispatch

tell them that we're...

Lost her pulse.

Out of the way!

I mean it!
What did I tell you?

She's in V-fib.


You need to intubate her.



Charge at 300.

You need to intubate her now.

No. Clear!


I told you to get rid of him.


I told him to do it.

What is with you people?

You can't turf one lunatic?

He cured my sciatica.


I was tossing him out--

he put his hands on my back
and my sciatica's gone.

Yeah, so's your brain.

All right. Hey, you!

That's enough.

You're out of here.

Worry not, my child

and put your faith
in his powers.

You know what,
I need you to...

Believe in his powers!

Let the passion
of his love heal you!

Believe in his power!

Get out, get out!

Stop! Get out.
Get out of here.

He's going to live-- Stanley.

I did the right thing.

You were lucky.

It could have gone
the other way.

But it didn't.

Not this time.

Is Dr. Weaver here?

Is this an emergency?

No. We're from the Illinois
Women's Health Coalition.

Dr. Romano said
she was working.

All right, I need
you to get out!

Get out!
Go on, get out!

I don't want to see you in here
again unless you're on a gurney!



I just wanted to apologize
if I was abrupt earlier.


But I...

I didn't want you
worrying about me.

Well, somebody should.

Not you.

It's too complicated.

What's so complicated?

You and me.


What us? Is there an us?

Like I said,
it's complicated.

I appreciate
your concern,
and I'm okay.



I dreamed you were here.

Chloe, where's Suzy?

She's with me.

She's not with you.

Did you leave her
in the hotel room?

Did you take her with you
to get dr*gs?


I don't know.

Chloe, Chloe, think.

Think, Chloe!

Maybe he...
maybe he took her.

Who? Joe?

( crying )



He broke my heart.

Where's Joe?

Is Suzy with Joe?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I screwed up.

Oh, I screwed up.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, Chloe.

You screwed up.

( sobbing )

( banging noise )

( locks rattling )

( tires squealing )

( woman screaming )

( television stops )

( car door closing )

Dr. Lewis?


We've got
officers out

the entire precinct.

How's your sister?

She's stable.

The detectives want
to talk to her.

( sighs )

She doesn't
remember anything.

Uh, the longer
she's missing

the worse it gets, right?

Because I heard that
if you don't find them

in the first 12 hours...

Do you have
a place to stay?

If you want, I can
take you to a hotel.

No, I couldn't sleep
if I wanted to.

Where's your partner?

He's out looking.

When's your shift over?

Oh, um...

It was over
a few hours ago.

( crying )

She's only six years old.
