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04x20 - The Accident

Posted: 07/30/21 05:27
by bunniefuu
♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

-♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa ♪

-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Somebody who
knows quite sure ♪

♪ Baby ♪

-♪ By with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Said I'm gonna make
it with my friends ♪

-♪ Try with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Oh, I'm gonna
keep on trying ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

♪ I'm gonna keep on
trying now, baby ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-There are things about
your childhood you hold on to

Because they were
so much a part of you...

The places you went,
the people you knew.

Somewhere, in
every memory I had...

Was winnie cooper.

She was a part of me,
and I was a part of her.

By the end of 9th grade, I
knew everything about her.

What I didn't know...

Was that she was falling apart.

The moonlight roller rink.

It was the place to be seen,

A dividing line between
junior and senior high school,

Between those who could skate...


And those who couldn't.

I'm getting out of here.

Not that I didn't
have my own style.

In fact, I turned lack of
balance into an art form.

-Hi, guys!


Hey, stranger.



-How have you been?

-Good. You?


-It had been two months
since winnie and I broke up,

But to me, she
was still the same.

-You changed your hair!

-Yeah. And I got my
ears pierced. See?


They look good!

-You really think so?


Fact is, she looked beautiful.

So... How's roger?


-Roger dikovian, her steady guy,

Her constant flame, her...

-Roger and I broke up.

See ya, guys!

-Needless to say, it came
as a complete surprise.

- Ugh!


-But not as much of a surprise

As when she showed up
at my house the next day.


-Are you busy?

-Well... No.

I was just...



-Can I talk to you?


You want to go
inside for a soda?


-After all, an
occasion like this

Called for a little privacy.

-Winnie! This is a surprise!

-Hi, mrs. Arnold.

-Privacy being hard to come by

When your mom's
clogging up the kitchen.

-Can I get you kids
something to eat?

- Well...
- Uh... No, thanks, mom.

We're fine.
- Oh.



If you want anything,
just give me a call.



It was really nice seeing you.


Uh-huh. Especially
nice seeing her go.

Want something to drink?


-Have a seat.

And we were alone...


At last.

Not that I knew why, exactly.

So, what did you
want to talk about?


-You could see in her eyes

It was something
deep, important,

Possibly even philosophical.

-It's really gonna be fun
going to high school, isn't it?

-High school?


I'm really looking
forward to it.

-Oh, yeah.

Yeah. High school.

-I mean, it might be good
to be in a new place.

Don't you think?

-Well... Sure.

-Me too.

I was kind of getting
sick of junior high.

I mean, you feel
like you're stuck

With the way things are forever.

You know what I mean?

-Uh, definitely.

Never mind that I didn't
have the foggiest idea

Of where this was going.


Is that what you
wanted to talk about?

-Well, yeah, kind of.

Anyway, I have to go.

-Well, wait, you didn't
even finish your soda.

-That's okay.

Thanks for listening, kevin.

-Sure. Anytime.

-Well, see ya.

-And there you had it...

Our first real
heart-to-heart in months.

Just one little question...

-Sometimes you can be so dense.

-What are you talking about?

-Isn't it obvious?

She broke up with roger.
She came to your house.

Don't you see what this means?

She wants you back.

-'Course, I'd be lying if I said

I hadn't considered
the possibility.

I don't think so.
- Uh-huh.

-Paul, winnie and I have a
different relationship now.


-Hey, arnold! I heard the
super cooper's single again.

You going for her?


-Do you mind if I do?


I don't want to hear it.

Okay, so I didn't know
what I was feeling.

Love does that to you,
especially when you're 14.

All I knew was...
- Thanks!

- Things were different now.

There was a time
when winnie cooper

Lived on my street...

When all I had to do
was turn around and...


She'd be there.

What are you doing here?

Maybe paul had been right.

Maybe there was a
reason she was here.

Maybe it was me.

-I don't know.

Do you know who lives there now?

-Just a family.

-Are they nice?

-They're okay.

I really haven't met them.

-It was really nice
talking to you yesterday.


It was nice talking to you, too.

-There aren't a lot of kids
at my school I can talk to.

I don't think I fit in there.


Winnie, that's
ridiculous! You...

-Kevin, it's just kind of
hard to explain, okay?


-It's funny.

It doesn't even seem
like I ever lived there.

-The thing is, I knew I
should say something.

I just wasn't sure what.

-Well, I'd better be going.

My mom's expecting me home.

So, I'll see you.

-Yeah. See ya.

It was strange.

Suddenly, she
looked so out of place

On the street where
she'd spent her entire life.


You maybe want
to go out sometime?

-No, thanks.

I think I'd just
rather be by myself.

-And that was that. Simple.

She wanted to be alone.

Except, the next
day, she wasn't.

I don't get it.



Look at her!

-She looks okay to me.

-Paul, those guys are juniors!


-Paul, we're talking about
guys with driver's licenses!

But it wasn't just the driver's
licenses that bothered me.

It was that smile
on winnie's face.

She didn't look
like that yesterday.

-Come on.

Let's skate.

-Easy for paul to say.

But for some reason, I
didn't feel like skating.

It was time for a talk.


-Hi, kevin.

- How you doing?
- Me? Fine.

-I see that you have
some new friends.

-Yeah. They're really nice guys.


Well, winnie it's just that
when we talked yesterday...

- Oh.
- You said...

-I really don't think that's
any of your business, kevin.

-Hey, winnie! Come
on, we're doing a whip.

-I'll be right there!

-I couldn't understand it.

-♪ It's only to
camouflage my sadness ♪

-What was going
on with this girl?

-♪ To cover this hurt
with a show of gladness ♪

-Winnie? Is something wrong?

-Okay, get ready!

-Don't be silly.
Everything's fine.

-Yeah, but...

-Kevin, I told you, I don't
want to talk about it anymore.

-Well, i...

And that's when I knew...
Something was wrong.

-All right. Let's go.

-Winnie cooper
was out of control.

-Kevin, let me go!

-I can't!

-Kevin, let go!

-♪ Now, there's some
sad things known to man ♪

-Kevin, you're holding me back!

-Winnie, i, ca...



-♪ When there's no one around ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Just like pagliacci did ♪

-Oh, my god.

-♪ I try to keep
my sadness hid ♪

♪ Smiling in the public eye ♪

♪ But in my lonely room, I cry ♪

-Oh, my god.

-♪ The tears of a clown ♪

-This is great!

-I don't know why I pursued her.

Maybe it was because
I wanted to help her.


-And maybe it was because

I wanted to know
she needed my help.

-Hi, kevin!

-Hi, mrs. Cooper!

You need some help with that?

-No, no. It's okay.
I can handle it.

Honey, why don't you
stay out here and talk?

It's good to see you, kevin.

You should come
around more often.

-And we were alone again...



I'm sorry about what
happened yesterday.

-It's okay.

I just wanted to make
sure you were all right.

-I'm fine, thanks.

-And she did look fine...

Which left only
one thing to say.

Winnie, does your mom know

You're hanging out
with 11th-graders?

Apparently, the wrong thing.

-Kind of. Why?


It's just...

Look, winnie...

You know when you know somebody,

But then, all of a
sudden, you don't,

And you feel that you kind
of missed out on something

Because they're not being like
the way you thought they would?

-Kevin, what are
you talking about?


But it wasn't nothing.

I just... Couldn't
say what it was.

New sleeping bag?


-Well, you going on a trip?


-Oh! Sounds like fun.

-We go every year
on brian's birthday.

The anniversary of his birthday.

I hate camping.

-Hey, winnie, come on! Let's go.

-Yeah, come on, jump in!

-Well, I got to go.

So maybe I'll see you.


-Hey, guys. How are you?

-Maybe I'll see you.

-Okay, let's go.


-She left.

There was a time when
I saw winnie cooper

Every single day of my life.




-Whatcha doing?


-Maybe we could do
something tomorrow.

I mean, if you want.

-Yeah. I mean, sure.

If you want.

-Come on, kev! Let's go!

-Okay, well, bye.
See you tomorrow.

-Okay, bye.


But that was a long time ago.

I decided to devote
my life to skating.

Skating was simple, really...


As opposed to, say, winnie.

-Are you okay?

-Yeah. I'm fine.

-It was a pretty bad spill.

-Yeah, well, thanks for asking!


-Oh, no.

-Can we talk?

-And here we went again.

-I guess you think I've been
acting kind of weird lately.

-Well, no.


-I wish I could explain.

-Yeah, well, why
don't you try, then?

-It's just...

-And for a second, I thought I
might actually get an answer.

-Hey, winnie!

Hey, come on, we're
going for a drive!

-Great! I got to go.

-Winnie! Stop.

-Kevin, you're scaring me!

-What's going on?

-I don't know what you mean.

-Winnie, I know you...
Or I used to know you...

And you're not
acting like yourself!

- How am I supposed to act?
- Like you!

Like the winnie cooper I know!

-Kevin, let me go.

-No! Why are you
acting like this?

-Because when I act like
myself, everything goes bad.


-I just want to forget
the past three years.

-What about me?

-You just don't understand.

-Well, what do
you want me to say?


-Come on.

-The funny thing is,

Those three years

Had been the best
years of my whole life.

I decided to give up skating.

- Kev.
- What?

- About winnie...
- Paul!

- Kev!
- What?!

I'd done enough
talking about her,

Worrying about her.

-She had an accident...

Last night, in a car...

With those kids.

-Look out!

Watch it!




I waited all afternoon.

I didn't know what else to do.


-Mr. Cooper.

Is she all right?

-Well, it's a broken
leg and some cuts.

She's gonna need
some time to recover,

But she'll be okay.

-Can I see her?

-Hello, kevin.

-Mrs. Cooper, may I talk to her?

-Kevin, maybe you
should go home now.


-Kevin, winnie doesn't
want to see you right now.

-Wh... But that's impossible.

I know she wants to see me.

-Kevin... Please go home.

-And I guess that's when
I finally understood.

I'd been part of
winnie's past...

A past she wanted to forget.

And now...

There was nothing to do...

But go.

Only I didn't.

-♪ I know it's late ♪

-I couldn't.

-♪ I know you're weary ♪

♪ I know your plans ♪

♪ Don't include me ♪

♪ Still, here we are ♪

♪ Both of us lonely ♪

♪ Longing for shelter ♪

♪ From all that we see ♪

-There are things
in a life that matter,

Things in a past
which can't be denied.

-♪ Look at the stars ♪

♪ So far away ♪

-Winnie cooper was part of me.

And I was part of her.

-♪ Who needs tomorrow? ♪

-And no matter what,

For as long as we lived...

-♪ Why don't you stay? ♪

- I knew I could
never let her go.

-♪ Deep in my soul ♪

♪ I've been so lonely ♪

♪ All of my hopes ♪

♪ Fading away ♪

♪ I've longed for love ♪

-I love you.

-♪ Like everyone else does ♪

♪ I know I'll keep searching ♪

♪ Even after today ♪

-I love you.

-♪ So, there it is, girl ♪

♪ I've said it all now ♪

♪ And here we are, babe ♪

♪ What do you say? ♪

♪ We've got tonight ♪

♪ Who needs tomorrow? ♪

♪ Let's make it last ♪

♪ Let's find a way ♪

♪ Turn out the light ♪

♪ Come take my hand, now ♪

♪ We've got tonight, babe ♪