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05x24 - Broken Hearts and Burgers

Posted: 07/31/21 19:08
by bunniefuu
-By the time you've
made it to age 16,

You pretty much know
all there is to know.

-Couple of burgers,
fries, and two shakes.

- Yeah, here you go.
- Thanks.

-About history,
philosophy, the world...

-Hey, kev.


- About life.

There's virtually no
situation you can't handle.

-Here you go.


-Can I get you anything else?

-No. It looks great.

-I put the relish on the side.

-That's just the way I like it.

-Yeah, you're on
top of your game...

The pinnacle of poise,
the essence of cool.

No doubt about it.

From the right thing to
wear to the right place to sit

To the right person to sit with.

At 16, you've pretty
much learned it all.

Well, almost all.

-Are you sure you got
enough relish, kevin?


-Okay, so there's one subject

You're just as dumb
about as you ever were.

-W-winnie, it's not
what you think.

I, uh... Just... I, uh...

-Yeah... Love.

-♪ You come on like a dream ♪

-What's the matter?

Stomach feeling a
little queasy, is it?

Feels like the least little
thing might set it off?

-Winnie, please.

-Maybe I should get
you something to eat!

How about some... Cole slaw?


- Fried squid?!
- Winnie!

-Oh, you poor thing,
you're not comfy!

Let me fix your pillows!

Oh, you have a fever!
You're burning up!

That's okay. I'll help you.

Poor baby, now you're cold!

Well, here's your blankie!

You're rude, insensitive,
thoughtless, and smug!

-♪ We fell in love
on the night we met ♪

-That's the most
insensitive thing

I've ever heard in my life!

You don't understand
anything, kevin!

You don't understand
anything at all!

-♪ Could not stop ♪

♪ You walked out of my dreams ♪

♪ And into my arms ♪

♪ Now you're my angel... ♪

-Well... I, uh... I just, uh...

-I hope you're hungry!

-Like I said, at 16,
you've learned nothing.

Nothing at all.

-♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

-♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa ♪

-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Somebody who
knows quite sure ♪

♪ Baby ♪

-♪ By with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Said I'm gonna make
it with my friends ♪

-♪ Try with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Oh, I'm gonna
keep on trying ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

♪ I'm gonna keep on
trying now, baby ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


The age of maturity, confidence,

Boundless self-assurance...

And, let's not forget,
unutterable misery.

Fortunately, in times of crisis,

Every teenager has
a secret w*apon...

His friends.

-So, uh, what happened?

- What?
- Winnie.

What did you do?

-That's just it. I didn't
really do anything.

I just ordered some food.

-Right! -Right! -Right! -Right!

-Man, you blew it.

-Thanks, paul.

-Hey, come on.

Take it easy on the guy.

I mean, his best girl
just walked out on him.

-Yeah, that's right.

-Yeah, that's the
thing about friends.

They're always there...
With sympathy, support...

-So... She's probably not
gonna eat the hamburger, right?

-Yeah, can I have her fries?

-Yeah, don't let that
shake go to waste!

-But most of all, growing up,

They're the guys
who never fail you,

Who never lose faith in you.

-You can't do that.

-Yes, I can!

-Kevin, you're talking
about winnie cooper here.

I mean, get real.

-What's your point?

-Look, I just know
that if carla dumped me,

I could never go and talk to her

About liking the guy
she dumped me for.

-She didn't dump me, paul.

-Especially if it's
somebody like kirk mccray.

-It doesn't bother me, okay?

-Somebody older
who's, like, twice my size.

-What difference does that make?

-Who's got muscles out to here

And a dark tan in the
middle of the winter.

-Well, maybe I'm
not like you, paul!

Maybe I'm just a little more
secure than that, okay?

-Yeah. Sure.

-Look, there's no reason
I can't talk to winnie!

We're still friends!

All I have to do is
go up to her and say...

♪ Somehow ♪

-♪ Someday ♪

-♪ Somewhe-e-e-re ♪

- ♪ Somewhe-e-e-e-re ♪
- ♪ somewhe-e-e-e-re ♪

-Kev... You got to do
something about this.

-Like what?

-Like talk to her.

-Yeah. Always worked for me.

-When did it work for you?

-Well... Hypothetically.

-Yeah. You're right.

-After all,

There are some quandaries
in a young man's life

That even his friends
can't solve for him...

-Go on, kev. Give it a sh*t.


- Times when a teenager

Needs to stand up
and act from his heart...

Draw on his vast experience,
and let poetry do the rest.

- Is there something
I can do for you, kevin?
- Huh?

I need to talk to winnie.
- I'm sorry, but that
won't be possible.

- I just have to explain.
- Gwendolyn doesn't wish to speak
to you right now.

I hope I make myself clear.


-Winnie... I just want
you to know that...

I know.

No, you don't have
to say anything.

Just... Know that I know. Okay?

-Know what?

-Winnie! Paul told me!

And I'm glad he did!

-Paul told you?

-Well, yeah! Isn't that great?!

-Paul told you?!

-He says you're crazy about me!

I got this for you.

It's not much, but...

I mean, they had this
great one for 48 bucks.

But, uh... Anyway...

It's stainless...

And rustproof, and...

I'd like you to wear it.

-I can't take it.

-Okay, so vast experience
doesn't always apply.

When you're 16, you have
other tools at your disposal,

Things like...

-Yes? Can we help you?

- Logic.

-Winnie, come on.
You're being ridiculous.

Y-you're blowing this whole
thing out of proportion.

You're completely overreacting.

I mean, haven't you ever
looked at another girl?

-And there you have it...

Logic, reason, experience.

When you're 16, none
of it means a thing.

And nothing counts
but the way you feel...

And the way you felt...

The first day you
ever really knew...



- Hi.
- About love.

-Whatcha doing?



-When are you coming
back to school?



-But maybe we could
do something tomorrow.

I mean, if you want.

-Yeah. I mean, sure.

If you want.

-Well, I'm going to my
uncle's in the morning,

But I'll be back around 3:00.

-Come on, kev! Let's go!

-Okay, well, bye.
See you tomorrow.

-Okay, bye.


-♪ Hey, where did we go ♪

♪ Days when the rains came ♪

♪ Down in the hollow ♪

♪ Playin' a new game ♪

♪ Laughin' and
a-runnin', hey, hey ♪

♪ Skippin' and a-jumpin' ♪

♪ In the misty
morning fog with ♪

♪ Ah, our hearts
a-thumpin', and you ♪

♪ My brown-eyed girl ♪

♪ You, my brown-eyed girl ♪

♪ And whatever happened ♪

♪ To tuesday and so slow? ♪

♪ Going down the
old mine with a ♪

♪ Transistor radio ♪

♪ Standing in the
sunlight, laughin' ♪

♪ Hiding behind a
rainbow's wall with you ♪

♪ My brown-eyed girl ♪

♪ You, my brown-eyed girl ♪

- "Friends"?!

- Unh!
- I'll give you "friends"!


-When you're 12
years old and a guy,

The whole subject of women
tends to be pretty much...

A mystery.

with the opposite sex

Are still kind of rudimentary.

-Um, lisa?

-Oh, kevin.


Um, did you just say...

You'd go to the dance with brad?

-Well... Yeah.


You just said you'd go with me.

-That was before brad asked me.


-Well... I mean...

You're not gonna... Be weird
about this or anything, are you?

I mean, I really
like you, kevin...

As a...


-Still, little by little,
you begin to catch on.

You master the language of love.

-Until, by the time you
leave junior high school...




- You're right back
where you started.

- "Friends"?!

- Unh!
- I'll give you "friends"!


-Yeah, you're on
top of your game...

The pinnacle of poise,
the essence of cool.

-Hey, butthead!

Whatcha doing?

-None of your business.

-Yeah, I heard the
coopster dumped you.

-Hey, she didn't dump me!


-We're not talking to you.

-Yeah, you're right, kev.
The girl's all over you.

-Bug off, wayne.

-Hey, man, I'm sorry.

- Yeah, right.

-No, no. I am...
I-i-i've been there.

- Yeah?
- Sure. Lots of times.

Hey, I got an idea.

Maybe I should go over
and talk to her for you.

-No. No. Really, wayne.

-Come on. I'm your brother.
Who else you gonna turn to?


-And, of course, the
guy did have a point.

I mean, he was family...

Or so my parents told me.

-Oh, working on your
sex education, I see.

I'm not sure you boys
are old enough for this.

-Give it back, wayne.

-Let's see.


Pretty hot stuff.

You know, I bet the
guys who wrote this book

Have never even
been to second base.

-Well, what's that
supposed to mean?

-You don't know
what second base is?

-Of course we know
what second base is.

Sort of.

- All right...
- Come to think of it,

Maybe that was the problem.

Much of my early
formal education

In the subtleties of
male-female relationships

Came from a guy who was
even more ignorant than I was...

-And I'm telling you,

Everybody gets to
at least second base

By the 7th grade.

- Which is not to say the
wayner didn't mean well enough.

Hey, steve!

It looks like my baby brother

And his girlfriend
have found each other.

-She's not my girlfriend.

-He thinks you are so-o-o cute.

-I don't think she's cute.

-He wants to give
you a big... Wet...


He told me.

-You liar.

-Still, the truth was, when
it came to winnie cooper,

I'd always been a desperate man.

-Come on. I won't say
anything. Let me just do this.


-And sometimes, desperate
times require desperate measures.


-Winnie! Hi!

Here's the deal.

-Besides, think
of it this way...

When the whole world
hangs in the balance,

Help often comes from
the least likely places.



She's all yours.

-And there you have it.

The awful truth.
The bottom line.

When it comes to love,
there's no simple fix.

You're out there on you're own.

And maybe all you
can do is hang on

And hope for the best

And lead with your heart.

-♪ These days when i... ♪

-You're such a jerk.


-Why'd you have to embarrass
me in front of everyone like that?

-♪ ...about you ♪

♪ And all that time ♪
- I didn't mean to!

-You're such a jerk!

♪ We were as one ♪

-♪ Kids on the run ♪

-What is with you, huh?!

One minute you like me,

And then the next
minute you don't!

First you kiss me,

And then you act like
you don't even know me!

You've been doing this all year!

I mean, if you like
me, then say so!

But if you don't...

Then... Don't act
like you do, okay?

-♪ your touch ♪


-♪ You knew so much ♪

-Kevin, I have to go
away this summer.


-♪ I loved you like ♪

♪ I'll never love another ♪

-I don't want to talk to you.

-Look, winnie, I'm sorry
everything got messed up,

But we can straighten it out.

-Just leave me alone.

-Winnie. Winnie!

I know you like me!
- Shh!


I lied to paul.

I did tell him I liked
somebody else.

He asked me who...

And I said you.

But I didn't really mean it.

-♪ And everyone thought i... ♪

-I just wanted to
let him down easy.


-♪ But I paid the price ♪

♪ Never even thought twice ♪


-Look, winnie, let's just
do both ourselves a favor

And keep away from each other.

-You really mean that?

-Of course I really mean that!

-It was the biggest
lie I'd ever told.

-I'll tell you
another thing, winnie.

This whole thing's stupid.

It's really not that big a deal.

And to tell you the truth,

Our relationship didn't mean
that much to me, all right?

-♪ uncover ♪

♪ Oh, if I'd only
known it then ♪

♪ Oh, if I'd only
known it then ♪

-When you're 16,
passions run high.

A simple misunderstanding

Becomes a matter
of life or death.


-You live from moment to moment.

-Winnie, can't we at
least talk about this?

-There's nothing to talk about!

-Winnie, stop!

-Leave me alone, kevin.

-And sometimes, when you're 16,

The only way to
get your love back

Is to take it.

-Fine. You want to
go home, then go.

But I'll tell you this.

If you don't know
how I feel about you,

How much I care about you, then
you don't know anything, okay?

You're the only girl
I ever think about.

You're the only girl
I've ever cared about.

The only girl I ever...
- Oh, shut up.

-♪ How much you
taught me-e-e-e-e-e ♪

♪ I loved you like ♪

♪ I'll never love another ♪

♪ With the wild
heart of the young ♪

♪ But it took until now ♪

♪ To uncover ♪

♪ Oh, if I'd only
known it then ♪

♪ Oh, if I'd only
known it then ♪

♪ I loved you like ♪

♪ I'll never love another ♪

♪ With the wild
heart of the young ♪

♪ But it took until now ♪

♪ To uncover ♪

♪ Oh, if I'd only
known it then ♪