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03x01 - Back in Black

Posted: 08/05/21 16:57
by bunniefuu
Ok, I get what's going on here.

I'm really glad to hear that, Rex.

You can come out!
I know you're there!

- Rex?
- We're friends, now.


Breach isn't here, Rex. The world's
changed. As soon you accept...

No, I'm not ignoring you.
It's just that you're not real.

I assure you I'm
very real -- as is all of this.

[ chuckling ]
Oh, come on.

It's been a fun time in the old

Breach cape, but, you know,
time to go home now.

Seen this before.
Usually ends with a black hole.

Rex, you're

Let me --

Sorry, non-lady.
No time. Got an exit to find!

Shall we aprehend?

It won't be necessary.

Have you lost it?

We're in a pocket dimension!

It could collapse at any second!

That's crazy, Rex.

This is not a pocket dimension.

You're right!
It's a whole alternate universe!

And -- and -- and you're my
Brother's evil twin!

Out of the way!
Six! Six!

Dr. Holiday! Doc!


Well, at least some
things haven't changed.

Whoa! Whoa!

Okay, now I -- bleh--

I'm in an -- aah! --
alternate universe.


You can go ahead and --

bleh! --
Eat me now, please.


You were saying
something about changes?

There have been a few.

You've got temporal
lag, Rex.

It's kind of like altitude
sickness, only in time.


Welcome to the future, Rex --
Or, rather, to the present.

Providence has embraced a new

We've moved beyond the outmoded
era of "cure, contain, or k*ll."

And into the era of
"serious leash laws".

We used the petting
zoo as our test bed.

What do you think?

I think it needs a new name,
'cause, you know, now it really is one.

We've developed new

techniques for working with Evos.

It's all about understanding
them better.

So, you're some sort of
"evo whisperer"?

You sure you're okay?

It's good to have you
back, brother.

Family ties.
They transcend even time itself.

Caesar's not my only family.

I'll bring you
up to speed on the others.

When you went M.I.A.,
White Knight lost his biggest

w*apon in the w*r for Evo

Figures that I have to
vanish for him to appreciate me.

White became
erratic -- some might say paranoid.

Directorate lost faith in his
ability to lead.


I never knew white even had a boss.

There are,
shall we say, layers.

I was named as his replacement.

Let me guess -- he
didn't take it well.

You could say

White knight! Sir!
Stand down!

I'd rather go
down in flames than see

Providence in the hands of the enemy.

He's got a b*mb! Fall back!
All units fall ba--

Whoa! That was... !

Your room.

Aww, man!

But... Six... Holiday...
where --

Where do you think?

They're out looking fyou.

Agent Six and Holiday took
indefinite leave.

They've been off the grid ever since.

I've attempted to contact them,
but no response.

Mind if...
I give them a ring?

Not that I don't trust you.

But you don't
trust me.

Natural, given the circumstances.

Be my guest.

It won't take long,
to locate them.

Meanwhile, there are many

familiar faces who will be glad
to hear you're back.

Which reminds me...

This is everything we salvaged
from your room.

Talk about starting over.

You could you know.

There's still a place for you in the --

My room.

I thought you said it was trashed.

Rex, wait.

What's the matter, Black?

This where you're hiding all
your evil secrets?

Um...W ow!

This entire
wing was destroyed in the blast.

I had the space... repurposed.

White wouldn't even
splurge for private stalls.

As you see,
I treat my finest people to the

very finest things.

I'll take one of those, please.

It's yours --
and anything else you'd like.

As long as I do whatever
you want -- that it?

On the contrary --
you're a seasoned agent.

I have a few boundaries, but

otherwise, handle matters
as you see fit.

Say I refuse.

Then I turn you
over to mel.

I'm kidding.

You're free to leave whenever
you like.

But I hope you'll stay.

Now, more than ever,
Providence needs a Rex.

So, how do you feel?

Like I haven't used one

of those in Six months --
which I haven't.

You mind?


Heard you were back.

So great to see you, buddy.
Whoa. Just a sec, there, pal.

Gotta love those certain


Never seen a monkey wash his
hands before?

Not this one...

You wanna tell me
what's gotten into you or what?

What are you talking abou--

Unh! Hey!


For a minute, I thought you

Robo Bobo?
Wanna check for a tv in my butt?

But come on.

You've, I don't know, mellowed
or something.

Guess I just don't have
a big need to act out these

days, what with you
and everyone gone.

Plus, the employee benefits are
pretty sweet.

Black Knight:
Rex, we've got a little Evo problem.

Providence could use your help.
Ready to get back in the game?

If it involves getting
out of here, that would be a "yes."

You coming?

I'll join ya on the next one.
I got Tai Chi at 2:00.

Missing an Evo smackdown?
That doesn't sound like you.

Did I mention the
instructor has a thing for back hair?

Ew. Okay.
That sounds like you.

What is it and where
do I find it?

We've got an evo in the
subway tunnels, people trapped

in one of the trains.
The power's out down there, too.

Sounds like a street worm.
Sure it's just one?

Rex to H.Q.

Okay, new chief, how do you
want to do this?

You're the expert.

I am?
Uh, I mean, of course I am.

It's just that Six usually --

You don't need
help, Rex.

Handle it as you see fit.
Black, out.

What's this strange
feeling that's come upon me?

Could it be...



Assemble your guys over there.
Be ready for me.

Should the guys grab flashlight.



Not a bad pre-show.
Now for the main event.

How did you know?

These things usually
travel in pairs.

I used lights from my builds to
make it think I was another worm.

Have your bug net handy.

They're so cute after I shut
them down.

Sorry B.K.
No can cure.

Our team will take it from here.

Um, take what where?

Move into the vehicle!

Move into the vehicle!
Hit her again.

What just happend?

Black Knight:
That's all for now, Rex.

Nicely done.

What are you gonna do with it?

Standard rehab and re-lo.
It's all very humane.

I'd love to see that.
Mind if I tag along?

Sorry, Rex.
Authorized personnel only.

You've done your job.
Now let the team theirs.

But --

Boundaries, Rex.

Boundaries. Got it.
Rex, out.

Main container reached.
Attach stabilizer ring.

Yeah, right.

See? Great employee benefits.

Yeah. Right.

Hey, you got a tag sticking out
in the back. Mind if I...

Thanks, pal.
Well, off to yoga.

You really shouldn't be here, hermano.

The petting zoo?
The worm?

My monkey practicing good

You're using that thing to
control my friend!

He's still the same
Bobo you know and love.

He just needed a few boundaries.

He's not the same, and
neither are you!

You should hear yourself!

Making the world

safer isn't possible without
some form of control.

And you'd better get some
control of yourself, mijo.

Or what?
You'll use that thing on me?

Open your eyes to all
the good we're accomplishing.

Isn't this better than smacking
them with your giant fists?

That's combat!
I protect people and property!

Okay, property not so much,
but this?

If you can't see the difference,
Then maybe I never knew you at all.

It doesn't matter.

I have work to do.

So do I.

Rex! Stop!

around, Rex?

See, that's another one of my

White knight may have

had his issues, but he never
resorted to anything like this.

I never planned
to do this, Rex, but you've

become a danger.

Caesar! Think!
You can't do this!

Of course I'm thinking.

This is the logical conclusion
to what we started.

The logical --





Sorry, Rex.
You'll thank me later.

You... better... believe I will!

Please don't resist!
It's only painful if you struggle!

Black Knight:
What's taking so long?

He's fighting it.

His nanitic energy is spiking
off the scale.

Boost power.

It's not safe to --

It's for the best.

You just drew a line in the
sand, bro.

You better have a backup.

The prototype. Not portable,
but more than enough power, even for him.

Get it ready.

No mood to get slimed
right now, mel!

What happened to your Evo

A demonstration.

You know what would happen
without our influence.

So, you're hijacking its
brain, like you tried to do with mine.

That won't be
necessary if you'll willingly cooperate.

Translation --
if I do everything you say.

You've seen how
we can work together.

Providence still needs you.
There will always be a few

Evos we can't control.

Yeah. I'm one of them.

- Shall we pursuit?
- Most definitally.

Gangway! Coming through!


Black punks! Overdoing the whole
theme, don't you think?

I'm getting beat up by
the chess club!

We... got off on
the wrong foot.

Stow the hardware and come with us.

You have my word you
won't be harmed.

We can start over --
the right way.

Do you mind?

You're interrupting the
enjoyment of my employee benefits.

Excellent work.
Take him to the lab.


No way!

You're not turning my brain to
mashed potatoes!


Welcome back, Rex.

Good to see you, kid.

Before I blame this on a
Burrito-induced nightmare, will

someone please tell me --
What... Is... Going... On?!

What do you think?
We've been looking for you.

We knew Providence might
find you first.

Fortunately, we planted a mole.
[ toilet flushes ]

Rex! Put 'er there!

Uhh! You didn't wash!
Oh! You didn't wash!

But that means... that he really was...
Robo Bobo?

In the flesh.

I gave it a biological upgrade,

complete with his own nanites

and... fleas, ticks, lice,
chigger mites.

What can I say?
I'm an ecosystem.

It's enough to fool your
brother's equipment.

The robot is only providing
limited intel.

But one thing is sure -- new
Providence is about more than

just getting Evos off the streets.

I saw it.
Whatever they're doing over

there is seriously messed up.

That's why we've set up
our own operation.

Where did you get all this?

We have our sources.

So, we're like
super-secret spies now?


It's too bad about White, though.

I never thought I'd say it, but
I'm gonna miss that pasty guy.

How touching, Rex.
I, on the other hand, have

rather enjoyed the last six
Rex-free months.

Now... if we're done with the
love-in, we have work to do.

It really can't get any
better than this.

Oh, except one thing --
can I get a tv?