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05x07 - And the fight had a detente...

Posted: 08/06/21 06:09
by bunniefuu


WACKNER: Who's that? He looks familiar.

That is Armie Hammer.

- He starred in Lone Ranger.
- How old is he?

No, not the old one.

This was a remake just a few years ago.

- WACKNER: What was his issue?
- CORD: Cannibalism, allegedly.

Bite play, stuff like that.

So how was he canceled?

He got dropped from movies,
from the stage.

- His agents dropped him.
- What are we talking about?

- You're late.
- Sorry. I had paperwork.

Well, you just have to listen
and catch up, won't you?

God, are you in a bad mood?

Nope, I just know you're
gonna disagree with me.

- MARISSA: Oh, no. Are you serious?
- DEL: What?

You're gonna clear these guys?

No, they're-they're not all just guys.

Really? Where are the women?

I got one right here.

I spotted one...
Yep, Henrietta Michaels,

former Professor at Northwestern.

She was fired for using a word

which was misunderstood by her students.

She wants to defend herself on TV

so she can get her job back.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That sounds like good TV.

So four dozen guys accused
of r*pe and harassment,

- and one woman.
- Oh, come on, Marissa.

People are getting canceled
without a trial,

no evidence presented against them.

- Because they did it.
- Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.

or maybe it's more nuanced.

Oh, my God, you sound
like that Canadian guy.

The one who wrote
the book about that thing.

If I knew what that meant,
maybe I'd be offended.

You want to play cancel-culture cop.

No. I want to play judge.

- [LAUGHS] Oh, my God.
- Think about it.

There are lots of reasons these
accusations never go to trial.

The victims finally get to
accuse the victimizer

face to face.

- What if they don't want to?
- That's their choice.

And the victimizer
gets the court to himself?

To say whatever bullshit he wants.

This is a bad joke.

- You're undercutting MeToo.
- No, no,

- no, we're giving MeToo teeth.
- CORD: That's right.

If it relies on mob rule,
it'll exhaust itself.

Okay. All right. Mom, Dad, please.

I hate when you fight.
Let's get back to work

Who's up first?

- Who's this guy?
- Oh, uh. Joey Battle.

- Stand-up.
- Oh, God, you mean Louis C.K. Two.

- What'd he do?
- CORD: He masturbated

in front of two women in a green room.

To be fair, he did ask
for permission first.

Seriously? If he did,
he didn't wait for a "yes."

But he did not as*ault anyone.

Oh. Are we really setting
the bar that low?

Let's compromise. We'll do both.

- Both?
- Yeah, this guy and, uh,

Marissa's idea.

The academic, uh,
Henrietta what's-her-name.

- CORD: Henrietta Michaels.
- That wasn't my idea.

When can we start?

DEL: You really think
there's time to do both?

WACKNER: We'll make the time.
Let's just schedule it.


WOMAN: That's my time, guys.

Thank you very much.

June, you were great.

The drinks are watered down,
so I know you're not drunk.

No. You're funny.

It's just this club sucks.

Is this about Joey Battle?

How'd you know?

Reporters are the only ones
who approach me nowadays.

I'm not a reporter.

The last time I spoke out
about Joey Battle,

this happened to me.

I mean, I was on my way
to a serious career,

and that scumbag derailed me.

Not just off the tracks,
like buried under them.

By testifying, you'd get the truth out.

Did you say "truth"?

I thought we were talking
about a reality TV show.

Millions of people could see it.

I mean, I don't even know
the whole truth.

When the story about Joey
was about to break,

he reached out to me on Facebook.

And you know what he said?

He said, "I'm sorry for shoving
you into a closet."

He shoved you into a closet?

No, with me, he just
jacked off into a plant.

I can't help but think, though,
"who did he shove into a closet

and what happened to her?"

So you should testify against him.

- Bring that out.
- This is just another way for Battle

to get his career back.
I'm not participating in that.

What if it wasn't?

What if he was actually
confronted with his crime?

It'll never happen.

People like Battle win.

People like me lose.

But, you know what?
This is my consolation prize.

His Wikipedia page.

He's no longer the comedian saint.

Now he's Mr. Masturbater
in the greenroom.



Who's defending Battle?

The comedian? David is.

David Cord. Why?

He's a lawyer.

My guess is he wants to
make an issue of cancel culture.

Then I want to prosecute him.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I'm gonna rip him a new one.

- David or the comedian?
- Both.

Oh, that's the spirit.

What about the other case...
The, uh, academic lady?

That's different.
She shouldn't have been fired.

No, you want to prosecute one,
you have to prosecute the other.

- Why?
- Because I'm unpredictable.

Haven't you heard?

It's about cancel culture.

- Have to explore all sides.
- I don't want to explore all sides.

Well, this isn't about what you want.

Let's go into court.

MAN: Nobody move! Get
down! Get down on the ground!

Get down! This party is a violation

of COVID quarantine rules!

Turn that f*cking music off!

[LAUGHS] Did you see that?

MAN: Is something funny here?

What the hell's so funny?

- WOMAN: Nobody said anything.
- Come here!

LIZ: Ms. Farrow, where was this taken?

At a friend's house party.

It was a great day
until somebody called the cops.

And the cop that arrived was, uh,

Officer McFinley, yes?


MCFINLEY: Get down. Get down over here!

WOMAN: Ow! Hey, let me go.

- I didn't do anything wrong!
- Get down!

- Ow! Let me go.
- Get the f*ck down!

- Ow! Ow, you're hurting me.
- Stay down!

- Ow!
- Get down! Stop resisting.

- [GRUNTING] Stop!



What happened next?

I ran to her.

She wasn't breathing.

When the paramedics arrived,

she was dead.

You know that Antoinette's
family is suing the Chicago PD

for five million dollars?


If it were up to me,
it'd be ten times that.

Thank you, Miss Farrow.


AMY ANN: Miss Farrow, I'm-I'm so sorry

for the loss of your friend.

You were good friends, weren't you?

We were.

So you knew she had a heart
condition? Tachycardia.

- Can you tell us...
- Objection, Your Honor. That has

- Objection. Under the eggsh...
- nothing to do with what we're...

Wait, wait, wait, wait. You're
on the same side, you two.

Your Honor, under the eggshell
doctrine, it is irrelevant

whether Antoinette
had a heart condition.

What does matter is that the
defendant caused the injury.

Your Honor, we would argue
that the stun g*n

wasn't the true cause of death.
Her heart condition was.

Okay, well, good for you two.

You both got your statements
out to the jury.

The defense may argue causation.

- Please continue.
- Ms. Farrow,

did Antoinette's heart condition

mean she was supposed
to avoid overexertion?

She had a heart arrhythmia,
but she was careful.

That cop put , volts through her.

Right, that cop.

Let's talk about that cop.

Ms. Farrow, this is your
Instagram profile, isn't it?

- Object-Obj...
- Objection.

- Okay. Give me a hint, Counselors.
- Relevance.

- This is inflammatory.
- Okay, okay.

So, what is going on over there?
Do you need separate tables?

- No, Your Honor.
- Just objection.

You must know what's coming,

because I don't. Overruled.

On Instagram, you quote
these rap lyrics,

"f*ck the cops like p*rn stars,

keeping us caged behind bars."

Objection, Your Honor.

It speaks to the witness' bias.

To quote rap lyrics? No.

No. That shows the counselor's racism.

Oh, that's right, everything
you don't like is r*cist.

The Supreme Court ruled
that rap lyrics can be

- considered criminal evidence.
- No, they merely declined to reverse.

And you're going one step further

to damn someone who quotes the lyrics.

- I'm not damning.
- Okay, I'm-I'm gonna talk now.

I don't like this like this line
of reasoning, Counselor.

I have quoted Johnny Cash's song
about sh**ting a man in Reno.

Does that go to my character?
I hope not.

Sustained. Let's move on.

Professors expect students
to be respectful.

I don't think it's too much to expect

that our teachers
be respectful in return.

Okay, got it.

And that irritated you?

It more than irritated me.

I-I found the word offensive.

So you decided to call Professor
Henrietta Michaels out?

Well, I just reported it.

I mean, the word is self-explanatory.

- It's a triggering word.
- Here's the text of your tweet.

Can you read it for His Honor?

"How does Professor Michaels
think it's okay in

to use a word so similar to the N-word?"

So, at this point, I think we
need to talk about the word

itself and how we're gonna
continue to refer to it.

Our handy graphics team at Copy Coop...

% off on all large orders
until Friday...

has put the word on our display.

That's the word.

I feel like a little duck
should come down.

"You say the magic word,
you collect a $ ."