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01x06 - The Thrill of the Hunt

Posted: 08/10/21 15:50
by bunniefuu


[Elevator bell pings]

I have to tell you, mr. Burnett,
i’m still surprised at being
asked back here

Seeing as how
I busted your boss.

Mr xanatos is not the sort to
harbor a grudge, detective maza.

And he wouldn’t dream of
denying you the opportunity
of seeing your friends.




If you’ll excuse me...

Elisa, what a pleasant sight
to greet us as we awaken.

Well, it’s a slow night
and I was in the neighborhood

-Good to see you again, lass.
-Catch you later.

heh, they’re in a hurry.

They are fascinated
by the things they see
on the television.

Every night
they rush to turn it on.

But welcome to our home.

Especially now that xanatos
has been defeated,

And this castle is truly ours
once more.

That’s what I wanted
to talk to you about.

You know that xanatos
was only convicted of
receiving stolen property.


He was accused of
that specific crime,

And that’s what he was sent
to prison for.

But he only got
a six-month sentence,

And we were lucky
it wasn’t suspended.

His lawyers will probably
get that time cut down.

The point is that it’s
not safe here for you guys.

What are you saying?

I’m saying you’ll
have to find a new place
to sleep during the day.

A new home, goliath.

No! This castle is our home.

Sorry, but it’s not.

Xanatos bought it lock,
stock and gargoyle.

Do you understand
what i’m saying?

Every minute you stay here,
you’re in danger.

You worry too much, elisa.
Xanatos was defeated.

We are safe here.

I think your head stays
rock-hard even at night.

Ahh, this world
is full of marvels, eh, boy?

[Action music]


-Hey! It’s the pack!

Something’s wrong.
It’s on all the channels again.

I thought you liked
this show, hudson.

Aye, I do,
but not every night.


see the pack in person, tonight
at madison square garden.

Fox, wolf, dingo,
hyena, and jackal!

Wow. These guys are great.
They’re warriors just like us.

Your favorite heroes
in a rare public appearance

At madison square garden.

[Weights being lifted,
whirling bola]

-[Wolf] this is gettin’ old.
-[Fox] quit complaining.

We never had it this good.


Later, harvey. Work on
those backflips, hear me?

[Sighs] when we took
this job, we were promised
fame, money, and action.

I’m not complaining about the
first two, but I could use
some more of the third.

Sounds like the wolfman
is getting bored.

maybe a new haircut would help.

I don’t need any suggestions
from you two clowns.

Yeah, wolf’s right, fox.
This is a cushy gig but
we’re all gettin’ soft.

Flabby as I am now, I probably
wouldn’t last a week
in a central american w*r.

Birds gotta fly,
fish gotta swim,

Wolf’s gotta hunt.

Well, since you’re all
itching for action,

Let me show you
what came in today’s mail.

With no return address
and no explanation.

-Stone me!

You know, I remember reading
something in the daily tattler.

People saying they’ve seen
gargoyles coming to life.

Right. And alligators
live in the sewers.

-What’s the point of it?
- [Hyena] hey!

You said
you were looking for action.

Imagine hunting something
like this. We’ll figure
it all out later.

Right now, we have
a personal appearance to make.

[Horns beep]


-Isn’t it time
for the show to start?
-Relax. It’ll happen.

ladies and gentlemen,

Please welcome the pack!

[Cheering and whistling]

Oh, no! It’s the evil ninjas!


The ninjas don’t fight with
honor, like the pack does.

Wow! Look at that!

teamwork, that’s the key!

[Ninjas grunt]

These guys are alright.

Yeah, wouldn’t it
be great to meet ’em?

[Audience chanting]
pack! Pack! Pack!

[Chanting and whistling


Well show’s over
and i’m starved. Let’s go.

You coming, lex?

You-- you guys go ahead.

I’m going for it.

Well, another day,
another half million dollars.

-what’s that?

-What in the world...?
-Relax. I’m not an enemy.

It talks.

My name is lexington.
I’m a you.

Hey fox, this one’s not as big
as the one in the picture you--

I’ve heard...stories,

Of another one like you,

Much bigger.

How did you know about him?

Like I said, rumors,
news reports.

I wasn’t sure they were true...

But I hoped they were.

You know,
we’d love to meet your friend.

I think that can be arranged.

Almost dawn
and he’s still not back.

He always cuts it too close.

there you are!

Where were you?

I made us some new allies.

You don’t mean the pack?

I sure do. They’re just like us.
They defend the innocent.

-And they do it on television.
-You let them see you?

Uh, yes. I did. And why not?
You made friends with elisa.

That was different.

This argument will have to wait
for nightfall, lads.

This isn’t over.

you bet it isn’t.

Why is elisa different?
These guys are defenders
of the realm, just like she is.

He may be right, goliath.

I’ve seen them
on the picture box.

They are constantly att*cked
by these evil ninjas.

Maybe they could use
our help.

Look, it’s not like I revealed
all our secrets. I’m not stupid.

They don’t know we turn
to stone by day, they don’t
even know where we live.

Look, will you please meet them
before you judge them?

I think if anyone would
understand us, they would.

We can’t hide
from the whole world up here.

There are kindred spirits
out there for us

But we’ve gotta look for them,

And we’ve gotta give them
a chance. Or else...

...we’ll always be alone.

Take me to meet them.

If it’s safe,
we’ll arrange introductions
for the rest of you.

-I don’t like this.
-They said they’d be here.



It’s a trap!






[Hyena cackles]

cowards! I thought
you fought with honor!

[Fox] welcome to the gauntlet.

Normally the traps in here
aren’t lethal,

But we juiced them up a
little just for you two.


The roof! Hurry!

Let the hunt begin.

-No sign of them.
-I can’t believe it!

-They att*cked us!

I think they planned to do so
from the moment they met you

But why?
We’re not their enemies.

-They’re no more than animals.
-Worse than that.

An animal hunts
because it’s hungry.

These hunters do it for sport.

I’m never trusting anyone again.




i’m alright.

[Electrical fizzing]


[Goliath grunts]

[Fox cackles]


[Boy] hey, look!

-It’s the pack. Can we
have your autograph?
-We love your show.

-How do you do those stunts?
-Wonderful. Our adoring public.

Perfect timing.


What are those things?

Susan, billy,
come away from them!

They’re sh**ting
a movie or something.

You’ll get in the way.

Get back. These are
dangerous monsters sent
by the evil ninjas.

We’ll protect you.

-Take that, beast!


-They’re monsters!
-They’re attacking the pack!

We’ve gotta help them!

- Stop it!
- Ahh!

It’s just a publicity stunt
or something. Come on.

- It looks awfully real.
- [Punches landing]

Now while the street’s deserted,
finish them quickly!

This way!

Take ’em down.


[Dingo shouts]

[Sighs] needle in a haystack.

[Low growl]

Hey, where’s hyena?

Stay together.


- I’m out of here!
- [Wolf] no,

We can take them.

Forget it,
this wasn’t in my contract.

jackal, no!



[Low growl]



Relax and you’ll live
through this.

[Camera shutter snapping]


[Lexington wails]

[Fox grunts]

[Lexington, struggling]




Finally, some real action.




- [Wolf grunts]
- [police sirens approaching]

The police are coming!

Then we will leave
our foes to them.

Come. We don’t have much time.

I feel like a fool,

Letting the pack
talk me into luring you there.

Because of who we are,
we have to be cautious
about trusting strangers.

I was so totally wrong.

No, were right.

We can’t hide from the world.
We must live in it.

We must search for allies,

Kindred spirits...

And sometimes we must take
chances like we did tonight.

To do otherwise...

Is to remain forever alone.

It’s nice to know there are
still some heroes left.

-We just watched the news.
-The pack’s been arrested.

They have photographs
of fox holding a woman hostage.

I thought they were
the good guys.

Maybe we shouldn’t believe
everything we see on television.

[Owen] everything was done
as you stipulated, sir.

The cable tv was adjusted

So that the only program
the gargoyles could see
was the pack’s.

The pack received the mysterious
envelope of photographs

And reacted
just as you predicted.

A pity nothing else happened
according to plan.

Oh, I wouldn’t say that, owen.

Though they didn’t
know it was me,

I created the packto be more
than just a tv show.

I had to see how good they were.

And having underestimated
goliath once before,

I needed to know
what he was capable of as well.

All in all, i’d say the test
was most informative.

[Theme music plays]