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02x02 - Lean on Me

Posted: 08/14/21 17:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on
The L Word: Generation Q...

[MICAH] Cheating is
a deal breaker for Dani.

- You have to tell her.
- [SOPHIE] I will.

- When?
- I don't know.

[TESS] Everyone knows why we're here.

It's no-limit Texas hold 'em.

You tried to f*ck my wife.
You got to get the f*ck

out of here and never come back.

[ISAAC] I'm behind the curve.

So I will meet your salary demands.

I wish I could come
to the wedding with you.

I'm gonna leave him soon. It's just...

it takes time to get out of a marriage.

[ALICE] They love the book.

Oh, my God. Holy shit.

Oh, more good news. I spoke to Finley.

- I said we both missed her and she...
- Wait, you did what?

Oh, f*ck. That's Tina, my ex, Carrie,

- her fiancée.
- Come here.


This is my girlfriend Alice.
Marissa was just telling me

about her husband and her girlfriend.

You know, she actually
brought up something

- kind of interesting...
- Did she?

[MINISTER] Thank you all
for joining us as we celebrate

Dani and Sophie.

- Hello?
- [SOPHIE] Oh, shit.

- I love you.

- Pretty sure you love me, too.
- Sophie, w-what's going on?



[SOPHIE] I-I am so, so, s-so sorry.

When did it happen?

- Don't answer that.

Were you ever gonna tell me?

Or were you gonna
let me marry you, have kids,

sit across from you and Finley
at Thanksgiving dinner?

I wanted to tell you. I w...

- But what?
- But I was scared that...

- Of what?
- It was a one-time thing.

- One time...
- I don't give a shit how many

- times you slept together.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- Just stop talking.
- Okay.

Nothing that you say
will make this okay, ever.


Who knew?

Tell me who knew.

Did everyone know but me?

- Oh, f*ck.


Oh, God. Sorry.

- Um...
- [SHANE] Oh, come on, Finley.

- Jesus Christ.
- Oh, she looks

like a little kitten on a highway.

- Oh, my God.
- Okay.

- Hi.
- That was bad, huh?

Well, it wasn't your greatest moment.

Um, do you want me
to get you out of here?

- I got to go find Sophie.
- I could... Oh.

Micah! Micah, just wait!

I think that was the most
selfish thing I've ever seen.

Thanks so much
for making me your plus-one.

Um... Is she drunk?

I cannot believe you just did that.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin
everything. It was like...

What did you think was gonna happen?

I don't know. I thought, I thought

- it's what Sophie wanted.
- N-No, just...

Don't follow me.




- Was it in our house?
- [SOPHIE] What?

Did you f*ck her in our bed?

No. I would never do that.

Good to know where you draw the line.

Dani, please. Look at me. Dani...

I have been nothing but good to you.

It was a mistake. It's a horrible...

Do not come any closer to me.

I swear to God. [PANTING]

I never want to see you again.

Is that clear?

You're f*cking disgusting.

- You knew.
- [MICAH] I...

[FINLEY] Dude, I know
you must hate me right now,

but I am so, so sorry, I... Oh, God.

[GRUNTS] f*ck!

♪ Kick the door, baby,
oublier ma porte ♪

♪ J'ai venu sans doute,
viens me prendre pleine ♪

♪ Kick the door, baby,
oublier ma porte... ♪

[NANA] Ay, mijita. Me puede hacer daño.

[MARIBEL] Porque tengo razón.
Porque tengo razón.

[NANA] Ay, ay. ay. I don't know what

we are going to do with all this food.

- [VIRGINIA] Well...
- Es un desperdicio.

[VIRGINIA] I know. I know.
I tried to give some

to the guests, but I guess,
you know, I guess they lost

- their appetites.
- [NANA] A los vecinos...

Hey, it's Dani. Leave a message.

[MARIBEL] Man, I can't believe
Dani punched Finley in the face.

- I would.
- [NANA] If my knees were better,

yo misma le hubiera
dado sus cachetadas.

Dani's still not answering
any of my calls.

Give her time. She'll come around.

- Or she won't.
- Nobody f*cking asked you.

- Hey!
- All right?

- You're just like Dad.
- [SOPHIE] What?!

- What did you just say to me?
- You should've told her.

Really? And what the f*ck
do you know about it?

- Ey, no hables así.
- No, tell me! Go ahead. Say it.

I know you don't seem sorry.

How can I seem sorry to you?

- Go. Go away.
- Parenle. Parenle.

I'm leaving. I'm leaving.

- Me voy. Me voy.
- [SOPHIE] Jesus.

Que barbaridad con ustedes.

Let me, let me ask you one thing.

Please. Please don't
make me cry right now.

Finley showed up at your wedding
thinking it would work.

Why does she think that?

I don't know.

I don't know why she would do that.

Do you love her?

I love Dani.



Well, let's see if she'll take you back.


I got to go check the chicken, okay?

[ALICE] You know what
the weird thing is?

I don't even think
Finley's seen The Graduate.

Neither have I, actually.

Well, yeah, me, neither,
but I get it, you know?

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, God.

Do you think it was my fault?

'Cause I'm, like,
the one who called Finley

- and asked her to come back.
- No.

Oh, my God, of course not.


Do you think if Sophie
had talked to Dani before,

and just had been honest
about being attracted to Finley,

that maybe Dani would
have been okay with it?

Are you kidding?

Well, I don't know.
I mean, I have a lot of clients

who have sex outside
the primary relationship.

Monogamy's not for everyone.

Well, it's for most people.
Except the bad ones.


Just, I think open communication
is just so important.

Well, there's nothing to
communicate if you don't cheat.

Right. Yeah, you're right.


What did you want to tell me?


Yeah, I mean... it was nothing.

I forgot to brush my teeth.

That's hard to believe,
with all that hummus

you were housing earlier.








Are you crying?


[CHUCKLES] No, I j... I just, um...

choked on some toothpaste.










It's me, again.

Look, I... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I know I f*cked up.

I... I left you something
on your dad's porch.

Just please, please call me back.

I love you. Bye.

♪ Are we on the same page, yeah ♪

♪ We ain't making it to church ♪

♪ I want you on your worst behavior ♪

♪ Got you begging to be saved, yeah ♪

♪ You better say your prayers ♪

♪ 'Cause, baby, you know
why we came here... ♪




- Can you get that?
- Of course.

- Hi. Can I help you?

[BETTE] Bette Porter for Dani.

- [DANI] Let her in.
- Welcome.

[BETTE] Thank you.


- [DANI] Hi.

It's Tartine. Your favorite.

You really didn't need to do that.

Just take it.

Look, if you don't tell
your dad it's from me,

he might actually eat it.


You know, when Tina left,
I used to hate it

when people would say,
"How are you doing?"

- So I won't bother with...
- I'm fine.

You will be.

No, I'm fine now.

It happened. I should
have seen it coming.


You off to work?

- First day.
- I won't keep you.

You know, if you need anything,

I am here for you, always.

Thank you, but I'm-I'm fine.

- Okay.
- Have a great first day and...

- thanks again for the food.
- Okay.


- Hi.
- [SHANE] Hey.

[TESS] Eddie blackballed me
from every game in town.

- Really?
- Yeah. [SCOFFS]

Does that mean you're available?

Am I available? What, like, for work?

Oh, yeah. I'm available.

I'm wide open. What the f*ck?


What's wrong?

What am I looking at here?

Look, those aren't great chips,

but that's the best I could
do on such short notice.

[CHUCKLES] Um, what's
happening right now?

Uh, well, now,
now we just got to figure out

- who we want to invite.
- To what?

Our poker game.

- Oh, Shane.
- Yeah, I made a list,

and it's not completed,

'cause I need you to add to it
since we're gonna be partners.

- Oh, we are?
- Yeah.

- It's my spot but you host.

You keep the tips and I keep what I win.

It's easy.

I want to say yes.

- Good. Then say it.
- I can't.

- Why?

I don't really know
how to say this. [SIGHS]

- Say it.
- You're not discreet.

I can be.

I brought you to one game,

- one time...
- Oh, come on.

I didn't realize she was Eddie's wife.

She should've come with a warning label.

I know, but trouble follows you.

I just don't think that I can take

this kind of a risk...

- All right.
- ... with you.

All right.


I'm gonna get the phone.



- [MARIBEL] One positive?

We get to send this trivet back.

- Hmm.
- Wow, this is awful.

Can I help?

- Mm.
- No.

Yeah, probably not cool
to pack the gifts

of the wedding I ruined. Cool, awesome.

I'm gonna sit this one out.



[MARIBEL] So, is that lover boy
blowing you up?

No. "Scam Likely". [CHUCKLES]

Okay, boo.

He's still married, right?



- You're the Finley.
- [CHUCKLES] No, I'm not.

[MICAH] No, I-I didn't know
Scott even existed.

But you do, now, so...

[SCOFFS] Look, is there, like,

- a whisk somewhere or something? Just...
- Yeah.

Here, let me, I can...

I'll tell you if I can't do something.

We still talking about
ruining marriages?

- Yep.
- Great. I'm gonna go vomit.

Have a good day, everybody.

[ALICE] Another salad. No, no, no.

[HUMS] What's the soup of the day?

Oh, it's just the soup
that they have for today.

Sometimes it's tomato
or veggie or clam chowder.

I'll just have a green juice.

Right away.

- Morning.
- Oh, hey.

You're here. That's... You're...
I'm sorry you're here.

But I'm glad you're here.

Oh. Wasn't gonna go
on my honeymoon alone.

Right. Yeah. That would be weird.

- Yep.
- [FINLEY] Hey, boss.

[LAUGHS] Oh, hey. Hey, hey.

You're here, too. That's...

- Yeah. You told me to come in.
- Uh-huh.

But I can go if, um... you know.

Yeah, no. I-I, um...


By the way, the soup of the day
is seafood bisque.

Oh, I'm so glad you're back.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

We can do this. I can do this.

- Yeah, right?
- We can all do this. Yeah.

- Eye of the tiger.
- Okay. We're back.

- Come here.
- Okay. [GROANS] That's...

Oh, I missed you.

- We're doing all this.
- I really missed you.

I missed you, too. Okay.

- Good to see you.
- I hope that wasn't an HR thing.


[SIGHS] You know,
I asked Finley to come back

before I knew you two were... you know.

Uh, sure. Sure.

- Is it gonna be a problem?
- Um...

Yeah. Of course.

Um, no, no, no. No. [CHUCKLES]

It's not. My personal life
will not get in the way at work.

Can we be friends for a minute?

Alice, please don't be nice
to me right now.

I'm a breath away from a breakdown.

Okay. You got it.

Just let me know if you need
any help with anything.

I'm here.

Um, well, actually, I was, uh,

thinking you might be able
to give me something

to distract me.

Like what?

Like that segment producer gig.

I want it. I can do it.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

[VOICE BREAKS] I need it, Alice.

All right. I'll think about it.

Thank you.

Mmm. I'm glad Finley's back,
though, because...

Okay. That's bad to say?

It's... All right.



What's up? Did you get my message?

You're never gonna leave him, are you?

I think we should talk.

I just, I can't do it right here.

No, let's do this here.

I can't, Micah. He's right inside.

I never want to make anyone feel
the way Dani feels right now.

Not, not even your husband.

How f*cking dare you
make me think about Scott?

You should be thinking
about him, not me.

Of course I'm thinking about
him, Micah. He's my husband.

But I'm also thinking about you.

It's a lot more complicated than that.

I didn't expect to feel this way.

Neither did I, you know?
But at least I never pretended

to be someone I'm not, all right?

I never lied to you. Not...

- Not even about the hard stuff.
- I never lied to you.

I meant everything that I said to you.

You're lying right now. You...

You are a fundamentally
dishonest person.


Everything okay?

Yeah. We're just... catching up.

- Hmm.
- You remember my friend Micah?

[SCOTT] Yeah. Of course.

f*ck you, man. [SCOFFS]


I think we can beat that joke, Allie.

- [ALLIE] Copy.
- Yeah. All right.

[ALICE] Okay.

It could be funnier...

Mm. Oh, hey.

What do you think?
It's not so funny, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- I think it could be better.

[ALICE] Can I help you?

Uh, yeah. They just nodded me
in this direction

when I asked for you. I'm Tom Maultsby?

- Tom... The editor.
- Yes.

- My editor. Hi. Come on in.
- Hi. How are you? Okay.

I'm great. Well, I'm glad
you weren't Tom the stalker...

- No. [LAUGHS]
- ... considering they just

- let you on in there.

Do you need anything?
Do you need water, coffee?

- Gum.
- Gum?

Yeah. I had tacos for lunch,
and although I brushed,

I am very aware
of a lingering onion flavor.

Okay. I... yeah. There must be gum here.

Oh, great. Hey, do we have gum?

Uh, gum. Yeah, yeah.
We got, uh, we got gum.

We got gum in the kitchen. I can, um...

- Okay.
- Yeah. Uh, ju... three seconds.

- Huh? Yeah?
- Okay. Tom? Tom?

- [TOM] Hmm?
- Yeah. So, uh...

- That was odd. That was so odd.
- Yeah.

I mean, I'm not odd.
I'm not boring, either,

- but I'm-I'm definitely not odd.
- Okay.

I got to be honest with you,
a-a person in my line of work

doesn't ever come
to big studios like this,

- Oh.
- so this is really cool,

- Yeah.
- but it's also intimidating.

Yeah, when I first... Oh. Tom? Tom?

Yeah. This way. Uh, yeah.

So, the... so, the book.
Um, I'm glad everyone loves it.

Yeah, well, they loved
that you handed in

- that draft, right?
- Yeah. Uh-huh.

'Cause now we got some material.

- Okay.
- And with that material,

we can get in there.

- Get in there? And?
- Yeah.

Okay, first off, this is gonna be great.

You are hilarious, okay?

- Yeah, okay.
- Um...

That story about your mom
taking your I.D.

- to get on the dating show...
- Oh, yeah.

... because she aged out?
That's so funny.

- That's hilarious.
- Well, yeah.

That was a gateway to some
more criminal identity theft

that ruined my credit,
but yeah, it's funny now.

- Alice, which shirt?
- Oh, uh...

- the one on the right.
- Okay.

- Yeah. This way.
- Yeah, that... But t-that...

that's what I'm talking about.

Combining humor with pathos.

I like to think of myself
as your guru of texture.

- Texture.
- Yeah. A bit of heart.

Do you think my writing is heartless?

- No. No, no. That's... No.
- Huh.

That's not what I...
that's not what I meant.

I... I just want to rework
some things with you

and, uh, get you to dig a little deeper.

So, more writing to replace
the other writing.

Well, they say writing is rewriting.

I know that one.
I say that to my writers

when I want a different joke.


Most impressive.

Wow. It's like...

So, the book. Back to the book.

Can I take a whole pack?

- Well, maybe just...
- Just...

- You cool with that? And this?
- The book?

Right. Okay. So...

I've done a lot of
these celebrity books.

- Oh.
- And the ones

that are really successful
are the ones where the readers

feel like they're getting
to know you in a way

no one else does.

- So we know you're funny.
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Now we want to know what it felt
like the day your dad left.

Oh, you know what?
I am getting the onion, now.

I can handle that.

We want to know how you and your
girlfriend weather the storm.

Uh, we watch House Hunters.

Hey. You need gum? I got gum.

No, I got the gum. Look at this.

- I got the gum.

- You did that?
- Yeah. You saw that?

- That's what I'm talking about.

- Tom.
- Finley. I like him.

- Tom? Sorr... Yeah.
- Hey.


Listen, I don't want to break

- what you've already built.
- Okay.

I just want to make it stronger.

You up for that?

Well, I mean, to... [STAMMERS]
I'm starting to feel like

I don't really have a choice. [CHUCKLES]


Then you can read my notes.

Mostly LOLs.

I did, however, uh, misplace a Post-It

with my allergist's number on it.

It says "Dr. Sneeze".
That's not his name.

But I got a sinus issue
that I got to take care of,

so, if you find it,
please just hand it my way.



I'm excited for us.


[BETTE] I fell in love

with your light
installation downtown.

[KISMET] You know, when I learned

that a Black man created
the filament system,

I knew I had to create something
that was gonna honor him.

Well, thanks to you,
I-I think of Lewis Latimer

every time I turn on a light switch.

Good, I'm glad.

- Can I get you anything? Water?
- I'm okay.

You know, our young people,
they need to understand

that we've always been here
doing incredible things.

Yeah. Well, that's why I want to
help you reach a wider audience.

I don't, I don't need
the sales pitch, okay?

It's not a sales pitch. It's the truth.

Look, I want to work with you.
No question.

I know who you are,
I know what you stand for.

- But-but your boss?

I know. Look, I want
to make lasting changes

in the art world, and this
is the place to do it from.

Yeah, I know that I can
change the system from within,

but only if artists
of your caliber sign with me.

- We can move mountains, Kismet.

[ISAAC] I am so sorry to be late.

You're right on time.

- Yeah, it's such an honor.
- Kismet Russell, Isaac Zakarian.

[ISAAC] This is such an honor for me.

How you doing? I'm-I'm sure I won't

- live up to the hype.
- Oh, no. You already have.

Your work is, it's tremendous.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Now, there is something
I am dying to know.

- [KISMET] Yeah. Fire away.
- Okay.

[ISAAC] Your installation

in , it showed
at the exact same time

that Kerry James Marshall's
Curtain Girl came out.

Now, I've always thought
that your work was related.

Am I right, or is that just
a coincidence, or... what?


- that was not coordinated...

... but Marshall is my hero,
and I do, I do believe

that we are connected.

Uh, whether it be through our legacy,

our shared ancestry,

something just keeps us tied, you know?

Yeah, yeah. You know, back in the day,

I had the opportunity to-to show Kerry,

and I passed because...

I just felt, at the time,
you know, he wasn't ready.

But man, oh, man,

what I wouldn't give to get him
back here now, though.


Kismet, we know that
you've never had a gallery...

Well, he's never needed one.

[LAUGHS] Sorry. I read
that New York Times article.

- Go ahead.
- Yeah.

Well, look, if you work with us,

I will see to it personally
that you will never again

have to wait seven years
to fund one of your projects.

Ooh, I see you know where to
hit me where it hurts, huh?

- [ISAAC] And better yet,

you sign with us,

everyone's gonna know your name.



This is gonna be a google.

Oh, hey.

You don't need to do that.

Oh, no, it's no trouble.

I'm just organizing
the wish list of guests

into, uh, different categories.

You know, like, politicians, and then,

miscellaneous pile over here.

- No, really. It's okay.
- Well, I got the time.

I already filled up a bunch
of candy jars and threw out,

like, expired yogurts
in Alice's fridge.

You know, they didn't taste off,

but they, uh, kind of
smelled funky, so...

You tried all yogurts?

Yeah. You can't let go of a good 'gurt.


You're so stupid.

Hey, is your grandma, like, mad at me?

I will take that as a yes.

You should ice that.

Well, I sort of was
gonna keep it around,

'cause I got it defending
your honor, so...

Don't do that.

- Do what?
- Don't make jokes.

- It's not funny.
- [LAUGHS] Okay, well,

what do you want me to do here?

I want you to feel bad.

I want you to feel
just as bad as I do, right...

Hold on, you don't think I feel bad?

Oh, no, yeah, I know that you do.

You feel bad for yourself,
you feel bad for my grandma.

f*ck, I bet you feel bad for Dani.

Of course I f*cking feel bad for Dani.

And what about me?!


[DISTANT] You hurt me!

Um, you could go for a cocktail after.

You hurt me

so bad.

Come on. You weren't happy.

I... yes, I was.

I was happy.

- All right.
- I didn't even want you there!

I don't want you here.

I never wanted you here.

I got to call you back.

- Okay, bye.

Okay, that was the furthest thing

- from professional.
- I know, I'm sorry.

- Me, too.
- It won't happen again.

I know lesbians.
I know a lot of lesbians,

and drama has a way of sticking around.

I'll go.

- What?
- Yeah. I'll go, obviously.

You two need each other, and I...

well, this is all my fault,
anyway, so...

Really, it's a no-brainer. I'll go.


[ALICE] Okay.

Thank you for everything, Alice.

Finley, you're good.

I really loved working on your show.

I loved having you.

Yeah, you should... Security
will want you to leave that.

And, um,

I'll teach Hugo how to make your coffee.

[ALICE] Well, that would be really nice.


Hey, Hugo Boss. Coffee.

What did he say, exactly?

[BETTE] He told an emerging Black artist

that his hero, Kerry James Marshall,

wasn't on the Zakarian roster
because he wasn't ready.

I mean, I don't even know who that is

and I can still see
the thinly-veiled racism.

It's disgusting.

Kismet's work is just so important,

and I know that I could help
take him to the next level.

I just, I just don't see a world
in which he signs with Isaac.

Can't you just sign him

and guarantee
he'll exclusively work with you?


But then where does that leave me?

I mean, I still have
to work with Zakarian.


At least he's paying you
an insane amount of money.


He's just using me.

Use him back.

Get yours.

I don't know if it's worth it.

You know, I don't,
I don't think I'm cut out

for selling my soul.


You just need to get clear
on what you want in return.


What do you want?



You want this?


♪ I know you're getting tired ♪

♪ Tired of the way I ♪

♪ Tired of the way I... ♪


♪ I cry when I'm happy,
I laugh when I'm sad ♪

♪ I don't know which way's up
and sometimes I get mad ♪

♪ Get angry for no reason, no rhyme ♪

♪ No matter what
the season or the time ♪

♪ Feelings ♪

♪ Can't control my ♪

♪ Can't get ahold of ♪

♪ Caught up in my feelings ♪

♪ Dripping over ♪

♪ Keep tripping over ♪

♪ Caught up in my feelings ♪

♪ Feelings, feelings ♪

♪ Feelings taking over me... ♪

[WHISPERS] You want this?


♪ Try to make me into ♪

♪ Can't you see I'm ♪

♪ It's not that I'm crazy,
I just feel a lot ♪

♪ I don't know which way's up ♪

♪ And sometimes I run hot ♪

♪ Get angry for no reason, no rhyme ♪

♪ No matter what the season
or the time ♪

♪ Feelings, can't control my... ♪

You want this?

Uh-uh. Answer me.


♪ Dripping over, keep tripping over ♪

♪ Caught up in my feelings,
feelings, feelings ♪

♪ Feelings taking over me ♪

♪ Swimming in the lonely sea
of feelings... ♪

[ALICE] Well, Finley walked out on me,

my editor told me my book was shit,

so I'm feeling really... hmm.

p.m. Why are you suddenly...

[QUIETLY] ... feeling really
good about myself.

[WOMAN ] It's Jeff?

[WOMAN] Mmm-hmm. He hit you?

- My God. Again?
- I-I...

Just stop being a cop
for a second, okay?

[WOMAN] Okay.





What are you doing?

[GASPS] I wanted to play FarmVille.

Oh. My code's your birthday.

And don't sell my cows.


Look, I pushed Quiara away,

and I had to realize
that I couldn't change her

and she couldn't change me.

But I don't want to change Sophie.

Yeah, I know. I know. What...

What I'm saying is, you just,
you got to give yourself

some time to grieve
and find some clarity,

- because things will get better.
- When?


- Maybe never, I don't know.
- What?

Oh, my God. Okay. Do you mind if I try?

Yes, please. God.

I think what Shane is trying to say

is that we tend to get stuck

in certain patterns
until we meet the person

that we're meant to be with, right?

And then, when you do,
you can end the cycle.

I mean, that's what we're all in it for.

Thank you. That's exactly
what I was trying to say.

But... Okay, I came back

because I...

I love Sophie, and I think
I have for a really long time,

and I just, like... It does make sense.

Like, when we're together, like,
when we hooked up, it...


And then she was gonna
marry Dani, so I, like...

It was like fight or flight,

so I fled, I went home,
I got my shit together.

I stopped drinking, cleared my head.

I thought I understood
what was going on,

but then, when Alice called

and was like, "Sophie misses you",

I thought I actually had a shot.

- [SHANE] f*cking Alice.
- Like...

- It's not her fault.

Ah, I-I've known her for a long time.

- It kind of is. It's true.
- Listen, I think

the important thing, right now,
is w-where are you gonna live?

I mean, you can't stay
in that house, right?

Yeah, probably shouldn't.

Can I just defend myself for a second?

I-I knew the wedding was that day,

but I thought it was later,
like, at night.

Like... I didn't think I was
walking into the actual,

real wedding, in a hat.

Walked in in a f*cking hat.

- I know. We were there.

- We saw.


I just...

I thought I was finally
doing the right thing.

[LAUGHS] Yeah. I'm an idiot.

I should've never come back.

I don't even have a job anymore.

I literally had to quit my job.

[SHANE] Eh, you can work here.


Of course. Yeah.

[SHANE] And, look, I'm proud of you.



You spoke your truth.

It's not easy to do.

- Not many people can do it.


[CRYING] I got to pee.

- It's okay.

Poor kid.

All right, I...

What? What?

No, nothing. Um...

that was just surprisingly sweet.


- Hey.
- [MICAH] Hey.

- What you doing?
- Dani's dad asked me

- to bring her some things, so...
- Yeah?

Any boxing gloves in there?

'Cause I could use
a lighter touch next time.


Come on, that was funny.


[SIGHS] Hey, for what
it's worth, I, like, know

I'm a total piece of shit.

You're not... You're, like,
a really good friend, so...

I just wanted you to know that.

Shit is complicated,
and there's two sides, right?

Or three, so... Can I have one of these?



You think anyone will ever forgive me?

You're really hard not to love.


♪ I got my driver's license
last week... ♪


♪ 'Cause you were so excited for me ♪

♪ To finally drive up to your house ♪

♪ But today I drove
through the suburbs ♪

♪ Crying 'cause you weren't around ♪


♪ And you're probably
with that blonde girl ♪

♪ Who always made me doubt ♪

♪ She's so much older than me ♪

♪ She's everything I'm insecure about ♪

♪ Yeah, today I drove
through the suburbs ♪

♪ 'Cause how could I ever
love someone else? ♪


♪ And I know we weren't perfect ♪

♪ But I've never felt this way ♪

♪ For no one ♪

[DANI] Hey, baby.

Are you scared about tomorrow?

It's gonna be incredible.

♪ Okay, now that I'm gone... ♪

I'll always be here for you,

no matter what.

♪ I guess you didn't mean... ♪

[SOPHIE] Dani. Dani, wait, wait!

♪ What you wrote in that song about me ♪


♪ 'Cause you said forever ♪

♪ Now I drive alone past your street ♪


Hey, I found some of these in the back.

So I think they might work.

Perfect. I think we have

enough then. Thank you.

Of course.

You know, you were
really sweet with Finley.

I was? Why?

When you told her that
you were proud of her

for putting herself out there.
You said it's not easy.

Mm. Well, it's not.

You love your armor, huh?

No, it's just the way I was raised.

Me, too.

My mom used to take me to
church with her every Sunday.

Why? Is she religious?

No, not for the worship,
for the bingo in the basement.

She would chain-smoke
Virginia Slims while she played.

[CHUCKLES] I can relate to that.

She's got MS.

She's had it for years, and it's...

getting worse.

Tess, I'm sorry. I had, I had no idea.

No, I know.

Um, she's still...

lighting up those Slims,
though, and calling Bingo

in the nursing home, so there's that.

At least that's something, right?


Okay, your turn.

With what?

Well, I shared something,
and now you share something.

It's a conversation.

Oh. Okay.

All right, what do you want to know?

- What do you want to tell me?
- Oh, well...


I need this.

The bar, poker.

And it's not just for fun.


Quiara... she got half
of everything in the divorce,

and-and she deserves it, but...

I-I'm just in a bit of a spot.

Oh, shit.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I didn't even think about that.

Why would you?

Don't worry about it.

Um, okay, how about a-a dry run tonight?

Are y... are you playing with me?

With permission to change my mind.


Okay. You're kind of sweet, huh?

- No.
- Yeah. Like a,

like a sweet, feral cat.

I mean...


- Are you blushing? Oh, my God.
- What?

- You're totally blushing.
- I'm not blushing.

I love that I made you blush.

- You didn't make me blush.
- Oh, you're blushing.

Don't get ahead of yourself.


There's no blushing.



- Night.

Hey, you still here?

Why don't you go home?

Uh, yeah, I didn't want to go home.


You're hiding out at work.

Little young for that.

That usually comes later.

I'm just doing some research
for that new segment.

I figure whoever you hire can at least

have something to work from.

- Okay.
- Okay, what? [CHUCKLES]

You can have the segment.

[SIGHS] Really?

Yes. Yes!

- Wow. I...
- Oh, stop.

- Thank you, thank you.
- Stop. Yes. All right.

Well, can I, uh,
take you out for a drink?

- As a thank you?
- No... Hey, ooh.

Do you want to come play poker?

- Ooh.
- Nat's got to be with the kids.

- Like, poker-poker, like... ?
- Like poker...

- with money poker?
- Yes, like, with money poker.

I mean, I'll get
the first buy in this time.

Then you can get it next
time, segment producer.

[MICAH] Okay, so your dad

mainly asked for, like, paperwork.

Um, so I found your car registration,

your passport, stuff like that.


Yeah. Uh, and then I took
the liberty of finding more,

uh, practical things, like,
uh, clothes and, uh, a book

I think you were reading,
um, and a phone charger.

I would say thank you,
but I'm pretty sure

you owe me at least that.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're right.

This looks good.

Sophie brought it.

It's probably poison.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

Bet you are.

I just, I didn't want
to ruin your relationship.

Too late for that.

You know, I just... I thought that...

Well, it doesn't matter what I thought.

No, you know, it kind of does.

- I thought you were happy.
- I was!

I thought...

She made me happy, and I thought
we were gonna be happy forever.

That was kind of the whole idea.

You still could be.


I-I can't just undo what she did.

What they did.


But you could forgive her.

Look, uh...

I know it doesn't feel like it,

but... you have all the power right now.

Trust me.

If you don't want to be
with her, that's one thing,


if you want to forgive her, you could.

No one would judge you.

How would I even begin to... ?

Uh... start small.


That dish is probably her mom's.

You know?

Just saying.


♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, no sweat,
na-na-na, na-na... ♪

Oh, this is amazing.

- You got a table.
- This looks pro. No, no, no.

- Let me. Mm-hmm.
- Oh, my goodness.

♪ Queen's on the team in real life ♪

♪ Not just on the Internet, yeah ♪

♪ You working hard for the tough spot ♪

♪ Just watch it manifest ♪

♪ I'm a rose and a king... ♪

- Hello, hello.
- Hello!

- Those are you for you.
- Oh, thank you.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

♪ Till the morning don't like me, whoa ♪

♪ Wait, yeah, we takin'
everything we want ♪

♪ And we can do it all strength ♪

♪ We ain't stoppin', believe me ♪

- Hi!

♪ We takin' everything
we want and we can do it... ♪

Thanks. That's a lot of chips.

[ALL] Hey!


♪ No sweat... ♪

I mean, I thought it was
gonna be a fold-out table.

Sit next to you, okay.

♪ No sweat... ♪

- Thank you.
- You guys are good.

Is this everyone?

- Yeah. I think this is it.
- Okay.

Well, I invited Dani,

but she's still too shattered
to go out in public, so...

Okay, are you sure I should
be here? I can go.

- Yes. No, you're here with me.
- It's fine, it's fine.

You're here with me.
We're all gonna get along.

Where's Nat?

You've got to be f*cking kidding me.

♪ Hola, mami ♪

♪ All strength we ain't stoppin' ♪

♪ Believe me, go straight ♪

♪ Till the mornin' don't like me ♪

♪ Whoa, wait, yeah ♪

♪ We takin' everything ♪

♪ We want, and we can do it... ♪

Absolut cranberry for you, boss.

- Just the way you like 'em.
- Ooh, thanks.

Tecate for you.

Thanks, Finley.

All right, thank you.
Everyone have what they need?

- Yes.
- Uh, yes.

This is such a great idea.

You should do this often.

That's the plan.

[BETTE] Let's do this.
I'm getting a hormonal

surge... I'm ready
to take all your money.

Okay, ladies, name of the game

is Texas hold 'em. No limits.

This game is ten and .

Action is on you.

Oh, me?

Oh, God. Okay, I'm not ready.

- Can someone else go first?
- Seriously?

- Come on.

- We'll wait for you.
- Any day, Al.

Okay, okay, okay. All right, I'm gonna

- do something like that.
- Perfect.

[MARIBEL] I'm just so proud of you.

Thanks. I mean, it did,
it did feel kind of good

to tell José to, you know, f*ck off.


Then it felt horrible, kind of.

Yeah, that's awkward. I'm sorry.

It's okay. You know, it's...

I'm glad I did it.

And, actually, you know,
I got to sort of patch things up

- with Dani and so...
- Oh.

I kind of just feel a little
less shitty about myself.

Well, that's the goal, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Thanks, by the way.

Oh, for what?

For being such a good friend.

Oh, wow. This is awkward.

I didn't know we were friends.

[CHUCKLES] f*ck off.


- She does, she does.

[ALICE] I'm telling you,
this editor, though...

his name's Tom...
he's, like adamant that I tell

my messy life stories.
I'm like, "Who cares?"

- I do. I'd rather see that.
- Yeah, I definitely want

- to know about that.
- Really?

[BETTE] Just don't put me in the book.

I don't want to be in the book.

Should I raise?

[BETTE] Um, for real, Alice?

- Yes. You should. I...
- Okay.

Al, you know that the messy
parts of people's lives,

they're always the most relatable.

That's what I keep telling her. I mean,

people are gonna love her for
telling those stories, right?

Well, it's fine when it's your mess,

but when your mess is the cause
of someone else's pain,

it's not quite so sympathetic.

Was that at me?

[BETTE] Did it feel that way?

I know I f*cked up.

You don't need to keep
throwing it in my face.

It's probably best not to judge.



I'm gonna do that.

[SOPHIE] And I'm sorry.

If you see her before I do,
just tell her I'm sorry.

All right, all right,
all right, all right, look.

Everybody makes mistakes, right?

Including you.

You've cheated?

I cheated on Tina years ago.

And I will regret it
for the rest of my life.

Well, I've cheated, too,
so I would never ju...

[ALICE] That's tr... that's true.

With Nat. You cheated... or, on Nat.

You cheated on Nat. That's right.

She's got trust issues, ever since.


I'm gonna, no... I'm gonna do this.

Ooh! Look at that.

[TESS] But people can change.

I mean, like, I hated Shane
for sleeping with my girlfriend,

- I know.
- but look at us now.

- [TESS] We're friends.
- Oh.

- Okay, I was... [CHUCKLES]
- [TESS] What?

- [SHANE] What?
- No, nothing.

- We're friends.

We're just all a bunch of f*ck-ups.

Yeah, I guess we definitely are.

- [ALICE] What a fun game.

[SHANE] Shit, Alice.

I'm out.

- Uh, me, too.

- Oh.

- Okay.
- Did I just win?

- Yes, you did, princess.
- [SHANE] Yep.

- [TESS] You totally won.
- [ALICE] Oh, God.

Do you guys have a crane? I just....

Ooh. I'm gonna need a bigger bag.

- [ALICE] The one percent.

Do you have, like, a giant

Dana's tote bag that I
could take these home in?

- Thanks for your help.
- Hey, Elton John in a suit,

- bring it down.

It's not happening again.

- [ALICE] Hey.


I'm starving. Is there anything?

Uh, there's a plate
for you in the fridge.

[GASPS] Yes.

How was your day?

It was fine. I mean,
there was a lot of Gigi.

Man, Nat, that whole plan
we had is kind of backfiring.

- [NAT] Uh-huh.
- I thought there'd be less Gigi,

and all of a sudden,
I'm just starting to feel like

I'm getting a lot more Gigi.


Hey, um...

I-I kind of have to confess something.


The other night, I took your phone

and I was trying to look
through your texts.

Why would you do that?

My gut's telling me
something's going on with you,

and I was just trying
to figure out what it is.

Nothing's going on.

I heard you crying in the bathroom.

That's a normal thing
that normal people do.

You fell asleep during sex.

I was taking a little rest.

Okay, so you're saying nothing's wrong

and I'm just being paranoid?

- Yes.
- Okay.


So you admit there's something wrong?



Okay, Nat, can you, can you
put the f*cking sponge down

and just look at me?

Okay, fine.

Something's going on,

but I don't want something
to be going on.

I can see that, but I'm your person,

and if you're going through something,

you kind of have to tell me.

I want to.

I'm just...

I'm afraid of what you'll think
of me if I tell you.

Okay. Uh...

Ooh. All right.


I-I will keep a totally
neutral face, like this.

What is it?

Okay, I...

I think I'm...



It's something that I thought
I might be for a long time,

and then I just denied it, you know?

Pushed it down.

I mean, coming out as gay
was hard enough.

You don't look neutral.

I don't feel neutral.

- Alice...
- You came on my show

and you told me you loved me,
and only me.

I do. I love you so much.

- That part was true.
- What, but I'm not enough?

Oh, my God. Of course you're enough.

It's-it's not like that.

Do I work too much?
Do you want me to work less?

No, no. It's none of that.

It-it truly has nothing to do with you.

It's-it's really me.

Wow. W... Okay. Okay.

It's no different than you being bi.

- What?
- Yeah. I'm poly and you're bi.

That is not the same!

It's actually exactly the same.

It's parts of our identities
that need to be explored.

I don't want to be with a guy!

[WHISPERS] Would you be quiet?
The kids are sleeping.

- I don't even think about guys.
- You don't?

- N-No. I think about...
- Never think about guys.

- I think about you.
- And I think about you, too.

Yeah, and everybody else, apparently.


If I could be any other way, I would be.

But you can't be?



This is always gonna be
a thing between us

unless we can find a way
to work through it.



And if we can't?


[VIRGINIA] Oh, an espresso machine.

I always wanted one of these.

Put it down, Ma. We're
not keeping any of that stuff.


Hey. Hey, hey, hey! Wait!

Wait. Hey, hey. Hi.

I just wanted to give you back
your, uh, your thing.

- Uh...
- And thank your mom

for making it for me. It was delicious.

Uh, do you want to come in
and-and thank her yourself?

I can't.

I keep replaying
what happened in my mind

- a-and wondering...
- I know... I know.

... is that what you wanted to happen?

- What? No.
- Did you think it was romantic?

Did Finley sweep you off your feet?

No. No.

Okay, because it was
so f*cking humiliating for me.

Like, I feel like I can't see
any of those people ever again.

I was holding you that night, wasn't I?

- When?
- The night you were with her.

You were crying in bed and I held you.

Am I right?


You know, the thought of losing you

wasn't something I thought
I'd ever have to face.

You don't have to.


I f*cked up.

I f*cked up.

But I will spend every single day

for the rest of my life
making it up to you.

I promise.

Just come home with me.

I wish I could,

- but I can't.
- But we can...

- I know myself.
- ... we can go to therapy...

- No. It's-it's not gonna help.
- We can, we can,

just slow things down...

I will never be able to trust you again.

Do you understand what that means?

I got to go.




- ♪ I've never had clouds ♪

♪ Follow me each day ♪

♪ Years of sun that never went away ♪

♪ I lie here awake
but I'm not one to pray ♪

♪ Everything's changed
and now I'm not okay ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I am falling apart ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Now I'm scared of the dark ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


♪ All I can hear is my heart ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪


♪ I need you to bring me home ♪

♪ I need you to bring me home... ♪

Who is it?

[DANI] It's Dani.

♪ My life is out of control... ♪

I was just gonna call you.

♪ I need you to bring me home ♪

♪ Yeah, I know, yeah, I know ♪

♪ This ain't forever ♪

♪ Yeah, I know, yeah, I know ♪

♪ I will get better ♪

♪ If I go, if I go ♪

♪ And lose it ever... ♪

It's gonna be okay.

♪ I'll need you to bring me home ♪


Oh, shit.

Hey. Um...

I'm sorry, I thought you were
staying at your mom's.

Micah's letting me, uh,
crash in the back room.

I love it. It's like a little prison.

Feels pretty fitting for me
at the moment, so...

I'll, uh, have a bowl, too.

- Dinner of champions.


I'm sorry.

Really sorry I f*cked up your life,

if that hasn't been totally clear.

You didn't.

It was all my fault.

I'm gonna be out of here
first thing in the morning.

And I'll replace the cereal.

Pretty much crushed
this entire box, so...

Don't go.

Don't go?

I want you to stay.

Good night.


♪ Oh, I know ♪

♪ These are gonna be hard times ♪

♪ These are gonna be hard times ♪

♪ Don't you lose your light ♪

♪ Mama, all of my friends are dying ♪

♪ And I think I know the reason ♪

♪ There's something everyone's
telling them not to be ♪

♪ And you don't have to agree ♪

♪ Please just talk to me ♪

♪ Oh, I know ♪

♪ These are gonna be hard times ♪

♪ These are gonna be hard times ♪

♪ Don't you lose your light ♪

♪ Stand up tall ♪

♪ Keep on wishing for blue skies ♪

♪ Find the calm in the great wild... ♪