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02x01 - Six Feet Under

Posted: 08/14/21 19:19
by bunniefuu





♪ You are perfect in your failings ♪

♪ If you were to ask I think I'd say ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm still trying ♪

♪ Now I'm feeling fine ♪

♪ I think I'll survive ♪

♪ We're alive ♪

♪ Don't sound too shy ♪

♪ Now I'm doing fine ♪

♪ I think I'm alive ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪

No, it's not.



Okay, you guys, I'm wasted.
We should go back.

- What?
- No.

You think Mr. Dubois is gonna be cool

with his six most trusted
counselors drunk?

- Yup.
- No.

- [GIRL ] Guys!
- [GIRL ] I guess not.

- Guess what I just found.
- [ALL] What?

- A swimming hole.

- Warm as bath water.

[GIRL ] Yeah!

- You guys want to go swimming?
- I wanna go swimming.

- I can barely walk.
- Oh, come on.

- Yeah, I'm good.
- Careful.

Come on. We got your back.

- Yeah, it'll be fun.
- It'll be great.


[GIRL] You guys, what is
this? There's a fire? Weird.

What's going on, you guys?

Tell me or I'm going
back. What the f*ck?

You're on trial, Talvinder.

- For what?
- For being a nasty bitch.



Oh, God. No.

- Susan.
- No, I can't do this.

- I can't do this.
- Susan.

f*ck this!


Let's finish this.

Come on.


[BOY] Oh, my God!


She's alive.

Talvinder! Hey!

I got you! Stop, stop, stop!

- Peter, put her the f*ck down.
- We're taking her to the hospital.

Put her down.

Get out of my way.




- Get the f*ck off me!
- No!



How long have you been up?

Did you get any sleep?

You know me. I have to get up early.

I'm up all night thinking about how
tired I'm gonna be the next day.

Then it just becomes a vicious,
self-fulfilling prophecy.

So don't go.

- I have to go.
- Why?

Andi, it's a simple question.

Don't be upset, please.


It's been like this since day one.

Like... you're hiding something from me.

Tell me, Andi.

Whatever it is.

Please, just tell me.

There's nothing, honest to God. I
just... I don't wanna go. Simon!

You've gotta get ready.


get ready.


You sure this can get you there?

Uh, yeah. Maybe I should just stay.

- Maybe I should skip the weekend.
- Babe, no.

Go have fun with your friends.

Jaden and I will be fine.

Boys night!

I love you.

I love you too.

♪ She walks through
her life by herself ♪

♪ Keeps a book in her... ♪




♪ The other day ♪

♪ I met a bear ♪

- ♪ A great big bear... ♪
- Shut the f*ck up, Noah.


Oh, f*ck, it's cold.

I hear someone playing the
banjo, and I'm outta here.

- Let's just unpack the car, man.
- [GIRL] Hey, guys.

Let's just act normal, huh?

You act normal. I'll be back here.

I got worried I got the dates mixed up.

Yeah, sorry we're late.

We had a little trouble
on the road. Gene, right?

Unless you work for the tax
man. Then Gene's not here.


Not many people head up to "We
Live As One" this time of year.

Oh, yeah, you know, we're just
visiting the old stomping grounds.

It's gonna be a k*ller... weekend.

How about I just hand you the bag?


Whatever floats your boat.

I don't have any cross country skis,

but I can rent you some snowshoes.

No, that's cool. Just
snowmobiles, thanks.

Your friend there, is she okay?

Oh, yeah. She's just a little car sick.

We don't get cell service
out here, sweetheart.

This ain't the big city.

Get your things and we'll get going.

Oh, Gene, that's so kind of you.

But we actually know where we're going

because we worked here when
it was a summer camp, so...

Well, it's not the summer, and
that dirt path up to the retreat

is a snow-covered ice rink for
the next klicks or so.

Now, back in ' , I got
caught in a snowstorm,

the Hindu Curse, east of Kabul.

I watched a man lose his
fingers and toes to the cold.

- You were a soldier?
- Yeah, a lifetime ago.

You got a sweater or something
warm you can put on?

I'm fine. I'm just not used to
being outside in the winter.

I'm more of a five-star resort
gal, in the Caribbean, on a beach.


Get your gear and we'll head out.

I got an extra sweater in my bag.

Great. I will be in the SUV,
waiting while you find it.

Thank you.

[PETER] Andi.

- Hey.
- Oh.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm worried about you.
I think we all are.

Don't be.

This is the last place I wanna
be. You know that, right?

We better get ready.


I should've called you.

I really wanted to, I really did.
I just didn't know what to say.

The longer I put it off,
the weirder it all felt.

I'm sorry.

Wakes you up, huh?

They'll have coffee or hot chocolate.

Grab something stronger inside
for you to warm up with.


It hasn't changed.

Just like we left it.

We're each in charge of about kids.

We don't have to bunk
with them, thank God,

but we are in charge of them / .

You're actually in my cabin,
which is me, my friend Susan,

and Dawn, who...

She's a bit of a force
to be reckoned with.

But, honestly, though, she's
fine. She's really cool.

Oh, no, that face wasn't... Forget it.

My first week here, I think I
was probably more homesick

than most of the campers.

Hey! I am so sorry I am late.

Well, it's okay.

Talvinder and I just
finished orientation.

So I guess I handled it
perfectly well by myself.

That's really good.

Hi, I'm Peter.

- Talvinder. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.


- Hey, Tal, what are you doing tonight?
- I don't have any plans.

Great, because tonight is movie
night, and we've got this, like...

this, like, scary slasher flick.

If you wanna join.

- Do you mind if I join?
- No, of course not.


Thank you. I should
probably go meet my kids.

Chin up. You're gonna be great.

If anything, you can just drown 'em.

You're kidding. I got it.

- I hope.
- I'm kidding.

Heed my warning.

I am so sorry.

We were supposed to do her
orientation together.

I know and I forgot and I double-booked.

By the time I was halfway
past the lake, I remembered.

You know it's not a big deal, right?

Yeah, I know, but I looked
like an idiot in front of her.

Okay, how about this?

Tonight, I'm on Talvinder duty, okay?

- I promise. Yeah?
- Okay.


[PETER SHIVERS] Come on, guys.

[MAN] As we come out of half-moon

pose into Warrior II, Virabhadrasana.

As we windmill to the
floor into Chaturunga...

slowly lower yourself
into Upward-Facing Dog.

[CHUCKLES] Clearly, these
gurus weren't dudes.

And when you're ready,
only when you're ready...

we lie into Shavasana, Corpse Pose.

[GENE OUTSIDE] Hello! Anyone home?

Thank you for sharing your
practice with me today. Namaste.

[WOMAN] Namaste.

[ALL] Namaste.

- Hello, Gene.
- I brought your supplies.

- And your guests.
- Thank you.

Hello, everyone. Welcome
to We Live As One.

We're glad to be here. And thanks for

letting us crash for the weekend.

Crashing is one way of putting
it, but you're not crashing.

You're staying with us.

We want you to feel a part of our
community while you're here.

We appreciate your hospitality.

We have a saying. "All
crew and no passengers."

Everyone who lives here contributes.
We have a sign-up sheet.

Put your name down for a
cooking or cleaning shift.

Living as one might take you
out of your comfort zone,

but we invite you to lean in
and see what's there for you.

- Leaning's not really my...
- We appreciate you letting us come.

Keira will show you to your cabin.

You can drop off your bags,
freshen up, warm up.

Great. Thank you.

I'm just gonna change, and
then I'll take you guys over.


- Namaste, new friends.
- Namaste.

- Namaste. Thanks.
- Thank you.

They're building a big resort.
I get why you're concerned,

but according to this, there's no

plans for where you buried Talvinder.

Okay. We buried her here. Right here,

they're building the tennis courts.

So very close, Susan.

I think it's more dangerous to move her.

If no one's found her yet,
maybe they never will.

What if in a couple of years, they
decide to expand the resort, or...

one of their guests goes to
retrieve a tennis ball and, uh...

I don't know, trips
over a skull instead?

Fine, let's say someone
does find Talvinder.

Everyone thinks Owen k*lled her.

Owen was a suspect in the disappearance.

Right. Now, Owen will be the
prime suspect in the m*rder.

I'm no CSI expert, but the
crime scene we left behind,

I'm pretty sure it's full of evidence.

Which they'll tie back to Owen.

Owen is dead, Susan. They
can't question him, can they?

But they can question us.

So if one of us makes a
mistake or goes off script...

Look, we have the freaking Manson
Family watching our every move.

We've got GI Gene on a
snowmobile. We're screwed.

Okay, yes, we're taking a risk, but
if we leave Talvinder out there,

someone is gonna find her.

We need to gather her remains,
take them to the city,

and destroy them once and for all,

like we should have five years ago.

I find it weird to come all
this way for the weekend.

They said they worked here
when it was a summer camp.

You come up in the summer,
not during a deep freeze.

This land is special,
Gene. It's powerful.

It draws you in, draws you back.

It's true. A particularly strong ley
line crosses right through here.

Is that why you're selling most of it?

More people get to enjoy our bounty,

and we get to stay
together as a community.

- Gotcha.
- You should be happy, Gene.

You're the only outfitter for miles.

The resort will make you a rich man.

If I wanted to be rich, my shop
would be a hundred klicks south.

I might stick around for the weekend.

- Why?
- Just to keep an eye on things.

Gene, you beautiful,
suspicious soul, you.

You can be too trusting and you know it.

Think of me as your guard dog
in case things go sideways.

You're welcome to stay, but
you really don't have to.


Hey, you okay?

I'm fine.

No, you're not okay.

If those tears could talk,
what would they say?

I guess I'm just triggered.

I'm trying to get over it, but I can't.

Okay. Try to talk through the trigger.

Let us in, let us help you.

Let us help you sort it out.

It's just that...

This is our home. I mean, our home.

We live here, we're safe here,
and those... I just, they're...

They're outsiders, and I
want them to go away.

I just want them to go away, and I...

- Sorry, Gene. I don't mean you.
- It's okay. It's okay.

You're just worried
things are gonna change.

Remember this, our
strength is in each other.

No matter how many strangers appear
on our doorstep, we won't change.

We need to open our hearts when
we're afraid and let others in.

Everything's gonna be all right, Judith.

Of course it is.

It's okay. We won't shame you
for having feelings about this.

That, uh, sauna on the
hill up and running?

Yeah. Of course, Gene. Go enjoy.





Gimme a break!

I'm trying to relax here!

That's what this place is about, right?

- You gotta be kidding.



- Hey, Glenn.
- Hey.

Missed you at yoga earlier.

Oh, no.

Did I miss yoga again? Oh, sh**t!


- That come in here with Gene?
- I didn't k*ll the cow myself.

Glenn, look, you haven't even
been with us for two months.

Your probationary period isn't up yet.

While we respect members' choices, we

are striving to be a vegan community.

I think I know where you're
going, and let me tell you,

you cook me a tofu steak that's
half as good as this one,

and I will bow to your vegan gods, okay?

But if not, then you must moo-ve along.



Hey, there. What's your
name again? Remind me.

- Noah.
- Noah, right.

How's the cabin?

[STAMMERS] The cabin is... is great.

We were actually just gonna go
do some exploring, and, um...

I wanted to fill up on coffee.

- Next pot's on me.
- Sure. Where you off to?

- You know, here and there.
- Here and there?

Never heard of it.

You wouldn't happen to
know where Gene might be.

- We wanna firm up Monday with him.
- Yeah, he's up at the sauna.

He's actually decided to stay
with us for the weekend.

You can ask him about
Monday over dinner,

which will be vegan and healthy.


Sure you're all right?

Yeah, no. No, everything's...
everything's fine.


I think it's a little weird being back

here after all this time, you know?

Okay, well, have fun.

You're gonna wanna be careful out there.

What's that?

Well, if you get yourself in a spot

of trouble out there in the woods...

nobody around to get you out, you know?

Right. Thanks.

You're welcome.

[ANDI] Peter?

Let's get this over with.


Noah, come on. Help me with this.

It's just gonna be a skeleton...
after all this time, right?

Okay, okay. Come on.





- What?
- She's not in here.

- What do you mean?
- She's gone. She's not in here.


- I'm sorry.
- Jesus! I didn't mean to scare you.

- You didn't scare me. I was just...
- I didn't?

You didn't scare me. I was
just... No. I was just startled.


What do you, um...

What do you think about
all these people just...

being up here in our space?

I don't... I...

I don't know what they're
doing up here. It doesn't...

All the way up here during winter?
It just... It seems weird.

It's weird. It is weird. And suspicious.

Yes. But I...

I don't know what I'm suspicious of.

They're kids. What could they be doing?

Probably nothing.

Still, you never know.



I think that maybe, for a little while,

we should be a little less open-hearted.

A little more on guard.

You know?

Someone found her.

Someone found Talvinder,
and now we're here,

and they're gonna figure out why.

- Maybe she wasn't dead when...
- She was dead.

We don't know that, not for sure.

We weren't right the first time.

If someone knows, they
go to the police, right?

- They would, right?
- Okay, we need to just calm down.

We need to calm down
and we need to think.

I can't believe this.

Believe it, because being pissy and
panicking is not gonna help us.

- Well, you're doing both right now.
- f*ck you, Susan.

You're still the same
bitch you always were.

- We confess.
- What?

We go to the police, we
go back, and we confess.


What the f*ck are you talking about?

We get ahead of this and do what
we should've done five years ago.

Okay, if someone has a
better idea, let's hear it.

It wasn't premeditated,
it was an accident.

Yeah, maybe at first.

We don't have to tell them
everything. Just enough to...

To what, Peter? To what?

Are you happy?

Are any of you?

Maybe the only way for us to move on...

is to find closure...
for Talvinder and Owen.

And ourselves.


Don't go and try and ruin my life
because you're feeling guilty!

All I'm saying is...

I don't give a sh*t what you're saying!

- [ANDI] Susan.
- I have a husband and a son!

I have moved on with my life!

Peter is just suggesting another option.

It's just something for us to consider.

- We would go to jail.
- [PETER] We would, yes.

But manslaughter? We'd be gone
for a couple of years, man.

This isn't a democracy, it's m*rder.

And I'm not going to jail,
not for one g*dd*mn second.

- Do you understand?
- You don't get to decide for us.

Okay, that's fine. We'll
just take it to a vote.

All those in favor of
going to the police?

And all those opposed?

Can you do the math, Andi?

We're not going to the police!

You're so tense.

You're full of knots.

What's going on in there, huh?

Yeah, I think it's the lack of sunlight.


This time of year always gets to me.

You need to get out in the sunshine.

Vitamin D.

Oh, sh*t. Freeze my ass
off while I'm at it.

These scars. They show that
your physical body has healed,

and that is a blessing,
Mark, it really is.

But sometimes it feels like
they're also a barrier.

A wall. The only way we
can break down that wall

is if you talk openly

about what actually happened that day.

Uh, you know, I'm gonna take
your advice. I'm gonna...

I'm gonna go outside.

Get myself some sunshine.

Thanks for the massage.



Someone knows, Peter.

- We don't know that for sure.
- Yes, we do.

Someone knows, and they're
gonna make us pay.

What do you wanna do?

I wanna go home.

I wanna forget about all of this.

Last year...

I'm halfway around the world...

managing an NGO...

some big agricultural project...

I'm doing good work, you know?

I'm back...

And then I see her.

Not actually her.

Just some girl...

on our team from India.

Could've been Talvinder's twin.

And have a nervous breakdown.

She haunts me.

This secret...

has k*lled every single
relationship in my life.

My friends...

my family...


Do you understand?

I do.


- [TALVINDER] Oh, my God!

[TALVINDER] I'm sorry.

No, it's okay. It's
supposed to be scary.

- Yeah.
- It's adorable.

Okay, we're down to kernels and salts.

- I'll get some more, babe.
- No, it's okay. I'll get it.

You guys stay here, be brave.
I'll be back in a minute.


- I can't! I can't do this!
- Talvinder...

- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- Really?

What are you apologizing for?

Because I'm third-wheeling
your date with Andi.

Acting like a big chicken baby.

- I should probably go sit with my kids.
- No, Talvinder, it's fine.

Wanna know a secret?


It's all corn syrup and food coloring.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

This whole time, I thought
they'd k*ll real people.

- No, it's all just make-believe.
- Oh, my God. Oh, I...!

Hey, okay, all right, come on.
Come on, just scootch on over.

You have to warn me when
the scary parts are.

I'm not gonna say nothing.

They can't stop us, you know?

They can't stop us from
doing what's right.

You wanna go behind their backs?

I don't care anymore.

I'm done lying.

It's time we face justice.

- I thought you agreed.
- I do.

- But...
- What?

If we do all that...

If we do the right thing, then what?

I loved you, Andi.

I know... I know I screwed things up.

We both did, but maybe we can't get

it back to where it once was, but...

Hey, we can try.

Starting with conjugal visits?


Conjugal visits. They don't work that

way between prisoners, so scratch that.

What are you doing?

I'm just talking this through, for real.

I mean, we'd better if we're
gonna do this, right?

So, um...

Uh, we both get out of jail, and, um...

we have no money, no
jobs, criminal records.

So then what?

We pick up where we left off
and move into social housing

and collect welfare and
live happily ever after?

- How long are you gonna punish me?
- I'm just being realistic.

No, you're punishing me... for
Talvinder. You never stopped.

I'm just supposed to forget what
you did because you made me come?

I made a mistake, Andi!

Yeah, you're f*cking right
you made a mistake.

And it led directly to what happened.


- So it's my fault?
- It's always been your f*cking fault.

Well, the difference
between me and you, Andi,

is that I take responsibility
for my mistakes.

I own up to them, but you...

You refuse to admit that it was...

What, Peter?

- Go on, say it. I know you want to.
- No.

You're a victim.

That's how you define yourself.

Way before Talvinder, and you're not
gonna get anymore a*mo from me.


I could stare at these trees for hours.

To be honest, sometimes there's
nothing else to do around here.

You've got the weight of the world
on your shoulders, don't you?

We can talk about it, or I can go
back inside and leave you alone.

I don't know you.

Well, that's perfect. I've
got no horse in this race.

Although if you do decide
you wanna talk, um...

What, I've gotta put this out?

Is it against the rules?

I was kinda hoping that I
could bum one off you.

So what's going on?
You got boy troubles?

It's a little more complicated
than that, but...

yeah, that's part of it.

Is it one of your friends?

Every time I see Peter, the same
thing that always happens, happens.

And what's that?

Get in a fight.

And then he says the one thing
he knows will cut me to my core.

Why do I do that?

Why do I let him hurt me?

Good question. Why do you?

Are you saying this is my fault?

You are the only person who can keep

putting yourself in the same situation

that you keep finding yourself in.

So, in that respect, yeah, maybe it is.

Maybe you want it.

Why would I do that?
Why would I want it?

You wanna be vulnerable...

which can bring you
pain... or pleasure...

or both.

You still have feelings
for this Peter guy?


No. Should, shouldn't, doesn't matter.

Do you or don't you?

The universe doesn't often
deal out second chances.

But if she has...

and you still wanna be with this boy,

but you're too afraid of getting hurt...

then you will regret not
taking this chance.

You're gonna regret not doing everything

that you can to make it work this time.





sh*t. Andi!

Andi, what are you doing?



Somebody help me!





Help. Help me.

Why are you doing this?

Please, just let me go!


Oh, my God! No, no...!







There's no dial tone, nothing.

Our only connection to the
outside world is gone.

- That's great.
- It happens.

Oh, yeah? Tell me...

do people normally get m*rder*d
while you wait, though?

We'll try again in a few minutes.

Okay. And if it's still not working?

Yeah, look, why don't you guys
take Peter back to his cabin?

I think he could use some rest.

And we'll come get you
when we find Gene, okay?


Hey, it's gonna be okay.



What the f*ck was she doing
out there by herself?

Why did she go back?

Someone knows. Someone knows, and
now they're gonna come for us.

Susan, you need to calm down, okay?

Andi was bled out!

She was tied up and bled out!
So don't tell me to calm down!

Oh, my God.

[PETER] Get the f*ck off me!


[PETER] f*ck! Dawn, stop! She's alive!

Yes, and we need to do
something about that.

- We have to take her back.
- What do you think she'll do?

Do you think she's gonna thank us

and say, "These five
jokesters almost k*lled me,

but then saved my life, so we're good"?

No, she's gonna say we took her here

got her drunk, and tried
to f*cking k*ll her.

- [SCREAMS] I won't!
- No, we didn't mean to!

It's her word against ours.

Please, guys, if we take
her back right now...

If we take her back, we're going to
jail. Attempted m*rder, as*ault.

- She's alive!
- Yes. And you heard her, right?

She threatened us.

She can destroy us, so
we need to finish this.

We need to finish this tonight.

No, we just took her here to scare

her, teach her a lesson, that's all!

Susan, the plan f*cking changed.

What are we gonna do now?

- I... I can't do this.

- Peter.
- [TALVINDER] Susan!

- I can't do this.
- Susan!


Peter, I love you. Peter, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Peter, I love you.

What do we do now, Dawn? [SNIFFS]